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Several efforts have been made to study gait stability using measures derived from nonlinear time-series analysis. The maximum finite time Lyapunov exponent (λmax) quantifies how a system responds to an infinitesimally small perturbation. Recent studies suggested that slow walking leads to lower λmax values, and thus is more stable than fast walking, but these studies suffer from methodological limitations. We studied the effects of walking speed on the amount of kinematic variability and stability in human walking. Trunk motions of 15 healthy volunteers were recorded in 3D during 2 min of treadmill walking at different speeds. From those time series, maximum Lyapunov exponents, indicating short-term and long-term divergence (λS-stride and λL-stride), and mean standard deviation (MeanSD) were calculated. λS-stride showed a linear decrease with increasing speed for forward–backward (AP) movements and quadratic effects (inverted U-shaped) for medio-lateral (ML) and up–down (VT) movements. λL-stride showed a quadratic effect (inverted U-shaped) of walking speed for AP movements, a linear decrease for ML movements, and a linear increase for VT movements. Moreover, positive correlations between λS and MeanSD were found for all directions, while λL-stride and MeanSD were correlated negatively in the AP direction. The different effects of walking speed on λS-stride and λL-stride for the different planes suggest that slow walking is not necessarily more stable than fast walking. The absence of a consistent pattern of correlations between λL-stride and MeanSD over the three directions suggests that variability and stability reflect, at least to a degree, different properties of the dynamics of walking.  相似文献   

Reproductive skew theory has become a popular way to phrase problems and test hypotheses of social evolution. The diversity of reproductive skew models probably stems from the ease of generating new variations. However, I show that the logical basis of skew models, that is, the way in which group formation is modelled, makes use of hidden assumptions that may be problematical as they are unlikely to be fulfilled in all social systems. I illustrate these problems by re-analysing the basic concessive skew model with staying incentives. First, the model assumes that dispersal is an all-or-nothing response: all subordinates disperse as soon as concessions drop below a certain value. This leads to a discontinuous 'cliff-edge' shape of dominant fitness, and it is not clear that selection will balance a population at such an edge. Second, it is assumed that subordinates have perfect knowledge of their benefits if they stay in the group. I examine the effects of relaxing these two assumptions. Relaxing the first one strengthens reproductive skew theory, but relaxing the latter makes evolutionary stability disappear. In cases where subordinates cannot accurately measure benefits provided by the individual dominant with which they live, so that their behaviour instead evolves as a response to population-wide average benefits, the logic of reproductive skew models does not apply. This warns against too indiscriminate an application of reproductive skew theory to problems in social evolution: for example, transactional models of extra-pair paternity assume perfect knowledge of paternity, which is unlikely to hold true in nature. It is recommended that models specify the mechanisms by which individuals can adjust their behaviour to that of others, and pay attention to changes that occur in evolutionary versus behavioural time.  相似文献   

The endocytic trafficking of caveolae has been the subject of some controversy for many years. A new study (Pelkmans et al.) shows that budded caveolae can interact with both the caveosome and the early endosome and that caveolin-enriched regions of the early endosomal membrane form unusually stable domains that can incorporate cargo in a regulated manner.  相似文献   

Cortical circuits can undergo experience-dependent remodeling, while retaining the capacity for long-term information storage. The stability of individual synaptic connections is fundamental to both processes, but poorly understood; two studies using new in vivo imaging techniques have finally shed some light on this important issue.  相似文献   

Whether there are general mechanisms, driving interspecific chemical communication is uncertain. Saccharomycetaceae yeast and Drosophila fruit flies, both extensively studied research models, share the same fruit habitat, and it has been suggested their interaction comprises a facultative mutualism that is instigated and maintained by yeast volatiles. Using choice tests, experimental evolution, and volatile analyses, we investigate the maintenance of this relationship and reveal little consistency between behavioral responses of two isolates of sympatric Drosophila species. While D. melanogaster was attracted to a range of different Saccharomycetaceae yeasts and this was independent of fruit type, D. simulans preference appeared specific to a particular S. cerevisiae genotype isolated from a vineyard fly population. This response, however, was not consistent across fruit types and is therefore context‐dependent. In addition, D. simulans attraction to an individual S. cerevisiae isolate was pliable over ecological timescales. Volatile candidates were analyzed to identify a common signal for yeast attraction, and while D. melanogaster generally responded to fermentation profiles, D. simulans preference was more discerning and likely threshold‐dependent. Overall, there is no strong evidence to support the idea of bespoke interactions with specific yeasts for either of these Drosophila genotypes. Rather the data support the idea Drosophila are generally adapted to sense and locate fruits infested by a range of fungal microbes and/or that yeast–Drosophila interactions may evolve rapidly.  相似文献   

Selten (1980, J. theor. Biol. 84, 93(N)/01) has shown that mixed strategies cannot be evolutionarily stable in asymmetric games. Because every interaction features some asymmetry, this result apparently precludes mixed strategies in an evolutionary setting. In Maynard Smith's Hawk-Dove game (1982, Evolution and the theory of games (UP-Cambridge), for example, Selten's result restricts attention to pure-strategy evolutionarily stable outcomes in which the animals use the ability to condition their actions on asymmetries to coordinate, with one playing Hawk and one playing Dove, and with conflicts in which both animals play Hawk never arising. This result contrasts with the intuition that the mixed equilibrium of the Hawk-Dove game captures important aspects of many animal interactions, including the possibility of conflict. In this paper, we follow Eshel and Sansone (1995, J. theor. Biol. 177, 341-356) in enriching Selten's model to incorporate an important aspect of animal interactions, namely that payoffs and asymmetries may both be imperfectly observed. In the richer model, we find conditions under which effectively mixed strategies are stable in asymmetric games, as well as conditions under which they are not stable. Behavior will be conditioned on asymmetries, leading to pure-strategy equilibria in which conflict is avoided, when there are relatively large, observable asymmetries and small observable variations in payoffs. Under opposite conditions, evolutionarily stable equilibria will appear that are effectively mixed, including the potential for conflict.  相似文献   

Review of the literature on biomanipulation shows that fish manipulations have occurred through the following methods: piscivore addition; piscivore catch restriction; habitat enhancement; piscivore removal; planktivore exclusion; planktivore removal by selective catch, lake emptying, fish poisons, fish diseases, winterkill, summerkill; habitat expansion or contraction; planktivore addition; and natural events. The methods can be classified as deliberate, inadvertent, or natural, all of which have successful and unsuccessful examples. However, the problem of perpetuation of successful results remains unsolved. It is proposed that this may be resolved through use of a refuge or refuges from among the following: low light intensity refuge; low temperature refuge; low dissolved oxygen refuge; physical concealment refuge; visual clutter refuge; behavior modification refuge; and predator inefficiency refuge. Perhaps through use of such mechanisms large herbivorous zooplankters can continue to exist in lakes. Examples are given. Contribution no. 383 from the Limnological Research center.  相似文献   

The comparative analysis of three strains of the endosymbiotic bacterium Buchnera aphidicola has revealed high genome stability associated with an almost complete absence of chromosomal rearrangements and horizontal gene transfer events during the past 150 million years. The loss of genes involved in DNA uptake and recombination in the initial stages of endosymbiosis probably underlies this stability. Gene loss, which was extensive during the initial steps of Buchnera evolution, has continued in the different Buchnera lineages since their divergence.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that stable isotope ratios in inert tissues such as feather keratin reflect the dietary isotopic signature at the time of the tissue synthesis. However, some elements such as stable nitrogen isotopes can be affected by individual physiological state and nutritional stress. Using malaria infection experiment protocols, we estimated the possible effect of malaria parasite infections on feather carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope signatures in juvenile common crossbills Loxia curvirostra. The birds were experimentally infected with Plasmodium relictum (lineage SGS1) and P. ashfordi (GRW2), two widespread parasites of passerines. Experimental birds developed heavy parasitemia of both parasites and maintained high levels throughout the experiment (33 days). We found no significant difference between experimental and control birds in both δ13C and δ15N values of feathers re-grown. The study shows that even heavy primary infections of malaria parasites do not affect feather δ13C and δ15N isotopic signatures. The results of this experiment demonstrate that feather isotope values of wild-caught birds accurately reflect the dietary isotopic sources at the time of tissue synthesis even when the animal’s immune system might be challenged due to parasitic infection.  相似文献   

Aphid taxa are characterized by a number of biological features, such as their feeding behaviour and host selection, which it is generally accepted are affected by keeping them for several generations under standard conditions in a laboratory. Analyses of three strains of the green pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris, 1776), reared in culture for long periods, indicate that other characters are also affected. For example, the response of these aphids to alarm pheromone is dramatically reduced. This raises an interesting question regarding the mechanism by which it occurs and has consequences when aphids from laboratory cultures are used for studies in ecology and applied biology and especially the long‐term effectiveness of crop plants genetically engineered to produce EBF as a means of controlling aphids.  相似文献   

Mutation induction in directly exposed cells is currently regarded as the main component of the genetic risk of ionising radiation for humans. However, recent studies showing that exposure to ionising radiation results in elevated mutation rates detectable in the non-irradiated progeny of exposed cells challenge the existing paradigm in radiation biology. This review describes some recent data on radiation-induced genomic instability in vitro and mainly focuses on the in vivo phenomenon of transgenerational instability, where elevated mutation rates are detected in the non-exposed offspring of irradiated parents. The possible mechanisms and implications of transgenerational instability are also discussed.  相似文献   

A convention is a rule based on arbitrary cues that allows quick resolution of potentially protracted disputes. A familiar example is the Bourgeois strategy, in which the second of two animals to discover a resource yields it to the first, even though it may be stronger than its opponent. Here we develop a game-theoretic model to show that neighbors with imperfect information about one another's fighting abilities can be favored to accept a landmark as the designator of a territory boundary, even when the resulting territory is smaller than the one that would have been won through fighting. Thus, the use of landmarks or other mutually obvious solutions can serve as a convention for territory partitioning. For a distribution of fighting ability with low variance and high skew, there is a remarkably high probability that an animal will accept a smaller territory than it would have won through fighting. The analysis provides a possible explanation for the observed use of landmarks as boundary markers by territorial animals in a variety of taxa, including birds, fish, insects, and mammals. The analysis also suggests why territory boundaries are stable, once established, despite changes in characteristics of the residents or the environment.  相似文献   

Two redox-active tyrosines are present in Photosysytem II, the water-oxidizing enzyme. While the tyrosine that is kinetically competent in electron transfer, TyrZ, may also have a role in the enzyme mechanism, the second tyrosine, TyrD, has a stable radical and is not directly involved in the redox chemistry associated with enzyme function. Nevertheless, reasonable mechanistic roles for TyrD have been postulated that satisfy desires to rationalise the presence of this cofactor, or, in English, we think we know what it does. First, the TyrD radical acts an oxidant of the Mn cluster in the lowest state of the redox accumulation cycle (i.e., S(0)), providing potential benefits in maintaining the cluster in the more stable higher valence states. This redox role may also be important during Mn assembly and indeed overreduced forms of the Mn cluster appear to be oxidised by TyrD(*). Second, the proton generated by the TyrD radical is thought to remain in its vicinity having an electrostatic influence on the location and potential of the chlorophyll cation, P(+). This effect may be important for the kinetics of TyrZ oxidation and may provide a significant thermodynamic boost to the enzyme. In addition, through its electrostatic influence, TyrD(*)(H(+)) may confine the highly oxidising cation P(+) to the chlorophyll nearest to TyrZ, thereby accelerating TyrZ oxidation and restricting the potentially damaging redox chemistry to one side of the reaction centre: the disposable D1 side. This second role, evidence for which is beginning to emerge, constitutes a new role for a redox-active tyrosine in biology: as a positive charge generator in a hydrophobic environment. In this short review, we focus on work relevant to these two roles.  相似文献   

Whereas it is well known that simple ecological mechanisms may promote stability in simple species models, their consequences for stability and resilience in multispecies communities are largely unexplored. Here, we studied the effect of predator interference on the occurrence of alternative attractors and complex dynamics in randomly constructed multispecies predator-prey communities. We studied three types of interference: random interference (“asymmetric”), random interference but symmetrical between pairs of predators (“symmetric”), and interference among only the same species (“conspecific”). In all cases predator interference increased the average number of alternative attractors, whereas at the same time it reduced the emergence of oscillatory or chaotic dynamics. Our findings demonstrate a contrasting effect of predator interference on the stability of a community: on the one hand it reduces cycles and chaos in the dynamics, on the other hand predator interference increases the likelihood that communities may undergo critical transitions between multiple stable states.  相似文献   

Two strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum, recognizable by their intrinsic resistance to high levels of antibiotics and their serological features were introduced into three calcareous soils under field conditions. These strains were re-isolated 16 or 20 years later and compared with the parental strains kept lyophilized. In the Dijon location, the survival was high although soybean was never grown in the field. But the B. japonicum completely disappeared in the Montpellier field after 10 years under vineyard. In the Toulouse field after the two initially introduced strains, inoculation of subsequent soybean crops with a new strain enabled this strain to occupy 70–80% of the nodules; these results suggest that under such conditions the problem of competition can be solved by repeated inoculation. In this field, the number of introduced B. japonicum remained high during 4 years without soybeans, but a new inoculation would be necessary after 5 years. In the two fields where the survival was high, the two strains remained at about the same relative level as at introduction, there was no detectable exchange of characters between them. With regards to agronomic characteristics, there were no important changes in the competitivity of the strains. Among the eight field isolates tested in a greenhouse for efficiency by comparison with eight lyophilized isolates, seven showed no significant difference for the total weight of soybean or seed yield but one field isolate showed a loss of efficiency corresponding to 27% less seed weight. This long-term experiment allowed us to conclude that the B. japonicumstrains used were stable for many characters, but variations in efficiency may rarely occur.  相似文献   

Summary An extracellular -amylase has been isolated from a continuous culture of a thermophilic strain of Bacillus brevis. This enzyme was purified eightfold and obtained in electrophoretically homogenous form. The enzyme had a molecular weight of about 58000, a pH optimum from 5.0 to 9.0 and a temperature optimum at 80°C. The half-life of the purified enzyme in the presence of 5 mM CaCl2 at 90° C and pH 8.0 was 20 min. The K m value for soluble starch was calculated to be 0.8 mg/ml.  相似文献   

Fukami T  Nakajima M 《Ecology letters》2011,14(10):973-984
The concept of alternative stable states has long been a dominant framework for studying the influence of historical contingency in community assembly. This concept focuses on stable states, yet many real communities are kept in a transient state by disturbance, and the utility of predictions for stable states in explaining transient states remains unclear. Using a simple model of plant community assembly, we show that the conditions under which historical contingency affects community assembly can differ greatly for stable versus transient states. Differences arise because the contribution of such factors as mortality rate, environmental heterogeneity and plant-soil feedback to historical contingency changes as community assembly proceeds. We also show that transient states can last for a long time relative to immigration rate and generation time. These results argue for a conceptual shift of focus from alternative stable states to alternative transient states for understanding historical contingency in community assembly.  相似文献   

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