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胶孢炭疽菌的种内遗传多样性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
应用RAPD分析对广东不同果树上的胶孢炭疽菌的种内遗传多样性进行研究。结果表明:除部分芒果上的菌株外,20个来源于不同果树上的胶孢炭疽攻都以较高的相似系数聚为一个大群(群Ⅰ)。说明尽管胶孢炭疽攻具有复合种的性质,但在一定的地理范围内,其遗传背景还是相近的,表现出种的典型特征。6个芒果菌株组成3个小群,且与群Ⅰ的亲缘关系较远,其分类地位有待进一步明确。  相似文献   

白地霉的化学成分研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白地霉(Geotrichum candidum Link)固体发酵培养物,经乙醇提取、柱层析分离得到了7个化合物.通过光谱分析,分别鉴定为亮氨酸(1)、尿嘧啶(2)、胸腺嘧啶(3)、焦儿茶酸(4)、4-羟基苯甲酸(5)、3,5-二羟基苯甲酸(6)和7,8-dimethylalloxazine(7).7个化合物均是首次从白地霉中得到.  相似文献   

白地霉一新变种的鉴定及其脂肪酶的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从各种加工厂采集的污泥、废水样品中,分离出157株菌落呈白色,绒毛状或粉状,皮膜型或脂泥型有脂肪酶活力的菌株。经筛选,获得一株产生高活力脂肪酶的菌株——S863,其发  相似文献   

甜瓜遗传多样性的AFLP分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
利用AFLP(Amplified fragment length polymorphism)分子标记技术对48份甜瓜(Cucumis meloL.)材料遗传多样性和亲缘关系进行了研究.从64对引物中筛选出了10对进行选择性扩增,共扩增出423条带,其中多态性条带172条,多态率为40.66%.聚类分析将供试材料分成了两大类群,即厚皮甜瓜类群和薄皮甜瓜类群,并进一步将厚皮甜瓜类群分成了4个亚类,与甜瓜传统分类结果基本一致.  相似文献   

香蕉种质遗传多样性与亲缘关系的AFLP分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用AFLP技术,对60个栽培蕉和野生蕉种进行了遗传多样性分析及分类研究。在相似系数0.62的水平上将供试的60份蕉类植物分为4个群体;在相似系数0.64的水平上将栽培蕉划为两个类群;在相似系数0.83的水平上将香牙蕉类群划分为6个亚群;认为传统地将Cavend ish亚群分为5个类别的分类依据与基因型之间并无严格的对应关系。将Saba归入ABB群体;吊罗矮蕉和北大矮蕉2号很可能是同一品种;国家果树种质广州香蕉圃收集的小米蕉、63-1与华农香蕉园种植的小米蕉、63-1均属同名异物情况。  相似文献   

为了解来自广东和广西的瓜类疫霉的遗传多样性,利用从180条RAPD引物中所筛选出的多态扩增性强、重复性好的12条引物,对分离自两省区的96株瓜类疫霉进行了全基因组DNA遗传多样性分析和指纹图谱构建。通过对供试菌株的RAPD-PCR扩增,共获得135条DNA标记谱带,其中124条为多态性谱带,多态检测率为91.9%。利用NTSYSpc Version2.1软件对供试菌株间的遗传距离进行聚类分析并构建系统树,以遗传相似系数0.81为阈值,将96个供试菌株划分为12个RAPD群,多数分离物之间遗传相似性较低,在DNA水平上存在显著的遗传变异,具有较丰富的遗传多样性。不同地区间菌株的遗传分化程度不同,分离自黄瓜的菌株遗传分化明显高于分离自冬瓜的菌株。RAPD群与菌株地理来源、分离寄主、致病力、交配型及甲霜灵抗性均无明显的相关性。  相似文献   

致病疫霉(Phytophthora infestans)引起的晚疫病是马铃薯的一种毁灭性病害。有效控制马铃薯晚疫病需要明确致病疫霉的群体遗传结构特征。采用8对SSR引物对采自福建省福州、长乐、漳州2010年分离的95株马铃薯致病疫霉进行遗传多样性分析。结果共检测出21个等位基因和26个基因型。三个地点致病疫霉菌群体间的平均遗传分化系数FST为0.22,在8个位点中有5个位点的等位基因频率分布差异显著。三个群体的观测纯合度小于期望纯合度,观测杂合度大于期望杂合度,以无性生殖为主。结果表明福建群体的遗传多样性高,群体间的存在较高的遗传分化度。  相似文献   

白地霉Cryytococcus neoformans脂肪酶的双水相萃取   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了不同无机盐的双水相体系对白地霉脂肪酶的萃取分离效果,对PEG/(NH4)2SO4成相系统进行了系统的研究,通过考察体系PEG分子量、不同的无机盐、PEG浓度、(NH4)2SO4浓度、离子强度、pH值及(NH4)2SO4浓度对反萃取的影响,并通过正交实验进一步优化了实验条件,初步确定在PEG浓度15%,(NH4)2SO4浓度22.5%,pH8.0,不加NaCl的条件下进行双水相萃取,脂肪酶分离系数和纯化倍数分别为6.8和7.5,比活力达到40.3 U/mg蛋白。  相似文献   

丰富的遗传多样性可为大豆育种提供宽阔的遗传基础,本研究基于35对SSR标记,对60份东北地区大豆疫霉根腐病抗性品种进行了遗传多样性分析,共检测到189个等位基因,平均每个位点等位变异数5.4个,多态性信息含量指数(PIC)为0.1550~0.8195,平均为0.6636;遗传相似系数的变异范围为0.31~0.74。利用5对高多态性SSR引物构建了60份抗性材料的指纹图谱,这5对SSR引物构建的指纹图谱可以将60份疫霉根腐病抗性材料逐一区分开。采用NTSYS2.10基于遗传距离的聚类分析,将60份抗性材料分为7个类群,其中78.33%的抗性品种(系)的遗传相似系数在0.45~0.74间,表明遗传差异相对较窄,品种间遗传多样性水平较低。聚类分析与群体遗传结构分析结果有部分重合,均反映出不同地区的抗性材料间存在一定的渗透和交流。  相似文献   

利用ISSR分子标记技术对5个地区6个麦冬居群进行遗传多样性分析。选用10条扩增带型清晰且重复性好的引物进行扩增,共获得115条带,其中89条具有多态性,多态性比例为77.39%。当遗传相似系数(GS)为0.61时,可将6个麦冬居群分为2大类群。居群的GS平均值为0.643,表明供试居群之间存在较近的亲缘关系,且地域越近的其亲缘关系关系越近。研究表明ISSR分子标记技术能够很好地用于不同地域同种物种的亲缘关系分析。  相似文献   

The formation of (1-4)-, (1-3)- and (1-6)-beta-glucanases and beta-glucosidases was studied during the growth of the fungus Geotrichum candidum under the conditions of submerged cultivation in a medium optimal for the production of cellulolytic enzymes. Endo-(1-4)-beta-glucanases and C1 enzyme, as well as (1-3)- and (1-6)-beta-glucanases appeared in the medium as soon as by the 45th hour of growth. However, the maximal concentration of the enzymes in the medium was observed at different periods of the fermentation: between 75th and 105th, 70th and 95th, 55th and 100th, 80th and 105th hours, respectively. The content of the enzymes abruptly decreased by the 160th hour of the growth. The activity of beta-glucosidases, which was low at the beginning of the growth, sharply increased by the 70th hour and remained at the same level by the 160th hour of the growth. The accumulation of beta-glucanases was an uneven process, consistent with irregular changes in the content of DNA and protein in the biomass. The isoelectric points of beta-glucanases and beta-glucosidases were studied in the filtrate of the cultural broth after 96 h of the cultivation. The high activity of endo-(1-4)-beta-glucanase was found at the pH 4.6, 4.1 and 3.8; its low activity was detected at the pH 6.4, 3.2, 1.6 and 1.3. Other glucanases behaved also as acid proteins. During isoelectric focusing, (1-3)-beta-glucanase showed the peaks of activity at the pH 4.4, 4.0, 3.8 and 2.9; (1-6)-beta-glucanase, at the pH 5.0, 3.7, 3.5, 3.1 and 2.0; beta-glucosidases were distributed over a broad pH range from 6.7 to 2.0, with the maximal activity at the pH 6.2, 4.8 and 3.7.  相似文献   

The diversity of French fungus-ripened cheeses is due partly to the succession of fungi that colonize the cheese during ripening. Geotrichum candidum appears in the early stages of ripening on soft cheeses such as Camembert and semihard cheeses such as St. Nectaire and Reblochon. Its lipases and proteases promote flavor development, and its aminopeptidases reduce bitterness imparted by low-molecular-weight peptides in cheese. We assessed the genetic diversity of G. candidum strains by using random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-PCR correlated with phenotypic tests for carbon assimilation and salt tolerance. Strains were isolated from milk, curd, and cheese collected in seven major cheesemaking regions of France. Sixty-four isolates were characterized. We found high genetic diversity of G. candidum even within the same cheesemaking regions. Strains did not group according to region. All of the strains from the Haute-Savoie were able to assimilate lactate as the sole source of carbon, while lactate assimilation varied among strains from the Auvergne. Strains varied in D-mannitol assimilation, and none used citrate as the sole source of carbon. Yeast-like colony morphology predominated in Reblochon, while all of the strains isolated from St. Nectaire were filamentous. The RAPD-PCR technique readily differentiated Geotrichum fragrans isolated from milk and curd in a St. Nectaire cheesemaking facility. This study reveals an enormous diversity of G. candidum that has been empirically selected through the centuries by the cheesemakers of France.  相似文献   

The introduction of multilocus sequence typing (MLST) for strain characterization provided the first sequence-based approach for genotyping many fungi, leading to reproducible, reliable, and exchangeable data. A MLST scheme based on the analysis of six housekeeping genes was developed for genotyping Geotrichum candidum. The scheme was first developed using 18 isolates for which the complete sequences of the alanyl-tRNA synthetase (ALA1), pyruvate kinase (CDC19), acetyl-coA acetyltransferase (ERG10), glutaminyl-tRNA synthase (GLN4), phosphoglucoisomerase (PGI1), and phosphoglucomutase (PGM2) housekeeping genes were determined. Multiple sequence alignments of these genes were used to define a set of loci showing, as closely as possible, the same phylogenetic resolution level as complete gene sequences. This scheme was subsequently validated with 22 additional isolates from dairy and non-dairy sources. Overall, 58 polymorphic sites were indexed among 3,009 nucleotides analyzed. Depending on the loci, four to eight alleles were detected, generating 17 different sequence types, of which ten were represented by a single strain. MLST analysis suggested a predominantly clonal population for the 40?G. candidum isolates. Phylogenetic analysis of the concatenated sequences revealed a distantly related group of four isolates. Interestingly, this group diverged with respect to internal transcribed spacers 1 (ITS1), 5.8S, and ITS2 analysis. The reproducibility of the MLST approach was compared to random amplification of microsatellites by PCR (RAM-PCR), a gel profiling method previously proposed for G. candidum strain typing. Our results found MLST differentiation to be more efficient than RAM-PCR, and MLST also offered a non-ambiguous, unique language, permitting data exchange and evolutionary inference.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of Geotrichum candidum hyphae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Morphogenesis and ultrastructure of Geotrichum candidum septa   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The ultrastructure and mode of formation of septa of Geotrichum candidum were investigated by light and electron microscopy. The invaginations of the lateral membrane and wall appear to initiate at multiple points around the circumference of the cell; the immature septum subsequently assumes a cart-wheel shape, with branched spokes radiating from the center of the septum. Each face of the septum is covered with a membrane possessing hitherto undescribed structural differentiation; the membrane substructures are comprised of two central subunits encircled by 12 identical subunits. The diameter of the entire 12 plus 2 structure is 24 to 25 nm, and the diameter of each individual subunit is approximately 4 nm. The maturation of the septum appears to occur by further deposition of material along the branched skeletal regions. Numerous small openings (micropores), formed as a result of incomplete deposition, ultimately give rise to plasmodesmata. During arthrospore formation, the plasmodesmal canals and associated micropores are occluded by electron-dense materials, rendering each segment of the hyphae completely independent of the rest of the hyphae.  相似文献   

Summary Twelve cultures ofGeotrichum candidum have been examined by agglutination, agglutinin adsorption, passive cutaneous anaphylaxis and dermal sensitivity tests. Because of widespread cross reactivity between the strains in these tests, it was concluded that surface and internal sharing of antigens exists.Supported in part by the University of Missouri Research Council.  相似文献   

Geotrichum candidum completely neutralized the acid brine and reduced its biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) by 88%. Yield of dry mycelium was 62 g per 100 g of BOD utilized.  相似文献   

AIMS: Assessment of genetic diversity within the species Geotrichum candidum and development of tools to trace the strains that play an important role in the agro food industry. METHODS AND RESULTS: RAM-PCR and RAPD-PCR techniques were assessed for their ability to discriminate 57 strains of various morphotypes, substrates and geographical origin. The techniques were complementary and, when combined, allowed us to discriminate isolates. Moreover, we established a link between a taxon and its occupation of an ecological niche, which should not be confused with the substrate of isolation. CONCLUSIONS: We observed a high degree of diversity, which could be linked to the variety of the ecological niches chosen and to the high degree of morphological polymorphism encountered within the species. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Used in combination, RAM-PCR and RAPD-PCR permit traceability and monitoring systems for G. candidum strains during food processing.  相似文献   

Summary Lipases with different fatty acid specificity were produced byGeotrichum candidum depending on growth condition. The hydrolysis of olive oil was inhibited by glycerol tributyrate and was dependent on Ca-ions for running at maximal rate.  相似文献   

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