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The notion that two characters evolve independently is of interest for two reasons. First, theories of biological integration often predict that change in one character requires complementary change in another. Second, character independence is a basic assumption of most phylogenetic inference methods, and dependent characters might confound attempts at phylogenetic inference. Previously proposed tests of correlated character evolution require a model phylogeny and therefore assume that nonphylogenetic correlation has a negligible effect on initial tree construction. This paper develops "tree-free" methods for testing the independence of cladistic characters. These methods can test the character independence model as a hypothesis before phylogeny reconstruction, or can be used simply to test for correlated evolution. We first develop an approach for visualizing suites of correlated characters by using character compatibility. Two characters are compatible if they can be used to construct a tree without homoplasy. The approach is based on the examination of mutual compatibilities between characters. The number of times two characters i and j share compatibility with a third character is calculated, and a pairwise shared compatibility matrix is constructed. From this matrix, an association matrix analogous to a dissimilarity matrix is derived. Eigenvector analyses of this association matrix reveal suites of characters with similar compatibility patterns. A priori character subsets can be tested for significant correlation on these axes. Monte Carlo tests are performed to determine the expected distribution of mutual compatibilities, given various criteria from the original data set. These simulated distributions are then used to test whether the observed amounts of nonphylogenetic correlation in character suites can be attributed to chance alone. We have applied these methods to published morphological data for caecilian amphibians. The analyses corroborate instances of dependent evolution hypothesized by previous workers and also identify novel partitions. Phylogenetic analysis is performed after reducing correlated suites to single characters. The resulting cladogram has greater topological resolution and implies appreciably less change among the remaining characters than does a tree derived from the raw data matrix.  相似文献   

Journal of Mathematical Biology - Phylogenetic inference aims to reconstruct the evolutionary relationships of different species based on genetic (or other) data. Discrete characters are a...  相似文献   

Primer sequences are described for amplifying and sequencing a large fragment (approximately 2500 b.p.) of the nuclear-encoded large-subunit ribosomal RNA gene (LSU) from red algae. In comparison to RuBisCo large-subunit gene (rbcL) and nuclear-encoded small-subunit ribosomal RNA gene (SSU) sequence data, LSU sequence data was intermediate in the number of phylogenetically informative positions and sequence divergence. Parsimony analysis of LSU sequences for 16 Gelidiales species resolved some nodes unresolved in rbcL and SSU parsimony trees. An analysis of LSU sequences from 13 species of red algae classified in 11 orders suggests that this gene may be useful in studies of higher-level relationships of red algae.  相似文献   

Noncoding DNA sequences from numerous regions of the chloroplast genome have provided a significant source of characters for phylogenetic studies in seed plants. In lycophytes and monilophytes (leptosporangiate ferns, eusporangiate ferns, Psilotaceae, and Equisetaceae), on the other hand, relatively few noncoding chloroplast DNA regions have been explored. We screened 30 lycophyte and monilophyte species to determine the potential utility of PCR amplification primers for 18 noncoding chloroplast DNA regions that have previously been used in seed plant studies. Of these primer sets eight appear to be nearly universally capable of amplifying lycophyte and monilophyte DNAs, and an additional six are useful in at least some groups. To further explore the application of noncoding chloroplast DNA, we analyzed the relative phylogenetic utility of five cpDNA regions for resolving relationships in Botrychium s.l. (Ophioglossaceae). Previous studies have evaluated both the gene rbcL and the trnL(UAA)-trnF(GAA) intergenic spacer in this group. To these published data we added sequences of the trnS(GCU)-trnG(UUC) intergenic spacer + the trnG(UUC) intron region, the trnS(GGA)-rpS4 intergenic spacer+rpS4 gene, and the rpL16 intron. Both the trnS(GCU)-trnG(UUC) and rpL16 regions are highly variable in angiosperms and the trnS(GGA)-rpS4 region has been widely used in monilophyte phylogenetic studies. Phylogenetic resolution was equivalent across regions, but the strength of support for the phylogenies varied among regions. Of the five sampled regions the trnS(GCU)-trnG(UUC) spacer+trnG(UUC) intron region provided the strongest support for the inferred phylogeny.  相似文献   

The rate of evolutionary change associated with a character determines its utility for the reconstruction of phylogenetic history. For a given age of lineage splits, we examine the information content of a character to assess the magnitude and range of an optimal rate of substitution. On the one hand an optimal transition rate must provide sufficiently many character changes to distinguish subclades, whereas on the other hand changes must be sufficiently rare that reversals on a single branch (and hence homoplasy) are uncommon. In this study, we evolve binary characters over three tree topologies with fixed branch lengths, while varying transition rate as a parameter. We use the character state distribution obtained to measure the "information content" of a character given a transition rate. This is done with respect to several criteria-the probability of obtaining the correct tree using parsimony, the probability of infering the correct ancestral state, and Shannon-Weaver and Fisher information measures on the configuration of probability distributions. All of the information measures suggest the intuitive result of the existence of optimal rates for phylogeny reconstruction. This nonzero optimum is less pronounced if one conditions on there having been a change, in which case the parsimony-based results of minimum change being the most informative tends to hold.  相似文献   

Schmitz J  Ohme M  Zischler H 《Genetics》2001,157(2):777-784
Transpositions of Alu sequences, representing the most abundant primate short interspersed elements (SINE), were evaluated as molecular cladistic markers to analyze the phylogenetic affiliations among the primate infraorders. Altogether 118 human loci, containing intronic Alu elements, were PCR analyzed for the presence of Alu sequences at orthologous sites in each of two strepsirhine, New World and Old World monkey species, Tarsius bancanus, and a nonprimate outgroup. Fourteen size-polymorphic amplification patterns exhibited longer fragments for the anthropoids (New World and Old World monkeys) and T. bancanus whereas shorter fragments were detected for the strepsirhines and the outgroup. From these, subsequent sequence analyses revealed three Alu transpositions, which can be regarded as shared derived molecular characters linking tarsiers and anthropoid primates. Concerning the other loci, scenarios are represented in which different SINE transpositions occurred independently in the same intron on the lineages leading both to the common ancestor of anthropoids and to T. bancanus, albeit at different nucleotide positions. Our results demonstrate the efficiency and possible pitfalls of SINE transpositions used as molecular cladistic markers in tracing back a divergence point in primate evolution over 40 million years old. The three Alu insertions characterized underpin the monophyly of haplorhine primates (Anthropoidea and Tarsioidea) from a novel perspective.  相似文献   

DNA sequences from 195 squamate reptiles indicate that mitochondrial gene order is the most reliable phylogenetic character establishing monophyly of acrodont lizards and of the snake families Boidae, Colubridae, and Viperidae. Gene order shows no evidence of evolutionary parallelisms or reversals in these taxa. Derived secondary structures of mitochondrial tRNAs also prove to be useful phylogenetic characters showing no reversals. Parallelisms for secondary structures of tRNAs are restricted to deep lineages that are separated by at least 200 million years of independent evolution. Presence of a stem-and-loop structure between the genes encoding tRNA(Asn) and tRNA(Cys), where the replication origin for light-strand synthesis is typically located in vertebrate mitochondrial genomes, is found to undergo at least three and possibly as many as seven evolutionary shifts, most likely parallel losses. This character is therefore a less desirable phylogenetic marker than the other structural changes examined. Sequencing regions that contain multiple genes, including tRNA genes, may be preferable to the common practice of obtaining single-gene fragments for phylogenetic inference because it permits observation of major structural changes in the mitochondrial genome. Such characters may occasionally provide phylogenetic information on relatively short internal branches for which base substitutional changes are expected to be relatively uninformative.  相似文献   



Published molecular phylogenies are usually based on data whose quality has not been explored prior to tree inference. This leads to errors because trees obtained with conventional methods suppress conflicting evidence, and because support values may be high even if there is no distinct phylogenetic signal. Tools that allow an a priori examination of data quality are rarely applied.  相似文献   

The brachiopod Superfamily Spiriferoidea diversified greatly and was widely distributed in the late Palaeozoic (Carboniferous–Permian), and yet its phylogeny has been seldom investigated with analytical methods. This is reflected in the current flux of very different classification schemes for this superfamily. This paper provides the first attempt to investigate the phylogenetic relationships of spiriferoid brachiopods through both cladistic and Bayesian analyses involving 24 discrete and continuous characters. The continuous characters, from morphometric data, have been separately discretized using the gap weighting method, and the ‘as such’ option in TNT. Our results highlight the potential significance of continuous characters in reconstructing and elucidating phylogenies, as much as qualitative characters. Building on the outcomes of the analyses, we also briefly evaluate existing classification schemes of Spiriferoidea. We found that none of the existing classifications fully reflect the phylogeny properly; major families within the superfamily, such as Spiriferidae, Choristitidae, and Trigonotretidae, turned out to be polyphyletic. Although this study is considered preliminary, due to the selection of and restriction to certain taxa, combined with the use of a relatively small number of characters, it nevertheless demonstrates that potentially the true phylogenetic relationships of spiriferoid taxa sharply contrast with any of the existing classification schemes. This highlights the need to develop an alternative scheme that takes into account a more comprehensive range of phylogenetic variables.  相似文献   

Sequence divergence in the internal transcribed spacer region 1 (ITS-1) of the ribosomal DNA locus was assessed in subspecies of the coastal North American tiger beetle, Cicindela dorsalis. The spacer region was amplified using the polymerase chain reaction and cloned for sequencing. Of a total of 50 clones obtained from 12 specimens, 42 clones were different in at least one nucleotide position. In a parsimony analysis of these sequences, the main phylogenetic distinction was found to separate sequences from the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. Within these two assemblages phylogenetic resolution was low, and the variation within individuals was almost as high as the variation within the entire lineage. The pattern of sequence variation suggests the existence of two forms of the ITS-1 that are maintained on different chromosomes. Polymorphisms of limited geographical distribution could be detected, and 41 additional clones were partly sequenced, to assess the geographic distribution of these polymorphisms in more detail. In a population aggregation analysis, the geographic pattern of ITS-1 distribution was basically congruent with that obtained in earlier studies from mitochondrial DNA in the same C. dorsalis populations.   相似文献   

Different criteria have been suggested for decisions on character state recognition for morphological characters showing continuous variation from taxon to taxon. A method proposed byMishler andDe Luna seeks to recognize as many character states as the groups of taxon means that are revealed by an analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by multiple range tests. We apply this method as a guide in decisions of selecting taxonomic characters in species of theBletia reflexa complex. Seven species of the complex, represented by 156 individuals belonging to 54 populations, were the terminal taxa of the study. Character state codes were assigned to 20 characters. These characters together with 12 non-quantitative characters were incorporated into cladistic analyses. Results indicate that the complex is monophyletic only under one outgroup combination.  相似文献   

Evolution and phylogenetic utility of the period gene in Lepidoptera   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Evolution and phylogenetic utility of the period gene are explored through sequence analysis of a relatively conserved 909-bp fragment in 26 lepidopteran species. Taxa range from tribes to superfamilies, primarily within the putative clade Macrolepidotera plus near outgroups, and include both strongly established and problematic groupings. Their divergence dates probably range from the late Cretaceous through much of the Tertiary. Comparisons within the same set of closely related species show that amino acid substitutions in period occur 4.9 and 44 times as frequently as they do in two other nuclear genes--dopa decarboxylase and elongation factor-1 alpha, respectively. In contrast, rates of observed synonymous substitution are within 60% of each other for these three genes. Synonymous changes in period approach saturation by the family level, whereas nonsynonymous and amino acid divergences across the Macrolepidoptera are less than half the maximal values reported for this gene. Phylogenetic analyses of period strongly supported groupings at the family level and below. In contrast to previous analyses at this level with other nuclear genes, much of the information lies in nonsynonymous change. Relationships up to the superfamily level were recovered with decreasing effectiveness, and little, if any, signal was apparent regarding relationships among superfamilies. This could reflect rapid radiation of the superfamilies, however, rather than saturation in the period locus; thus, period, in combination with other genes, remains a plausible candidate for approaching the difficult problems of lepidopteran family and superfamily relationships.   相似文献   

The details of a cytogenetic study on 8 taxa of the mediterranean genus Anacyclus are presented. The results include information of the gross morphology, pollen fertilities and meiotic pairing behaviour of F1 hybrids supplemented by data on the karyotype morphology and DNA contents of parenthal plants. The results indicate that evolution in the genus has been accompanied by chromosomal repatterning. There are three distinctive groups within the experimental taxa, a pair of closely related perennials and two groups of annuals. There is considerable genome homology within each group but major differences between them. The groups are discussed in terms of their systematic relationships with other members of the genus in an effort to provide an explicit evolutionary model for the origin of different taxa. The understanding of the relationships of the annual taxa is complicated by sympatry and the occurrence of natural hybrids.  相似文献   

Many studies have examined the phylogenetic utility of different kinds of molecular data, and have often compared these with morphology. However, relatively few studies have phylogenetically evaluated different morphological character systems. Using the Creophilus complex, the phylogenetic utility of external structural characters, male genitalia, female genitalia, and chaetotaxy of adults is examined for the first time in the megadiverse beetle family Staphylinidae. A data set of 121 phylogenetically informative characters of 24 terminal taxa was analysed separately and simultaneously using parsimony and the phylogenetic utility of each partition was compared with widely used statistics and support measures. External structures had the least homoplasy, resolved the most nodes separately, and largely determined the topology of the simultaneous analysis. Male and female genitalia contributed phylogenetic signal mostly congruent with external characters. Despite extensive homoplasy, chaetotaxy contributed the majority of hidden support, and was critical for resolving several terminal nodes in the simultaneous analysis. All character systems were informative throughout the tree, and when combined provided the best‐supported hypothesis. However, there is a need to distinguish hidden support from dispersion of homoplasy when combining data sets of varying quality. The Creophilus complex, Creophilus Leach, Liusus Sharp, and the Creophilus erythrocephalus ( Fabricius ) and C. maxillosus (Linnaeus) species‐groups are each strongly supported monophyletic groups. Hadrotes Mäklin is not monophyletic and Hadrotes wakefieldi Cameron is the sister‐species of the rest of the Creophilus complex, but included within it. Creophilus is revised to include 12 species, including Creophilus galapagensis sp. nov. and C. rekohuensis sp. nov. Creophilus huttoni (Broun) is removed from synonymy with C. oculatus (Fabricius), and C. insularis (Fauvel), C. villipennis Kraatz, and C. violaceus (Fauvel) are synonymized under C. flavipennis (Hope) comb. et stat. nov. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 163 , 723–812.  相似文献   

The analysis of diversification and character evolution using phylogenetic data attracts increasing interest from biologists. Recent statistical developments have resulted in a variety of tools for the inference of macroevolutionary processes in a phylogenetic context. In a recent paper Maddison (2006 Evolution, 60: 1743-1746) pointed out that uncareful use of some of these tools could lead to misleading conclusions on diversification or character evolution, and thus to difficulties in distinguishing both phenomena. I here present guidelines for the analyses of macroevolutionary data that may help to avoid these problems. The proper use of recently developed statistical methods may help to untangle diversification and character change, and so will allow us to address important evolutionary questions.  相似文献   

Mutational dynamics and phylogenetic utility of noncoding chloroplast DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Introns and spacers are a rich and well-appreciated information source for evolutionary studies in plants. Compared to coding sequences, the mutational dynamics of introns and spacers is very different, involving frequent microstructural changes in addition to substitutions of individual nucleotides. An understanding of the biology of sequence change is required for correct application of molecular characters in phylogenetic analyses, including homology assessment, alignment coding, and tree inference. The widely used term “indel” is very general, and different kinds of microstructural mutations, such as simple sequence repeats, short tandem repeats, homonucleotide repeats, inversions, inverted repeats, and deletions, need to be distinguished. Noncoding DNA has been indispensable for analyses at the species level because coding sequences usually do not offer sufficient variability. A variety of introns and spacers has been successfully applied for phylogeny inference at deeper levels (major lineages of angiosperms and land plants) in past years, and phylogenetic structure R in intron and spacer data sets usually outperforms that of coding-sequence data sets. In order to fully utilize their potential, the molecular evolution and applicability of the most important noncoding markers (the trnT–trnF region comprising two spacers and a group I intron; the trnS–G region comprising one spacer and a group II intron in trnG; the group II introns in petD, rpl16, rps16, and trnK; and the atpB–rbcL and psbA–trnG spacers) are reviewed. The study argues for the use of noncoding DNA in a spectrum of applications from deep-level phylogenetics to speciation studies and barcoding, and aims at outlining molecular evolutionary principles needed for effective analysis.  相似文献   

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