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Since the ends of DNA chains are thought to be important in homologous recombination, the way in which RecA protein and similar recombination enzymes process ends is important. We analyzed the effects of ends both on the formation of joints, and the progression of strand exchange. When the only homologous end was provided by a single strand, there was no significant difference between the formation of joints at a 5' end or a 3' end; but in agreement with the report of Konforti & Davis, Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB) selectively inhibited the activity of 5' ends. Complete strand exchange, assessed by study of linear single-stranded and double-stranded substrates, took place only in the 5' to 3' direction relative to DNA in the nucleoprotein filament. These observations pose a paradox: in the presence of SSB, of which there are about 800 tetramers per cell, the formation of homologous joints by RecA protein is favored at a 3' end, from which, however, authentic strand exchange appears not to occur. Since observations reported here and elsewhere show that joints have different properties when formed at a 5' versus a 3' end, we suggest that they may be processed differently in vivo.  相似文献   

The most important discovery in the field is that the Arp2/3 complex nucleates assembly of actin filaments with free barbed ends. Arp2/3 also binds the sides of actin filaments to create a branched network. Arp2/3's nucleation activity is stimulated by WASP family proteins, some of which mediate signaling from small G-proteins. Listeria movement caused by actin polymerization can be reconstituted in vitro using purified proteins: Arp2/3 complex, capping protein, actin depolymerizing factor/cofilin, and actin. actin depolymerizing factor/cofilin increases the rate at which actin subunits leave pointed ends, and capping protein caps barbed ends.  相似文献   

The efficiency of single-stranded (ss) oligonucleotides binding at the secondary site of the RecA protein filament is demonstrated to depend on the strandedness of DNA bound at the primary site. When the primary site is occupied by a ss-oligonucleotide, the binding of another ss-oligonucleotide at the secondary site is characterized by higher affinity and a lower rate of dissociation than is the case when the primary site is occupied by a double-stranded oligonucleotide. In contrast to a DNA strand exchange reaction suppressed by a heterologous oligonucleotide bound at the secondary site of the RecA filament, the occupation of the secondary site by a heterologous oligonucleotide does not prevent renaturation between the oligonucleotides bound at the primary site and complementary oligonucleotides from solution demonstrating that the binding of a DNA strand in the secondary site is not a necessary intermediate step in RecA-promoted DNA renaturation.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that the assembly of RecA protein onto single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) facilitated by SSB protein occurs in three steps: (1) rapid binding of SSB protein to the ssDNA; (2) nucleation of RecA protein onto this template; and (3) co-operative polymerization of additional RecA protein to yield presynaptic filaments. Here, electron microscopy has been used to further explore the parameters of this assembly process. The optimal extent of presynaptic filament formation required at least one RecA protein monomer per three nucleotides, high concentrations of ATP (greater than 3 mM in the presence of 12 mM-Mg2+), and relatively low concentrations of SSB protein (1 monomer per 18 nucleotides). Assembly was depressed threefold when SSB protein was added to one monomer per nine nucleotides. These effects appeared to be exerted at the nucleation step. Following nucleation, RecA protein assembled onto ssDNA at net rates that varied from 250 to 900 RecA protein monomers per minute, with the rate inversely related to the concentration of SSB protein. Combined sucrose sedimentation and electron microscope analysis established that SSB protein was displaced from the ssDNA during RecA protein assembly.  相似文献   

Efficient homologous pairing de novo of linear duplex DNA with a circular single strand (plus strand) coated with RecA protein requires saturation and extension of the single strand by the protein. However, strand exchange, the transfer of a strand from duplex DNA to the nucleoprotein filament, which follows homologous pairing, does not require the stable binding of RecA protein to single-stranded DNA. When RecA protein was added back to isolated protein-free DNA intermediates in the presence of sufficient ADP to inhibit strongly the binding of RecA protein to single-stranded DNA, strand exchange nonetheless resumed at the original rate and went to completion. Characterization of the protein-free DNA intermediate suggested that it has a special site or region to which RecA protein binds. Part of the nascent displaced plus strand of the deproteinized intermediate was unavailable as a cofactor for the ATPase activity of RecA protein, and about 30% resisted digestion by P1 endonuclease, which acts preferentially on single-stranded DNA. At the completion of strand exchange, when the distal 5' end of the linear minus strand had been fully incorporated into heteroduplex DNA, a nucleoprotein complex remained that contained all three strands of DNA from which the nascent displaced strand dissociated only over the next 50 to 60 minutes. Deproteinization of this intermediate yielded a complex that also contained three strands of DNA in which the nascent displaced strand was partially resistant to both Escherichia coli exonuclease I and P1 endonuclease. The deproteinized complex showed a broad melting transition between 37 degrees C and temperatures high enough to melt duplex DNA. These results show that strand exchange can be subdivided into two stages: (1) the exchange of base-pairs, which creates a new heteroduplex pair in place of a parental pair; and (2) strand separation, which is the physical displacement of the unpaired strand from the nucleoprotein filament. Between the creation of new heteroduplex DNA and the eventual separation of a third strand, there exists an unusual DNA intermediate that may contain three-stranded regions of natural DNA that are several thousand bases in length.  相似文献   

RecA protein features two distinct DNA-binding sites. During DNA strand exchange, the primary site binds to single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), forming the helical RecA nucleoprotein filament. The weaker secondary site binds double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) during the homology search process. Here we demonstrate that this site has a second important function. It binds the ssDNA strand that is displaced from homologous duplex DNA during DNA strand exchange, stabilizing the initial heteroduplex DNA product. Although the high affinity of the secondary site for ssDNA is essential for DNA strand exchange, it renders DNA strand exchange sensitive to an excess of ssDNA which competes with dsDNA for binding. We further demonstrate that single-stranded DNA-binding protein can sequester ssDNA, preventing its binding to the secondary site and thereby assisting at two levels: it averts the inhibition caused by an excess of ssDNA and prevents the reversal of DNA strand exchange by removing the displaced strand from the secondary site.  相似文献   

RecA protein promotes an unexpectedly efficient DNA strand exchange between circular single-stranded DNA and duplex DNAs containing short (50-400-base pair) heterologous sequences at the 5' (initiating) end. The major mechanism by which this topological barrier is bypassed involves DNA strand breakage. Breakage is both strand and position specific, occurring almost exclusively in the displaced (+) strand of the duplex within a 15-base pair region of the heterology/homology junction. Breakage also requires recA protein, ATP hydrolysis, and homologous sequences 3' to the heterology. Although the location of the breaks and the observed requirements clearly indicate a major role for recA protein in this phenomenon, the molecular mechanism is not yet clear. The breakage may reflect a DNA structure and/or some form of structural stress within the DNA during recA protein-mediated DNA pairing which either exposes the DNA at this precise position to the action of a contaminating nuclease or induces a direct mechanical break. We also find that when heterology is located at the 3' end of the linear duplex, strand exchange is halted (without DNA breakage) about 500 base pairs from the homology/heterology junction.  相似文献   

One of the fundamental questions concerning homologous recombination is how RecA or its homologues recognize several DNA sequences with high affinity and catalyze all the diverse biological activities. In this study, we show that the extent of single-stranded DNA binding and strand exchange (SE) promoted by mycobacterial RecA proteins with DNA substrates having various degrees of GC content was comparable with that observed for Escherichia coli RecA. However, the rate and extent of SE promoted by these recombinases showed a strong negative correlation with increasing amounts of sequence divergence embedded at random across the length of the donor strand. Conversely, a positive correlation was seen between SE efficiency and the degree of sequence divergence in the recipient duplex DNA. The extent of heteroduplex formation was not significantly affected when both the pairing partners contained various degrees of sequence divergence, although there was a moderate decrease in the case of mycobacterial RecA proteins with substrates containing larger amounts of sequence divergence. Whereas a high GC content had no discernible effect on E. coli RecA coprotease activity, a negative correlation was apparent between mycobacterial RecA proteins and GC content. We further show clear differences in the extent of SE promoted by E. coli and mycobacterial RecA proteins in the presence of a wide range of ATP:ADP ratios. Taken together, our findings disclose the existence of functional diversity among E. coli and mycobacterial RecA nucleoprotein filaments, and the milieu of sequence divergence (i.e., in the donor or recipient) exerts differential effects on heteroduplex formation, which has implications for the emergence of new genetic variants.  相似文献   

We show that RecN protein is recruited to a defined DNA double strand break (DSB) in Bacillus subtilis cells at an early time point during repair. Because RecO and RecF are successively recruited to DSBs, it is now clear that dynamic DSB repair centers (RCs) exist in prokaryotes. RecA protein was also recruited to RCs and formed highly dynamic filamentous structures, which we term threads, across the nucleoids. Formation of RecA threads commenced approximately 30 min after the induction of DSBs, after RecN recruitment to RCs, and disassembled after 2 h. Time-lapse microscopy showed that the threads rapidly changed in length, shape, and orientation within minutes and can extend at 1.02 microm/min. The formation of RecA threads was abolished in recJ addAB mutant cells but not in each of the single mutants, suggesting that RecA filaments can be initiated via two pathways. Contrary to proteins forming RCs, DNA polymerase I did not form foci but was present throughout the nucleoids (even after induction of DSBs or after UV irradiation), suggesting that it continuously scans the chromosome for DNA lesions.  相似文献   

Rice KP  Chaput JC  Cox MM  Switzer C 《Biochemistry》2000,39(33):10177-10188
The Escherichia coli RecA protein pairs homologous DNA molecules and promotes DNA strand exchange in vitro. We have examined DNA strand exchange between a 70 nucleotide ssDNA fragment and a 40 bp duplex, in which all G and C residues (at 18 positions distributed throughout the 40 bp exchanged region) were replaced with the nonstandard nucleosides 2'-deoxyisoguanosine (iG) and 2'-deoxy-5-methylisocytidine (MiC), respectively. We demonstrate that the nonstandard oligonucleotides are substrates for the RecA protein, permitting DNA strand exchange in vitro at a rate and efficiency comparable to exchange with normal DNA substrates. This observation provides an expanded experimental basis for discussions of potential roles for iG and MiC in a genetic code. Experiments of this type also provide another avenue for exploring RecA-facilitated DNA pairing mechanisms.  相似文献   

Summary We have used a sensitive gel electrophoresis assay to detect the products of Escherichia coli RecA protein catalysed strand exchange reactions between gapped and duplex DNA molecules. We identify structures that correspond to joint molecules formed by homologous pairing, and show that joint molecules are converted by RecA protein into heteroduplex monomers by reciprocal strand exchanges. However, strand exchanges only occur when there is a 3-terminus complementary to the single stranded DNA in the gap. In the absence of a complementary free end, the two DNA molecules pair and short heteroduplex regions are formed by localised interwinding.  相似文献   

J M Bork  M M Cox  R B Inman 《The EMBO journal》2001,20(24):7313-7322
The Escherichia coli RecF, RecO and RecR pro teins have previously been implicated in bacterial recombinational DNA repair at DNA gaps. The RecOR-facilitated binding of RecA protein to single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) that is bound by single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) is much faster if the ssDNA is linear, suggesting that a DNA end (rather than a gap) facilitates binding. In addition, the RecOR complex facilitates RecA protein-mediated D-loop formation at the 5' ends of linear ssDNAs. RecR protein remains associated with the RecA filament and its continued presence is required to prevent filament disassembly. RecF protein competes with RecO protein for RecR protein association and its addition destabilizes RecAOR filaments. An enhanced function of the RecO and RecR proteins can thus be seen in vitro at the 5' ends of linear ssDNA that is not as evident in DNA gaps. This function is countered by the RecF/RecO competition for association with the RecR protein.  相似文献   

RecA protein makes stable joint molecules from fully duplex DNA and molecules that are partially single-stranded; the latter may be either duplex molecules with an internal gap in one strand or molecules with single-stranded ends. Stable joint molecules form only when the end of at least one strand is in a homologous region. When RecA protein pairs linear duplex molecules and tailed molecules that share the same sequence end to end, the joints, which are located away from the single-stranded tails in most instances, have the electron microscopic appearance associated with the Holliday structure resulting from the reciprocal exchange of strands. The reaction leading to reciprocal strand exchange involves the concerted displacement of a strand from the end of the duplex molecule. These observations support the view that RecA protein makes stable joint molecules only by transferring strands and not by the side-by-side pairing of duplex regions.  相似文献   

The RecA protein of Escherichia coli optimally promotes DNA strand exchange reactions in the presence of the single strand DNA-binding protein of E. coli (SSB protein). Under these conditions, assembly of RecA protein onto single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) occurs in three steps. First, the ssDNA is rapidly covered by SSB protein. The binding of RecA protein is then initiated by nucleation of a short tract of RecA protein onto the ssDNA. Finally, cooperative polymerization of additional RecA protein accompanied by displacement of SSB protein results in a ssDNA-RecA protein filament (Griffith, J. D., Harris, L. D., and Register, J. C. (1984) Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 49, 553-559). We report here that RecA protein assembly onto circular ssDNA yields RecA protein-covered circles in which greater than 85% are completely covered by RecA protein with no remaining SSB protein-covered segments (as detected by electron microscopy). However, when linear ssDNA is used, 90% of the filaments contain a short segment at one end complexed with SSB protein. This suggests that RecA protein assembly is unidirectional. Visualization of the assembly of RecA protein onto either long ssDNA tails (containing either 5' or 3' termini) or ssDNA gaps generated in double strand DNA allowed us to determine that the RecA protein polymerizes in the 5' to 3' direction on ssDNA and preferentially nucleates at ssDNA-double strand DNA junctions containing 5' termini.  相似文献   

Genetic evidence suggests that the RecF, RecO, and RecR (RecFOR) proteins participate in a common step of DNA recombination and repair, yet the biochemical event requiring collaboration of all three proteins is unknown. Here, we show that the concerted action of the RecFOR complex directs the loading of RecA protein specifically onto gapped DNA that is coated with single-stranded DNA binding (SSB) protein, thereby accelerating DNA strand exchange. The RecFOR complex recognizes the junction between the ssDNA and dsDNA regions and requires a base-paired 5' terminus at the junction. Thus, the RecFOR complex is a structure-specific mediator that targets recombinational repair to ssDNA-dsDNA junctions. This reaction reconstitutes the initial steps of recombinational gapped DNA repair and uncovers an event also common to the repair of ssDNA-tailed intermediates of dsDNA-break repair. We propose that the behavior of the RecFOR proteins is mimicked by functional counterparts that exist in all organisms.  相似文献   

In the pairing reaction between circular gapped and fully duplex DNA, RecA protein first polymerizes on the gapped DNA to form a nucleoprotein filament. Conditions that removed the formation of secondary structure in the gapped DNA, such as addition of Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA binding protein or preincubation in 1 mM-MgCl2, optimized the binding of RecA protein and increased the formation of joint molecules. The gapped duplex formed stable joints with fully duplex DNA that had a 5' or 3' terminus complementary to the single-stranded region of the gapped molecule. However, the joints formed had distinct properties and structures depending on whether the complementary terminus was at the 5' or 3' end. Pairing between gapped DNA and fully duplex linear DNA with a 3' complementary terminus resulted in strand displacement, symmetric strand exchange and formation of complete strand exchange products. By contrast, pairing between gapped and fully duplex DNA with a 5' complementary terminus produced a joint that was restricted to the gapped region; there was no strand displacement or symmetric strand exchange. The joint formed in the latter reaction was likely a three-stranded intermediate rather than a heteroduplex with the classical Watson-Crick structure. We conclude that, as in the three-strand reaction, the process of strand exchange in the four-strand reaction is polar and progresses in a 5' to 3' direction with respect to the initiating strand. The present study provides further evidence that in both three-strand and four-strand systems the pairing and strand exchange reactions share a common mechanism.  相似文献   

W Rosselli  A Stasiak 《The EMBO journal》1991,10(13):4391-4396
The role of ATP hydrolysis during the RecA-mediated recombination reaction is addressed in this paper. Recent studies indicated that the RecA-promoted DNA strand exchange between completely homologous double- and single-stranded DNA can be very efficient in the absence of ATP hydrolysis. In this work we demonstrate that the energy derived from the ATP hydrolysis is strictly needed to drive the DNA strand exchange through the regions where the interacting DNA molecules are not in a homologous register. Therefore, in addition to the role of the ATP hydrolysis in promoting the dissociation of RecA from the products of the recombination reaction, as described earlier, ATP hydrolysis also plays a crucial role in the actual process of strand exchange, provided that the lack of homologous register obstructs the process of branch migration.  相似文献   

Vaze MB  Muniyappa K 《Biochemistry》1999,38(10):3175-3186
To gain insights into inefficient allele exchange in mycobacteria, we compared homologous pairing and strand exchange reactions promoted by RecA protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to those of Escherichia coli RecA protein. The extent of single-stranded binding protein (SSB)-stimulated formation of joint molecules by MtRecA was similar to that of EcRecA over a wide range of pH values. In contrast, strand exchange promoted by MtRecA was inhibited around neutral pH due to the formation of DNA networks. At higher pH, MtRecA was able to overcome this constraint and, consequently, displayed optimal strand exchange activity. Order of addition experiments suggested that SSB, when added after MtRecA, was vital for strand exchange. Significantly, with shorter duplex DNA, MtRecA promoted efficient strand exchange without network formation in a pH-independent fashion. Increase in the length of duplex DNA led to incomplete strand exchange with concomitant rise in the formation of intermediates and networks in a pH-dependent manner. Treatment of purified networks with S1 nuclease liberated linear duplex DNA and products, consistent with a model in which the networks are formed by the invasion of hybrid DNA by the displaced linear single-stranded DNA. Titration of strand exchange reactions with ATP or salt distinguished a condition under which the formation of networks was blocked, but strand exchange was not significantly affected. We discuss how these results relate to inefficient allele exchange in mycobacteria.  相似文献   

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