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HIV immune pathogenesis is postulated to involve two major mechanisms: 1) chronic innate immune responses that drive T cell activation and apoptosis and 2) induction of immune regulators that suppress T cell function and proliferation. Both arms are elevated chronically in lymphoid tissues of non-natural hosts, which ultimately develop AIDS. However, these mechanisms are not elevated chronically in natural hosts of SIV infection that avert immune pathogenesis despite similarly high viral loads. In this study we investigated whether minocycline could modulate these pathogenic antiviral responses in non-natural hosts of HIV and SIV. We found that minocycline attenuated in vitro induction of type I interferon (IFN) and the IFN-stimulated genes indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO1) and TNF-related apoptosis inducing ligand (TRAIL) in human plasmacytoid dendritic cells and PBMCs exposed to aldrithiol-2 inactivated HIV or infectious influenza virus. Activation-induced TRAIL and expression of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 (CTLA-4) in isolated CD4+ T cells were also reduced by minocycline. Translation of these in vitro findings to in vivo effects, however, were mixed as minocycline significantly reduced markers of activation and activation-induced cell death (CD25, Fas, caspase-3) but did not affect expression of IFNβ or the IFN-stimulated genes IDO1, FasL, or Mx in the spleens of chronically SIV-infected pigtailed macaques. TRAIL expression, reflecting the mixed effects of minocycline on activation and type I IFN stimuli, was reduced by half, but this change was not significant. These results show that minocycline administered after infection may protect against aspects of activation-induced cell death during HIV/SIV immune disease, but that in vitro effects of minocycline on type I IFN responses are not recapitulated in a rapid progressor model in vivo.  相似文献   

Recent reports demonstrate T-cell infiltration of adipose tissue in early obesity. We hypothesized that interferon (IFN) γ, a major T-cell inflammatory cytokine, would attenuate human adipocyte functions and sought to establish signaling mechanisms. Differentiated human adipocytes were treated with IFNγ ± pharmacological inhibitors prior to insulin stimulation. [3H]Glucose uptake and AKT phosphorylation were assessed as markers of insulin sensitivity. IFNγ induced sustained loss of insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in human adipocytes, coincident with reduced Akt phosphorylation and down-regulation of the insulin receptor, insulin receptor substrate-1, and GLUT4. Loss of adipocyte triglyceride storage was observed with IFNγ co-incident with reduced expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ, adiponectin, perilipin, fatty acid synthase, and lipoprotein lipase. Treatment with IFNγ also blocked differentiation of pre-adipocytes to the mature phenotype. IFNγ-induced robust STAT1 phosphorylation and SOCS1 mRNA expression, with modest, transient STAT3 phosphorylation and SOCS3 induction. Preincubation with a non-selective JAK inhibitor restored glucose uptake and Akt phosphorylation while completely reversing IFNγ suppression of adipogenic mRNAs and adipocyte differentiation. Specific inhibition of JAK2 or JAK3 failed to block IFNγ effects suggesting a predominant role for JAK1-STAT1. We demonstrate that IFNγ attenuates insulin sensitivity and suppresses differentiation in human adipocytes, an effect most likely mediated via sustained JAK-STAT1 pathway activation.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can suppress dendritic cells (DCs) maturation and function, mediated by soluble factors, such as indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO), prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), and nitric oxide (NO). Interleukin-10 (IL-10) is a common immunosuppressive cytokine, and the downstream signaling of the JAK-STAT pathway has been shown to be involved with DCs differentiation and maturation in the context of cancer. Whether IL-10 and/or the JAK-STAT pathway play a role in the inhibitory effect of MSCs on DCs maturation remains controversial. In our study, we cultured MSCs and DCs derived from rat bone marrow under different culturing conditions. Using Transwell plates, we detected by ELISA that the level of IL-10 significantly increased in the supernatants of MSC-DC co-cultures at 48 hours. The cell immunofluorescence assay suggested that the MSCs secreted more IL-10 than the DCs in the co-cultures. Adding exogenous IL-10 to the DCs monoculture or MSC-DC co-cultures stimulated IL-10 and led to a decrease in IL-12, and lower expression of the DCs surface markers CD80, CD86, OX62, MHC-II and CD11b/c. Supplementing the culture with an IL-10 neutralizing antibody (IL-10NA) showed precisely the opposite effect of adding IL-10. Moreover, we demonstrated that the JAK-STAT signaling pathway is involved in inhibiting DCs maturation. Both JAK1 and STAT3 expression and IL-10 secretion decreased markedly after adding a JAK inhibitor (AG490) to the co-culture plate. We propose that there is an IL-10 positive feedback loop, which may explain our observations of elevated IL-10 and enhanced JAK1 and STAT3 expression. Overall, we demonstrated that MSCs inhibit the maturation of DCs through the stimulation of IL-10 secretion, and by activating the JAK1 and STAT3 signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Activation of the interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R) induces signalling cascades promoting T cell proliferation. However, signal transduction pathways triggered in IL-2R-expressing solid tumours are unknown. This report shows that human papillomavirus (HPV)-associated cervical cancer cells express an IL-2R composed of beta and gamma chains (IL-2Rbetagamma), and that IL-2-mediated activation increases the phosphorylation of JAK3 and STAT5, stimulating cell proliferation. Interestingly, endogenous IL-2 is not produced by these cells, suggesting the activation of IL-2Rbetagamma by an alternative mechanism. Accordingly, we found that Stem Cell Factor (SCF)-activated c-Kit induces phosphorylation of the IL-2Rbeta chain in the absence of IL-2. Moreover, inhibition of IL-2Rbeta phosphorylation by blocking c-Kit tyrosine kinase activity abolishes both, IL-2 and SCF-mediated proliferation. Thus, these results demonstrate that IL-2 triggers a JAK3/STAT5 cascade in HPV-associated cervical cancer cells expressing IL-2Rbetagamma, and that this receptor can be alternatively activated by SCF-activated c-Kit in the absence of IL-2.  相似文献   

The interferon-regulated 2-5A/RNase L pathway plays a major role in the antiviral and antiproliferative activities of these cytokines. Several viruses, however, have evolved strategies to escape the antiviral activity of the 2-5A/RNase L pathway. In this context, we have cloned a cDNA coding for the RNase L inhibitor (RLI), a protein that specifically inhibits RNase L and whose regulated expression in picornavirus-infected cells down regulates the activity of the 2-5A/RNase L pathway. We show here that RLI increases during the course of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection, which may be related to the downregulation of RNase L activity that has been described to occur in HIV-infected cells. In order to establish a possible causal relationship between these observations, we have stably transfected H9 cells with RLI sense or antisense cDNA-expressing vectors. The overexpression of RLI causes a decrease in RNase L activity and a twofold enhancement of HIV production. This increase in HIV replication correlates with an increase in HIV RNA and proteins. In contrast, reduction of RLI levels in RLI antisense cDNA-expressing clones reverses the inhibition of RNase L activity associated with HIV multiplication and leads to a threefold decrease in the viral load. This anti-HIV activity correlated with a decrease in HIV RNA and proteins. These findings demonstrate that the level of RLI, via its modulation of RNase L activity, can severely impair HIV replication and suggest the involvement of RLI in the inhibition of the 2-5A/RNase L system observed during HIV infection.  相似文献   

We recently reported that a cationic peptide, T22 ([Tyr(5,12), Lys(7)]-polyphemusin II), specifically inhibits human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection mediated by CXCR4 (T. Murakami et al., J. Exp. Med. 186:1389-1393, 1997). Here we demonstrate that T22 effectively inhibits replication of T-tropic HIV-1, including primary isolates, but not of non-T-tropic strains. By using a panel of chimeric viruses between T- and M-tropic HIV-1 strains, viral determinants for T22 susceptibility were mapped to the V3 loop region of gp120. T22 bound to CXCR4 and interfered with stromal-cell-derived factor-1alpha-CXCR4 interactions in a competitive manner. Blocking of anti-CXCR4 monoclonal antibodies by T22 suggested that the peptide interacts with the N terminus and two of the extracellular loops of CXCR4. Furthermore, the inhibition of cell-cell fusion in cells expressing CXCR4/CXCR2 chimeric receptors suggested that determinants for sensitivity of CXCR4 to T22 include the three extracellular loops of the coreceptor.  相似文献   

We have evaluated the in vivo distribution of the major human immunodeficiency virus/simian immunodeficiency virus (HIV/SIV) coreceptors, CXCR4, CCR3, and CCR5, in both rhesus macaques and humans. T lymphocytes and macrophages in both lymphoid and nonlymphoid tissues are the major cell populations expressing HIV/SIV coreceptors, reaffirming that these cells are the major targets of HIV/SIV infection in vivo. In lymphoid tissues such as the lymph node and the thymus, approximately 1 to 10% of the T lymphocytes and macrophages are coreceptor positive. However, coreceptor expression was not detected on follicular dendritic cells (FDC) in lymph nodes, suggesting that the ability of FDC to trap extracellular virions is unlikely to be mediated by a coreceptor-specific mechanism. In the thymus, a large number of immature and mature T lymphocytes express CXCR4, which may render these cells susceptible to infection by syncytium-inducing viral variants that use this coreceptor for entry. In addition, various degrees of coreceptor expression are found among different tissues and also among different cells within the same tissues. Coreceptor-positive cells are more frequently identified in the colon than in the rectum and more frequently identified in the cervix than in the vagina, suggesting that the expression levels of coreceptors are differentially regulated at different anatomic sites. Furthermore, extremely high levels of CXCR4 and CCR3 expression are found on the neurons from both the central and peripheral nervous systems. These findings may be helpful in understanding certain aspects of HIV and SIV pathogenesis and transmission.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of cell surface glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), including heparan sulfate (HS), on HIV-1 infection in human T cells, HIV-1 binding and infection were determined after treatment of T-cell lines and CD4 + T cells from normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) with GAG-degrading enzyme or a GAG metabolic sulfation inhibitor. Heparitinase I (hep I) and sodium chlorate prevented binding of HIV-1/IIIB to MT-4 cells as revealed by indirect immunofluorescence procedures, thereby inhibiting infection. Hep I was less effective in the binding inhibition of the macrophage-tropic strain HIV-1/SF162 than that of the T-cell line-tropic strain HIV-1/IIIB. The binding of HIV-1/SF162 was about 100-fold less dependent on cell surface HS than HIV-1/IIIB. Human HTLV-I positive T-cell lines expressed more HS than HTLV-I negative T-cell lines or normal CD4 + T cells when stained with anti-HS mAbs against either native or heparitinase-treated HS. With the exception of endo-β-galactosidase (endo-β-gal), GAG-degrading enzymes, including hep I, chondroitinase ABC (chon ABC), chondroitinase AC II (chon AC II) and keratanase, did not prevent the binding of HIV-1/IIIB to CD4+ T cells from normal PBMC. These results indicate that the cell surface HS of human T cells participates in HIV-1 infection by facilitating HIV-1/IIIB binding to MT-4 cells. In particular, the sulfation of HS chains is critical. Since the expression of cell surface HS varies among T cells, which are not consistently sensitive to hep I treatment in HIV-1 binding inhibition, other GAG-like molecules may also be involved.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 R5 viruses vary extensively in phenotype. Thus, R5 envelopes (env) in the brain tissue of individuals with neurological complications are frequently highly macrophage-tropic. Macrophage tropism correlates with the capacity of the envelope to exploit low CD4 levels for infection. In addition, the presence of an asparagine at residue 283 within the CD4 binding site has been associated with brain-derived envelopes, increased env-CD4 affinity, and enhanced macrophage tropism. Here, we identify additional envelope determinants of R5 macrophage tropism. We compared highly macrophage-tropic (B33) and non-macrophage-tropic (LN40) envelopes from brain and lymph node specimens of one individual. We first examined the role of residue 283 in macrophage tropism. Introduction of N283 into LN40 (T283N) conferred efficient macrophage infectivity. In contrast, substitution of N283 for the more conserved threonine in B33 had little effect on macrophage infection. Thus, B33 carried determinants for macrophage tropism that were independent of N283. We prepared chimeric B33/LN40 envelopes and used site-directed mutagenesis to identify additional determinants. The determinants of macrophage tropism that were identified included residues on the CD4 binding loop flanks that were proximal to CD4 contact residues and residues in the V3 loop. The same residues affected sensitivity to CD4-immunoglobulin G inhibition, consistent with an altered env-CD4 affinity. We predict that these determinants alter exposure of CD4 contact residues. Moreover, the CD4 binding loop flanks are variable and may contribute to a general mechanism for protecting proximal CD4 contact residues from neutralizing antibodies. Our results have relevance for env-based vaccines that will need to expose critical CD4 contact residues to the immune system.Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) requires interactions between viral envelope glycoproteins and cell surface CD4 and coreceptors to trigger fusion and entry into cells. HIV-1 R5 viruses that specifically use CCR5 as a coreceptor are those predominantly transmitted (3). Yet, our knowledge of R5 virus variation in different biological properties is still limited. In vivo, HIV-1 infection is limited mostly to cells that express CD4 and appropriate coreceptors. Thus, HIV-1 infects CD4+ T cells, monocyte/macrophage lineage cells, and dendritic cells. CCR5 is expressed on each of these cell lineages, although on T cells, CCR5 is restricted mainly to RO45+ memory cells (1, 16). Early in infection, R5 viruses target and decimate mucosal CD4+ memory T cells (2, 18, 26). R5 viruses are also predominant in tissues in which monocyte/macrophage lineage cells are prevalent, and several reports have described the presence of highly macrophage-tropic R5 viruses in brain tissue (11, 12, 20, 22). Previously, we used PCR to amplify HIV-1 envelope genes directly from patient tissues. We found that R5 virus envelopes amplified from brain tissue frequently conferred highly efficient infection of macrophages, while the majority of those from lymph nodes, blood, and semen infected macrophages inefficiently (20, 22). Although those studies examined relatively few infected individuals, they demonstrated over 1,000-fold variation in macrophage-tropic HIV-1 R5 viruses. Such variation is likely to have a significant impact on transmission and pathogenesis.The envelope (env) determinants of R5 macrophage-tropic strains are poorly understood. Several studies have shown that highly macrophage-tropic brain envelopes are able to exploit low levels of CD4 on macrophages for infection, consistent with an enhanced interaction between gp120 and CD4. Dunfee et al. reported that an asparagine residue at position 283 in the C2 part of the CD4 binding site was present in 41% of envelope sequences from brain tissue specimens of patients with HIV-associated dementia and in only 8% of envelopes from non-HIV-associated dementia brain tissue (8). The same study showed that the presence of N283 (rather than the more conserved T283) led to an increased affinity of gp120 for CD4, probably because the side chain of asparagine could more readily form a hydrogen bond with Q40 on CD4. However, our previous data showed that N283 is not the only determinant of macrophage infectivity, since several macrophage-tropic R5 envelopes from brain and semen specimens lacked N283, while non-macrophage-tropic envelopes from lymph node specimens carrying N283 were identified (22). Dunfee et al. also reported that a glycosylation site at residue 386, close to the CD4 binding loop, influenced exposure of the CD4 binding site and had an impact on macrophage tropism and sensitivity to the CD4 binding site antibody b12 (9). We have recently confirmed a role for N386 in resistance to the CD4 binding site monoclonal antibody (MAb) b12. However, resistance was dependent on the presence of a proximal residue, R373, which acted together with N386 to block b12 (7).Here, we have further investigated envelope determinants of macrophage tropism by preparing chimeric envelopes from highly macrophage-tropic and non-macrophage-tropic R5 envelopes from brain and lymph node specimens from the same subject. We show that R5 macrophage tropism is controlled by several determinants in gp120 that are focused on amino acids flanking the CD4 binding loop, with a contribution from residues in the V3 loop.  相似文献   

We have studied the effects of CC-chemokines on human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection, focusing on the infectivity enhancement caused by RANTES. High RANTES concentrations increase the infectivity of HIV-1 isolates that use CXC-chemokine receptor 4 for entry. However, RANTES can have a similar enhancing effect on macrophagetropic viruses that enter via CC-chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5), despite binding to the same receptor as the virus. Furthermore, RANTES enhances the infectivity of HIV-1 pseudotyped with the envelope glycoprotein of murine leukemia virus or vesicular stomatitis virus, showing that the mechanism of enhancement is independent of the route of virus-cell fusion. The enhancing effects of RANTES are not mediated via CCR5 or other known chemokine receptors and are not mimicked by MIP-1α or MIP-1β. The N-terminally modified derivative aminooxypentane RANTES (AOP-RANTES) efficiently inhibits HIV-1 infection via CCR5 but otherwise mimics RANTES by enhancing viral infectivity. There are two mechanisms of enhancement: one apparent when target cells are pretreated with RANTES (or AOP-RANTES) for several hours, and the other apparent when RANTES (or AOP-RANTES) is added during virus-cell absorption. We believe that the first mechanism is related to cellular activation by RANTES, whereas the second is an increase in virion attachment to target cells.  相似文献   

We set out to test the hypothesis that interleukin-22 (IL-22), a cytokine crucial for epithelial cell homeostasis and recovery from tissue injury, would be protective during influenza virus infection. Recent studies have identified phenotypically and functionally unique intestinal NK cells capable of producing the cytokine IL-22. Unlike gut NK cells that produce IL-22, the surface phenotypes of lung NK cells were similar to those of spleen NK cells and were characteristically mature. With mitogen stimulation, both single and double IL-22- and gamma interferon (IFN-γ)-producing lung NK cells were detected. However, only the IL-22+ IFN-γ lung NK subset was observed after stimulation with IL-23. IL-23 receptor (IL-23R) blocking dramatically inhibited IL-22 production, but not IFN-γ production. Furthermore, we found that NK1.1+ or CD27 lung NK cells were the primary sources of IL-22. After influenza virus infection, lung NK cells were quickly activated to produce both IFN-γ and IL-22 and had increased cytotoxic potential. The level of IL-22 in the lung tissue declined shortly after infection, gradually returning to the baseline after virus clearance, although the IL-22 gene expression was maintained. Furthermore, depletion of NK cells with or without influenza virus infection reduced the protein level of IL-22 in the lung. Anti-IL-22 neutralization in vivo did not dramatically affect weight loss and survival after virus clearance. Unexpectedly, anti-IL-22-treated mice had reduced virus titers. Our data suggest that during primary respiratory viral infection, IL-22 seems to a play a marginal role for protection, indicating a differential requirement of this cytokine for bacterial and viral infections.NK cells are important innate immune effectors that patrol the body for invading pathogens and tumors. Primary biological functions of NK cells include natural cytotoxicity and cytokine generation, through which NK cells directly or indirectly control infections and tumors and regulate the immune system (8). Accumulating evidence has unveiled other novel functions of NK cells that are associated with their anatomic locations. For example, in the uterus, NK cells support reproductive tissue development by providing a variety of cytokines, growth factors, and angiogenic factors (18, 26). The uterine NK cells also demonstrate a unique receptor repertoire, the Ly49 phenotype of which is strikingly different from that of spleen NK cells (39).Very recently, an NK1.1 low or negative subset of NK cells (CD3 NKp46+) has been identified in the intestinal mucosa and found to be capable of making interleukin-22 (IL-22) (7, 24, 31, 32). IL-22 is one of the IL-10 cytokine family members that have been shown to be important in regulating mucosal epithelial cell function, maintaining barrier integrity, and protection from bacterial infections in the gut and lung (4, 43). Interestingly, gut NK cells are distinguished by an immature phenotype, as evidenced by the lack of multiple traditional NK cell markers, such as Ly49A, Ly49D, Ly49C/I, and Ly49G2, and by altered expression of several markers, such as CD122, NK1.1, CD49b (DX5), CD11b, CD27, and CD127, in comparison with spleen NK cells (24, 31, 32). Functionally, gut NK cells lack the capability of gamma interferon (IFN-γ) production and cytotoxicity (24, 31, 32). Taken together, the unique nontraditional features of gut NK cells indicate a distinct developmental process (11, 36) in which they acquire the ability to produce IL-22 and thus are crucial components against intestinal bacterial infections.In addition to the gut, the respiratory tract is an important mucosal system that can be easily invaded by microorganisms. In the lung, NK cells constitute about 10% of the total resident lymphocytes, a relatively higher percentage than that distributed in most other lymphoid tissues and nonlymphoid tissues (17), indicating potential crucial involvement of NK cells in lung infections. Indeed, lung NK cells are known to be vital for containing numerous pulmonary infections, including those caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Cryptococcus neoformans, Bordetella pertussis, respiratory syncytial virus, and influenza virus (12, 16). The potential mechanism of NK cell defense in lung infections has been attributed to NK cell IFN-γ production and their cytolytic functions. However, IL-22 has been implicated in protection against respiratory infection with Gram-negative bacteria, such as Klebsiella pneumoniae, where IL-22 levels increase after infection (4). Whether lung NK cell production of IL-22 in the context of respiratory virus infection or IL-22 itself is important for viral protection has not been investigated.In this study, we investigated the phenotypes and IL-22 production potential of lung NK cells in the context of influenza virus infection. The data show that lung NK cells are phenotypically similar to spleen NK cells yet capable of producing IL-22 upon in vitro stimulation and after influenza virus infection in vivo. Unlike gut NK cells, IL-22-producing lung NK cells are capable of making IFN-γ and display cytolytic potential. After influenza virus infection, in spite of the detection of IL-22-producing NK cells in the lung, IL-22 levels actually went down, and mice treated with anti-IL-22 antibodies had reduced virus titers, with little change in disease severity. These observations show that IL-22 serves different roles in bacterial versus virus infections of the lung and suggest that it may be actively regulated to limit proliferation of cells targeted by the influenza virus.  相似文献   

The ability of recombinant rhesus interleukin-12 (rMamu-IL-12) administration during acute simian immunodeficiency virus SIVmac251 infection to influence the quality of the antiviral immune responses was assessed in rhesus macaques. Group I (n = 4) was the virus-only control group. Group II and III received a conditioning regimen of rMamu-IL-12 (10 and 20 microg/kg, respectively, subcutaneously [s.c.]) on days -2 and 0. Thereafter, group II received 2 microg of IL-12 per kg and group III received 10 microg/kg s.c. twice a week for 8 weeks. On day 0 all animals were infected with SIVmac251 intravenously. While all four group I animals and three of four group II animals died by 8 and 10 months post infection (p.i.), all four group III animals remained alive for >20 months p.i. The higher IL-12 dose led to lower plasma viral loads and markedly lower peripheral blood mononuclear cell and lymph node proviral DNA loads. During the acute viremia phase, the high-IL-12-dose monkeys showed an increase in CD3(-) CD8 alpha/alpha(+) and CD3(+) CD8 alpha/alpha(+) cells and, unlike the control and low-IL-12-dose animals, did not demonstrate an increase in CD4(+) CD45RA(+) CD62L(+) naive cells. The high-IL-12-dose animals also demonstrated that both CD8 alpha/alpha(+) and CD8 alpha/beta(+) cells produced antiviral factors early p.i., whereas only CD8 alpha/beta(+) cells retained this function late p.i. Long-term survival correlated with sustained high levels of SIV gag/pol and SIV env cytotoxic T lymphocytes and retention of high memory responses against nominal antigens. This is the first study to demonstrate the capacity of IL-12 to significantly protect macaques from SIV-induced disease, and it provides a useful model to more precisely identify correlates of virus-specific disease-protective responses.  相似文献   

Neutralizing antibodies may have critical importance in immunity against human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection. However, the amount of protective antibody needed at mucosal surfaces has not been fully established. Here, we evaluated systemic and mucosal pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) of 2F5 IgG and 2F5 Fab fragments with respect to protection against vaginal challenge with simian-human immunodeficiency virus-BaL in macaques. Antibody assessment demonstrated that 2F5 IgG was more potent than polymeric forms (IgM and IgA) across a range of cellular and tissue models. Vaginal challenge studies demonstrated a dose-dependent protection for 2F5 IgG and no protection with 2F5 Fab despite higher vaginal Fab levels at the time of challenge. Animals receiving 50 or 25 mg/kg of body weight 2F5 IgG were completely protected, while 3/5 animals receiving 5 mg/kg were protected. In the control animals, infection was established by a minimum of 1 to 4 transmitted/founder (T/F) variants, similar to natural human infection by this mucosal route; in the two infected animals that had received 5 mg 2F5 IgG, infection was established by a single T/F variant. Serum levels of 2F5 IgG were more predictive of sterilizing protection than measured vaginal levels. Fc-mediated antiviral activity did not appear to influence infection of primary target cells in cervical explants. However, PK studies highlighted the importance of the Fc portion in tissue biodistribution. Data presented in this study may be important in modeling serum levels of neutralizing antibodies that need to be achieved by either vaccination or passive infusion to prevent mucosal acquisition of HIV-1 infection in humans.  相似文献   

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