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20世纪60年代以前,人们普遍认为只有2种人冠状病毒(HCoV)HCoV-229E和HCoV-OC43感染人类,2002~2003年出现的由SARS-CoV引发的严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)的流行使人冠状病毒又一次成为研究的焦点,2004年又发现了一种新的人冠状病毒HCoV-NL63。在此,主要就HCoV-NL63,特别是其主要结构蛋白——棘突蛋白的研究进展做一简要综述。  相似文献   

The type II transmembrane serine proteases TMPRSS2 and HAT can cleave and activate the spike protein (S) of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) for membrane fusion. In addition, these proteases cleave the viral receptor, the carboxypeptidase angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), and it was proposed that ACE2 cleavage augments viral infectivity. However, no mechanistic insights into this process were obtained and the relevance of ACE2 cleavage for SARS-CoV S protein (SARS-S) activation has not been determined. Here, we show that arginine and lysine residues within ACE2 amino acids 697 to 716 are essential for cleavage by TMPRSS2 and HAT and that ACE2 processing is required for augmentation of SARS-S-driven entry by these proteases. In contrast, ACE2 cleavage was dispensable for activation of the viral S protein. Expression of TMPRSS2 increased cellular uptake of soluble SARS-S, suggesting that protease-dependent augmentation of viral entry might be due to increased uptake of virions into target cells. Finally, TMPRSS2 was found to compete with the metalloprotease ADAM17 for ACE2 processing, but only cleavage by TMPRSS2 resulted in augmented SARS-S-driven entry. Collectively, our results in conjunction with those of previous studies indicate that TMPRSS2 and potentially related proteases promote SARS-CoV entry by two separate mechanisms: ACE2 cleavage, which might promote viral uptake, and SARS-S cleavage, which activates the S protein for membrane fusion. These observations have interesting implications for the development of novel therapeutics. In addition, they should spur efforts to determine whether receptor cleavage promotes entry of other coronaviruses, which use peptidases as entry receptors.  相似文献   

Proteolytic priming is a common method of controlling the activation of membrane fusion mediated by viral glycoproteins. The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus spike protein (SARS-CoV S) can be primed by a variety of host cell proteases, with proteolytic cleavage occurring both as the S1/S2 boundary and adjacent to a fusion peptide in the S2 domain. Here, we studied the priming of SARS-CoV S by elastase and show an important role for residue Thr795 in the S2 domain. A series of alanine mutants were generated in the vicinity of the S2 cleavage site, with the goal of examining elastase-mediated cleavage within S2. Both proteolytic cleavage and fusion activation were modulated by altering the cleavage site position. We propose a novel mechanism whereby SARS-CoV fusion protein function can be controlled by spatial regulation of the proteolytic priming site, with important implications for viral pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Human coronavirus (HCoV) NL63 was first described in 2004 and is associated with respiratory tract disease of varying severity. At the genetic and structural level, HCoV-NL63 is similar to other members of the Coronavirinae subfamily, especially human coronavirus 229E (HCoV-229E). Detailed analysis, however, reveals several unique features of the pathogen. The coronaviral nucleocapsid protein is abundantly present in infected cells. It is a multi-domain, multi-functional protein important for viral replication and a number of cellular processes. The aim of the present study was to characterize the HCoV-NL63 nucleocapsid protein. Biochemical analyses revealed that the protein shares characteristics with homologous proteins encoded in other coronaviral genomes, with the N-terminal domain responsible for nucleic acid binding and the C-terminal domain involved in protein oligomerization. Surprisingly, analysis of the subcellular localization of the N protein of HCoV-NL63 revealed that, differently than homologous proteins from other coronaviral species except for SARS-CoV, it is not present in the nucleus of infected or transfected cells. Furthermore, no significant alteration in cell cycle progression in cells expressing the protein was observed. This is in stark contrast with results obtained for other coronaviruses, except for the SARS-CoV.  相似文献   

目的:重组表达人冠状病毒NL63(HCoV-NL63)的核壳蛋白(N蛋白)及棘突蛋白(S蛋白),用于检测血清中的相应抗体。方法:用原核表达系统表达HCoV-NL63的N蛋白,建立检测N抗体的Werstern印迹法;用真核表达系统表达HCoV-NL63的S蛋白,建立检测S抗体的间接免疫荧光(IFA)法。结果:经Werstern印迹检测,重组S蛋白和N蛋白表达正确;初步建立了N蛋白纯化方法。利用建立的检测方法,检测了100份正常成人血清,总阳性率为81%。其中S抗体阳性率为66%,N抗体阳性率为38%,S抗体和N抗体均为阳性的占总数的22%,双抗体均为阴性的占总数的19%;S抗体的检出率明显高于N抗体。结论:重组HCoV-NL63N蛋白及S蛋白表达成功;S抗体和N抗体共同检测可获得较好的检测结果,减少漏检。  相似文献   

严重急性呼吸综合征 (SARS) 是一种新出现的人类传染病,该病的病原是 SARS 冠状病毒 (SARS-CoV). S 蛋白是 SARS 冠状病毒的一种主要结构蛋白,它在病毒与宿主细胞受体结合以及诱导机体产生中和抗体中起重要作用 . 研究表明 S 蛋白与受体结合的核心区域为第 318 ~ 510 氨基酸残基的片段 . 首先克隆并用 pGEX-6p-1 载体融合表达了该受体结合结构域,并且通过蛋白质印迹分析表明,该受体结合结构域融合蛋白能被 SARS 康复患者血清和 S 蛋白特异的单克隆抗体所识别 . 为了对这一区域进行抗原表位作图,进一步设计了一套 23 个覆盖受体结合结构域的长 16 个氨基酸残基的部分重叠短肽,并进行了 GST 融合表达 . 用免疫动物血清和单克隆抗体 D3D1 对 23 个融合蛋白进行蛋白质印迹和 ELISA 免疫反应性分析,结果鉴定出两个抗原表位 SRBD3(F334PSVYAWERKKISNCV349) 和表位 D3D1 (K447LRPFERDI455). 其结果对进一步分析 S 蛋白结构与功能以及诊断试剂和基因工程疫苗的研究有一定意义 .  相似文献   

严重急性呼吸系统综合征(SARS)是2002年底爆发于中国广东,后蔓延全球的传染性疾病。其病原体为一种未知的新型冠状病毒,章从SARS冠状病毒的蛋白构成和功能研究、SARS冠状病毒感染机制(表型变化,受体)、SARS冠状病毒分子进化这几个方面对现有研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) is a serum protein that plays an important role in host defenses as an opsonin and through activation of the complement system. The objective of this study was to assess the interactions between MBL and severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus (SARS-CoV) spike (S) glycoprotein (SARS-S). MBL was found to selectively bind to retroviral particles pseudotyped with SARS-S. Unlike several other viral envelopes to which MBL can bind, both recombinant and plasma-derived human MBL directly inhibited SARS-S-mediated viral infection. Moreover, the interaction between MBL and SARS-S blocked viral binding to the C-type lectin, DC-SIGN. Mutagenesis indicated that a single N-linked glycosylation site, N330, was critical for the specific interactions between MBL and SARS-S. Despite the proximity of N330 to the receptor-binding motif of SARS-S, MBL did not affect interactions with the ACE2 receptor or cathepsin L-mediated activation of SARS-S-driven membrane fusion. Thus, binding of MBL to SARS-S may interfere with other early pre- or postreceptor-binding events necessary for efficient viral entry.A novel coronavirus (CoV), severe acute respiratory syndrome-CoV (SARS-CoV), is the causal agent of severe acute respiratory syndrome, which afflicted thousands of people worldwide in 2002 and 2003 (10, 39). SARS-CoV is an enveloped, single- and positive-strand RNA virus that encodes four major structural proteins: S, spike glycoprotein (GP); E, envelope protein; M, membrane glycoprotein; and N, nucleocapsid protein (46, 55). Similar to other coronaviruses, the S glycoprotein of the virus mediates the initial attachment of the virus to host cell receptors, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) (44) and/or DC-SIGNR (dendritic cell-specific intercellular adhesion molecule 3-grabbing nonintegrin-related molecule; also CD209L or L-SIGN[liver/lymph node-SIGN]) (32) and subsequent fusion of the viral and cellular membranes to allow viral entry into susceptible target cells. The S glycoprotein of SARS-CoV (SARS-S) is a 1,255-amino-acid (aa) type I membrane glycoprotein (46) with 23 potential N-linked glycosylation sites (55). The S glycoproteins of some coronaviruses are translated as a large polypeptide that is subsequently proteolytically cleaved into two functional subunits, S1 (harboring the receptor-binding domain [RBD]) and S2 (containing the membrane fusion domains) (1, 31, 51), during biogenesis, but others are not. The S glycoprotein on mature SARS-CoV virions does not appear to be cleaved (50, 61), but sequence alignments with other coronavirus S glycoproteins allow definition of S1 and S2 regions (46, 55). More recently, studies showed the proteolysis of the S glycoprotein of SARS-CoV on mature virions by cathepsin L (CTSL) (28, 59), as well as trypsin (43, 61) and factor Xa (11), suggesting that a critical cleavage event may occur during cell entry rather than during virion biogenesis.Mannose-binding lectin (MBL; also known as mannose-binding or mannan-binding protein [MBP]) is a Ca2+-dependent (C-type) serum lectin that plays an important role in innate immunity by binding to carbohydrates on the surface of a wide range of pathogens (including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa) (8, 14, 18), where it activates the complement system or acts directly as an opsonin (30, 40, 52). In order to activate the complement system, MBL must be in complex with a group of MBL-associated serine proteases (MASPs), MASP-1, -2, and -3. Currently, only the role of MASP-2 in complement activation has been clearly defined (65). The MBL-MASP-2 complex cleaves C4 and C2 to form C3 convertase (C4bC2a), which, in turn, activates the downstream complement cascade. MBL is a pattern recognition molecule (9), and surface recognition is mediated through its C-terminal carbohydrate recognition domains (CRDs), which are linked to collagenous stems by a short coiled-coil of alpha-helices. MBL is a mixture of oligomers assembled from subunits that are formed from three identical polypeptide chains (9) and usually has two to six clusters of CRDs. Within each of the clusters, the carbohydrate-binding sites have a fixed orientation, which allows selective recognition of patterns of carbohydrate residues on the surfaces of a wide range of microorganisms (8, 14, 18). The concentration of MBL in the serum varies greatly and is affected by mutations of the promoter and coding regions of the human MBL gene (45). MBL deficiency is associated with susceptibility to various infections, as well as autoimmune, metabolic, and cardiovascular diseases, although MBL-deficient individuals are generally healthy (13, 37, 67).There are conflicting results with regard to the role of MBL in SARS-CoV infection (29, 42, 72, 73). While the association of MBL gene polymorphisms with susceptibility to SARS-CoV infection was reported in some studies (29, 73), Yuan et al. demonstrated that there were no significant differences in MBL genotypes and allele frequencies among SARS patients and controls (72). Ip et al. observed binding to, and inhibition of, SARS-CoV by MBL (29). However, in other studies, no binding of MBL to purified SARS-CoV S glycoprotein was detected (42).In this study, retroviral particles pseudotyped with SARS-S and in vitro assays were used to characterize the role of MBL in SARS-CoV infection. The data indicated that MBL selectively bound to SARS-S and mediated inhibition of viral infection in susceptible cell lines. Moreover, we identified a single N-linked glycosylation site, N330, on SARS-S that is critical for the specific interactions with MBL.  相似文献   

SARS冠状病毒基因组中非结构基因nsp3编码的木瓜样蛋白酶 (PLpro) 在病毒基因组复制及逃避宿主天然免疫中发挥重要作用,是研发抗病毒药物的重要靶标.SARS冠状病毒PLpro是一种病毒编码的去泛素化酶 (DUB).为深入研究SARS冠状病毒 PLpro对泛素样分子 (ubiquitin-like protein,UBL) 的DUB特性,本研究构建缺失 PLpro N末端泛素样结构域 (Ubl) 和下游跨膜结构域 (TM) 的PLpro构建体(constructs),并构建3种缺失蛋白酶催化活性的突变体,检测PLpro对泛素样分子干扰素刺激基因15 (ISG15)及SUMO-1的作用.实验结果表明,PLpro和PLpro-TM 在细胞内具有很强的去ISG(DeISGylation) 活性;缺失PLpro N末端泛素样结构域(Ubl) 对PLpro 的去ISG15 活性没有影响;对PLpro蛋白酶活性位点C1651 和 H1812 突变后,PLpro-TM的去ISG15活性消失,而对D1826位点突变后不影响此活性.PLpro 不具有去SUMO (DeSUMOylation)活性,而PLpro-TM具有一定的去SUMO活性;PLpro催化活性相关的3个关键氨基酸残基 Cys-His-Asp突变后对去SUMO活性有一定的影响.研究结果提示,SARS PLpro除了具有DUB的活性,还具有体内去ISG活性和去SUMO活性;PLpro蛋白酶活性与其去ISG活性之间有一定相关性;PLpro去SUMO-1 活性具有TM 依赖性.SARS冠状病毒PLpro 对泛素样分子作用特性的研究为阐明病毒逃避宿主天然免疫机制和开发新型抗病毒药物提供重要的理论依据.  相似文献   

SARS冠状病毒M蛋白的生物信息学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对GenBank上发布的来自不同国家地区的39条SARSCoV推测M蛋白,采用生物信息学软件分析其核酸和氨基酸序列,获得其分子生物学特征,确定突变位点,预测功能结构区、Motif及抗原决定簇,比较基因突变对这些功能结构的影响.结果表明:在39个病毒株M蛋白的666 bp中,共有18个病毒株在7个位点上发生了25次变异.在M蛋白序列上预测获得3个跨膜螺旋序列和一个可能的信号肽序列.氨基酸序列的变异主要发生在其跨膜和胞外区域,胞内区域相对较少.预测发现12个Motif和7个抗原决定簇.提示突变对M蛋白的结构功能区的影响不大,也未造成M蛋白的Motif的数量和构成发生改变.对抗原决定簇的影响也主要体现在序列成分构成的改变上,在设计疫苗时,应考虑由其导致的抗原特性改变.  相似文献   

The relationship between bats and coronaviruses (CoVs) has received considerable attention since the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-like CoV was identified in the Chinese horseshoe bat (Rhinolophidae) in 2005. Since then, several bats throughout the world have been shown to shed CoV sequences, and presumably CoVs, in the feces; however, no bat CoVs have been isolated from nature. Moreover, there are very few bat cell lines or reagents available for investigating CoV replication in bat cells or for isolating bat CoVs adapted to specific bat species. Here, we show by molecular clock analysis that alphacoronavirus (α-CoV) sequences derived from the North American tricolored bat (Perimyotis subflavus) are predicted to share common ancestry with human CoV (HCoV)-NL63, with the most recent common ancestor between these viruses occurring approximately 563 to 822 years ago. Further, we developed immortalized bat cell lines from the lungs of this bat species to determine if these cells were capable of supporting infection with HCoVs. While SARS-CoV, mouse-adapted SARS-CoV (MA15), and chimeric SARS-CoVs bearing the spike genes of early human strains replicated inefficiently, HCoV-NL63 replicated for multiple passages in the immortalized lung cells from this bat species. These observations support the hypothesis that human CoVs are capable of establishing zoonotic-reverse zoonotic transmission cycles that may allow some CoVs to readily circulate and exchange genetic material between strains found in bats and other mammals, including humans.  相似文献   

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) encodes several accessory proteins of unknown function. One of these proteins, protein 6 (p6), which is encoded by ORF6, enhances virus replication when introduced into a heterologous murine coronavirus (mouse hepatitis virus [MHV]) but is not essential for optimal SARS-CoV replication after infection at a relatively high multiplicity of infection (MOI). Here, we reconcile these apparently conflicting results by showing that p6 enhances SARS-CoV replication to nearly the same extent as when expressed in the context of MHV if cells are infected at a low MOI and accelerates disease in mice transgenic for the human SARS-CoV receptor.The genome of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) encodes several structural proteins, including the spike, nucleocapsid, membrane, and envelope proteins (13). Integrated between and within these structural proteins are eight accessory proteins (6, 8, 10, 15, 16, 18, 21-27). Our laboratory showed previously that one of these SARS-CoV-specific accessory proteins, encoded by ORF6, showed a clearly recognizable phenotype when introduced into a heterologous attenuated murine coronavirus, mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) strain J2.2-V-1 (rJ2.2.6). rJ2.2.6 grew more rapidly and to higher titers in tissue culture cells and in the murine central nervous system than control viruses, and the presence of p6 increased mortality in mice from 10 to 20% to 80% (7, 19, 20). However, the absence of p6 did not diminish SARS-CoV growth in tissue culture cells when cells were infected with 1 PFU/cell (31). In addition to a role in enhancing virus replication, when expressed in the context of a SARS-CoV infection or by transfection, p6 blocked interferon (IFN)-induced STAT1 nuclear translocation by retention of the nuclear import adaptor molecule karyopherin alpha 2 in the cytoplasm, indicating a role in thwarting innate immune effectors (5, 11). In contrast, p6 did not significantly diminish IFN sensitivity when expressed in the context of rJ2.2 (20).The results described above were puzzling, because p6 seemed to be required for the optimal replication of a heterologous coronavirus but not for that of SARS-CoV. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine whether p6 could enhance SARS-CoV replication in tissue culture cells under any conditions. For this purpose, we examined its function by comparing the growth of a recombinant SARS-CoV (rSARS-CoV) in which p6 was deleted (rSARS-CoVΔ6) with that of wild-type rSARS-CoV at a range of multiplicities of infection (MOIs). Normal mice infected with SARS-CoV readily cleared the infection, making it difficult to detect a role for p6 in vivo. However, mice that are transgenic for expression of the human receptor angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (hACE2) are exquisitely sensitive to infection with SARS-CoV and are useful for identifying an in vivo role for p6 (14).  相似文献   

Many viral fusion proteins are primed by proteolytic cleavage near their fusion peptides. While the coronavirus (CoV) spike (S) protein is known to be cleaved at the S1/S2 boundary, this cleavage site is not closely linked to a fusion peptide. However, a second cleavage site has been identified in the severe acute respiratory syndrome CoV (SARS-CoV) S2 domain (R797). Here, we investigated whether this internal cleavage of S2 exposes a viral fusion peptide. We show that the residues immediately C-terminal to the SARS-CoV S2 cleavage site SFIEDLLFNKVTLADAGF are very highly conserved across all CoVs. Mutagenesis studies of these residues in SARS-CoV S, followed by cell-cell fusion and pseudotyped virion infectivity assays, showed a critical role for residues L803, L804, and F805 in membrane fusion. Mutation of the most N-terminal residue (S798) had little or no effect on membrane fusion. Biochemical analyses of synthetic peptides corresponding to the proposed S2 fusion peptide also showed an important role for this region in membrane fusion and indicated the presence of α-helical structure. We propose that proteolytic cleavage within S2 exposes a novel internal fusion peptide for SARS-CoV S, which may be conserved across the Coronaviridae.The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) emerged in 2003 as a significant threat to human health, and CoVs still represent a leading source of novel viruses for emergence into the human population. The CoV spike (S) protein mediates both receptor binding (via the S1 domain) and membrane fusion (via the S2 domain) and shows many features of a class I fusion protein, including the presence of distinct heptad repeats within the fusion domain (37). A critical feature of any viral fusion protein is the so-called “fusion peptide,” which is a relatively apolar region of 15 to 25 amino acids that interacts with membranes and drives the fusion reaction (9, 34, 38). Fusion peptides can be classified as N-terminal or internal, depending on their location relative to the cleavage site of the virus fusion protein (23). One key feature of viral fusion peptides is that within a particular virus family, there is high conservation of amino acid residues; however, there is little similarity between fusion peptides of different virus families (26). Despite these differences, some common themes do emerge, including a high level of glycine and/or alanine residues, as well as critical bulky hydrophobic amino acids. In several cases, the fusion peptide is known to contain a central “kink.” In the case of influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA), which is a classic example of an N-terminal fusion peptide, the N- and C-terminal parts of the fusion peptide (which are α-helical) penetrate the outer leaflet of the target membrane, with the kink at the phospholipid surface. The inside of the kink contains hydrophobic amino acids, with charged residues on the outer face (18). Internal fusion peptides (such as Ebola virus [EBOV] GP) often contain a conserved proline near their centers but also require a mixture of hydrophobic and flexible residues similar to N-terminal fusion peptides (9, 11). It is believed that the kinked fusion peptide sits in the outer leaflet of the target membrane and possibly induces positive curvature to drive the fusion reaction (22). It is important to note that, despite the presence of key hydrophobic residues, viral fusion peptides often do not display extensive stretches of hydrophobicity and can contain one or more charged residues (8). Ultimately, fusion peptide identification must rely on an often complex set of criteria, including structures of the fusion protein in different conformations, biophysical measurements of peptide function in model membranes, and biological activity in the context of virus particles.To date, the exact location and sequence of the CoV fusion peptide are not known (4); however, by analogy with other class I viral fusion proteins, it is predicted to be in the S2 domain. Overall, three membranotropic regions in SARS-CoV S2 have been suggested as potential fusion peptides (14, 17). Based on sequence analysis and a hydrophobicity analysis of the S protein using the Wimley-White (WW) interfacial hydrophobic interface scale, initial indications were that the SARS-CoV fusion peptide resided in the N-terminal part of HR1 (heptad repeat 1) (5, 6), which is conserved across the Coronaviridae. Mutagenesis of this predicted fusion peptide inhibited fusion in syncytia assays of S-expressing cells (28). This region of SARS-CoV has also been analyzed by other groups in biochemical assays (16, 17, 29) and defined as the WW II region although Sainz et al. (29) actually identified another, less conserved and less hydrophobic, region (WW I) as being more important for fusion. Peptides corresponding to this region have also been studied in biochemical assays by other groups (13). In addition, a third, aromatic region adjacent to the transmembrane domain (the membrane-proximal domain) has been shown to be important in SARS-CoV fusion (15, 20, 25, 30). This membrane-proximal domain likely acts in concert with a fusion peptide in the S2 ectodomain to mediate final bilayer fusion once conformational changes have exposed the fusion peptide in the ectodomain. To date, there is little or no information on the fusion peptides of CoVs other than SARS-CoV, except for the identification of the N-terminal part of the mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) S HR1 domain as a putative fusion peptide based on sequence analysis (6). In none of these cases (for SARS-CoV or MHV) is the role of these sequences as bone fide fusion peptides established.The majority of class I fusion proteins prime fusion activation by proteolytic processing, with the cleavage event occurring immediately N-terminal to the fusion peptide (21). In the case of SARS-CoV, early reports analyzing heterologously expressed SARS-CoV spike protein indicated that most of the protein was not cleaved (31, 39) but that there was some possibility of limited cleavage at the S1-S2 boundary (39). However, it is generally considered that S1-S2 cleavage is not directly linked to fusion peptide exposure in the case of SARS-CoV or any other CoV (4). Recently, however, it has been shown that SARS-CoV S can be proteolytically cleaved at a downstream position in S2, at residue 797 (2, 36). Here, we investigated whether cleavage at this internal position in S2 might expose a domain with properties of a viral fusion peptide. We carried out a mutagenesis study of SARS-CoV S residues 798 to 815 using cell-cell fusion and pseudovirus assays, as well as lipid mixing and structural studies of an isolated peptide, and we show the importance of this region as a novel fusion peptide for SARS-CoV.  相似文献   

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is an infectious and highly contagious disease that is caused by SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and for which there are currently no approved treatments. We report the discovery and characterization of small-molecule inhibitors of SARS-CoV replication that block viral entry by three different mechanisms. The compounds were discovered by screening a chemical library of compounds for blocking of entry of HIV-1 pseudotyped with SARS-CoV surface glycoprotein S (SARS-S) but not that of HIV-1 pseudotyped with vesicular stomatitis virus surface glycoprotein G (VSV-G). Studies on their mechanisms of action revealed that the compounds act by three distinct mechanisms: (i) SSAA09E2 {N-[[4-(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl)phenyl]methyl]-1,2-oxazole-5-carboxamide} acts through a novel mechanism of action, by blocking early interactions of SARS-S with the receptor for SARS-CoV, angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2); (ii) SSAA09E1 {[(Z)-1-thiophen-2-ylethylideneamino]thiourea} acts later, by blocking cathepsin L, a host protease required for processing of SARS-S during viral entry; and (iii) SSAA09E3 [N-(9,10-dioxo-9,10-dihydroanthracen-2-yl)benzamide] also acts later and does not affect interactions of SARS-S with ACE2 or the enzymatic functions of cathepsin L but prevents fusion of the viral membrane with the host cellular membrane. Our work demonstrates that there are at least three independent strategies for blocking SARS-CoV entry, validates these mechanisms of inhibition, and introduces promising leads for the development of SARS therapeutics.  相似文献   

为查找引起广州地区流行的严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)的病原体,采集患者漱口液及尸解标本,用组织培养法接种人胚肺细胞、MDCK细胞、Hep-2细胞和鸡胚分离病毒,用间接免疫荧光法检测患者恢复期血清lgG抗体,确定分离的病原是SARS的主要病因,再用套式RT—PCR、免疫电镜法鉴定病原。结果用人胚肺、Hep-2细胞在75份漱口液和3例尸解组织中分离出13株病原体,经套式RT—PCR扩增出110bp的特异产物,经测序证实为冠状病毒。制备冠状病毒的抗原,检测30份SARS病人恢复期血,其中26份血清lgG抗体阳性。同时检测30份普通发热病人血清作对照,IgG抗体全部阴性。由此证明,经组织培养分离到的病原体是引起SARS的致病因子,用分子生物学方法测序后证实为冠状病毒。  相似文献   

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) encodes 3 major envelope proteins: spike (S), membrane (M), and envelope (E). Previous work identified a dibasic endoplasmic reticulum retrieval signal in the cytoplasmic tail of SARS-CoV S that promotes efficient interaction with SARS-CoV M. The dibasic signal was shown to be important for concentrating S near the virus assembly site rather than for direct interaction with M. Here, we investigated the sequence requirements of the SARS-CoV M protein that are necessary for interaction with SARS-CoV S. The SARS-CoV M tail was shown to be necessary for S localization in the Golgi region when the proteins were exogenously coexpressed in cells. This was specific, since SARS-CoV M did not retain an unrelated glycoprotein in the Golgi. Importantly, we found that an essential tyrosine residue in the SARS-CoV M cytoplasmic tail, Y195, was important for S-M interaction. When Y195 was mutated to alanine, MY195A no longer retained S intracellularly at the Golgi. Unlike wild-type M, MY195A did not reduce the amount of SARS-CoV S carbohydrate processing or surface levels when the two proteins were coexpressed. Mutating Y195 also disrupted SARS-CoV S-M interaction in vitro. These results suggest that Y195 is necessary for efficient SARS-CoV S-M interaction and, thus, has a significant involvement in assembly of infectious virus.Coronaviruses are enveloped positive-strand RNA viruses that infect a wide variety of mammalian and avian species. These viruses generally cause mild disease in humans and are one major cause of the common cold (34). However, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), a novel human coronavirus which emerged in the Guangdong province in China in 2002 (30, 48), caused a widespread pandemic. SARS-CoV caused severe disease with a mortality rate of approximately 10%, the highest for any human coronavirus to date (62). The phylogeny and group classification of SARS-CoV remain controversial (17), but it is widely accepted to be a distant member of group 2. While SARS-CoV is no longer a major health threat, understanding the basic biology of this human pathogen remains important.Coronaviruses encode three major envelope proteins in addition to various nonstructural and accessory proteins. The envelope protein (E) is the least abundant structural protein in the virion envelope, although it is expressed at robust levels during infection (21). E plays an essential role in assembly for some but not all coronaviruses (31-33, 45) and may also be a viroporin (reviewed in reference 21). The spike glycoprotein (S) is the second most abundant protein in the envelope. S determines host cell tropism, binds the host receptor, and is responsible for virus-cell, as well as cell-cell, fusion (15). The S protein is a type I membrane protein with a large, heavily glycosylated luminal domain and a short cytoplasmic tail that has been shown to be palmitoylated in some coronaviruses (47, 58). The membrane protein (M) is the most abundant protein in the virion envelope and acts as a scaffold for virus assembly. M has three transmembrane domains, a long cytoplasmic tail, and a short glycosylated luminal domain (reviewed in reference 21). Unlike many enveloped viruses, coronaviruses assemble at and bud into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-Golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC) and exit the infected cell by exocytosis (29). In order to accomplish this, the envelope proteins must be targeted to the budding compartment for assembly.For most coronaviruses, the E and M proteins localize in the Golgi region near the budding site independently of other viral structural proteins. We have previously shown for infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) E protein that the cytoplasmic tail contains Golgi targeting information (9). IBV M contains Golgi targeting information in its first transmembrane domain (57), while the transmembrane domains and cytoplasmic tail of mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) M appear to play a role in Golgi targeting (1, 36). Some coronavirus S proteins contain targeting information in their cytoplasmic tails; however, some do not (38, 39, 52, 63). Since S proteins can escape to the cell surface when highly expressed, S may rely on lateral interactions with other viral envelope proteins to localize to the budding site and be incorporated into newly assembling virions.In line with its role in virus assembly, M is necessary for virus-like particle (VLP) formation (3, 10, 26, 40, 55, 59). M has been shown to interact with itself to form homo-oligomers (12). In addition, M interacts with E, S, and the viral nucleocapsid and is essential for virion assembly (reviewed in reference 21). Lateral interactions between the coronavirus envelope proteins are critical for efficient virus assembly. The interaction of S and M has been studied for MHV, and the cytoplasmic tail of each protein is important for interaction (16, 44). Specifically, deletion of an amphipathic region in the MHV M cytoplasmic tail abrogates efficient interaction with MHV S (11). The S and M proteins of IBV, bovine coronavirus, feline infectious peritonitis virus, and SARS-CoV have been shown to interact; however, information about the specific regions that are important for interaction remains elusive (16, 22, 26, 42, 64). Due to the presence of several accessory proteins in the virion envelope (23-25, 28, 51, 53), it is possible that the requirements for SARS-CoV S and M interaction could be different from those of previously studied coronaviruses.In earlier work, we reported that SARS-CoV M retains SARS-CoV S intracellularly at the Golgi region when both proteins are expressed exogenously (39). We also demonstrated that the SARS-CoV S cytoplasmic tail interacts with in vitro-transcribed and -translated SARS-CoV M (39). Here, we show that the SARS-CoV M cytoplasmic tail is necessary for specific retention of SARS-CoV S at the Golgi region. We found a critical tyrosine residue at position 195 to be important for retaining SARS-CoV S Golgi membranes when coexpressed with M. When Y195 was mutated to alanine, the mutant protein, MY195A, did not reduce the amount of SARS-CoV S at the plasma membrane or reduce the extent of S carbohydrate processing as well as wild-type SARS-CoV M does. Additionally, mutation of Y195 in SARS-CoV M disrupted the S-M interaction in vitro. Thus, Y195 is likely to play a critical role in the assembly of infectious SARS-CoV.  相似文献   

H Geng  L Cui  Z Xie  R Lu  L Zhao  W Tan 《Journal of virology》2012,86(17):9546-9547
Human coronavirus NL63 (HCoV-NL63) was first discovered in Amsterdam in 2004 and was identified as a new human respiratory coronavirus. We here report the first complete genome sequence of HCoV-NL63 strain CBJ 037 isolated in 2008 from a patient with bronchitis in Beijing, China.  相似文献   

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