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The systematics of the genus Crataegus (Rosaceae) have been considered problematic owing to the fact that hybridization, introgression, polyploidy and apomixis may occur in this genus. A study of the Crataegus species from the Arab mountains, Sweida Province, Syria, has been undertaken based on both plastid DNA sequences ( trn L- trn F, psb A- trn H) and morphological data. In the investigated region, three morphologically distinguishable Crataegus species: C. azarolus var. aronia L., C.  ×  sinaica Boiss. ssp. sinaica and C. monogyna var. monogyna Jacq. were investigated. Crataegus azarolus can be clearly distinguished morphologically from C. monogyna by the colour, size and structure of fruits, the number of pyrenes, the flowering and ripening time, the density of thorns, the tree shape and also the leaf shape. According to our morphological data, in Syria, C.  ×  sinaica is variable and could represent a hybrid of C. azarolus  ×  C. monogyna ; the cpDNA sequence analysis showed sequences corresponding to C. monogyna as the plausible mother of the hybrid.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 153 , 255–263.  相似文献   

Morphological variation in nine characters of 157 clones of Myzus persicae (Sulzer) was examined by multivariate analysis. The clones were collected from peach, Prunus persica, the primary host and the secondary hosts tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum, cabbage, Brassica oleracea, sugarbeet, Beta vulgaris and pepper Capsicum annuum. The 156 clones originated from various regions of Greece, both in the north, where a large part of the population has an annual bisexual generation on peach, and in more southerly regions, where populations are predominantly unisexual. One clone was collected from tobacco in Caserta, Italy. All clones were laboratory-reared on potato. Canonical variate analysis, hierarchical cluster analysis and a non-parametric classification tree method both revealed morphological differences associated with the host-plant on which they were collected. The scores of the first two canonical variates separated the tobacco-feeding clones from those originating from other secondary host-plants. However, in tobacco-growing areas the tobacco-feeding form predominated in spring populations on peach, and was sometimes found on other secondary hosts. In addition, using cluster analysis, the clones from tobacco which were sampled in the most southeasterly region showed a relatively large phenotypic distance from those collected further north and west. Moreover, clonal phenotypes were affected both by host plant and by long-term parthenogenetic rearing. However, in spite of these effects, the tobacco form was generally distinguishable from aphids originating from other hosts, indicating that the difference must have a genetic basis. In separate analyses of the clones originating from secondary hosts no association was found between morphology and either life cycle category or colour. Discriminant analysis showed that 89% of 1723 specimens could be correctly classified into the two groups.  相似文献   

The Alaskan endemic shrub Dryas octopetala ssp. alaskensis and its circumpolar conspecific ssp. octopetala are adapted to closely adjacent habitats in alpine areas of Alaska. These alpine areas form geographically disjunct "islands" among which there are limited opportunities for gene flow. Allozyme electrophoresis and a common garden experiment were used to examine genetic variation between subspecies and among disjunct populations of each subspecies. Overall, allozyme variation in D. octopetala is low with little differentiation among populations or between subspecies. Morphological differences, however, are greater between subspecies than among populations within subspecies. Divergence for a few morphological and life-history characters has apparently occurred in response to strong selection, but without divergence at allozyme loci. The ancestors of both subspecies of D. octopetala in Alaska were isolated during the Pleistocene in the glacial refugia of Alaska and Yukon, which may explain low overall variation. Dryas. o. alaskensis is thought to be a Pleistocene derivative of ssp. octopetala, which may account for the low allozyme divergence between subspecies. Recent restriction to alpine areas may explain the low differentiation among disjunct populations.  相似文献   

In connection with systematic study of European taxa of Crataegus (Rosaceae subfam. Maloideae) lectotypes are designated for Crataegus monogyna f. subdigyna and C. monogyna var. ronnigeri. C. microphylla subsp. malýana is described as a taxon new to science and a key to the recognised taxa of C. microphylla and of the closely related C. rhipidophylla is given.  相似文献   

The Turkish Crataegus taxa were investigated using morphological, palynological, and anatomical characters. A new series ( Crataegus Section Crataegus Series Peshmenia ), two new species ( Crataegus peshmenii and Crataegus christensenii ), and one variety ( Crataegus rhipidophylla var. kutahyaensis ) are described. Furthermore, Crataegus  ×  browicziana has been assigned to Crataegus rhipidophylla with a new status. Illustrations of the described taxa and their distribution map are also given. The lectotype for Crataegus yaltirikii is designated here.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 231–240.  相似文献   

Lectotypification of Crataegus crus-galli permits the common ten-stamened entity of the northern United States and adjacent Canada to retain its name. The correct name for the related 20-stamen form, usually called C. fontanesiana, is C. tenax. Crataegus persimilis, lectotypified here, is shown to occur in Ontario as well as New York, having been previously misidentified as C. ?bushii and C. prunifolia in Ontario. A horticultural taxon usually (but improperly) called C. prunifolia is provided with a new cultivar name.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to verify, on the basis of statistical analyses of nine quantitative morphological features of pollen grains, the hypothesis that pollen grains of three parental species of Crataegus (C. laevigata, C. monogyna, C. rhipidophylla) differed from the pollen of three spontaneous hybrids of these species (C. × macrocarpa, C. × media, C. × subsphaericea). Contrast analysis revealed that a majority of the pollen features of hybrid species were characterized by significantly higher mean values than those of parental species. Analysis of pollen shape classes indicated that the parental species clearly differed from each other in contrast with hybrids, which were characterized by a similar proportion of pollen in individual pollen shape classes. Statistical analyses showed that the pollen grains of two parental species, C. laevigata and C. monogyna, were most similar to one another. Pollen grains of typical C. rhipidophylla were similar to the pollen of hybrids and the mean values of almost all studied pollen features [P, E, Exp, Exp/P, Le, d, d/E (PAI)] of C. rhipidophylla var. rhipidophylla were intermediate between those of C. monogyna and C. rhipidophylla var. lindmanii. This corroborates Zieliński's conjecture that C. rhipidophylla is probably an old, conserved hybrid between C. monogyna and C. calycina (= C. lindmanii = C. rhipidophylla var. lindmanii). According to the analysis of canonical variables, C. × macrocarpa and C. × media pollen grains were most similar. C. × subsphaericea and C. rhipidophylla var. rhipidophylla and C. rhipidophylla var. lindmanii formed another pair (group), and C. monogyna and C. laevigata constituted separate ‘single species groups’. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 172 , 555–571.  相似文献   

Raspé O  Kohn JR 《Heredity》2002,88(6):458-465
RT-PCR was used to obtain the first estimates from natural populations of allelic diversity at the RNase-based gametophytic self-incompatibility locus in the Rosaceae. A total of 20 alleles were retrieved from 20 Sorbus aucuparia individuals, whereas 17 alleles were found in 13 Crataegus monogyna samples. Estimates of population-level allele numbers fall within the range observed in the Solanaceae, the only other family with RNase-based incompatibility for which estimates are available. The nucleotide diversity of S-allele sequences was found to be much lower in the two Rosaceae species as compared with the Solanaceae. This was not due to a lower sequence divergence among most closely related alleles. Rather, it is the depth of the entire genealogy that differs markedly in the two families, with Rosaceae S-alleles exhibiting more recent apparent coalescence. We also investigated patterns of selection at the molecular level by comparing nucleotide diversity at synonymous and nonsynonymous sites. Stabilizing selection was inferred for the 5' region of the molecule, while evidence of diversifying selection was present elsewhere.  相似文献   

Crataegus coriifolia Sharifnia & Zarrinkolah is described as a new species from Iran. Its taxonomic relationships, ecology and distribution are discussed. An identification key to C. coriifolia and other two‐styled species of Crataegus occurring in Iran is provided.  相似文献   

 The structure of floral nectaries of Crataegus coccinea and C. crus-galli was examined using light and scanning electron microscopy. The radial length of the floral nectary, measured from longitudinal sections of flowers, was 30% larger in C. crus-galli than in C. coccinea. For both Crataegus species the glandular tissue thickness was similar – approx. 400 μm. Also, the number of stomata per mm2 of nectary surface in C. crus-galli was much higher (by 43%) than for C. coccinea. Stomata were situated in deep hollows. For both taxa the period of nectar secretion was 4 days. The mean quantity of total sugar in nectar per 10 flowers of C. crus-galli and C. coccinea was 3.87 mg and 0.33 mg, respectively. Received August 28, 2002; accepted December 17, 2002 Published online: June 2, 2003  相似文献   

C palmstruchii Lindman does not justify specific or subspecific rank, as it cannot be recognised by an association of distinct characters. Its habitat is not separate from that of C. laevigata (Poiret) DC., and it does not occupy a distinct geographical area, hut occurs as part of a range of continuous variation in most populations of C. laevigata.  相似文献   

We have analysed samples from Sweden, Denmark, and Germany of six facultatively apomictic blackberry species to investigate the accordance between a taxonomy based on morphological characters on the one hand, and distribution of genetic variation estimated by DNA fingerprinting on the other hand. DNA fingerprint variation was found to be quite restricted in all species investigated. The first taxonomic group included three species related toRubus nessensis, two being characterized by one very widespread DNA fingerprint in all three countries and a few rare ones, whereas the third species differed between Sweden and Germany. The second taxonomic group included species related toR. gracilis. Two of these species exhibited very similar DNA fingerprints, whereas the third species deviated clearly. The utilization of DNA fingerprinting as a tool in taxonomy is discussed; most likely this method could become a useful complement to morphology, especially in plant groups with reduced levels of genetic recombination.  相似文献   

Crataegus curvisepala Lindm., C. laevigata (Poiret) DC. and C. monogyna Jacq. (Rosaceae) form hybrid complexes in Denmark due to introgression. C. palmstruchii Lindm. seems to be variously introgressed individuals of C. laevigata. C. eremitagensis Raunk., C. raavadensis Raunk. and C. schumacheri Raunk. apparently belong to C. curvisepala x laevigata. The delimitation between C. curvisepala x laevigata and C. laevigata x monogyna is discussed.  相似文献   

Morphological variation between red mullet populations in Greece   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Morphometric variation in 15 characters of the red mullet Mullus barbatus samples from seven Greek localities was examined using multivariate analysis. ANOVA, stepwise discriminant analysis and cluster analysis revealed a rather high morphological variability between the populations studied. The discriminant analysis revealed that about 80% of the examined fish could be correctly classified into the seven areas. This variability could be explained in terms of genetic structuring of the populations and/or environmental conditions prevailing in each geographic area in combination with fish migration and egg/larvae transportation from one area to another. The results suggest that multivariate analysis when combined with other important biological parameters of red mullet may have important implications for the management of the Greek demersal fish resources.  相似文献   

湖北海棠的等位酶变异和遗传多样性研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
康明  黄宏文 《生物多样性》2002,10(4):376-385
采用超薄平板微型聚丙烯酰胺等电聚焦电泳方法对湖北海棠(Malus hupehensis)的9个野生居群和2个人工栽培居群的等位酶变异和遗传多样性进行了初步研究。通过对12个酶系统29个酶位点的检测,结果表明湖北海棠有25个酶位点的等位基因频率分布差异,,有10个居群发现稀有等位基因,并有11个(37.9%)重复位点;湖北海棠的遗传多样性水平很高,等位基因平均数A=2.127,多态位点百分率P=74.927,平均预期杂合度He=0.376;居群间的基因分化系数GST=0.224。与其他苹果属植物相比,湖北海棠具有中等丰富的遗传变异水平。居群间的基因流仅为Nm=0.866,表明遗传漂变是影响居群遗传变异和遗传结构的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

W. Hofmann 《Hydrobiologia》1980,73(1-3):255-258
Keratella cochlearis occurs in many Holstein lakes (northern Germany) as three well defined and separated forms: cochlearis, hispida, and tecta, each showing very little variation between the lakes. The present data show that the tecta form did not originate from a Lauterborn cycle.  相似文献   

Population structure of the important commercial fish, Coilia ectenes was investigated in samples from three freshwater lakes in the Eastern China using a multivariate approach of morphometries and mitochondrial DNA control region sequencing. A total of eighteen morphological distances of truss method and eight morphometric variables were taken from each fish. Multivariate analyses of the morphometric data revealed significant morphological differences among the three lake populations, especially for those samples from Taihu Lake. Discriminant functions were used to compare sites, and these permitted an 83% success rate in distinguishing fish from the three sites. However, no obviously geographical differentiation was found among those populations of C. ectenes based on the genetic data. In the AMOVA analysis, only 2.2% genetic variability came from different populations, and most of them were present within the sub-populations. Experience a recent population expansion and some movement of fish among those areas, quite possibly enough to bring about relative genetic homogeneity, but there is insufficient to prevent the three populations from differing phenotypically. The diversified environmental factors may be playing an important role in shaping morphological variations among those populations.  相似文献   

A total of 88 wild mice from the Dalmatian coast of Yugoslavia (35 animals), and Peloponnesus (30 animals) and Thebes (23 animals) on mainland Greece were karyotyped. In all but five animals Robertsonian translocations were found. Mice from the Dalmatian region were homozygous for translocations Rb(5.15), Rb(6.12), Rb(8.17), Rb(9.13), and Rb(10.14); they were homo-or heterozygous for the translocation Rb(1.11). Some of them lacked the Rb(1.11) translocation altogether so that the diploid numbers in the Yugoslavian mice were 2n=28, 29, 30, or 40. The mice from the vicinity of Olympia in northwestern Peloponnesus were homozygous for eight Robertsonian translocations: Rb(1.3), Rb(2.5), Rb(4.6), Rb(8.12), Rb(9.16), Rb(10.14), Rb(11.17), and Rb(13.15). Their diploid chromosome number was therefore 2n=24. Mice from the vicinity of Patras in northwest Peloponnesus carried all except the first three of these eight translocations; their chromosome number was 2n=30. Finally, the mice from Thebes were homozygous for translocations Rb(2.15), Rb(4.14), Rb(5.12), and Rb(10.13). They were homo- or heterozygous for Rb(6.9), Rb(8.17), and Rb(1.11); some mice lacked the Tb(1.11) translocation altogether. The translocations Rb(6.9)40Tu and Rb(10.13)42Tu represent new arm combinations not found previously in any wild mouse population. the remaining translocations have previously been found in different Mediterranean countries, in Scotland and in southern Germany. The findings suggest that each translocation arose only once and that different translocations have come together in different populations to generate a unique karyotype characterizing this population.  相似文献   

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