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SUMMARY: HELM is a web tool designed to automate the analysis of protein sequences searching for alpha helix motifs. This analysis can be useful in protein engineering studies, aimed at the identification of regions to be modified in order to obtain more suitable features of local and/or global stability. AVAILABILITY: The tool is available to academic and commercial institutions at the URL http://crisceb.area.na.cnr.it/angelo/ PROTEIN_TOOLS/HELM/ CONTACT: angelo@crisceb.area.na.cnr.it  相似文献   

miSSING LINKS: miRNAs and plant development   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The discovery of hundreds of plant micro RNAs (miRNAs) has triggered much speculation about their potential roles in plant development. The search for plant genes involved in miRNA processing has revealed common factors such as DICER, and new molecules, including HEN1. Progress is also being made toward identifying miRNA target genes and understanding the mechanisms of miRNA-mediated gene regulation in plants. This work has lead to a reexamination of many previously characterized mutations that are now known to affect components or targets of miRNA-mediated pathways.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Compared to the wealth of online resources covering genomic, proteomic and derived data the Bioinformatics community is rather underserved when it comes to patent information related to biological sequences. The current online resources are either incomplete or rather expensive. This paper describes, PatGen, an integrated database containing data from bioinformatic and patent resources. This effort addresses the inconsistency of publicly available genetic patent data coverage by providing access to a consolidated dataset. AVAILABILITY: PatGen can be searched at http://www.patgendb.com CONTACT: rjdrouse@patentinformatics.com.  相似文献   

RNA molecules, which are found in all living cells, fold into characteristic structures that account for their diverse functional activities. Many of these RNA structures consist of a collection of fundamental RNA motifs. The various combinations of RNA basic components form different RNA classes and define their unique structural and functional properties. The availability of many genome sequences makes it possible to search computationally for functional RNAs. Biological experiments indicate that functional RNAs have characteristic RNA structural motifs represented by specific combinations of base pairings and conserved nucleotides in the loop regions. The searching for those well-ordered RNA structures and their homologues in genomic sequences is very helpful for the understanding of RNA-based gene regulation. In this paper, we consider the following problem: given an RNA sequence with a known secondary structure, efficiently determine candidate segments in genomic sequences that can potentially form RNA secondary structures similar to the given RNA secondary structure. Our new bottom-up approach searches all potential stem-loops similar to ones of the given RNA secondary structure first, and then based on located stem-loops, detects potential homologous structural RNAs in genomic sequences.  相似文献   

Summary There are several algorithms designed for searches for homologous sequences (Fitch 1966; Needleman and Wunsch 1970; Chva'tal and Sankoff 1975; Griggs 1977; Sannkoff 1972; Smith and Waterman 1981; Smith et al. 1981, Wagner and Fisher 1974; Waterman et al. 1976). This paper presents some very simple and useful high speed, text editing algorithms that search for exact nucleotide sequence repetition and genome duplication. The last algorithm suggested here is specifically adapted for the 4-letter alphabet of nucleotide sequences. Owing to the rapid accumulation of nucleotide sequences and the frequent need to search for sequence repetition or where a given set of nucleotides occurs in long sequences, efficient algorithms of this type are a necessity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: RNA interference (RNAi) has become a powerful tool in silencing target genes in various organisms. In mammals, RNAi can be induced by using short interfering RNA (siRNA). The efficacy of inducing RNAi in mammalian cells by using siRNA depends very much on the selection of the target sequences. METHODS: We developed an siRNA target sequence selection system by first constructing parallel-type siRNA expression vector libraries carrying siRNA expression fragments originating from fragmentized target genes, and then using a group selection system. For a model system, we constructed parallel-type siRNA expression vector libraries against DsRed and GFP reporter genes. RESULTS: We carried out the first screening of groups containing more than 100 random siRNA expression plasmids in total for each target gene, and successfully obtained target sequences with very strong efficacy. Furthermore, we also obtained some clones that express dsRNAs of various lengths that might induce cytotoxicity. CONCLUSIONS: This system should allow us to perform screening for powerful target sequences, by including all possible target sequences for any gene, even without knowing the whole sequence of the target gene in advance. At the same time, target sequences that should be avoided due to cytotoxicity can be identified.  相似文献   

A new string searching algorithm is presented aimed at searchingfor the occurrence of character patterns in longer charactertexts. The algorithm, specifically designed for nucleic acidsequence data, is essentially derived from the Boyer –Moore method (Comm. ACM, 20, 762 – 772, 1977). Both patternand text data are compressed so that the natural 4-letter alphabetof nucleic acid sequences is considerably enlarged. The stringsearch starts from the last character of the pattern and proceedsin large jumps through the text to be searched. The data compressionand searching algorithm allows one to avoid searching for patternsnot present in the text as well as to inspect, for each pattern,all text characters until the exact match with the text is found.These considerations are supported by empirical evidence andcomparisons with other methods.  相似文献   

This review of sequence database searching aims to set out current practice in the area, in order to give practical guidelines to the experimental biologist. It describes the basic principles behind the programs and enumerates the range of databases available in the public domain. Of these, the most important are the equivalent DNA databases European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), GenBank and DNA Databank of Japan (DDBJ), and the protein databases Swiss-Prot and TrEMBL. The commonly used BLAST and FASTA algorithms are described in detail and alternative approaches mentioned briefly. Scoring matrices used to compare amino acid types during protein database searches are compared, with an emphasis on the PAM and BLOSUM series of observed substitution matrices.  相似文献   

Method of informational decomposition has been developed, allowing one to reveal hidden periodicity in any symbol sequences. The informational decomposition is calculated without conversion of a symbol sequence into the numerical one, which facilitates finding periodicities in a symbol sequence. The method permits introducing an analog of the autocorrelation function of a symbol sequence. The method developed by us has been applied to reveal hidden periodicities in nucleotide and amino acid sequences, as well as in different poetical texts. Hidden periodicity has been detected in various genes, testifying to their quantum structure. The functional and structural role of hidden periodicity is discussed.  相似文献   

A web server for searching latent periodicity based on the method of modified profile analysis has been developed. This method allows searching latent periodicity in presence of insertions and deletions. During searching process, the periodicity classes are used which were found by us earlier for various groups of organisms. Period length belongs to the range 2-20 nt, not including the triplet periodicity. The results obtained are subjected to various filtration steps to ensure their statistical significance. Availability: The use of web server is free for non-commercial users. No registration is required. URL of the server is http://victoria.biengi.ac.ru/lepscan. Current software version is 1.06.  相似文献   

A simple method for searching amphipathic helices based on estimation of correlation between hydrophobicity distribution and periodic function is proposed. The method was examined in a series of proteins with known T-cell epitopes, which are mostly amphipathic helices. The predictive power of the method is discussed.  相似文献   

Theileriosis is an infectious disease in tropical countries and in the Mediterranean area. It is caused by Theileria, a haemoprotozoan, transmitted by vectors belonging to the Ixodidae. In Southern Italy and in Sicily the infection is due mainly to T. annulata, but in some cases other species are involved in the disease. The authors describe a method to identify theileriosis in cattle blood samples, using PCR and hybridization techniques. Different primer sets were used to amplify different DNA target sequences, both genus and species specific. Blood samples from cattle were collected in Sicily. The DNA extracted from blood samples was employed first to detect the presence of the 18S ribosomal subunit gene specific for Theileria genus. Successively the positive samples were analysed to identify the species, T. annulata or T. buffeli/orientalis, using as target sequences for amplification respectively a fragment of the TAMS-1 and p33/34 antigens gene. Here the authors describe for the first time the presence of T. buffeli/orientalis infection in Sicilian herds. In fact 66% of positive blood samples were T. buffeli/orientalis infected.  相似文献   

A new method of the homology search between DNA sequences was suggested. This method may be used to find extensive and not strong homologies with point mutations and deletions. The computer time to compare sequences is less than dynamic program algorithms at least by four orders of magnitude. It makes possible to use the method for homology search all over the nucleotide bank by personal computers. Some results of homology search are presented.  相似文献   

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