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Potassium Uptake and Transport in Roots of Ricinus communis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The uptake, accumulation, and transport of potassium by excisedroots of Ricinus communis were investigated. It was found that: 1. The transport of potassium to the vessels was closely dependenton the supply of the ion in the medium. 2. The flux of potassium to the vessels was only a fractionof the total potassium taken up and 99 per cent, of that absorbedwas accumulated in the root tissues. Once retained in this waypotassium appeared to become unavailable for transport to thevessels. 3. There was a fixed relationship between the potassium concentrationsof the medium and the exudate when potassium was supplied aspotassium nitrate in the medium at a range of concentrations.This relationship was altered by the presence of other ionsin the medium.  相似文献   

The aim of the investigation was to study the influence of the rate of water uptake on the uptake of sulphate at supernormal rates of water flow. This was achieved by reducing the size of the root system of 42 days old Ricinus plants. The rate of water flow through the root increased 3 times by reducing the root system to 20 percent. This did not change the retention of sulphate in the roots. The uptake of sulphate was proportional to the size of the root system and thus independent of the rate of water flow while the water uptake (transpiration) was a function of the size of the shoot and the resistance of the root. This was contrary to the conditions at a moderate rate of water flow, when water and sulphate uptake followed each other. The results are discussed in terms of the salt uptake as a series of active and passive processes.  相似文献   

Seedlings of Ricinus communis L. cultivated in quartz sand weresupplied with a nutrient solution containing either 1 mol m–3NO3 or 1 mol m–3 NH+4 as the nitrogen source. Duringthe period between 41 and 51 d after sowing, the flows of N,C and inorganic ions between root and shoot were modelled andexpressed on a fresh weight basis. Plant growth was clearlyinhibited in the presence of NH+4. In the xylem sap the majornitrogenous solutes were nitrate (74%) or glutamine (78%) innitrate or ammonium-fed plants, respectively. The pattern ofamino acids was not markedly influenced by nitrogen nutrition;glutamine was the dominant compound in both cases. NH+4 wasnot transported in significant amounts in both treatments. Inthe phloem, nitrogen was transported almost exclusively in organicform, glutamine being the dominant nitrogenous solute, but theN-source affected the amino acids transported. Uptake of nitrogenand carbon per unit fresh weight was only slightly decreasedby ammonium. The partitioning of nitrogen was independent ofthe form of N-nutrition, although the flow of nitrogen and carbonin the phloem was enhanced in ammonium-fed plants. Cation uptakerates were halved in the presence of ammonium and lower quantitiesof K+, Na+ and Ca2+ but not of Mg2+ were transported to theshoot. As NH+4 was balanced by a 30-fold increase in chloride in thesolution, chloride uptake was increased 6-fold under ammoniumnutrition. We concluded that ammonium was predominantly assimilated inthe root. Nitrate reduction and assimilation occurred in bothshoot and root. The assimilation of ammonium in roots of ammonium-fedplants was associated with a higher respiration rate. Key words: Ricinus communis, nitrogen nutrition (nitrate/ammonium), phloem, xylem, transport, partitioning, nitrogen, carbon, potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, chloride  相似文献   

In plant species not containing polyols, boron (B) is regarded as practically phloem immobile. This has been explained by the high membrane permeability of boric acid (BA) resulting in a rapid efflux out of the phloem and re-transport into the leaf in the xylem. The present study investigated how the xylem flow rate affects the phloem mobility of foliar-applied BA in Ricinus communis L. cv. Impala. Xylem flow rates were varied by exposure of the canopy to different levels of relative humidity (RH). In seedlings with severed hypocotyls, i.e. without xylem flow, B was highly mobile. In intact seedlings and plants, the degree of mobility and the within-plant distribution of B were strongly RH-dependent. At RH of 70% or above, up to 16–24% of the B was translocated to other plant parts, whereas at lower RH no significant movement of B was detected. Only at an intermediate RH (70–80%), did leaf-applied B accumulate in roots. At 100% RH, B transport in the xylem was significantly increased, suggesting that the build up of root pressure induced the recycling of phloem delivered B from roots to shoots. These results indicate that in R. communis phloem B mobility is not constant, but strongly affected by transpiration rates.  相似文献   

Reasons are given for rejecting recent criticisms of methodsused in earlier work on relationships between transpirationand the transfer of nutrients to the shoots of intact plants.  相似文献   

Tumors induced by the wild-type strain C58 of Agrobacterium tumefaciens in hypocotyls of Ricinus communis L. were investigated structurally and functionally with respect to xylem differentiation, cuticle and stomata development, water pathway and transpiration. Clearing of tissue with lactic acid and staining with lacmoid revealed a continuation of stem xylem into differentiated bundles in the tumor. Under the influence of tumors the host xylem below the tumors increased considerably in size. Transport of negatively-charged dyes, amido black, acid fuchsin and the fluorescent pyrenetrisulfonate demonstrated a continuous water flow through the vessels from the stem into the tumor, and up to its surface. Infrared thermography and quantitative measurements of transpiration revealed that transpiration was about 15 times and 7.5 times higher at the tumor surface in comparison to host leaves and to leaves of non-infected plants, respectively. Leaf CO2 assimilation rate remained unaffected by tumorisation. Tumor growth caused disruption of the epidermis, which did not regenerate and hence no cuticle developed to protect against water loss. Stomata located at the tumor rim hypertrophied and lost their function. Tumors are thus characterised as being structurally and functionally strong pathological water sinks on their host plant.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of 14C-IAA from 14C-tryptophan applied to abraded leaves of Ricinus communis and its subsequent export through the phloem were studied. Phloem sap was collected at intervals from incisions made in the stem below the IAA fed leaf. Any upward movement of label through the phloem or downward movement of phloem mobile compounds from leaves above the treated one were restricted by bark-ringing the plants.TLC and HPLC analyses of the collected sap indicate that some conversion of 14C-tryptophan to 14C-IAA had occurred. Subsequent GC-MS analysis of the HPLC purified samples of phloem sap revealed high levels of endogenous IAA transported from the fed leaf. The high ratio of unlabelled/labelled IAA in the phloem sap makes unequivocal confirmation by GC-MS of the predicted biosynthesis of 14C-IAA impossible. It is postulated that IAA is synthesised from tryptophan in mature leaves and exported to developing sink tissues with the flow of photoassimilates in the phloem.  相似文献   

Binding of Ricinus communis agglutinin (RCA 120) to carbohydrate receptors of human lymphocytes and erythrocytes is enthalpically driven. As in the case of simple saccharides, the delta S contribution is always unfavorable to the interaction. This result is different from that observed for other lectins and might indicate that hydrophobic interactions do not play a dominant role in binding of RCA 120 to cell surfaces.  相似文献   

Purification and characterization of Ricinus communis invertase   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An invertase from Ricinus communis leaves was purified 4,400-fold. The preparation was homogeneous by criteria of gel electrophoresis, gel permeation, adsorption, and ionic exchange chromatography. One optimum pH at 3.5 was observed with crude invertase; however, purified preparations showed two optima, at pH 3.5 and 5.5. Addition of bovine serum albumin restored one maximum at pH 3.5 and elicited a 30% activation of the invertase. The effect was caused by many other proteins and by heparin, dextran sulfate, and polyvinylpyrrolidone. Fructose, fructose 1,6-diphosphate, maleic, trans-aconitic, malic, and ascorbic acids were simple competitive inhibitors of the purified enzyme. Glucose was a noncompetitive inhibitor. The activation by proteins suppressed these inhibitory effects. The minimum concentration of activator necessary to reach the maximal activation or "point of optimal activation" was always reached at a concentration of 1 X 10(-6) M, independently of the nature of the activator, when 8.6 X 10(-12) mol of enzyme were used. Apparent molecular weight determinations of the enzyme in the presence and absence of activator and molecular weight determinations based on determinations of the point of optimal activation suggested that the purified enzyme is a heptamer (Mr of 77,900, Stokes radius 32 A, frictional ration f/fo 1.1, partial specific volume 0.749 ml/g) and that the activated form is a trimer consisting of two enzyme subunits and one activator molecule. The activation was lost by dilution of the trimer. The enzyme subunit, as isolated by gel filtration in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (Mr 11,000) was inactive but quickly regained activity upon removal of sodium dodecyl sulfate.  相似文献   

Ricinus communis L. plants were grown in nutrient solutions in which N was supplied as NO3 or NH4+, the solutions being maintained at pH 5.5. In NO3-fed plants excess nutrient anion over cation uptake was equivalent to net OH efflux, and the total charge from NO3 and SO42− reduction equated to the sum of organic anion accumulation plus net OH efflux. In NH4+-fed plants a large H+ efflux was recorded in close agreement with excess cation over anion uptake. This H+ efflux equated to the sum of net cation (NH4+ minus SO42−) assimilation plus organic anion accumulation. In vivo nitrate reductase assays revealed that the roots may have the capacity to reduce just under half of the total NO3 that is taken up and reduced in NO3-fed plants. Organic anion concentration in these plants was much higher in the shoots than in the roots. In NH4+-fed plants absorbed NH4+ was almost exclusively assimilated in the roots. These plants were considerably lower in organic anions than NO3-fed plants, but had equal concentrations in shoots and roots. Xylem and phloem saps were collected from plants exposed to both N sources and analyzed for all major contributing ionic and nitrogenous compounds. The results obtained were used to assist in interpreting the ion uptake, assimilation, and accumulation data in terms of shoot/root pH regulation and cycling of nutrients.  相似文献   

The effect of changing the transpiration rate on leaf waterpotential and water balance has been examined to show if permeabilityof the plant (predominantly the roots) is constant or varieswith the transpiration rate. Measurements of leaf effectivethickness, water potential, transpiration, and uptake of waterby roots were made on sunflower, barley, and maize plants grownin solution culture and subjected to a range of atmosphericconditions and root treatments: cooling, low osmotic potential,and removal of part of the root system. Leaf water potential changed little under a wide range of atmosphericconditions and rates of water flux in the three species, sothat the root permeability to water increases as the rate oftranspiration, and therefore flow across the root surface, increases.Equality between uptake and loss of water and thereby maintenanceof constant leaf water potential is assisted by stomatal changes,which appear to be in response to conditions at or in the rootrather than a direct response to changes in bulk leaf waterpotential.  相似文献   

Roots are recognised as the major sites of cytokinin synthesis and shoots receive a continuous supply of cytokinins from the roots. Although reports are available on the xylem mobility of putative free bases and their ribosides, relatively few studies on the phloem mobility of cytokinins have been reported. The origin of phloem-mobile cytokinins is uncertain but there is evidence which implicates a recirculation from the root source. This study is the first report in which zeatin and zeatin riboside from the root pressure exudate and phloem sap of Ricinus have been identified by full-scan GC-MS and quantified by GC-MS selective-ion-monitoring. In this study, the concentration of cytokinins in root pressure exudate was similar, but lower, and in the phloem sap higher than that reported previously. The concentration of cytokinins quantified in the phloem sap confirms their transport in the sieve tubes. The relatively high concentration of zeatin riboside detected in the root pressure exudate and of zeatin detected in the phloem sap indicate a possible vascular recirculation of these hormones.  相似文献   

Subunits of toxin and agglutinin of Ricinus communis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The molecular properties of the haemagglutinin of Ricinus communis (RCA I or RCA 120) were evaluated by analytical ultracentrifugation, light-scattering, c.d. and fluorescence. The native molecule had a fairly expanded structure (f/f0 = 1.43) and dissociated into two subunits of equal size in 6 M-guanidinium chloride. This native structure was stable in alkali (up to pH 11) and resistant to thermal denaturation at neutrality. A pH-triggered change in the haemagglutinin conformation was observed and characterized by analytical ultracentrifugation, c.d. and fluorescence between pH 7 and 4.5, the range in which its affinity for galactosides decreased [Yamasaki, Absar & Funatsu (1985) Biochim, Biophys. Acta 828, 155-161]. These results are discussed in relation to those reported in the literature for other lectins and more especially ricin, for which a pH-dependent conformation transition has been observed in the same range of low pH.  相似文献   

The structural determinants required for interaction of oligosaccharides with Ricinus communis agglutinin I (RCAI) and Ricinus communis agglutinin II (RCAII) have been studied by lectin affinity high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Homogeneous oligosaccharides of known structure, purified following release from Asn with N-glycanase and reduction with NaBH4, were tested for their ability to interact with columns of silica-bound RCAI and RCAII. The characteristic elution position obtained for each oligosaccharide was reproducible and correlated with specific structural features. RCAI binds oligosaccharides bearing terminal beta 1,4-linked Gal but not those containing terminal beta 1,4-linked GalNAc. In contrast, RCAII binds structures with either terminal beta 1,4-linked Gal or beta 1,4-linked GalNAc. Both lectins display a greater affinity for structures with terminal beta 1,4-rather than beta 1,3-linked Gal, although RCAII interacts more strongly than RCAI with oligosaccharides containing terminal beta 1,3-linked Gal. Whereas terminal alpha 2,6-linked sialic acid partially inhibits oligosaccharide-RCAI interaction, terminal alpha 2,3-linked sialic acid abolishes interaction with the lectin. In contrast, alpha 2,3- and alpha 2,6-linked sialic acid equally inhibit but do not abolish oligosaccharide interaction with RCAII. RCAI and RCAII discriminate between N-acetyllactosamine-type branches arising from different core Man residues of dibranched complex-type oligosaccharides; RCAI has a preference for the branch attached to the alpha 1,3-linked core Man and RCAII has a preference for the branch attached to the alpha 1,6-linked core Man. RCAII but not RCAI interacts with certain di- and tribranched oligosaccharides devoid of either Gal or GalNAc but bearing terminal GlcNAc, indicating an important role for GlcNAc in RCAII interaction. These findings suggest that N-acetyllactosamine is the primary feature required for oligosaccharide recognition by both RCAI and RCAII but that lectin interaction is strongly modulated by other structural features. Thus, the oligosaccharide specificities of RCAI and RCAII are distinct, depending on many different structural features including terminal sugar moieties, peripheral branching pattern, and sugar linkages.  相似文献   

A possible role for specific carrier mechanisms in the phloemtranslocation of xenobiotics in Ricinus communis L. var. Gibsonii(Nichols) has been investigated by comparing the phloem transportof enantiomers of three acidic compounds. No differences intranslocation were found between the R– and S-enantiomersof phenylalanine, 2-methoxy-2-phenylpropanoic acid or 5-methyl-5-phenyloxazolidine-2,4-dione.These similarities between transport of enantiomers indicatethat stereospecific carriers do not occur, even for the endogenousamino acid phenylalanine of which only one enantiomer occursnaturally in phloem sap. Whilst transport of the enantiomerswas similar, there were differences between the mobility ofthe three compounds, and these could largely be explained interms of their physicochemical properties, without the needto invoke the existence of specific carrier mechanisms. Key words: Phloem transport, enantiomers, Ricinus communis, weak acids  相似文献   

Sugar unloading in roots of Ricinus communis L.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

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