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To determine IL-2 requirement for activation of suppressor cells, PBMC were primed in one-way MLR in the presence of 10 micrograms/ml anti-IL-2R beta-chain antibody 2A3 (CD25) or control antibody, then irradiated and added as regulators in a fresh MLR. Cells primed in the presence of antibody 2A3 suppressed the proliferative response to fresh autologous lymphocytes to specific alloantigen but had no effect on the response to cells from third party donors. Priming in the presence of an antibody of irrelevant specificity induced only limited suppressor activity. Activated suppressor cells did not show cytolytic activity specific for the stimulators when tested at the time of the suppressor cell assay. To identify the subset(s) responsible for suppression, cells primed in the presence of antibody 2A3 were separated into CD4+/CD45RA+, CD4+/CD45RA-, and CD8+ subsets, which were irradiated and then tested. The suppressive activity was found predominantly in the CD4+/CD45RA+ subset, whereas CD8+ cells had some activity and CD4+/CD45RA- cells had none. No subset suppressed the response of autologous cells to third-party cells. When primed CD4+/CD45RA+ cells were cocultured with fresh autologous lymphocytes depleted of CD8+ cells, no suppression was observed, indicating that, although the CD4+/CD45RA+ cells can function as inducers of suppressors, they cannot function as suppressor-effectors. Conversely, CD8+ cells activated in MLR in the presence of 2A3 caused suppression, regardless of whether the fresh autologous responder population contained CD8+ cells. CD4+/CD45RA+ and CD8+ subsets isolated after priming in the presence of 2A3 also demonstrated Ag-specific suppression in the generation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes whereas CD4+/CD45RA- cells had no activity. Our data are consistent with the model that suppression of alloreactivity requires the cooperation of two types of cells, a CD4+/CD45RA+ suppressor-inducer and a CD8+ suppressor-effector population. Activated Tsi and fresh Tse or activated Tse alone can suppress lymphocyte proliferation and generation of CTL in response to specific Ag. Activation of Ag-specific T suppressor-inducer and T suppressor-effector cells appears to be relatively IL-2 independent and presumably require one or more other growth factors.  相似文献   

We have previously described a T cell hybridoma, A.1.1, that responds to specific Ag (P18, a synthetic polypeptide of defined sequence) in the context of I-Ad by producing lymphokines. Herein we report that this cell also releases, into culture supernatants and ascites fluid, an Ag-specific activity that functions in the induction of suppression of anti-SRBC PFC responses. This suppressive activity requires a) Ag-non-specific accessory molecules from a T suppressor inducer factor, b) Ly-2+ T cells in the assay cultures, and c) the specific Ag (P18) conjugated to the SRBC in the assay cultures. The specificity of the A.1.1-derived activity was demonstrated by the absence of suppression in cultures containing SRBC, BSA-SRBC, or conalbumin-SRBC rather than P18-SRBC. Further, the A.1.1-derived activity bound to, and could be eluted from, P18 but not conalbumin. Using a panel of synthetic variant peptides, we have mapped the critical residues in P18 required for Ag/I-Ad induced activation of A.1.1. These peptides were tested for their ability to act as targets for the A.1.1-derived suppressive activity when conjugated to SRBC and added to assay cultures. All peptides capable of stimulating the A.1.1 T cells to release lymphokines were similarly effective in the suppressor assay. Thus, the recognition of Ag by the T cells and by the T cell-derived activity appeared to be identical. The A.1.1-derived molecule was found to be capable of inducing L3T4- T cells to act as suppressor T cells following culture. These suppressor cells were active in inhibiting anti-SRBC responses in the absence of P18 and bore the Ly-2 surface marker. Thus, it is likely that the function of this Ag-specific molecule is to induce Ly-2+ suppressor T cells and thereby cause the inhibition of the response. This function is distinct from that normally associated with helper T cells and may shed new light on the possible relationship between the cell surface T cell receptor for Ag and Ag-specific T suppressor inducer molecules.  相似文献   

The ability of UV-treated splenic adherent cells (SAC) to induce T cell-mediated immunity and suppressor T cells was analyzed in the 4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenyl acetyl (NP) system. UV irradiation of 0.88 KJ/m2 decreased the capacity of NP-coupled SAC to induce delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses by about 50%. The ability of uncoupled UV-treated SAC to induce allogeneic DTH response was also imparied, indicating that UV-treated SAC are inefficient at inducing DTH in these systems. TS1 induction by UV-treated NP-SAC was evaluated TS1 induction by UV-treated NP-SAC was evaluated by using adherent cells that were subjected to the same dose of UV irradiation that impaired DTH induction. Intravenous administration of 10(3) or 10(4) UV-treated NP-coupled SAC induced TS1 cells with the same efficiency as non-UV-irradiated cells. The TS1 cells induced in this fashion were antigen specific. Furthermore, to establish that the antigen was not reprocessed by the host, I-J-mismatched, UV-treated NP-SAC were unable to induce TS1 cells. The population of antigen-presenting cells responsible for TS1 induction appear to express both I-A and I-J determinants. TS2 induction by UV-treated accessory cells was also analyzed. TSF1 inducer suppressor factor was pulsed onto graded numbers of either normal or UV-treated adherent cells. The same levels of antigen-specific suppression were induced with normal and UV-treated cells. Finally, TS3 induction by UV-treated NP-SAC was analyzed. UV-treated and normal NP-SAC (3 X 10(3] induced antigen-specific suppression of NP DTH responses. I-J-mismatched, UV-treated NP-SAC failed to induce suppression, suggesting that the hapten was not reprocessed by the host under these experimental conditions. The accessory cell population responsible for TS3 induction appears to express both I-A and I-J determinants. Thus, there are at least two functional distinctions between the antigen-presenting cells that induce immunity vs those that induce suppressor cells. First, UV treatment selectively impairs the antigen-presenting cells, which activate the positive limb of the immune response. Second, I-J determinants appear to be specifically associated with the SAC, which induce suppressor T cells. Although these criteria can be used to distinguish the accessory cells involved in suppressor cell pathways from those controlling helper T cell induction, there were no discernible phenotypic differences among the accessory cells that induce the TS1, TS2, and TS3 subsets.  相似文献   

Regulation of the immune response in man is largely dependent on interactions between cells of the cluster designation 4+ (CD4+) helper/inducer sublineage and the CD8+ suppressor/cytotoxic sublineage. When cultured with autologous antigen-primed CD4+ lymphocytes, CD8+ cells differentiate into suppressor T cells (Ts) that specifically inhibit the response of fresh autologous CD4+ cells to the priming antigen only. The current study was undertaken to analyze the roles in this suppressor circuit of subpopulations of the CD4+ sublineage distinguished from one another on the basis of their binding (or lack of binding) to monoclonal antibodies against molecules p80 (Leu8) and CD45R (p220/Leu18/2H4). When examined for the proliferative responses to alloantigenic stimuli, each of the four: CD4+p80+, CD4+p80-, CD4+CD45R+, and CD4+CD45R- populations proliferated vigorously, synthesized interleukin 2 (IL-2) and interferon and released soluble IL-2 receptors. However, the responses to soluble antigens such as Candida and diphtheria toxoid were exhibited by CD4+CD45R-, CD4+p80+, and CD4+p80- cells, but not by CD4+CD45R+ cells. When examined for their ability to induced CD8+ Ts in the Candida-driven suppressor-induction culture system, only CD4+p80+ and CD4+CD45R- cells induced strong suppression. Further, when CD4+CD45R- cells were separated into CD4+CD45R-p80+ and CD4+CD45R-p80- subpopulations, despite the ability of both subpopulations to respond to Candida, only CD4+CD45R-p80+ cells induced autologous CD8+ Ts. Activated CD8+ Ts suppressed not only proliferation but also the release of soluble IL-2 receptors by autologous antigen-activated CD4+ cells. Thus, the antigen-specific suppressor-inducer T cells appear to be derived from the CD4+CD45R-p80+ (Leu3+, Leu8+, 2H4-) subpopulation of the CD4+ sublineage.  相似文献   

Nude spleen cells were rendered incapable of giving an in vitro response in the presence of TRF by pretreatment of nude mice with antigen, followed 1 week later by T-cell injection. It is shown that this unresponsiveness is caused by antigen-specific suppressor cells which affect not only the stimulation of nude spleen cells but also the activation of memory cells and the production of a T-cell-replacing factor. The appearance in nude mice of suppressing activity rather than helper activity, after administration of T cells, is dependent on the sequence of treatment. These results suggest a model for the induction of antigen-specific suppressor cells by activated B cells.  相似文献   

The role of accessory cell populations in the generation of effector suppressor (Ts3) cells was studied. By using an in vitro culture system, it was previously determined that the induction of NP-specific effector suppressor activity requires T cells, antigen, and an anti-idiotypic B cell population. We now demonstrate that the generation of Ts3 cells in this system also requires accessory cells. The accessory population appears to play a role in the processing and presentation of antigen. These antigen-presenting accessory cells are required early in the induction phase of Ts3 generation. These accessory cells can present NP coupled to immunogenic or non-immunogenic polypeptide carriers, including polymers of L-amino acids. However, NP coupled to polymers of poorly metabolized D-amino acids fail to induce suppressor T cell generation. Furthermore, the data demonstrate that an H-2 homology must exist between the Ts3 precursors and the antigen-presenting cell population if suppressor activity is to be generated. We also characterize the differential genetic restrictions that govern the induction of Ts3 cells that control suppression of either T cell or B cell responses. The data suggest that although I-J region encoded gene products control the induction and effector phases of suppressor cell activity as measured on T cell responses, the suppression of B cell responses appear to be controlled by I-A gene products. Possible cellular mechanisms that might explain these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Earlier studies in the phenyltrimethylamino (TMA) hapten system demonstrated that under certain conditions idiotype-specific second-order T suppressor (Ts2)-bearing mice fail to suppress TMA-specific delayed-type hypersensitivity. This was due to a functional deletion in the third-order T suppressor (Ts3) subset. In this report we have confirmed and extended these findings to show that only homologous TMA-specific Ts3 can restore suppressor function, both heterologous Ts3 and unprimed T-cell populations failed to do so. Furthermore, attempts to induce Ts3 function in the defective mice after reconstitution with normal precursor Ts3 cells also failed. In contrast, protocols which induce heterologous contact and cutaneous hypersensitivity reactions readily induced cell populations capable of restoring suppression in the Ts3-defective mice. Analysis of the lymphoid populations from the contact-sensitized defective mice revealed that these cells were not the prototypical Ts3 but were similar to the previously reported nonspecific T acceptor cell. The results further indicated that the T acceptor cell functioned as the active terminal-phase Ts subset, and this could be used as an alternative to the TMA-specific Ts3. The importance of multiple suppressor pathways at the terminal phase of immune suppression is discussed.  相似文献   

Neuromyelitis optica (NMO) is an inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS). Anti-aquaporin-4 antibody (AQP4-Ab) is a highly specific serum autoantibody that is detected in patients with NMO. Several lines of evidence indicate that AQP4-Ab not only serves as a disease marker but also plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of NMO. Although the pathogenicity of AQP4-Ab in vivo has recently been demonstrated, the presence of CNS antigen-specific T cells is recognized as a prerequisite for the antibody to exert pathogenic effects. Thus, it remains unclear whether AQP4-Ab is the primary cause of the disease or a disease-modifying factor in NMO. Here we report that pre-treatment with complete Freund’s adjuvant (CFA) alone is sufficient for AQP4-Ab to induce astrocytic damage in vivo. Our results show the primary pathogenic role of AQP4-Ab in the absence of CNS antigen-specific T cells, and suggest that danger signals provided by nonspecific inflammation can be a trigger for those who harbor the autoantibody to develop NMO.  相似文献   

In vitro cultivation of primed T cells with antigen resulted in the induction of a regulatory T cell that nonspecifically augmented the in vitro antibody responses of H-2-compatible T and B cells. This T cell, designated as the augmenting T cell (Ta), was unable to help B cells by itself but enhanced the antibody response of B cells to several multitudes only when conventional helper T (Th) cells or cloned Th cells from the same H-2 haplotype coexisted. Ta was radioresistant and belonged to Lyt-1+, 2-, L3T4+, I-J- T cell lineage. Ta exhibited interesting H-2-restricted activities: when primed T cells from (A X B) F1 were cultured with the antigen in the presence of parent A type antigen-presenting cells, the induced Ta was able to augment the antibody response of (A x B) F1 B cells in the presence of Th cells from F1----A but not from F1----B radiation bone marrow chimeras. This indicates that the induction of Ta in an F1 T cell population is dependent on the H-2 haplotype of antigen-presenting cells during in vitro cultivation. The restriction specificity of the established Ta is, however, not directed to the class II antigen itself but to the restriction specificity of Th cells that recognize class II antigen. In support of this is the fact that the elimination of A-restricted Th cells during cultivation by treatment with anti-I-J mAb, which is known to react with H-2-restricted Th cells, resulted in failure of induction of Ta cells having the augmenting activity for the A-restricted response.  相似文献   

The effects of feeding the dietary protein antigen, ovalbumin (OVA), on OVA-specific IgG and IgA immune responses involving Peyer's patches (PP) and mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) were examined. Mice were administered soluble OVA by gastric intubation. One to 3 days later, PP, MLN, or spleen cells from these donor mice were adoptively transferred into normal syngeneic recipients. After two subsequent immunizations, spleens from the recipient mice were assayed for IgA and IgG anti-OVA plaque-forming cell (PFC) responses. None of the tissues from normal (unfed) mice had the inherent ability to alter recipients' IgG or IgA PFC responses. Within 1 day of OVA feeding, however, cells were generated in the PP that could augment recipients' IgA anti-OVA PFC responses and suppress IgG PFC responses. Three days after OVA feeding, these cells were present in MLN as well, and whereas the IgG suppressor cell also appeared to migrate to spleen, the IgA helper cell did not. The cells mediating antigen-specific IgG suppression and IgA help were both T cells but could be distinguished by surface phenotype. We therefore conclude that protein feeding induces differential, isotype-specific immunoregulation in gut-associated lymphoid tissues, part of which is mediated by an antigen-specific IgA helper T cell.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that treatment of SJL/J mice with anti-interferon-gamma monoclonal antibody (mAb) exacerbated experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) only if administered at the time of encephalitogenic challenge. Here we investigate the role of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and anti-IFN-gamma mAb in the early events of T cell activation in vitro. Pretreatment of murine peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) with IFN-gamma led to a significant increase in their ability to activate myelin basic protein (MBP)-specific, short-term T cell lines. When exogenous IFN-gamma was added to cocultures of T cells and MBP-pulsed PEC, the antigen-specific T cell proliferation was considerably reduced. Anti-IFN-gamma mAb added to these cultures neutralized the inhibitory effect of the exogenous IFN-gamma on T cell proliferation but had no visible effect on class II MHC expression by the antigen-pulsed PEC present in the same cultures. A reduction in T cell proliferation was also observed when the T cells were treated with IFN-gamma prior to coculture with the MBP-pulsed PEC. These results demonstrate that, on one hand, IFN-gamma enhances the ability of PEC to induce antigen-specific T cell proliferation but, on the other hand, acts on the T cells themselves by inhibiting their proliferation in response to the antigen-pulsed PEC. This may explain why treatment with anti-IFN-gamma antibody in vivo induces EAE exacerbation.  相似文献   

Immunoregulation as a consequence of thermal injury was investigated by using a murine model involving a 30% surface area full thickness burn. Both allogeneic mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) and in vitro anti-SRBC responses were depressed from days 3 to 25 post-burn. Suppressor T cells could be identified in both systems between days 5 and 15. On day 5 post-burn, an Ly-1+,2-, I-J+ T cell is responsible for the majority of the suppression observed. This cell behaves like a T suppressor inducer T cell in that it must interact with an Ly-2+ cyclophosphamide-sensitive cell to manifest suppression. On day 7 post-burn, only Ly-1-,2+ suppressor T cells are found which can directly suppress the activity of Ly-1+,2- helper T cells. Thus, these cells behave as T suppressor effector cells. We suggest that feedback suppression is in operation after thermal injury, with functional suppressor inducer cells appearing on day 5 post-burn, leading to the appearance of T suppressor effector cells by 7 days post-burn. Recovery from post-burn immunosuppression occurs by day 25 post-burn and is associated with the appearance of V. villosa-adherent T cells, whose activity antagonizes that of the day 7 post-burn suppressor effector. These cells may represent contrasuppressor T cells, which could play a role in the restoration of immunocompetence after burn injury.  相似文献   

The cell wall components involved in the adherence of Bacillus globigii to lymphocytes were studied. Lipoteichoic acid inhibited B. globigii-lymphocyte interaction. The interaction was not affected by Escherichia coli outer membranes or lipopolysaccharides.  相似文献   

Nylon wool-purified T cells (Tn) of two patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia of the B cell type were phenotyped and tested in various assays for antigen-specific T helper (Th), T suppressor effector (Tse), T suppressor precursor (Tsp), and T suppressor inducer (Tsi) function. Antigen-specific Th as well as Tsi activity could be effectively generated. Although phenotypically CD8+ T cells, carrying the receptor for the Fc part of IgG, were present in mononuclear blood cells and Tn fractions, no antigen-specific Tse cell activity could be induced. In addition, Tsp cells were found to be functionally absent. These findings are discussed in relation to a tumor-induced limited heterogeneity within the T suppressor (Ts) cell compartment.  相似文献   

The regulation of delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) to soluble antigens derived from blood-stage parasites was investigated. DTH responses to soluble blood-stage malarial antigen were induced by subcutaneous (sc) sensitization in the flanks and elicited by ear challenge with the same antigen 6 days later. Adoptive transfer studies revealed that T cells of the L3T4+ phenotype were mediating this response. When a high dose of malarial antigen was injected intravenously (iv) prior to sc sensitization, immunosuppression of DTH resulted. The degree of immunosuppression was dependent on the dose of antigen injected iv and the time at which it was administered prior to sc sensitization. Immunosuppression was antigen-specific and mediated by Lyt-2+ splenic T cells.  相似文献   

The isolation and characterization of the human suppressor inducer T cell subset   总被引:100,自引:0,他引:100  
Immunization of mice with lower primate lymphoid cells has provided a useful strategy for raising monoclonal antibodies against functionally important surface determinants on human T lymphocytes. We have developed a monoclonal antibody, anti-2H4, which defines functionally unique human T cell subsets. This anti-2H4 antibody was reactive with approximately 42% of unfractionated T cells, 41% of T4+ inducer cells, and was reactive with approximately 54% of T8+ cytotoxic/suppressor population. Anti-2H4 was not reactive with human thymocytes, but reacted with subsets of peripheral blood B cells and null cells. This antibody subdivided peripheral blood T4+ cells into two functionally distinct populations. The T4+2H4+ subset proliferate well to concanavalin A (Con A) stimulation, but poorly to soluble antigen stimulation, and provides poor help to B cells for PWM-induced Ig synthesis. The T4+2H4- subset, in contrast, proliferates poorly upon stimulation with Con A, but well on exposure to soluble antigen, and provides a good helper signal for PWM-induced Ig synthesis. What is, perhaps, most important, the T4+2H4+ subset functions as the inducer of the T8+ suppressor cells. Previous attempts to define the latter subset of cells has relied heavily on the use of specific autoantibodies present in the sera of patients with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The present results suggest that anti-2H4 antibody defines the human suppressor induced subset of lymphocyte previously described as T4+JRA+. Last, the results reemphasize the previously documented remarkable structural conservation of certain T cell-specific determinants on lymphocytes of phylogenetically distant primates.  相似文献   

The ability of transferred antigen-primed immune B cells to induce T cell-mediated suppression of the antibody response to Type III pneumococcal polysaccharide (SSS-III) could be blocked or eliminated by prior treatment of B cells with F(ab')2 anti-Ig or anti-IgM antibodies; however, F(ab')2 anti-IgD antibodies, or M5/114 (monoclonal anti-I-A/E antibody), had no effect on activation of suppression by SSS-III-primed B cells. Thus, cell-associated IgM antibody plays an important role in the activation of suppressor T cells during the antibody response to SSS-III.  相似文献   

Stimulated lymphocytes are capable of synthesizing and secreting a variety of lymphokines which can affect the functions of several types of target cells. We report here the existence of a soluble factor released by activated human mononuclear leukocytes which produces a selective inhibition of human pulmonary fibroblast migration. This fibroblast migration inhibitory factor (FIF) was produced by antigen- or mitogen-stimulated human peripheral blood mononuclear leukocytes (PBML) and purified T cells. It inhibited the migration of 51Cr-labeled fibroblasts in a dose-dependent fashion with optimal effect (65–70% inhibition) obtained at 1:10 dilution and 8–20 hr of incubation. Sephadex G-100 fractionation revealed most activity to be found between 28,000 and 34,000 daltons. FIF was stable at 56 °C for 15 min, but destroyed at 80 °C or at low pH. This factor may play an important role in the modulation of fibrogenesis and healing processes by the immune system.  相似文献   

Efficient B cell responses to most polysaccharide antigens such as TNP-PAA or TNP-Ficoll require factors produced by activated T cells. However, the mechanism of T cell activation during such responses has not been established, because these antigens do not activate T cells, either directly or in conjunction with I-A gene products. We used a panel of antigen-specific monoclonal helper T cells to study T cell activation during the course of such responses. We show that activated I-A-identical B cells directly stimulate these monoclonal T cells, and that this stimulation is in the absence of nominal antigen. The high frequency of inducer cells that are stimulated by activated B cells suggests a major biologic role for this novel pathway of T cell activation.  相似文献   

We showed previously that fresh Leu-2+ T cells respond to autologous antigen-primed Leu-3+ T cells by proliferation and differentiation into suppressor T cells (Ts) that specifically inhibit the response of fresh Leu-3+ cells to the original priming antigen. This study was undertaken to characterize the role of various cell surface molecules expressed by antigen-primed Leu-3+ cells in their activation of Leu-2+ Ts cells. Alloactivated Leu-3+ blasts were treated in the absence of complement with a variety of monoclonal antibodies recognizing distinct antigens on human lymphoid cells, and then were examined for their functional effects on fresh autologous T cells. Prior treatment of Leu-3+ blasts with anti-Leu-4 or anti-HLA-A,B,C framework antibodies, but not with anti-Leu-1, anti-Leu-3, anti-Leu-5, or anti-HLA-DR framework-specific antibodies, not only blocked proliferation of fresh Leu-2+ cells, it also prevented their differentiation into Ts cells. Furthermore, after their activation by Leu-3+ blasts, Leu-2+ Ts cells inhibited the response of fresh Leu-3+ cells from only those individuals who shared HLA-A,B phenotypes with suppressor-effector cells. These results suggest that both the inductive and effector phases of suppression involve dual recognition of autologous class I MHC molecules and structures associated with the Leu-4 (T3) molecule on the surface of antigen-reactive Leu-3+ cells.  相似文献   

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