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Summary Serum-free mouse embryo (SFME) cells are a cell line derived in medium in which serum is replaced with growth factors and other supplements. These cells display unusual properties: a) they do not lose proliferative potential or show gross chromosomal aberration upon extended culture, b) they depend on epidermal growth factor (EGF) for survival, and c) they are reversibly growth inhibited by plasma and serum. Transfection of SFME cells with oncogenes (ras, neu, SV40 T antigen) results in cells that grow in serum-supplemented medium and no longer require EGF for survival. The growth inhibitory activity of human plasma on SFME cells was investigated. The activity was present in delipidated plasma and was not dialyzable against 1M acetic acid. The activity precipitated in 33% methanol, bound to concanavalin A-agarose and was retarded by Sephadex G-50 in 200 mM acetic acid. A fifty- to one-hundred-fold purification was achieved, although most of the differential inhibition of untransformed vs. transformed cells was lost in the course of the purification.  相似文献   

The growth of NIL and NILpy hamster embryo fibroblasts was determined in the presence and absence of pyruvate as a component of the growth medium. It was demonstrated that NIL cells respond to the presence of pyruvate by decreasing cell doubling time, glucose utilization, glutamine utilization, and increasing lactate production with the effects being more pronounced at low inoculum densities. Polyoma-virus transformed NIL cells (NILpy) demonstrate none of the above effects upon pyruvate addition regardless of initial cell inoculum density.  相似文献   

SWAP-70 is a protein involved in actin rearrangement, especially in membrane ruffling. Mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEFs) deficient in SWAP-70 show impaired membrane ruffling and fail to grow in soft agar after transformation by v-Src. Here, we show that v-Src transformed MEFs expressing SWAP-70 are highly invasive. MEFs expressing SWAP-70 or v-Src alone were far less invasive, suggesting that both proteins were required for the cells to be invasive. Expression of both SWAP-70 and v-Src induced constant membrane ruffling, which may cause vigorous cell movement, probably required for invasiveness of the cells. Expression of v-Src alone morphologically transformed MEFs but formed lamellipodia rather than membrane ruffles, suggesting less aggressive nature of the cells compared with those expressing both SWAP-70 and v-Src. These results suggest that v-Src and SWAP-70 act synergistically in the invasion activity of MEFs.  相似文献   

Using cloned cDNAs for pro-alpha 1 and pro-alpha 2 collagen messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA), we have investigated the regulation of collagen mRNA levels in Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) transformed chick embryo fibroblasts (CEF). We find that both pro-alpha 1 and pro-alpha 2 mRNA levels are decreased approximately 10-fold in CEF transformed by either the Bryan high-titer strain or the Schmidt-Ruppin strain of RSV. Using temperature-sensitive mutants in the transforming gene src, we also investigated the rate of change in the levels of the two mRNA species. We employed mutants of both the Bryan high-titre strain (BHTa) and the Schmidt-Ruppin strain (ts68). With both mutants the results were similar. Upon shift from the permissive temperature (35 degrees C) to the non-permissive temperature (41 degrees C), collagen mRNA synthesis, did not increase until more than 5 h had passed, suggesting that action of src on collagen gene expression is indirect. Upon shift from 41 to 35 degrees C, collagen mRNA levels fell with a half-life of 10 h. Whether this fall reflects the half-life of procollagen mRNA or an effect of src on procollagen RNA stability is unclear. Both pro-alpha 1 and pro-alpha 2 mRNA levels were coordinately controlled.  相似文献   

ATP-resistant variants of transformed mouse fibroblasts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Addition of ATP to cultures of transformed mouse fibroblasts, 3T6 cells, resulted in cell growth inhibition, whereas the growth of the non-transformed counterparts, 3T3 cells, was only slightly affected. The inhibition was found to be specific for adenine nucleotides, and concentration dependent. At relatively low concentrations (e.g., 1.0 mM) the effect of ATP was cytostatic, whereas at higher concentrations (e.g., 1.0 mM) a cytotoxic effect was exerted. ATP-resistant variants of 3T6 cells were selected by exposure of cultures to gradually elevated concentrations of ATP. The variants were found to resemble the non-transformed counterparts, 3T3 cells, more than the 3T6 parent cells, by the following criteria: ATP-induced alterations in the membrane potential, changes in membrane permeability, cell growth inhibition, and colony formation on soft agar. The data indicate that long exposure of the transformed cells to external ATP results in redifferentiation and reduction in their tumorigenicity.  相似文献   

A temperature sensitive mutant of Rous sarcoma virus (tsNY68) was used to obtain cultures of quiescent virus-infected chicken embryo fibroblasts arrested by serum starvation at the non-permissive temperature. Upon shift to the permissive temperature, these cells enter the replicative cell cycle as evidenced by increases in 2-deoxyglucose uptake, 3H-thymidine incorporation and percent labeled nuclei. These changes occur in the absence of serum and the cells become morphologically transformed within eight to ten hours after the temperature shift. Entry into the S phase temporally resembles that of normal quiescent fibroblasts stimulated with serum. This experimental system was used to examine the proliferative response of transformed cells to serum and purified multiplication-stimulating activity (MSA) during the transition from the resting to the growing state. Data are presented which show that the presence of serum in the medium enhances the proliferative response of quiescent infected cells shifted to the permissive temperature over those shifted in the absence of serum. In contrast, the presence of MSA has no additional effect on the response exhibited by infected cells shifted to the permissive temperature in serum-free medium. Labeled MSA binding experiments show that this lack of response is not due to a loss of MSA receptors on the cell surface since transformed cells are still capable of binding MSA at the same level as normal cells. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that the set of biochemical events initiated by MSA in normal cells are turned on in infected cells shifted to the permissive temperature by the activation of the src gene product.  相似文献   

We used HeLa cells as recipients in a gene transfer assay to characterize DNA sequences that negatively regulate mammalian cell growth. In this assay, genomic DNA from quiescent human embryo fibroblasts was more inhibitory for HeLa replication than was DNA from either Escherichia coli or HeLa cells. Surprisingly, growth inhibitory activity depended on the growth state of the cells from which genomic DNA was prepared; it was strongest in DNA prepared from serum-deprived, quiescent embryo fibroblasts. This latter observation implies a role for DNA modification(s) in regulating the activity of the inhibitory sequences detected in our assay. The level of the observed growth inhibitory activity was sometimes high, suggesting that the relevant sequences may be abundantly represented in the mammalian genome. We speculate that these findings may provide new insights into the molecular mechanisms involved in cellular quiescence and in vitro senescence.  相似文献   

Properties of a cell growth inhibitor produced by mouse embryo fibroblasts   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Secondary mouse embryo fibroblasts produce a growth inhibitor with the character of a thermolabile, nondialysable protein. The inhibitor was harvested from conditioned medium, and following G-75 Sephadex fractionation it was isolated in one peak which consisted of two fractions eluting at approximately two thirds of the bed volume of the column where approximately 80 percent of the original activity was recovered with an increase in specific activity of about tenfold. Polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis of fractions from L-[35S] methionine-labelled conditioned medium showed that the two fractions with growth inhibitory activity contained some 4-5 bands and shared the two major components. Cell cycle studies showed that the growth inhibitory effect was exerted after addition during early and late G1 and during S phase, and morphological studies showed that where growth was inhibited the morphological expression of the cells was altered.  相似文献   

The proteolytic activities of normal, Schmidt-Ruppin Rous sarcoma virus (SR-RSV) transformed, and infected (RAV) chick embryo fibroblasts (CEF) have been measured by a highly sensitive technique using 3H-acetylated haemoglobin as a substrate.When all 3 types of CEF cells were maintained in serumless media, no differences were detected in the amount of pH 3-4 protease activity released into the media over a 24-h period, and only negligible amounts of pH 7-6 proteolytic activity were found. When normal, transformed, and infected cells were maintained in serumless media and later incubated with 3H-acetylate haemoglobin, a significant proteolysis of the haemoglobin, a 6-fold increase compared to the normal CEF cells, was associated only with plates containing SR-RSV-CEF cells. A fluorescent assay for peptides confirmed that SR-RSV-CEF cells have increased cell-associated proteolytic activity. The net surface charge of the transformed CEF cells was unchanged by maintenance in serumless media but the net surface negativity of the normal and RAV-CEF cells was significantly increased by incubation in media minus serum for 24 h. This suggests that normal CEF cells, maintained in media plus serum, have a substance masking their surface charge which is absent from the surface of transformed cells, possibly because of proteolytic degradation.  相似文献   

Adhesive specificity in normal and transformed mouse fibroblasts   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Adhesive specificity was studied in normal and transformed Balbc mouse fibroblasts by comparing the number of labeled cells collected from a suspension of these cells by aggregates of various cell types. Aggregates of the two malignant cells examined collected either very many cells (aggregates of SV3T3 cells) or very few cells (aggregates of 3T12 cells). In addition, the relative adhesive behavior of these two aggregate types did not vary according to the cell suspension in which they were circulated. These data make it unnecessary to assume that malignancy is always accompanied by a decrease in intercellular adhesion.The adhesive behavior of normal 3T3 cell aggregates, compared to the aggregates composed of either malignant cell type, varied according to the type of cells in the suspension. Aggregates of 3T3 cells collected an appreciable number of SV3T3 cells but few 3T12 cells. Collection of 3T3 cells by 3T3 aggregates was also low if the 3T3 cells of the suspension were harvested from confluent cultures. However, collection of 3T3 cells by 3T3 aggregates increased significantly, as compared to collection by SV3T3 and 3T12 aggregates in the same cell suspension, if the 3T3 suspension was prepared from sparse cultures.Flat-revertants of SV3T3 cells were also studied. These cells behave like nonmalignant 3T3 cells rather than like the SV3T3 cells from which they were derived.We suggest that malignancy may not be caused by decreased intercellular adhesion as compared to normal cells but, perhaps, by decreased intercellular recognition.  相似文献   

The composition of gangliosides was examined in a normal rat embryo fibroblast cell line (REF52) and in two viral transformants: a polyoma transformant (REF52-PyMLV) and a simian viral 40 transformant (REF52-SV40). The distribution of gangliosides in the cell lines was determined using gas-liquid chromatography and high-performance thin-layer chromatography. N-acetylneuraminic acid was the predominant sialic acid species detected in the three cell lines. The total ganglioside concentration (microgram/100 mg dry weight of cells) in the normal, PyMLV, and SV40 lines was 144.7 +/- 10.4, 153.8 +/- 9.2, and 86.1 +/- 6.8, respectively. Gangliosides GM3, GM2, GM1, and GD1a were the major species in the normal and transformed lines. The distribution of these gangliosides, however, differed markedly between the normal and the transformed lines and also between the transformed lines themselves. The transformed cells also differed from the normal cells in growth rate, morphology, and social behavior. The cell line with highest GM3 content (PyMLV) formed islands, whereas the normal and SV40 cell lines, which had lower GM3 levels, grew as monolayers. The findings suggest that PyMLV and SV40 transformation can have multiple and different effects on cellular ganglioside distribution and growth behavior.  相似文献   

Comparative data on the properties of four thiol proteinase inhibitors, and of four serine proteinase inhibitors (two subtilisin and two trypsin inhibitors) isolated from seeds of Vigna are presented. They were similar in their molecular weights (5000–15,000) and dissociation constants (10?8–10?9m). The range of isoelectric points of the thiol proteinase inhibitors was 6.5 to 10.6, and of the serine proteinase inhibitors was 5.0 to 5.9. The amino acid compositions of one papain isoinhibitor, one of subtilisin, and one of trypsin are presented. Papain inhibitor A1 and subtilisin inhibitor 2a were low in cystine. All of the inhibitors were stable upon heating to 80 °C for 5 min at low pH. The subtilisin inhibitor did not bind to catalytically inactive subtilisin derivatives, whereas the papain inhibitor was stoichiometrically bound to the Hg or thioacetamide derivatives of papain. Incubation of the subtilisin inhibitor with catalytic amounts of subtilisin led to the formation of a modified form with the same inhibitor activity as the native inhibitor but with a different electrophoretic mobility. There was no indication of a similar modification of the papain inhibitor by papain. Separate sites are present on the trypsin-chymotrypsin inhibitors for trypsin and chymotrypsin. The papain inhibitors have the same binding sites for papain and ficin.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)-activated neutral protease calpain is ubiquitously expressed and may have pleiotropic biological functions. We have previously reported that repeated treatment of NIH3T3 mouse fibroblasts with the calpain inhibitor N-acetyl-Leu-Leu-norleucinal (ALLN) resulted in the induction of transformed foci [T. Hiwasa, T. Sawada, and S. Sakiyama (1990) Carcinogenesis 11, 75-80]. To elucidate further the effects of calpain in malignant transformation of NIH3T3 cells, calpastatin, an endogenous specific inhibitor of calpain, was expressed in NIH3T3 cells by transfection with cDNA. G418-selected calpastatin-expressing clones showed a significant increase in the anchorage-independent growth ability. A similar increase in cloning efficiency in soft agar medium was also observed in calpain small-subunit-transfected clones. On the other hand, reduced expression of calpastatin achieved by transfection with calpastatin antisense cDNA in Ha-ras-transformed NIH3T3 (ras-NIH) cells caused morphological reversion as well as a decrease in anchorage-independent growth. When NIH3T3 cells were treated with ALLN for 3 days, cell growth was stimulated by approximately 10%. This growth stimulation by ALLN was not observed in ras-NIH cells, but recovered by expression of a dominant negative form of protein kinase C (PKC)epsilon but not by that of PKCalpha. Western blotting analysis showed that an increase in PKCepsilon was much more prominent than that of PKCalpha in NIH3T3 cells after treatment with ALLN. These results are concordant with the notion that calpain suppresses malignant transformation by predominant degradation of PKCepsilon.  相似文献   

Transformed cells have been isolated after transfection of chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEF) with the DNA of a recombinant clone (KXA 3457) in which the v-myb sequences are flanked by the two AMV-LTRs. Abnormal myb-specific RNA species and myb-related polypeptides were found to be expressed in these cells, suggesting that transformation of CEF by v-myb might require alterations of the oncogene product.  相似文献   

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