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N-Acetylcysteine adducts of o-benzoquinones derived from catechol, 4-methylcatechol, and N-acetyldopamine were chemically synthesized and characterized by a combination of UV, IR, and NMR spectral studies. Oxidation of catechol, 4-methylcatechol, and N-acetyldopamine by cuticle-bound phenoloxidase from Sarcophaga bullata in the presence of N-acetylcysteine resulted in the formation of covalent adducts between catecholic compounds and N-acetylcysteine. Structural identities of these adducts were established by comparison of their HPLC retention time and UV spectra with those of synthetic adducts and by cochromatography with authentic samples. Although insect cuticle is known to contain only trace amounts of cysteine, the in vitro synthesis of quinone cysteine adducts mediated by cuticular phenoloxidase strongly indicates the occurrence of similar reactions in vivo as well and is in support of Pryor's quinone tanning hypothesis.  相似文献   

The properties of cuticular enzymes involved in sclerotization of Drosophila melanogaster puparium were examined. The cuticle-bound phenoloxidase from the white puparium exhibited a pH optimum of 6.5 in phosphate buffer and oxidized a variety of catecholic substrates such as 4-methylcatechol, N-beta-alanyldopamine, dopa, dopamine, N-acetyldopamine, catechol, norepinephrine, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylglycol, 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid, and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid. Phenoloxidase inhibitors such as potassium cyanide and sodium fluoride inhibited the enzyme activity drastically, but phenylthiourea showed marginal inhibition only. This result, coupled with the fact that syringaldazine served as the substrate for the insoluble enzyme, confirmed that cuticular phenoloxidase is of the "laccase" type. In addition, we also examined the mode of synthesis of the sclerotizing precursor, 1,2-dehydro-N-acetyldopamine. Our results indicate that this catecholamine derivative is biosynthesized from N-acetyldopamine through the intermediate formation of N-acetyldopamine quinone and N-acetyldopamine quinone methide as established for Sarcophaga bullata [Saul, S. and Sugumaran, M., F.E.B.S. Letters 251, 69-73 (1989)]. Accordingly, successful solubilization and fractionation of cuticular enzymes involved in the introduction of a double bond in the side chain of N-acetyldopamine indicated that they included o-diphenoloxidase, 4-alkyl-o-quinone:p-quinone methide isomerase, and N-acetyldopamine quinone methide:dehydro N-acetyldopamine isomerase and not any side chain desaturase.  相似文献   

In accordance with our earlier results, quinone methide formation was confirmed to be the major pathway for the oxidation of N-acetyldopamine (NADA) by cuticle-bound enzymes from Sarcophaga bullata larvae. In addition, with the use of a newly developed HPLC separation condition and cuticle prepared by gentle procedures, it could be demonstrated that 1, 2-dehydro-NADA and its dimeric oxidation products are also generated in the reaction mixture containing a high concentration of NADA albeit at a much lower amount than the NADA quinone methide water adduct, viz., N-acetylnorepinephrine (NANE). By using different buffers, it was also possible to establish the accumulation of NADA quinone in reaction mixtures containing NADA and cuticle. That the 1,2-dehydro-NADA formation is due to the action of a NADA desaturase system was established by pH and temperature studies and by differential inhibition of NANE production. Of the various cuticle examined, adult cuticle of Locusta migratoria, presclerotized cuticle of Periplaneta americana, and white puparial cases of Drosophila melanogaster exhibited more NADA desaturase activity than NANE generating activity, while the reverse was observed with the larval cuticle of Tenebrio molitor and pharate pupal cuticle of Manduca sexta. These studies indicate that both NADA quinone methide and 1, 2-dehydro NADA are formed during enzymatic activation of NADA in insect cuticle. Based on these results, a unified mechanism for β-sclerotization involving quinone methides as the reactive species is presented.  相似文献   

Proteins solubilized from the pharate cuticle of Manduca sexta were fractionated by ammonium sulfate precipitation and activated by the endogenous enzymes. The activated fraction readily converted exogenously supplied N-acetyldopamine (NADA) to N-acetylnorepinephrine (NANE). Either heat treatment (70 degrees C for 10 min) or addition of phenylthiourea (2.5 microM) caused total inhibition of the side chain hydroxylation. If chemically prepared NADA quinone was supplied instead of NADA to the enzyme solution containing phenylthiourea, it was converted to NANE. Presence of a quinone trap such as N-acetylcysteine in the NADA-cuticular enzyme reaction not only prevented the accumulation of NADA quinone, but also abolished NANE production. In such reaction mixtures, the formation of a new compound characterized as NADA-quinone-N-acetylcysteine adduct could be readily witnessed. These studies indicate that NADA quinone is an intermediate during the side chain hydroxylation of NADA by Manduca cuticular enzyme(s). Since such a conversion calls for the isomerization of NADA quinone to NADA quinone methide and subsequent hydration of NADA quinone methide, attempts were also made to trap the latter compound by performing the enzymatic reaction in methanol. These attempts resulted in the isolation of beta-methoxy NADA (NADA quinone methide methanol adduct) as an additional product. Similarly, when the N-beta-alanyldopamine (NBAD)-Manduca enzyme reaction was carried out in the presence of L-kynurenine, two diastereoisomers of NBAD quinone methide-kynurenine adduct (= papiliochrome IIa and IIb) could be isolated.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Incubation of N-acetyltyrosine methyl ester with cuticular enzymes, isolated from the wandering stages of Calliphora sp larvae, resulted in the generation of N-acetyldopa methyl ester when the reaction was carried out in the presence of ascorbate which prevented further oxidation of the o-diphenolic product. Enzymatic oxidation of N-acetyldopa methyl ester ultimately generated dehydro N-acetyldopa methyl ester. The identity of enzymatically produced N-acetyldopa methyl ester and dehydro N-acetyldopa methyl ester has been confirmed by comparison of the ultraviolet and infrared spectral and chromatographic properties with those of authentic samples as well as by nuclear magnetic resonance studies. Since N-acetyldopaquinone methyl ester was also converted to dehydro N-acetyldopa methyl ester and tyrosinase was responsible for the oxidation of N-acetyldopa methyl ester, a scheme for the cuticular phenoloxidase catalyzed conversion of N-acetyltyrosine methyl ester to dehydro N-acetyldopa methyl ester involving the intermediary formation of the quinone and the quinone methide is proposed to account for the observed results. The conversion of N-acetyldopa methyl ester to dehydro derivative remarkably resembles the conversion of the sclerotizing precursor, N-acetyldopamine, to dehydro-N-acetyl-dopamine observed in the insect cuticle. Based on these comparative studies, it is proposed that peptidyl dopa derivatives could also serve as the sclerotizing precursors for the sclerotization of the insect cuticle. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The effect of the tumor suppressor gene TP53 on repair of genomic DNA damage was examined in human urinary bladder transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) cell lines. Utilizing TCC10 containing wild-type p53 (wt-p53) as the parental line, an isogenic set of cell lines was derived by retroviral infection that expressed a transdominant mutant p53 (Arg --> His at codon 273, TDM273-TCC10), or the human papilloma virus 16-E6 oncoprotein (E6-TCC10). 32P-postlabeling analyses were performed on DNA from TCC cultures obtained after treatment with N-hydroxy-4-aminobiphenyl (N-OH-ABP), N-hydroxy-4-acetylaminobiphenyl (N-OH-AABP) and N-acetoxy-4-acetylaminobiphenyl (N-OAc-AABP). The major adduct was identified as N-(deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-4-aminobiphenyl (dG-C8-ABP) with all three chemicals. The amount of adducts in urothelial DNA ranged between 0.1 and 20 per 10(6) nucleotides, N-OAc-AABP yielding the highest levels, followed by N-OH-ABP and N-OH-AABP. To determine, if the functional status of p53 affects the rate of repair of dG-C8-ABP in genomic DNA, TCC10 and the TDM273-TCC10 and E6-TCC10 isotypes were exposed to N-OH-AABP for 12h and the DNA damage was allowed to repair up to 24h. The adduct levels were quantified and compared between the TCC10 isotypes. The amounts of dG-C8-ABP that remained in genomic DNA from E6-TCC10 and TDM273-TCC10 were approximately two-fold higher, as compared to the parental TCC10. At the dose used for DNA repair studies, N-OH-AABP or N-OAc-AABP did not induce apoptosis in TCC10. However, N-OAc-AABP at high doses (>5 microM) induced apoptosis, as evidenced by DNA fragmentation analyses. Furthermore, N-OAc-AABP-mediated apoptosis was independent of the functional status of wt-p53, since both E6-TCC10 and the parental TCC10 exhibited DNA fragmentation following treatment. These results suggest that p53 might modulate the repair of DNA adducts generated from the human bladder carcinogen ABP in its target human uroepithelial cells. This implies that in p53 null cells the unrepaired DNA damage could cause accumulation of mutation, which might contribute to increased genomic instability and neoplastic progression.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of the N-terminal domain of acidic chitinase from unstressed aerial tuber was determined and proved the presence of an N-terminal domain in acidic chitinase. The amino acid sequence was determined on a pyroglutamylaminopeptidase-treated N-terminal fragment of V8 protease and on chymotryptic peptides of this fragment. The sequence determined revealed 8 residues deletion and 2 residues insertion as compared with the N-terminal domain of tobacco basic chitinase. The N-terminal domain determined showed a homology of 40% and 52% with the N-terminal domain of tobacco basic chitinase and wheat germ agglutinin, respectively.Abbreviations DABITC,4-N,N dimethylaminoazobenzene 4-isothiocyanate - PITC phenylisothiocyanate - Cm carboxymethyl - WGA wheat germ agglutinin - TFA trifluoroacetic acid - PGAP pyroglutamylaminopeptidase  相似文献   


An infusion of Ruta graveolens L. was tested for its inhibitory effects upon radish germination at the cyto-physiological level. Radish seeds were placed under optimum conditions for germination either in water (control) or in the presence of rue infusion (treated seeds). Morpho-physiological observations indicate that in treated radish seeds the inhibition of germination is accompanied by reduced water uptake and delayed reactivation of the outermost living layer, i.e. the aleurone cells. Compared to the control, aleurone cells of treated seeds present many large lipid droplets and protein bodies, without differentiated organelles. Moreover, chemical and biochemical analyses show that the treatment impairs the metabolic pathways of germination, such as the mobilization and utilization of seed reserves, and the loosening of cell walls. In fact, in treated seeds we found i) increased contents of glucose and galactose, ii) higher concentration of malic acid and iii) lower activities of some glycosidases compared to the control. Results suggest that aleurone cells may play an active part in controlling the embryo's metabolism.  相似文献   

Horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-dependent oxidation of 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (dopa) was studied to elucidate the mechanism of its oxidation. The oxidation of dopa was enhanced by hydroxycinnamic acid esters and dopa supressed HRP-dependent oxidation of the esters. These results indicate that phenoxyl radicals of hydroxycinnamic acid esters that are formed at first, can oxidize dopa. Among hydroxycinnamic acid esters used, affinity of the phenoxyl radicals for dopa was in order 4-coumaric>caffeic>ferulic acid ester radicals.  相似文献   

To ensure the optimal safety of plasma derived and new generation recombinant proteins, heat treatment is customarily applied in the manufacturing of such biopharmaceuticals as a means of viral inactivation. In subjecting proteins to anti-viral heat-treatment it is necessary to use high concentrations of thermostabilizing excipients to prevent protein damage, and it is therefore imperative that the correct balance between bioprocessing conditions, maintenance of protein integrity and virus kill is found. In this study we have utilized model proteins (lysozyme, fetuin, and human serum albumin) and plasma-derived therapeutic proteins (factor VIII and factor IX) to investigate the protein modifications that occur during anti-viral heat treatment. Specifically, we investigated the relationship between bioprocessing conditions and the type and extent of protein modification under a variety of industrially relevant wet and lyophilized heat treatments using sucrose as a thermostabilizing agent. Heat treatment led to the formation of disulfide crosslinks and aggregates in proteins containing free cysteine residues. Terminal oligosaccharide sialic acid residues were hydrolyzed from the glycan moieties of glycoproteins during anti-viral heat treatment. Heat treatment promoted sucrose hydrolysis to yield glucose and fructose, leading, in turn, to the glycation of lysine amino groups in those proteins containing di-lysine motifs. During extended hear treatments, 1,2-dicarbonyl type advanced glycation end-products were also formed. Glycation-type modifications were more prevalent in wet heat-treated protein formulations.  相似文献   



Phospholipid scramblases are a group of four homologous proteins conserved from C. elegans to human. In human, two members of the scramblase family, hPLSCR1 and hPLSCR3 are known to bring about Ca2+ dependent translocation of phosphatidylserine and cardiolipin respectively during apoptotic processes. However, affinities of Ca2+/Mg2+ binding to human scramblases and conformational changes taking place in them remains unknown.


In the present study, we analyzed the Ca2+ and Mg2+ binding to the calcium binding motifs of hPLSCR1–4 and hPLSCR1 by spectroscopic methods and isothermal titration calorimetry.


The results in this study show that (i) affinities of the peptides are in the order hPLSCR1  > hPLSCR3 > hPLSCR2 > hPLSCR4 for Ca2+ and in the order hPLSCR1 > hPLSCR2 > hPLSCR3 > hPLSCR4 for Mg2+, (ii) binding of ions brings about conformational change in the secondary structure of the peptides. The affinity of Ca2+ and Mg2+ binding to protein hPLSCR1 was similar to that of the peptide I. A sequence comparison shows the existence of scramblase-like motifs among other protein families.


Based on the above results, we hypothesize that the Ca2+ binding motif of hPLSCR1 is a novel type of Ca2+ binding motif.

General significance

Our findings will be relevant in understanding the calcium dependent scrambling activity of hPLSCRs and their biological function.  相似文献   

The Photosystem II (PS II) assembly factors Psb27 and Ycf48 are transiently associated with PS II during its biogenesis and repair pathways. We investigated the function of these proteins by constructing knockout mutants in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. In ΔYcf48 cells, PS II electron transfer and stable oxygen evolution were perturbed. Additionally, Psb27 was required for photoautotrophic growth of cells lacking Ycf48 and assembly beyond the RC47 assembly complex in ΔYcf48:ΔPsb27 cells was impeded. Our results suggest the RC47 complex formed in ΔYcf48 cells is defective and that this deficiency is exacerbated if CP43 binds in the absence of Psb27.  相似文献   

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