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About 70% of the shoots developed from nodal explants ofGentiana triflora flowered in vitroondouble strength WPM medium containing 3% (w/v) sucrose, 0.5mg/l BA after 12 weeks of culture in a growth room at 22°Cwith continuous illumination (PPFD=60molm–2 s–1). The influences oninvitro shoot development and flowering of several factors includingthe position of the explant, requirements for sucrose, cytokinin orGA3, variations of pH and photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD)were investigated. In vitro flowering but not shootdevelopment of G. triflora decreased notably withincreaseddistance from the apex of the shoot, indicating the presence of a floralgradient in the micropropagated shoots. Conversely, as little as 0.01mg l–1 GA3 in the medium promotedshootdevelopment but even up to 0.2 mg l–1GA3 did not induce in vitro flowering.Even though BA could substitute GA3 for a high level of shootdevelopment, it also promoted a high level of in vitroflowering at the PPFD of 60 molm–2 s–1. Sucrose was required for shootdevelopment and flowering in vitro and higher levels ofPPFD could not compensate effectively for the omission of the sugar from themedium. In general, the effects of different concentrations of BA in the mediumor variations of pH on shoot development and flowering invitro were found to be influenced by PPFD. A novel observation isthat precocious flowering of micropropagated gentian shoots did not occur ifthey were first cultured for 5 weeks in the dark before transfer to the lightcondition.  相似文献   

Endogenous free IAA was examined with an immunohistochemical method for its involvement in the reduction of bud deterioration after GA3 was injected into the bulbs. We found that tulip bulbs stored at 20°C constantly developed severe bud deterioration, whereas the symptoms of deterioration was lighter in the bulbs with GA3 injection and not observed in the bulbs with 4°C treatment. 73% success in overcoming bud deterioration was achieved in 20°C with GA3 treatment after 8 weeks of bulb storage, and the success rate was 7% after 12 weeks of storage. IAA was detected in the parenchyma cells in the internodes of the shoot after the bulbs were stored at 4°C or at 20°C with GA3 injection for 4 weeks, but little was detected in the bulbs stored at 20°C constantly. Moreover, a weak IAA signal was present in between the cells of the internodes irrespective of bulb treatment. After planting, the bulbs that had been treated differently exhibited different flowering ability. The bulbs stored at 4°C for 4, 8 and 12 weeks attained high flowering percentage, which was lower in the 20°C with GA3 treatment and lowest in the 20°C treatment. It may be concluded that GA3 injection decreases bud deterioration of tulip bulbs during dry storage at 20°C by promoting the endogenous IAA in the internodes.  相似文献   

Olive (Olea europaea L.) is one of the most important crop plants grown in the Mediterranean region. Varying levels of hormones, sugars and mineral nutrient are thought to influence flower bud formation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the changes in endogenous sugar, mineral nutrition and hormone levels in leaf, node and fruit samples of Memecik olive during the induction, initiation and differentiation periods in on (bearing) and off (non-bearing) years. Leaf, node and fruit samples of mature 15-year-old Memecik olive were used. The samples were taken during the induction, initiation and differentiation periods of olive in on (2000) and off (2001) years. Sugar (glucose, fructose and sucrose), mineral nutrient (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu) and hormone [abscisic acid (ABA), indole acetic acid (IAA), gibberellic acid (GA3, GA4) and zeatin (Z)] levels were determined in on and off years. Hormone and sugar levels were measured by gas chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography. The K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu levels were quantified by an atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Nitrogen was determined by the Kjeldahl procedure, and P by a spectrophotometric method. The differences in any of the sugar concentrations, with the exception of fructose, were not significant in on and off years. Hormone levels, however, were significantly different in on and off years. Glucose had the highest concentrations in both years, followed by sucrose and fructose, respectively. The highest macro and micro element concentrations were found to be Ca and Fe, respectively. Thus, the results suggest that carbohydrates and mineral nutrients may not have a direct effect to induce flower initiation. However, high GA3 level exhibited an inhibitory effect on floral formation during the induction and initiation periods. On the other hand, the high concentrations of GA4, ABA and certain cytokinin levels may have a positive effect on flower formation in olive during the induction and initiation periods.  相似文献   

The plant growth regulators, gibberellic acid (GA3), ethephon and chlormequat chloride (CCC) were sprayed on young lettuce, cauliflower and bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) plants, which had either been given or not been given a mechanically-induced stress (MIS) treatment. MIS was applied by brushing the plants with paper for 1.5 minutes each day. GA3 increased extension growth of bean and leaf length of lettuce in unbrushed plants as much as in brushed ones. CCC and ethephon were less effective at reducing the height of brushed bean plants compared to unbrushed ones. The effects of CCC on the growth of cauliflower and lettuce plants was not influenced by brushing, whereas unbrushed plants responded more readily to ethephon than did brushed ones. The effects of CCC on growth were generally similar to those of MIS whereas the effects of ethephon were in many ways different to MIS.The results are discussed in relation to the use of PGR and MIS treatments for modifying plant growth.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in endogenous IAA and ABA were measured by gas chromatography/mass-spectrometry. Highest concentrations of ABA occurred in leaves. There was a major ABA peak in early spring (up to 1360 ng g–1 dw). Levels were low in summer (90 ng g–1 dw). There was a minor ABA peak in autumn. Endogenous IAA in leaves was highest in winter/spring (up to 76 ng g–1 dw). Applied ABA promoted abscission of leaves and shoots while applied NAA delayed abscission. The main peak in leaf-ABA content was followed by extensive shoot abscission. The involvement of ABA and IAA in regulation of flush growth was not clear.This paper is dedicated to Michael G. Mullins, who died on 13 November 1990, for his outstanding contribution to horticulture.  相似文献   

Morphogenesis and plant regeneration were analyzed in axenic tissueculture of the red alga Solieria filiformis (Kützing)Gabrielson. Thallus segments cultured in ASP 12-NTA synthetic medium showedgrowth of filaments formed by divisions of cortical, subcortical and medullarycells (filamentous explants), whereas in seawater enriched with Von Stosch'ssolution, thallus segments developed branches. Filamentous explants were abletoregenerate plants when transferred from a solid to a liquid medium. Plantregeneration was significantly promoted by treatment with plant growthregulators on filamentous explants formed from intercalary segments, up to 67plantlets per explant in treatments with 6-benzylaminopurine (5.0 mgl–1), in contrast to three plantlets in controlslackingplant growth regulators. These adventitious plantlets developed into plantsmorphologically similar to those originated from germinating spores. Theseresults indicate that plant growth regulators play a role on the regulation ofmorphogenesis, and could be useful for micropropagation of colloid-producingredalgae.  相似文献   

Plant hormones are considered to be the key factors involved in triggering in vitro induced plant morphogenesis, including somatic embryogenesis (SE). Mutants affected in SE and altered in hormonal response therefore provide valuable material for genetic research on in vitro induced plant embryogenesis. The capacity for SE was studied in 27 mutants with defects in response to different plant hormones: auxin, ABA, gibberellin and cytokinin, and evaluated in 2-week-old mutant and wild-type cultures in terms of their efficiency and productivity. SE was induced in vitro via a direct morphogenic pathway, through the culture of immature zygotic embryos on standard solid medium with 5 μM 2,4-D. The majority of the analyzed mutants displayed a significantly impaired capacity for SE; and those affected belonged to several different hormone-defective groups, including forms affected in auxin (axr4), gibberellin (ga) and ABA (abi, hyl1, cpb20, abh1) response. These mutants showed a significant decrease in embryogenic response as manifested by a low efficiency and/or productivity of SE. Additionally, SE efficiency was analyzed for axr4-1 mutant on media supplemented with different auxins while GA3 and inhibitors of gibberellins (uniconazol P and paclobutrazol), were applied for pkl1-1-mutant. The selected mutants provide a valuable research tool for studying the molecular mechanisms determining the induction of embryogenesis in cultures of somatic tissues. Their usefulness in further studies is discussed.  相似文献   

An antiserum was prepared to the b1 protein purified from TMV infectedN. tabacum cv. Xanthi-nc leaves and used to study PR proteins. The Xanthi-nc proteins b2 and b3 were shown to be serologically closely related to b1. Antisera to b1 protein and TMV were used in a F(ab′)2 enzyme linked immunosorbent assay to monitor PR protein and TMV concentrations, respectively, during the first 6 days of a systemic TMV infection (cv. Xanthi) and a localised TMV infection (cv. Xanthi-nc).  相似文献   

The study was conducted in Atlantic salmon to establish the initial and basic scientific documentation for an alternative batch potency test for salmon furuculosis vaccines. We assessed the antibody response development for Aeromonas salmonicida vaccines at different immunisation temperatures (3, 12 and 18 °C), by an enzyme-linked-immunosorbent assay (ELISA) 3, 6, 9 and 12 weeks post vaccination, and the correlation between antibody response and protection in cohabitation challenge experiments performed 6 and 12 weeks post vaccination. Fish immunised with a vaccine containing full antigen dose had a significant increase in antibody response after 252 day degrees and the measured values correlated well with protection after 500 day degrees. Fish vaccinated with a reduced antigen dose showed a significant lower antibody response than fish vaccinated with the full dose vaccine at all samplings, and showed a similar low relative percent survival (RPS) in the challenges. The results from this study indicate that an antibody ELISA can discriminate between vaccines of different antigen content and the method may replace challenge tests in batch potency testing of furunculosis vaccines in Atlantic salmon. An immunisation temperature of 12 °C and sampling after 6-9 weeks, seemed to be the most appropriate time for using antibody responses to confirm batch potency.  相似文献   

An ELISA Microtiter Plate, Total Aflatoxin Test called AgraQuant® was validated to measure total aflatoxins in a range from 4 to 40 ppb in corn, corn meal, corn gluten feed, corn gluten meal, corn germ meal, corn/soy blend, popcorn, sorghum, wheat, milled rice, soybeans, peanuts and cottonseed. The test is performed as a solid phase direct competitive ELISA using a horseradish peroxidase conjugate as the competing, measurable entity. For the test method, aflatoxins are extracted from ground samples with 70 % methanol and sample extracts plus conjugate are mixed and then added to the antibody-coated microwells. After 15 min incubation at room temperature, the plate is washed and enzyme substrate is added and allowed to incubate for an additional 5 min. Stop solution is then added and the intensity of the resulting yellow color is measured optically with a microplate reader at 450 nm. Results obtained from internal validation studies assessing accelerated stability indicate a minimum of 1 year shelf life for the kits; accuracy and precision are comparable to HPLC in the range of 0–320 ppb and limit of detection in corn is 2.5 ppb. Comparison of the method to HPLC, ability to detect individual aflatoxins and ruggedness of the test kits at 18–30°C determined this test to be rugged, sensitive, accurate, precise and effective comparable to HPLC for measuring total aflatoxins ranging from 4 to 40 ppb in the commodities evaluated.  相似文献   

For the purpose of developing highly sensitive and convenient determination of plasmalogens, the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method using radioactive iodine ((125)I) was investigated. Radioactive triiodide (1-) ion ((125)I(3)(-)), which is an actual iodine form capable of reacting with vinyl ether bond ([bond]CH(2)[bond]O[bond]CH[double bond]CH[bond]) of plasmalogens, could be safely and efficiently produced by oxidizing a commercial radioactive sodium iodine (Na(125)I) with hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) under acid condition (pH 5.5-6.0), which is called iodine-125 reagent. I(3)(-) specifically reacted with plasmalogens at the molar ratio of 1:1 in methanol, and 1 or 2 mol of plasmalogens was involved in the binding with iodine per iodine atom, resulting in the formation of stable iodine-binding phospholipids. The HPLC system with Diol column and acetonitrile/water as a mobile phase was available for separating iodine-binding phospholipids from nonbinding free iodine and for separately eluting iodine-binding phospholipids derived from choline and ethanolamine plasmalogens. Using iodine-125 reagent (1.85 MBq/ml), plasmalogens were detectable at high sensitivity of 10,000-15,000 cpm/nmol, which is more than 1000-fold higher sensitivity than the classical determination with nonradioactive iodine. Plasmalogen concentrations in human plasma were measured with the HPLC system and determined as, on average, 129.1+/-31.3 microM (n=8) in a 1.2 content ratio of choline to ethanolamine plasmalogens, a concentration that nearly agrees with the value reported previously.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatographic method for automated analysis of both protein-bound and total S-2-(3-aminopropylamino)ethanethiol (WR-1065) in blood has been developed in our laboratory. WR-1065 is the active thiol metabolite of the radio- and chemo-protector drug amifostine (WR-2721). Using WR-1065 quality control levels over the experimental range: 7.0, 45.0 and 85.0 μmol/l spiked into plasma, method validation for total WR-1065 included between-run assessment of imprecision (SD/C.V.%: 1.11/16.7%, 6.58/15.5% and 9.24/11.3%, respectively) and % accuracy (94.7, 106.0 and 97.2%).  相似文献   

Levels of endogenous ABA and IAA were quantified during the first week of in vitro rooting of Wild Cherry (Prunus avium L.) using IBA in the culture medium. Hormones were measured in the apical, median and basal parts of the explants using an avidin-biotin based enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), after a purification of the methanolic extracts by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).Root primordia started to differentiate from day 5 at the basal part of the explants. ABA and IAA showed considerable changes and high levels were detected during the first week of culture. ABA levels increased transiently mainly in the apical part during root formation. Exogenous IBA was possibly transformed into IAA mainly in the basal part of the explants.  相似文献   

Summary Sedum wrightii is one of only a few species in the Crassulaceae for which there is evidence for a high degree of variability in the ratio of daytime to nighttime CO2 assimilation. There are both environmental and genetic components to this variability. S. wrightii grows over a wide altitudinal gradient. The purpose of this study was to compare low, intermediate, and high altitude populations with respect to the degree of CAM expression and the capability to tolerate limited water availability. We utilized clonallyreplicated genotypes of plants from each population in common environment greenhouse experiments. Genetic differences among the populations were found in long-term water use efficiency, in 24 hour CO2 exchange patterns, in biomass 13C values, in carbon allocation, and in water status and ultimately survival during prolonged drought. The differences among the populations appear to be closely related to differences in the native habitats. The low altitude, desert plants had the greatest ability to grow and survive under conditions of limited water availability and appear to have the greatest shift to nighttime CO2 uptake during periods without water, while the high altitude plants had the poorest performance under these conditions and appear to shut down net carbon uptake when severely water limited.  相似文献   

S. C. Datta 《Plant and Soil》1985,84(2):193-199
Summary Simultaneous and intermittent measurement of K, Ca and NO3-ion absorption by intact bean plants was made under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Anaerobiosis was found to have a more direct and pronounced effect on K-ion absorption rather than NO3 ion. Significant ionic efflux (particularly of K ion) occurred in anaerobic condition. This was explained on the basis of direct effect of ATP-ase on cation absorption by inducing an electrochemical and pH gradient. No effect, however, has been found on the rate of Ca ion absorption due to anaerobiosis.  相似文献   

Symbiosis between fungi and plant roots forming a mycorrhiza involves extensive interactions at the molecular level between both partners. The role of plant hormones in the regulation of mycorrhizal infection is not known to involve jasmonates. Their endogenous levels increase during pathogen attack; however, little has been done on their involvement in mycorrhizae. In our recent work, root growth patterns of 2-month-old spruce seedlings after inoculation withPisolithus tinctorius and/or jasmonic acid (JA) treatment were studied using a paper-sandwich technique. Changes in root length, the degree of branching, presence and length of root hairs, and infection parameters were followed using a stereomicroscope. The first mycorrhizal contact of hyphae with roots was significantly accelerated upon treatment with 0.5 M JA. Interactions between root hairs and fungal hyphae were seen by scanning electron microscopy. The multiplication of root hairs of non-mycorrhized seedlings treated with 5.0 M JA and changes of the root surface were observed by the same technique.  相似文献   

Changes in toxicity were studied during batch culture of a strain ofAnabaena circinalis (AWQC ANA-311F) producing paralyticshellfish toxins (PSTs). PSTs were extracted from cells and culture mediumduring the culture period of 29 days. Samples were analysed by HPLC withpost-column oxidation coupled to fluorescence detection, and tested with themouse neuroblastoma bioassay (MNB). Seven PSTs were detected, but only fivewerequantified. Based on chemical analysis of PSTs by HPLC, atheoretical saxitoxin concentration related to mouse toxicity wascalculated. Neuroblastoma cell survival was measured during the MNB andcorrelated to total toxicity of the A. circinalis samples.Comparison was made between the changes in total toxicity shown by MNB and thetheoretical saxitoxin concentration shown by HPLC. There was asignificant positive correlation between the two in the culture medium, but notthe cells.  相似文献   

Effects of 67 herbicides — several of which were mixtures — and plant growth regulators on adult females of the rove beetle,Aleochara bilineata, were investigated in the laboratory. The pesticides were tested in concentrations equivalent to the highest recommended dosages for practical use. Mortality, egg production and hatch of the eggs were measured. Most herbicides had no serious effect on any of the parameters recorded. Among the urea herbicides, however, several showed adverse effects on egg production and/or hatch of the eggs laid. The strongest effect was exerted by methabenzthiazuron that impeded hatch of the eggs completely. Bromoxynil, pyridate and haloxyfod reduced survival, egg production and/or egg hatch to some degree, while carbaryl, which is also used as a plant growth regulator, killed all the beetles immediately. The usefulness of dose-response-studies and the importance of measuring sublethal effects are stressed, and the choice of herbicides showing no toxic effects is recommended.
Résumé Des expériences ont été faites au laboratoire pour tester les effets de 67 herbicides — dont plusieurs étaient des mélanges — et régulateurs de croissance des plantes sur les femelles adultes d'Aleochara bilineata. Les pesticides ont été testés à des concentrations équivalant aux dosages les plus élevés recommandés pour l'usage agricole. La mortalité, la production et l'éclosion des oeufs ont été mesurés. La plupart des herbicides n'ont pas d'effet important sur aucun des paramètres retenus. Parmi les herbicides à base d'urée cependant, plusieurs montrent des effets négatifs sur la production d'oeufs et/ou l'éclosion des oeufs. L'effet le plus fort a été provoqué par le métabenzthiazuron qui empêchait complètement l'éclosion des oeufs. Le bromoxynil, le pyridate et l'haloxyfop réduisaient la survie, la production d'œufs et/ou, jusqu'à un certain point, l'éclosion des œufs. Le carbaryl par contre, qui est aussi employé comme régulateur de croissance des plantes, tuait immédiatement tous les staphylins. L'utilité des études dose-réponse et l'importance de mesurer les effets sublétaux sont soulignés; le choix des herbicides ne montrant pas d'effet toxiques est recommandé.

(-)-Jasmonic acid was identified as a plant growth inhibitor of the pericarp of Vicia faba by means of gas-liquid chromatography, high resolution mass spectrometry, 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR), and 13C-NMR. Additionally, the pericarp contains very small amounts of abscisic acid (ABA) and 4-dihydrophaseic acid. The highest level of jasmonic acid was reached prior to full pericarp length. This amount (3 g g-1 fresh weight) is similar to the maximal ABA content in the developing seed. Jasmonic acid is a plant growth inhibitor possessing a relative activity in the wheat seedling bioassay of 1–2.5%, compared to ABA. Contrary to ABA, jasmonic acid does not cause retardation of leaf emergence. The possible physiological role of jasmonic acid in the pericarp is discussed and compared with the assumed function of ABA in developing seeds.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - DPA 4-dihydrophaseic acid - DPAMeTMS methyl ester trimethylsilyl ether of DPA - EtOAc ethyl acetate - Et2O ether - MS mass spectrometry - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - GLC gas-liquid chromatography - TLC thin-layer chromatography - UV ultraviolet light  相似文献   

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