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Heat shock proteins (HSP) have long been considered intracellular chaperones that possess housekeeping and cytoprotective functions. Consequently, HSP overexpression was proposed as a potential therapy for neurodegenerative diseases characterized by the accumulation or aggregation of abnormal proteins. Recently, the discovery that cells release HSP with the capacity to trigger proinflammatory as well as immunoregulatory responses has focused attention on investigating the role of HSP in chronic inflammatory autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS). To date, the most relevant HSP is the inducible Hsp70, which exhibits both cytoprotectant and immunoregulatory functions. Several studies have presented contradictory evidence concerning the involvement of Hsp70 in MS or experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), the MS animal model. In this review, we dissect the functions of Hsp70 and discuss the controversial data concerning the role of Hsp70 in MS and EAE.  相似文献   

In this study, we used imaging and proteomics to identify the presence of virus-associated cellular proteins that may play a role in respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) maturation. Fluorescence microscopy of virus-infected cells revealed the presence of virus-induced cytoplasmic inclusion bodies and mature virus particles, the latter appearing as virus filaments. In situ electron tomography suggested that the virus filaments were complex structures that were able to package multiple copies of the virus genome. The virus particles were purified, and the protein content was analyzed by one-dimensional nano-LC MS/MS. In addition to all the major virus structural proteins, 25 cellular proteins were also detected, including proteins associated with the cortical actin network, energy pathways, and heat shock proteins (HSP70, HSC70, and HSP90). Representative actin-associated proteins, HSC70, and HSP90 were selected for further biological validation. The presence of β-actin, filamin-1, cofilin-1, HSC70, and HSP90 in the virus preparation was confirmed by immunoblotting using relevant antibodies. Immunofluorescence microscopy of infected cells stained with antibodies against relevant virus and cellular proteins confirmed the presence of these cellular proteins in the virus filaments and inclusion bodies. The relevance of HSP90 to virus infection was examined using the specific inhibitors 17-N-Allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin. Although virus protein expression was largely unaffected by these drugs, we noted that the formation of virus particles was inhibited, and virus transmission was impaired, suggesting an important role for HSP90 in virus maturation. This study highlights the utility of proteomics in facilitating both our understanding of the role that cellular proteins play during RSV maturation and, by extrapolation, the identification of new potential targets for antiviral therapy.Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)1 belongs to the paramyxovirus group of viruses, and it is the most important respiratory virus causing lower respiratory tract infection in young children and neonates. The mature RSV particle comprises a ribonucleoparticle (RNP) core formed by the interaction between the viral genomic RNA (vRNA), the nucleocapsid (N) protein (42 kDa), the phospho (P) protein (35 kDa), and the large (L) protein (250 kDa). The RNP core is visualized by electron microscopy as a strand of repeating N protein subunits that form a herringbone-like structure of ∼10–20 nm in diameter (1). Although the minimal functional polymerase activity requires an association between the N, P, and L proteins and the virus genome vRNA (24), additional viral proteins called the M2-1 protein (22 kDa), M2-2 protein, and M protein (28 kDa) regulate the activity of the polymerase (58). The virus is surrounded by a lipid envelope that is formed from the host cell during the budding process in which the three virus membrane proteins are inserted. The G protein (90 kDa) mediates attachment of the virus to the cell during virus entry (9), and the fusion (F) protein (10) mediates the fusion of the virus and host cell membranes during virus entry, whereas the role of the SH protein is currently unknown. In addition, two non-structural proteins called NS1 and NS2, which are thought not to be present in the virus particle but play a role in countering the host innate immune response (11), are expressed.During virus infection two distinct virus structures are formed, virus filaments and inclusion bodies. The virus filaments are membrane-bound structures that are ∼150–200 nm thick and can be up to 6 μm in length (1, 1216); they form at the sites of virus assembly and are the progeny viruses. The inclusion bodies form in the cytoplasm and can be several μm in diameter, consisting of accumulations of RNP cores (1719). Inclusion bodies are found in all RSV-infected tissue culture cells, and they have also been observed in biopsy material isolated from RSV-infected patients (20) suggesting a clinical relevance. Although the cellular processes that lead to assembly of the mature virus filaments are still poorly understood, the involvement of lipid raft microdomains and the cortical cytoskeleton network appear to play an important role in this process (16, 2125). For example, rhoA kinase is a raft-associated signaling molecule that is involved in regulating actin structure (26), and it has been implicated in virus filament formation (27, 28). Virus filament formation also requires phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) activity (25, 29, 30); PI3K is a raft-associated kinase activated by rhoA kinase (31). The identification of cellular proteins that interact with the virus particles should further facilitate the identification of the cellular pathways that are involved in RSV maturation. In this study, we examined virus-host cell interactions during RSV assembly using a combination of advanced imaging techniques and analyzed the protein content of purified virus particles by proteomics technology. Our analysis provides evidence that cellular proteins that regulate actin structures in the cell may also play an important role in formation of infectious RSV particles, and that the HSP90 protein plays an important role in the virus assembly process.  相似文献   

The NS5A protein of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an integral component of the viral replicase. It also modulates cellular signaling and perturbs host interferon responses. The multifunctional characteristics of NS5A are mostly attributed to its ability to interact with various cellular proteins. This study aimed to identify the novel cellular factors that interact with NS5A and decipher the significance of this interaction in viral replication. The NS5A-interacting proteins were purified by the tandem affinity purification (TAP) procedure from cells expressing NS5A and identified by mass spectrometry. The chaperone protein Hsp72 was identified herein. In vivo protein-protein interaction was verified by co-immunoprecipitation and an in situ proximity ligation assay. In addition to NS5A, Hsp72 was also associated with other members of the replicase complex, NS3 and NS5B, suggesting that it might be directly involved in the HCV replication complex. Hsp72 plays a positive regulatory role in HCV RNA replication by increasing levels of the replicase complex, which was attributed either to the increased stability of the viral proteins in the replicase complex or to the enhanced translational activity of the internal ribosome entry site of HCV. The fact that the host chaperone protein Hsp72 is involved in HCV RNA replication may represent a therapeutic target for controlling virus production.  相似文献   

Heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) plays important roles in neural protection from stress by assisting cellular protein folding. In this review we discuss the current understanding of inducible and constitutive Hsp70 in maintaining and protecting neuronal synaptic function under normal and stressed conditions.  相似文献   

A functional capsid protein (CP) is essential for host plant infection and insect transmission of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) and other monopartite begomoviruses. We have previously shown that TYLCV CP specifically interacts with the heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) of the virus insect vector, Bemisia tabaci. Here we demonstrate that during the development of tomato plant infection with TYLCV, a significant amount of HSP70 shifts from a soluble form into insoluble aggregates. CP and HSP70 co-localize in these aggregates, first in the cytoplasm, then in the nucleus of cells associated with the vascular system. CP-HSP70 interaction was demonstrated by co-immunopreciptation in cytoplasmic - but not in nuclear extracts from leaf and stem. Inhibition of HSP70 expression by quercetin caused a decrease in the amount of nuclear CP aggregates and a re-localization of a GFP-CP fusion protein from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. HSP70 inactivation resulted in a decrease of TYLCV DNA levels, demonstrating the role of HSP70 in TYLCV multiplication in planta. The current study reveals for the first time the involvement of plant HSP70 in TYLCV CP intracellular movement. As described earlier, nuclear aggregates contained TYLCV DNA-CP complexes and infectious virions. Showing that HSP70 localizes in these large nuclear aggregates infers that these structures operate as nuclear virus factories.  相似文献   

The major 70 kDa heat shock protein (HSP70), which is scarcely expressed in unstressed rodent cells, was apparently induced by infection with herpes simplex virus (HSV). Infection with HSV types 1 and 2 elevated HSP70 mRNA levels within 4 hr post-infection. HSP70 synthesis and accumulation increased in HSV-infected cells. Irradiation of HSV with UV-light abolished the ability to induce HSP70 mRNA. Inhibitors of viral DNA synthesis did not affect the induction of HSP70 in infected cells. Protein synthesis within 2 hr after infection was necessary for HSP70 induction.  相似文献   

Replication of many RNA viruses is accompanied by extensive remodeling of intracellular membranes. In poliovirus-infected cells, ER and Golgi stacks disappear, while new clusters of vesicle-like structures form sites for viral RNA synthesis. Virus replication is inhibited by brefeldin A (BFA), implicating some components(s) of the cellular secretory pathway in virus growth. Formation of characteristic vesicles induced by expression of viral proteins was not inhibited by BFA, but they were functionally deficient. GBF1, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for the small cellular GTPases, Arf, is responsible for the sensitivity of virus infection to BFA, and is required for virus replication. Knockdown of GBF1 expression inhibited virus replication, which was rescued by catalytically active protein with an intact N-terminal sequence. We identified a mutation in GBF1 that allows growth of poliovirus in the presence of BFA. Interaction between GBF1 and viral protein 3A determined the outcome of infection in the presence of BFA.  相似文献   

Hsp70 chaperones, besides their role in assisting protein folding, are key modulators of protein disaggregation, being consistently found as components of most macromolecular assemblies isolated in proteome-wide affinity purifications. A wealth of structural information has been recently acquired on Hsp70s complexed with Hsp40 and NEF co-factors and with small hydrophobic target peptides. However, knowledge of how Hsp70s recognize large protein substrates is still limited. Earlier, we reported that homologue Hsp70 chaperones (DnaK in Escherichia coli and Ssa1-4p/Ssb1-2p in Saccharomyces cerevisiae) bind strongly, both in vitro and in vivo, to the AAA+ domain in the Orc4p subunit of yeast origin recognition complex (ORC). ScORC is the paradigm for eukaryotic DNA replication initiators and consists of six distinct protein subunits (ScOrc1p-ScOrc 6p). Here, we report that a hydrophobic sequence (IL4) in the initiator specific motif (ISM) in Orc4p is the main target for DnaK/Hsp70. The three-dimensional electron microscopy reconstruction of a stable Orc4p2-DnaK complex suggests that the C-terminal substrate-binding domain in the chaperone clamps the AAA+ IL4 motif in one Orc4p molecule, with the substrate-binding domain lid subdomain wedging apart the other Orc4p subunit. Pairwise co-expression in E. coli shows that Orc4p interacts with Orc1/2/5p. Mutation of IL4 selectively disrupts Orc4p interaction with Orc2p. Allelic substitution of ORC4 by mutants in each residue of IL4 results in lethal (I184A) or thermosensitive (L185A and L186A) initiation-defective phenotypes in vivo. The interplay between Hsp70 chaperones and the Orc4p-IL4 motif might have an adaptor role in the sequential, stoichiometric assembly of ScORC subunits.  相似文献   

Flavivirus RNA replication occurs within a replication complex (RC) that assembles on ER membranes and comprises both non-structural (NS) viral proteins and host cofactors. As the largest protein component within the flavivirus RC, NS5 plays key enzymatic roles through its N-terminal methyltransferase (MTase) and C-terminal RNA-dependent-RNA polymerase (RdRp) domains, and constitutes a major target for antivirals. We determined a crystal structure of the full-length NS5 protein from Dengue virus serotype 3 (DENV3) at a resolution of 2.3 Å in the presence of bound SAH and GTP. Although the overall molecular shape of NS5 from DENV3 resembles that of NS5 from Japanese Encephalitis Virus (JEV), the relative orientation between the MTase and RdRp domains differs between the two structures, providing direct evidence for the existence of a set of discrete stable molecular conformations that may be required for its function. While the inter-domain region is mostly disordered in NS5 from JEV, the NS5 structure from DENV3 reveals a well-ordered linker region comprising a short 310 helix that may act as a swivel. Solution Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry (HDX-MS) analysis reveals an increased mobility of the thumb subdomain of RdRp in the context of the full length NS5 protein which correlates well with the analysis of the crystallographic temperature factors. Site-directed mutagenesis targeting the mostly polar interface between the MTase and RdRp domains identified several evolutionarily conserved residues that are important for viral replication, suggesting that inter-domain cross-talk in NS5 regulates virus replication. Collectively, a picture for the molecular origin of NS5 flexibility is emerging with profound implications for flavivirus replication and for the development of therapeutics targeting NS5.  相似文献   

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