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The glutamine analog, 6-diazo-5-oxo-l-norleucine (DON), a glycoconjugate inhibitor, was used to probe the relationships between myocardial secretion of extracellular matrix and endothelial differentiation and formation of cushion mesenchyme (primordia of AV values). When DON was given to stage 12 chick embryos maintained in shell-less culture, the myocardial secretion gradient of glucose- and sulfate-labeled matrix was blocked. Concomitantly, the endothelium failed to complete activation but continued to divide and incorporate thymidine. By varying DON concentration, two distinct phases of endothelial differentiation were identified: the first (labile to 0.5 μg) involved hypertrophy, the second (labile to 0.25 μg) acquisition of migratory appendages with resultant mesenchyme formation. Glucosamine + DON (but not inosine, glucose, or glutamine) restored the matrical secretion gradient and to varying degrees both phases of endothelial activation. Endothelia totally suppressed from forming mesenchyme in situ acquired this capacity when explanted into three-dimensional collagen gel culture. The capacity was enhanced by glucosamine given in situ as an inhibitory override, dependent upon serum concentration, inhibited by heat-inactivated serum or by adding DON to the medium, but unaffected by hyaluronate. These results were compared to those obtained by co-culturing endothelium and myocardium and discussed in terms of the hypothesis that cushion mesenchyme formation results from an epithelial interaction mediated by glycoconjugates.  相似文献   

The effect of hydrocortisone on the development of dorsal skin was analyzed in the chick embryo by (1) transmission electron microscopy, (2) indirect immunofluorescence histology of extracellular matrix components (collagen types I, III, and IV; fibronectin; and laminin), and (3) quantitative determination of collagen content and proline incorporation, between administration of the drug at 6 or 6.5 days and final retrieval of skin pieces at 11 days of incubation. Treatment caused the formation of featherless skin areas which exhibited an early maturation of the epidermis, a uniform distribution of interstitial collagen and rarefaction of fibronectin in the dermal extracellular matrix, and a significant increase of collagen content and proline incorporation in collagen noncollagen proteins, characterized by an increased hydroxyproline-to-proline ratio. The distribution of type IV collagen and of laminin was unchanged. The absence of feather formation in hydrocortisone-induced apteria is interpreted as resulting primarily from an early extinction of epidermal morphogenetic competence, and secondarily from modifications in the amount and distribution of extracellular matrix components in the dermis.  相似文献   

A Franchi  G Ailhaud 《Biochimie》1977,59(10):813-817
Radioactive 12-(4-azido-2-nitrophenoxy)-stearic acid (NAP-stearate) was synthetized; it behaves as a competitive inhibitor of long-chain fatty acids for the entry into cultured cardiac cells from chick embryo. After uptake, [3H] NAP-stearate was incorporated by an energy-dependent process into neutral and polar lipids. Photoactivation as a function of time leads to a covalent labelling of the cells: up to 31 per cent of the radioactivity was recovered in the 105 000 g cell pellet, mainly in proteins. These experiments show that fatty acids containing photosensitive groups would potentially allow to localize the proteins involved in the binding and/or in the transport of fatty acids.  相似文献   

Total clone banks of cDNAs synthesized from poly(A)-RNA obtained from three stages of the developing mouse were constructed. The stages chosen were 13-day-old embryo, neonatal, and fully grown adult. To have as complete a bank as possible, large numbers of individual clones were generated ~400,000 for the 13th day embryo and neonatal mouse and ~610,000 for the adult bank. In each case the clone bank was constructed by inserting double stranded cDNA into the PstI site of pBR322 by the “G-C tailing” method. Sequences cloned in this way could be separated from the plasmid host DNA by treatment of the resultant total chimeric plasmid population with PstI. Aliquots of the cloned cDNA material were labeled with 32P by “nick translation” using Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I for the preparation of hybridization probes. Back-hybridization of these probes to the total clone banks allowed the determination of the sequence diversity among the above three very different developmental stages. The use of such clone banks should allow the identification of developmental stage specific mRNAs.  相似文献   

The production of calcium-binding protein, in vitro, by embryonic chick duodenum has been used to assess the potency of vitamin D compounds. The introduction of an hydroxyl on 1-, 25-, or 24R-position enhanced biological activity while the introduction of both 1α- and 25-hydroxyls produced maximal activity. However 24R-hydroxylation of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 diminished activity. The vitamin D2 side chain on 25-hydroxyvitamin D or 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D did not greatly diminish activity in contrast to the fact that the vitamin D2 compounds are 10% as active as the vitamin D3 compounds in vivo in the chick. These results support the idea that the target organs of the chick do not discriminate against the vitamin D2 side chain and that the discrimination in this species is at the level of metabolism.  相似文献   

S Paris  D Samuel  G Romey  G Ailhaud 《Biochimie》1979,61(3):361-367
Cultured heart cells from chick embryo accumulate fatty acids up to 50 fold at a steady-state level under defined conditions [ref.1]. Studies of fatty acid uptake as a function of different cellular parameters (intracellular ATP and pH, membrane potential and electrochemical gradients for monovalent and divalent cations) show the lack of effect of these factors. The rate of uptake is temperature-dependent. The maximum velocity V is affected with no change in the Km value of the saturable component; the activation energies were found to be 35.5 kJ.mol-1 for palmitate and 42 kJ.mol-1 for oleate. The results are in favour of a facilitation process which leads to an accumulation of fatty acids without energy dependence. The accumulation of fatty acids could be due to their association to intracellular membraneous and/or cytosolic components.  相似文献   

The messenger RNA (mRNA) coding for myosin heavy chain from the 16-day-old chick embryonic cardiac tissue was purified by a rapid isolation procedure and characterized. The mRNA can be translated with fidelity under optimally chosen conditions. The protein synthesized in response to the RNA was a polypeptide of 200,000 molecular weight, identical to the authentic myosin heavy chain from the homologous chick heart tissue. The purity of the mRNA was assessed by electrophoresis in denaturing gels, by immunoprecipitation of the translation product, and by analysis of the kinetics of hybridization with the complementary DNA (cDNA). The cDNA reassociated with myosin heavy-chain mRNA with kinetics characteristic of a pure mRNA. The sequence complexity data indicated that in the 16-day-old chick embryonic heart cells there is a single mRNA sequence coding for myosin heavy chain in contrast to two different mRNA sequences reportedly present in the skeletal muscle cells (M. Patrinou-Georgoulas and H. A. John, 1977, Cell12, 491).  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic receptors for 1α, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 from human parathyroid adenoma tissue and rachitic chick parathyroid glands have been characterized with regard to a number of physical, chemical, and ligand binding properties. Both receptors are 3.6–3.7 S proteins with molecular weights of approximately 75,000 and Stoke's molecular radii of 36 Å. It was found that the receptors possess a cysteine residue in or near the 1α, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 binding site which is critical for ligand binding activity. The receptors both have equilibrium dissociation constants for 1α, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 in the range of 2 to 5 × 10?10m at 4 °C and second-order association rate constants for their seco-steroid ligand of 1 × 107, m?1 min?1 (0 °C). The dissociation rate constants were found to be 5.3 × 10?4 min?1 (4 °C) for the human receptor and 1.3 × 10?5 min?1 (4 °C) for the chick receptor. The great deal of similarity which exists between the cytoplasmic 1α, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 receptors from avian and mammalian parathyroid glands suggests a homologous function for these molecules in the two tissues.  相似文献   

Incorporation of [3H]glucose into macromolecular components of 12-day chick embryo sternum incubated in vitro was stimulated by both human serum and l-3,5,3′-triiodothyronine. Under all conditions, 65–70% of the radioactivity was incorporated into glycosaminoglycans. About 10% of the radioactivity was incorporated into a fraction separable by ion-exchange chromatography which was stimulated two- to sixfold by addition of 2–10 nm triiodothyronine and 5–20% (vv) human serum. Further characterization of this fraction by paper electrophoresis at pH 3.5 showed the presence of two components, one apparently anionic and one neutral. All of the increase in incorporation of [3H]glucose was into the former species. Acid hydrolysis of this material showed that it contained only glucose. Treatment with α-amylase released 78% of the label as maltotriose and maltose; digestion with crystalline β-amylase released 75% as maltose; and treatment with glucoamylase and α-amylase released 93% as glucose. There was no incorporation of any amino acid into this fraction, nor could any incorporation of [32P]phosphate, [35S]sulfate, [3H]uridine, or [3H]acetate be demonstrated. Mild acid hydrolysis (0.1 N HC1, 100 °C, 10–20 min) converted the material to a neutral species with a much lower molecular weight. The results indicate that chick embryo sternum contains a species of glycogen whose synthesis is stimulated by thyroid hormones and other serum factors.  相似文献   

The neural retina of avian embryos was spread on a membrane filter and cut in any desired orientation. Strips cut across the retina of 4- to 7-day chick or 3- to 6-day quail embryos were explanted onto collagen gels. Vigorous neurite outgrowth was seen for about 3 days, by which time many neurites were 3 mm long. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) labeling showed that the cells producing the neurites were large and formed a layer near the inner limiting membrane, indicating that the neurites in vitro were axons of retinal ganglion cells. The size of the neurite population and the regions from which neurites emerged vaired with the donor age, while most neurites sprouted from the side of the explant formerly closest to the optic fissure. This pattern closely resembled that of axon growth in the normal retina, as revealed by SEM, silver staining, and HRP labeling. Mitotic inhibitors (Ara-C and FUdR) did not alter the neurite outgrowth. Pretreatment of retinae with trypsin or collagenase did not disorganize axons at the time of explantation, but tended to equalize neurite emergence on each side of the retinal strips. We suggest that microenvironmental factors, especially the enzyme-labile inner limiting membrane, are important for axon guidance in the retina.  相似文献   

In normal heart development the endothelium of the atrioventricular canal, but not the ventricle, produces mesenchymal cells which seed (invade) into the intervening extracellular matrix toward the myocardium at around 64-69 hr of development. We have utilized three-dimensional collagen substrates to examine the initiation of seeding by atrioventricular canal endothelia in vitro and to compare and contrast the responses of the ventricular endothelia. Explants of atrioventricular canals and ventricles from staged embryos were placed on the surfaces of collagen gels prior to the onset of seeding in situ. At varied intervals of incubation, the explant was removed, leaving behind a monolayer on the surface of the gel which consisted of endothelial cells. Subsequently, the endothelial outgrowths were examined for seeded cells. The results confirm the regional endothelial differences seen in vivo. They also show that invasion of the collagen gels is due to an alteration in phenotype mediated by interaction with other components of embryonic heart explant. Lastly, the time course of this tissue interaction in vitro mimics the onset of seeding in vivo.  相似文献   

Limb bud cells of chick embryos (stages 23–24) were dissociated into single cells, reaggregated, and cultured in vitro for about a week. δ-Crystallin, generally thought to be a lens-specific protein in the chick, was detected in the aggregates by indirect immunofluorescent staining, double immunodiffusion test, and immunoelectrophoresis with specific antiserum against δ-crystallin. Cells containing δ-crystallin were distributed in epidermal cell clusters and also in mesenchymal tissues surrounding cartilage nodules in the aggregates. Those cells in mesenchymal tissues were shown to have originated from the mesoderm of the limb bud, and those in epidermal cell clusters probably originated from the ectoderm. The possible cellular origin of this appearance of δ-crystallin was discussed.  相似文献   

We have investigated actin heterogeneity in differentiating primary embryonic cell cultures from Drosophila melanogaster. Proteins labeled with [35S]methionine have been separated using O'Farrell two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Cultures of heterogeneous cell types synthesize at least three major forms of actin, each differing slightly in isoelectric point. We have used a cell separation technique based on differential cell adhesion in the presence of ethylene glycol-bis(β-aminoethyl ether) N,N′-tetraacetate to prepare cultures either highly enriched for, or highly depleted of, myogenic cells. Postfusion myogenic cells synthesize predominantly the most acidic actin form (actin I), while nonmyogenic cells synthesize almost exclusively the two more basic forms (actins II and III). Synthesis of actins at earlier intervals in myogenic cell differentiation in vitro has also been examined. Immediately prior to the onset of myoblast fusion, the synthesis of actin I represents approximately 40% of total actin synthesis. As myogenic cell differentiation progresses this actin form is synthesized at an increasing rate, relative to actins II and III. Drosophila appears to be quite similar to vertebrates with regard to the number of actin species synthesized, as well as to cell and developmental specificity of actin synthesis.  相似文献   

Diphosphopyridine nucleotide-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase from bovine heart was inactivated at neutral pH by bromoacetate and diethyl pyrocarbonate and by photooxidation in the presence of methylene blue or rose bengal. Inactivation by diethyl pyrocarbonate was reversed by hydroxylamine. Loss of activity by photooxidation at pH 7.07 was accompanied by progressive destruction of histidine with time; loss of 83% of the enzyme activity was accompanied by modification of 1.1 histidyl residues per enzyme subunit. The pH-rate profiles of inactivation by photooxidation and by diethyl pyrocarbonate modification showed an inflection point around pH 6.6, in accord with the pKa for a histidyl residue of a protein. Partial protection against inactivation by photooxidation or diethyl pyrocarbonate was obtained with substrate (manganous isocitrate or magnesium isocitrate) or ADP; the combination of substrate and ADP was more effective than the components singly. As demonstrated by differential enzyme activity assays between pH 6.4 and pH 7.5 with and without 0.67 mm ADP, modification of the reactive histidyl residue of the enzyme caused a preferential loss of the positive modulation of activity by ADP. The latter was particularly apparent when substrate partially protected the enzyme against inactivation by rose bengal-induced photooxidation.  相似文献   

The formation of the valvular and septal primordia of the embryonic heart depends upon the migration of endocardial cushion tissue mesenchyme (CT) to populate the cardiac jelly (CJ) in specific heart regions (e.g., atrioventricular (AV) pads). It has been proposed that the migration of CT may be directed by macromolecules of the CJ. In this study, [3H]thymidine-labeled endocardial (EC) and CT cells were transplanted onto intact pre- and postmigratory AV pads in vitro to test whether the compositional or structural changes known to occur in the cardiac jelly during development influence the migration of cushion tissue cells. After transplantation of labeled donor cells, host AV pads were fixed, embedded, and sectioned, and autoradiography was performed to determine the distribution of labeled donor cells within the host CJ. The experiments indicate that transplanted mural EC cells remain primarily at the AV pad surface, while grafted CT cells of all developmental ages rapidly invade both developmentally young and older AV pads. Furthermore, CT cells readily migrate in a direction opposite to that of cells in vivo when transplanted to inverted AV pads from which the myocardium has been removed. It is concluded that the CJ matrix, which is clearly a suitable framework for CT cell migration, provides no direct cues to determining the polarity or extent of migration.  相似文献   

The evolution throughout embryonic development of the rate at which acetate was converted into sterols was studied in chick brain and liver. Acetate incorporation (nmol/h/g tissue) was clearly higher in brain than in liver and sharply decreased with the age of embryo. Cholesterol and desmosterol were the major sterols formed from acetate by chick embryo brain, followed by lanosterol and squalene. No desmosterol was found in chick embryo liver, organ where cholesterol was the major sterol synthesized. In brain, the relative percentage of cholesterol increased throughout embryonic development reaching more than 50% at hatching, while the percentage of desmosterol decreased during the same period and represented at hatching only about 10–15% of the total nonsaponifiable fraction. The relative percentages of lanosterol and squalene did not change significantly throughout the period assayed. In liver, the percentage of cholesterol increased until 19 days but sharply decreased at hatching.  相似文献   

The provision of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 as the only source of dietary vitamin D3 to laying hens failed to support normal embryonic development in their fertile eggs. Significant (P less than .001) improvement in embryonic survival to hatching in these eggs resulted from injections of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, 25-hydroxyvitamin D3, or 24,24-difluoro-25-hydroxyvitamin D3 prior to incubation. Maximum embryonic survival with lowest embryonic mortality was observed when 0.20 micrograms/egg of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 or 0.60 micrograms/egg 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 was injected. These results indicate that several forms of vitamin D, two of which cannot be converted to 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, can provide this activity; and of the vitamin D compounds tested, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 may be the most active in supporting embryonic survival in the chick when delivered directly by injection.  相似文献   

The effects of several factors that affect the sugar transport activity in rat epididymal fat cells were studied. The transport activity was assessed semiquantitatively by measuring the uptake of 3-O-methyl-d-glucose by the oil-flotation method. The transport activity was stimulated by mechanical agitation, such as centrifugation of cells. This effect was transient. When agitated cells were incubated at 37 °C with gentle shaking, their transport activity declined. The decline was often facilitated by the addition of glucose or pyruvate. Presumably some cell preparations were low in the source of metabolic energy that was required for this recovery process. When cells were exposed to a high concentration of insulin, washed, and suspended in fresh buffer, the effect of insulin (plus that of mechanical agitation) declined after a certain lag period. The length of this period was a function of the initial insulin concentration. The incubation temperature had different effects on the basal and plus-insulin activities. The basal activity at 25 °C was higher than that at 37 °C, while the plus-insulin activity was lower at 25 °C than at 37 °C.  相似文献   

We have used antibody and complement-mediated cell killing, fluorescence-activated cell sorting and tissue culture to study the development of rat oligodendrocytes. We show that (1) three ligands that bind to the majority of CNS neurons (the monoclonal antibodies A4 and A2B5 and tetanus toxin) also bind to immature oligodendrocytes and to precursor cells in 14-day embryonic rat brain that develop into oligodendrocytes in vitro; and (2) precursor cells in 17- to 18-day embryonic rat optic nerve can develop into oligodendrocytes in vitro in the absence of living neurons.  相似文献   

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