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Charophyte assemblage is described from the Naran Member of the Tsagaan sair section (Upper Paleocene). A new species, Mesochara cornuta, is described.  相似文献   

The morphology, epidermal features and details of the conducting tissues are described for Lygodium sterile pinnules from the oil-bearing middle Paleocene strata of the Sanshui Basin, Guangdong Province, South China. A new species, Lygodium sanshuiense n. sp., is erected on the basis of being petiolulate, with palmately-lobed sterile pinnules that are often strongly dissected and have acute to acuminate apices. Lygodium is typically associated with mesic floras and its presence in the Buxin palaeoflora suggests the overall regional palaeoclimate was subtropical and humid during the middle Paleocene.  相似文献   

命名了中古新世的一个啮型类新属种——胡氏敏兽(Mina hui gen.et sp.nov.)。新属种的正型标本为可能属于同一个体的前颌骨和上颌骨,采自安徽省潜山县古井乡傅家山嘴中古新统望虎墩组上段上部。属名来源于周明镇先生的曾用名周敏,以纪念他对我国古新世生物地层和哺乳动物研究的杰出贡献;种名源自胡耀明博士,他为潜山哺乳动物的采集和研究做出过重要贡献。胡氏敏兽的特征如下:中等大小的模鼠兔类,上齿列齿式2·0·3·3;第一对门齿(d12)增大,无齿根、终生生长,釉质层双层,仅限于唇侧,表面无纵向浅沟;上颊齿列外缘显著凸出;颧弓前根后缘位于M1—M2之间,眶下孔位置低。以传统的模鼠兔目(Mimotonida)而论,它包括两个科:单型科模鼠兔科(Mimotonidae)只有模鼠兔(Mimotona)一属;模兔科(Mimolagidae)则包括模兔(Mimolagus),Gomphos,Anatolimys,敏兽和可能的Amar。在已知模鼠兔类中,模鼠兔很可能代表原始的兔形类祖先的"形态型",而模兔科则代表向兔形类进化的分支上分化出来的旁枝。晓鼠(Heomys)、模鼠兔和敏兽的共存说明啮形类在中古新世时已经分化。  相似文献   

In this paper, a new species of Vasseuromys, V. bergasensis sp. nov., from the locality of Bergasa (Ebro Basin, Spain), is described. Bergasa contains a fauna belonging to the Late Oligocene (zone MP30), composed—among other species—of Issiodoromys pseudanaema and Rhodanomys transiens. The main diagnostic features of V. bergasensis sp. nov. are the presence of a long centrolophid (fused or not to the mesoconid) in the lower molars, a large reduction in the number and length of extra ridges in the upper and lower molars, the absence of extra ridges between metalophid and centrolophid and between centrolophid and mesolophid, and the absence of the metatrope in more than half the specimens of the upper teeth M1 and M2. V. bergasensis sp. nov. is similar in size to V. elegans and smaller than the other members of the genus. The age and simple dental pattern of the new species of Vasseuromys allow us to hypothesize about relationships within the genus.  相似文献   

Gobiocerus mongolicus Sokolov, 1952, Turcocerus kekemaidengensis Ye Jie et al., 1999; and Hypsodontus sp. were recorded in Miocene deposits of the Valley of Lakes (MN4-MN8) and Oioceros atropatenes (Rodler et Weithofer, 1890) occurred in the Mio-Pliocene (MN11-MN20) of northwestern Mongolia. Gobiocerus, Turcocerus, and Hypsodontus represent the same evolutionary lineage. Thus, Caprinae existed in Central Asia in the Early Miocene. They diverged from the Bovidae at the Oligocene-Miocene boundary. The presence of early bovids in this region suggests that this group could have appeared in Central Asia.  相似文献   

Multiplicatispirifer, a new delthyridoid brachiopod genus with a gently divergent capillate micro-ornamentation and bifurcating costae on flanks, sulcus and fold, has been identified in the Mdâouer-el-Kbîr Formation of the Dra Valley (southern Anti-Atlas, Morocco). Its type speciesMultiplicatispirifer foumzguidensis n. gen., n. sp., at present the only species of this genus, is described. This form has hitherto been determined asFimbrispirifer orStruveina by various authors. In this work, the new genus is compared with the multiplicate and capillate spiriferid genera with bifurcating costae which also have costae in the sulcus and on the fold:Costispirifer andPerryspirifer from North America,Elymospirifer from South China,Borealispirifer from Asia andMultispirifer from Central Europe. The relation ofMultiplicatispirifer to the fimbriateFimbrispirifer, Struveina andVandercammenina, from which it is distinguished by its capillate micro-ornamentation, is discussed. The new genus is hitherto only known from the Moroccan southern Anti-Atlas. Its colsest relatives, taxa ofCostispirifer, occur in the Eastern American Realm (Gaspé, Canada and the eastern United States) and the Nevada Province (western United States).Multiplicatispirifer occurrences are restricted to the Lower/Upper Emsian boundary interval (upper Lower Devonian). The reasons for a possible migration corridor between North America and North Africa before Emsian time are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract: Among the new dental remains from the late Early Eocene of Chambi (Kasserine area, Tunisia) is a large‐sized upper molar of a new bat species, Witwatia sigei nov. sp. (Chiroptera, Vespertilionoidea, Philisidae), described herein. The locality of Chambi has revealed evidence for an early appearance of two modern microchiropteran superfamilies in Africa: Dizzya exsultans, a Philisidae, which is considered to be an archaic Vespertilionoidea, and an indeterminate Rhinolophoidea. In addition to D. exsultans, the new species, W. sigei, is the second representative of the Philisidae in this locality. W. sigei extends back to the late Early Eocene the occurrence of the genus Witwatia, which was previously only reported from the early Late Eocene of the Fayum (BQ‐2, Egypt). By analogy with the largest extant microbats, the large size of Witwatia suggests a tendency to the opportunistic diet of this taxon, thereby contrasting with the strict insectivory characterizing primitive bats found in other continents in the same epoch.  相似文献   


Chambius kasserinensis from the late Early or early Middle Eocene Chambi locality, central Tunisia, is undoubtedly the oldest known macroscelidid and possibly the basalmost representative of the order Macroscelidea. Hence, since its discovery in 1986, Chambius has played a key role in analyses focusing on afrotherian and eutherian phylogeny; for instance, as early as 1995, Butler’s review of fossil macroscelideans highlighted the central position of Chambius in the origin of the order. Despite this, Chambius remained poorly known until recently. Here based on new mandibular fragments, well-preserved upper molars and CT scan analysis of the holotype maxilla, Chambius is revised. Its dentition is first described in detail, providing a precise characterization of the genus. Chambius is notably defined by a submolariform P4 with a three-cusped talonid, a reduced talonid on M2, and a prominent metaconule on M1?2. Interestingly, the two transverse lophs of the upper molars are basically formed by preconulecristae, evoking the recently defined peculiar bilophodonty of paenungulates. Comparisons with other Paleogene and modern macroscelidids, European Louisinidae, and North American Apheliscidae are also made, allowing the various hypotheses about the origin and early evolution of macroscelidids to be reviewed.  相似文献   

Arabibarbus hadhrami, a new species of cyprinid fish from the Hadhramaut Province of Yemen, is described. It has modally 30 scales (29–32) in the lateral line, the wedge-shaped head is longer (27.8–32.5 % SL) and higher (15.5–18.4 % SL) than in its congeners. The body is slender and laterally flattened. The dorsal fin is high (26.5–32.4 % SL) and well ossified. The pectoral fins (19.9–23.9 % SL) and pelvic fins (16.8–19.8 % SL) are longer than in its congeners. Two closely related species, Arabibarbus arabicus and Arabibarbus grypus are re-described and compared to the new species. Based on morphological and molecular characters the new genus Arabibarbus is erected for these three species. It is characterised by medium to large body size, an ossified, smooth principal dorsal fin ray, eight branched dorsal and five branched anal fin rays, large shield-shaped scales with numerous parallel radii, a lateral line with 29 to 44 scales, pharyngeal teeth that are hooked at their tips, their count being 2.3.5–5.3.2 and the possession of two pairs of barbels. Arabibarbus hadhrami is the type species of the new genus. The phylogenetic position of the new genus is analysed, based on the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. It is the sister taxon to the genus Carasobarbus Karaman, 1971 and closely related to Mesopotamichthys Karaman, 1971, Pterocapoeta Günther, 1902 and ‘Barbusreinii Günther, 1874. Arabibarbus probably colonised the Arabian Peninsula about 4 Ma ago, coming from the Tigris-Euphrates drainage in the East via Wādī ar Rimah/Wādī al Bā?in.  相似文献   

The rich Deseadan fauna from the locality of Salla Luribay (Bolivia) documents the last occurrence of archaeohyracids, a poorly known group of small typotherian notoungulates. Exceptionally, archaeohyracid remains are extremely abundant in the Salla deposits and are assigned to a single new species Archaeohyrax suniensis sp. nov . The anatomy of the new taxon is presented and the ontogeny of the cheek teeth is described. Archaeohyrax patagonicus Ameghino, 1897 from the Deseadan of Patagonia is also redescribed and compared with the new Bolivian species. Additionally, juvenile teeth of Sallatherium altiplanense (Hegetotheriidae) are described because they provide crucial phylogenetic information for understanding the phylogeny of archaeohyracids. A cladistic analysis performed on archaeohyracids and hegetotheriids supports for the first time the existence of a clade of late archaeohyracids (post‐Mustersan), which is the sister taxon of all hegetotheriids. It also argues for the origin of mesotheriids within archaeohyracids and for the existence of a hegetotheriine clade. These conclusions fit well with temporal data known for each taxa. Nevertheless, the present analysis also underlines the fact that the lack of data concerning the cranial anatomy of many archaeohyracids (Eohyrax, Pseudhyrax, Archaeotypotherium, Protarchaeohyrax) weakens the phylogenetic signal. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155 , 458–509.  相似文献   

Henosferida from the Middle-Upper Jurassic of Western Gondwana is the most probable sister group for monotremes. They share the derived pretribosphenic structure of lower molars combined with the presumably absent protocone on the upper molars and the plesiomorphic retention of postdentary bones and pseudangular process of the lower jaw. In addition, the two groups share the dental formula with three molars and the position of the Meckel’s groove, which passes ventral to the mandibular foramen. In the course of subsequent evolution, monotremes acquired the mammalian middle ear with three auditory ossicles independently of therian mammals and multituberculates. Jurassic Laurasian Shuotheriidae are probably a sister group of the Gondwanian clade Henosferida + Monotremata. The Jurassic shuotheriid Pseudotribos shows a great plesiomorphic similarity to monotremes in the structure of the pectoral girdle, with a large interclavicle immovably connected to the clavicle. In the lineages leading to therian mammals and multituberculates, the pectoral girdle changed probably independently and in parallel in connection with the establishment of the parasagittal posture of the forelimbs (reduction of the interclavicle, mobile articulation of the interclavicle with clavicle, reduction of the procoracoid, and development of a supraspinous fossa of the scapula) and formation of the mammalian middle ear with three auditory ossicles.  相似文献   


Fossil squirrels are relatively abundant in Aragonian and Ramblian assemblages, but very scarce in the Late Turolian and Ruscinian of the Iberian Peninsula. Until now, the locality of Venta del Moro has yielded over 4500 micromammal dental remains, but just nine of them are sciurids. In this assemblage, we have identified the taxa Pliopetaurista pliocaenica, Heteroxerus cf. mariatheresae and Atlantoxerus cf. margaritae. This is the first co-occurrence of the genera Pliopetaurista, Heteroxerus and Atlantoxerus in the same locality, being also one of the oldest records of P. pliocaenica, the oldest record of a form that could be related to A. margaritae, and the youngest record of the genus Heteroxerus. In addition, we hypothesize about the phylogeny of Pliopetaurista in the light of recent discoveries. Finally, the presence of the genera Heteroxerus and Atlantoxerus suggests an open environment and relatively dry environmental conditions, while Pliopetaurista is purportedly a flying squirrel, dweller of forested habitats and wet climates. Based on this, we infer an open environment of grassland type, bordered by forested habitats, agreeing with the conditions supposed for Venta del Moro according to its macromammal and floral assemblages.  相似文献   

A small hipparion from the Vallesian (early Late Miocene) of Northern Greece is studied. It is coming from the locality “Ravin de la Pluie” of the lower Axios valley, near Thessaloniki. Its characteristics as the small size, the short symphysis, the long snout, the high enamel plication, the well developed protostylid, the large m3 and the elongated m1-m3 series distinguish it from the other known eurasiatic small hipparions, allowed us to derive a new species,Hipparion macedonicum. It lived during Vallesian and can be used as a stratigraphic species for this period.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new genus and species of shrew from the Pleistocene (levels 4, 5, and 6) of the Gran Dolina site, located in the Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain). Dolinasorex glyphodon gen. et sp. nov. (Mammalia, Soricidae) is a type of large‐sized soricine, endemic in character, which inhabited the Sierra de Atapuerca in the last part of the Early Pleistocene (c. 780–900 kya). Morphometric and phylogenetic analyses indicate that the new species is more closely related to Asiatic forms than to the species Beremendia fissidens with its primarily European distribution. The main palaeoecological and palaeobiogeographical implications of the new taxon in the area around Atapuerca and in the Iberian Peninsula in general are discussed. The paper also presents a tentative phylogeny for the Soricinae subfamily in Eurasia, including for the first time exclusively fossil species, producing results that may prove to be of great interest for more complete studies in the future. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155 , 904–925.  相似文献   

Jeng ML  Branham MA  Engel MS 《ZooKeys》2011,(97):31-38
A second species of the enigmatic lampyrid genus Oculogryphus is described and figured as Oculogryphus bicolorsp. n. from Vietnam. The definition of the genus is slightly modified with consideration of newly detected morphological variation from this species. According to a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis including nearly 80% of documented lampyrid genera, Oculogryphus is the putative sister group to Stenocladius s. str. within the paraphyletic group of Ototretinae-Ototretadrilinae.The classification of Stenocladius is briefly discussed in this context.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2007,6(3):221-229
Fossils of an unnamed large suiform have been recovered from two Early Miocene localities in East Africa. The material is distinct from other species of the suborder, including the anthracothere Brachyodus aequatorialis, which is of similar size. The upper molars of the new form are bunodont, quadricuspidate (with a tiny paraconule), and have no buccal styles (parastyle, mesostyle, metastyle) and the enamel is thin and lightly wrinkled to smooth, which contrasts strongly with upper molars of Brachyodus which are pentacuspidate, selenodont, have pervasively wrinkled enamel and well-developed parastyle, mesostyle and metastyle. A new genus and species is erected for this suiform, which is most likely an anthracothere.  相似文献   

Sanitheres are enigmatic small suoids with bunoselenodont cheek teeth and a tendency for complication of the premolars by polycuspy and polycristy. Until a few years ago virtually nothing was known about their anterior dentition, but recent discoveries in Greece, Kenya and Namibia have thrown light on their incisor and canine morphology, and reveals among other things that the canines are highly sexually dimorphic, and the dm/1 is replaced by a p/1. Material from Kipsaraman, Kenya, collected between 1997 and 2003, consists of parts of mandibles and many isolated teeth, including elements of the deciduous dentition, a significant proportion of which are unworn. These new finds confirm the aberrant nature of the sanithere dentition within a suoid framework, and support their classification as a family separate from Suidae and Palaeochoeridae (= Old World Tayassuidae).


Les sanithères sont de petits Suoïdes aux dents jugales bunosélénodontes avec des prémolaires qui présentent une tendance à la multiplication des cuspides et des crêtes (“polycuspidie” et la “polycristie”). Jusqu’à récemment, on ne connaissait rien sur la morphologie de leur dentition antérieure, mais des découvertes récentes réalisées en Grèce, au Kenya et en Namibie, lèvent le voile sur la morphologie de leurs incisives et de leur canine. Ainsi, il apparaît que les canines sont très dimorphes et que la dm/1 inférieure est remplacée par une p/1. Le matériel de Kipsaraman au Kenya, récolté entre 1997 et 2003, consiste en des fragments de mandibules et de nombreuses dents isolées, dont des dents déciduales, qui pour la plus grande part ne sont pas usées. Ces nouveaux fossiles confirment la nature aberrante de la dentition des sanithères au sein des Suoidea, et supporte leur classification dans une famille distincte des Suidae, et des Palaeochoeridae (= Tayassuidae de l’Ancien Monde).  相似文献   

This study is a preliminary quantitative analysis of Paleocene calcareous nannofossil assemblages of the Tenida area (Egypt) in order to establish a detailed biostratigraphic framework as well as to reconstruct the paleoclimatic trends. A total of 48 samples with an average sample spacing of 1.5 m allowed the identification of 63 calcareous nannofossil species belonging to 19 different genera. The preservation of the studied samples varies from poor to moderate and is characterized by the frequent presence of small frangible placoliths, and nannoliths. This study recognizes three calcareous nannofossil biozones in the Danian-Thanetian time interval; Chiasmolithus danicus (NP3) Zone, Ellipsolithus macellus (NP4) Zone, and Heliolithus kleinpellii (NP6) Zone. Moreover, the multivariate statistical analysis of the calcareous nannofossil communities reveals a relationship between the distribution of these nannofossil assemblages and variations in paleoclimatic trends. Accordingly, the relative abundances of Coccolithus pelagicus in addition to nine calcareous nannofossil genera along with the diversity and preservation indices of calcareous nannofossil elements have been used to elucidate changes in paleoclimatic trends. Based on the cyclic change from cold to warm climates, it was possible to subdivide the Paleocene Period recorded in the Tenida section into four paleoclimatic intervals. The oldest is a global cooling trend spanning 2.01 Myr long, starting in the early Paleocene (Danian) during the deposition of the lower part of the Kharga Shale Member. This cooling trend is followed by a ~ 0.56 Myr warming trend during deposition of the middle part of the Kharga Shale Member that was followed by a return to a cooling mode, with an estimated duration of roughly 1.67 Myr. The last interval includes a 0.39 Myr long period at the Selandian/Thanetian boundary interval, which is dominated by a global warming trend during deposition of the upper part of the Upper Kharga Shale Member.  相似文献   

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