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Two new structurally characterized coordination polymers containing the P4(NR)6 ligand system are described. A convenient one-pot synthesis of P4(NR)6 (R = benzyl) via reaction of lithiated primary amine with phosphorus trichloride demonstrates an expanded scope for the preparation of this adamantane-type structure. Reactions of P4(NR)6 (R = Et, Bn) with cuprous iodide yield different products due to the differences in steric demands of the ligands.  相似文献   

The structure of the natural cytotoxicity receptor NKp44, described in this issue of Structure, adds to our rapidly expanding knowledge of the structure of natural killer cell receptors, which play a key role in the elimination of virally infected and tumor cells during innate immune responses.  相似文献   

Although Notch signaling is known to be critical for the specification of cell fate in various developing organs, the particular roles of each Notch and Notch ligand (NotchL) have not yet been elucidated. The phenotypes found in loss-of-function experiments have varied, depending on the expression profiles of the receptors and ligands. However, in some cases, their significances differ from others, even with comparable levels of expression, suggesting a distinctive functional receptor-ligand interaction during the activation process of Notch signaling. In this review, the phenotypes observed in Notch/NotchL-deficient situations are introduced, and their distinct roles are accentuated. The distinctive features of the specific combinations of Notch/NotchL are also discussed. This review aims to highlight the unanswered questions in this field to help improve our understanding of the preferential functional interaction between Notch and NotchL.  相似文献   

The Notch pathway represents a highly conserved signaling network, which regulates the formation and maintenance of various organ systems along development and during adulthood. Direct cell-cell contacts between ligand- and receptor-expressing cells underlie activation of the Notch pathway. Notch signaling requires endocytosis in both signal emitting and receiving cells. Recent findings on the roles of a number of modulators show that they act either on the maintenance of an active receptor at the membrane, or on the production of active ligand, or on signal transduction after activation.  相似文献   

The Notch signalling pathway is an evolutionarily conserved cell-to-cell communication system utilized multiple times and in many tissues during development. The outcome of an interaction between Notch and its ligands is highly influenced by factors both extrinsic and intrinsic to Notch expressing cells, suggesting that Notch functions either directly or in parallel with other signalling systems to regulate cellular differentiation events. Protein domains common to all ligands and receptors of this system suggest conserved functional properties that likely relate to regulatory mechanisms for Notch signalling. Within this review, the known functional properties of these domains are analyzed with respect to their contributions to ligand/receptor interactions and Notch signalling.  相似文献   

Notch and disease: a growing field   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Signals through the Notch receptors are used throughout development to control cellular fate choices. Our intention here is to provide an overview of the involvement of Notch signaling in human disease, which, keeping pace with the known biology of the pathway, manifests itself in a pleiotropic fashion. A pathway with such broad action in normal development, a profound involvement in the biology of adult stem cells and intricate and complex controls governing its activity, poses numerous challenges. We provide an overview of Notch related pathologies identified thus far and emphasize aspects that have been modeled in experimental systems in order to understand the underlying pathobiology and, hopefully, help the definition of rational therapeutic avenues.  相似文献   

The Delta-Notch signaling pathway is an evolutionarily conserved intercellular signaling mechanism essential for cell fate specification. Mind bomb 1 (Mib1) has been identified as a ubiquitin ligase that promotes the endocytosis of Delta. We now report that mice lacking Mib1 die prior to embryonic day 11.5, with pan-Notch defects in somitogenesis, neurogenesis, vasculogenesis and cardiogenesis. The Mib1-/- embryos exhibit reduced expression of Notch target genes Hes5, Hey1, Hey2 and Heyl, with the loss of N1icd generation. Interestingly, in the Mib1-/- mutants, Dll1 accumulated in the plasma membrane, while it was localized in the cytoplasm near the nucleus in the wild types, indicating that Mib1 is essential for the endocytosis of Notch ligand. In accordance with the pan-Notch defects in Mib1-/- embryos, Mib1 interacts with and regulates all of the Notch ligands, jagged 1 and jagged 2, as well as Dll1, Dll3 and Dll4. Our results show that Mib1 is an essential regulator, but not a potentiator, for generating functional Notch ligands to activate Notch signaling.  相似文献   

Notch signaling is adjusted to different physiological contexts by expression patterns of Notch ligands and receptors, as well as by posttranslational modifications that modulate the ligand/receptor affinity. In this issue of The EMBO Journal, Suckling et al (2017) show that an interaction of Notch ligands with membrane lipids promotes Notch binding and activation, thus proposing a new mode of Notch activity regulation.  相似文献   

A conserved tyrosine residue in the 'astacin family' of metalloproteases is one of five ligands proposed to coordinate zinc at the active site. Site-directed mutagenesis of the conserved Tyr (Y226) of recombinant mouse meprin alpha was used to test the hypothesis that this residue is essential for zinc binding and enzymatic activity. In addition, another proposed zinc binding ligand, H167, in the conserved (HEXXH) zinc binding motif of the meprin alpha protease domain was replaced by an alanine residue. Both mutants were expressed and secreted with the same subunit mass as wild type (90 kDa). The Y226F mutant retained the capacity to oligomerize to higher covalently and noncovalently-linked oligomers as the wild type, whereas H167A was predominantly a monomer. The kcat/Km for Y226F against a fluorgenic bradykinin substrate analog was approximately 15% of the wild type, while the H167A mutant had no detectable activity. Both Y226F and H167A were more susceptible to extensive degradation by trypsin compared with the wild-type protein. The zinc content in the wild-type and Y226F mutant proteins were similar, one molecule of zinc per subunit. The results indicate that Y226 is not essential for zinc binding, but Y226 and H167 are essential for full enzymatic activity and stability of the metalloproteinase.  相似文献   

The VAO flavoprotein family is a rapidly growing family of oxidoreductases that favor the covalent binding of the FAD cofactor. In this review we report on the catalytic properties of some newly discovered VAO family members and their mode of flavin binding. Covalent binding of the flavin is a self-catalytic post-translational modification primarily taking place in oxidases. Covalent flavinylation increases the redox potential of the cofactor and thus its oxidation power. Recent findings have revealed that some members of the VAO family anchor the flavin via a dual covalent linkage (6-S-cysteinyl-8α-N1-histidyl FAD). Some VAO-type aldonolactone oxidoreductases favor the non-covalent binding of the flavin cofactor. These enzymes act as dehydrogenases, using cytochrome c as electron acceptor.  相似文献   

Recent data have expanded our understanding of Notch signalling by identifying a C2 domain at the N‐terminus of Notch ligands, which has both lipid‐ and receptor‐binding properties. We present novel structures of human ligands Jagged2 and Delta‐like4 and human Notch2, together with functional assays, which suggest that ligand‐mediated coupling of membrane recognition and Notch binding is likely to be critical in establishing the optimal context for Notch signalling. Comparisons between the Jagged and Delta family show a huge diversity in the structures of the loops at the apex of the C2 domain implicated in membrane recognition and Jagged1 missense mutations, which affect these loops and are associated with extrahepatic biliary atresia, lead to a loss of membrane recognition, but do not alter Notch binding. Taken together, these data suggest that C2 domain binding to membranes is an important element in tuning ligand‐dependent Notch signalling in different physiological contexts.  相似文献   

Developmental patterning requires juxtacrine signaling in order to tightly coordinate the fates of neighboring cells. Recent work has shown that Notch and Delta, the canonical metazoan juxtacrine signaling receptor and ligand, mutually inactivate each other in the same cell. This cis-interaction generates mutually exclusive sending and receiving states in individual cells. It generally remains unclear, however, how this mutual inactivation and the resulting switching behavior can impact developmental patterning circuits. Here we address this question using mathematical modeling in the context of two canonical pattern formation processes: boundary formation and lateral inhibition. For boundary formation, in a model motivated by Drosophila wing vein patterning, we find that mutual inactivation allows sharp boundary formation across a broader range of parameters than models lacking mutual inactivation. This model with mutual inactivation also exhibits robustness to correlated gene expression perturbations. For lateral inhibition, we find that mutual inactivation speeds up patterning dynamics, relieves the need for cooperative regulatory interactions, and expands the range of parameter values that permit pattern formation, compared to canonical models. Furthermore, mutual inactivation enables a simple lateral inhibition circuit architecture which requires only a single downstream regulatory step. Both model systems show how mutual inactivation can facilitate robust fine-grained patterning processes that would be difficult to implement without it, by encoding a difference-promoting feedback within the signaling system itself. Together, these results provide a framework for analysis of more complex Notch-dependent developmental systems.  相似文献   

Notch (N) and its ligands, Delta (Dl) and Serrate (Ser), are membrane-spanning proteins with EGF repeats. They play an essential role in mediating proliferation and segregated differentiation of stem cells. One of the prominent features of N signal system is that its ligands are anchored to the plasma membrane, which allows the ligand/receptor association only between the neighboring cells. Various lines of evidences have verified this intercellular signal transmission, but there also have been implications that expression of Dl or Ser interferes cell-autonomously with the ability of the cell to receive N signal, implying that N and its ligands may interact in the same cell. Here, we demonstrate that N, Dl, and Ser cell-autonomously form homomeric or heteromeric complexes. The cell-autonomous heteromeric complexes are not present on the cell surface, implying that the association occurs in the endoreticulum or Golgi apparatus. Expression of Dl or Ser cell-autonomously reduces the N-mediated HES-5 promoter activity, indicating that the cell-autonomous association alters the N signal receptivity. Intracellular deletion of Dl shows elevated activity of this dominant-negative effect. In vivo overexpression study suggests that the cell-autonomous function of Dl and Ser is independent of the ligand specificity and may be modulated by Fringe (Fg), which inhibits the formation of the cell-autonomous Dl/N or Ser/N complex.  相似文献   

Cytoskeletal proteins are important mediators of cellular organization in both eukaryotes and bacteria. In the past, cytoskeletal studies have largely focused on three major cytoskeletal families, namely the eukaryotic actin, tubulin, and intermediate filament (IF) proteins and their bacterial homologs MreB, FtsZ, and crescentin. However, mounting evidence suggests that these proteins represent only the tip of the iceberg, as the cellular cytoskeletal network is far more complex. In bacteria, each of MreB, FtsZ, and crescentin represents only one member of large families of diverse homologs. There are also newly identified bacterial cytoskeletal proteins with no eukaryotic homologs, such as WACA proteins and bactofilins. Furthermore, there are universally conserved proteins, such as the metabolic enzyme CtpS, that assemble into filamentous structures that can be repurposed for structural cytoskeletal functions. Recent studies have also identified an increasing number of eukaryotic cytoskeletal proteins that are unrelated to actin, tubulin, and IFs, such that expanding our understanding of cytoskeletal proteins is advancing the understanding of the cell biology of all organisms. Here, we summarize the recent explosion in the identification of new members of the bacterial cytoskeleton and describe a hypothesis for the evolution of the cytoskeleton from self-assembling enzymes.  相似文献   

O-Fucose has been identified on epidermal growth factor-like (EGF) repeats of Notch, and elongation of O-fucose has been implicated in the modulation of Notch signaling by Fringe. O-Fucose modifications are also predicted to occur on Notch ligands based on the presence of the C(2)XXGG(S/T)C(3) consensus site (where S/T is the modified amino acid) in a number of the EGF repeats of these proteins. Here we establish that both mammalian and Drosophila Notch ligands are modified with O-fucose glycans, demonstrating that the consensus site was useful for making predictions. The presence of O-fucose on Notch ligands raised the question of whether Fringe, an O-fucose specific beta 1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase, was capable of modifying O-fucose on the ligands. Indeed, O-fucose on mammalian Delta 1 and Jagged1 can be elongated with Manic Fringe in vivo, and Drosophila Delta and Serrate are substrates for Drosophila Fringe in vitro. These results raise the interesting possibility that alteration of O-fucose glycans on Notch ligands could play a role in the mechanism of Fringe action on Notch signaling. As an initial step to begin addressing the role of the O-fucose glycans on Notch ligands in Notch signaling, a number of mutations in predicted O-fucose glycosylation sites on Drosophila Serrate have been generated. Interestingly, analysis of these mutants has revealed that O-fucose modifications occur on some EGF repeats not predicted by the C(2)XXGGS/TC(3) consensus site. A revised, broad consensus site, C(2)X(3-5)S/TC(3) (where X(3-5) are any 3-5 amino acid residues), is proposed.  相似文献   

Notch signaling is involved in cell lineage specification in many developing organs. In mice there are four known Notch receptor genes (Notch1–4) and five ligands genes (Dll1, 3, 4 and Jagged1 and 2). Notch2 is essential for development of placenta, an organ that mediates feto-maternal nutrient and gas exchange as well as maternal adaptations to pregnancy. However the role of other Notch receptors and ligands in placentation is not known. In order to gain better insight into the role of Notch signaling in mouse placenta we thoroughly analyzed mRNA expression of all Notch receptors and ligands in all trophoblast cell types from the embryonic day (E) 7.5 to E12.5, the period during which all of the substructures of the placenta develop. Here we show that Notch receptors and ligands are specifically and dynamically expressed in multiple cell layers of developing placenta. We found that the Notch2 receptor and Jagged1 and Jagged2 ligand genes are complementarily expressed in trophoblast cells of the chorion and its later derivatives in the labyrinth. Dll4 and Notch2 expression complement each other in the ectoplacental cone, while Dll1 and Notch2 are expressed in an ectoplacental cone derivative, the junctional zone. Moreover Dll4 and Notch2 are expressed at the ectoplacental cone–decidua interface at early stages of placentation. Additionally we show that Notch2 is dynamically expressed in all trophoblast giant cell subtypes, which is consistent with previous reports. Overall these expression pattern results suggest that Notch signaling may play several diverse roles during placenta development.  相似文献   

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