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睾丸去神经对大鼠半去势诱导的睾酮代偿性分泌的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在成年大鼠,半去势可以在促性腺激素没有明显改变的情况下导致睾丸静脉血液中睾酮浓度代偿性增加,其机理尚不明了。本研究以成年大鼠为实验动物,检验睾酮的代偿性增加是否受到睾丸去神经的影响。睾丸去神经(inferior spematic nerves,ISN或ISN plus superior spermatic nerves,ISN-SSN)手术2周后开始半去势实验,半去势之前和半去势之后6和24h,  相似文献   

本研究以睾丸神经分布丰富的成年雄性家猫为实验动物,采用25Hz的强脉冲(50-70V)或弱脉冲(20-25V)刺激其睾丸精索上神经(SSN)和下神经(ISN),并对其左侧睾丸静脉做导管以便测定睾丸睾酮分泌及血流速度等生理参数。结果表明,对SSN进行电刺激,睾丸静脉血流速度在强刺激期间立即下降44.87%,但刺激之后又迅速恢复,而在弱刺激期间虽未发生变化,但刺激之后却显著减少27.25%;睾酮分泌在强刺激期间虽然下降42.01%,但刺激之后又平均增加2.5倍,相反,它在弱刺激期间增加87.33%,并且在刺激之后继续增加,最高时比刺激前平均增加4倍。与SSN不同,对ISN进行电刺激,血流速度虽然在强刺激期间升高12.31%,而刺激之后却呈下降趋势,然而,它在弱刺激期间和刺激之后却都未发生显著变化;睾酮分泌则无论是用强或弱刺激均未出现显著变化。因此,本研究结果表明,神经系统直接参与调节睾丸睾酮的分泌,为进一步深入研究神经与睾酮分泌之间的关系提供了可靠的依据。  相似文献   

目的:观察去睾丸和睾酮补充对雄兔骨密度和血清钙、镁、磷的影响.方法:周龄相同的雄性新西兰白兔随机分成对照组、去睾丸组和睾酮补充组(去睾丸后肌注十一酸睾酮).同等条件下饲养20周后测量各组兔全身骨密度、腰椎骨密度、股骨颈骨密度,并检测血清总睾酮(TT)、雌二醇(E2),脱氢表雄酮(DHEA)水平以及血清钙(Ca2 )、游离钙([Ca2 ]i)镁(Mg2 )、磷(P)和碱性磷酸酶(AKP)浓度.结果:去睾丸组血清TT水平明显下降(P<0.01),睾酮补充组血清TT水平升高接近对照组(P>0.05).去睾丸组血清E2和E2/TT比明显高于对照组(P<0.01),睾酮补充组血清E2和E2/TT下降,接近对照组水平(P均>0.05).与对照组相比,去睾丸组血清Ca2 、[Ca2 ]i、Mg2 以及AKP浓度明显升高(P均<0.01),睾酮补充组血清Ca2 、[Ca2 ]i、Mg2 以及AKP浓度较去睾丸组低,接近对照组水平(P>0.05).股骨颈骨密度在去睾丸组明显低于对照组和睾酮补充组(P<0.01),而后两组无差别(P>0.05).结论:去睾丸后雄兔血清TT明显下降,E2和E2/TT比以及Ca2 、[Ca2 ]i、Mg2 和AKP浓度明显升高,骨密度显著下降,睾酮补充使上述异常明显改善.  相似文献   

在绵羊睾丸间质细胞体外无血清长期培养的条件下,研究了催乳素对睾丸间质细胞睾酮分泌的调节作用。实验结果表明,催乳素可增强细胞对人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)刺激的反应。催乳素的这种作用呈双相调节。睾酮分泌量显著高于hCG和催乳素单独作用时的总和。在hCG存在下,不同的底物转化为睾酮的量不同。其中雄烯二酮和孕酮转化为睾酮的方式存在着双相性。脱氢表雄酮转为睾酮的量少,不存在双相性,而与其剂量成正比。催乳素在hCG存在下可调节底物转化为睾酮。低剂量的催乳素(1ng/ml)可使一定剂量的孕酮(10~30ng/ml)转化为睾酮的量明显增加,而高剂量的催乳素(>10ng/ml)却明显地抑制孕酮转化为睾酮。催乳素可明显地抑制雄烯二酮转化为睾酮,与剂量无关。可见催乳素对于孕酮和雄烯二酮这两个关键底物转化为睾酮的调节是不同的。催乳素增强hCG刺激睾酮分泌的作用可能部分是通过其促进孕酮转化为睾酮来实现的。  相似文献   

通过观察具有不同睾丸金属结合蛋白(testismetalbindingprotein,TMBP)含量的对照和缺锌后补锌大鼠安静时和力竭性游泳后不同时间睾丸和血清睾酮和锌含量变化,以探讨TMBP含量对睾酮合成速率的影响.实验结果证实了如下推测:TMBP含量不同,睾酮合成的速率也不同,高起始含量TMBP的状况下,睾丸睾酮的合成加快.这一结果提示:TMBP可能参与睾酮的合成.  相似文献   

作者测定并分析了43只雄貉睾丸宽度、血清睾酮水平的季节性变化。结果表明:睾丸宽度和血清睾酮水平呈明显的年周期季节性变化(p<0.01)。秋分(9月)时,睾丸宽度开始增大(p<0.05 );血清睾酮水平在10月开始升高(p<0.05)。各月雄貉的平均睾酮水平与平均睾丸宽度是极显著的正相关(r=0.83,p<0.01 n=11)。雄貉繁殖季节初期,血清睾酮水平与其首、末次的交配日期呈显著负相关(r=-0.525和r=-0.476,p<0.05,n=19)。  相似文献   

本研究通过观察大鼠力竭性游泳后睾丸金属结合蛋白(TMBP)、睾酮和锌含量的动态变化,探讨TMBP的被诱导性、诱导特点以及与睾酮合成和锌代谢的关系。结果显示:大鼠力竭性游泳后,TMBP呈一过性升高,峰值在游泳后6h处,达安静时4 16倍;游后12h已降回原有水平。这表明TMBP可被力竭性游泳所诱导,并减期不至6h。TMBP诱导性的发现对认识TMBP的功能具有重要的意义。大鼠睾丸酮在力竭性游泳后即刻急  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein A-V (apoA-V) is a potent regulator of intravascular triglyceride (TG) metabolism, yet its plasma concentration is very low compared with that of other apolipoproteins. To examine the basis for its low plasma concentration, the secretion efficiency of apoA-V was measured in stably transfected McA-RH7777 rat hepatoma cells. Pulse-chase experiments revealed that only ~20% of newly synthesized apoA-V is secreted into culture medium within 3 h postsynthesis and that ~65% undergoes presecretory turnover; similar results were obtained with transfected nonhepatic Chinese hamster ovary cells. ApoA-V secreted by McA-RH7777 cells was not associated with cell surface heparin-competable binding sites. When stably transfected McA-RH7777 cells were treated with oleic acid, the resulting increase in TG synthesis caused a reduction in apoA-V secretion, a reciprocal increase in cell-associated apoA-V, and movement of apoA-V onto cytosolic lipid droplets. In a stably transfected doxycycline-inducible McA-RH7777 cell line, apoA-V expression inhibited TG secretion by ~50%, increased cellular TG, and reduced Z-average VLDL(1) particle diameter from 81 to 67 nm; however, no impact on apoB secretion was observed. These data demonstrate that apoA-V inefficiently traffics within the secretory pathway, that its intracellular itinerary can be regulated by changes in cellular TG accumulation, and that apoA-V synthesis can modulate VLDL TG mobilization and secretion.  相似文献   

The first step in reverse cholesterol transport is a process by which lipid-free or lipid-poor apoA-1 removes cholesterol from cells through the action of ATP binding cassette transporter A1 at the plasma membrane. However the structure and composition of lipid-free or -poor apoA-1 in plasma remains obscure. We previously obtained a monoclonal antibody (MAb) that specifically recognizes apoA-1 in preβ1-HDL, the smallest apoA-1-containing particle in plasma, which we used to establish a preβ1-HDL ELISA. Here, we purified preβ1-HDL from fresh normal plasma using said antibody, and analyzed the composition and structure. ApoA-1 was detected, but neither phospholipid nor cholesterol were detected in the purified preβ1-HDL. Only globular, not discoidal, particles were observed by electron microscopy. In nondenaturing PAGE, no difference in the mobility was observed between the purified preβ1-HDL and original plasma preβ1-HDL, or between the preβ1-HDL and lipid-free apoA-1 prepared by delipidating HDL. In sandwich ELISA using two anti-preβ1-HDL MAbs, reactivity with intact plasma preβ1-HDL was observed in ELISA using two MAbs with distinct epitopes but no reactivity was observed in ELISA using a single MAb, and the same phenomenon was observed with monomolecular lipid-free apoA-1. These results suggest that plasma preβ1-HDL is lipid-free monomolecular apoA-1.  相似文献   

The expression of apolipoprotein A-V (apoA-V) in hepatoma cells results in homing of this protein to intracellular lipid droplets. When hepatoma cells transfected with a full-length apoA-V-green fluorescent protein fusion protein were cultured in medium that was not supplemented with oleic acid (OA), intracellular lipid droplet size and number were reduced compared with those of cells supplemented with OA. Confocal microscopy studies revealed that apoA-V associates with lipid droplets under both conditions. To define the structural requirements for apoA-V lipid droplet association, hepatoma cells were transfected with a series of C-terminal truncated apoA-V variants. Confocal microscopy analysis revealed that, in a manner similar to mature full-length apoA-V (343 amino acids), truncation variants apoA-V(1-292), apoA-V(1-237), and apoA-V(1-191) associated with lipid droplets, while apoA-V(1-146) did not. Western blot analysis of the relative abundance of apoA-V in cell lysates versus conditioned medium indicated that apoA-V variants associated with lipid droplets were poorly secreted while apoA-V(1-146) was efficiently secreted. Ultracentrifugation of conditioned medium revealed that, unlike full-length apoA-V, which associates with lipoproteins, apoA-V(1-146) was present solely in the lipoprotein-deficient fraction. Deletion of the N-terminal signal peptide from apoA-V resulted in an inability of the protein to be secreted into the medium, although it associated with lipid droplets. Taken together, these data suggest that the C terminus of apoA-V is essential for lipid droplet association in transfected hepatoma cells and lipoprotein association in conditioned medium while the signal peptide is required for extracellular trafficking of this protein.  相似文献   

In previous studies, it was shown that lipid microemulsions resembling LDL (LDE) but not containing protein, acquire apolipoprotein E when injected into the bloodstream and bind to LDL receptors (LDLR) using this protein as ligand. Aiming to evaluate the effects of apolipoprotein (apo) B-100 on the catabolism of these microemulsions, LDE with incorporated apo B-100 (LDE-apoB) and native LDL, all labeled with radioactive lipids were studied after intraarterial injection into Wistar rats. Plasma decay curves of the labels were determined in samples collected over 10 h and tissue uptake was assayed from organs excised from the animals sacrificed 24 h after injection. LDE-apo B had a fractional clearance rate (FCR) similar to native LDL (0.40 and 0.33, respectively) but both had FCR pronouncedly smaller than LDE (0.56, P<0.01). Liver was the main uptake site for LDE, LDE-apoB, and native LDL, but LDE-apoB and native LDL had lower hepatic uptake rates than LDE. Pre-treatment of the rats with 17α-ethinylestradiol, known to upregulate LDLR, accelerated the removal from plasma of both LDE and LDE-apoB, but the effect was greater upon LDE than LDE-apoB. These differences in metabolic behavior documented in vivo can be interpreted by the lower affinity of LDLR for apo B-100 than for apo E, demonstrated in in vitro studies. Therefore, our study shows in vivo that, in comparison with apo E, apo B is a less efficient ligand to remove lipid particles such as microemulsions or lipoproteins from the intravascular compartment.  相似文献   

Plasma apoC-III levels correlate with triglyceride (TG) levels and are a strong predictor of CVD outcomes. ApoC-III elevates TG in part by inhibiting LPL. ApoC-III likely inhibits LPL by competing for lipid binding. To probe this, we used oil-drop tensiometry to characterize binding of six apoC-III variants to lipid/water interfaces. This technique monitors the dependence of lipid binding on surface pressure, which increases during TG hydrolysis by LPL. ApoC-III adsorption increased surface pressure by upward of 18 mN/m at phospholipid/TG/water interfaces. ApoC-III was retained to high pressures at these interfaces, desorbing at 21–25 mN/m. Point mutants, which substituted alanine for aromatic residues, impaired the lipid binding of apoC-III. Adsorption and retention pressures decreased by 1–6 mN/m in point mutants, with the magnitude determined by the location of alanine substitutions. Trp42 was most critical to mediating lipid binding. These results strongly correlate with our previous results, linking apoC-III point mutants to increased LPL binding and activity at lipid surfaces. We propose that aromatic residues in the C-terminal half of apoC-III mediate binding to TG-rich lipoproteins. Increased apoC-III expression in the hypertriglyceridemic state allows apoC-III to accumulate on lipoproteins and inhibit LPL by preventing binding and/or access to substrate.  相似文献   

目的:观察左旋多沙唑嗪(-)DOX、右旋多沙唑嗪(+)DOX和消旋多沙唑嗪(±)DOX对高血脂家兔血脂水平及动物死亡率的影响。方法:取普通级雄性新西兰大耳白兔,给予高脂饮食4周后,血清TC小于10mmol/L的8只家兔为普通饮食组,饲以标准饲料。血清TC大于10mmol/L的40只家兔随机分为4组(n=10):高脂模型组、高脂模型+(-)DOX组、高脂模型+(+)DOX组以及高脂模型+(±)DOX组。普通饮食组和高脂模型组家兔腹腔注射无菌双蒸水;其他3组家兔分别腹腔注射(-)DOX、(+)DOX和(±)DOX,连续9周。分析药物对兔血清总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)的影响。结果:饲以高脂饮食13周时模型组家兔死亡率达40%,远远高于普通饮食组家兔(10%),亦明显高于(±)DOX和(-)DOX处理组。模型组家兔随高脂饲养的时间延长,血清LDL-C水平进一步显著升高(P0.05和P0.01);而各药物处理组动物的血清LDL-C水平未显著升高(P0.05)。结论:(-)DOX和(±)DOX可提高高脂饮食家兔的生存率,并对高血脂家兔的血清LDL-C紊乱具有轻度的改善作用;该作用可能不是其提高高脂饮食家兔生存率的主要作用机制。  相似文献   

The plasma levels of apo B and apo E, and the level of hepatic and intestinal mRNA coding for these apolipoproteins were investigated in weanling male rats pair-fed for 6 wk with a control or copperdeficient diet. Plasma cholesterol, triglycerides, and phospholipids were significantly increased, and plasma apo B and apo E levels were also markedly increased in copper-deficient rats as compared to control rats. Copper deficiency significantly increased triglyceride levels and decreased cholesterol levels in the liver. No major differences in the levels of hepatic and intestinal apo B and apo E mRNA occurred between control and copper-deficient rats. These data imply that hypertriglyceridemia dn hypercholesterolemia owing to the copper deficiency are not accompanied by modifications in the gene expression at the mRNA level in the liver and intestine of the apolipoproteins studied.  相似文献   

Females often select mates on the basis of sexual signals, which can be reliable indicators of male quality when the costliness of these signals prevents cheating. The immunocompetence handicap hypothesis (ICHH) provides a mechanistic explanation of these costs, by proposing a trade-off between immune function and sexual displays. This trade-off arises because testosterone enhances sexual signals, but suppresses immune function. Many studies have investigated the ICHH by administrating testosterone, and a recent meta-analysis found little evidence that testosterone suppressed immune function. However, another component of the ICHH, which has received less empirical interest, suggests that there may also be an interaction in the other direction, with immune activation suppressing testosterone levels. We present a meta-analysis to test for this effect. Overall, there was a strong suppressive effect of experimental immune activation on testosterone levels (r=-0.52), regardless of whether live pathogens or non-pathogenic antigens were used to challenge the immune system. The latter is important because it shows that immune activation per se suppresses testosterone levels. Thus, a trade-off between immunocompetence and sexual displays may primarily be generated by the effect of immune activation on testosterone, rather than the opposite effect that has received most attention.  相似文献   

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