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Overall metabolic modifications between fruit of light-hyperresponsive high-pigment (hp) tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) mutant plants and isogenic nonmutant (wt) control plants were compared. Targeted metabolite analyses, as well as large-scale nontargeted mass spectrometry (MS)-based metabolite profiling, were used to phenotype the differences in fruit metabolite composition. Targeted high-performance liquid chromatography with photodiode array detection (HPLC-PDA) metabolite analyses showed higher levels of isoprenoids and phenolic compounds in hp-2dg fruit. Nontargeted GC-MS profiling of red fruits produced 25 volatile compounds that showed a 1.5-fold difference between the genotypes. Analyses of red fruits using HPLC coupled to high-resolution quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-QTOF-MS) in both ESI-positive and ESI-negative mode generated, respectively, 6168 and 5401 mass signals, of which 142 and 303 showed a twofold difference between the genotypes. hp-2dg fruits are characterized by overproduction of many metabolites, several of which are known for their antioxidant or photoprotective activities. These metabolites may now be more closely implicated as resources recruited by plants to respond to and manage light stress. The similarity in metabolic alterations in fruits of hp-1 and hp-2 mutant plants helps us to understand how hp mutations affect cellular processes.  相似文献   

Development-dependent changes in fruit antioxidants were examined in the exocarp (epidermal and hypodermal tissues) of the monogenic recessive tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) mutant high pigment (hp-1) and its wild-type parent 'Rutgers' grown under non-stress conditions in a greenhouse. The hp-1 mutant was chosen for this study because the reportedly higher lycopene and ascorbic acid (AsA) contents of the fruit may alter its tolerance to photooxidative stress. Throughout most of fruit development, reduced AsA concentrations in the exocarp of hp-1 were 1.5 to 2.0 times higher than in 'Rutgers', but total glutathione concentrations were similar in both genotypes. Only in ripe red fruit were reduced AsA and total glutathione concentrations lower in hp-1 than in 'Rutgers'. The redox ratios (reduced : reduced + oxidized) of AsA in hp-1 and 'Rutgers' exocarps were similar and usually > 0.9, however, the redox ratio of glutathione was lower in hp-1 than in 'Rutgers' throughout development. Lycopene concentrations in ripe red fruit were about 5 times higher in hp-1 than in 'Rutgers'. Large increases in the specific enzyme activities of superoxide dismutase (EC, ascorbate peroxidase (EC, and monodehydroascorbate reductase (MDHAR; EC occurred during fruit development in both genotypes, with an inverse relationship between the activities of these enzymes and chlorophyll content. Glutathione reductase (EC and MDHAR-specific activities were higher in hp-1 than 'Rutgers' only at the later stages of fruit development. Dehydroascorbate reductase (EC activities, however, were usually higher in 'Rugters' than in hp-1. Catalase (CAT, EC activities increased with fruit development until the fruit were orange/light red, when CAT was higher in 'Rutgers' than in hp-1, but then declined in the ripe red fruit of both genotypes. These results suggest that elevated AsA in the exocarp of hp-1 fruit early in fruit development may increase the tolerance of hp-1 fruit to photooxidative injury at that time, but the increasing activities of antioxidant enzymes appear to be developmentally associated with fruit ripening.  相似文献   

Tomato high pigment (hp) mutants are characterized by their exaggerated photoresponsiveness. Light-grown hp mutants display elevated levels of anthocyanins, are shorter and darker than wild-type plants, and have dark green immature fruits due to the overproduction of chlorophyll pigments. It has been proposed that HP genes encode negative regulators of phytochrome signal transduction. We have cloned the HP-2 gene and found that it encodes the tomato homolog of the nuclear protein DEETIOLATED1 (DET1) from Arabidopsis. Mutations in DET1 are known to result in constitutive deetiolation in darkness. In contrast to det1 mutants, tomato hp-2 mutants do not display any visible phenotypes in the dark but only very weak phenotypes, such as partial chloroplast development. Furthermore, whereas det1 mutations are epistatic to mutations in phytochrome genes, analysis of similar double mutants in tomato showed that manifestation of the phenotype of the hp-2 mutant is strictly dependent upon the presence of active phytochrome. Because only one DET1 gene is likely to be present in each of the two species, our data suggest that the phytochrome signaling pathways in which the corresponding proteins function are regulated differently in Arabidopsis and tomato.  相似文献   

We have identified and characterized the human Mnk2 gene (HGMW-approved gene symbol MKNK2) through a yeast two-hybrid screen in which the Mnk2 protein interacted with the ligand-binding domain of estrogen receptor beta (ERbeta). Human Mnk2 is homologous to murine Mnk2 ( approximately 94% identical) and human Mnk1 (71% identical), both of which encode MAP kinase interacting kinases that are phosphorylated and activated by ERK1 and 2. This report presents a thorough genomic sequence analysis revealing that the human Mnk2 gene has two C-terminal splice variants, designated here as Mnk2a and Mnk2b. These two isoforms are identical over the first 385 amino acids of the coding sequence and differ only in the final exon which encodes an additional 80 residues for Mnk2a and 29 residues for Mnk2b. A more detailed biological analysis in yeast showed that the Mnk2 interaction was selective for ERbeta as opposed to ERalpha and that the interaction was specific to Mnk2b as opposed to Mnk2a or Mnk1. This pattern was reproduced in a mammalian two-hybrid system using a completely different set of fusion partners; and in both yeast and mammalian systems, the addition of estradiol decreased the interaction. While it remains unknown whether ERbeta is a substrate of Mnk2, the interaction of these two proteins is reminiscent of ERalpha and ribosomal S6 kinase (p90-RSK), another MAP kinase-regulated kinase homologous to Mnk2 that is known to phosphorylate ERalpha.  相似文献   

Results of research on the study of the effects of the interaction between the keeping-life gene alc with the elevated fruit pigmentation genes hp, dg, B og, and B c are presented. It is shown that use of the gene recombinations alc/alc//hp/hp//B og/B og(B c/B c) and alc/alc//dg/dg is the most effective means of creating highly commercial, long keeping life varieties of tomato with saturated-red coloring of the fruit.  相似文献   

Many plants produce constitutive antifungal molecules belonging to the saponin family of secondary metabolites, which have been implicated in plant defense. Successful pathogens of these plants must presumably have some means of combating the chemical defenses of their hosts. In the oat root pathogen Gaeumannomyces graminis, the saponin-detoxifying enzyme avenacinase has been shown to be essential for pathogenicity. A number of other phytopathogenic fungi also produce saponin-degrading enzymes, although the significance of these for saponin resistance and pathogenicity has not yet been established. The tomato leaf spot pathogen Septoria lycopersici secretes the enzyme tomatinase, which degrades the tomato steroidal glycoalkaloid alpha-tomatine. Here we report the isolation and characterization of tomatinase-deficient mutants of S. lycopersici following targeted gene disruption. Tomatinase-minus mutants were more sensitive to alpha-tomatine than the wild-type strain. They could, however, still grow in the presence of 1 mM alpha-tomatine, suggesting that nondegradative mechanisms of tolerance are also important. There were no obvious effects of loss of tomatinase on macroscopic lesion formation on tomato leaves, but trypan blue staining of infected tissue during the early stages of infection revealed more dying mesophyll cells in leaves that had been inoculated with tomatinase-minus mutants. Expression of a defense-related basic beta-1,3 glucanase gene was also enhanced in these leaves. These differences in plant response may be associated with subtle differences in the growth of the wild-type and mutant strains during infection. Alternatively, tomatinase may be involved in suppression of plant defense mechanisms.  相似文献   

A tomato EST sequence, highly homologous to the human and Arabidopsis thaliana UV-damaged DNA binding protein 1 (DDB1), was mapped to the centromeric region of the tomato chromosome 2. This region was previously shown to harbor the HP-1 gene, encoding the high pigment-1 (hp-1) and the high pigment-1w (hp-1w) mutant phenotypes. Recent results also show that the A. thaliana DDB1 protein interacts both genetically and biochemically with the protein encoded by DEETIOLATED1, a gene carrying three tomato mutations that are in many respects isophenotypic to hp-1: high pigment-2 (hp-2), high pigment-2j (hp-2j) and dark green (dg). The entire coding region of the DDB1 gene was sequenced in an hp-1 mutant and its near-isogenic normal plant in the cv. Ailsa Craig background, and also in an hp-1w mutant and its isogenic normal plant in the GT breeding line background. Sequence analysis revealed a single A931-to-T931 base transversion in the coding sequence of the DDB1 gene in the hp-1 mutant plants. This transversion results in the substitution of the conserved asparagine at position 311 to a tyrosine residue. In the hp-1w mutant, on the other hand, a single G2392-to-A2392 transition was observed, resulting in the substitution of the conserved glutamic acid at position 798 to a lysine residue. The single nucleotide polymorphism that differentiates hp-1 mutant and normal plants in the cv. Ailsa Craig background was used to design a pyrosequencing genotyping system. Analysis of a resource F2 population segregating for the hp-1 mutation revealed a very strong linkage association between the DDB1 locus and the photomorphogenic response of the seedlings, measured as hypocotyl length (25<LOD score<26, R2=62.8%). These results strongly support the hypothesis that DDB1 is the gene encoding the hp-1 and hp-1w mutant phenotypes.Communicated by R. Hagemann  相似文献   

Plant receptor-like kinases (RLKs) are proteins that are involved in the regulation of development, hormone signaling, abiotic, and biotic stress responses. It has been suggested that cysteine-rich receptor-like kinases (CRKs), which are one of the largest RLK groups, is significant in pathogen defense and programmed cell death. The CRK1 gene is isolated and characterized from tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). The SlCRK1 has two C-X8-C-X2-C motifs: a trans-membrane region and a kinase domain similar to other CRKs. The semi-quantitative RT-PCR exhibits the specific expression of SlCRK1 in the flower, but not in the root, leaf, seed, and fruit of the tomato. In addition, SlCRK1 exhibits pollen-specific expression in the floral organ. SlCRK1 has pollen-specific cis-acting elements in the promoter region, and its promoter has pollen-specific activity in the homozygous transgenic plants of tomato and Arabidopsis as confirmed through histochemical GUS assays. Moreover, the expression of SlCRK1 is not detected via stress treatment or hormone treatment. In this study, SlCRK1 from tomato is characterized and its promoter can be useful in developing transgenic plants with foreign genes that should be expressed in pollens.  相似文献   

Muscle-type carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (CPT1β) is considered to be the gene that controls fatty acid mitochondrial β-oxidation. A functional peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) responsive element (PPRE) and a myocite-specific (MEF2) site that binds MEF2A and MEF2C in the promoter of this gene had been previously identified. We investigated the roles of the PPRE and the MEF2 binding sites and the potential interaction between PPARα and MEF2C regulating the CPT1β gene promoter. Mutation analysis indicated that the MEF2 site contributed to the activation of the CPT1β promoter by PPAR in C2C12 cells. The reporter construct containing the PPRE and the MEF2C site was synergistically activated by co-expression of PPAR, retinoid X receptor (RXR) and MEF2C in non-muscle cells. Moreover, protein-binding assays demonstrated that MEF2C and PPAR specifically bound to one another in vitro. Also for the synergistic activation of the CPT1β gene promoter by MEF2C and PPARα-RXRα, a precise arrangement of its binding sites was essential.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of beta-crystallin B2 (beta Bp) in the bovine lens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three major 32P-labeled polypeptides were found in the soluble fraction of bovine lenses cultured in a medium containing [32P]orthophosphate. Two of the polypeptides corresponded to the phosphorylated A and B chains of alpha-crystallin. In this communication, the third polypeptide is now identified. This polypeptide is characterized by a molecular weight of 27,000 and a pI of 6.6, eluted exclusively in the beta Low fraction of a CL-6B gel filtration separation of lens soluble material, and could be further purified by DE52 anion exchange chromatography. The only 32P-labeled amino acid detected was phosphoserine. A single 32P-labeled peptide was observed after tryptic digestion and two-dimensional mapping. The amino acid sequence of the purified peptide is Gly-Ala-Phe-His-Pro-Ser-Ser. This sequence exactly matches the expected C-terminal tryptic fragment, residues 198-204, of the bovine beta-crystallin B2. The results of carboxypeptidase A digestion of the 32P-labeled peptide suggest that only Ser203 is phosphorylated. By using the catalytic subunit of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase, purified beta B2 was phosphorylated in vitro, generating a single 32P-labeled polypeptide with the identical pI as the phosphorylated polypeptide obtained from lens culture. On the basis of these data, the Mr 27,000 32P-labeled polypeptide is identified as the phosphorylated form of the beta-crystallin B2.  相似文献   

Angiostatin, the N-terminal four kringles (K1-4) of plasminogen, blocks tumor-mediated angiogenesis and has great therapeutic potential. However, angiostatin's mechanism of anti-angiogenic action is unclear. We found that bovine arterial endothelial (BAE) cells adhere to angiostatin in an integrin-dependent manner and that integrins alpha(v)beta(3), alpha(9)beta(1), and to a lesser extent alpha(4)beta(1), specifically bind to angiostatin. alpha(v)beta(3) is a predominant receptor for angiostatin on BAE cells, since a function-blocking antibody to alpha(v)beta(3) effectively blocks adhesion of BAE cells to angiostatin, but an antibody to alpha(9)beta(1) does not. epsilon-Aminocaproic acid, a Lys analogue, effectively blocks angiostatin binding to BAE cells, indicating that an unoccupied Lys-binding site of the kringles may be required for integrin binding. It is known that other plasminogen fragments containing three or five kringles (K1-3 or K1-5) have an anti-angiogenic effect, but plasminogen itself does not. We found that K1-3 and K1-5 bind to alpha(v)beta(3), but plasminogen does not. These results suggest that the anti-angiogenic action of angiostatin may be mediated via interaction with alpha(v)beta(3). Angiostatin binding to alpha(v)beta(3) does not strongly induce stress-fiber formation, suggesting that angiostatin may prevent angiogenesis by perturbing the alpha(v)beta(3)-mediated signal transduction that may be necessary for angiogenesis.  相似文献   

In an attempt to understand the multifunctional involvement of beta(2)-glycoprotein I (beta(2)GPI) in autoimmune diseases, thrombosis, atherosclerosis, and inflammatory processes, substantial interest is focused on the interaction of beta(2)GPI with negatively charged ligands, in particular, with acidic phospholipids. In this study, unilamellar vesicles composed of cardiolipin were used as in vitro membrane system to test and further refine a model of interaction based on the crystal structure of beta(2)GPI. The data suggest that beta(2)GPI anchors to the membrane surface with its hydrophobic loop adjacent to the positively charged lysine rich region in domain V. Subsequently, beta(2)GPI penetrates the membrane interfacial headgroup region as indicated by a restriction of the lipid side chain mobility, but without formation of a nonbilayer lipid phase. A structural rearrangement of beta(2)GPI upon lipid binding was detected by microcalorimetry and may result in the exposure of cryptic epitopes located in the complement control protein domains. This lipid-dependent conformational change may induce oligomerization of beta(2)GPI and promote intermolecular associations. Thus, the aggregation tendency of beta(2)GPI may serve as the basis for the formation of a molecular link between cells but may also be an essential feature for binding of autoantibodies and hence determine the role of beta(2)GPI in autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

Neuroblastoma (NB) is a frequent pediatric tumor for which recurrent somatic rearrangements are known. Germline mutations of predisposing gene(s) are suspected on the basis of rare familial cases and the association of NB with other genetically determined congenital malformations of neural crest-derived cells--namely, Hirschsprung disease (HSCR) and/or congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS). We recently identified the paired-like homeobox 2B (PHOX2B) gene as the major disease-causing gene in isolated and syndromic CCHS, which prompted us to regard it as a candidate gene in NB. Here, we report on germline mutations of PHOX2B in both a familial case of NB and a patient with the HSCR-NB association. PHOX2B, therefore, stands as the first gene for which germline mutations predispose to NB.  相似文献   

Significant yield losses in commercial tomato production caused by tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) are the reason why we have undertaken studies on resistance to this pathogen. One of the possible sources of resistance can be the incorporation of the nucleoprotein N viral gene by Agrobacterium transformation. The N gene was introduced into three Lycopersicon esculentum forms. Out of the total of 3044 cotyledon explants 14.7% regenerated shoots, but only a few were rooted on medium containing kanamycin. The preliminary analysis indicated that 18 plants are putative transformants.  相似文献   

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