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Synaptic dynamics at the neuromuscular junction: mechanisms and models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During development, the neuromuscular junction passes through a stage of extensive polyinnervation followed by a period of wholesale synapse elimination. In this report we discuss mechanisms and interactions that could mediate many of the key aspects of these important developmental events. Our emphasis is on (1) establishing an overall conceptual framework within which the role of many distinct cellular interactions and molecular factors can be evaluated, and (2) generating computer simulations that systematically test the adequacy of different models in accounting for a wide range of biological data. Our analysis indicates that several relatively simple mechanisms are each capable of explaining a variety of experimental observations. On the other hand, no one mechanism can account for the full spectrum of experimental results. Thus, it is important to consider models that are based on interactions among multiple mechanisms. A potentially powerful combination is one based on (1) a scaffold within the basal lamina or in the postsynaptic membrane which is induced by nerve terminals and which serves to stabilize terminals by a positive feedback mechanism; (2) a sprouting factor whose release by muscle fibers is down-regulated by activity and perhaps other factors; and (3) an intrinsic tendency of motor neurons to withdraw some connections while allowing others to grow.  相似文献   

The vertebrate neuromuscular junction (NMJ) is marked by molecular specializations that include postsynaptic clusters of acetylcholine receptor (AChR) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE). Whereas AChRs are aggregated in the postsynaptic muscle membrane to a density of 10,000/mum(2), AChE is concentrated, also to a high density, in the synaptic basement membrane (BM). In recent years considerable progress has been made in understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms of AChR clustering. It is known that during the early stages of motoneuron-muscle interaction, the nerve-secreted proteoglycan agrin activates the muscle-specific kinase MuSK, which leads to the formation of a postsynaptic cytoskeletal scaffold that immobilizes and concentrates AChRs through a process generally accepted to involve diffusion-mediated trapping of the receptors. We have recently tested this diffusion-trap model at the single molecule level for the first time by using quantum-dot labeling to track individual AChRs during NMJ development. Our results showed that single AChRs exhibit Brownian-type movement, with diffusion coefficients of 10(-11) to 10(-9)cm(2)/s, until they become immobilized at "traps" assembled in response to synaptogenic stimuli. Thus, free diffusion of AChRs is an integral part of their clustering mechanism. What is the mechanism for AChE clustering? We previously showed that the A(12) asymmetric form of AChE binds to perlecan, a heparan-sulfate proteoglycan which in turn interacts with the transmembrane dystroglycan complex. Through this linkage AChE becomes bound to the muscle membrane and, like AChRs, may exhibit lateral mobility along the membrane. Consistent with this idea, pre-existent AChE at the cell surface becomes clustered together with AChRs following synaptogenic stimulation. Future studies testing diffusion-mediated trapping of AChE should provide insights into the synaptic localization of BM-bound molecules at the NMJ.  相似文献   

Naka T 《Bio Systems》1999,49(2):143-149
The process of neurotransmitter release at the neuromuscular junction needs to be represented appropriately in modeling of the synaptic chemical transmission as a reaction-diffusion system. The release mechanisms of the expanding pore and the acceleration are analyzed by the computer simulation with respect to the effects of the characteristic parameters in the mechanisms on spontaneous generation of the miniature endplate current (MEPC), leading to the following evaluation. In the expanding pore mechanism the expanding rate of the pore more than 10 nm ms(-1) and the diffusion coefficient of acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft (D(c)) of about 1.0 x 10(-6) cm2 s(-1) yield the maximum amplitude, the rise time and the decay time constant of the MEPC in agreement with the empirical data. In the active release mechanism the 10-fold acceleration of the natural diffusion and a similar value of D(c) are required to suit for the empirical MEPC.  相似文献   

To understand how synapses form, it is important to be able to watch them as they form. Transgenic mice in which motor axons are indelibly labeled with the Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) or one of its spectral variants (XFPs) provide a new way to image motor nerve terminals; when combined with contrasting stains for the postsynaptic membrane, both pre- and postsynaptic elements can be viewed in live animals. The development, maturation, stability, remodeling and regeneration of neuromuscular junctions and motor units can then be assessed over intervals ranging from seconds to months.  相似文献   

The results of computer simulations on the Double Barrier Synapse (DBS) model are presented which quantify the relationship between the synapse parameters and the quanta transfer process. The DBS model is applicable to a variety of states of synaptic activity, and by changing the synapse parameters it is possible to simulate various conditions of quanta transmission. The influence of the bathing solution temperature change on the synaptic parameters under different conditions of transmitter release in the frog neuromuscular junction is investigated. Simulations demonstrate that several synaptic parameters, including the parameters of the presynaptic membrane, are not affected by the temperature change. It is shown that a stimulation frequency exists at which the steady-state level of facilitation during a long train of stimuli is the same for a wide range of temperatures. Received: 2 August 1996 / Accepted in revised form: 19 February 1998  相似文献   

Martin  Paul T. 《Brain Cell Biology》2003,32(5-8):915-929
Most molecules that are present at synapses are glycosylated with carbohydrates, and some carbohydrate structures are themselves uniquely synaptic in their localization. Thus, proteins or lipids at the synapse may bear distinct carbohydrates that alter their localization or function. Here, I will review the evidence that there are unique synaptic carbohydrates at the neuromuscular junction. Then, I will review the evidence that such carbohydrates can affect the function of synaptic proteins, with particular attention to agrin, dystroglycan, and the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM). Finally, I will review recent data that demonstrates a role for one carbohydrate structure, the cytotoxic T cell (CT) antigen, in neuromuscular development. These studies suggest that glycosylation is an important modification to consider in studies of synapse formation and function.  相似文献   

The formation of acetylcholine receptor (AChR) clusters at the neuromuscular junction was investigated by observing the sequential changes in AChR cluster distribution on cultured Xenopus muscle cells. AChRs were labeled with tetramethylrhodamine-conjugated alpha-bungarotoxin (TMR-alpha BT). Before innervation AChRs were distributed over the entire surface of muscle cells with occasional spots of high density (hot spots). When the nerve contacted the muscle cell, the large existing hot spots disappeared and small AChR clusters (less than 1 micron in diameter) initially emerged from the background along the area of nerve contact. They grew in size, increased in number, and fused to form larger clusters over a period of 1 or 2 days. Receptor clusters did not migrate as a whole as observed during "cap" formation in B lymphocytes. The rate of recruitment of AChRs at the nerve-muscle junction varied from less than 50 binding sites to 1000 sites/hr for alpha BT. In this study the diffusion-trap mechanism was tested for the nerve-induced receptor accumulation. The diffusion coefficient of diffusely distributed AChRs was measured using the fluorescence photobleaching recovery method and found to be 2.45 X 10(-10) cm2/sec at 22 degrees C. There was no significant difference in these values among the muscle cells cultured without nerve, the non-nerve-contacted muscle cells in nerve-muscle cultures, and the nerve-contacted muscle cells. It was found that the diffusion of receptors in the membrane is not rate-limiting for AChR accumulation.  相似文献   

N-CAM at the vertebrate neuromuscular junction   总被引:27,自引:22,他引:5  
We have detected the neural cell adhesion molecule, N-CAM, at nerve-muscle contacts in the developing and adult mouse diaphragm. Whereas we found N-CAM staining with fluorescent antibodies consistently to overlap with the pattern of alpha-bungarotoxin staining at nerve-muscle contacts both during development and in the adult, we observed N-CAM staining on the surfaces of developing myofibers and at much lower levels on adult myofibers. Consistent with its function, N-CAM was also detected on axons and axon terminals. Immunoblotting experiments with anti-N-CAM antibodies on detergent extracts of embryonic (E) diaphragm muscle revealed a polydisperse polysialylated N-CAM polypeptide, which in the adult (A) was converted to a discrete form of Mr 140,000; this change, called E-to-A conversion, was previously found to occur in different neural tissues at different rates. The Mr 140,000 component was not recognized by monoclonal antibody anti-N-CAM No. 5, which specifically recognizes antigenic determinants associated with N-linked oligosaccharide determinants on N-CAM from neural tissue. The relative concentration of the Mr 140,000 component prepared from diaphragm muscle increased during fetal development and then decreased sharply to reach adult values. Nevertheless, expression of N-CAM in muscle could be induced after denervation: one week after the sciatic nerve was severed, the relative amount of N-CAM increased dramatically as detected by immunoblots of extracts of whole muscle. Immunofluorescent staining confirmed that there was an increase in N-CAM, both in the cell and at the cell surface; at the same time, however, staining at the motor endplate was diminished. Our findings indicate that, in muscle, in addition to chemical modulation, cell-surface modulation of N-CAM occurs both in amount and distribution during embryogenesis and in response to denervation.  相似文献   

The ability of a cell to change the shape of its membranes is intrinsic to many cellular functions. Proteins that can alter or recognize curved membrane structures and those that can act to recruit other proteins which stabilize the membrane curvature are likely to be essential in cell functions. The BAR (Bin, amphiphysin, RVS167 homology) domain is a protein domain that can either induce lipidic membranes to curve or can sense curved membranes. BAR domains are found in several proteins at neuronal synapses. We will review BAR domain structure and the role that BAR domain containing proteins play in regulating the morphology and function of the Drosophila neuromuscular junction. In flies the BAR domain containing proteins, endophilin and syndapin affect synaptic vesicle endocytosis, whereas CIP4, dRich, nervous wreck and syndapin affect synaptic morphology. We will review the growing evidence implicating mutations in BAR domain containing proteins being the cause of human pathologies.  相似文献   

The localization of meprobamate-like (MPB-like) molecules in the neuromuscular junction of rats has been investigated at light- and electron- microscopic levels with the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) immunohistochemical method, using a purified antiserum obtained from rabbits immunized with a meprobamate-bovine serum albumin (MPB-BSA) conjugate. The immunoreaction was found surrounding synaptic vesicles and in protuberant deposits situated in the post-synaptic membrane. These facts suggest the existence of endogenous MPB-like molecules in neuromuscular junction and that the immunostained protuberant deposits should mark the receptors of those molecules.  相似文献   

Agrin is a component of the synaptic extracellular matrix and may regulate the organization of acetylcholine receptors and other synaptic molecules in both synapse regeneration and development. Analyses of cDNAs encoding agrin define a number of structural domains, including regions of homology to laminin, Kazal protease inhibitors, and epidermal growth factor repeats.  相似文献   

F A Wali 《Life sciences》1985,37(17):1559-1561
Diazepam (Valieum, Roche) is a centrally-acting drug belonging to the benzodiazepine group of tranquillisers with anxiolytic, hypnotic, anti-convulsant and myorelaxant properties (1). It has been reported that in addition to its central effects (1), diazepam also produces relaxation of the skeletal muscle (2, 3). The myorelaxation produced by diazepam is thought to be of central origin (2), although at least some of the effects is due to a peripheral effect of diazepam, i.e. at the neuromuscular junction.Although the effects and interactions of diazepam with neuromuscular blocking agents have been studied by many workers (2–12), the results reported are somehow are controversial (4–8). In sum, diazepam can either enhance or depress neuromuscular transmission, the effect being dependent on the concentration and the type of the preparation used. A multi-site of action of diazepam may provide an explanation for some of the anomalies reported in the literature.  相似文献   

《Journal of Physiology》1998,92(3-4):167-172
Formation of the skeletal neuromuscular junction is a multi-step process that requires communication between the nerve and muscle. Studies in many laboratories have led to identification of factors that seem likely to mediate these interactions. ‘Knock-out’ mice have now been generated with mutations in several genes that encode candidate transsynaptic messengers and components of their effector mechanisms. Using these mice, it is possible to test hypotheses about the control of synaptogenesis. Here, we review our studies on neuromuscular development in mutant mice lacking agrin αCGRP, rapsyn, MuSK, dystrophin, dystrobrevin, utrophin, laminin α5, laminin β2, collagen α3(IV), the acetylcholine receptor ε subunit, the collagenous tail of acetycholinesterase, fibroblast growth factor-5, the neural cell adhesion molecule, and tenascin-C.  相似文献   

Although the precise function of utrophin at the postsynaptic membrane of the neuromuscular junction still remains unclear, despite recent genetic ‘knockout’ experiments(1,2), a separate study in a transgenic mouse model system for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) has nonetheless shown that overexpression of utrophin into extrasynaptic regions of muscle fibers can functionally compensate for the lack of dystrophin and alleviate the muscle pathology(3). In this context, the next step is to identify the mechanisms presiding over expression of utrophin at the neuromuscular synapse in attempts to induce its expression throughout DMD muscle fibers. In fact, additional studies have shown that an important DNA element contained with the utrophin promoter may confer synapse-specific expression to the utrophin gene(4,5). Identification of the events culminating in the transaction of the utrophin gene within synaptic myonuclei should provide important cues for the development of an effective therapeutic strategy for DMD.  相似文献   

Activity and synapse elimination at the neuromuscular junction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The neuromuscular junction undergoes a loss of synaptic connections during early development. This loss converts the innervation of each muscle fiber from polyneuronal to single. During this change the number of motor neurons remains constant but the number of muscle fibers innervated by each motor neuron is reduced. Evidence indicates that a local competition among the inputs on each muscle fiber determines which inputs are eliminated. The role of synapse elimination in the development of neuromuscular circuits, other than ensuring a single innervation of each fiber, is unclear. Most evidence suggests that the elimination plays little or no role in correcting for errant connections. Rather, it seems that connections are initially highly specific, in terms of both which motor neurons connect to which muscles and which neurons connect to which particular fibers within these muscles. A number of attempts have been made to determine the importance of neuromuscular activity during early development for this rearrangement of synaptic connections. Experiments reducing neuromuscular activity by muscle tenotomy, deafferentation and spinal cord section, block of nerve impulse conduction with tetrodotoxin, and the use of postsynaptic and presynaptic blocking agents have all shown that normal activity is required for normal synapse elimination. Most experiments in which complete muscle paralysis has been achieved show that activity may be essential for the occurrence of synapse elimination. Furthermore, experiments in which neuromuscular activity has been augmented by external stimulation show that synapse elimination is accelerated. A plausible hypothesis to explain the activity dependence of neuromuscular synapse elimination is that a neuromuscular trophic agent is produced by the muscle fibers and that this production is controlled by muscle-fiber activity. The terminals on each fiber compete for the substance produced by that fiber. Inactive fibers produce large quantities of this substance; on the other hand, muscle activity suppresses the level of synthesis of this agent to the point where only a single synaptic terminal can be maintained. Inactive muscle fibers would be expected to be able to maintain more nerve terminals. The attractiveness of this scheme is that it provides a simple feedback mechanism to ensure that each fiber retains a single effective input.  相似文献   

The time course of carbachol-induced desensitization onset and recovery of sensitivity after desenitization have been compared at the frog neuromuscular junction. The activation-desensitization sequence was determined from input conductance measurements using potassium-depolarized muscle preparations. Both desensitization onset and recovery from desensitization could be adequately described by single time constant expressions, with tauonset being considerably shorter than taurecovery. In nine experiments, tauonset was 13+/-1.3 s and taurecovery was 424+/-51 s with 1 mM carbachol. Elevating the external calcium or carbachol concentration accelerated desensitization onset without changing the recovery of sensitivity after equilibrium desensitization. Desensitization onset was accelerated by a prior activation-desensitization sequence to an extent determined by the recovery interval that followed the initial carbachol application. The time course of return of tauonset was closely parallel to, but slower than the time course of recovery of sensitivity. These results are consistent with a cyclic model in which intracellular calcium is a factor controlling the rate of development of desensitization.  相似文献   

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