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The nucleosome is the fundamental packing unit of the eukaryotic genome, and CpG methylation is an epigenetic modification associated with gene repression and silencing. We investigated nucleosome assembly mediated by histone chaperone Nap1 and the effects of CpG methylation based on three-color single molecule FRET measurements, which enabled direct monitoring of histone binding in the context of DNA wrapping. According to our observation, (H3-H4)2 tetramer incorporation must precede H2A-H2B dimer binding, which is independent of DNA termini wrapping. Upon CpG methylation, (H3-H4)2 tetramer incorporation and DNA termini wrapping are facilitated, whereas proper incorporation of H2A-H2B dimers is inhibited. We suggest that these changes are due to rigidified DNA and increased random binding of histones to DNA. According to the results, CpG methylation expedites nucleosome assembly in the presence of abundant DNA and histones, which may help facilitate gene packaging in chromatin. The results also indicate that the slowest steps in nucleosome assembly are DNA termini wrapping and tetramer positioning, both of which are affected heavily by changes in the physical properties of DNA.  相似文献   

NMDA receptors are ligand-gated ion channels with a regulatory intracellular C-terminal domain (CTD). In GluN2B, the CTD is the largest domain in the protein but is intrinsically disordered. The GluN2B subunit is the major tyrosine-phosphorylated protein in synapses. Src kinase phosphorylates the GluN2B CTD, but it is unknown how this affects channel activity. In disordered proteins, phosphorylation can tip the balance between order and disorder. Transitions can occur in both directions, so it is not currently possible to predict the effects of phosphorylation. We used single molecule fluorescence to characterize the effects of Src phosphorylation on GluN2B. Scanning fluorescent labeling sites throughout the domain showed no positional dependence of the energy transfer. Instead, efficiency only scaled with the separation between labeling sites suggestive of a relatively featureless conformational energy landscape. Src phosphorylation led to a general expansion of the polypeptide, which would result in greater exposure of known protein-binding sites and increase the physical separation between contiguous sites. Phosphorylation makes the CTD more like a random coil leaving open the question of how Src exerts its effects on the NMDA receptor.  相似文献   

The NMDA-sensitive glutamate receptor is a ligand-gated ion channel that mediates excitatory synaptic transmission in the nervous system. Extracellular zinc allosterically regulates the NMDA receptor by binding to the extracellular N-terminal domain, which inhibits channel gating. Phosphorylation of the intrinsically disordered intracellular C-terminal domain alleviates inhibition by extracellular zinc. The mechanism for this functional effect is largely unknown. Proline is a hallmark of intrinsic disorder, so we used proline mutagenesis to modulate disorder in the cytoplasmic domain. Proline depletion selectively uncoupled zinc inhibition with little effect on receptor biogenesis, surface trafficking, or ligand-activated gating. Proline depletion also reduced the affinity for a PDZ domain involved in synaptic trafficking and affected small molecule binding. To understand the origin of these phenomena, we used single molecule fluorescence and ensemble biophysical methods to characterize the structural effects of proline mutagenesis. Proline depletion did not eliminate intrinsic disorder, but the underlying conformational dynamics were changed. Thus, we altered the form of intrinsic disorder, which appears sufficient to affect the biological activity. These findings suggest that conformational dynamics within the intrinsically disordered cytoplasmic domain are important for the allosteric regulation of NMDA receptor gating.  相似文献   

P-glycoprotein (Pgp), a member of the ATP-binding cassette transporter family, functions as an ATP hydrolysis-driven efflux pump to rid the cell of toxic organic compounds, including a variety of drugs used in anticancer chemotherapy. Here, we used fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) spectroscopy to delineate the structural rearrangements the two nucleotide binding domains (NBDs) are undergoing during the catalytic cycle. Pairs of cysteines were introduced into equivalent regions in the N- and C-terminal NBDs for labeling with fluorescent dyes for ensemble and single-molecule FRET spectroscopy. In the ensemble FRET, a decrease of the donor to acceptor (D/A) ratio was observed upon addition of drug and ATP. Vanadate trapping further decreased the D/A ratio, indicating close association of the two NBDs. One of the cysteine mutants was further analyzed using confocal single-molecule FRET spectroscopy. Single Pgp molecules showed fast fluctuations of the FRET efficiencies, indicating movements of the NBDs on a time scale of 10-100 ms. Populations of low, medium, and high FRET efficiencies were observed during drug-stimulated MgATP hydrolysis, suggesting the presence of at least three major conformations of the NBDs during catalysis. Under conditions of vanadate trapping, most molecules displayed high FRET efficiency states, whereas with cyclosporin, more molecules showed low FRET efficiency. Different dwell times of the FRET states were found for the distinct biochemical conditions, with the fastest movements during active turnover. The FRET spectroscopy observations are discussed in context of a model of the catalytic mechanism of Pgp.  相似文献   

APOBEC3G (Apo3G) is a single-stranded (ss)DNA cytosine deaminase that eliminates HIV-1 infectivity by converting C → U in numerous small target motifs on the minus viral cDNA. Apo3G deaminates linear ssDNA in vitro with pronounced spatial asymmetry favoring the 3′ → 5′ direction. A similar polarity observed in vivo is believed responsible for initiating localized C → T mutational gradients that inactivate the virus. When compared with double-stranded (ds)DNA scanning enzymes, e.g. DNA glycosylases that excise rare aberrant bases, there is a paucity of mechanistic studies on ssDNA scanning enzymes. Here, we investigate ssDNA scanning and motif-targeting mechanisms for Apo3G using single molecule Förster resonance energy transfer. We address the specific issue of deamination asymmetry within the general context of ssDNA scanning mechanisms and show that Apo3G scanning trajectories, ssDNA contraction, and deamination efficiencies depend on motif sequence, location, and ionic strength. Notably, we observe the presence of bidirectional quasi-localized scanning of Apo3G occurring proximal to a 5′ hot motif, a motif-dependent DNA contraction greatest for 5′ hot > 3′ hot > 5′ cold motifs, and diminished mobility at low salt. We discuss the single molecule Förster resonance energy transfer data in terms of a model in which deamination polarity occurs as a consequence of Apo3G binding to ssDNA in two orientations, one that is catalytically favorable, with the other disfavorable.  相似文献   

CALHM1 (calcium homeostasis modulator 1) forms a plasma membrane ion channel that mediates neuronal excitability in response to changes in extracellular Ca2+ concentration. Six human CALHM homologs exist with no homology to other proteins, although CALHM1 is conserved across >20 species. Here we demonstrate that CALHM1 shares functional and quaternary and secondary structural similarities with connexins and evolutionarily distinct innexins and their vertebrate pannexin homologs. A CALHM1 channel is a hexamer, comprised of six monomers, each of which possesses four transmembrane domains, cytoplasmic amino and carboxyl termini, an amino-terminal helix, and conserved extracellular cysteines. The estimated pore diameter of the CALHM1 channel is ∼14 Å, enabling permeation of large charged molecules. Thus, CALHMs, connexins, and pannexins and innexins are structurally related protein families with shared and distinct functional properties.  相似文献   

An insight into the conformation and dynamics of unfolded and early intermediate states of a protein is essential to understand the mechanism of its aggregation and to design potent inhibitor molecules. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy has been used to study the effects of several model protein stabilizers on the conformation of the unfolded state and early folding dynamics of tetramethyl rhodamine-labeled cytochrome c from Saccharomyces cerevisiae at single molecular resolution. Special attention has been given to arginine, which is a widely used stabilizer for improving refolding yield of different proteins. The value of the hydrodynamic radius (rH) obtained by analyzing the intensity fluctuations of the diffusing molecules has been found to increase in a two-state manner as the protein is unfolded by urea. The results further show that the presence of arginine and other protein stabilizers favors a relatively structured conformation of the unfolded states (rH of 29 Å) over an extended one (rH of 40 Å), which forms in their absence. Also, the time constant of a kinetic component (τR) of about 30 μs has been observed by analyzing the correlation functions, which represents formation of a collapsed state. This time constant varies with urea concentration representing an inverted Chevron plot that shows a roll-over and behavior in the absence of arginine. To the best of our knowledge, this is one of the first applications of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy to study direct folding kinetics of a protein.  相似文献   

Frequent collisions between cellular DNA replication complexes (replisomes) and obstacles such as damaged DNA or frozen protein complexes make DNA replication fork progression surprisingly sporadic. These collisions can lead to the ejection of replisomes prior to completion of replication, which, if left unrepaired, results in bacterial cell death. As such, bacteria have evolved DNA replication restart mechanisms that function to reload replisomes onto abandoned DNA replication forks. Here, we define a direct interaction between PriC, a key Escherichia coli DNA replication restart protein, and the single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB), a protein that is ubiquitously associated with DNA replication forks. PriC/SSB complex formation requires evolutionarily conserved residues from both proteins, including a pair of Arg residues from PriC and the C terminus of SSB. In vitro, disruption of the PriC/SSB interface by sequence changes in either protein blocks the first step of DNA replication restart, reloading of the replicative DnaB helicase onto an abandoned replication fork. Consistent with the critical role of PriC/SSB complex formation in DNA replication restart, PriC variants that cannot bind SSB are non-functional in vivo. Single-molecule experiments demonstrate that PriC binding to SSB alters SSB/DNA complexes, exposing single-stranded DNA and creating a platform for other proteins to bind. These data lead to a model in which PriC interaction with SSB remodels SSB/DNA structures at abandoned DNA replication forks to create a DNA structure that is competent for DnaB loading.  相似文献   

Store-operated calcium entry is essential for many signaling processes in nonexcitable cells. The best studied store-operated calcium current is the calcium release-activated calcium (CRAC) current in T-cells and mast cells, with Orai1 representing the essential pore forming subunit. Although it is known that functional CRAC channels in store-depleted cells are composed of four Orai1 subunits, the stoichiometric composition in quiescent cells is still discussed controversially: both a tetrameric and a dimeric stoichiometry of resting state Orai1 have been reported. We obtained here robust and similar FRET values on labeled tandem repeat constructs of Orai1 before and after store depletion, suggesting an unchanged tetrameric stoichiometry. Moreover, we directly visualized the stoichiometry of mobile Orai1 channels in live cells using a new single molecule recording modality that combines single molecule tracking and brightness analysis. By alternating imaging and photobleaching pulses, we recorded trajectories of single, fluorescently labeled Orai1 channels, with each trajectory consisting of bright and dim segments, corresponding to higher and lower numbers of colocalized active GFP label. The according brightness values were used for global fitting and statistical analysis, yielding a tetrameric subunit composition of mobile Orai1 channels in resting cells.  相似文献   

The association of DNA with histones in chromatin impedes DNA repair enzymes from accessing DNA lesions. Nucleosomes exist in a dynamic equilibrium in which portions of the DNA molecule spontaneously unwrap, transiently exposing buried DNA sites. Thus, nucleosome dynamics in certain regions of chromatin may provide the exposure time and space needed for efficient repair of buried DNA lesions. We have used FRET and restriction enzyme accessibility to study nucleosome dynamics following DNA damage by UV radiation. We find that FRET efficiency is reduced in a dose-dependent manner, showing that the presence of UV photoproducts enhances spontaneous unwrapping of DNA from histones. Furthermore, this UV-induced shift in unwrapping dynamics is associated with increased restriction enzyme accessibility of histone-bound DNA after UV treatment. Surprisingly, the increased unwrapping dynamics is even observed in nucleosome core particles containing a single UV lesion at a specific site. These results highlight the potential for increased “intrinsic exposure” of nucleosome-associated DNA lesions in chromatin to repair proteins.  相似文献   

Members of the Anoctamin (Ano)/TMEM16A family have recently been identified as essential subunits of the Ca2+-activated chloride channel (CaCC). For example, Ano1 is highly expressed in multiple tissues including airway epithelia, where it acts as an apical conduit for transepithelial Cl secretion and helps regulate lung liquid homeostasis and mucus clearance. However, little is known about the oligomerization of this protein in the plasma membrane. Thus, utilizing mCherry- and eGFP-tagged Ano1 constructs, we conducted biochemical and Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based experiments to determine the quaternary structure of Ano1. FRET and co-immunoprecipitation studies revealed that tagged Ano1 subunits directly associated before they reached the plasma membrane. This association was not altered by changes in cytosolic Ca2+, suggesting that this is a fixed interaction. To determine the oligomeric structure of Ano1, we performed chemical cross-linking, non-denaturing PAGE, and electromobility shift assays, which revealed that Ano1 exists as a dimer. These data are the first to probe the quaternary structure of Ano1. Understanding the oligomeric nature of Ano1 is an essential step in the development of therapeutic drugs that could be useful in the treatment of cystic fibrosis.  相似文献   

Absent, small, or homeotic disc1 (Ash1) is a trithorax group histone methyltransferase that is involved in gene activation. Although there are many known histone methyltransferases, their regulatory mechanisms are poorly understood. Here, we present the crystal structure of the human ASH1L catalytic domain, showing its substrate binding pocket blocked by a loop from the post-SET domain. In this configuration, the loop limits substrate access to the active site. Mutagenesis of the loop stimulates ASH1L histone methyltransferase activity, suggesting that ASH1L activity may be regulated through the loop from the post-SET domain. In addition, we show that human ASH1L specifically methylates histone H3 Lys-36. Our data implicate that there may be a regulatory mechanism of ASH1L histone methyltransferases.  相似文献   

The actin cytoskeleton promotes clustering of proteins associated with cholesterol-dependent rafts, but its effect on lipid interactions that form and maintain rafts is not understood. We addressed this question by determining the effect of disrupting the cytoskeleton on co-clustering of dihexadecyl-(C(16))-anchored DiO and DiI, which co-enrich in ordered lipid environments such as rafts. Co-clustering was assayed by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) in labeled T cells, where rafts function in the phosphoregulation of the Src family kinase Lck. Our results show that probe co-clustering was sensitive to depolymerization of actin filaments with latrunculin B (Lat B), inhibition of myosin II with blebbistatin, and treatment with neomycin to sequester phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate. Cytoskeletal effects on lipid interactions were not restricted to order-preferring label because co-clustering of C(16)-anchored DiO with didodecyl (C(12))-anchored DiI, which favors disordered lipids, was also reduced by Lat B and blebbistatin. Furthermore, conditions that disrupted probe co-clustering resulted in activation of Lck. These data show that the cytoskeleton globally modulates lipid interactions in the plasma membrane, and this property maintains rafts that function in Lck regulation.  相似文献   

CD44 is a major cell surface receptor for the glycosaminoglycan hyaluronan (HA). Native high molecular weight hyaluronan (nHA) and oligosaccharides of hyaluronan (oHA) provoke distinct biological effects upon binding to CD44. Despite the importance of such interactions, however, the feature of binding with CD44 at the cell surface and the molecular basis for functional distinction between different sizes of HA is still unclear. In this study we investigated the effects of high and low molecular weight hyaluronan on CD44 clustering. For the first time, we provided direct evidence for a strong relationship between HA size and CD44 clustering in vivo. In CD44-transfected COS-7 cells, we showed that exogenous nHA stimulated CD44 clustering, which was disrupted by oHA. Moreover, naturally expressed CD44 was distributed into clusters due to abundantly expressed nHA in HK-2 cells (human renal proximal tubule cells) and BT549 cells (human breast cancer cell line) without exogenous stimulation. Our results suggest that native HA binding to CD44 selectively induces CD44 clustering, which could be inhibited by oHA. Finally, we demonstrated that HA regulates cell adhesion in a manner specifically dependent on its size. oHA promoted cell adhesion while nHA showed no effects. Our results might elucidate a molecular- and/or cellular-based mechanism for the diverse biological activities of nHA and oHA.  相似文献   

Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP-1) is an abundant nuclear protein that binds chromatin and catalyzes the transfer of ADP-ribose groups to itself and to numerous target proteins upon interacting with damaged DNA. The molecular basis for the dual role of PARP-1 as a chromatin architectural protein and a first responder in DNA repair pathways remains unclear. Here, we quantified the interactions of full-length PARP-1 and its N-terminal half with different types of DNA damage and with defined nucleosome substrates. We found that full-length PARP-1 prefers nucleosomes with two linker DNA extensions over any other substrate (including several free DNA models) and that the C-terminal half of PARP-1 is necessary for this selectivity. We also measured the ability of various substrates to activate PARP-1 activity and found that the most important feature for activation is one free DNA end rather than tight interaction with the activating nucleic acid. Our data provide insight into the different modes of interaction of this multidomain protein with nucleosomes and free DNA.  相似文献   

AU-rich element RNA-binding protein 1 (AUF1) binding to AU-rich elements (AREs) in the 3'-untranslated regions of mRNAs encoding many cytokines and other regulatory proteins modulates mRNA stability, thereby influencing protein expression. AUF1-mRNA association is a dynamic paradigm directed by various cellular signals, but many features of its function remain poorly described. There are four isoforms of AUF1 that result from alternative splicing of exons 2 and 7 from a common pre-mRNA. Preliminary evidence suggests that the different isoforms have varied functional characteristics, but no detailed quantitative analysis of the properties of each isoform has been reported despite their differential expression and regulation. Using purified recombinant forms of each AUF1 protein variant, we used chemical cross-linking and gel filtration chromatography to show that each exists as a dimer in solution. We then defined the association mechanisms of each AUF1 isoform for ARE-containing RNA substrates and quantified relevant binding affinities using electrophoretic mobility shift and fluorescence anisotropy assays. Although all AUF1 isoforms generated oligomeric complexes on ARE substrates by sequential dimer association, sequences encoded by exon 2 inhibited RNA-binding affinity. By contrast, the exon 7-encoded domain enhanced RNA-dependent protein oligomerization, even permitting cooperative RNA-binding activity in some contexts. Finally, fluorescence resonance energy transfer-based assays showed that the different AUF1 isoforms remodel bound RNA substrates into divergent structures as a function of protein:RNA stoichiometry. Together, these data describe isoform-specific characteristics among AUF1 ribonucleoprotein complexes, which likely constitute a mechanistic basis for differential functions and regulation among members of this protein family.  相似文献   

The brush border (BB) Na(+)/H(+) exchanger NHE3 is rapidly activated or inhibited by changes in trafficking, which mimics renal and intestinal physiology. However, there is a paradox in that NHE3 has limited mobility in the BB due to its binding to the multi-PDZ domain containing the NHERF family. To allow increased endocytosis, as occurs with elevated intracellular Ca(2+), we hypothesized that NHE3 had to be, at least transiently, released from the BB cytoskeleton. Because NHERF1 and -2 are localized at the BB, where they bind NHE3 as well as the cytoskeleton, we tested whether either or both might dynamically interact with NHE3 as part of Ca(2+) signaling. We employed FRET to study close association of NHE3 and these NHERFs and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching to monitor NHE3 mobility in the apical domain in polarized opossum kidney cells. Under basal conditions, NHERF2 and NHE3 exhibited robust FRET signaling. Within 1 min of A23187 (0.5 μm) exposure, the NHERF2-NHE3 FRET signal was abolished, and BB NHE3 mobility was transiently increased. The dynamics in FRET signal and NHE3 mobility correlated well with a change in co-precipitation of NHE3 and NHERF2 but not NHERF1. We conclude the following. 1) Under basal conditions, NHE3 closely associates with NHERF2 in opossum kidney cell microvilli. 2) Within 1 min of elevated Ca(2+), the close association of NHE3-NHERF2 is abolished but is re-established in ~60 min. 3) The change in NHE3-NHERF2 association is accompanied by an increased BB mobile fraction of NHE3, which contributes to inhibition of NHE3 transport activity via increased endocytosis.  相似文献   

The mannitol transporter from Escherichia coli, EIImtl, belongs to a class of membrane proteins coupling the transport of substrates with their chemical modification. EIImtl is functional as a homodimer, and it harbors one high affinity mannitol-binding site in the membrane-embedded C domain (IICmtl). To localize this binding site, 19 single Trp-containing mutants of EIImtl were biosynthetically labeled with 5-fluorotryptophan (5-FTrp) and mixed with azi-mannitol, a substrate analog acting as a Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) acceptor. Typically, for mutants showing FRET, only one 5-FTrp was involved, whereas the 5-FTrp from the other monomer was too distant. This proves that the mannitol-binding site is asymmetrically positioned in dimeric IICmtl. Combined with the available two-dimensional projection maps of IICmtl, it is concluded that a second resting binding site is present in this transporter. Active transport of mannitol only takes place when EIImtl becomes phosphorylated at Cys384 in the cytoplasmic B domain. Stably phosphorylated EIImtl mutants were constructed, and FRET experiments showed that the position of mannitol in IICmtl remains the same. We conclude that during the transport cycle, the phosphorylated B domain has to move to the mannitol-binding site, located in the middle of the membrane, to phosphorylate mannitol.  相似文献   

The Na-K-Cl cotransporter (NKCC1) is expressed in most vertebrate cells and is crucial in the regulation of cell volume and intracellular chloride concentration. To study the structure and function of NKCC1, we tagged the transporter with cyan (CFP) and yellow (YFP) fluorescent proteins at two sites within the C terminus and measured fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) in stably expressing human embryonic kidney cell lines. Both singly and doubly tagged NKCC1s were appropriately produced, trafficked to the plasma membrane, and exhibited (86)Rb transport activity. When both fluorescent probes were placed within the same C terminus of an NKCC1 transporter, we recorded an 11% FRET decrease upon activation of the transporter. This result clearly demonstrates movement of the C terminus during the regulatory response to phosphorylation of the N terminus. When we introduced CFP and YFP separately in different NKCC1 constructs and cotransfected these in HEK cells, we observed FRET between dimer pairs, and the fractional FRET decrease upon transporter activation was 46%. Quantitatively, this indicates that the largest FRET-signaled movement is between dimer pairs, an observation supported by further experiments in which the doubly tagged construct was cotransfectionally diluted with untagged NKCC1. Our results demonstrate that regulation of NKCC1 is accompanied by a large movement between two positions in the C termini of a dimeric cotransporter. We suggest that the NKCC1 C terminus is involved in transport regulation and that dimerization may play a key structural role in the regulatory process. It is anticipated that when combined with structural information, our findings will provide a model for understanding the conformational changes that bring about NKCC1 regulation.  相似文献   

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