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Although most diverse in the New World tropics, approximately 100 species of Solanum (Solanaceae) are native to continental Africa and Madagascar. The majority of these are ‘spiny solanums’ (subgenus Leptostemonum). We present here the first phylogenetic reconstruction of African and Madagascan species of Solanum subgenus Leptostemonum, with 62 of 76 species native to these areas, plus an additional seven species of largely Asian distribution, using internal transcribed spacer (ITS), waxy and trnT‐F regions. We identify monophyletic groups, many of which correspond to previously recognized units, although the large, traditionally recognized sections of Oliganthes and Melongena are polyphyletic. These groups are distinguished from each other by their breeding systems, with members of Oliganthes being hermaphroditic and Melongena andromonoecious. The phylogenetic relationships suggest multiple changes of breeding system between these two states, and observations of plants across their range indicate that there is considerable lability in this character. The African and Malagasy clades are largely geographically coherent, although there is evolutionary interchange between African vegetation types. All of the Madagascan endemics included in the analysis form a coherent group and probably represent an in situ radiation. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 173 , 176–193.  相似文献   

A liquid culture medium in cluster culture dishes supported development of detached wheat spikelets from 7 days pre-anthesis to grain maturity. Development of florets in vitro closely resembled that in vivo as revealed by the growth of anthers, ovaries, and the viability of developing embryos. The number and viability of pollen produced and percentage seed set, however, were significantly lower in cultured spikelets. The developing grain was grown to maturity in vitro by transfering the spikelets into fresh liquid medium every two weeks. The culture of wheat spikelets represents a new experimental tool for studying developmental phenomena and host-pathogen interactions in wheat.The research was supported by the Agricultural Research Service, US Department of Agriculture, in cooperation with the Agricultural Experiment Station, Oregon State University; Technical Paper No 8638 of the latter. Mention of a commercial product does not represent an endorsement of the product by the USDA or imply approval to the exclusion of other comparable products.  相似文献   

Suppressor of sessile spikeletsl (Sos1) is a dominant mutant of maize that blocks branching of the spikelet-pair primordium to form the sessile spikelet during ear development. As a result, Sos1 mutant ears and tassels possess single spikelets as opposed to the normal condition of paired spikelets, one sessile and the other pedicellate. Sos1 also causes a reduction in the number of tassel branches and the number of orthostichies (or cupule ranks) in the ear. The sos1 genetic locus maps to the short arm of maize chromosome 4. The Sos1 single spikelet phenotype appears similar to the single spikelet phenotype found in teosinte, the probable progenitor of maize. This similarity invites the hypothesis that sos1 had a role in the evolution of maize from teosinte. However, genetic mapping data and a comparison of the developmental basis of the single spikelet condition in the Sos1 mutant and teosinte demonstrate that their similar phenotypes result from distinct genetic-developmental mechanisms. These results indicate that sos1 was not involved in the evolution of maize and caution against drawing conclusions of homology based solely on similar adult phenotypes.  相似文献   

Some plants respond to browsing with compensatory regrowth of plant tissues and with increased thorn growth. Associations between browsers and their preferred forage were examined through wandering quarter vegetation sampling and observational studies in an effort to understand how some plants respond to browsing by large African herbivores. Acacia seyal (n = 2680) A. drepanolobium (n = 1850), and Balanites glabra (n = 960) were three species of frequently browsed indigenous plants examined on Game Ranching Ltd. in Kenya. There were several statistically significant associations revealed. Individual A. seyal exposed to intensive browser utilization were observed to lose shoot tips, produce long thorns, and have relatively few flowers and fruits. Browser utilization was associated with increased lateral branching in A. drepanolobium and with an increased occurrence of short, thickened spines in B. glabra. Thorns, spines and flowers were measurable indicators of relative browser utilization, and may be useful features to monitor in the management of large African mammals and their prickly forage  相似文献   

Perennial grass systems are being evaluated as a bioenergy feedstock in the northern Great Plains. Inter-annual and inter-seasonal precipitation variation in this region will require efficient water use to maintain sufficient yield production to support a mature bioenergy industry. Objectives were to evaluate the impact of a May–June (early season) and a July–August (late season) drought on the water use efficiency (WUE), amount of water used, and biomass production in monocultures of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), western wheatgrass (Pascopyrum smithii (Rydb.) Á. Löve), and a western wheatgrass–alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) mixture using an automated rainout shelter. WUE was strongly driven by biomass accumulation and ranged from 5.6 to 7.4 g biomass mm?1 water for switchgrass to 1.06 to 2.07 g biomass mm?1 water used with western wheatgrass. Timing of water stress affected WUE more in western wheatgrass and the western wheatgrass–alfalfa mixture than switchgrass. Water deficit for the western wheatgrass–alfalfa mixture was 23 % lower than western wheatgrass (P?=?0.0045) and 31 % lower than switchgrass (P?<?0.0001) under the May–June stress water treatment, while switchgrass had a 37 and 38 % greater water deficit than did western wheatgrass or western wheatgrass–alfalfa mixture, respectively (P?<?0.001) under the July–August water stress treatment. Water depletion was always greatest in the upper 30 cm. Switchgrass had greater WUE but resulted in greater soil water depletion at the end of the growing season compared to western wheatgrass and a western wheatgrass–alfalfa mixture which may be a concern under multi-year drought conditions.  相似文献   

Characteristics of photosynthetic carbon metabolism of spikelets in rice   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In lemmas and paleae of rice, the amount of pyruvate, Pi dikinase (PPDK) protein increased dramatically 6 d after anthesis and this change was consistent with that in the activity of PPDK. Since lemmas and paleae at this stage also showed high activities of the other marker enzymes of C4 pathway including phosphot enolpyruvate carboxylase (Imaizumi et al. (1990) Plant Cell Physiol 31: 835–843), photosynthetic carbon metabolism with lemmas at this stage were characterized. In a 14C pulse-12C chase study by photosynthetic CO2 fixation, about 35% and 25% of 14C fixed in lemmas were incorporated initially into 3-phosphoglycerate (3-PGA) and C4 acids, respectively. This suggests that lemmas participate mainly in C3-type photosynthetic metabolism, but that lemmas may also participate in the metabolism of C4 acids to some extent. To clarify this possibility, large amounts of 14C-labeled C4 acids were synthesized in vivo by a light-enhanced dark CO2 fixation (LED) method and the fate of 14C in C4 acids in the light was investigated. The percentage distribution of 14C in C-4 position of malate was about 90% and 83% after 10 s of photosynthetic 14CO2 fixation and 110 s of LED, respectively. Some of the 14C incorporated into C4 acids was transferred into 3-PGA and sugar phosphates. The possibility of direct fixation of CO2 by phosphot enolpyruvate carboxylase and metabolic pathway of CO2 released by decarboxylation of malate produced were discussed.  相似文献   

Immature maize spikelets have been successfully grown in vitro. Culture conditions were refined to maximize development of normal pollen grains. Kinetin was not required for normal development, in contrast to the absolute requirement for this plant growth regulator for in vitro tassel development. Development occured in all stages sampled, from premeiosis to postvacuolation, and there was no lag in progression through the various stages of development as compared to greenhouse-grown material. Cultured spikelets produced pollen that appeared morphologically normal, accumulated starch and had the normal two sperm nuclei and single vegetative nucleus.  相似文献   

Pistil hyperplasia in rice spikelets as affected by heat stress   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Sexual organogenesis in spikelets of rice (Oryza sativa L. cv Kinmaze) affected by heat stress was investigated using SEM and stereo-microscopy. Of the 243 spikelets dissected, 55.6% developed pistil hyperplasia, i.e., proliferated female organs or tissues, including multiple stigmata and/or ovaries, outgrowth of swollen parenchymatous tissues from inside the ovule, and differentiation of trichomes from ovary epidermis. Conversely, 7% of the spikelets exhibited stamen hypoplasia, represented by a decrease in the number of stamens, and only 3.7% of the spikelets showed hyperplasia, represented by an increase in the number of stamens. The morphological and structural development of the anther was disturbed, and microsporogenesis was inhibited. The shape of the anther was altered, though not perfectly, into the form of an ovary; the lemma and palea changed in form and ultimately resembled each other in shape and size. All of these changes in structure are more or less similar to those that usually result in rice spikelets subjected to cold and other environmental stresses. It was therefore concluded that rice plants show similar responses in sex differentiation in the spikelet under various environmental stresses.  相似文献   

Buffelgrass (Pennisetum ciliare (L.) Link), a C4 perennial bunchgrass native to Africa and parts of Asia, has invaded broadly across the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Buffelgrass establishment may occur earlier than the natives it displaces which may preempt resource acquisition by native species and contribute to its invasion success. In a greenhouse, buffelgrass aboveground growth was tested against Arizona cottontop (Digitaria californica (Benth.) Henr.), a native C4 perennial bunchgrass, in pairwise combinations in a randomized complete block factorial design with 10 replications, three neighbor identities (self, other, and no neighbor), and three competition treatments (21‐day younger neighbor, 21‐day older neighbor, and same‐aged neighbor). When compared with control plants, there was no significant effect on aboveground biomass for older Arizona cottontop plants competing with younger buffelgrass plants (p > 0.05). However, when Arizona cottontop plants were of the same age or younger than buffelgrass plants, buffelgrass caused 95 and 88% reductions, respectively, in aboveground biomass (p < 0.05 in both cases). Intraspecific competition between same‐aged Arizona cottontop plants resulted in only 55% decline in aboveground biomass production (p < 0.05), thus interspecific competition with buffelgrass was more intense than intraspecific competition for Arizona cottontop when plants had similar emergence times. These results suggest that establishing native plants immediately following a disturbance event could be a practical technique for restoring or retaining diversity on sites with high potential for invasion by buffelgrass.  相似文献   

Germination Strategy of a Woodland Grass: Milium effusum L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
THOMPSON  P. A. 《Annals of botany》1980,46(5):593-602
Caryopses of Millum effusum L. were collected from wild plantsin south-east England Laboratory tests established that germination immediately followingharvest occurred relatively slowly at a narrow range of temperatures;optima occurred at 16 °C in the first weeks of experimentsand subsequently at 21 °C, at which the highest proportionof germination occurred Levels of germination increased aftercaryopses had been stored at 25 °C over anhydrous calciumchloride, when tests were done at fluctuating temperatures;or after chilling treatments at 2 °C, or high temperature(26 and 31 °C) conditioning treatments of imbibed seed Freshlyharvested caryopses displayed an inverse relationship betweentemperature and time taken to germinate resulting from variationsin the speed at which after-ripening processes were completedat different temperatures These responses were used to construct a model representativeof all populations of M effusum throughout its natural range.The results suggested that a coherent and plausible interpretationof the responses could be arrived at by suggesting that adaptationto local conditions depends largely on phenotypic plasticityarising from interactions between the germination characterand a variety of differing climatic conditions Millum effusum L wood millet, germination, temperature response  相似文献   

Four low-latitude cultivars (two Mexican and two Rhodesian) and a Canadian cultivar were grown in controlled environments in four photo-periods, 16, 13, 10 and 7 h, respectively. Plants of two of the low-latitude cultivars were also transferred between long and short photoperiods during ear differentiation. The intervals from sowing to successive stages of ear development up to the formation of the terminal spikelet, and to ear emergence, and the number of leaves, all increased as photoperiod decreased. The Canadian cultivar responded most and one of the Rhodesian cultivars least to changes of photoperiod in these respects. However, with all the low-latitude cultivars, the interval between formation of the terminal spikelet and emergence of the ear responded similarly and relatively little to decreasing photoperiod except when photoperiod was reduced from 10 to 7 h. The mean rate of spikelet production decreased as the duration of the period of spikelet production (DSP) increased, i.e. as ear development slowed down with decrease in photoperiod. Accordingly number of spikelets per ear increased curvilinearly as DSP increased, suggesting a maximal number of spikelets of about thirty. Rate of spikelet production apparently differed between cultivars. Development of the ear slowed down when plants were moved to a shorter photoperiod and accelerated when they were moved to a longer photoperiod, both at the time at which the shoot apex began to elongate and at the double ridge stage. Final number of spikelets per ear increased when ear development was slowed down and decreased when it was accelerated.  相似文献   

V práci byla sledována dědi?nost vývinu laterálních kvítk? p?i k?í?ení dvou?adých forem je?mene typu distichon a ?esti?adých forem typu vulgare a brachyurum. Znak m??e být u?it pro identifikaci skute?ných hybrid? ji? v F l generaci p?i k?í?ení dvou?adých a ?esti?adých forem, kde dominuje dvou?adost. Nepoda?ená k?í?ení je pak mo?no v?as vylou?it. Také pro stanovení vazbových poměr? m??e být významný ve vy??ích hybridních generacích.
  1. 1.
    Dědi?nost vývinu laterálních kvítk? v kláscích je?ného klasu p?i k?í?ení dvou?adých a ?esti?adých forem byla studována metodou pro plynule proměnlivé znaky.  相似文献   

Marine biofouling: a sticky problem   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Organisms that colonise underwater surfaces, such as barnacle larvae and spores of algae, use a diverse array of biological 'glues' to provide both temporary and more permanent adhesion. The practical consequence of colonisation by these organisms is biofouling - something that has plagued mariners for years - causing increased drag and, in extreme cases, corrosion. Might there be a biological solution to this biological problem?  相似文献   

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