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Two double-blind laboratory-based studies were performed to determine whether a suppression of nocturnal melatonin similar to that observed in rodents occurs when humans are exposed to magnetic fields at night. In study 1, 33 men were exposed to sham, 10 mG, or 200 mG intermittent, circularly polarized magnetic fields from 2300 to 0700 h under controlled environmental and exposure test conditions. Overall, exposure had no effect on melatonin levels. Men with preexisting low levels of melatonin, however, showed significantly greater suppression of melatonin when they were exposed to light and also when they were exposed to the 200 mG magnetic-field condition. Study 2 directly tested the hypothesis that low-melatonin subjects show enhanced sensitivity when exposed to light and to 200 mG magnetic fields. After preexposure screening, each of 40 men slept in the exposure facility on two nights. On one night, the men were sham exposed. On the other night, they were exposed to the 200 mG field condition used previously. Again, exposure had no overall effect on melatonin levels. The original finding of enhanced sensitivity in low-melatonin subjects was not replicated in this study. We conclude that the intermittent exposure conditions used in these two studies were not effective in altering nocturnal melatonin release patterns in human volunteers. Further research is underway with regard to exposure parameters, hormonal and immune system measures, and individual differences. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This human exposure study examined the relationship between field strength and biological response and tested whether the exposure levels at which the greatest effects occur differ for different endpoints. Three matched groups of 18 men each participated in two 6 h exposure test sessions. All subjects were sham exposed in one session. In the other session, each group of subjects was exposed at a different level of combined electric and magnetic field strength (low group: 6 kV/m, 10 μT; medium group: 9 kV/m, 20 μT; and high group: 12 kV/m, 30 μT). The study was performed double blind, with exposure order counterbalanced. Significant slowing of heart rate, as well as alterations in the latency and amplitude of event-related brain potential measures derived from the electro encephalogram (EEG), occurred in the group exposed to the 9 kV/m, 20 μT combined field (medium group). Exposure at the other field strength levels had no influence on cardiac measures and differential effects on EEG activity. Significant decrements in reaction time and in performance accuracy on a time estimation task were observed only in the low group. These results provide support for the hypothesis that humans may be more responsive to some combinations or levels of field strength than to others and that such differences in responsivity may depend, in part, on the endpoint of interest. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The effect of extremely weak alternating magnetic fields of various types with the amplitudes δ of 2 μT on the heart rate variability in humans was studied. Volunteers were placed in a large-volume coil system (2ω2ω2 m), which provided exposure of the whole body to extremely weak alternating magnetic fields uniform in their amplitude. It was shown for the first time that the exposure to such fields could both increase and decrease the magnitude of stress in humans. In particular, the field tuned to the nuclear spins of hydrogen atoms (amplitude, 1.6 μT and frequency, 76 Hz) decreased the Baevsky stress index, whereas the field tuned to the magnetic moments formed by the orbiting electrons in some atoms (amplitude, 0.192 μT and frequency, 3000 Hz) increased this index. These results provide a possible explanation for the mechanisms of adverse effects caused by extremely weak alternating magnetic fields of certain types of both technogenic and natural origins on the human cardiovascular system.  相似文献   

In recent years, with the availability of high resolution models of the human body, numerical computations of induced electric fields and currents have been made in more than one laboratory for various exposure conditions. Despite the verification of computational methods, questions are often asked about the reliability of these data. In this paper, computational results from two laboratories that presented data in compatible formats are compared, supplemented with additional data from the third laboratory. Two exposures to uniform fields at 60 Hz are evaluated. The human body models used in the computations are different and so are the computation al methods and codes. There are some differences in the conductivity values used for some of the tissues, as well. The results of the comparison confirm that these data are reliable, as the overall agreement is reasonably good and the differences can be rationally explained. This comparison also underscores the importance of accurate data on the dielectric properties of tissues.  相似文献   


The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is one of the effector pathways for circadian variation of many physiological parameters. Autonomic tone and airways caliber have been reported to exhibit circadian variation in separate studies. A simultaneous investigation of heart rate variability (HRV) and airway caliber might ascertain how airway caliber is modulated by autonomic tone. This study was planned to identify the variations in airway caliber and autonomic function tone during a 24-hour span. A total of 56 healthy male subjects with almost similar daily routines were studied. Time domain, frequency domain and nonlinear analysis of R-R interval from 5 min electrocardiogram (ECG) was done seven times during the daytime wake span at 3-hour intervals starting at 05:00 h in the morning until 23:00 h in the night. Simultaneously peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) was determined using a mini Wright’s peak flow meter. Rhythmometric analysis was done for PEFR and HRV parameters. Significant circadian variation in low frequency (LF) and high frequency (HF) variance was identified in this group of healthy subjects. The circadian rhythm of LF variance was characterized by a gradual increase and corresponding reciprocal change in HF variance from morning until night. The LF/HF ratio and SD2/SD1 ratio reflecting sympatho-vagal balance showed low to high values from morning to evening. The acrophase of the PEFR temporal pattern is similar to that of LF power and almost opposite in phase to that of HF power. PEFR is positively correlated with LF power. The circadian rhythm of airway caliber co-varies with cardiac autonomic tone. It appears that the temporal pattern of cardiac autonomic tone precedes in time that of airways caliber, thereby suggesting the latter operates under the modulatory effect of the 24-hour pattern in sympatho-vagal balance.  相似文献   

An animal model for large granular lymphocytic (LGL) leukemia in male Fischer 344 rats was utilized to determine whether magnetic field exposure can be shown to influence the progression of leukemia. We previously reported that exposure to continuous 60 Hz, 1 mT magnetic fields did not significantly alter the clinical progression of LGL leukemia in young male rats following injection of spleen cells from donor leukemic rats. Results presented here extend those studies with the following objectives: (a) to replicate the previous study of continuous 60 Hz magnetic field exposures, but using fewer LGL cells in the inoculum, and (b) to determine if intermittent 60 Hz magnetic fields can alter the clinical progression of leukemia. Rats were randomly assigned to four treatment groups (18/group) as follows: (1) 1 mT (10 G) continuous field, (2) 1 mT intermittent field (off/on at 3 min intervals), (3) ambient controls ( < 0.1 microT), and (4) positive control (5 Gy whole body irradiation from cobalt-60 four days prior to initiation of exposure). All rats were injected intraperitoneally with 2.2 x 10(6) fresh, viable LGL leukemic spleen cells at the beginning of the study. The fields were activated for 20 h per day, 7 days per week, and all exposure conditions were superimposed over the natural ambient magnetic field. The rats were weighed and palpated for splenomegaly weekly. Splenomegaly developed 9-11 weeks after transplantation of the leukemia cells. Hematological evaluations were performed at 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 weeks of exposure. Peripheral blood hemoglobin concentration, red blood cells, and packed cell volume declined, and total white blood cells and LGL cells increased dramatically in all treatment groups after onset of leukemia. Although the positive control group showed different body weight curves and developed signs of leukemia earlier than other groups, differences were not detected between exposure groups and ambient controls. Furthermore, there were no overall effects of magnetic fields on splenomegaly or survival in exposed animals. In addition, no significant and/or consistent differences were detected in hematological parameters between the magnetic field exposed and the ambient control groups.  相似文献   

One hundred subjects, males and females with ages ranging between 18 and 48 years, were studied under both field-exposed and sham-exposed conditions. A 50 Hz, 100 μT magnetic field (MF) was used. To examine the effect of field exposure on performance, a two-alternative, forced-choice, duration-discrimination task with three levels of difficulty was used. The subject's task was to decide which of two sequentially presented light flashes had the longer duration. The standard duration was 50 ms, and the alternative durations were 65, 100, or 125 ms. Both reaction time and percentage of correct responses were recorded for each subject. MF and sham exposure were for 9 min each. Blood pressure and heart rate were also measured before and following MF exposure and sham-exposure trials. The study was performed double blind, with the exposure order counterbalanced. Compared to sham exposure, MF exposure significantly decreased reaction time on the hardest level of the performance task. MF exposure did not reliably affect percentage correct or cardiovascular performance. It was demonstrated that a relatively high level of statistical power was the basis for the observed MF effect, and the need to pay closer attention to power levels in future research is discussed. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The in vitro cytomolecular technique, sister chromatid exchange (SCE), was applied to test the clastogenic potentiality of extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on human peripheral blood lymphocytes (HPBLs). SCE frequencies were scored in dividing peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) from six healthy male blood donors in two rounds of experiments, R1 and R2, to determine reproducibility. Lymphocyte cultures in the eight experiments conducted in each round were exposed to 50 Hz sinusoidal (continuous or pulsed) or square (continuous or pulsed) MFs at field strengths of 1 microT or 1 mT for 72 h. A significant increase in the number of SCEs/cell in the grouped experimental conditions compared to the controls was observed in both rounds. The highest SCE frequency in R1 was 10.03 for a square continuous field, and 10.39 for a square continuous field was the second highest frequency in R2. DNA crosslinking at the replication fork is proposed as a model which could explain the mechanistic link between ELF EMF exposure and increased SCE frequency.  相似文献   

We evaluated wiring in multifamily developments containing National Electrical Code(R) (NEC(R)) violations as a source of unusual exposure to 60 Hz magnetic fields. Two methods were used in this evaluation: measurement and modeling. We measured the building wiring as a source of magnetic fields in six multifamily developments in Michigan. In this small sample, building wiring proved to be an important source of exposure in four of the six cases. In all four cases with exposure from building wiring, one or more NEC violations were involved. To supplement our measurement efforts, we used computer modeling to compare magnetic field exposure due to building wiring with magnetic field exposure from external power lines. Our calculations showed that where the building wiring has a NEC violation leading to net current loops, the exposure due to wiring is likely to be more important than that from external power lines. Our results support the results obtained in a recent study of the exposure of Californian K-12 students to magnetic fields, where building wiring with one or more NEC violation was found to be the single most important exposure source. If 60 Hz magnetic fields are important to avoid, then improved enforcement of the NEC, as required by law, is perhaps the single most important mitigation policy to adopt. Bioelectromagnetics 25:102-106, 2004.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to reproduce and extend an earlier investigation of the effects of human exposure to combined, 60-Hz electric and magnetic fields. This paper presents the neurobehavioral results. Thirty men participated in one training session and four testing sessions. Subjects were randomly assigned to two groups. The 18 subjects in Group I were exposed (9 kV/m, 20 microT) and sham exposed in two counterbalanced orders. In Group II, half of 12 subjects were exposed (9 kV/m, 20 microT) every session, and the remaining half were sham exposed every session. The study was doubly blinded. Measures of cardiac interbeat interval, event-related brain potentials, and performance were obtained before, during, and after exposures. As in the earlier study, exposure to the combined field resulted in a statistically significant slowing of heart rate, in changes in late components of event-related brain potentials, and in decreased errors on a choice reaction-time task. In addition, field effects on several other measures approached statistical significance. The physiological measures obtained during exposure indicated that effects were greatest soon after the field was switched on, and again when it was switched off. The data indicate that changes in exposure level may be more important than duration of exposure for producing effects in human beings.  相似文献   

Our recent studies have shown a significant increase in the frequency of chromosomal aberrations in human amniotic cells after exposure to a sinusoidal 50 Hz, 30 μT (rms) magnetic field. To evaluate further interactions between chromosomes and electromagnetic fields, we have analyzed the effects of intermittent exposure. Amniotic cells were exposed for 72 h to a 50 Hz, 30 μT (rms) magnetic field in a 15 s on and 15 s off fashion. Eight experiments with cells from different fetuses were performed. The results show a 4% mean frequency of aberrations among exposed cells compared to 2% in sham-exposed cells. The difference is statistically significant, with P < 0.05 both excluding and including gaps. In another series of eight experiments, the cells were exposed in the same way but with the field on for 2 s and off for 20 s. Also in these experiments a similar increase in the frequency of chromosomal aberrations was seen, but only when the analysis included gaps. Continuous exposure for 72 h to 300 μT, 50 Hz, did not increase the frequency of chromosomal aberrations. The background electromagnetic fields at different locations within the two incubators used was carefully checked and was nowhere found to exceed 120 nT. Likewise, the background level of chromosomal aberrations in cells cultured at different locations in the incubators showed no significant interculture differences. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Magnetic fields (MFs) from domestic power sources have been implicated as being a potential risk to human health. A number of epidemiological studies have found a significant link between exposure to MFs and increased rates of cancers. There have also been a number of in vivo and in vitro studies reporting effects of MFs in animal disease models and on the expression or activity of a range of proteins. In the past decade, our group proposed that atherosclerosis may have an autoimmune component, with heat shock protein 60 (Hsp60) expressed in endothelial cells as the dominant autoantigen. A number of stressors have been shown to induce the expression of Hsp60, including the classical risk factors for atherosclerosis. We were interested to see if the exposure of endothelial cells to an MF elicited increased expression of Hsp60, as has been reported previously for Hsp70. The present work describes the exposure of endothelial cells to domestic power supply (50 Hz) MFs at an intensity of 700 microT. The results from our system indicate that cultured endothelial cells exposed to a high intensity of MF either alone or in combination with classical heat stress show no effects on the expression of Hsp60 at either the messenger ribonucleic acid or the protein level. As such, there is no evidence that exposure to extremely low-frequency MF would be expected to increase the expression of Hsp60 and therefore the initiation or progression of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

We aimed to provide a systematic evaluation of magnetic field (MF) exposure of staff working in the offices located above or close to transformer stations (TS) and electric enclosures (EE). Occupational short-term “spot” measurements with Narda EFA-300 and isotropic magnetic field probe were carried out in two National Banks and one Industrial Company having more than 500 employees. Extremely low-frequency (ELF) MFs up to several tens of μT were measured in the mentioned working environments. 25% of the measured MFs were found less than 0.3 μT, the background exposure level that staff receive at home, 75% were above 0.3 μT with the highest value of 6.8 μT. The mean and median personal exposures were calculated to be 1.19 μT and 0.56 μT, respectively. Most of the staff (83%) is under risk based on epidemiological studies that reported a statistically significant association between risk of leukemia and averaged magnetic fields of 0.2 μT or over. Results showed that risk evaluation should be considered to minimize the possibility of the workers being harmed due to exposure to work-related electromagnetic sources.  相似文献   

Our lack of knowledge about the biological mechanisms of 50 Hz magnetic fields makes it hard to improve exposure assessment. To provide better information about these exposure measures, we use multidimensional analysis techniques to examine the relations between different exposure metrics for a group of subjects. We used a combination of a two stage Principal Component Analysis (PCA) followed by an ascending hierarchical classification (AHC) to identify a set of measures that would capture the characteristics of the total exposure. This analysis gives an indication of the aspects of the exposure that are important to capture to get a complete picture of the magnetic field environment. We calculated 44 metrics of exposure measures from 16 exposed EDF employees and 15 control subjects, containing approximately 20,000 recordings of magnetic field measurements, taken every 30 s for 7 days with an EMDEX II dosimeter. These metrics included parameters used routinely or occasionally and some that were new. To eliminate those that expressed the least variability and that were most highly correlated to one another, we began with an initial Principal Component Analysis (PCA). A second PCA of the remaining 12 metrics enabled us to identify from the foreground 82.7% of the variance: the first component (62.0%) was characterized by central tendency metrics, and the second (20.7%) by dispersion characteristics. We were able to use AHC to divide the entire sample (of individuals) into four groups according to the axes that emerged from the PCA. Finally, discriminant analysis tested the discriminant power of the variables in the exposed/control classification as well as those from the AHC classification. The first showed that two subjects had been incorrectly classified, while no classification error was observed in the second. This exploratory study underscores the need to improve exposure measures by using at least two dimensions: intensity and dispersion. It also indicates the usefulness of constructing a typology of magnetic field exposures.  相似文献   

Rats were trained in six sessions to locate a submerged platform in a circular water-maze. They were exposed to a 1 mT, 60 Hz magnetic field for one hour in a Helmholtz coil system immediately before each training session. In addition, one hour after the last training session, they were tested in a probe trial during which the platform was removed and the time spent in the quadrant of the maze in which the platform was located during the training sessions was scored. Control animals were sham-exposed using the exposure system operating with the coils activated in an anti-parallel direction to cancel the fields. A group of “non-exposed” control animals was also included in the study. There was no significant difference between the magnetic field-exposed and control animals in learning to locate the platform. However, swim speed of the magnetic field-exposed rats was significantly slower than that of the controls. During the probe trial, magnetic field-exposed animals spent significantly less time in the quadrant that contained the platform, and their swim patterns were different from those of the controls. These results indicate that magnetic field exposure causes a deficit in spatial “reference” memory in the rat. Rats subjected to magnetic field exposure probably used a different behavioral strategy in learning the maze. Bioelectromagnetics 19: 117–122, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to confirm the main results reported in recent studies on the induction of genotoxic effects in human fibroblasts exposed to 50 Hz intermittent (5 min field on/10 min field off) sinusoidal electromagnetic fields. For this purpose, the induction of DNA single-strand breaks was evaluated by applying the alkaline single-cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE)/comet assay. To extend the study and validate the results, in the same experimental conditions, the potential genotoxicity was also tested by exposing the cells to a 50 Hz powerline signal (50 Hz frequency plus its harmonics). The cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay was applied after 24 h intermittent exposure to both sinusoidal and powerline signals to obtain information on cell cycle kinetics. The experiments were carried out on human diploid fibroblasts (ES-1). For each experimental run, exposed and sham-exposed samples were set up; positive controls were also provided by treating cells with hydrogen peroxide or mitomycin C for the comet or micronucleus assay, respectively. No statistically significant difference was detected in exposed compared to sham-exposed samples in any of the experimental conditions tested (P > 0.05). In contrast, the positive controls showed a statistically significant increase in DNA damage in all cases, as expected. Accordingly, our findings do not confirm the results reported previously for either comet induction or an increase in micronucleus frequency.  相似文献   

A model has been developed that permits assessment of residential exposure to 60-Hz magnetic fields emitted by appliances. It is based on volume- and time-averaging of magnetic-dipole fields. The model enables the contribution of appliances in the total residential exposure to be compared with that of other sources in any residence under study. Calculations based on measurements reported in the literature on 98 appliances revealed that appliances are not a significant source of whole-body exposure, but that they may be the dominant source of exposure of the body's extremities.  相似文献   

1.  This study examined spatial learning and memory in breeding adult male and female meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, and the effects of brief exposure to weak (0.1 mT or 1.0 Gauss rms) 60 Hz magnetic fields on their spatial performance.
2.  There were significant sex differences in the spatial performance of the polygynous meadow voles. Reproductive male voles displayed significantly better spatial learning and retention than reproductive females in a Morris water maze task, whereby individual voles had to learn and remember the location of a submerged hidden platform using extramaze visual cues. Males showed over 9 days of daily blocks of 4 trials both a faster rate and greater overall level of acquisition (shorter latency to find hidden platform) of the spatial task than did the females.
3.  Brief (maximum 5 min) exposure to 60 Hz magnetic fields during acquisition of the water maze task significantly enhanced the spatial performance of both the male and female meadow voles. Females showed a relatively greater facilitation of spatial acquisition and retention than did the males, resulting by day 9 in the elimination of sex differences in water maze performance.
4.  The time-varying magnetic fields may be : (i) functioning as orientation cues and providing directional cues, and/or (ii) affecting neuromodulatory systems that are involved in the mediation of spatial learning and memory. Exposure to weak time-varying magnetic fields has been shown to attenuate the activity of endogenous opioid systems, enhance protein kinase C (PKC) activity, and alter calcium ion flux. These effects have been shown to affect spatial learning and memory and are consistent with an enhancement of water maze performance.

In a specific case, the magnetic field generated in a building by a nearby power line is usually easy to calculate, although the accuracy of these calculations is sensitive to the quality of source information. To be able to study public health dimensions of magnetic field exposure (e.g., risk of cancer), it is necessary to evaluate the size and exposure of the population at risk. Relatively little quantitative information on public exposure to power-frequency magnetic fields of high-voltage power lines is available. This report describes residential exposure to magnetic fields from 110 kV, 220 kV, and 400 kV power lines in Finland at the national level, including 90% of the total line length in 1989. A geographical information system (GIS) was used to identify the buildings located near the power lines. After determining the distances between the lines and the buildings, historical data on load currents of these lines were used to calculate the magnetic fields. The residential magnetic field histories were then linked to the residents by means of a computerized central population register. The data obtained on personal exposure have also been utilized in a nationwide epidemiological study on magnetic field exposure of power lines and risk of cancer. The methods of exposure assessment and results of the number of buildings near 110 kV, 220 kV, and 400 kV power lines, their average annual magnetic fields, and personal exposure to magnetic fields from these lines are described. We found that 15,600 residents lived in an average residential magnetic field ≥0.1 μT caused by power lines in 1989. The number of these residents increased fivefold during 1970-1989. We estimated that 0.3% of the population was exposed in their residences to an annual average magnetic flux density from 110 kV, 220 kV, and 400 kV power lines higher than 0.1 μT, the level that the background magnetic flux density in general does not exceed in Finnish homes. Thus, the problem of magnetic field exposure generated by high-voltage lines concerns only a relatively small fraction of the total population in Finland. However, the size and exposure of the population at risk remain somewhat arbitrary in practical multisource situations, as the biological interaction mechanism, the concept of harmful dose, and, in particular, the significance of the duration of exposure are unknown. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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