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Dissolution of the Silurian-Devonian aquifer in the Lake Huron Basin has produced several karst formations in the bedrock (sinkholes), through which groundwater emerges onto the lake floor. During September 2003, we explored a recently discovered submerged sinkhole ecosystem (55 m × 40 m × ∼1 m) located at a depth of 93 m with a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) equipped with a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) system, an acoustic navigational system, a video camera, and a water sampling system. In addition to two morphotypes of benthic mats, a 1–2 m thick visibly cloudy near-bottom nepheloid-like layer (sinkhole plume) with a strong hydrogen sulfide odor prevailed just above the seepage area of clear water. Relative to lake water, water samples collected within the sinkhole plume were characterized by slightly higher (by 4°C) temperatures, very high levels of chloride (up to 175 mg l−1) and conductivity (1,700 μS cm−1), as well as extremely high concentrations of sulfate (1,400 mg l−1), phosphorus (3 mg l−1) and particulate organic matter (400 mg C l−1). Compared to background lake water, sinkhole plume water was characterized by approximately twofold lower C:N ratios and tenfold higher levels of dissolved organic carbon, bacterial biomass as well as heterotrophic bacterial production. Significant uptake of 14C-bicarbonate in dark incubations provided preliminary evidence for occurrence of chemosynthesis, possibly mediated by specialized Bacteria and Archea present in this submerged sinkhole ecosystem in the Laurentian Great Lakes.  相似文献   

In highly urbanized areas, wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent can represent a significant component of freshwater ecosystems. As it is impossible for the composition of WWTP effluent to match the composition of the receiving system, the potential exists for effluent to significantly impact the chemical and biological characteristics of the receiving ecosystem. We assessed the impacts of WWTP effluent on the size, activity, and composition of benthic microbial communities by comparing two distinct field sites in the Chicago metropolitan region: a highly urbanized river receiving effluent from a large WWTP and a suburban river receiving effluent from a much smaller WWTP. At sites upstream of effluent input, the urban and suburban rivers differed significantly in chemical characteristics and in the composition of their sediment bacterial communities. Although effluent resulted in significant increases in inorganic nutrients in both rivers, surprisingly, it also resulted in significant decreases in the population size and diversity of sediment bacterial communities. Tag pyrosequencing of bacterial 16S rRNA genes revealed significant effects of effluent on sediment bacterial community composition in both rivers, including decreases in abundances of Deltaproteobacteria, Desulfococcus, Dechloromonas, and Chloroflexi sequences and increases in abundances of Nitrospirae and Sphingobacteriales sequences. The overall effect of the WWTP inputs was that the two rivers, which were distinct in chemical and biological properties upstream of the WWTPs, were almost indistinguishable downstream. These results suggest that WWTP effluent has the potential to reduce the natural variability that exists among river ecosystems and indicate that WWTP effluent may contribute to biotic homogenization.  相似文献   

Microphytobenthos plays a vital role in estuarine and coastal carbon cycling and food webs. Yet, the role of exogenous factors, and thus the effects of climate change, in regulating microphytobenthic biomass is poorly understood. We aimed to unravel the mechanisms structuring microphytobenthic biomass both within and across ecosystems. The spatiotemporal distribution of the biomass of intertidal benthic algae (dominated by diatoms) was estimated with an unprecedented spatial extent from time-series of Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI) derived from a 6-year period of daily Aqua MODIS 250-m images of seven temperate, mostly turbid, estuarine and coastal ecosystems. These NDVI time-series were related to meteorological and environmental conditions. Intertidal benthic algal biomass varied seasonally in all ecosystems, in parallel with meteorology and water quality. Seasonal variation was more pronounced in mud than in sand. Interannual variation in biomass was small, but synchronized year-to-year biomass fluctuations occurred in a number of disjointed ecosystems. Air temperature explained interannual fluctuations in biomass in a number of sites, but the synchrony was mainly driven by the wind/wave climate: high wind velocities reduced microphytobenthic biomass, either through increased resuspension or reduced emersion duration. Spatial variation in biomass was largely explained by emersion duration and mud content, both within and across ecosystems. The results imply that effects on microphytobenthic standing stock can be anticipated when the position in the tidal frame is altered, for example due to sea level rise. Increased storminess will also result in a large-scale decrease of biomass.  相似文献   

Community metabolism and dissolved organic and inorganic nutrient fluxes were assessed in impacted from fish farm discharges and reference vegetated (Posidonia oceanica) and adjacent unvegetated communities in the Aegean Sea, Greece. Both metabolism and nutrient fluxes significantly differed between impacted and reference communities, but the effect depended on community type and time of year. Net community production (NCP) in the impacted vegetated community decreased by 60%, respiration (R) by 34%, and gross primary production (GPP) by 44%. The GPP:R ratio declined more (35%) in the impacted unvegetated than in the corresponding vegetated community (15%), implying that proximity to the fish farm has a severe impact on the unvegetated community, leading to imbalanced metabolism (GPP < R) and heterotrophic (GPP:R = 0.9) conditions. Higher release of dissolved organic and inorganic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous was observed in the impacted vegetated community compared to the corresponding unvegetated one, implying intensification of mineralization in the seagrass community. On an annual scale, the impacted vegetated community supported increased DOC efflux by 204%, DON by 1639%, NH4 by 122%, and NO3 by 26%, whereas it supported release of DOP and PO4 compared to the reference community, which removed these dissolved nutrients from the water column. The impacted unvegetated community supported an annual increase of DOC efflux by 208% and PO4 by 42% and it released DON, NH4, NO3, and DOP, whereas the reference community took up these nutrients. Proximity to the fish farm altered the ecosystem state by lowering the productivity and by enhancing the nutrient release.  相似文献   

Bacterial biodiversity occurring in traditional Egyptian soft Domiati cheese was studied by PCR-temporal temperature gel electrophoresis (TTGE) and PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Bands were identified using a reference species database (J.-C. Ogier et al., Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 70:5628-5643, 2004); de novo bands having nonidentified migration patterns were identified by DNA sequencing. Results reveal a novel bacterial profile and extensive bacterial biodiversity in Domiati cheeses, as reflected by the numerous bands present in TTGE and DGGE patterns. The dominant lactic acid bacteria (LAB) identified were as follows: Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Lactococcus garvieae, Aerococcus viridans, Lactobacillus versmoldensis, Pediococcus inopinatus, and Lactococcus lactis. Frequent non-LAB species included numerous coagulase-negative staphylococci, Vibrio spp., Kocuria rhizophila, Kocuria kristinae, Kocuria halotolerans, Arthrobacter spp./Brachybacterium tyrofermentans. This is the first time that the majority of these species has been identified in Domiati cheese. Nearly all the dominant and frequent bacterial species are salt tolerant, and several correspond to known marine bacteria. As Domiati cheese contains 5.4 to 9.5% NaCl, we suggest that these bacteria are likely to have an important role in the ripening process. This first systematic study of the microbial composition of Domiati cheeses reveals great biodiversity and evokes a role for marine bacteria in determining cheese type.  相似文献   

Rivers transport large amounts of allochthonous organic matter (OM) to the ocean every year, but there are still fundamental gaps in how allochthonous OM is processed in the marine environment. Here, we estimated the relative contribution of allochthonous OM (allochthony) to the biomass of benthic and pelagic consumers in a shallow coastal ecosystem in the northern Baltic Sea. We used deuterium as a tracer of allochthony and assessed both temporal variation (monthly from May to August) and spatial variation (within and outside river plume). We found variability in allochthony in space and time and across species, with overall higher values for zoobenthos (26.2 ± 20.9%) than for zooplankton (0.8 ± 0.3%). Zooplankton allochthony was highest in May and very low during the other months, likely as a result of high inputs of allochthonous OM during the spring flood that fueled the pelagic food chain for a short period. In contrast, zoobenthos allochthony was only lower in June and remained high during the other months. Allochthony of zoobenthos was generally higher close to the river mouth than outside of the river plume, whereas it did not vary spatially for zooplankton. Last, zoobenthos allochthony was higher in deeper than in shallower areas, indicating that allochthonous OM might be more important when autochthonous resources are limited. Our results suggest that climate change predictions of increasing inputs of allochthonous OM to coastal ecosystems may affect basal energy sources supporting coastal food webs.  相似文献   

This study describes in vivo cell turnover (the balance between cell proliferation and cell loss) in eight marine sponge species from tropical coral reef, mangrove and temperate Mediterranean reef ecosystems. Cell proliferation was determined through the incorporation of 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BrdU) and measuring the percentage of BrdU-positive cells after 6 h of continuous labeling (10 h for Chondrosia reniformis). Apoptosis was identified using an antibody against active caspase-3. Cell loss through shedding was studied quantitatively by collecting and weighing sponge-expelled detritus and qualitatively by light microscopy of sponge tissue and detritus. All species investigated displayed substantial cell proliferation, predominantly in the choanoderm, but also in the mesohyl. The majority of coral reef species (five) showed between 16.1±15.9% and 19.0±2.0% choanocyte proliferation (mean±SD) after 6 h and the Mediterranean species, C. reniformis, showed 16.6±3.2% after 10 h BrdU-labeling. Monanchora arbuscula showed lower choanocyte proliferation (8.1±3.7%), whereas the mangrove species Mycale microsigmatosa showed relatively higher levels of choanocyte proliferation (70.5±6.6%). Choanocyte proliferation in Haliclona vansoesti was variable (2.8–73.1%). Apoptosis was negligible and not the primary mechanism of cell loss involved in cell turnover. All species investigated produced significant amounts of detritus (2.5–18% detritus bodyweight−1·d−1) and cell shedding was observed in seven out of eight species. The amount of shed cells observed in histological sections may be related to differences in residence time of detritus within canals. Detritus production could not be directly linked to cell shedding due to the degraded nature of expelled cellular debris. We have demonstrated that under steady-state conditions, cell turnover through cell proliferation and cell shedding are common processes to maintain tissue homeostasis in a variety of sponge species from different ecosystems. Cell turnover is hypothesized to be the main underlying mechanism producing sponge-derived detritus, a major trophic resource transferred through sponges in benthic ecosystems, such as coral reefs.  相似文献   



Previous studies of infant fecal samples have failed to clarify the role of gut bacteria in the pathogenesis of NEC. We sought to characterize bacterial communities within intestinal tissue resected from infants with and without NEC.


26 intestinal samples were resected from 19 infants, including 16 NEC samples and 10 non-NEC samples. Bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences were amplified and sequenced. Analysis allowed for taxonomic identification, and quantitative PCR was used to quantify the bacterial load within samples.


NEC samples generally contained an increased total burden of bacteria. NEC and non-NEC sample sets were both marked by high inter-individual variability and an abundance of opportunistic pathogens. There was no statistically significant distinction between the composition of NEC and non-NEC microbial communities. K-means clustering enabled us to identify several stable clusters, including clusters of NEC and midgut volvulus samples enriched with Clostridium and Bacteroides. Another cluster containing both NEC and non-NEC samples was marked by an abundance of Enterobacteriaceae and decreased diversity among NEC samples.


The results indicate that NEC is a disease without a uniform pattern of microbial colonization, but that NEC is associated with an abundance of strict anaerobes and a decrease in community diversity.  相似文献   

The interrelation of heterotrophic bacteria with bacterivorous protists has been widely studied in pelagic environments, but data on benthic habitats, especially in freshwater systems, are still scarce. We present a seasonal study focusing on bacterivory by heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) and ciliates in the silty sediment of a temperate macrophyte-dominated oxbow lake. From January 2001 to February 2002 we monitored the standing stock of bacteria and protozoa, bacterial secondary production (BSP, 3H-thymidine, and 14C-leucine incorporation), and grazing rates of HNF and ciliates on bacteria (FLB uptake) in the oxic sediment of the investigated system. BSP ranged from 470 to 4050 µg C L–1 wet sediment h–1. The bacterial compartment turned out to be highly dynamic, indicated by population doubling times (0.6–10.0 d), which were comparable to those in the water column of the investigated system. Yet, the control mechanisms acting upon the bacterial population led to a relative constancy of bacterial standing stock during a year. Ingestion rates of protozoan grazers were 0–20.0 bacteria HNF–1 h–1 and 0–97.6 bacteria ciliate–1 h–1. HNF and ciliates together cropped 0–14 (mean 4)% of BSP, indicating that they did not significantly contribute to benthic bacterial mortality during any period of the year. The low impact of protozoan grazing was due to the low numbers of HNF and ciliates in relation to bacteria (1.8–3.5 × 104 bacteria HNF–1, 0.9–3.1 × 106 bacteria ciliate–1). Thus, grazing by HNF and ciliates could be ruled out as a parameter regulating bacterial standing stock or production in the sediment of the investigated system, but the factors responsible for the limitation of benthic protistan densities and the fate of benthic BSP remained unclear.  相似文献   

In this study, we identified the predominant culturable anaerobic bacteria and enumerated the total culturable anaerobic bacterial population present in samples of feedlot manure from Southern Queensland. Sixteen bacterial isolates were cultured from feedlot pad material with species of Lactobacillus, Clostridium and Bacillus predominating. From a library of 123 clones, produced by the amplification, cloning and partial DNA sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene, only 3% were closely related to previously described species and 21% to known genera. Of the total clone library, 96% were apparently Gram-positive and fell within families whose members were generally anaerobes. The majority (71%) of the clone library was related to either members of the family Clostridiaceae or lactic acid-producing bacteria (Lactobacillus or Lactosphaera). It was concluded that Gram-positive clostridial and lactic acid-producing bacteria predominate in feedlot pad manure. The overwhelming majority of species are novel and have not been obtained in culture. It would appear that the most likely source of the sickly-sweet nuisance odours (particularly from butyric acid) that emanate from feedlots is the by-product of anaerobic fermentation by clostridia. Gut-inhabiting and Gram-negative bacteria do not appear to survive for lengthy periods of time under the environmental conditions present in feedlot manure.  相似文献   

Aquifer ecosystems provide a range of important services including clean drinking water. These ecosystems, which are largely inaccessible to humans, comprise a distinct invertebrate fauna (stygofauna), which is characterized by narrow distributions, high levels of endemism and cryptic species. Although being under enormous anthropogenic pressure, aquifers have rarely been included in conservation planning because of the general lack of knowledge of species diversity and distribution. Here we use molecular sequence data and phylogenetic diversity as surrogates for stygofauna diversity in aquifers of New South Wales, Australia. We demonstrate how to incorporate these data as conservation features in the systematic conservation planning software Marxan. We designated each branch of the phylogenetic tree as a conservation feature, with the branch length as a surrogate for the number of distinct characters represented by each branch. Two molecular markers (nuclear 18S ribosomal DNA and mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I) were used to evaluate how marker variability and the resulting tree topology affected the site-selection process. We found that the sites containing the deepest phylogenetic branches were deemed the most irreplaceable by Marxan. By integrating phylogenetic data, we provide a method for including taxonomically undescribed groundwater fauna in systematic conservation planning.  相似文献   

为了解五氯酚(PCP)降解过程中参与PCP降解的微生物多样性,本文应用16S rRNA基因克隆文库方法对PCP厌氧生物降解体系中细菌群落的组成和相对丰度进行了研究.结果表明,TM7类群的微生物在整个细菌群落中占有最大丰度(48.6%),检测到的序列与在三氯乙烯污染的地下水中检测的克隆子有一定的序列相似性(93.6%).丰度位居第二的微生物类群为β-变形菌纲(Betaproteobacteria)细菌,其中的一些克隆子(10.8%)与脱氯微生物Dechlorosoma suillum具有极高的序列同缘性(99.7%).此外,也检测到少数Clostridium属[厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)类群]的微生物.克隆文库中发现许多序列(占整个克隆文库的51.3%)与GenBank中已报道的序列具有较远的同源性(小于93.4%),它们可能代表新的微生物.本研究进一步拓宽了对PCP降解微生物多样性的认识.  相似文献   

Heterotrophic bacteria and fungi are widely recognized as crucial mediators of carbon, nutrient, and energy flow in ecosystems, yet information on their total annual production in benthic habitats is lacking. To assess the significance of annual microbial production in a structurally complex system, we measured production rates of bacteria and fungi over an annual cycle in four aerobic habitats of a littoral freshwater marsh. Production rates of fungi in plant litter were substantial (0.2 to 2.4 mg C g−1 C) but were clearly outweighed by those of bacteria (2.6 to 18.8 mg C g−1 C) throughout the year. This indicates that bacteria represent the most actively growing microorganisms on marsh plant litter in submerged conditions, a finding that contrasts strikingly with results from both standing dead shoots of marsh plants and submerged plant litter decaying in streams. Concomitant measurements of microbial respiration (1.5 to 15.3 mg C-CO2 g−1 of plant litter C day−1) point to high microbial growth efficiencies on the plant litter, averaging 45.5%. The submerged plant litter layer together with the thin aerobic sediment layer underneath (average depth of 5 mm) contributed the bulk of microbial production per square meter of marsh surface (99%), whereas bacterial production in the marsh water column and epiphytic biofilms was negligible. The magnitude of the combined production in these compartments (~1,490 g C m−2 year−1) highlights the importance of carbon flows through microbial biomass, to the extent that even massive primary productivity of the marsh plants (603 g C m−2 year−1) and subsidiary carbon sources (~330 g C m−2 year−1) were insufficient to meet the microbial carbon demand. These findings suggest that littoral freshwater marshes are genuine hot spots of aerobic microbial carbon transformations, which may act as net organic carbon importers from adjacent systems and, in turn, emit large amounts of CO2 (here, ~870 g C m−2 year−1) into the atmosphere.  相似文献   

农田生物与其环境因素之间关系问题是农业生态系统研究的一个重点问题 ,生物与其所处环境因素之间关系的好坏 ,对生物的生长发育起着重要作用 ,进而影响着农田生态系统的功能发挥。单一生物与其环境因素之间的关系 ,通常是农田生态系统研究的重点。由多种生物组成的生物群落与其环境因素之间的关系 ,由于对农田生态系统的良好发育更起着关键制约作用 ,因而 ,也越来越多地受到研究人员的关注。对农田生态系统生物种群多样性 ,与多种生态环境因子之间关系的研究 ,也由于人们对多样化系统关注程度的提高而显得尤为重要。本文在对已有研究资料系…  相似文献   

In species-poor communities, genetic diversity potentially plays an important role for ecosystem functioning, though this is still largely unexplored in marine and estuarine ecosystems. We studied how genetic diversity (sensu genotypic diversity and/or allelic richness) affects ecosystem functioning in marine habitat-forming plant communities. First, we conducted a 15-month field experiment in the highly seasonal Baltic Sea and established mono- and polycultures of different genotypes and genotype combinations of Zostera marina. Second, we reviewed existing literature and performed a meta-analysis of 12 studies including this study. We found no evidence of positive genetic diversity effects on shoot production in the field experiment, but diversity enhanced community stability over time. The literature review revealed that a majority of the included studies observed positive effects of genetic diversity on ecosystem functions such as primary production and nutrient uptake. The results from the meta-analysis support the hypothesis that genetic diversity effects on productivity are stronger during or after periods of stress. These diversity effects were also more positive in the field compared to mesocosm studies. Our results indicate that genetic diversity has positive effects on ecosystem functioning, particularly during increased environmental stress. Thus, local genetic diversity should be preserved especially in species-poor ecosystems, where it potentially provides insurance against environmental change.  相似文献   

The Leguminosae is one of the largest families of plants. It has a broad geographical distribution. The principal legume species have defined sites of origin and these coincide with the diversification centers for their “specific” symbiotic bacteria. These nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which form nodules in the roots or stems of the plants, belong to different bacterial lineages (Rhizobium, Bradyrhizobium, and Azorhizobium) related to other nonsymbiotic bacteria. A remarkable characteristic of these bacteria is their large genetic diversity. The genetic relationships among the different bacterial groups are being defined based mainly on the analysis of the sequences of the ribosomal genes. Recent results point out the need to have a broader genomic scope. Gene maps, genome sizes, and sequence of metabolic genes would serve to validate the present Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium phylogenies. More realistic phylogenies should perhaps consider lateral transfer between clusters of bacteria.

A compilation of records of bacterial genetic diversity, including enterobacteria and pathogens, is presented and compared with Rhizobium diversity. It is proposed that human activities are having important effects on microbe diversity.  相似文献   

Patterns of genetic connectivity are increasingly considered in the design of marine protected areas (MPAs) in both shallow and deep water. In the New Zealand Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), deep-sea communities at upper bathyal depths (<2000 m) are vulnerable to anthropogenic disturbance from fishing and potential mining operations. Currently, patterns of genetic connectivity among deep-sea populations throughout New Zealand’s EEZ are not well understood. Using the mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase I and 16S rRNA genes as genetic markers, this study aimed to elucidate patterns of genetic connectivity among populations of two common benthic invertebrates with contrasting life history strategies. Populations of the squat lobster Munida gracilis and the polychaete Hyalinoecia longibranchiata were sampled from continental slope, seamount, and offshore rise habitats on the Chatham Rise, Hikurangi Margin, and Challenger Plateau. For the polychaete, significant population structure was detected among distinct populations on the Chatham Rise, the Hikurangi Margin, and the Challenger Plateau. Significant genetic differences existed between slope and seamount populations on the Hikurangi Margin, as did evidence of population differentiation between the northeast and southwest parts of the Chatham Rise. In contrast, no significant population structure was detected across the study area for the squat lobster. Patterns of genetic connectivity in Hyalinoecia longibranchiata are likely influenced by a number of factors including current regimes that operate on varying spatial and temporal scales to produce potential barriers to dispersal. The striking difference in population structure between species can be attributed to differences in life history strategies. The results of this study are discussed in the context of existing conservation areas that are intended to manage anthropogenic threats to deep-sea benthic communities in the New Zealand region.  相似文献   



The importance of wildlife as reservoirs of African trypanosomes pathogenic to man and livestock is well recognised. While new species of trypanosomes and their variants have been identified in tsetse populations, our knowledge of trypanosome species that are circulating in wildlife populations and their genetic diversity is limited.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Molecular phylogenetic methods were used to examine the genetic diversity and species composition of trypanosomes circulating in wildlife from two ecosystems that exhibit high host species diversity: the Serengeti in Tanzania and the Luangwa Valley in Zambia. Phylogenetic relationships were assessed by alignment of partial 18S, 5.8S and 28S trypanosomal nuclear ribosomal DNA array sequences within the Trypanosomatidae and using ITS1, 5.8S and ITS2 for more detailed analysis of the T. vivax clade. In addition to Trypanosoma brucei, T. congolense, T. simiae, T. simiae (Tsavo), T. godfreyi and T. theileri, three variants of T. vivax were identified from three different wildlife species within one ecosystem, including sequences from trypanosomes from a giraffe and a waterbuck that differed from all published sequences and from each other, and did not amplify with conventional primers for T. vivax.


Wildlife carries a wide range of trypanosome species. The failure of the diverse T. vivax in this study to amplify with conventional primers suggests that T. vivax may have been under-diagnosed in Tanzania. Since conventional species-specific primers may not amplify all trypanosomes of interest, the use of ITS PCR primers followed by sequencing is a valuable approach to investigate diversity of trypanosome infections in wildlife; amplification of sequences outside the T. brucei clade raises concerns regarding ITS primer specificity for wildlife samples if sequence confirmation is not also undertaken.  相似文献   

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