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Non-additive effects of multiple natural enemies on aphid populations   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The question of whether multiple natural enemies often interact to produce lower host mortality than single enemies acting alone has not yet been resolved. We compared the effects of four different combinations of natural enemies-parasitoids, predators, parasitoids plus predators, and no enemies-on caged aphid populations on marsh elder, Iva frutescens, in west-central Florida. Using starting densities of natural enemies commonly found in the field, we showed that parasitoid wasps reduced aphid population densities more than predatory ladybird beetles. The addition of predators to cages containing parasites reduced the ability of parasitoids to decrease aphid population densities. Because the experiments ran only over the course of one generation, such a reduction in the effectiveness of parasites is likely caused by interference of predators with parasitoid behavior. Parasitism in the cages containing both parasitoids and predators was reduced when compared to percent parasitism in parasitoid-only cages, but this could also be due to predation. Our experiments showed that ladybird beetles prey on parasitized aphids. Thus over the long-term, the effectiveness of parasites is impaired by the interference of predators on ovipositing parasitoids and by the predation of parasitized aphids. The effects of natural enemies in this system are clearly non-additive.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the aphid species, Aphis fabae Scopoli and Megoura viciae Buckton, do not produce winged offspring in the presence of natural enemies, in contrast to results for the pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris)) and the cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii Glover); but these studies did not involve exposing aphids directly to natural enemies. We exposed colonies of both A. fabae and M. viciae to foraging lacewing (Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens)) larvae and found that the predators did not induce winged morphs among offspring compared to unexposed controls. Colonies of A. fabae responded to an increase in aphid density with increasing winged morph production, while such response was not found for M. viciae. We suggest that different aphid species differ in their susceptibility to natural enemy attack, as well as in their sensitivity to contact.  相似文献   

大豆田中大豆蚜天敌昆虫群落结构分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为了明确大豆田中大豆蚜Aphis glycines Matsumura天敌昆虫的群落结构特点,采用系统调查法对大豆蚜天敌的种类及数量进行调查。结果表明,大豆蚜天敌昆虫主要有5目11科19种,另外还有一些捕食性蜘蛛。主要优势种为小花蝽Orius minutus、龟纹瓢虫Propylaea japonica、中华草蛉Chrysopa sinica以及蚜小蜂Aphelinus sp.和异色瓢虫Leis axyridis,捕食性蜘蛛其中小花蝽的相对丰盛度达到0.26以上。小花蝽和龟纹瓢虫发生较早,是大豆蚜发生初期的主要控制因素。物种多样性、均匀度、丰富度、物种数和个体数整体趋势表现为先增加后降低,在7、8月达最大;而优势集中性和优势度则表现为先降低后增加的趋势,群落较稳定。  相似文献   

Tatyana A. Rand  Teja Tscharntke 《Oikos》2007,116(8):1353-1362
The greater susceptibility of higher trophic levels to habitat loss has been demonstrated to disrupt important trophic interactions such as consumer control of prey populations. This pattern is predicted to break down for generalist species that can use matrix habitats, yet empirical studies comparing generalist and specialist enemy pressure in response to natural habitat loss are lacking. Here we examined the effects of landscape simplification resulting from habitat conversion to agriculture on nettles, Urtica dioica , their specialized aphid herbivore, Microlophium carnosum , and associated natural enemies that varied broadly in their degree of specialization. Both nettles and their specialized aphid herbivore were significantly more abundant in complex than simple landscapes. Different enemy groups showed contrasting responses. Aphid specialists (parasitic wasps and cecidomyiid midges) reached higher densities in complex than simple landscapes, and this effect was primarily related to shifts in local resource abundance (i.e. nettle aphid densities). In contrast, densities of generalists (coccinellid beetles and spiders) were significantly higher in simple landscapes, presumably due to spillover of generalists from surrounding cropland habitats. Natural enemy-prey ratios did not differ significantly across landscape types for specialist groups but were significantly higher in simple than complex landscapes for generalist groups, suggesting that enemy pressure on nettle aphids likely increases with landscape simplification. This was supported by our finding that aphid population growth rates were lower in simple than complex landscapes, and declined significantly with increasing coccinellid densities. Thus, in marked contrast to previous work, our results suggest that natural habitat loss may augment rather than disrupt consumer–prey interactions, and this will depend greatly on the degree of specialization of functionally dominant natural enemies.  相似文献   

Study of mechanisms responsible for regulating populations of living organisms is essential for a better comprehension of the structure of biological communities and evolutionary forces in nature. Aphids (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha) comprise a large and economically important group of phytophagous insects distributed worldwide. Previous studies determined that density-dependent mechanisms play an important role in regulating their populations. However, only a few of those studies identified specific factors responsible for the observed regulation. Time series data used in this study originated from the untreated control plots that were a part of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) insecticide trials in northern Maine from 1971 to 2004. The data set contained information on population densities of three potato-colonizing aphid species (buckthorn aphid, Aphis nasturtii; potato aphid, Macrosiphum euphorbiae; and green peach aphid, Myzus persicae) and their natural enemies. We used path analysis to explore effects of weather and natural enemies on the intrinsic growth rates of aphid populations. Weather factors considered in our analyses contributed to the regulation of aphid populations, either directly or through natural enemies. However, direct weather effects were in most cases detectable only at P ≤ 0.10. Potato aphids were negatively affected by both fungal disease and predators, although buckthorn aphids were negatively affected by predators only. Parasitoids did not have a noticeable effect on the growth of any of the three aphid species. Growth of green peach aphid populations was negatively influenced by interspecific interactions with the other two aphid species. Differential population regulation mechanisms detected in the current study might at least partially explain coexistence of three ecologically similar aphid species sharing the same host plant.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The Salicaceae have been suggested as ancestral host plants of Chrysomela species (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). In Chrysomela lapponica , some populations are specialised on salicaceous plants, but others have switched to birch. This study aimed to elucidate the significance of natural enemies as possible selective forces for the host plant shift of C. lapponica from willow to birch.
2. Two C. lapponica populations were studied, one specialised on willow Salix borealis in Finland, and another one specialised on birch Betula pubescens in the Czech Republic. Abundances of predators and parasitoids on birches and willows were recorded at both population sites. Furthermore, field and laboratory experiments were conducted.
3. Field data do not support the hypothesis that generalist predators affected the host shift from willow to birch in C. lapponica.
4. Parasitism of C. lapponica (pre)pupae by a specialised phorid fly was significantly stronger in specimens living on willow than in birch-living ones.
5. The predatory syrphid Parasyrphus nigritarsis specialised on Chrysomelinae was only detected on willows. The syrphid preferred to orient towards substrates treated with defensive larval secretion or faeces of the willow-specialised C. lapponica specimens compared with the birch-specialised ones.
6. The data suggest that specialised parasitoids and predators might have been driving forces for C. lapponica to leave willows and to pioneer birches as sites with a lowered risk of predation and parasitism. This hypothesis is discussed with respect to results of earlier studies on the impact of bottom-up effects by the plant.  相似文献   

天敌对麦长管蚜和麦二叉蚜种群数量影响程度的分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对1993~1996年两种麦蚜种群数量及其天敌数量的系统调查,并采用灰色关联分析法,研究各种天敌对两种麦蚜种群数量的影响程度,得出对麦长管蚜种群数量影响最大的是龟纹瓢虫、蚜茧蜂和食蚜蝇;对麦二叉蚜种群数量影响最大的是草间小黑蛛,其次是龟纹瓢虫.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1.  Laboratory studies have implicated various accessory bacteria of aphids as important determinants of aphid performance, especially on certain plant species and under certain thermal regimes. One of these accessory bacteria is PABS (also known as T-type), which is distributed widely but is not universal in natural populations of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum in the U.K.
2.  To explore the impact of PABS on the performance of A. pisum , the nymphal development time and fecundity of aphids collected directly from natural populations and caged on the host plant Vicia faba in the field were quantified. Over 4 consecutive months June–September 1999, the performance of PABS-positive and PABS-negative aphids did not differ significantly.
3.  Deterministic modelling of the performance data showed that the variation in simulated population increase of PABS-positive and PABS-negative aphids would overlap substantially.
4.  Analysis of aphids colonising five host plants ( Lathyrus odoratus , Medicago sativa , Pisum sativum , Trifolium pratense , Vicia faba ) between April and September 2000 and 2001, identified no robust differences between the distribution of PABS-positive and PABS-negative aphids on different plants and with season or temperature.
5.  It is concluded that PABS is not an important factor shaping the performance or plant range of A. pisum under the field conditions tested. Reasons for the discrepancies between this study and laboratory-based studies are considered.  相似文献   

The influence of aphid lethal paralysis virus (ALPV), Rhopalosiphum padi virus (RhPV), natural enemies and fungal infection on the population growth of Rhopalosiphum padi and Sitobion avenae in the wheat fields of the Western Cape Province of South Africa was investigated at two sites. Time‐specific life tables were compiled for R. padi at one site. During the logarithmic phase of the development of R. padi aphids, natural enemies were not present in high numbers and the apparent large‐scale mortality observed appeared to be due to other causes. During the decline phase of this aphid population, the population size was reduced by 49%. This reduction coincided with a calculated high mortality of 70 aphids per plant. A dramatic decline in R. padi numbers and a high incidence of ALPV present in the aphid population was experienced during this period. Virus assays were carried out by double‐antibody sandwich enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (DAS‐ELISA) and an indirect immunofluorescent technique. Entomophthorales‐type fungal infection of aphids also reached its highest level during the decline phase, but at a later stage than ALPV infection, with a calculated level of 21 aphids per plant. This suggested that the presence of ALPV limited population development in R. padi. Similar results were obtained with S. avenae.  相似文献   

大豆蚜自然天敌种群动态及其控蚜作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008-2010年间,分别在辽东山区和辽西半干旱丘陵地区设置试验田,采用系统调查的方法,对大豆蚜Aphis glycines Matsumura自然天敌种群动态及控蚜作用进行研究。共鉴定辽宁地区大豆蚜天敌7目、16科、44种,其中优势天敌异色瓢虫Leis axyridis(Pallas)居首位。田间试验结果表明,大豆蚜天敌田间消长表现连续6个阶段,即初见期、波动期、上升期、盛期、下降期和消退期;田间3年平均大豆蚜数量与天敌(天敌单位)总体呈极显著的相关关系,各年度百株蚜量与天敌单位也均呈极显著相关关系。辽东地区天敌跟随紧密并随蚜虫数量变化波动,具有明显的自然控蚜作用。其中,7月11-21日天敌发生盛期与蚜虫高峰期吻合,蚜虫急剧下降;7月下旬后,受高温、多雨、蚜霉菌作用、植株老化等影响,蚜虫种群逐步下降、消退,天敌也陆续迁出豆田。辽西地区天敌迁入豆田比蚜虫晚10~15d,对前期蚜虫控制弱,且天敌峰期滞后蚜虫5d左右,一般年份蚜虫发生较重。  相似文献   

间作作物对核桃黑斑蚜及主要天敌种群的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对新疆阿克苏3类主栽模式核桃园系统调查发现:核桃黑斑蚜的天敌主要有草蛉、黑食蚜盲蝽、食蚜蝇、多异瓢虫和蜘蛛;间作作物对核桃黑斑蚜及其天敌的发生均有一定的影响;在核桃黑斑蚜发生初期,在核-麦-玉式核桃园中益害比最大,草蛉和蜘蛛发生量最多,种群数量分别为6.60头/百叶、0.20头/百叶,间作小麦最有利于增益控害,其次是间作棉花;在中后期,草蛉、多异瓢虫在核-棉式核桃园发生量较多,种群数量分别为6.01头/百叶、0.64头/百叶;黑食蚜盲蝽在核-麦-玉式核桃园中发生量较多,种群数量为1.08头/百叶;食蚜蝇和蜘蛛在无间作核桃园中的发生量较多,种群数量分别为0.51头/百叶、0.91头/百叶;但天敌不能阻止核桃黑斑蚜的大量发生,其种群数量在7月中旬达到高峰,平均种群数量达3000头/百叶以上。  相似文献   

运用物种丰富度S、种群优势度D、群落多样性指数H'和均匀度指数E作为综合指标,分析了不同间作方式下麦田麦蚜Aphidius avenae主要寄生性和捕食性天敌群落的时间动态.结果表明,麦-油间作田天敌物种丰富度多高于单作田和麦-蒜间作田,麦-蒜间作田和单作田天敌物种丰富度基本相同;不同间作处理天敌群落优势种在调查初期有所不同,而中后期皆为燕麦蚜茧蜂;麦-油间作田天敌群落多样性指数一直高于单作田和麦-蒜间作田;调查后期(5月8日后)麦-油间作田的寄生性天敌的优势度指数显著低于单作田和麦-蒜间作田,均匀度指数则显著高于单作田和麦-蒜间作田.说明麦-油间作,麦蚜天敌物种丰富度较高,群落较稳定性,在小麦灌浆初期即可对麦蚜为害起一定控制作用;麦-蒜问作对麦蚜天敌群落的结构特点及时间动态无明显影响.  相似文献   

Han B Y  Zhou C S 《农业工程》2007,27(9):3637-3643
The rhythm of honeydew excretion by the tea aphid Toxoptera aurantii (Boyer) and its attraction to following 9 species (or subspecies) of beneficial insects, Aphidius sp., Chrysopa sinica Tjeder, Chrysopa septempunctata Wesmael, Sphaerophoria menthastri L., Coccinella septempunctata L., Leis axyridis (Pallas) ab. bimaculata Hemmelmann, L. axyridis (Pallas) ab. conspicua Faldermaenn, L. axyridis (Pallas) var. spectabilis Faldermaenn and L. axyridis (Pallas) var. novemdecimpunctata Faldermaenn, were investigated. Forty-five wingless virginoparae nymphs, reproduced by the same wingless virginogenia adult within 1 h, were introduced onto tea seedlings with one aphid per seedling. The honeydews excreted from different instars of nymphs and adults were collected under 21°C, 85% RH, 3500 lx and 12 L:12 D photoperiod. It took 32.4 d ±5.8 d for the tested tea aphids to complete the development of their nymph and adult stages, during which 325.6±35.8 droplets (ca. 41.98 μl ±6.14 μl and 45.34 mg ± 8.76 mg) of honeydews were secreted. During the 1st and 4th instars, there was a logistic regression relationship between the amount of honeydews excreted and the time (days). The honeydew secretion during the first two instars was less than that from the later instars. Adult aphids survived for 22.0 d ± 0.0 d, and excreted 176.31 ± 22.38 droplets (ca. 30.38 μl ± 5.32 μl) of honeydews in a rate of 1 drop per ca. 30–50 min for 5–8 h with a pause for 2–5 h before next secretion series. A batch of forty-five virginoparae female adults, reproduced by the same virginoparae female adult within 1 h, were introduced onto the tea seedlings (one aphid/seedling) under 13–21°, 85% RH, 3500 lx and 12 L:12 D photoperiod. Temperature showed a significant effect on the amounts of honeydews excreted within the range of 13–21°. Honeydews excreted by the aphids significantly increased the searching and retention time of the tested 9 species of natural enemies in a positive dose-response fashion. The searching times of Aphidius sp. and S. menthastri were the longest and the shortest, respectively, among all the 9 species, while the searching and retention time of L. axyridis (Pallas) var. spectabilis was the longest among the four varieties of L. axyridis. Tea aphid oneydew is considered as an important contact kairomone for the tested natural enemies.  相似文献   

Discrete variation in wing morphology is a very common phenomenon in insects and has been used extensively in the past 50 years as a model to study the ecology and evolution of dispersal. Wing morph determination can be purely genetic, purely environmental, or some combination of the two. The precise genetic determinants of genetically based wing morph variation are unknown. Here we explore the genetic basis of wing polymorphism in the pea aphid, which can produce either winged or wingless males. We confirm that three types of pea aphid clones coexist in natural populations, those producing winged males only, those producing wingless males only, and those producing a mixture of both. A Mendelian genetic analysis reveals that male wing polymorphism in pea aphids is determined by a single locus, two alleles system. Using microsatellite loci of known location, we show that this locus is on the X chromosome. The existence of a simple genetic determinism for wing polymorphism in a system in which genetic investigation is possible may help investigations on the physiological and molecular mechanisms of genetically-based wing morph variation. This locus could also be used in the search for genes involved in the wing polyphenism described in parthenogenetic females and to investigate the interplay between polymorphisms and polyphenisms.  相似文献   

【目的】研究大豆播期对大豆蚜Aphis glycines Matsumura及其天敌的影响。【方法】试验在2012年、2013年进行,设置了3个大豆播期处理。每周调查播期处理田大豆蚜种群及天敌种类和数量,分析大豆蚜种群数量、种群增长率的时序动态、大豆蚜和天敌的关联度。【结果】不同播期条件下大豆蚜有翅蚜及无翅蚜的种群动态趋势基本一致,有翅蚜蚜量高峰期要早于无翅蚜1周。处理间的大豆蚜田间始见期与终见期随着播期推后而延迟,大豆蚜在田间扩散和消退的时期也随着大豆播期延后。晚播的两个处理高峰期蚜量多于或等于正常播期处理的蚜量。大豆蚜与天敌关联度随着播期的推后而变高。在调查的7种天敌中大豆蚜与异色瓢虫的关联度最高,草蛉、小花蝽和蚜茧蜂也表现较高的关联度。【结论】播期会显著影响大豆蚜的田间始见期和终见期,随着播期的推迟大豆蚜种群高峰期蚜量以及大豆蚜与天敌的关联度都会提高。  相似文献   

Refuges have been shown to be important mediators of predator–prey interactions, and in particular, have been proposed as a potential mechanism allowing herbivore populations to reach outbreak levels. However, very little research on the role of refuges has been conducted in systems dominated by generalist predators. We investigated the existence of refuges from predation for the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae) at multiple scales. This species invaded North America and in spite of previous studies demonstrating strong suppression by generalist natural enemies, its populations periodically cause significant economic losses. Using naturally occurring populations of soybean aphid and its natural enemies, we tested for the presence of A. glycines spatial and dynamic refuges at the within-field, single plant, and within-plant scale. At the within-field level, we found only weak and transient spatial patterns in aphid populations suggesting the lack of spatial refuges at this scale. Similarly, at the plant level we found no individual colonies that escaped predation and aphid suppression was 9- to 28-fold greater in comparison with caged controls regardless of initial aphid density. When high aphid populations were exposed to predation they were rapidly reduced to levels close to the average field density and showed reduced per capita growth rates, indicating an absence of dilution of predation risk at increased aphid density. Finally, we found a significant shift in the distribution of aphids to the lower portions of the plant in the presence of generalist predators, suggesting a partial refuge from predation at the within-plant scale. Overall, we found the naturally occurring community of generalist predators to exert strong top-down suppression of soybean aphid populations at multiple scales, and no evidence that the presence of refuges at the scales studied can lead to outbreak populations. The partial refuge from predation at the within-plant scale revealed in our study may have important consequences for the within-season population dynamics of A. glycines, since it may be associated with low plant quality tradeoffs, and therefore warrants further research.  相似文献   

植物篱对小麦蚜虫及其天敌种群的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用坡地种植蓑草、苜蓿、香根草和紫穗槐等植物篱的方法,研究了其对小麦蚜虫及其天敌种群的影响.结果表明: 在20°坡度试验区,紫穗槐植物篱显著抑制了麦蚜种群的发生,且麦田拟寄生物的密度等于或显著低于香根草区.在12°坡度试验区,苜蓿和蓑草推迟了麦蚜种群发生的高峰期,蓑草作为植物篱可以显著抑制麦蚜种群数量;苜蓿区麦田拟寄生物密度显著高于对照,瓢虫种群密度等于或显著高于蓑草区.蓑草挥发物对麦长管蚜和禾谷缢管蚜均有驱避作用,而显著引诱猫蛛科1种蜘蛛;苜蓿挥发物对麦长管蚜具有引诱作用;苜蓿和蓑草挥发物对瓢虫的行为反应均无明显影响.紫穗槐和蓑草作为坡地植物篱,不仅能防护水土流失,而且有助于调控害虫及其天敌种群.  相似文献   

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