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Endocytosis in white ghosts prepared from human erythrocytes was induced by three methods: incubation with Mg-ATP, incubation with 0.1 mM EDTA, and digestion with 20 nanograms (ng.) per ml. of trypsin. In each case the endocytic vacuoles that were produced when separated and analyzed on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were found to be depleted of spectrin. This observation suggested that a requirement for endocytosis is the establishment of spectrin-free domains in the membrane. This hypothesis was tested by pre-incubating ghosts with anti-spectrin antibodies. Pre-incubation with anti-spectrin antibody blocked white ghost endocytosis produced either by Mg-ATP, EDTA, or trypsin. Therefore, it is proposed that spectrin has a key role in the endocytosis process.  相似文献   

Spectrin repeats are three-helix bundle structures which occur in a large number of diverse proteins, either as single copies or in tandem arrangements of multiple repeats. They can serve structural purposes, by coordination of cytoskeletal interactions with high spatial precision, as well as a 'switchboard' for interactions with multiple proteins with a more regulatory role. We describe the structure of the alpha-actinin spectrin repeats as a prototypical example, their assembly in a defined antiparallel dimer, and the interactions of spectrin repeats with multiple other proteins. The alpha-actinin rod domain shares several features common to other spectrin repeats. (1) The rod domain forms a rigid connection between two actin-binding domains positioned at the two ends of the alpha-actinin dimer. The exact distance and rigidity are important, for example, for organizing the muscle Z-line and maintaining its architecture during muscle contraction. (2) The spectrin repeats of alpha-actinin have evolved to make tight antiparallel homodimer contacts. (3) The spectrin repeats are important interaction sites for multiple structural and signalling proteins. The interactions of spectrin repeats are, however, diverse and defy any simple classification of their preferred interaction sites, which is possible for other domains (e.g. src-homology domains 3 or 2). Nevertheless, the binding properties of the repeats perform important roles in the biology of the proteins where they are found, and lead to the assembly of complex, multiprotein structures involved both in cytoskeletal architecture as well as in forming large signal transduction complexes.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of human erythrocyte ghost membrane proteins was found to be affected by micromolar calcium concentrations. Increasing Ca2+ concentration to 0.2 microM decreased spectrin (band 2) phosphorylation to 30 +/- 6% of control (to which no calcium was added). Decreasing calcium concentration by adding EGTA (0.2mM) to the standard membrane preparation increased spectrin phosphorylation to 575% control. This effect of Ca2+ was more pronounced at higher temperature. At 0 degree C, Ca2+ (0.05mM) had no effect on protein phosphorylation. Sodium fluoride like EGTA caused a four to five fold increase in phosphorylation. Pyrophosphate, a phosphoprotein phosphatase inhibator, had no effect. Once spectrin was phosphorylated in the presence of [gamma-32P]ATP the addition of Ca2+ or EGTA did not decrease or increase its phosphorylation. It is suggested that calcium regulates spectrin phosphorylation either by decreasing kinase activity or by decreasing substrate availability.  相似文献   

In recent years considerable progress has been made in the understanding of the structure and function of the red blood cell membrane. The protein spectrin, of high molecular weight and propensity for self-association, appears to play a major role, in concert with actin, in maintaining the shape and integrity of the membrane. A study of the physical-chemical properties of spectrin, and its size, shape, self-association pattern, and its interaction with other components, leads to a plausible model for the way this protein performs its biological role. The evidence from the structure and interactions of spectrin suggests a structure which is relatively symmetrical yet highly expanded, and which allows extensive, two-dimensional network formation with actin. In these respects, the structure of spectrin is quite different from that of myosin, to which it has often been likened.  相似文献   

Is spectrin a calmodulin-binding protein?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The binding of calmodulin to spectrin from human erythrocytes has been studied by affinity chromatography on sepharose-calmodulin column. The alpha and beta spectrin chains, dissociated in 6-7 M urea, both bound to the sepharose-calmodulin column, but with different affinities. Both chains were eluted together by EGTA. Binding sites for calmodulin are, therefore, present in both alpha and beta chains. However, intact purified spectrin dimers did not bind to the sepharose-calmodulin column, which renders a physiological role of calmodulin-binding to spectrin rather unlikely.  相似文献   

A wide range of chemical reagents are available to study the protein-protein interactions or protein structures. After reaction with such chemicals, covalently modified proteins are digested, resulting in shorter peptides that are analyzed by mass spectrometry (MS). Used especially when NMR of X-ray data are lacking, this methodology requires the identification of modified species carrying relevant information, among the unmodified peptides. To overcome the drawbacks of existing methods, we propose a more direct strategy relying on the synthesis of solid-supported cleavable monofunctional reagents and cross-linkers that react with proteins and that selectively release, after protein digestion and washings, the modified peptide fragments ready for MS analysis. Using this Solid-Phase Cross-Linking (SPCL) strategy, only modified sequences are analyzed and consistent data can be easily obtained since the signals of interest are not masked or suppressed by over-represented unmodified materials.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation reduces the affinity of protein 4.1 for spectrin   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
P S Eder  C J Soong  M Tao 《Biochemistry》1986,25(7):1764-1770
The phosphorylation of protein 4.1 by the membrane kinase and casein kinase A has been investigated. Each of these kinases catalyzed the incorporation of 2 mol of phosphate per mole of protein 4.1. The presence of both kinases in the reaction mixture did not lead to an increase in the incorporation of phosphates into the protein. An analysis of the acid hydrolysis products of the 32P-labeled protein 4.1 indicated that the radioactivities were distributed between phosphothreonine and phosphoserine in a ratio of about 2 to 1. The effects of phosphorylation on the binding of protein 4.1 to spectrin were investigated by using sucrose density gradient centrifugation. The affinity of protein 4.1 for spectrin was reduced about 5-fold, from a KD of 2 X 10(-6) M to a KD of 9.4 X 10(-6) M, by phosphorylation. The phosphorylation of spectrin, on the other hand, appeared to increase slightly its affinity for protein 4.1. The results suggest that phosphorylation may lead to a relaxation of the cytoskeletal network and the formation of a more flexible membrane structure that is important to red cell function.  相似文献   

Late life is a distinct phase of life that occurs after the aging period and is now known to be general among aging organisms. While aging is characterized by a deterioration in survivorship and fertility, late life is characterized by the cessation of such age-related deterioration. Thus, late life presents a new and interesting area of research not only for evolutionary biology but also for physiology. In this article, we present the theoretical and experimental background to late life, as developed by evolutionary biologists and demographers. We discuss the discovery of late life and the two main theories developed to explain this phase of life: lifelong demographic heterogeneity theory and evolutionary theory based on the force of natural selection. Finally, we suggest topics for future physiological research on late life.  相似文献   

Alkaline phosphatase is required for the mineralization of bone and cartilage. This enzyme is localized in the matrix vesicle, which plays a role key in calcifying cartilage. In this paper we standardize a method to construction a resealed ghost cell-alkaline phosphatase system to mimic matrix vesicles and examine the kinetic behavior of the incorporated enzyme. Polidocanol-solubilized alkaline phosphatase, free of detergent, was incorporated into resealed ghost cells. This process was time-dependent and practically 50% of the enzyme was incorporated into the vesicles in 40 h of incubation, at 25 degrees C. Alkaline phosphatase-ghost cell systems were relatively homogeneous with diameters of about 300 nm and were more stable when stored at -20 degrees C. Alkaline phosphatase was completely released from the resealed ghost cell-system using only phospholipase C. These experiments confirm that the interaction between alkaline phosphatase and the lipid bilayer of resealed ghost cell is exclusively via glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor of the enzyme. An important point shown is that an enzyme bound to resealed ghost cell does not lose the ability to hydrolyze ATP, pyrophosphate and p-nitrophenyl phosphate (PNPP), but the presence of a ghost membrane, as a support of the enzyme, affects its kinetic properties. Moreover, calcium ions stimulate and phosphate ions inhibit the PNPPase activity of alkaline phosphatase present in resealed ghost cells.  相似文献   

A number of the chimeric constructs with spectrin SH3 domain were designed for structural and thermodynamic studies of protein self-assembly and protein-ligand interactions. SH3 domains, components of many regulatory proteins, operate through weak interactions with proline-rich regions of polypeptide chains. The recombinant construct (WT-CIIA) studied in this work was constructed by linking the peptide ligand PPPVPPYSAG to the domain C-terminus via a long 12-residue linker to increase the affinity of this ligand for the spectrin domain, thereby ensuring a stable positioning of the polyproline helix to the conserved ligand-binding site in orientation II, which is regarded as untypical of the interaction between this domain and oligopeptides. A comparison of fluorescence spectra of the initial domain and the recombinant protein WT-CIIA suggests that the ligand sticks to the conservative binding site. However, analysis of the equilibrium urea-induced unfolding has demonstrated that this is an unstable contact, which leads to a two-stage unfolding of the chimeric protein. The protein WT-CIIA was crystallized; a set of X-ray diffraction data with a resolution of 1.75 Å was recorded from individual crystals. A preliminary analysis of these diffraction data has demonstrated that the crystals belong to space group P32 with the following unit cell parameters: a = b = 36.39, c = 112.17 Å, a = β = 90.0, and γ = 120.0.  相似文献   

The structure of spectrin dimers and tetramers in solution has been examined by light, low-angle X-ray and neutron scattering. The results show a good correspondence between the solution dimensions of these molecules and their appearance in the electron microscope after shadowing. The scattering profiles are not compatible with an extended rod-like character, but reflect the presence of a considerable degree of bending. The radii of gyration of the dimer and tetramer were determined to be 170 and 375 Å and the cross-section radii of gyration 14 and 12.3 Å. respectively. Both are thus long. thin. rather bent molecules, and the tetramer is twice the length of the dimer.  相似文献   

Spectrin-like proteins are found in a wide variety of non-erythroid cells where they generally occur in the cell cortex near the plasma membrane. To determine the intracellular distribution of alpha-spectrin (alpha-fodrin) in lymphocytes, we have developed an immunoperoxidase method to localize this protein at the ultrastructural level. Of considerable interest, particularly with regard to our efforts to determine the function of spectrin in this cell type, was the finding that its subcellular localization and its relationship with the plasma membrane can vary dramatically. Based on its position in the cell, alpha-spectrin can occur in two forms in lymphocytes: one that associates closely with the plasma membrane and another that occurs at some distance from the cell periphery, either as a single large aggregate or as several smaller ones. The single large aggregate of spectrin is a stable feature in a number of lymphocyte cell lines and hybrids which were used to examine its ultrastructural characteristics. A previously undescribed cellular structure, consisting of a meshwork of spectrin filaments and membranous vesicles, was identified in these cells. This structure could be induced to dissipate in response to membrane perturbants (e.g., hyperthermia and phorbol esters, known effectors of lymphocyte function and differentiation) and the patterns resulting from the redistribution of spectrin were a reflection of those observed routinely in lymphocytes in situ. The correlation between naturally occurring spectrin localization patterns and those seen after membrane perturbation suggested the possibility that spectrin distribution is indicative of particular maturation stages or functional states in lymphocytes. The implications of these findings with regard to the role of spectrin in lymphocyte function are discussed.  相似文献   

For several decades, clinical geneticists have espoused two key ethical principles, nondirectiveness and confidentiality. These principles made a great deal of sense in the highly personal and controversial setting of reproductive genetics. Now that clinical genetics has entered the primary care setting, clinicians are rethinking the strength of their commitment to these traditional norms and they are revamping their ethical priorities. Patients increasingly need advice about whether they should take genetic tests and whether and how they should respond to the test results. Patients also need to know about how this information will impact family members and whether other members of their family should be tested. Clinical geneticists may even consider breaking individual confidentiality in order to prevent harms to family members. Although clinical geneticists do not need to abandon nondirectiveness and confidentiality in this new setting, they may not strictly adhere to these principles in some circumstances in order to benefit patients and their families.  相似文献   

For several decades, clinical geneticists have espoused two key ethical principles, nondirectiveness and confidentiality. These principles made a great deal of sense in the highly personal and controversial setting of reproductive genetics. Now that clinical genetics has entered the primary care setting, clinicians are rethinking the strength of their commitment to these traditional norms and they are revamping their ethical priorities. Patients increasingly need advice about whether they should take genetic tests and whether and how they should respond to the test results. Patients also need to know about how this information will impact family members and whether other members of their family should be tested. Clinical geneticists may even consider breaking individual confidentiality in order to prevent harms to family members. Although clinical geneticists do not need to abandon nondirectiveness and confidentiality in this new setting, they may not strictly adhere to these principles in some circumstances in order to benefit patients and their families.  相似文献   

Spectrin is a large, worm-like cytoskeletal protein that is abundant in all cell types. The denatured heme enzyme, horseradish peroxidase showed significant decrease in the reactivation yield, after 30 min of refolding, in presence of increasing concentrations of spectrin from that in the absence. This indicated that spectrin could bind denatured HRP and inhibit their refolding. In presence of 1 mM ATP and 10 mM MgCl(2) the spectrin binding of denatured HRP is abolished. This activity of decreasing the reactivation yield was found to be ATP-dependent and the denatured enzyme after 30 min refolding in the presence of spectrin, pretreated with Mg/ATP, showed about 40% increase in the reactivation yield compared to the same in absence of spectrin. Fluorescence spectroscopic studies indicated binding of ATP to native spectrin showing concentration-dependent quenching of tryptophan fluorescence by ATP. The apparent dissociation constant of binding of ATP to spectrin was estimated to be 1.1 mM. A high affinity binding of spectrin with denatured HRP has been characterized (K(d) = 16 nM). Since these properties are similar to those of established molecular chaperone proteins, these data indicate that spectrin might have a chaperone-like function in erythrocytes.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical studies of spectrin in hamster cardiac tissue   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The spectrins are a family of cytoskeletal-membrane proteins that have a wide tissue distribution. In the present study, we employed polyclonal antibodies made against mammalian and avian erythroid spectrins as well as mammalian brain spectrin to assess their presence and distributions in the mammalian heart. Western blot analyses revealed that all three antibodies were specific for a 240,000 molecular weight alpha-spectrin subunit found in hamster erythrocyte ghost homogenates, whole hamster heart, and isolated hamster cardiac myofibril homogenates. Spectrin staining was absent from the Triton X-100-extracted supernatant fraction of myofibril preparations, suggesting that the protein is linked to the myofibril precipitate after exposure to the detergent. Frozen, unfixed, 2-microns-thick; sections of adult. Syrian golden hamster cardiac tissue exhibited strong immunofluorescent staining of intercalated discs and Z-bands using all three antibodies. In addition, the mammalian erythroid spectrin antibodies showed staining of the sarcolemma, and in cross section, revealed a delicate internal network of staining that appears to surround individual myofibrils. This may be T-tubule-associated staining. Myofibrils isolated from cardiac myocytes using Triton X-100 show positive Z-band staining using all three antibodies. Double staining with Texas Red-labeled monoclonal desmin and FITC-labeled polyclonal spectrin antibodies revealed that both stained the myofibrillar Z-line regions. These results demonstrate that spectrin is closely associated with the membranes, myofibrils, and intermediate filaments in the mammalian heart.  相似文献   

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