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Discosorid and oncocerid cephalopods of the Kunda and Aseri Regional Stage (Darriwilian, Middle Ordovician) from Öland Island, Sweden and North Estonia are described for the first time. We demonstrate that a high generic and specific diversity of Oncocerida was already established in the earliest Darriwilian. The new oncocerid species Neumatoceras borense nov. sp., N. breviborense nov. sp., Paramiamoceras breviventrum nov. sp., Richardsonoceras gastroscopium nov. sp., R. gerhardi nov. sp., R. goldmanni nov. sp., R. haelluddenense nov. sp., Richardsonoceroides kingi nov. sp., R. oelandense nov. sp., and R. rhytium nov. sp. are erected; Richardsonoceroides schiefferdeckeri (Dewitz) is revised. The new graciloceratid Kundoceras evansi nov. gen., nov. sp. is erected. A review of records of early oncocerids from China shows that Richardsonoceras Foerste is probably the most primitive oncocerid and supports the hypothesis that oncocerids evolved in the early Floian or latest Tremadocian from a Bassleroceras Ulrich and Foerste-like ancestor. The new discosorid genus Paldoceras nov. gen. and species Paldoceras paldiskense nov. sp. and Pneptunsakerense nov. sp. are erected. These discosorids record the morphological link between the late Darriwilian Ruedemannoceras Flower and the early Floian Apocrinoceras Teichert and Glenister, which is considered to be the earliest discosorid.  相似文献   

Three new species of Tettigarctidae from the Middle Jurassic of Daohugou, China are described: Shuraboprosbole daohugouensis nov. sp., S. minuta nov. sp., and S. media nov. sp. The revised diagnostic characters of Shuraboprosbole Becker-Migdisova are provided based on well-preserved whole-bodied fossil tettigarctids. So far, only four definitive species of Tettigarctidae are recorded from the Mesozoic of China. The pronotum concealing major of mesonotum seems to be an autapomorphy of Tettigarctinae. The “cicadellid-like tarsi” found in Cicadellidae and Brazilian Tettigarctidae are probably a parallel evolution.  相似文献   

Microfacies analyses performed on the latest Permian Wujiaping Formation at Laren (Guangxi Province, South China) show that the bioclastic-rich limestones of Late Permian age contain a rich and well-diversified foraminiferal fauna. This fauna is here revised in order to be compared with time-equivalent levels of southern Iran and southern Turkey. Some new and unexpected phylogenetic trends are highlighted among the biseriamminoids. The new or poorly known genera Retroseptellina, Septoglobivalvulina, Paraglobivalvulinoides, Dagmarita?, Bidagmarita nov. gen., Louisettita, Paradagmaritopsis nov. gen. and Paradagmarita? are concerned. Nevertheless, these newly appeared biseriamminoids are subordinate to abundant Tetrataxis and Climacammina, ultimate survivors of the families Palaeotextulariidae and Tetrataxidae, appeared as old as the Early Carboniferous (“Mississippian”). Algae, miliolids, and nodosarioids are poorly represented. Two genera and four species are here newly described: Globivalvulina curiosa nov. sp., Louisettita ultima nov. sp., Bidagmarita nov. gen., Bidagmarita sinica nov. gen. nov. sp., Paradagmaritopsis nov. gen., Paradagmaritopsis kobayashii nov. gen. nov. sp. The palaeogeographic distribution of these foraminifers is interpreted to be typically of Neo-Tethyan regions, ranging from southern Turkey (Hazro) to South China (Laren) and up to Japan for some species (i.e., Paradagmaritopsis). At Laren, Late Permian strata are generally characterized by Reichelina ex gr. simplex Sheng. Isolated samples of packstones, collected in Tsoteng region (Guangxi Province, South China), contain Sphaerulina sp. together with various smaller foraminifers and numerous representatives of the new species G. curiosa nov. sp. In this study we demonstrate that the regions of Zagros (Iran), Taurus (Turkey), South China and even Japan shared similar foraminiferal assemblages and represented intermittently connected palaeobiogeographic provinces during Late Permian times.  相似文献   

New form taxa of insect ovipositions on aquatic plant leaves Quereuxia from the Campanian locality of Udurchukan (Amur Region) are described. Endophytic ovipositions Paleoovoidus flabellatus sp. nov. and P. arcuatus sp. nov. do not differ in shape from ovipositions of recent damselflies. Exophytic ovipositions Palaexovoidus ovoideus gen. et sp. nov., P. catenulatus sp. nov., P. multus sp. nov., and P. amplus sp. nov. belong to insects that develop in the water, probably dragonflies of the suborder Anisoptera. A new family Palaexovoididae fam. nov. is erected.  相似文献   

About three hundred belemnite rostra were collected from Lower Kimmeridgian beds of a structural high sequence cropping out at Mt. Nerone (central Apennines, Pesaro Province, Italy). The belemnite fauna is composed mainly of new species. Nine species were recognised, ascribed to five genera, which include Hibolithes semisulcatusMünster, 1830; H. pignattii nov. sp.; Acutibelu0s sp. cf. acuariformisRiegraf, 1981; Belemnopsis neronensis nov. sp., Duvalia matteuccii nov. sp., D. nicosiai nov. sp., D. pallinii nov. sp., D. raymondi nov. sp. and Rhopaloteuthis massimoi nov. sp.; moreover a single specimen is treated in open nomenclature as Belemnopseidae incertae sedis. The stratigraphic and palaeobiogeographic significance of the new fauna is discussed. The taphonomy of the belemnite-rich level is described, with reference to borings found on the belemnite rostra.La fauna a belemniti risulta composta quasi esclusivamente da specie nuove. Sono state riconosciute le seguenti specie: Hibolithes semisulcatusMünster, 1830; H. pignattii nov. sp.; Acutibelus sp. cf. acuariformisRiegraf, 1981, Belemnopsis neronensis nov. sp., Duvalia matteuccii nov. sp., D. nicosiai nov. sp., D. pallinii nov. sp., D. raymondi nov. sp. and Rhopaloteuthis massimoi nov. sp. Inoltre un esemplare è stato discusso con nomenclatura aperta come Belemnopseidae incertae sedis. Alcuni nuovi dati stratigrafici e paleobiogeografici sono stati analizzati ed integrati con i dati della letteratura. E’ stata anche esaminata la tafonomia del livello a belemniti e le perforazioni presenti sulla superficie dei rostri.  相似文献   

The Candona clivosa-group, a new group of Candoninae - is erected on the base of the folded inner lamella observed on the postero-ventral border of the female valve. The elongated sub-triangular and rectangular valves of this group are described from the Miocene and Quaternary deposits of Europe. A folded inner lamella is also observed in 11 species of Candona from the Upper Miocene of the Turiec Basin of which 8 are new - Candona fatrica nov. sp., C. tatrica nov. sp., C. lacustris nov. sp., C. palustris nov. sp., C. stagnosa nov. sp., C. laterisimilis nov. sp., C. jiriceki nov. sp. and C. incurva nov. sp. They show a higher variability of the outline, calcification of the valves and width of the zone of concrescence. The extrinsic and intrinsic aspects of this morphological diversification in the Turiec Basin are discussed.  相似文献   

A distinct large vole lineage involving three species from the Late Pliocene - Early Pleistocene of China is morphologically and quantitatively delineated. A special sinuous line (linea sinuosa) pattern, not previously recognized, diagnoses the new lineage, and distinguishes the species in the lineage from all other vole genera known either from China or elsewhere. At present, only two morphologically discrete evolutionary stages can be recognized in the lineage. The primitive stage is represented by rooted Mimomys peii and M. banchiaonicus, and the advanced stage is represented by the newly described rootless Heteromimomys zhengi nov. gen., nov. sp. from the Paleolithic site of Renzidong Cave in Anhui Province. The schmelzmuster of M. peii and Heteromimomys zhengi nov. gen., nov. sp. is also examined to provide more details about the lineage. This lineage diverged from Mimomys by the Late Pliocene within North China. The comparison between the arvicoline species co-existing with Heteromimomys zhengi nov. gen., nov. sp. and those from Haiyan Formation in the Yushe Basin, Shanxi Province, suggests the age of Heteromimomys zhengi nov. gen., nov. sp. can be correlated to or predate the Haiyan Formation, which is in reversely magnetized sediment identified as Chron 2r. The loss of roots in the lineage corresponds with a cooling event at the beginning of the Pleistocene, and seems to characterize the Nihewanian age of the Chinese Land Mammal ages from the perspective of arvicoline biochronology.  相似文献   

As a result of the use of geometric morphometrics, multivariate statistics and classical morphological observations the authors propose a taxonomic revision of the Neogene Italian Cyprideis species. On this basis, the Cyprideis valves collected in Tortonian, Messinian and Pliocene brackish deposits of Italy are referred to 12 species, six of which are new: Cyprideis alexandri nov. sp., Cyprideis arvedoi nov. sp., Cyprideis lepianensis nov. sp., Cyprideis rooki nov. sp., Cyprideis strollae nov. sp., and Cyprideis toscana nov. sp. Some species are rather widespread in the Italian Peninsula (Cyprideis ruggierii Decima and Cyprideis crotonensis Decima) or even in the whole Palaeomediterranean (Cyprideis agrigentina Decima and Cyprideis anlavauxensis Carbonnel). For C. ruggierii, C. agrigentina and C. crotonensis, a phyletic relation is suggested. The new species are confined both geographically and stratigraphically in several Tuscan athalassic brackish basins, suggesting endemic speciation similar to those occurring in ancient lakes.  相似文献   

Abstract: A new family, Pronemouridae fam. nov., with a new genus, Pronemoura gen. nov., and five new species of fossil stoneflies are described from Daohugou village (Middle Jurassic), Inner Mongolia, China: Pshii sp. nov., P. angustithorax sp. nov., P. longialata sp. nov., Pminuta sp. nov. and P. peculiaris sp. nov. Wing venation of pronemourinids presents some or considerable variety in the fore and hind wings of the same or different individuals. Pronemourinidae, retaining plesiomorphic characters (short, multisegmented cerci and CuA with forks), should be treated as the stem group of Nemouridae and Notonemouridae. Based on fossil data, we propose a model in which the extant plecopterid distribution began in the Early Cretaceous. Nemouridae and Notonemouridae must have occurred in Asia and begun to migrate from here by at least the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Three new species of fossil snipe flies (Insecta, Diptera, Rhagionidae) from the Daohugou Formation of Chifeng City in Nei Monggol Autonomous Region (= Inner Mongolia), northeastern China are described as Palaeobolbomyia sinica nov. sp., Ussatchovia robusta nov. sp. and Ussatchovia gracilenta nov. sp. They represent the first records of the genera Palaeobolbomyia Kovalev and Ussatchovia Kovalev in China and have implications for stratigraphic correlation of the formations in which they are found. Although the precise age of the Daohugou Formation is currently unresolved, it is most likely Callovian-Oxfordian (latest Middle Jurassic-earliest Late Jurassic) rather than early Middle Jurassic (late Aalenian-early Bajocian) or Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Two radiolarian assemblages were recovered from upper Norian strata of the Kotel’nyi Island (Russia); the first assemblage, from the Monotis zabaikalica Subzone (lower part of Upper Norian), is represented by Betraccium inornatum Blome, Dumitricaella (?) parva Sugiyama, Ferresium titulense Blome and 24 other species; the second assemblage, from the Monotis subcircularis Subzone (upper part of Upper Norian), is represented by Crucella sp. cf. C. angulosa Carter, Kahlerosphaera acris Bragin, K. sp. cf. K. parvispinosa Kozur & Mostler, Pseudohagiastrum crassum (Carter) and 11 other species. Both assemblages have common taxa with Upper Norian and Rhaetian radiolarian assemblages of British Columbia and they display clear Boreal features: low taxonomic diversity, abundance of taxa known from high-latitude regions, absence or rare presence of taxa known from low-latitude areas. The presence of early representatives of nassellarian genera Droltus and Parahsuum is very distinctive. Six new species are described: Pseudohagiastrum spinosum nov. sp., Cantalum boreale nov. sp., Plafkerium carteri nov. sp., Droltus guttaeformis nov. sp., Laxtorum blomei nov. sp., L. glacialis nov. sp.  相似文献   

The Eocene (Bartonian) marls of the La Guixa Member and Gurb Member, Vic Marls Formation (Ebro Basin, Catalonia, Spain), contain a very rich and diversified siliceous sponge fauna. The fauna is dominated by hexactinellids; lithistids and other demosponges are rare. It consists of 16 species representing 16 genera. Eleven new species and two new genera are proposed for these sponges: Reguantella cavernosa nov. gen. nov. sp., Regadrella concinna nov. sp. (both Hexactinellida, Lyssacinosa), Eurete clava nov. sp., Pleuroguettardia iberica nov. sp., Aphrocallistes almeriae nov. sp., Hexactinella informis nov. sp. (all Hexactinellida, Hexactinosa), Brachiolites munterensis nov. sp., Centrosia viquensis nov. sp., Callicylix eocenicus nov. sp., Rhizocheton robustus nov. sp. (all Hexactinellida, Lychniscosa), Propetrosia pristina nov. gen. nov. sp. (Demospongia, Haplosclerida). Some genera of sponges in this fauna are still extant, but, in general, the predominant ones are very close in morphology, and, without doubt, closely related to the Late Cretaceous sponges. This fauna also differs considerably, in terms of composition, from most other described faunas of Tertiary sponges from the Mediterranean region, which are dominated by lithistid sponges. Lithistid sponges are rare in this investigated assemblage, which seems most similar to an as yet undescribed Eocene fauna from Italy. There is ecological differentiation in the proportions of particular sponges in various outcrops and/or stratigraphical levels that is clearly associated with water-depth-related controlling factor(s): Munter, Tona and Sta. Cecilia represent the deepest facies, Gurb is intermediate, and St. Roc and Vespella are the most shallow. The exact bathymetric position of the sponge fauna is difficult to estimate, but it seems that 100 m (but probably 200 m and more in the case of the deepest parts) of water depth may be inferred for this facies.  相似文献   

The Late Tremadoc storm-dominated shoreface to inner platform deposits exposed west of the Purmamarca village (Coquena Formation) contain a considerably more diverse brachiopod fauna than previously reported. Coquinite horizons from the lower heterolitic succession have yielded monospecific associations of Nanorthis purmamarcaensis nov. sp. (formerly assigned to N. christianiae KJERULF), which is also reported from the Late Tremadoc rocks of the Cerro San Bernardo area. The fine-grained Upper Member of the Coquena Formation contains a more diverse fauna composed by Nanorthis brachymyaria nov. sp., Astraborthis quebradensis nov. sp. and the new plectorthid genus Lipanorthis (type species L. andinus nov. sp.). A different species of Lipanorthis (L. santalaurae nov. sp.) from the Mid Tremadoc Floresta Formation of the Sierra de Mojotoro is also described.  相似文献   

One new genus of Ostracoda, Protobrachycythere nov. gen. (Protocytherinae, Lyubimova), and two new species, P. taurica nov. sp. and P. aptica nov. sp., are described from the Barremian and Aptian of the Crimea. Based on the ontogeny of the hinge, Protobrachycythere is considered as an ancestor of the Brachycythere Alexander, 1933 (Brachycytherinae Puri, 1954). The higher taxonomy of the Subfamily Brachycytherinae is reviewed. It is suggested to assign Brachycytherinae to the Family Brachycytheridae Puri.  相似文献   

Chiara Angelone  Lorenzo Rook 《Geobios》2011,44(2-3):151-156
Alilepus meini nov. sp., a new leporid known only from the Early Messinian of central-western Italy (Baccinello-Cinigiano basin, V3 faunal assemblage; Tuscany), is described here. A. meini nov. sp. is an endemic taxon – not inherited from the older Tusco-Sardinian assemblages – of the continental and balanced BCB V3 fauna. The peculiarities of A. meini nov. sp. mainly reside in the occlusal surface of p3 (very large anteroconid, extremely short talonid, deep and crenulated posterior flexids, extremely thin protoisthmus) and P3 (wide hypoflexus). A. meini nov. sp. seems closely related to Alilepus turolensis, as testified by shared morphological characters (globous anteroconid and deep protoflexid, very thin protoisthmus). Palaeobiogeographical evidences support morphological data as A. meini nov. sp. and A. turolensis are the only two species of the genus present in western Europe.  相似文献   

Four new species of mayfly nymphs, Furvoneta relicta sp. nov., Clavineta eximia sp. nov. (originally Mesoneta antiqua), Mesobaetis latifilamentacea sp. nov., and Stackelbergisca cylindrata sp. nov. are described from the Jurassic of China. All these species may have inhabited lakes rather than flowing water. The geological age and stratigraphical correlation of the nymph-bearing strata are briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

The new species Cercosporella pergulariae sp. nov., Pseudocercospora catalpicola sp. nov., Sirosporium rhamnigenum sp. nov., and Spiropes desmodiicola sp. nov. are described and Cercospora commelinicola Chupp is validated. Cercostigmina curta (Syd.) comb, nov., Eriocercosporella vitis-heterophyllae (Henn.) comb, nov., Mycovellosiella lactucae (Henn.) comb, nov., M. trichostemmatis (Henn.) comb, nov., M. tylophorae (Hansf.) comb, nov., Passalora caespitosa (Ellis & Everh.) comb, nov., P. chionanthi (Ellis & Everh.) comb, nov., Prathigada condensata (Ellis & Kellerm.) comb, nov., Pseudocercospora carrii (Barthol.) comb, nov., P. glaucescens (G. Winter) comb, nov., P. pamelae-ellisiae (G.P. Agarwal & N.D. Sharma) comb, nov., Pseudophaeoramularia angolensis (T. Cavalho &O. Mendes) comb, nov., Sporidesmium seminale (Ellis & Everh.) comb, nov., and Stenella praelonga (Syd.) comb. nov. are introduced. Cercospora litseae Henn. is reduced to synonym with Mycovellosiella litseae Meenu et al., and a second collection of Cercosporella indica from Vietnam is recorded.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2021,24(3):653-660
Five new species of Stenothemus Bourgeois, 1907 from Guangxi, China are described, S. normalis sp. nov., S. flavicans sp. nov., S. nigripennis sp. nov., S. elongaticeps sp. nov. and S. maculaticollis sp. nov.. They are illustrated with habitus photos and aedeagi of males, also abdominal sternites VIII and internal genitalia of females. A key for the identification of the above species is provided.  相似文献   

Rich radiolarian associations are investigated. They include nine new species from the Upper Cretaceous (Coniacian-Santonian) metal-bearing beds of the Perapedhia Formation of southern Cyprus: Dorypyle concinna sp. nov., Gongylothorax mangaleniensis sp. nov., Heliocryptocapsa macroporus sp. nov., H. perapediensis sp. nov., Mita guttiformis sp. nov., Pseudoeucyrtis belogorskensis sp. nov., P. cypricus sp. nov., Rhopalosyringium mangaleniense sp. nov., and Sandovalella trihedra sp. nov.  相似文献   

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