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Previous results indicate that a tryptophan residue(s) may interact with the sugar substrate and Cu(II) atom of galactose oxidase (Ettinger, M. J., and Kosman, D. J. (1974), Biochemistry 13, 1248). We now show that N-bromosuccinimide (NBS) reduces enzymatic activity to 2% as two tryptophans are oxidized; only four residues are easily oxidized in the holoenzyme. An enzymatic activity vs. number of residues oxidized profile suggests that this inactivation is probably associated with only one of the first 2 residues oxidized. There is no evidence for chain cleavage or modification of amino acids other than tryptophan. While substrate protection is not afforded by the sugar substrate, the activity-related tryptophan is placed within the active-site locus by spectral evidence. NBS oxidation of two tryptophans results in a marked diminution of the large copper optical-activity transition at 314 nm. Under some reaction conditions, a doubling of ellipticity in the 600-nm region of copper CD is also observed. The effects of the NBS oxidation on the CD spectra of galactose oxidase permit the assignment of the 314-nm CD band to a charge-transfer transition and the 229-nm extremum to a specific tryptophan contribution. The AZZ parameter from electron spin resonance spectra is also markedly reduced by the NBS oxidation. Moreover, while cyanide binds to the native enzyme without reducing the Cu(II) atom, cyanide rapidly reduces the Cu(II) atom to Cu(I) in the NBS-oxidized enzyme. These CD and ESR results are taken to suggest that one aspect of the inactivation by NBS oxidation may be a conversion of the pseudosquare planar copper complex in the native enzyme to a more distorted, towards tetrahedral, complex in the inactivated enzyme. Since the inactivation can be accomplished without affecting binding of the sugar substrate, tryptophan oxidation must affect catalysis per se.  相似文献   

The pH dependence of the oxidation of β-methyl-d-galactopyranoside by galactose oxidase at 1.33 mm O2 has been determined. The kcat exhibits a bell-shaped dependence on the ionization of at least two groups in the enzyme-substrate complex, pKb' = 6.3 and pKa' = 7.1, respectively. The pH-independent value for kcat at 1.33 mm O2 (nonsaturating) and saturating glycoside is 1435 s?; the pH optimum is 6.7. Galactose oxidase is inactivated rapidly by iodoacetamide. Although the reaction is much slower, iodoacetate also inactivates the enzyme. The inactivation by iodoacetamide obeys saturation kinetics; at pH 7.0 k3 = 2.19 min?1 and Ki = 5.1 mM; k3 but not Ki exhibits a bell-shaped pH dependence, with pKa values of 6.3 and 7.6, respectively. Labeling with [14C]iodoacetamide establishes that one carboxamidomethyl group is incorporated per enzyme molecule. This incorporation parallels the loss of enzymatic activity. Only N-3-carboxymethylhistidine is detected in chromatograms following hydrolysis of the labeled protein. The protein-bound copper is not lost as a consequence of alkylation. Apogalactose oxidase does not react with iodoacetamide. The alkylation is inhibited by the oxidation of an active center tryptophan residue (s) by N-bromosuccinimide. The fraction of residual enzyme activity remaining after tryptophan oxidation corresponds to the extent of labeling by [14C]iodoacetamide. Although alkylation causes little change in the spin Hamiltonian parameters of the Cu(II) atom, it nearly abolishes both the optical activity and optical absorbance of the metal. The native tryptophan fluorescence of the enzyme, which is a sensitive probe of its active site, is also markedly affected. Since binding of a substrate, β-methyl-d-galactopyranoside, reduces fluorescence as it does in the active enzyme and binding of CN? at the Cu(II) site as detected by electron spin resonance appears unaffected by the alkylation, the effect of alkylation is on catalysis, per se. Both a catalytic and a subtle conformational role for the active site histidine are inferred from the results.  相似文献   

Preparations of galactosooxidase (EC immobilized by activated aminorganosilica have been used to study potassium ferricyanide and bivalent copper ions on the enzyme activity and stability in continuous reactor under pulse conditions. Introduction of potassium ferricyanide is shown to activate the enzyme and inconsiderably affecting its stability with the substrate absent and inducing inactivation of galactosooxidase in the process of catalytic reaction. Cu2+ ions, exerting no effect on the activity of immobilized galactosooxidase, evoke the enzyme inactivation in the process of catalysis.  相似文献   

Galactose oxidase is a metalloenzyme containing a single copper atom per molecule. The mechanism of action of galactose oxidase is studied in this paper by investigating substrate specificity and activation by peroxidase, and probing the copper site by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. Line-shape simulation of ESR spectra are also reported and a comparison is made between observed and simulated spectra for galactose oxidase. A comparison is also reported for the enzyme from various commercial sources and enzyme isolated from a fungus in this laboratory. The results of this investigation suggest that the copper is in an environment of four in-plane nitrogens with axial symmetry.  相似文献   

The steady-state kinetics of four redox reactions catalyzed by galactose oxidase have been determined. The alcohol substrate used in each case was galactose; the four oxidant substrates used were O2, IrCl62?, porphyrexide, and Fe(CN)63?. With the exception of the last reagent, saturation behavior is exhibited by all substrates. Double reciprocal plots of rate data obtained varying one substrate at various concentrations of the other are intersecting for all pairs that exhibited saturation behavior. Thus, these reactions are kinetically sequential processes involving single central complexes. These complexes involve enzyme, galactose, and one molecule of oxidant, whether or not the oxidant is a one- or two-electron acceptor. This result indicates that for one-electron oxidants, an enzyme-alcohol-derived radical species may exist as a transient prior to the reaction of the second electron equivalent of oxidant. A similar substrate
transient is postulated in the reaction involving O2. The inhibition by H2O2 has also been studied in detail. H2O2 apparently binds to the enzyme at two sites. The nature of alcohol and O2 binding to the enzyme Cu(II) is discussed in light of these kinetic results.  相似文献   

Galactose oxidase is a free radical metalloenzyme containing a novel metalloradical complex, comprised of a protein radical coordinated to a copper ion in the active site. The unusually stable protein radical is formed from the redox-active side chain of a cross-linked tyrosine residue (Tyr-Cys). Biochemical studies on galactose oxidase have revealed a new class of oxidation mechanisms based on this free radical coupled-copper catalytic motif, defining an emerging family of enzymes, the radical-copper oxidases. Isotope kinetics and substrate reaction profiling have provided insight into the elementary steps of substrate oxidation in these enzymes, complementing structural studies on their active site. Galactose oxidase is remarkable in the extent to which free radicals are involved in all aspects of the enzyme function: serving as a key feature of the active site structure, defining the characteristic reactivity of the complex, and directing the biogenesis of the Tyr-Cys cofactor during protein maturation.  相似文献   

Galactose oxidase is a radical copper oxidase, an enzyme making use of a covalently modified tyrosine residue as a free radical redox cofactor in alcohol oxidation catalysis. We report here a combination of spectroscopic and magnetochemical studies developing insight into the interactions between the active site Cu(II) and two distinct tyrosine ligands in the biological complex. One of the tyrosine ligands (Y495) is coordinated to the Cu(II) metal center as a phenolate in the resting enzyme and serves as a general base to abstract a proton from the coordinated substrate, thus activating it for oxidation. The structure of the resting enzyme is temperature-dependent as a consequence of an internal proton equilibrium associated with this tyrosine that mimics this catalytic proton transfer step. The other tyrosine ligand (Y272) is covalently crosslinked to a cysteine residue forming a tyrosine–cysteine dimer free radical redox site that is required for hydrogen atom abstraction from the activated substrate alkoxide. The presence of the free radical in the oxidized active enzyme results in formation of an EPR-silent Cu(II) complex shown by multifield magnetic saturation experiments to be a diamagnetic singlet arising from antiferromagnetic exchange coupling between the metal and radical spins. A paramagnetic contribution observed at higher temperature may be associated with thermal population of the triplet state, thus permitting an estimate of the magnitude of the isotropic exchange coupling (J>200 cm−1, JS1·S2) in this complex. Structural correlations and the possible mechanistic significance of metal–radical coupling in the active enzyme are discussed.  相似文献   

Directed evolution has become an important enabling technology for the development of new enzymes in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Some of the most interesting substrates for these enzymes, such as polymers, have poor solubility or form highly viscous solutions and are therefore refractory to traditional high-throughput screens used in directed evolution. We combined digital imaging spectroscopy and a new solid-phase screening method to screen enzyme variants on problematic substrates highly efficiently and show here that the specific activity of the enzyme galactose oxidase can be improved using this technology. One of the variants we isolated, containing the mutation C383S, showed a 16-fold increase in activity, due in part to a 3-fold improvement in K(m). The present methodology should be applicable to the evolution of numerous other enzymes, including polysaccharide-modifying enzymes that could be used for the large-scale synthesis of modified polymers with novel chemical properties.  相似文献   

The stability of intracellular, extracellular, and deglycosylated forms of galactose oxidase was compared with respect to the denaturing effects of heat, pH, and guanidine hydrochloride. The highly glycosylated forms were found to be more stable to pH and thermal inactivation. All forms were reversibly denaturated by guanidine hydrochoride, but the extent was dependent on the carbohydrate content. Deglycosylation did not affect the affinity of the enzyme for dihydroxyacetone and galactose. Exposure of different forms of galactose oxidase to proteases like pronase and trypsin resulted in a rapid degradation of the glycoenzymes with the formation of stable products. After pronase digestion of intra- and extracellular forms of galactose oxidase catalytic species were isolated by gel filtration. The species (61 and 42 kDa) isolated from pronase-digested extracellular enzyme lost their ability to oxidize primary alcohols. Species (67 and 46 kDa) obtained from the intracellular enzyme kept the specificity of the original enzyme. Active pronase-derived peptides (42 and 46 kDa, respectively) had a higher carbohydrate content than the inactive ones.  相似文献   

To determine the radiation sensitivity of galactose oxidase, a 68 kDa monomeric enzyme containing a mononuclear copper ion coordinated with an unusually stable cysteinyl‐tyrosine (Cys‐Tyr) protein free radical. Both active enzyme and reversibly rendered inactive enzyme were irradiated in the frozen state with high‐energy electrons. Surviving polypeptides and surviving enzyme activity were analyzed by radiation target theory giving the radiation sensitive mass for each property. In both active and inactive forms, protein monomer integrity was lost with a single radiation interaction anywhere in the polypeptide, but enzymatic activity was more resistant, yielding target sizes considerably smaller than that of the monomer. These results suggest that the structure of galactose oxidase must make its catalytic activity unusually robust, permitting the enzymatic properties to survive in molecules following cleavage of the polymer chain. Radiation target size for loss of monomers yielded the mass of monomers indicating a polypeptide chain cleavage after a radiation interaction anywhere in the monomer. Loss of enzymatic activity yielded a much smaller mass indicating a robust structure in which catalytic activity could be expressed in cleaved polypeptides.  相似文献   

New substrate for galactose oxidase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

GO (galactose oxidase; E.C. is a monomeric 68 kDa enzyme that contains a single copper ion and an amino acid-derived cofactor. The enzyme is produced by the filamentous fungus Fusarium graminearum as an extracellular enzyme. The enzyme has been extensively studied by structural, spectroscopic, kinetic and mutational approaches that have provided insight into the catalytic mechanism of this radical enzyme. One of the most intriguing features of the enzyme is the post-translational generation of an organic cofactor from active-site amino acid residues. Biogenesis of this cofactor involves the autocatalytic formation of a thioether bond between Cys-228 and Tyr-272, the latter being one of the copper ligands. Formation of this active-site feature is closely linked to the loss of an N-terminal 17 amino acid prosequence. When copper and oxygen are added to this pro-form of GO (pro GO), purified in copper-free conditions from the heterologous host Aspergillus nidulans, mature GO is formed by an autocatalytic process. Structural comparison of pro GO with mature GO reveals overall structural similarity, but with some regions showing significant local differences in main-chain position. Some side chains of the active-site residues differ significantly from their positions in the mature enzyme. These structural effects of the prosequence suggest that it may act as an intramolecular chaperone to provide an open active-site structure conducive to copper binding and chemistry associated with cofactor formation. The prosequence is not mandatory for processing, as a recombinant form of GO lacking this region and purified under copper-free conditions can also be processed in an autocatalytic copper- and oxygen-dependent manner.  相似文献   

The kinetics and action mechanism of the galactose oxidase from Fusarium graminearum were studied. pH-optimum of the enzyme activity and stability was 7.0, the activity and stability of the galactose oxidase being decreased at any other values of pH. The enzyme is destabilized at acidic pH that is connected with protonization of its ionogenic group with pK 4.7. The temperature optimum of the galactose oxidase is 35 degrees C. When studying the enzyme thermoinactivation, it was found that at temperatures below 30 degrees C the energy of activation of denaturation was about 40 kcal/mole and at temperatures ranging from 30 to 70 degrees C - 13 kcal/mole. On the basis of the data obtained it was concluded that a low-temperature form of the galactose oxidase, possessing a higher energy of activation of denaturation, is more active than a high-temperature form. The value of Km for the enzyme in respect to galactose was 0.19 M, and the value of Vmax = 360 mumole/min per g of the preparation.  相似文献   

Alcohol substrate binding to the copper-containing enzyme galactose oxidase (GOase) has been studied by kinetic competition against cyanide and fluoride, 13C nmr relaxation, and esr competition experiments. The 13C nmr spectra of the substrate beta-O-methyl-D-galactopyranoside (beta-O-me-gal) show no apparent paramagnetic relaxation rate enhancement that could be attributed to innersphere equatorial binding of this molecule at the Cu(II) center. Moreover, the kinetics observed when CN- or F- are used as inhibitors of GOase with beta-O-me-gal as the substrate suggest that these anions act as apparent non-competitive inhibitors; the binding of the substrates beta-O-me-gal and O2 is not hindered per se, but the catalytic activity of the enzyme substrate complex is greatly decreased. The esr competition data also confirm that, in the absence of O2, CN- and beta-O-me-gal do not compete for the same GOase binding site. Previously reported esr and 19F nmr data show that CN- binds to the GOase Cu(II) at an equatorial coordination site, as does the F- detected in esr experiments. Thus, the results from the various competition experiments supports a model in which alcohol substrates bind outersphere to the GOase Cu(II), or, possibly, to an axial site.  相似文献   

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