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Vertebrate bones, including deer antler, often exhibit variation in their mechanical properties that corresponds to differences in the functional demands they encounter. Among deer, antlers are found in both males and females only in caribou (Rangifer tarandus). Several differences between male and female R. tarandus in behavior and physiology might subject their antlers to differing demands, potentially making divergence of antler material properties between the sexes advantageous. Alternatively, antler material properties might not differ between male and female R. tarandus because both sexes are members of the same species, and the properties of their antlers could, therefore, have emerged under similar pressures and constraints through evolution. To test for sexual dimorphism in antler material properties, we compared the stiffness (Young's modulus of elasticity) of antler specimens from male and female caribou using three-point bending tests. Despite behavioral and physiological differences between males and females, stiffness values did not differ significantly between the sexes in caribou, with a mean (+/-S.E.) stiffness of 5.8+/-0.4GPa across all specimens. This value differed by less than 10% from the values published for R. tarandus specimens of unknown sex, verifying the comparability of bone material property data collected across multiple studies, and lending confidence to recent analyses of the evolution of antler stiffness in deer that have drawn on literature data. 相似文献
Muscle-bone relationships in healthy pre-pubertal children were investigated using four muscle measures as predictors of tibial strength: 66% tibia cross-sectional muscle area (CSMA) by pQCT; leg lean mass (LLM) by DXA; and muscle power (Power) and force (Force) measured during a two-footed jump. Polar strength strain index (pSSI), a calculated surrogate for bone strength at the 20% distal tibia, was obtained on 105 (54 male) self-assessed pre-pubertal children. The amount of muscle (CSMA, LLM) may influence bone strength more than muscle strength (Power, Force) during periods of rapid growth. Correlations and multiple regression partial-R values from models controlling for age, sex, height and weight were obtained for each muscle predictor. CSMA, LLM, Power and Force were positively correlated with pSSI (R=0.84, 0.92, 0.85; 0.66, respectively, all p<0.01). Partial-R values were highest for LLM (partial-R=0.21), similar for CSMA and Power (0.14, 0.15, respectively) and lowest for Force (0.04) in predicting pSSI. Muscle predictors were associated with total and cortical area (R=0.59 to 0.90; p<0.01 for all), but not cortical vBMD at the 20% distal tibia site. These data support relationships between muscle predictors and bone parameters measured by pQCT in healthy pre-pubertal children. 相似文献
探讨了因子和巢式交配设计群体近交率的形成机理,结果表明,这两种交配设计群体结构本身并不导致基近交率累积的差异。在育种选择情况下因子交配设计比巢式设计群体的近交率上升慢,而在完全随机留种和限制随机种情形这两种酱地群体近交率的影响没有差异,但在交配设计情况下,限制随机留种比完全随机留有有交地控制群体近交率的提高。这一结果显示,在动物的家畜遗传留种比完全随机留各 效地控制群体近交率的提高。这一结果显示, 相似文献
Summary The response by male and female plants to herbivory was studied by experimental defoliation of the dioecious perennial herb Silene dioica in a green-house. Male and female plants were defoliated prior to and during the early flowering phase at two intensities (50% and 100% of leaf-area removed) in two consecutive years. Defoliation resulted in a decrease in the number of flowers initiated in both sexes, while a larger delay of peak flowering and a higher mortality was observed in males compared to females. In female plants, severe defoliation resulted in a reduction in seed number per capsule and in seed size compared to control. Females showed a negative correlation between the production of flowers in the first and second season in all treatments, while flowering in males the first season was not correlated with flowering in the second season. Females also showed a lower frequency of flowering than males during the two seasons studied. However, during the flowering period, males allocated significantly more biomass to flowers than did females. This outcome supports the idea that females may have a higher total reproductive expenditure than males, but males have a higher reproductive effort during flowering. Male rosette leaves were significantly preferred by the generalist herbivore Arianta arbustorum in experiments. This preference was most pronounced in trials with leaves from fertilized plants compared to nonfertilized plants. A greater storage of resources in aboveground leaves during winter by males compared to females may explain the higher preference for male leaves and the higher male mortality following early defoliation. Furthermore, males are smaller than females and may have a lower ability than females to replace lost resources needed for reproduction when defoliated early in the season. 相似文献
Rodrigo Gouveia-Oliveira 《Journal of theoretical biology》2009,261(1):100-77
By examining published, empirical data we show that men and women consistently differ in the shape of the distribution of the number of sexual partners. The female distribution is always relatively narrow—variance is low—with a big majority of women having a number of partners close to the average. The male distribution is much wider—variance is high—with many men having few sex partners and many others having more partners than most females.Using stochastic modelling we demonstrate that this difference in variance is, in principle, sufficient to cause a difference in the gender prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases: compared to the situation where the genders have identical sex partner distributions, men will reach a lower equilibrium value, while women will stay at the same level (meaning that female prevalence becomes higher than male). We carefully analyse model behaviour and derive approximate expressions for equilibrium prevalences in the two different scenarios. We find that the size of the difference in gender prevalence depends on the variance ratio (the ratio between the variances of the male and female sex partner distributions), on the expected number of life-time partners, and on the probability of disease transmission. We note that in addition to humans, the variance phenomenon described here is likely to play a role for sexually transmitted diseases in other species also.We also show, again by examining published, empirical data, that the female to male prevalence ratio increases with the overall prevalence of a sexually transmitted disease (i.e., the more widespread the disease, the more women are affected). We suggest that this pattern may be caused by the effect described above in highly prevalent sexually transmitted diseases, while its impact in low-prevalence epidemics is surpassed by the action of high-risk individuals (mostly males). 相似文献
P P Koopmans C M Thomas R J van de Berg T Thien F W Gribnau 《Prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and essential fatty acids》1988,32(3):107-111
Radioimmunoassay measurements of prostaglandins (PGs) E2, F2 alpha, 6-keto-PGF1 alpha and thromboxane (Tx) B2 in 24 h urine specimens from a male and a female healthy volunteer on several consecutive days revealed a dramatic increase of PGE2, PGF2 alpha, 6-keto-PGF1 alpha on days, upon which they had sexual intercourse; only TxB2 remained stable. Furthermore, the PGE2/PGF2 alpha ratio rose to values greater than 0.5 on days with sexual intercourse. This was found to be due to contamination of the urine samples by seminal fluid. Two 24 h urine samples from each of 26 healthy male and female volunteers (HV) revealed higher (p less than 0.01) mean PGE2 and PGF2 alpha values in males than in females. The results show that the interpretation of the urinary PG excretion as a measure of renal PG synthesis should be considered carefully, and that a PGE2/PGF2 alpha ratio greater than 0.5 indicates probable seminal contamination of urine. 相似文献
Factors relating to the aerobic capacity of 46 healthy British males and females, ages 18 to 28 years 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
J E Cotes C T Davies O G Edholm M J Healy J M Tanner 《Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing papers of a Biological character. Royal Society (Great Britain)》1969,174(34):91-114
Jonathan P. Evans Patrice Rosengrave Clelia Gasparini Neil J. Gemmell 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》2013,280(1772)
Disentangling the relative roles of males, females and their interactive effects on competitive fertilization success remains a challenge in sperm competition. In this study, we apply a novel experimental framework to an ideally suited externally fertilizing model system in order to delineate these roles. We focus on the chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, a species in which ovarian fluid (OF) has been implicated as a potential arbiter of cryptic female choice for genetically compatible mates. We evaluated this predicted sexually selected function of OF using a series of factorial competitive fertilization trials. Our design involved a series of 10 factorial crosses, each involving two ‘focal’ rival males whose sperm competed against those from a single ‘standardized’ (non-focal) rival for a genetically uniform set of eggs in the presence of OF from two focal females. This design enabled us to attribute variation in competitive fertilization success among focal males, females (OF) and their interacting effects, while controlling for variation attributable to differences in the sperm competitive ability of rival males, and male-by-female genotypic interactions. Using this experimental framework, we found that variation in sperm competitiveness could be attributed exclusively to differences in the sperm competitive ability of focal males, a conclusion supported by subsequent analyses revealing that variation in sperm swimming velocity predicts paternity success. Together, these findings provide evidence that variation in paternity success can be attributed to intrinsic differences in the sperm competitive ability of rival males, and reveal that sperm swimming velocity is a key target of sexual selection. 相似文献
Stephen C. Stearns Diddahally R. Govindaraju Douglas Ewbank Sean G. Byars 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》2012,279(1748):4836-4844
Because autosomal genes in sexually reproducing organisms spend on average half their time in each sex, and because the traits that they influence encounter different selection pressures in males and females, the evolutionary responses of one sex are constrained by processes occurring in the other sex. Although intralocus sexual conflict can restrict sexes from reaching their phenotypic optima, no direct evidence currently supports its operation in humans. Here, we show that the pattern of multivariate selection acting on human height, weight, blood pressure and glucose, total cholesterol, and age at first birth differs significantly between males and females, and that the angles between male and female linear (77.8 ± 20.5°) and nonlinear (99.1 ± 25.9°) selection gradients were closer to orthogonal than zero, confirming the presence of sexually antagonistic selection. We also found evidence for intralocus sexual conflict demonstrated by significant changes in the predicted male and female responses to selection of individual traits when cross-sex genetic covariances were included and a significant reduction in the angle between male- and female-predicted responses when cross-sex covariances were included (16.9 ± 15.7°), compared with when they were excluded (87.9 ± 31.6°). We conclude that intralocus sexual conflict constrains the joint evolutionary responses of the two sexes in a contemporary human population. 相似文献
Differential allocation (DA)—the adjustment of an individual''s parental investment in relation to its mate''s attractiveness—is increasingly recognized as an important component of sexual selection. However, although DA is expected by both sexes of parents in species with biparental care, DA by males has rarely been investigated. We have previously demonstrated a decrease in the feeding rates of female blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus when their mate''s UV coloration was experimentally reduced (i.e. positive DA). In this study, we used the same experimental protocol in the same population to investigate DA by male blue tits in relation to their female''s UV coloration. Males mated to UV-reduced females had higher feeding rates than those mated to control females (i.e. negative DA). Thus, male and female blue tits display opposite DA for the same component of parental effort (chick provisioning), the first time that this has been reported for any species. 相似文献
C Guillemin 《Annales de génétique》1979,22(2):77-84
In the newt Pleurodelles waltlii, males and females trisomic for chromosomes 8, 10 and 11 are fertile. Crosses between such trisomics and diploids were carried out. Progeny analysis showed that an extra chromosome is transmitted to half of the gametes of both males and females trisomics. The extra chromosome apparently causes interference in the regular mechanics of meiotic division, so that trisomics throw nonparental aneuploids and polyploids in their progenies. Moreover, some descendants develop chromosome anomalies during embryonic life ; thus, the progeny of trisomics include diploids, parentaltype trisomics, and embryos with new chromosome anomalies. Morphology and chromosome anomalies of the embryos are compared. A possible explanation for the secondarily acquired anomalies are discussed. 相似文献
Experimental Hoopoe Upupa epops songs prepared with synthetic sound to differ in strophe length were used to test whether Hoopoe females prefer long strophes. The songs were broadcast simultaneously in the field from two loudspeakers situated 100 m apart, in early spring, when females actively search for mates. The playbacks attracted a total of 87 individuals, both males and females, with a maximum of five individuals (three males and two females) per trial. A female was considered to have been attracted by the song broadcast from a loudspeaker when she approached unaccompanied by a male, and when there was no male nearby. A total of 15 females chose one of the songs and significantly more were attracted by the one with long strophes. These results suggest that in the Hoopoe, male song attracts females, and that strophe length is a sexually selected song cue. There were no differences in the number or kind of males (classified according to strophe length) attracted by each playback. Frequently the experiment attracted more than one male simultaneously. These aggregations cannot be explained as territorial responses, and their significance is discussed together with that of natural spontaneous groupings of displaying males. Apparently males aggregate where they expect to find females. 相似文献
Habitat choice of herbivores is expected to be a resolution of a trade-off between food and shelter. The resolution of this trade-off may, however, be dynamic within a species because distinct phenotypes may value these factors differently and the value may vary temporally. We studied this hypothesis in the marine herbivore Idotea balthica (Isopoda), by simultaneously manipulating both food and shelter, and investigated whether the resolution of the trade-off differed between sexes, colour morphs and day and night (i.e. high and low predation risk). Isopods chose between exposing and concealing backgrounds in which the quantity or quality of food varied. When choosing between the backgrounds in the absence of food, females preferred the concealment more than males did. However, in a trade-off situation the isopods traded shelter for food, and females more so than males. Thus, males' lower preference for the shelter was not counterbalanced by a stronger preference for food. The microhabitat use also differed between night and day showing adaptation to diurnally fluctuating predation risk. We suggest that microhabitat utilization of females is more strongly tied to variation in risk and resources than that of males, for whom other factors, such as seeking mates, may be more important. 相似文献
We investigated whether Japanese monkeys can discriminate pictures of conspecific males and females using a visual paired comparison (VPC) task. Whole-body pictures of adult and nonadult monkeys were used as stimuli. The monkeys were first familiarized with pairs of pictures of different monkeys from one sex category (the familiarized sex). Pairs of novel pictures of a member of the familiarized sex and the opposite sex (novel) were then presented in test. The monkeys showed a preference for novel-sex pictures of both adult and nonadult individuals, indicating that they perceive the differences between familiarized- and novel-sex pictures. These results suggest that monkeys discriminate between pictures of males and females without specific training. 相似文献
The navel orangeworm is the primary insect pest of almonds in California, and egg traps are the primary means of monitoring this pest. A previous study found that the current use of 2-4 traps per 64 ha block usually is not sufficient to provide management information specifically for that block. In this study, we compare data from large grids of egg traps in varied commercial almond orchards with trapping data for females and males, with the objective of finding a more cost-effective monitoring program using currently available attractants. The proportion of egg traps with eggs was highly correlated with mean eggs per egg trap, and with females and males trapped simultaneously at the same location. Almond variety and the type of bait used had little impact on the relationship between the proportion of egg traps with eggs and the number of eggs per traps. Traps in orchards with more unharvested (mummy) almonds had more eggs, suggesting that navel orangeworm abundance affected traps more than competition from mummies. Laboratory experiments comparing age-specific oviposition in two-choice and no-choice situations found that younger, more fecund females laid a greater proportion of eggs on the preferred substrate in a two-choice situation, but that age-specific fecundity was not different between substrates in no-choice tests. These findings indicate that the proportion of egg traps with eggs provides a more stable indication of navel orangeworm phenology than mean eggs per trap. We suggest that similar information could be obtained in a more cost-effective manner with female trapping. 相似文献
林冠截留与大气降水关系的数学模型 总被引:22,自引:2,他引:22
本文依据实测数据及有关资料,对林冠截留进行了深入细致的分析,并以物理化学中溶液吸附理论引伸出的上升-饱和函数关系曲线为类比,提出了一组关于林内雨量率、截留率、截留量与大气降水关系的新的数学模型。模型中的3个参数μm、P_o、k水文学意义明确,拟合效果较好,对深入研究林冠截留具有一定现实意义。 林内雨量率公式: 林冠截留率公式: 林冠截留量公式: 相似文献
Summary We derived an index of reproductive effort (g reproductive tissue per g leaf) from data collected over two seasons on 28 males and 28 females of the dioecious shrub Oemleria cerasiformis. Males produced an average of three times as much flower and flower-stalk tissue as females, but because of their large fruits, females produced four times as much total reproductive biomass. Reproductive effort of both sexes was related to light. Fruit set in females (% carpels producing drupes) averaged 11.2% and was related to spring light levels. Male-biased sex ratios in this species may be related to the greater reproductive effort of females. 相似文献
S Giammanco M La Guardia 《Archives internationales de physiologie et de biochimie》1979,87(5):943-947
The results we have got on the mouse-killing behaviour of the rat point out the remarkable percentage difference between control males and control females, between integral males and males castrated at birth, and between normal females and females under the effects of androgens. Such results make us believe that the appearance of the killer behaviour is affected by the presence of testosterone in the first days of life of the rat. 相似文献