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A storm-surge barrier was constructed in the mouth of the Oosterschelde, a euhaline mesotidal estuary in the SW Netherlands (mean tidal range 3.6 m). As a consequence, the tidal range and the Mean High Water in the estuary have been reduced to about 88% of their original values.During the final construction stage of this barrier (1986–87) both were reduced to a maximum of 65% for more than 18 months. During this period, large-scale die-back of the vegetation occurred in vast areas on the salt marshes; locally, a complete die-back of the vegetation took place. Glycophytes and disturbance indicating species appeared on a large scale and grew abundantly. After the new tidal regime had been established, the vegetation recovered. The species characteristic of disturbance, are gradually being replaced by perennial salt marsh species. In addition, most species are shifting into zones of lower elevation, which correspond (in 1990/1991) more or less with the original flooding frequencies. Moreover, in many basins the levee-species Halimione portulacoides and Elymus pycnanthus are far more prominent than before, probably as a result of the strong ripening of the soil that has occurred in these basins during the extra tidal reduction. In 1991, four years after the establishment of the new tidal regime, the salt marsh vegetation had still not been stabilized.  相似文献   

Jana Gesina Engels  Kai Jensen 《Oikos》2010,119(4):679-685
Understanding the mechanisms that shape plant distribution patterns is a major goal in ecology. We investigated the role of biotic interactions (competition and facilitation) and abiotic factors in creating horizontal plant zonation along salinity gradients in the Elbe estuary. We conducted reciprocal transplant experiments with four dominant species from salt and tidal freshwater marshes at two tidal elevations. Ten individuals of each species were transplanted as sods to the opposing marsh type and within their native marsh (two sites each). Transplants were placed at the centre of 9‐m2 plots along a line parallel to the river bank. In order to disentangle abiotic and biotic influences, we set up plots with and without neighbouring vegetation, resulting in five replicates per site. Freshwater species (Bolboschoenus maritimus and Phragmites australis) transplanted to salt marshes performed poorly regardless of whether neighbouring vegetation was present or not, although 50–70% of the transplants did survive. Growth of Phragmites transplants was impaired also by competition in freshwater marshes. Salt marsh species (Spartina anglica and Puccinellia maritima) had extremely low biomass when transplanted to freshwater marshes and 80–100% died in the presence of neighbours. Without neighbours, biomass of salt marsh species in freshwater marshes was similar to or higher than that in salt marshes. Our results indicate that salt marsh species are precluded from freshwater marshes by competition, whereas freshwater species are excluded from salt marshes by physical stress. Thus, our study provides the first experimental evidence from a European estuary for the general theory that species boundaries along environmental gradients are determined by physical factors towards the harsh end and by competitive ability towards the benign end of the gradient. We generally found no significant impact of competition in salt marshes, indicating a shift in the importance of competition along the estuarine gradient.  相似文献   

Within isolated and fragmented populations, species interactions such as predation can cause shifts in community structure and demographics in tidal marsh ecosystems. It is critical to incorporate species interactions into our understanding when evaluating the effects of sea‐level rise and storm surges on tidal marshes. In this study, we hypothesize that avian predators will increase their presence and hunting activities during high tides when increased inundation makes their prey more vulnerable. We present evidence that there is a relationship between tidal inundation depth and time of day on the presence, abundance, and behavior of avian predators. We introduce predation pressure as a combined probability of predator presence related to water level. Focal surveys were conducted at four tidal marshes in the San Francisco Bay, California where tidal inundation patterns were monitored across 6 months of the winter. Sixteen avian predator species were observed. During high tide at Tolay Slough marsh, ardeids had a 29‐fold increase in capture attempts and 4 times greater apparent success rate compared with low tide. Significantly fewer raptors and ardeids were found on low tides than on high tides across all sites. There were more raptors in December and January and more ardeids in January than in other months. Ardeids were more prevalent in the morning, while raptors did not exhibit a significant response to time of day. Modeling results showed that raptors had a unimodal response to water level with a peak at 0.5 m over the marsh platform, while ardeids had an increasing response with water level. We found that predation pressure is related to flooding of the marsh surface, and short‐term increases in sea levels from high astronomical tides, sea‐level rise, and storm surges increase vulnerability of tidal marsh wildlife.  相似文献   

Salt Marsh Restoration in Connecticut: 20 Years of Science and Management   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In 1980 the State of Connecticut began a tidal marsh restoration program targeting systems degraded by tidal restrictions and impoundments. Such marshes become dominated by common reed grass (Phragmites australis) and cattail (Typha angustifolia and T. latifolia), with little ecological connection to Long Island Sound. The management and scientific hypothesis was that returning tidal action, reconnecting marshes to Long Island Sound, would set these systems on a recovery trajectory. Specific restoration targets (i.e., pre‐disturbance conditions or particular reference marshes) were considered unrealistic. However, it was expected that with time restored tides would return ecological functions and attributes characteristic of fully functioning tidal salt marshes. Here we report results of this program at nine separate sites within six marsh systems along 110 km of Long Island Sound shoreline, with restoration times of 5 to 21 years. Biotic parameters assessed include vegetation, macroinvertebrates, and use by fish and birds. Abiotic factors studied were soil salinity, elevation and tidal flooding, and soil water table depth. Sites fell into two categories of vegetation recovery: slow, ca. 0.5%, or fast, more than 5% of total area per year. Although total cover and frequency of salt marsh angiosperms was positively related to soil salinity, and reed grass stand parameters negatively so, fast versus slow recovery rates could not be attributed to salinity. Instead, rates appear to reflect differences in tidal flooding. Rapid recovery was characterized by lower elevations, greater hydroperiods, and higher soil water tables. Recovery of other biotic attributes and functions does not necessarily parallel those for vegetation. At the longest studied system (rapid vegetation recovery) the high marsh snail Melampus bidentatus took two decades to reach densities comparable with a nearby reference marsh, whereas the amphipod Orchestia grillus was well established on a slow‐recovery marsh, reed grass dominated after 9 years. Typical fish species assemblages were found in restoration site creeks and ditches within 5 years. Gut contents of fish in ditches and on the high marsh suggest that use of restored marsh as foraging areas may require up to 15 years to reach equivalence with reference sites. Bird species that specialize in salt marshes require appropriate vegetation; on the oldest restoration site, breeding populations comparable with reference marshland had become established after 15 years. Use of restoration sites by birds considered marsh generalists was initially high and was still nearly twice that of reference areas even after 20 years. Herons, egrets, and migratory shorebirds used restoration areas extensively. These results support our prediction that returning tides will set degraded marshes on trajectories that can bring essentially full restoration of ecological functions. This can occur within two decades, although reduced tidal action can delay restoration of some functions. With this success, Connecticut's Department of Environmental Protection established a dedicated Wetland Restoration Unit. As of 1999 tides have been restored at 57 separate sites along the Connecticut coast.  相似文献   

Question: Does the vegetation of restored salt marshes increasingly resemble natural reference communities over time? Location: The Essex estuaries, southeast England. Methods: Abandoned reclamations, where coastal defences had been breached in storm events, and current salt marsh recreation schemes were surveyed giving a chronosequence of salt marsh regeneration from 2 to 107 years. The presence, abundance and height of plant species were recorded and comparisons were made with adjacent reference salt marsh communities at equivalent elevations. Results: Of the 18 paired sites surveyed, 13 regenerated marshes had fewer species than their adjacent reference marsh, three had an equal number and two had more. The plant communities of only two de‐embankment sites matched that of the reference community. 0–50 year old sites and 51–100 year old sites had fewer species per quadrat than the 101+ year sites and the reference salt marshes. There was a weak relationship between differences in species richness for regenerated and reference marshes and the time since sites were first re‐exposed to tidal inundation. Cover values for the invasive and recently evolved Spartina anglica were greater within regenerated than reference marshes. Conclusions: Salt marsh plants will colonise formerly reclaimed land relatively quickly on resumption of tidal flooding. However, even after 100 years regenerated salt marshes differ in species richness, composition and structure from reference communities.  相似文献   

Questions: What are the feedbacks among the seed bank, parent vegetation, and landscape structure that control plant species turnover in space and time in a tidal freshwater marsh? How can these feedbacks be used to better understand marsh community dynamics and to establish restoration practices that seek to restore vegetation diversity of this important and widely distributed ecosystem? Location: Potomac River, Virginia, United States (15 km south of Washington, DC). Methods: We sampled the seed bank and standing vegetation in a tidal freshwater marsh and explored similarities between seed bank and vegetation composition through space and time. We then investigated marsh surface elevation, distance to nearest tidal channels, and life history of component species as potential explanations for the observed vegetation patterns. Results: The composition of individual plots changed considerably from year to year; however, the composition at broader spatial (whole marsh) and temporal (4 years) scales was relatively stable. Species composition of the seed bank was dissimilar to both the previous and current year's standing vegetation, and similarity to standing vegetation was particularly low in plots dominated by annual species. Landscape structure and life history characteristics of individual species best explained the spatiotemporal variability in marsh vegetation. Conclusions: Restoration designs should be landscape‐dependent and explicitly incorporate spatially structured elements such as elevation gradients to maximize community diversity in reconstructed tidal freshwater marshes. Optimal designs include areas of high seed input, areas of high species turnover, as well as other areas of greater stability.  相似文献   

The cycling and sequestration of carbon are important ecosystem functions of estuarine wetlands that may be affected by climate change. We conducted experiments across a latitudinal and climate gradient of tidal marshes in the northeast Pacific to evaluate the effects of climate- and vegetation-related factors on litter decomposition. We manipulated tidal exposure and litter type in experimental mesocosms at two sites and used variation across marsh landscapes at seven sites to test for relationships between decomposition and marsh elevation, soil temperature, vegetation composition, litter quality, and sediment organic content. A greater than tenfold increase in manipulated tidal inundation resulted in small increases in decomposition of roots and rhizomes of two species, but no significant change in decay rates of shoots of three other species. In contrast, across the latitudinal gradient, decomposition rates of Salicornia pacifica litter were greater in high marsh than in low marsh. Rates were not correlated with sediment temperature or organic content, but were associated with plant assemblage structure including above-ground cover, species composition, and species richness. Decomposition rates also varied by litter type; at two sites in the Pacific Northwest, the grasses Deschampsia cespitosa and Distichlis spicata decomposed more slowly than the forb S. pacifica. Our data suggest that elevation gradients and vegetation structure in tidal marshes both affect rates of litter decay, potentially leading to complex spatial patterns in sediment carbon dynamics. Climate change may thus have direct effects on rates of decomposition through increased inundation from sea-level rise and indirect effects through changing plant community composition.  相似文献   

Tidal marshes are among the most threatened habitats on Earth because of their limited natural extent, a long history of human drainage and modification, and anticipated future sea‐level rise. Tidal marshes also provide services to humans and support species of high conservation interest. Consequently, millions of dollars have been spent on tidal marsh restoration throughout North America. Southern New England has a long history of tidal marsh restorations, often focused on removal of the invasive plant Phragmites australis. Working in 18 Connecticut marshes, we examined the bird community in 21 plots in restoration sites and 19 plots in reference sites. Restoration plots were divided into those in marshes where management involved restoring tidal flow and those where direct Phragmites control (e.g. cutting, herbicide) was used. Saltmarsh sparrows Ammodramus caudacutus, which are considered globally vulnerable to extinction, were less common where tidal flow had been restored than at reference sites and nested in only one of 14 tidal‐flow restoration plots. No abundance differences were found for large wading birds, willets Tringa semipalmata, or seaside sparrows Ammodramus maritimus. Vegetation at sites where tidal flow had been restored showed characteristics typical of lower‐elevation marsh, which is unsuitable for nesting saltmarsh sparrows. We conclude that, although tidal‐flow restorations in Connecticut control Phragmites and restore native saltmarsh vegetation, they produce conditions that are largely unsuitable for one of the highest conservation priority species found in eastern U.S. salt marshes.  相似文献   

Aboveground biomass, macro‐organic matter (MOM), and wetland soil characteristics were measured periodically between 1983 and 1998 in a created brackish‐water marsh and a nearby natural marsh along the Pamlico River estuary, North Carolina to evaluate the development of wetland vegetation and soil dependent functions after marsh creation. Development of aboveground biomass and MOM was dependent on elevation and frequency of tidal inundation. Aboveground biomass of Spartina alterniflora, which occupied low elevations along tidal creeks and was inundated frequently, developed to levels similar to the natural marsh (750 to 1,300 g/m2) within three years after creation. Spartina cynosuroides, which dominated interior areas of the marsh and was flooded less frequently, required 9 years to consistently achieve aboveground biomass equivalent to the natural marsh (600 to 1,560 g/m2). Aboveground biomass of Spartina patens, which was planted at the highest elevations along the terrestrial margin and seldom flooded, never consistently developed aboveground biomass comparable with the natural marsh during the 15 years after marsh creation. MOM (0 to 10 cm) generally developed at the same rate as aboveground biomass. Between 1988 and 1998, soil bulk density decreased and porosity and organic C and N pools increased in the created marsh. Like vegetation, wetland soil development proceeded faster in response to increased inundation, especially in the streamside zone dominated by S. alterniflora. We estimated that in the streamside and interior zones, an additional 30 years (nitrogen) to 90 years (organic C, porosity) are needed for the upper 30 cm of created marsh soil to become equivalent to the natural marsh. Wetland soil characteristics of the S. patens community along upland fringe will take longer to develop, more than 200 years. Development of the benthic invertebrate‐based food web, which depends on organic matter enrichment of the upper 5 to 10 cm of soil, is expected to take less time. Wetland soil characteristics and functions of created irregularly flooded brackish marshes require longer to develop compared with regularly flooded salt marshes because reduced tidal inundation slows wetland vegetation and soil development. The hydrologic regime (regularly vs. irregularly flooded) of the “target” wetland should be considered when setting realistic expectations for success criteria of created and restored wetlands.  相似文献   

The number of waders in the Oosterschelde, S.W. Netherlands, declined after a reduction in intertidal area due to the construction of a storm surge barrier and secondary dams, suggesting that the carrying capacity had been reached (Schekkerman et al., 1993). In this paper we present data on consumption and predation pressure by birds to explore whether the reduction in their numbers is due to prey depletion or to other factors.The total annual consumption of benthic invertebrates by birds in the Oosterschelde amounted to 1573 × 103 g ADW y–1 in the period before the coastal engineering works (pre-barrier) and 1500 × 103 kg ADW y–1 in the post-barrier period. More than half of the total amount of biomass is eaten by the Oystercatcher, and only seven (pre-barrier) or even six (post-barrier) bird species together take 90% of the total.Although the consumption by individual species may vary considerably among years, the total consumption was remarkably stable, with a CV of only 3–4% of the mean, especially compared to the variability of the prey populations. In the pre-barrier period, consumption was lowest in mid summer, increased sharply from August onwards until a peak was reached in January. A sharp decrease took place in March. In the post-barrier period, consumption peaked in October.The total consumption per unit area per year does not differ much between different sectors of the Oosterschelde, apart from a distinctly lower value in the eastern part. Of the total amount of food taken by birds, only 0.1–0.4% is taken in the subtidal compartment. In several study plots on an individual tidal flat, there was a clear relation between consumption and benthic biomass.The predation pressure was 13 and 23% of the standing stock, in the post- and pre-barrier period respectively. When cockles, mussels and their main predator, the Oystercatcher, are excluded from the calculations, the predation pressure of the other species was 30 and 37% of the biomass, respectively.Predation pressure of Oystercatchers in individual study plots varied from less than 10% to more than 70% of the standing stock. On cockle beds the predation pressure was positively related to the average length of the cockles present.Based on these results and a comparison with the literature we conclude that, at least for several species that feed intertidally, carrying capacity could be limited by the stocks of food. This does not mean that birds face food shortage each season. As the variability of the benthos populations is much higher than that of the bird densities it is likely that at some times food is not limiting, at other times it is. On the other hand, consumption is very low in the subtidal compartment and species feeding here could potentially increase substantially in numbers in the Oosterschelde.  相似文献   

Modeling Habitat Change in Salt Marshes After Tidal Restoration   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Salt marshes continue to degrade in the United States due to indirect human impacts arising from tidal restrictions. Roads or berms with inadequate provision for tidal flow hinder ecosystem functions and interfere with self‐maintenance of habitat, because interactions among vegetation, soil, and hydrology within tidally restricted marshes prevent them from responding to sea level rise. Prediction of the tidal range that is expected after restoration relative to the current geomorphology is crucial for successful restoration of salt marsh habitat. Both insufficient (due to restriction) and excessive (due to subsidence and sea level rise) tidal flooding can lead to loss of salt marshes. We developed and applied the Marsh Response to Hydrological Modifications model as a predictive tool to forecast the success of management scenarios for restoring full tides to previously restricted areas. We present an overview of a computer simulation tool that evaluates potential culvert installations with output of expected tidal ranges, water discharges, and flood potentials. For three New England tidal marshes we show species distributions of plants for tidally restricted and nonrestricted areas. Elevation ranges of species are used for short‐term (<5 years) predictions of changes to salt marsh habitat after tidal restoration. In addition, elevation changes of the marsh substrate measured at these sites are extrapolated to predict long‐term (>5 years) changes in marsh geomorphology under restored tidal regimes. The resultant tidal regime should be designed to provide habitat requirements for salt marsh plants. At sites with substantial elevation losses a balance must be struck that stimulates elevation increases by improving sediment fluxes into marshes while establishing flooding regimes appropriate to sustain the desired plants.  相似文献   

Sea level rise may alter salinity and inundation regimes and create patches of open water in oligohaline coastal marshes, potentially affecting the composition and germination of seed bank species. We conducted seedling emergence experiments to: (1) examine the effects of standing vegetation on the seed banks of three oligohaline marsh communities in coastal Louisiana (dominated by Paspalum vaginatum Sw., Sagittaria lancifolia L., or Spartina patens (Ait.) Muhl., respectively); and (2) investigate the effects of salinity and inundation regime on germination of seed bank species. We also studied the effect of a temporary increase in salinity (to simulate a salt water intrusion event) on the viability of buried seeds. We found that the presence or absence of vegetation within a community affected the abundance of some species in the seed bank but had little effect on species composition. Also, the seed banks of the three communities exhibited considerable overlap in species composition and had similar species richness (10–11) and diversity (antilog Shannon-Weaver diversity index = 6.5–7.1), despite differences in vegetation type. Higher salinities and flooding reduced seedling emergence for most species; few species emerged at salinities above four parts per thousand (ppt), and only Sagittaria lancifolia and Eleocharis parvula germinated well under flooded conditions. A temporary increase in salinity did not affect species richness or seedling emergence of most species. Our results suggest that differences in vegetation may have little effect on the composition of seed banks of oligohaline marshes. However, higher salinities and greater depth and duration of inundation (anticipated as global sea level continues to rise) may decrease recruitment of seed bank species, reducing their abundance in oligohaline marsh communities.  相似文献   

To thrive in a time of rapid sea‐level rise, tidal marshes will need to migrate upslope into adjacent uplands. Yet little is known about the mechanics of this process, especially in urbanized estuaries, where the adjacent upland is likely to be a mowed lawn rather than a wooded natural area. We studied marsh migration in a Long Island Sound salt marsh using detailed hydrologic, edaphic, and biotic sampling along marsh‐to‐upland transects in both wooded and lawn environments. We found that the overall pace of marsh development was largely unaffected by whether the upland being invaded was lawn or wooded, but the marsh‐edge plant communities that developed in these two environments were quite different, and some indicators (soil salinity, foraminifera) appeared to migrate more easily into lawns. In addition, we found that different aspects of marsh structure and function migrated at different rates: Wetland vegetation appeared to be a leading indicator of marsh migration, while soil characteristics such as redox potential and surface salinity developed later in the process. We defined a ‘hydrologic migration zone’, consisting of elevations that experience tidal inundation with frequencies ranging from 20% to 0.5% of high tides. This hydrologically defined zone – which extended to an elevation higher than the highest astronomical tide datum – captured the biotic and edaphic marsh‐upland ecotone. Tidal inundation at the upper border of this migration zone is highly variable over time and may be rising more rapidly than mean sea level. Our results indicate that land management practices at the upland periphery of tidal marshes can facilitate or impede ecosystem migration in response to rising sea level. These findings are applicable to large areas of tidal marsh along the U.S. Atlantic coast and in other urbanized coastal settings.  相似文献   

Efforts are underway to restore tidal flow in New England salt marshes that were negatively impacted by tidal restrictions. We evaluated a planned tidal restoration at Mill Brook Marsh (New Hampshire) and at Drakes Island Marsh (Maine) where partial tidal restoration inadvertently occurred. Salt marsh functions were evaluated in both marshes to determine the impacts from tidal restriction and the responses following restoration. Physical and biological indicators of salt marsh functions (tidal range, surface elevations, soil water levels and salinities, plant cover, and fish use) were measured and compared to those from nonimpounded reference sites. Common impacts from tidal restrictions at both sites were: loss of tidal flooding, declines in surface elevation, reduced soil salinity, replacement of salt marsh vegetation by fresh and brackish plants, and loss of fish use of the marsh.Water levels, soil salinities and fish use increased immediately following tidal restoration. Salt-intolerant vegetation was killed within months. After two years, mildly salt-tolerant vegetation had been largely replaced in Mill Brook Marsh by several species characteristic of both high and low salt marshes. Eight years after the unplanned, partial tidal restoration at Drakes Island Marsh, the vegetation was dominated bySpartina alterniflora, a characteristic species of low marsh habitat.Hydrologic restoration that allowed for unrestricted saltwater exchange at Mill Brook restored salt marsh functions relatively quickly in comparison to the partial tidal restoration at Drakes Island, where full tidal exchange was not achieved. The irregular tidal regime at Drakes Island resulted in vegetation cover and patterns dissimilar to those of the high marsh used as a reference. The proper hydrologic regime (flooding height, duration and frequency) is essential to promote the rapid recovery of salt marsh functions. We predict that functional recovery will be relatively quick at Mill Brook, but believe that the habitat at Drakes Island will not become equivalent to that of the reference marsh unless the hydrology is further modified.Corresponding Editor: R.E. Turner Manuseript  相似文献   

We describe the changes in the floral assemblage in a salt marsh after reconnection to estuarine tidal inundation. The Elk River marsh in Grays Harbor, Washington was opened to tidal flushing in 1987 after being diked for approximately 70 years. The freshwater pasture assemblage dominated by Phalarais arundinacea (reed canary grass) converted to low salt marsh vegetation within 5 years, with the major flux in species occurring between years 1 and 4. The system continued to develop through the 11‐year post‐breach monitoring period, although change after year 6 was slower than in previous years. The assemblage resembles a low salt marsh community dominated by Distichlis spicata (salt grass) and Salicornia virginica (pickleweed). Because of subsidence of the system during the period of breaching, the restored system remains substantially different from the Deschamsia cespitosa (tufted hairgrass)‐dominated reference marsh. Use of a similarity index to compare between years and also between reference and restored marshes in the same year revealed that similarity in floral composition between year 0 and subsequent years decreased with time. However, there was a period of dramatic dissimilarity during years 1 to 3 when the system was rapidly changing from a freshwater to estuarine condition. Similarity values between the reference and restored system generally increased with time. Somewhat surprisingly the reference marsh showed considerable between‐year variation in similarity, which indicated substantial year‐to‐year variability in species composition. Based on accretion rate data from previous studies we predict that full recovery of the system would take between 75 and 150 years.  相似文献   

Field manipulative experiments were used to investigate some of the potential regulating factors of the meiofauna of a Louisiana salt marsh. Effects of various combinations of marsh grass clipping, exclusion of natant macrofauna, and tidal flushing on nematode, polychaete, and copepod density, as well as copepod species composition, were determined. Edaphic chlorophyll a was measured simultaneously. Grass clipping consistently affected the meiobenthic copepod assemblage; diversity and evenness dropped by Day 29 when Nitocra lacustris (Schmankevitsch) became dominant. Nematode density relative to controls was lower by Day 29 in clipped plots. N. lacustris abundance increased relative to controls in clipped plots enclosed by a solid Plexiglas box. Nematode density was negatively correlated with chlorophyll a content. No simple explanation of these patterns is possible; concomitant changes in microflora coupled with associated changes in the physical/biological environment of meiofauna must be responsible. Exclusion of only natant macrofauna (fish, shrimp, crabs) had no influence on meiofauna contrary to findings in other marshes. Dense grass cover and short, irregular tidal inundation may normally restrict intertidal grazing in Louisiana marshes.  相似文献   

Sea level rise elicits short‐ and long‐term changes in coastal plant communities by altering the physical conditions that affect ecosystem processes and species distributions. While the effects of sea level rise on salt marshes and mangroves are well studied, we focus on its effects on coastal islands of freshwater forest in Florida's Big Bend region, extending a dataset initiated in 1992. In 2014–2015, we evaluated tree survival, regeneration, and understory composition in 13 previously established plots located along a tidal creek; 10 plots are on forest islands surrounded by salt marsh, and three are in continuous forest. Earlier studies found that salt stress from increased tidal flooding prevented tree regeneration in frequently flooded forest islands. Between 1992 and 2014, tidal flooding of forest islands increased by 22%–117%, corresponding with declines in tree species richness, regeneration, and survival of the dominant tree species, Sabal palmetto (cabbage palm) and Juniperus virginiana (southern red cedar). Rates of S. palmetto and J. virginiana mortality increased nonlinearly over time on the six most frequently flooded islands, while salt marsh herbs and shrubs replaced forest understory vegetation along a tidal flooding gradient. Frequencies of tidal flooding, rates of tree mortality, and understory composition in continuous forest stands remained relatively stable, but tree regeneration substantially declined. Long‐term trends identified in this study demonstrate the effect of sea level rise on spatial and temporal community reassembly trajectories that are dynamically re‐shaping the unique coastal landscape of the Big Bend.  相似文献   

Intertidal restoration through realignment of flood defenses has become an important component of the U.K. coastal and estuarine management strategy. Although experimentation with recent deliberate breaches is in progress, the long‐term prognosis for salt marsh restoration can be investigated at a number of sites around Essex, southeast England where salt marshes have been reactivated (unmanaged restoration) by storm events over past centuries. These historically reactivated marshes possess higher creek densities than their natural marsh counterparts. Both geomorphology and sedimentology determine the hydrology of natural and restored salt marshes. Elevation relative to the tidal frame is known to be the primary determinant of vegetation colonization and succession. Yet vegetation surveys and geotechnical analysis at a natural marsh, where areas with good drainage exist in close proximity to areas of locally hindered drainage at the same elevation, revealed a significant inverse relationship between water saturation in the root zone and the abundance of Atriplex portulacoides, normally the physiognomic dominant on upper salt marsh in the region. Elsewhere in Essex natural and restored marshes are typified by very high sediment water contents, and this is reflected in low abundance of A. portulacoides. After a century of reestablishment no significant difference could be discerned between the vegetation composition of the storm‐reactivated marshes and their natural marsh counterparts. We conclude that vegetation composition may be restored within a century of dike breaching, but this vegetation does not provide a reliable indicator of ecological functions related to creek structure.  相似文献   

The Yangtze River delta is characterized by rapidly accreting sediments that form tidal flats that are quickly colonized by emergent vegetation including Scirpus mariqueter and the invasive species Spartina alterniflora. We measured soil surface elevation, water table depth, soil salinity, water content and compaction in the tidal flat, the Scirpus and Spartina zones and their borders to identify relationships between environmental factors and colonization by Scirpus and Spartina. With increasing elevation from tidal flat to Spartina, inundation frequency and duration, moisture and depth to water table decreased whereas soil salinity, temperature and compaction increased. High soil moisture and groundwater and low salinity were the characteristics of the tidal flat and its border with Scirpus. The Spartina zone and its border with Scirpus were characterized by greater salinity and elevation relative to the other zones. Our findings suggest that soil salinity controls patterns of plant zonation in the newly formed tidal salt marshes whereas elevation is of secondary importance. Our results suggest that patterns of vegetation zonation in tidal marshes of the Yangtze River delta are controlled by environmental factors, especially (low) salinity that favors colonization by Scirpus in the lower elevations of the marsh.  相似文献   

Accurately mapping, modeling, and managing the diversity of wetlands present in estuaries often relies on habitat classification systems that consistently identify differences in biotic structure or other ecosystem characteristics between classes. We used field data from four Oregon estuaries to test for differences in vegetation structure and edaphic characteristics among three tidal emergent marsh classes derived from National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) data: low estuarine marsh, high estuarine marsh, and tidal palustrine marsh. Independently of NWI class, we also evaluated the number and types of plant assemblages present and how edaphic variables, non-native plant cover, and plant species richness varied among them. Pore water salinity varied most strongly across marsh classes, with sediment carbon and nitrogen content, grain size and marsh surface elevation showing smaller differences. Cover of common vascular plant species differed between marsh classes and overall vegetation composition was somewhat distinct among marsh types. High estuarine marsh had the largest species pools. However, plot-level plant diversity was similar among marsh classes. Non-native species cover was highest in tidal palustrine and high estuarine marshes. The marshes in the study contained a large number of plant assemblages with most occurring across more than one marsh class. The more common assemblages occurred along a continuum of tidal elevation, soil salinity, and edaphic characteristics, with varying plant richness and non-native cover. Our data suggest that NWI classes are useful for differentiating several general features of Oregon tidal marsh structure, but that more detailed information on plant assemblages found within those wetland classes would allow more precise characterization of additional wetland features such as edaphic conditions and plant diversity.  相似文献   

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