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云南元江干热河谷木本植物的物候   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在中国西南干热河谷的典型地段——元江干热河谷,连续3年观测了32种木本植物的枝条生长、叶片动态、花期、果期和果实类型。这些植物的枝条生长方式可以分为连续生长、枝条枯死、陡长和间歇生长4个类型。其中连续生长型占优势,包括13种植物,它们的枝条在雨季连续不断伸长。9种植物雨季的枝条伸长与连续生长型的相似,但它们顶部的枝条在旱季末期出现枯死现象。6种植物属于陡长型,在2周内完成抽枝,且一年只抽一次枝。4种植物属于间歇生长型,枝条在雨季来临后伸长一段时间,然后生长停滞,过一段时间后再接着伸长。从叶片物候类型看,元江干热河谷植被以落叶植物占优势。落叶植物中冷凉旱季(11月~2月)落叶植物占优势(19种),而干热旱季(3—4月)落叶植物很少(4种)。除红花柴(Indigofera pulchella)和狭叶山黄麻(Trema angustifolia)从雨季中期开始脱落叶片外,其它30种植物从雨季末期开始脱落叶片,落叶期至少延续3个月以上。常绿植物脱落近1/3~1/2的当年生叶片。共有6种植物能在旱季末期长出新叶。常绿植物的叶面积、单个枝条上的总叶面积和枝条承载(总叶面积/枝条长度)比落叶植物小。虽然一年四季都有不同植物开花和结果,但多数植物(29种,占观测树种的91%)的花期集中在旱季和雨季初期,而果实(种子)成熟期从雨季末期延续到旱季末期和下个雨季初期。果实多为核果。  相似文献   

吴科君  马文超  李瑞  陈红纯  黄超  何欣芮  魏虹 《生态学报》2019,39(14):5308-5316
立柳因良好的耐淹性常被用于三峡库区消落带的植被重建。为探讨立柳如何通过营养元素的积累和分配来适应库区消落带冬季水淹,于2015年5月对三峡库区消落带植被修复示范基地内3个采样带(175 m,170 m和165 m)中立柳的生长状况以及叶、枝条和根的营养元素含量特征进行分析。结果表明:(1)经过3个水淹周期后,随着水淹强度的增加,立柳的株高、基径和冠幅均受到一定的抑制;但与种植初期相比,3个采样带中立柳的株高、基径和冠幅均显著增加,且生长状态良好。(2)立柳各器官中营养元素含量均处于正常水平,但水淹抑制了根中N、P的积累,促进了Fe和Mn的积累;水淹显著降低了海拔165 m处立柳叶和枝条中Ca含量、枝条和根中Cu和Zn的含量。(3)水淹胁迫导致N、P、K、Mg元素更多地在叶中积累,而Cu和Zn在枝条中大量积累,这有利于退水后植株的光合合成以及恢复生长;Fe、Mn元素在根中大量积累,其对根系正常生理可能造成的干扰值得进一步关注。研究表明,在不同的水淹胁迫梯度下,立柳可针对性地调整其营养元素积累和分配方式,保持植株正常的生长状态,对维护三峡库区消落带生态系统的正常结构和功能具有重要作用。但在库区消落带植被恢复和重建工作中,需加强170 m以下海拔区域立柳生长的监测和研究。  相似文献   

白刺(Nitraria sibirica)为蒺藜科落叶小灌木,俗称地枣、地椹子、沙樱桃等。白刺株 高30—50cm,少部分枝直立,大部分枝条呈匍匐生长,一般二年生时开始开花结果,3—4年单株果实平均产量在1.5公斤左右,结果无大小年。当年枝条的前端芽往往生长发育不充实,越冬后不能萌发而形成刺状枝梢。白刺在山东渤海湾地区的物候期,3月中旬叶芽开始萌动膨大,4月中旬新梢开始生长并进 入展叶盛期,部分出现花蕾,5月上旬为开花盛期,6月中下旬果实由绿变红、变紫至紫黑色开始成熟,7月上旬果实全部成熟并开始脱落,11月中下旬为落叶期,植株进入休…  相似文献   

落叶小灌木,高约1m,分枝纤细;枝条圆柱形,幼时密被伏柔毛,后逐渐脱落至近无毛而呈暗棕红色;芽近球形,密被白色绒毛。叶多数近对生,少为互生或对生,薄纸质,干时  相似文献   

中国主要苜蓿品种的产量性状及其多样性研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
对28个4龄苜蓿品种单株产量性状及其相关性和变异进行了研究.结果表明,品种间单株干物质产量及各产量性状存在显著差异,其中单株干物质产量最高和较高的分别是新疆大叶(452.8g·株^-1)和甘农3号(373.0g·株^-1);叶片最宽和最长者均为新疆大叶和甘农3号;单株枝条数增加最多是第3茬,3茬单株枝条数最高和较高的品种是新牧1号、图牧2号、肇东和北疆;苜蓿株高生长高峰期在第1茬,生长最快的品种为甘农3号和新疆大叶.相关分析表明,单株干物质产量与株高及枝条数等构成因素之间存在显著或极显著相关,其中1、3茬株高及3茬单株枝条数等性状相关最好,呈显著相关的品种达19~22个,且相关系数亦最高.产量性状变异分析表明,品种内变异大于品种间变异,前者占总变异的76.0%~93.8%,而后者仅占6.1%~24.0%.各性状变异程度表现依次为3茬单株枝条数>单株干物质产量>1茬单株枝条数>2茬单株枝条数>春季株高>3茬株高>2茬株高>叶宽>现蕾期株高>叶长>1茬株高.  相似文献   

不同栽培条件下南方红豆杉生长特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以4~6年生南方红豆杉为材料,对其不同栽培条件下地径、冠幅、株高、当年抽高、当年侧枝数及总侧枝数等生长特性进行了研究。结果表明:南方红豆杉4~6年生幼林生长量随年龄增大而增加,但其增加的趋势变缓,生长速度变慢;耕作农田中南方红豆杉生长最好,土壤板结未耕作农田生长较差,去除上层20cm耕作土的农田最差;南方红豆杉纯林生长好于落叶阔叶林下(林分郁闭度0.6~0.7),且种植密度越大差异越明显;南方红豆杉落叶阔叶林下套种及纯林生长量均随栽培密度减小而增大,不同栽培密度相差越大,生长量差异越明显。  相似文献   

六股尖自然保护区种子植物多样性研究及其保护对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
六股尖自然保护区是皖南山区中亚热带植被带的重要组成部分,其种子植物多样性丰富,具有种子植物134科,529属,994种,有珍稀保护植物35种,是一个天然的物种基因库。区系成分复杂,起源古老,南北成分过渡明显,替代性分布比较突出。属的分析显示529属可归为14个分布区类型,并与世界各地有广泛联系,温带分布占56.9%,热带分布占40.0%,其R/T(热带成分比温带成分)比值为0.70,比黄山(0.57)、清凉峰(0.53)、天堂寨(0.51)略高,与齐云山(0.77)相近,显示其热带性比黄山、清凉峰、天堂寨略强,与齐云山相似。植被分布从下至上依次为农耕林(次生)(海拔700 m以下)、常绿落叶阔叶混交林(700~1 100 m)、落叶阔叶混交林(1 100~1 300 m)、山地灌丛(1 300~1 500 m)、高山草甸(1 500 m以上)。其代表性植被常绿落叶阔叶混交林,群落多样性分析表明,其Simpson指数为8.82±2.70,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数为2.62±0.27,种间相遇机率PIE为0.88±0.05,群落均匀度R为0.78±0.07,显示该群落物种多样性丰富,分布均匀,结构稳定。通过PCA排序可以将六股尖等21个山地划分为华南、华北、华东三大植物区系。为保护和修复该地的常绿阔叶林、中亚热带常绿落叶阔叶混交林以及一些重要的珍稀濒危植物资源如华东黄杉林等,提出了一些相应的保护措施。  相似文献   

1993年2月从保靖县梅花乡海拔300 m高的山地引进了一批大果形的刺梨枝条,在低海拔(45.5m)扦插繁殖,经过4年的栽培试验初步弄清了其物候期、结果习性及果实生长动态,为选育适应低海拔栽培的刺梨优良品种提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

刺梨低海拔引种栽培研究初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1993年2月从保靖县梅花乡海拔300m高的山地引进了一批大果形的刺梨枝条,在低海拔(45.5m)扦插繁殖,经过4个的栽培试验初步弄清了其物候期、结果习性及果实生长动态,为选育适应低海拔栽培的刺梨优良品种提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

刘建华 《生物学通报》2002,37(11):33-33
虎刺是大戟科大戟属的一种多年生栽培观赏花卉。常规枝条扦插法培育的虎刺分枝有晚的 ,有早的 ,不能形成比较整齐的分枝 ,造形不太美观。我结合虎刺生长发育规律 ,总结了虎刺造形扦插法。方法如下 :首先选择粗壮生长旺盛的枝条作为未来的扦插条。在枝条上部幼嫩部分选择切面 ,在 3个茎刺上 1~ 2 mm处切去枝条顶端。由于虎刺茎的芽原基几乎同时分化 ,最终将分化为 3个几乎相同的枝条 ,让其生长 1~ 2年 ,使其比较充分生长。在扦插前 2个月 ,将扦插枝条环割 ,让枝条在环割上端贮存足够的营养 ,以利于扦插时较快地形成愈伤组织 ,分化出幼根。…  相似文献   

悬钩子属植物资源及其利用   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:34  
悬钩子属Rubus L.植物资源丰富,分布广泛,我国已发表201种98变种,种类之多仅次于北美中心,在分布上自西向东,自南而北有逐渐减少的趋势,西南部为分布中心,利用上有果用和药用两个主要途径,本文在进行国内资源考察的基础上,回顾了国内外悬钩子属植物的利用历史及其栽培化进程,并提出了我国野生悬钩子属植物中具有圈在果用潜力的11个种,本属许多种类是生态适应性很强的地被植物,从保护环境的角度出发,其在水土保持和美化环境方面的价值也值得注意。  相似文献   

A family of polyketide synthase genes expressed in ripening Rubus fruits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kumar A  Ellis BE 《Phytochemistry》2003,62(3):513-526
Quality traits of raspberry fruits such as aroma and color derive in part from the polyketide derivatives, benzalacetone and dihydrochalcone, respectively. The formation of these metabolites during fruit ripening is the result of the activity of polyketide synthases (PKS), benzalcetone synthase and chalcone synthase (CHS), during fruit development. To gain an understanding of the regulation of these multiple PKSs during fruit ripening, we have characterized the repertoire of Rubus PKS genes and studied their expression patterns during fruit ripening. Using a PCR-based homology search, a family of ten PKS genes (Ripks1-10) sharing 82-98% nucleotide sequence identity was identified in the Rubus idaeus genome. Low stringency screening of a ripening fruit-specific cDNA library, identified three groups of PKS cDNAs. Group 1 and 2 cDNAs were also represented in the PCR amplified products, while group 3 represented a new class of Rubus PKS gene. The Rubus PKS gene-family thus consists of at least eleven members. The three cDNAs exhibit distinct tissue-specific and developmentally regulated patterns of expression. RiPKS5 has high constitutive levels of expression in all organs, including developing flowers and fruits, while RiPKS6 and RiPKS11 expression is consistent with developmental and tissue-specific regulation in various organs. The recombinant proteins encoded by the three RiPKS cDNAs showed a typical CHS-type PKS activity. While phylogenetic analysis placed the three Rubus PKSs in one cluster, suggesting a recent duplication event, their distinct expression patterns suggest that their regulation, and thus function(s), has evolved independently of the structural genes themselves.  相似文献   

Fruit abundance in tropical forests thus far has been studied in relation to consumer populations. Area–based surveys that focus on the quantity and quality of the standing fruit crop of an entire plant community, however, are lacking. This paper presents the results of a four–month study on the seasonality and vertical distribution of the standing fruit crop within a tropical forest during the dry season in southern Venezuela. Fruit numbers ranged from 262,000 to 424,000 fruits/ha. The standing crop was between 39 and 92 kg/ha, yielding 67,000 to 126,000 kj. Fruits were not evenly distributed in different forest layers. They were most abundant in the canopy above 16 m and scarce between 4 and 12 m above the ground. Despite a scarcity of fruits in the mid–strata, the caloric value of the total fruit supply peaked within a narrow layer of subcanopy at 12 to 16 m above ground due to a high amount of energy per fruit. Palms fruited mostly in this layer, their fruits contributing 59 percent of the energy supplied by all fruits. Above 12 m, we found a broader range of fruit sizes than in the forest below 12m. Small–sized fruits were distributed in the understory and in the canopy but were nearly absent from die mid–story. Corresponding to the abundance of small–sized fruits in the canopy, small frugivorous species, such as members of the Thraupidae, limited their foraging to the canopy strata whereas larger avian frugivores foraged mainly in die mid–story.  相似文献   

BURDON  J. N.; SEXTON  R. 《Annals of botany》1990,66(1):111-120
The production of ethylene by red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.cv. Glen Clova) fruit increased climacterically during development.The concentration of ethylene within green fruit was low butincreased substantially as fruit abscission and ripening commenced.The receptacle contained higher concentrations than the drupeletsat all stages measured. In the mature ripening fruit the ethyleneconcentrations were found to be physiologically significant,and would accelerate the abscission of large green non-abscisingfruit if supplied as a fumigant. The addition of ethylene toripe fruit did not accelerate abscission, probably because saturatinglevels occurred naturally within these fruit. Reduction of ethylenesynthesis rates using the inhibitor of ethylene production aminoethoxyvinylglycine(AVG) reduced the rate of abscission zone weakening which occursin detached large green fruit. The rate of ethylene productionwas found to be dependent on the supply of the precursor l-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylicacid (ACC). This only accumulated to any extent in those ripefruit with high rates of ethylene production. Rubus idaeus, raspberry, abscission, fruit ripening, ethylene, aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylic acid  相似文献   

Fruit abortion can be caused by a range of abiotic and biotic factors. To gain a better understanding of the causes of the high fruit abortion frequency in cloudberry ( Rubus chamaemorus L.), we manipulated different sources of carbon, that is, leaves and rhizome. We also manipulated flower number to see if competition between floral ramets explained fruit abortion in cloudberry. Reducing the number of flowers had no impact on fruit abortion frequency. In fact, the species forms an extensive rhizome network with only a few ramets per clone and competition between floral ramets is unlikely. Ramet defoliation had limited impact on fruit abortion, but successful fruit development was affected by rhizome length. The longer the rhizome, the higher the chances to mature a fruit. These results suggest that current photoassimilate production by the reproductive ramet alone is insufficient to insure fruit development. Carbon can come from other ramets but distances are usually high between ramets. Fruit production might thus depend on the use of stored carbohydrates in the rhizome to balance insufficient photosynthetic contribution during fruit production.  相似文献   

The ripening of raspberry fruit (Rubus ideausL. cv Glen Clova)is associated with a climacteric rise in ethylene production.As the fruit pigments change from green to red there is a progressivesoftening, loss of skin strength and a breakdown of cell wallsin the mesocarp. An increase in cellulase (endo-1,4-ß-D-glucanase)in both drupelets and receptacles accompanies these changes.The localization of cellulase in the regions of the fruit associatedwith abscission zones suggest the enzyme may be involved infruit separation as well as softening. Rubus idaeusL; raspberry; fruit ripening; ethylene; abscission; cell wall breakdown; cellulase; endo-1,4-ß-D-glucanase  相似文献   

The subfamily Rosoideae Focke (Rosaceae) has a good fossil record in the Northern Hemisphere, but these fossil records are confined mainly to a few genera, whereas the majority, in particular those with herbaceous members, are still under‐represented. In this study, we describe new fruit fossils of Rosoideae, including Fragaria achenes and Rubus endocarps, from the late Pliocene of northwestern Yunnan, Southwest China. These fossils add new accounts to the fossil archive of Rosoideae and provide the first fossil record of Fragaria in East Asia. The new fossil findings provide a historical backdrop for the modern diversity and distribution of the subfamily in northwestern Yunnan, a topographically complex area accommodating a high diversity for many plant groups. Our Rubus fossils, in combination with other nearby coeval occurrences of the genus, suggest that Rubus was already establishing its modern diversity in northwestern Yunnan during the late Pliocene. This finding enriches our knowledge of the post‐Neogene diversification of flowering plants in northwestern Yunnan, which is thought to be largely driven by dramatic mountain uplifts and environmental complications associated with the southeastern extension of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

悬钩子属种质的评价   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
在进行了7省悬钩子资源调查的基础上,在南京建立了悬钩子属田间基因库。3年来对田间基因库内保存并开花结果的30个种进行了开花结果性状的记栽和评价。内容包括果实特征,糖、酸、维生素类、氨基酸、矿质元素含量分析,染色体计数等。分析了种间和种内多样性物存在及在良种选育中利用的可能性。  相似文献   

悬钩子叶片的营养成分   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
对中国东南部28种悬钩子叶片的营养成分进行了分析,结果表明悬钩子叶片含丰富的人体必需营养素和小分子抗氧化剂,具有营养的保健双重价值。叶片中某种营养成分含量的高低表现出种和种内不同产地的差异,而与该属内的组别无关。文章就悬钩子叶片的特点及其利用价值和利用方向进行了评价。  相似文献   

Previous attempts to extract high-quality, total RNA from raspberry (Rubus idaeus) fruits using published protocols have proven to be unsuccessful. Even the use of protocols developed for the extraction of RNA from other fruit tissue has resulted in low yields (1) or the isolation of degraded RNA (2). Here, we report on the development of a quick and simple method of extracting total RNA from raspberry fruit. Using this method, high yields of good quality, undegraded RNA were obtained from fruit at all stages of ripening. The RNA is of sufficient quality for northern analysis and cDNA library construction.  相似文献   

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