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The concept of ecological stability occupies a prominent place in both fundamental and applied ecological research. We review decades of work on the topic and examine how our understanding has progressed. We show that our understanding of stability has remained fragmented and is limited largely to simple or simplified systems. There has been a profusion of metrics proposed to quantify stability, of which only a handful are used commonly. Furthermore, studies typically quantify one to two metrics of stability at a time and in response to a single perturbation, with some of the main environmental pressures of today being the least studied. We argue that we need to build on the existing consensus and strong theoretical foundation of the stability concept to better understand its multidimensionality and the interdependencies between metrics, levels of organisation and types of perturbations. Only by doing so can we make progress in the quantification of stability in theory and in practice, and eventually build a more comprehensive understanding of how ecosystems will respond to ongoing environmental change.  相似文献   

Sweijd  N. A.  Bowie  R. C. K.  Evans  B. S.  Lopata  A. L. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,420(1):153-164
Biochemical and molecular species identification techniques have a broad range of applications in the management and conservation of marine organisms. While species boundaries are not always clearly defined, phylogeneticists utilise autapomorphic characters to distinguish phylogenetic species. Genetic markers discriminate between marine taxa when traditional morphological distinctions are unclear. The applications of these techniques can be divided into four general categories. Firstly, compliance enforcement, which often depends on genetic identification techniques to enable officials to identify the species to which regulations pertain. Secondly, quality control applications, to allow for the testing of marine products to guard against fraudulent substitution with less valuable species, which is particularly pertinent since processing often obliterates identifiable features. Thirdly, a variety of applications to ecological and life-history studies and conservation management are reported. Here, the genetic identification techniques of species from cryptic life-cycle stages or of morphologically indistinct species are an indispensable tool for marine scientists, conservators and managers. Lastly, the application of genetic techniques for sourcing population origin is briefly discussed. The biochemical and molecular techniques applied to species identification all exploit phenotypic or genotypic polymorphisms that are sampled using either tertiary level protein based methods or primary level DNA based methods. In this review, examples of the applications along with the total protein, allozyme, serological, PCR and other DNA based methodologies are briefly described and some generalities with regard to their use are presented.  相似文献   

Inherited pancreatic cancers represent approximately 5-10% of all pancreatic cancers. Pancreatic cancer may be inherited as part of a known cancer syndrome or in association with hereditary pancreatitis or cystic fibrosis. However, most inherited pancreatic cancers do not occur in the context of a known syndrome, and these are referred to as familial pancreatic cancers. Growing evidence suggests the presence of a single autosomal dominant gene in familial pancreatic cancer kindreds, and a susceptibility locus on chromosome 4 has recently been identified in one such family. Pancreatic cancer is believed to arise from pancreatic dysplasia, and familial pancreatic cancer kindreds represent a particularly high-risk population for whom effective screening strategies are needed. One promising strategy has used endoscopic ultrasound to detected pancreatic dysplasia in members of familial pancreatic cancer kindreds.  相似文献   

The impact of comparative genomics on our understanding of evolution   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Koonin EV  Aravind L  Kondrashov AS 《Cell》2000,101(6):573-576

The importance of mathematics and statistics in genetics is well known. Perhaps less well known is the importance of these subjects in evolution. The main problem that Darwin saw in his theory of evolution by natural selection was solved by some simple mathematics. It is also not a coincidence that the re-writing of the Darwinian theory in Mendelian terms was carried largely by mathematical methods. In this article I discuss these historical matters and then consider more recent work showing how mathematical and statistical methods have been central to current genetical and evolutionary research.  相似文献   

Evolutionary changes in reproductive mode may affect co‐evolving traits, such as dispersal, although this subject remains largely underexplored. The shift from aquatic oviparous or larviparous reproduction to terrestrial viviparous reproduction in some amphibians entails skipping the aquatic larval stage and, thus, greater independence from water. Accordingly, amphibians exhibiting terrestrial viviparous reproduction may potentially disperse across a wider variety of suboptimal habitats and increase population connectivity in fragmented landscapes compared to aquatic‐breeding species. We investigated this hypothesis in the fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra), which exhibits both aquatic‐ (larviparity) and terrestrial‐breeding (viviparity) strategies. We genotyped 426 larviparous and 360 viviparous adult salamanders for 13 microsatellite loci and sequenced a mitochondrial marker for 133 larviparous and 119 viviparous individuals to compare population connectivity and landscape resistance to gene flow within a landscape genetics framework. Contrary to our predictions, viviparous populations exhibited greater differentiation and reduced genetic connectivity compared to larviparous populations. Landscape genetic analyses indicate viviparity may be partially responsible for this pattern, as water courses comprised a significant barrier only in viviparous salamanders, probably due to their fully terrestrial life cycle. Agricultural areas and, to a lesser extent, topography also decreased genetic connectivity in both larviparous and viviparous populations. This study is one of very few to explicitly demonstrate the evolution of a derived reproductive mode affects patterns of genetic connectivity. Our findings open avenues for future research to better understand the eco‐evolutionary implications underlying the emergence of terrestrial reproduction in amphibians.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Plant evolutionary theory has been greatly enriched by studies on crop species. Over the last century, important information has been generated on many aspects of population biology, speciation and polyploid genetics. SCOPE: Searches for quantitative trait loci (QTL) in crop species have uncovered numerous blocks of genes that have dramatic effects on adaptation, particularly during the domestication process. Many of these QTL have epistatic and pleiotropic effects making rapid evolutionary change possible. Most of the pioneering work on the molecular basis of self-incompatibility has been conducted on crop species, along with the sequencing of the phytopathogenic resistance genes (R genes) responsible for the 'gene-to-gene' relations of coevolution observed in host-pathogen relationships. Some of the better examples of co-adaptation and early acting inbreeding depression have also been elucidated in crops. Crop-wild progenitor interactions have provided rich opportunities to study the evolution of novel adaptations subsequent to hybridization. Most crop/wild F1 hybrids have reduced fitness, but in some instances the crop relatives have acquired genes that make them more efficient weeds through crop mimicry. Studies on autopolyploid alfalfa and potato have uncovered the means by which polyploid gametes are formed and have led to hypotheses about how multiallelic interactions are associated with fitness and self-fertility. Research on the cole crops and wheat has discovered that newly formed polyploids can undergo dramatic genome rearrangements that could lead to rapid evolutionary change. CONCLUSIONS: Many more important evolutionary discoveries are on the horizon, now that the whole genome sequence is available of the two major subspecies of rice Oryza sativa ssp. japonica and O. sativa ssp. indica. The rice sequence data can be used to study the origin of genes and gene families, track rates of sequence divergence over time, and provide hints about how genes evolve and generate products with novel biological properties. The rice sequence data has already been mined to show that transposable elements often carry fragments of cellular genes. This type of genome shuffling could play a role in creating novel, reorganized genes with new adaptive properties.  相似文献   

The paper characterizes Darwin's theory, providing a synthesis of recent historical investigations in this area. Darwin's reading of Malthus led him to appreciate the importance of population pressures, and subsequently of natural selection, with the help of the wedge metaphor. But, in itself, natural selection did not furnish an adequate account of the origin of species, for which a principle of divergence was needed. Initially, Darwin attributed this to geographical isolation, but later, following his work on barnacles which underscored the significance of variation, and arising from his work on botanical arithmetic, he supposed that diversity allowed more places to be occupied in a given region. So isolation was not regarded as essential. Large regions with intense competition, and with ample variation spread by blending, would facilitate speciation. The notion of place was different from niche, and it is questioned whether Darwin's views on ecology were as modern as is commonly supposed. Two notions of struggle are found in Darwin's theory; and three notions of variation. Criticisms of his theory led him to emphasize the importance of variation over a range of forms. Hence the theory was populational rather than typological. The theory required a Lamarckian notion of inheritable changes initiated by the environment as a source of variation. Also, Darwin deployed a use/habit theory; and the notion of sexual selection. Selection normally acted at the level of the individual, though kin selection was possible. Group selection was hinted at for man. Darwin's thinking (and also the exposition of his theory) was generally guided by the domestic-organism analogy, which satisfied his methodological requirement of a vera causa principle.  相似文献   

The probability of dispersal from one habitat patch to another is a key quantity in our efforts to understand and predict the dynamics of natural populations. Unfortunately, an often overlooked property of this potential connectivity is that it may change with time. In the marine realm, transient landscape features, such as mesoscale eddies and alongshore jets, produce potential connectivity that is highly variable in time. We assess the impact of this temporal variability by comparing simulations of nearshore metapopulation dynamics when potential connectivity is constant through time (i.e., when it is deterministic) and when it varies in time (i.e., when it is stochastic). We use mathematical analysis to reach general conclusions and realistic biophysical modeling to determine the actual magnitude of these changes for a specific system: nearshore marine species in the Southern California Bight. We find that in general the temporal variability of potential connectivity affects two important quantities: metapopulation growth rates when the species is rare and equilibrium abundances. Our biophysical models reveal that stochastic outcomes are almost always lower than their deterministic counterparts, sometimes by up to 40%. This has implications for how we use spatial information, such as connectivity, to manage nearshore (and other) systems.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium discoideum has been very useful for elucidating principles of development over the last 50 years, but a key attribute means there is a lot to be learned from a very different intellectual tradition: social evolution. Because Dictyostelium arrives at multicellularity by aggregation instead of through a single-cell bottleneck, the multicellular body could be made up of genetically distinct cells. If they are genetically distinct, natural selection will result in conflict over which cells become fertile spores and which become dead stalk cells. Evidence for this conflict includes unequal representation of two genetically different clones in spores of a chimera, the poison-like differentiation inducing factor (DIF) system that appears to involve some cells forcing others to become stalk, and reduced functionality in migrating chimeras. Understanding how selection operates on chimeras of genetically distinct clones is crucial for a comprehensive view of Dictyostelium multicellularity. In nature, Dictyostelium fruiting bodies are often clonal, or nearly so, meaning development will often be very cooperative. Relatedness levels tell us what benefits must be present for sociality to evolve. Therefore it is important to measure relatedness in nature, show that it has an impact on cooperation in the laboratory, and investigate genes that Dictyostelium uses to discriminate between relatives and non-relatives. Clearly, there is a promising future for research at the interface of development and social evolution in this fascinating group.  相似文献   

The application of genetic analysis was crucial to the rapid progress that has been made in cell cycle research. Ron Morris, one of the first to apply genetics to cell cycle research, developed Aspergillus nidulans into an important model system for the analysis of many aspects of cell biology. Within the area of cell cycle research, Ron's laboratory is noted for development of novel cell biological and molecular genetic approaches as well as seminal insights regarding the regulation of mitosis, checkpoint regulation of the cell cycle, and the role of microtubule-based motors in chromosome segregation. In this special edition of FGB dedicated to Ron Morris, and in light of the recent progress in fungal genomics, we review the outstanding contributions his work made to our understanding of mitotic regulation. Indeed, his efforts have provided many mutants and experimental tools along with the conceptual framework for current and future studies of mitosis in A. nidulans.  相似文献   

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