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悬钩子属田间基因库的建立与维护   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
江苏省植物研究所、中国科学院植物研究所在进行了7个省悬钩子属(RubusL.)种质资源调查的基础上,1993年获得国家自然科学基金资助,在南京建立了我国第一个悬钩子属田间基因库,开展了是钩子属种质资源评价的研究。本文论述了悬钩子植物在植株大小、地上部寿命和直立性、前蘖发生、顶端生根特性以及生态适应性等方面的遗传多样性及与此相应的田间基因库建设和维护措施。  相似文献   

目的:对云南9种野生悬钩子果实品质进行初步测定与分析,筛选出果实品质较好的悬钩子种质。方法:以云南省9种野生悬钩子属植物果实为材料,测定果实的横径、纵径、果形、果色和8种营养成分等指标,并运用多重比较、主成分分析和隶属函数等方法,对野生悬钩子果实品质进行综合评价。结果:不同悬钩子果实表型和营养成分存在显著差异;主成分分析将果实表型和营养成分指标简化为四个主成分,可解释所有变量原始信息的85.643%;采用隶属函数法确定权重,结合主成分分析,构建了悬钩子果实品质综合评分模型,并对9种悬钩子果实品质进行综合评价,得分排序为:光滑悬钩子>红泡刺藤>桔红悬钩子>大乌泡>高粱泡>插田泡>掌叶悬钩子>栽秧泡>红毛悬钩子。研究筛选出两份果实品质相对较好的种质资源,分别为光滑悬钩子和红泡刺藤。结论:光滑悬钩子的果实纵、横径和果重最大,蛋白质、氨基酸和有机酸含量较低,总黄酮含量最高;红泡刺藤果实横径和果重较大,总糖、花色苷、总酚含量极显著高于其他所有悬钩子,总黄酮含量较高且有机酸含量较低。在今后的驯化栽培时,可优先选择光滑悬钩子和红泡刺藤。  相似文献   

悬钩子叶片的营养成分   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
对中国东南部28种悬钩子叶片的营养成分进行了分析,结果表明悬钩子叶片含丰富的人体必需营养素和小分子抗氧化剂,具有营养的保健双重价值。叶片中某种营养成分含量的高低表现出种和种内不同产地的差异,而与该属内的组别无关。文章就悬钩子叶片的特点及其利用价值和利用方向进行了评价。  相似文献   

悬钩子(Rubus)广泛生长在山坡、沟旁和荒野间。果似草莓。体积约1.5厘米直径大小。味酸甜。成熟期在六月下旬至七月中旬之间。在我国分布的有几十种之多。为了开发和利用野生资源,我们在秦巴山区采集了4个不同种的悬钩子样品,对其营养成分进行了较系统的分析测定。  相似文献   

秦巴山区悬钩子植物的种质资源   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
秦巴山区有野生悬钩子38种12变种,是我国悬钩子属植物比较集中的分布区之一,对秦巴山区悬钩子种质资源的系统调查和综合分析结果表明:1.悬钩子类果实中维生素类(尤其是维生素E)和SOD等生物活性物质的含量异常高,蛋白质、氨基酸、有机酸和矿质元素含量不同程度地高于栽培水果,是一种急待开发利用的野生果树。2.黄果悬钩子、粉枝莓、华中悬钩子、弓茎悬钩子、喜阴悬钩子、插田泡、茅莓、山莓和高粱泡等具有直立生长、植株健壮、少刺或无刺、丰产、抗寒耐旱等经济性状,是悬钩子类果树选种和育种的优良种质材料,其中有些种类还可以直接引种栽培。3.悬钩子植物的美化环境和水土保持作用及药用保健价值也应受到重视。  相似文献   

熊先华  徐波  鞠文彬  高云东  邓亨宁  高信芬 《广西植物》2018,38(11):1411-1903/11/21
该文在野外调查、标本采集、标本查阅与鉴定及文献考证的基础上,对西藏墨脱县产的蔷薇科悬钩子属植物进行了系统整理。结果表明:目前发现该区共有悬钩子属植物28种4变种,其中Rubus lineatus Reinw. var. glabrior Hook. f.为中国分布新记录植物,小柱悬钩子(R. columellaris Tutcher)、红毛悬钩子(R. wallichianus Wight et Arn.)、独龙悬钩子(R. taronensis C. Y. Wu ex T. T. Yu et L. T. Lu)和疏松悬钩子(R. efferatus Craib)为西藏分布新记录植物。该文还对《中国植物志》和Flora of China中该属部分学名的不恰当使用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

近年来对我国9个省的悬钩子属植物资源进行了调查采集,并在南京中山植物园建立了田间种质库进行观察研究。本报导在云南省悬钩子资源调查中发现的1个新种和5个新变种,它们是:Rubus godongensis Gu et Li,R.biflorus Buch.-Ham.ex Smith var.spinocalycinus Yu et Lu var.eglandulosus Gu et Li,R.par  相似文献   

云南悬钩子种质资源考察   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
1996 ̄1997年进行了云南省悬钩子资源考察。野外调查发现1个新种、5个新种、新分布6种5变种。结合前人采集记载,云南省悬钩子植物种类为中107种45变种,其中云南特有种30种16变种,西南4省特有种28种10变种,合计特有种共58种26变种顺滇南、滇东南、滇中、滇西和滇东并5个调查地区中,悬钩子属植物最集中分布在滇西和滇东南。阐述了物种分布特点及变异的多样性。介绍了栽秧泡(Rubus ellp  相似文献   

盾叶莓的生物学性状及开发前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盾叶莓为蔷薇科悬钩子属的多年生落叶灌木,主要分布区在我国苏、浙、皖等省,生长于海拔700 m以上到1 350 m的山区。其地上枝条为两年生,当年生枝条可生长到1~2 m高,秋季落叶经冬季休眠后,次年的5~7月份开花结果后迅速枯死。其果实大,且营养价值高,繁殖容易,是一种具有开发利用价值的野生水果资源。  相似文献   

甘肃悬钩子属系统分类及区系地理研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
甘肃省产悬钩子属植物34种、8变种、隶属于3组11亚组,其中5个种为甘肃分布新记录、个新种及1个新变种。本文根据实地调查和标本鉴定,编制了系统检索表,并对甘肃悬钩子属植物区系成分及区系成进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

We used nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer region (ITS 1 - 5.8S - ITS 2; ITS) sequences to generate the first phylogeny of Rubus based on a large, molecular data set. We sampled 57 taxa including 20 species of subgenus Rubus (blackberries), one to seven species from each of the remaining 11 subgenera, and the monotypic and closely related Dalibarda. In Rubus, ITS sequences are most informative among subgenera, and variability is low between closely related species. Parsimony analysis indicates that Rubus plus Dalibarda form a strongly supported clade, and D. repens may nest within Rubus. Of the subgenera with more than one species sampled, only subgenus Orobatus appears monophyletic. Three large clades are strongly supported: one contains all sampled species of nine of the 12 subgenera; another includes extreme Southern Hemisphere species of subgenera Comaropsis, Dalibarda, and Lampobatus; and a third clade consists of subgenus Rubus plus R. alpinus of subgenus Lampobatus. Rubus ursinus appears to be a hybrid between a close relative of R. macraei (subgenus Idaeobatus, raspberries) and an unidentified subgenus Rubus species. ITS sequences are generally consistent with biogeography and ploidy, but traditionally important morphological characters, such as stem armature and leaf type, appear to have limited phylogenetic value in Rubus.  相似文献   

Abstract  Acalitus essigi , the eriophyoid mite that causes red berry disease in Rubus species (Rosaceae), was collected from the fruits of three species of weedy blackberry, R. anglocandicans , R. laudatus and R. ulmifolius , in south-west Australia. This is the first record for this species in Western Australia and these plants appear to be new host records for A. essigi , which causes uneven ripening of fruit. Information on the mite is reviewed in the context of determining its potential as a biological control agent for Rubus species, especially those that are not susceptible to Phragmidium violaceum (Uredinales), the rust fungus being released against species of European blackberry in Australia. Published records also show that A. essigi will attack a wide range of Rubus species including species of North American origin that currently escape biological control in Australia. It may also be useful for preventing the spread of commercial varieties of Rubus (e.g. raspberry and loganberry) that have escaped to become weedy. However, the mite may have limited dispersal ability and thus require redistribution.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The oak lace bug Corythucha arcuata (Say) (Het., Tingidae), native to North America, was found in Europe on Quercus robur L. and other oaks in the spring of 2000. The potential host plant range of this species in Europe and its development time were investigated in a laboratory study. An assay was performed on leaf cuts of different plant species. On the deciduous European oaks ( Q. robur , Quercus pubescens Willd, Quercus petraea (Mattuschka) Liebl., Quercus cerris L.), as well as Rubus ulmifolius Schott. and Rubus idaeus L., most of the lace bugs (>50%) reached the adult stage; on Castanea sativa Mill., Rubus caesius L. and Rosa canina L., a reduced number of individuals (<25%) reached the adult stage. No nymphs survived on Quercus rubra L. (mentioned in literature as a host plant), on the evergreen oaks Quercus suber L. and Quercus ilex L., on Malus domestica Borkh. and four tested maple species. On plant species where the lace bug reached the adult stage, the development time varied from 13 to 27 days. On European deciduous oak species, the development time was longer on leaves taken in late summer (September) than on those of late spring (June); on the contrary, such differences were not observed on Rubus species, and Castanea sativa .  相似文献   

Kraft, T., Nybom, H. & Werlemark, G. 199.5. Rubus vestervicensis (Rosaceae) — its hybrid origin revealed by DNA fingerprinting. — Nord. 3. Bot. 1.5: 237–242. Copenhagen. ISSN 0107-055X.
The large number of species in Rubus subgenus Rubus are thought to have arisen, at least in part, through hybridiation between facultatively apomictic species. R. vestervicensis is known only from a small island off the Swedish east coast. It has been suggested that it is a hybrid between R. grabowskii and R. pedemontanus . We have compared these species with DNA fingerprinting and our results support the hybridization hypothesis. All bands found in the fingerprint of R. grabowskii and about half of the bands found in R. pedemontanus were present in R. vestervicensis , suggesting that the latter species was derived from fertilization of an unreduced R. grabowskii egg cell with R. pedemontanus pollen.  相似文献   

Phytoplasmas are cell wall‐less phytopathogenic bacteria which are associated with a disease in Rubus species known as Rubus stunt. Symptoms range from stunting, witches’ broom, small leaves, short internodes, enlarged sepals, phyllody and flower proliferation to fruit malformations. Phytoplasmas can be spread by vegetative propagation and by phloem‐feeding insect vectors. However, little is known about the spectrum and distribution of putative Rubus stunt insect vectors. In this study, a screening of putative insect vectors of Rubus stunt in raspberry plantations in southern and northern Germany was carried out during two successive years (2014 and 2015) with multiple sampling dates throughout the growing seasons. A total of 2,891 hemipteran insects were sorted, identified to family, genus or species level when possible, and a subset of 319 DNA samples containing a sum of 932 selected individuals representing all identified species, sampling locations and sampling dates were tested for phytoplasma DNA using qPCR. Altogether, eight DNA samples were positive for phytoplasma DNA, among them species from the genera Euscelidius, Macrosteles, Euscelis, Anaceratagalliaand Psammotettix. These data will form the basis for choosing and timing appropriate control measures against Rubus stunt and also for potential insect vector transmission experiments.  相似文献   

Summary In a survey, out of the nineteen genera of non-leguminous angiosperms that are already reported to bear actinomycete-induced nitrogen-fixing root nodules from various parts of the world, the species of seven genera (Alnus, Elaeagnus, Hippophaë, Coriaria, Datisca, Rubus and Casuarina) have been located in Pakistan and checked for nodulation. All the investigated species of the these genera, except those of Rubus and some of the introduced species of Casuarina, were found to bear nodules. In all 12 species belonging to six genera of five families have been recorded to bear actinorhizal nodules in Pakistan.  相似文献   

江西悬钩子属的分类和地理分布   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过野外调查和查阅大量标本和文献,对江西悬钩子属植物的分类和地理分布进行了较为系统的研究。江西境内共有悬钩子属植物43种7变种2变型,其中红花悬钩子Rubus inopertus(Diels)Focke,大红泡R.eustephanus Focke ex Diels,深裂锈毛莓R.reflexus Ker var.lanceolobus Metc为江西新分布。编制了检索表,并讨论了江西悬钩子属植物的地理分布。  相似文献   

近年来对我国9个省的悬钩子属植物资源进行了调查采集,并在南京中山植物园建立了田间种质库进行观察研究。本文报导在云南省悬钩子资源调查中发现的1个新种和5个新变种,它们是:Rubus godongensis Gu et Li, R. biflorus Buch.-Ham.ex Smith var.spinocalycinus Gu et Li, R. glabricarpus Cheng var.eglandulosus Gu et Li, R. gongshanensis Yü et Lu var.eglandulosus Gu et Li, R. parvifolius L.var.purpureus Gu et Li, R. viburnifolius Focke var.apetalus Gu etLi.  相似文献   

天目山自然保护区悬钩子属药用植物资源研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
田春元  周秀佳 《广西植物》2004,24(4):297-301
通过野外调查、采集标本、分类鉴定和查阅文献相结合的方法对浙江省天目山国家级自然保护区悬钩子属植物的药用资源状况进行了较为系统的调查研究。结果发现 :该保护区有悬钩子属植物 1 6种和 1变种 ,它们都可以作为药用植物入药 ,且资源蕴藏量大 ,具有较高的开发利用价值。该项研究有助于该保护区悬钩子属药用植物的开发利用 ,对扩大该属植物药源和发展地方经济都将起到积极的促进作用  相似文献   

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