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The extent of allelic exclusion in Ig genes is very high, although not absolute. Thus far, it has not been clearly established whether rapid selection of the developing B cell as soon as it has achieved the first productively rearranged, functional heavy chain is the only mechanism responsible for allelic exclusion. Our computational models of Ag receptor gene rearrangement in B lymphocytes are hereby extended to calculate the expected fractions of heavy chain allelically included newly generated B cells as a function of the probability of heavy chain pairing with the surrogate light chain, and the probability that the cell would test this pairing immediately after the first rearrangement. The expected fractions for most values of these probabilities significantly exceed the levels of allelic inclusion in peripheral B cells, implying that in most cases productive rearrangement and subsequent cell surface expression of one allele of the heavy chain gene probably leads to prevention of rearrangement completion on the other allele, and that additional mechanisms, such as peripheral selection disfavoring cells with two productively rearranged heavy chain genes, may also play a role. Furthermore, we revisit light chain allelic exclusion by utilizing the first (to our knowledge) computational model which addresses and enumerates B cells maturing with two productively rearranged kappa light chain genes. We show that, assuming that there are no selection mechanisms responsible for abolishing cells expressing two light chains, the repertoire of newly generated B lymphocytes exiting the bone marrow must contain a significant fraction of such kappa double-productive B cells.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that lymphocyte Ag receptor gene rearrangement does not always stop after the expression of the first productively rearranged receptor. Light chain gene rearrangement in B cells, and alpha-chain rearrangement in T cells can continue, which raises the question: how is allelic exclusion maintained, if at all, in the face of continued rearrangement? In this and the accompanying paper, we present comprehensive models of Ag receptor gene rearrangement and the interaction of this process with clonal selection. Our B cell model enables us to reconcile observations on the kappa:lambda ratio and on kappa allele usage, showing that B cell receptor gene rearrangement must be a highly ordered, rather than a random, process. We show that order is exhibited on three levels: a preference for rearranging kappa rather than lambda light chain genes; a preference to make secondary rearrangements on the allele that has already been rearranged, rather than choosing the location of the next rearrangement at random; and a sequentiality of J segment choice within each kappa allele. This order, combined with the stringency of negative selection, is shown to lead to effective allelic exclusion.  相似文献   

In view of the recently determined three-dimensional structures of complexes formed by the T cell receptor for antigen (TCR), the processed peptide and the MHC class I molecule, it is expected that the combined configuration formed by the third complementarity determining regions (CDR3) of TCR alpha and beta chains will be very restricted in size and shape due to the limited length variations of the processed peptides. Thus, the combined TCR alpha and beta chain CDR3 lengths should have a fairly narrow distribution. This feature can be due to the selective association of long alpha chain CDR3 with short beta chain CDR3 and vice versa or due to random assortment of alpha and beta chain CDR3 of even narrower length distribution. Based on existing translated amino acid sequence data, it has been found that the latter mechanism is responsible.  相似文献   

I Balan  A M Alarco    M Raymond 《Journal of bacteriology》1997,179(23):7210-7218
We report the cloning and functional analysis of a third member of the CDR gene family in Candida albicans, named CDR3. This gene codes for an ABC (ATP-binding cassette) transporter of 1,501 amino acids highly homologous to Cdr1p and Cdr2p (56 and 55% amino acid sequence identity, respectively), two transporters involved in fluconazole resistance in C. albicans. The predicted structure of Cdr3p is typical of the PDR/CDR family, with two similar halves, each comprising an N-terminal hydrophilic domain with consensus sequences for ATP binding and a C-terminal hydrophobic domain with six predicted transmembrane segments. Northern analysis showed that CDR3 expression is regulated in a cell-type-specific manner, with low levels of CDR3 mRNA in CAI4 yeast and hyphal cells, high levels in WO-1 opaque cells, and undetectable levels in WO-1 white cells. Disruption of both alleles of CDR3 in CAI4 resulted in no obvious changes in cell morphology, growth rate, or susceptibility to fluconazole. Overexpression of Cdr3p in C. albicans did not result in increased cellular resistance to fluconazole, cycloheximide, and 4-nitroquinoline-N-oxide, which are known substrates for different transporters of the PDR/CDR family. These results indicate that despite a high degree of sequence conservation with C. albicans Cdr1p and Cdr2p, Cdr3p does not appear to be involved in drug resistance, at least to the compounds tested which include the clinically relevant antifungal agent fluconazole. Rather, the high level of Cdr3p expression in WO-1 opaque cells suggests an opaque-phase-associated biological function which remains to be identified.  相似文献   

The mechanisms controlling the recombination process of the gamma genes that encode the gamma chain of the antigen receptor of the gammadelta T lymphocytes are unclear. Based on experimental data on the recombination status of the two major TCR gamma genes expressed in V(gamma)4+ and V(gamma)1+ thymocytes, we tested the plausibility of three possible rearrangement mechanisms: (1) a time window mechanism according to which the two chromosomes are accessible to the recombination machinery during a defined period of time; (2) a feedback mechanism in which recombination stops shortly after the first in-frame rearrangement event anywhere in both chromosomes; and (3) a feedback mechanism with asynchronous chromosome accessibility, in which there is a first period when only one chromosome is accessible for recombination, followed by a second period when both chromosomes are accessible; shortly after the first in-frame rearrangement event, during any of these two periods, recombination will definitely stop. We model the time window mechanism using a pure probabilistic approach and the two feedback mechanisms using a continuous-time Markov chain formalism. We used maximum likelihood methodology to infer the goodness-of-fit of the models showing evidence for the last model, which best fits the data. Further analysis of this model suggests an evolutionary tradeoff between allelic and isotypic exclusion and the probability that a precursor differentiates into a mature gammadelta T lymphocyte.  相似文献   

The mechanism of antigen receptor gene assembly   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
S Lewis  M Gellert 《Cell》1989,59(4):585-588

To determine whether the limited V gene usage by the T-cell receptor delta (TCRD) chain is dictated by preferential rearrangement or by antigen selection, we characterized and compared the TCRDV gene repertoire of the productive with that of the unprotective allele in 80 human TCRG/TCRD clones. Six different V genes were found on the expressed allele; two of them, provisionally named DV7 and DV8, have not been described before on the surface of TCRG/TCRD T cells. Overall, six V genes and six non-V elements were isolated from the unproductive allele. Interestingly, the same set of genes was rearranged both in the productive and in the unproductive chromosome. These findings seem to suggest that antigen-independent mechanisms play a major role in the restriction of the TCRDV gene repertoire.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide database and have been assigned the accession numbers Z46643 (DV7-E2), Z46644 (DV8-E6), Z46645 (DV8-M1), Z46641 (AV12-E4), Z46642 (AV29-E5), Z46652 (DREC-E13), Z46637 (TCR-d), Z46638 (TCR-n), Z46639 (TCR-r), Z46653 (PSI-DVu), and Z46640 (TCR-w)  相似文献   

Recombinant DNA techniques to detect the rearrangement of genes encoding immunoglobulins and T-cell-antigen receptors have been used to identify clonality in lymphoid lesions. To determine the utility of such techniques in cytologic specimens, DNA was analyzed in 24 effusions and 6 fine needle aspirates. Immunophenotypic studies were also performed on the 19 specimens with suspected hematopoietic malignancies. Sufficient material for DNA analysis was present in 28 of the 30 specimens. Immunoglobulin or T-cell-receptor gene rearrangement was present in 13 specimens with atypical cytologic findings; DNA studies provided more information than did the immunologic studies in 3 cases. One T-cell malignancy showed T-cell receptor and heavy-chain gene rearrangement, and one B-cell malignancy showed immunoglobulin and T-cell receptor gene rearrangement. In all patients except one with no evidence of gene rearrangement, the morphologic and immunologic studies also favored a reactive process. Control specimens showed a germline configuration. This study demonstrated that DNA gene rearrangement studies are feasible on many cytologic specimens and may be useful in diagnostically difficult cases.  相似文献   

Expression and gene rearrangement of the T-cell receptor in human thymomas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human thymomas are epithelial neoplasms frequently associated with an exuberant lymphoid component. This mixture of epithelial cells and lymphocytes closely mimicks the organization of normal thymic cortex. However, it is not known whether thymocytes in thymoma express the T-cell receptor (TCR) for the antigen. We have analyzed the molecular configuration of TCR genes and their phenotypic expression in eight thymomas. In all we detected polyclonal rearrangements of TCR genes and cytoplasmic expression of TCR molecules in most thymocytes, thus indicating that rearranged TCR genes in thymomas are functioning genes. In addition, these findings suggest that the epithelial component of thymomas, even if neoplastic, is still capable of directing thymocyte differentiation.  相似文献   



Traditionally, the merit of a rearrangement scenario between two gene orders has been measured based on a parsimony criteria alone; two scenarios with the same number of rearrangements are considered equally good. In this paper, we acknowledge that each rearrangement has a certain likelihood of occurring based on biological constraints, e.g. physical proximity of the DNA segments implicated or repetitive sequences.


We propose optimization problems with the objective of maximizing overall likelihood, by weighting the rearrangements. We study a binary weight function suitable to the representation of sets of genome positions that are most likely to have swapped adjacencies. We give a polynomial-time algorithm for the problem of finding a minimum weight double cut and join scenario among all minimum length scenarios. In the process we solve an optimization problem on colored noncrossing partitions, which is a generalization of the Maximum Independent Set problem on circle graphs.


We introduce a model for weighting genome rearrangements and show that under simple yet reasonable conditions, a fundamental distance can be computed in polynomial time. This is achieved by solving a generalization of the Maximum Independent Set problem on circle graphs. Several variants of the problem are also mentioned.

Current models for T-cell recognition of foreign antigen depict the T-cell receptor as having a single antibody-like combining site which binds a complex of MHC and antigen. An alternative hypothesis is presented here; it is proposed that the first domains of the MHC function as inverted V-like regions to complement the TcR V-regions in creating antigen binding sites.  相似文献   

The status of T-cell receptor beta and gamma genes has been assessed in a series of primary tumors induced by a chemical carcinogen or by gamma-irradiation using two inbred strains of mice. It appears that these well-characterized regimens of carcinogenesis yield T-cell tumors showing gene rearrangements consistent with a clonal origin of the tumors. Individual rearranged bands seem to represent orthodox, intralocus recombination events. A variety of rearrangement phenotypes are observed, most strikingly for the gamma genes, and differences in the degree of T-cell receptor gene rearrangements observed can be categorized according to the inducing agent and to the genetic background of the mice, with the implication that premalignant thymocytes have been captured in different stages of T-cell development. Additionally, primary tumors were shown to express significant levels of mature beta gene mRNA.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized an anti-idiotype monoclonal antibody (AR42.1) which is capable of mimicking a distinct and specific epitope of MUC-1 antigen. The cDNA sequences coding for the AR42.1 variable regions were determined. We found significant amino acid homology between complementary determining regions 3 (CDR3) in the heavy chain of AR42.1 and the determinant epitope sequence of MUC-1. This 10 amino acid sequence may represent an "internal image" of the anti-idiotype antibody to the MUC-1 antigen, and could be used for development of a MUC-1 surrogate for immunotherapy.  相似文献   

The soybean variety Forrest contains an aberrant allele for the Gy3 glycinin gene. The aberrant allele is designated gy3 because mRNA for the G3 glycinin subunit is reduced to below detectable amounts in the seed. Molecular and genetic characterization of gy3 show it to be associated with a chromosomal rearrangement that causes the 5' halves and 3' halves of the gene to become separated from one another in the genome. An inversion is the simplest structural model that accounts for the genetic and molecular features of the chromosomal rearrangement involving gy3, although more complex models that involve reciprocal translocations are also consistent with the data.  相似文献   

Phorbol esters cause an apparent differentiation of human T leukemic cell lines. It was shown previously that TPA induces the expression of the interleukin 2 (IL 2) receptor and the T3 complex on some T cell lines, including CCRF-CEM. We demonstrate that expression of the IL 2 receptor correlated with an induction of the 3.5 and 1.5 kb IL 2 receptor mRNA. In addition, the TPA-induced expression of the T3 polypeptides was found to be accompanied by induction of a putative T cell antigen receptor heterodimer on CEM cells. This was demonstrated by the co-precipitation of the T cell receptor with T3 from digitonin-solubilized cells. The cells expressed high levels of T3 delta- and T cell receptor beta-chain mRNA in the absence of TPA. The effect of TPA was to cause a rapid accumulation of T cell receptor alpha-chain mRNA. This suggested that the alpha-chain gene was rearranged before TPA induction and that expression of the T cell receptor/T3 complex on the cell surface was regulated by the level of alpha-chain expression. It was also shown that cloned sublines of CEM cells which expressed different T cell antigen phenotypes differed in their response to TPA.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The antigen receptors of adaptive immunity-T-cell receptors and immunoglobulins-are encoded by genes assembled stochastically from combinatorial libraries of gene segments. Immunoglobulin genes then experience further diversification through hypermutation. Analysis of the somatic genetics of the immune response depends explicitly on inference of the details of the recombinatorial process giving rise to each of the participating antigen receptor genes. We have developed a dynamic programming algorithm to perform this reconstruction and have implemented it as web-accessible software called SoDA (Somatic Diversification Analysis). RESULTS: We tested SoDA against a set of 120 artificial immunoglobulin sequences generated by simulation of recombination and compared the results with two other widely used programs. SoDA inferred the correct gene segments more frequently than the other two programs. We further tested these programs using 30 human immunoglobulin genes from Genbank and here highlight instances where the recombinations inferred by the three programs differ. SoDA appears generally to find more likely recombinations.  相似文献   

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