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The abundance and inherent potential for variations in simple sequence repeats (SSRs) or microsatellites resulted in valuable source for genetic markers in eukaryotes. We describe the organization and abundance of SSRs in fungus Fusarium graminearum (causative agent for Fusarium head blight or head scab of wheat). We identified 1705 SSRs of various nucleotide repeat motifs in the sequence database of F. graminearum. It is observed that mononucleotide repeats (62%) were most abundant followed by di- (20%) and trinucleotide repeats (14%). It is noted that tetra-, penta- and hexanucleotide repeats accounted for only 4% of SSRs. The estimated frequency of Class I SSRs (perfect repeats ≥20 nucleotides) was one SSR per 124.5 kb, whereas the frequency of Class II (perfect repeats >10 nucleotides and ≫20 nucleotides) was one SSR per 25.6 kb. The dynamics of SSRs will be a powerful tool for taxonomic, phylogenetic, genome mapping and population genetic studies as SSR based markers show high levels of allelic variation, codominant inheritance and ease of analysis.  相似文献   



Genome comparisons between closely related species often show non-conserved regions across chromosomes. Some of them are located in specific regions of chromosomes and some are even confined to one or more entire chromosomes. The origin and biological relevance of these non-conserved regions are still largely unknown. Here we used the genome of Fusarium graminearum to elucidate the significance of non-conserved regions.


The genome of F. graminearum harbours thirteen non-conserved regions dispersed over all of the four chromosomes. Using RNA-Seq data from the mycelium of F. graminearum, we found weakly expressed regions on all of the four chromosomes that exactly matched with non-conserved regions. Comparison of gene expression between two different developmental stages (conidia and mycelium) showed that the expression of genes in conserved regions is stable, while gene expression in non-conserved regions is much more influenced by developmental stage. In addition, genes involved in the production of secondary metabolites and secreted proteins are enriched in non-conserved regions, suggesting that these regions could also be important for adaptations to new environments, including adaptation to new hosts. Finally, we found evidence that non-conserved regions are generated by sequestration of genes from multiple locations. Gene relocations may lead to clustering of genes with similar expression patterns or similar biological functions, which was clearly exemplified by the PKS2 gene cluster.


Our results showed that chromosomes can be functionally divided into conserved and non-conserved regions, and both could have specific and distinct roles in genome evolution and regulation of gene expression.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-191) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Two genes encoding family 11 endo-beta-1,4-xylanases (XylA, XylB) from Fusarium graminearum were cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The amount of active endoxylanase in the cytoplasmic soluble fraction was considerably improved by varying different expression parameters, including host strain and temperature during induction. Both recombinant endoxylanases showed a temperature optimum around 35 degrees C and neutral pH optima (around pH 7 and 8 for XylB and XylA, respectively). For the first time this allowed one to test endoxylanases of a phytopathogenic organism for inhibition by proteinaceous endoxylanase inhibitors TAXI and XIP. Whereas XylA and XylB were inhibited by TAXI-I, no inhibition activity could be detected upon incubation with XIP-I. The insensitivity of both F. graminearum endoxylanases towards XIP is surprising, since the latter is typically active against endoxylanases produced by (aerobic) fungi. As F. graminearum is an important phytopathogen, these findings have implications for the role of endoxylanase inhibitors in plant defence.  相似文献   

Fusarium head blight (FHB) of wheat, caused by Fusarium graminearum and other Fusarium species, is a major disease problem for wheat production worldwide. To combat this problem, large-scale breeding efforts have been established. Although progress has been made through standard breeding approaches, the level of resistance attained is insufficient to withstand epidemic conditions. Genetic engineering provides an alternative approach to enhance the level of resistance. Many defense response genes are induced in wheat during F. graminearum infection and may play a role in reducing FHB. The objectives of this study were (1) to develop transgenic wheat overexpressing the defense response genes α-1-purothionin, thaumatin-like protein 1 (tlp-1), and β-1,3-glucanase; and (2) to test the resultant transgenic wheat lines against F. graminearum infection under greenhouse and field conditions. Using the wheat cultivar Bobwhite, we developed one, two, and four lines carrying the α-1-purothionin, tlp-1, and β-1,3-glucanase transgenes, respectively, that had statistically significant reductions in FHB severity in greenhouse evaluations. We tested these seven transgenic lines under field conditions for percent FHB disease severity, deoxynivalenol (DON) mycotoxin accumulation, and percent visually scabby kernels (VSK). Six of the seven lines differed from the nontransgenic parental Bobwhite line for at least one of the disease traits. A β-1,3-glucanase transgenic line had enhanced resistance, showing lower FHB severity, DON concentration, and percent VSK compared to Bobwhite. Taken together, the results showed that overexpression of defense response genes in wheat could enhance the FHB resistance in both greenhouse and field conditions.  相似文献   

Fusarium head blight (FHB), caused primarily by Fusarium graminearum, is a major disease problem in wheat (Triticum aestivum). Genetic engineering holds significant potential to enhance FHB resistance in wheat. Due to the requirement of screening for FHB resistance on flowers at anthesis, the number of screens carried out in a year is limited. Our objective was to evaluate the feasibility of using the rapid-maturing dwarf wheat cultivar Apogee as an alternative genotype for transgenic FHB resistance research. Our transformation efficiency (number of transgenic plants/number of embryos) for Apogee was 1.33%. Apogee was also found to exhibit high FHB susceptibility and reached anthesis within 4 weeks. Interestingly, microsatellite marker haplotype analysis of the chromosome 3BS FHB resistant quantitative trait locus (QTL) region indicated that this region maybe deleted in Apogee. Our results indicate that Apogee is particularly well suited for accelerating transgenic FHB resistance research and transgenic wheat research in general. C.A. Mackintosh and D.F. Garvin contributed equally to the article and should be considered co-first authors  相似文献   

Fusarium graminearum is associated with the cereal damping-off complex which reduces germination, seedling stand and yield. Fifty-two bacterial strains and six Trichoderma spp. isolated from the wheat rhizosphere were evaluated for biocontrol of seedling blight of wheat caused by F. graminearum. Their potential as biocontrol agents was tested in vitro and in the greenhouse. Isolates varied in their ability to inhibit the mycelial growth of F. graminearum in agar plate bioassays by 0–79%. This parameter was not related with biocontrol efficacy of in vivo assays. In greenhouse trials, all isolates were initially evaluated for reducing disease on wheat cultivars Klein Centauro (moderately resistant to F. graminearum) and Pro INTA Oasis (susceptible) planted in sterilized soil artificially infested with the pathogen. Among the 25 bacteria and six fungal isolates that exhibited a pronounced suppressive effect, the most efficient 10 for both cultivars were further assayed on eight cultivars (Buck Candil, Buck Catriel, Buck Chambergo, Buck Poncho, Buck Topacio, Klein Cacique, Klein Centauro and Pro INTA Oasis) potted in cultivated–inoculated soil. Three weeks after sowing, plant stand, percentage of diseased emerging seedlings, plant height and dry weight were evaluated. Among the antagonists only Stenotrophomonas maltophilia was significantly better than the control for the average of the eight cultivars for plant stand, height and dry weight. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia also caused a non-significant decrease in the percentage of diseased plants. Three strains of Bacillus cereus and one isolate of Trichoderma harzianum gave also a good control in some cultivars. The ability of these isolates to affect the infection of wheat seedlings by F. graminearum may be of potential value in field trials.  相似文献   

Fusarium graminearum is one of the main causal agents of Fusarium Ear Blight on wheat. How the pathogen colonises the entire ear is not known. There is controversy over whether this mycotoxin producing pathogenic fungus invades wheat floral tissue using a necrotrophic or another mode of nutrition. A detailed microscopic investigation has revealed how wild-type fungal hyphae, of the sequenced strain PH-1, colonised susceptible wheat ears and spread from spikelet to spikelet. At the advancing infection front, colonisation of the host cortex occurred ahead of any vascular colonisation and the hyphae adapted to the available intercellular space between host cells. Intercellular hyphae then became abundant and host cells lost their entire cellular contents just prior to intracellular colonisation. No host cells died ahead of the infection. However, while these deep cortex infections progressed, just below the surface the highly photosynthetic chlorenchyma cells were observed to have died prior to colonisation. Behind the infection front, hyphae were abundant in the vasculature and the cortex, often growing through the pit fields of thick walled cells. This high level of inter- and intracellular fungal colonisation resulted in the collapse of the non-lignified cell-types. In this middle zone of infection, hyphal diameters were considerably enlarged. Far behind the infection front inter- and intracellular hyphae were devoid of contents and had often collapsed. At later stages of infection, the pathogen switched from predominately vertical to lateral growth and accumulated below the surface of the rachis. Here the lignified host cell walls became heavily degraded and hyphae ruptured the epidermis and produced an aerial mycelium.  相似文献   

The transfer of genes between Triticum aestivum (hexaploid bread wheat) and T. turgidum (tetraploid durum wheat) holds considerable potential for genetic improvement of both these closely related species. Five different T. aestivum/T. turgidum ssp. durum crosses were investigated using Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT) markers to determine the inheritance of parental A, B and D genome material in subsequent generations derived from these crosses. The proportions of A, B and D chromosomal segments inherited from the hexaploid parent were found to vary significantly among individual crosses. F(2) populations retained widely varying quantities of D genome material, ranging from 99% to none. The relative inheritance of bread wheat and durum alleles in the A and B genomes of derived lines also varied among the crosses. Within any one cross, progeny without D chromosomes in general had significantly more A and B genome durum alleles than lines retaining D chromosomes. The ability to select for and manipulate this non-random segregation in bread wheat/durum crosses will assist in efficient backcrossing of selected characters into the recurrent durum or hexaploid genotype of choice. This study illustrates the utility of DArT markers in the study of inter-specific crosses to commercial crop species.  相似文献   

Trail F  Xu H 《Phytochemistry》2002,61(7):791-796
The mannitol-2-dehydrogenase (MtDH) from Gibberella zeae was purified and the corresponding cDNA identified. Purification of MtDH was accomplished using a combination of ammonium sulfate fractionation, anion exchange and dye-ligand chromatography. Final purification was achieved following electroelution from a native gel. Molecular mass determination based on SDS-PAGE indicated that the denatured protein was 29 kDa. Native protein mass was determined to be 110 kDa using gel permeation chromatography, indicating a tetrameric form. The pH optima for mannitol oxidation and fructose reductase activities were 9.0, and 7.0, respectively. Activity with sorbitol as the substrate was 21% of activity with mannitol. Kinetic parameters were determined by direct-linear plots of enzyme activity vs. substrate concentrations. Fructose concentrations above 600 mM and NADPH concentrations above 0.3 mM caused substrate inhibition. Comparisons of predicted amino acid sequences of several fungal MtDHs indicated high conservation within the phyla. A possible role for MtDH in generation of turgor pressure for forcible ascospore discharge is discussed.  相似文献   



Identifying pathogen virulence genes required to cause disease is crucial to understand the mechanisms underlying the pathogenic process. Plasmid insertion mutagenesis of fungal protoplasts is frequently used for this purpose in filamentous ascomycetes. Post transformation, the mutant population is screened for loss of virulence to a specific plant or animal host. Identifying the insertion event has previously met with varying degrees of success, from a cleanly disrupted gene with minimal deletion of nucleotides at the insertion point to multiple-copy insertion events and large deletions of chromosomal regions. Currently, extensive mutant collections exist in laboratories globally where it was hitherto impossible to identify all the affected genes.


We used a whole-genome sequencing (WGS) approach using Illumina HiSeq 2000 technology to investigate DNA tag insertion points and chromosomal deletion events in mutagenised, reduced virulence F. graminearum isolates identified in disease tests on wheat (Triticum aestivum). We developed the FindInsertSeq workflow to localise the DNA tag insertions to the nucleotide level. The workflow was tested using four mutants showing evidence of single and multi-copy insertions in DNA blot analysis. FindInsertSeq was able to identify both single and multi-copy concatenation insertion sites. By comparing sequencing coverage, unexpected molecular recombination events such as large tagged and untagged chromosomal deletions, and DNA amplification were observed in three of the analysed mutants. A random data sampling approach revealed the minimum genome coverage required to survey the F. graminearum genome for alterations.


This study demonstrates that whole-genome re-sequencing to 22x fold genome coverage is an efficient tool to characterise single and multi-copy insertion mutants in the filamentous ascomycete Fusarium graminearum. In some cases insertion events are accompanied with large untagged chromosomal deletions while in other cases a straight-forward insertion event could be confirmed. The FindInsertSeq analysis workflow presented in this study enables researchers to efficiently characterise insertion and deletion mutants.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1412-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Wu AB  Li HP  Zhao CS  Liao YC 《Mycopathologia》2005,160(1):75-83
Fusarium head blight (FHB) or scab caused by Fusarium species is an economically important disease on small grain cereal crops worldwide. Accurate assessments of the pathogenicity of fungal isolates is a key obstacle toward a better understanding of the Fusarium-wheat scab system. In this study, a new laboratory method for inoculation of wheat coleoptiles was developed, which consists of cutting off the coleoptile apex, covering the cut apex with a piece of filter paper soaked in conidial suspension, and measuring the lengths of brown lesions 7 days post inoculation. After coleoptile inoculation, distinct brown lesions in the diseased stems were observed, in which the presence of the fungus was verified by PCR amplification with F.␣graminearum Schwable-specific primers. Coleoptile inoculation of six wheat varieties indicated that a highly susceptible wheat variety was more suitable as a differentiating host for the pathogenicity assay. Analysis of the coleoptiles inoculated with a set of 58 different isolates of F. graminearum showed a significant difference in the lengths of the lesions, forming the basis by which pathogenicity of the isolates was assessed. Field inoculation of florets of three wheat varieties over 2 years revealed significant differences in pathogenicity among the 58 isolates, and that the highly resistant and highly susceptible wheat varieties were more appropriate and stable for pathogenicity assessment in field trials. Comparative analyses of eight inoculation experiments of wheat with 58 F. graminearum isolates showed significant direct linear correlations (P<0.001) between coleoptile and floret inoculations. These results indicate that the wheat coleoptile inoculation is a simple, rapid and reliable method for pathogenicity studies of F.␣graminearum in wheat.  相似文献   

Fusarium graminearum trichothecene producing isolates can be broadly divided into two chemotypes based on the production of the 8- ketotrichothecenes deoxynivalenol (DON) and nivalenol (NIV). Functional Tri13 gene required for the production of NIV and 4- acetyl NIV, whereas in the isolates producing DON and its acetylated derivates, this gene is nonfunctional. In this study, a total of 57 isolates from different fields of Mazandaran province, Iran were identified as F. graminearum using classical methods and species specific primers. In order to assess the potential of isolates to produce NIV or DON, we used PCR to determine whether isolates carried a functional or nonfunctional Tri13 gene. Out of the 57 tested F. graminearum isolates with Tri13 PCR assays, 46 yielded an amplicon similar to the size predicted for nivalenol production, while 11 yielded an amplicon similar to the size predicted for deoxynivalenol production. From regions where more than one F. graminearum isolate was obtained, isolates were not exclusively of a single chemotype. It seems that genetic diversity among the isolates has relation with geographical region and wheat cultivar. The assay can provide information about the distribution of Tri13 haplotype that can be used in tracing of trichothecene contaminated samples.  相似文献   

In previous greenhouse and laboratory studies, citrus seedlings infested with the citrus nematode Tylenchulus semipenetrans and later inoculated with the fungus Phylophthora nicotianae grew larger and contained less fungal protein in root tissues than plants infected by only the fungus, demonstrating antagonism of the nematode to the fungus. In this study, we determined whether eggs of the citrus nematode T. semipenetrans and root-knot nematode Meloidogyne arenaria affected mycelial growth of P. nicotianae and Fusarium solani in vitro. Approximately 35,000 live or heat-killed (60°C, 10 minutes) eggs of each nematode species were surface-sterilized with cupric sulfate, mercuric chloride, and streptomycin sulfate and placed in 5-pl drops onto the center of nutrient agar plates. Nutrient agar plugs from actively growing colonies of P. nicotianae or F. solani were placed on top of the eggs for 48 hours after which fungal colony growth was determined. Live citrus nematode eggs suppressed mycelial growth of P. nicotianae and F. solani (P ≤ 0.05) compared to heat-killed eggs and water controls. Reaction of the fungi to heat-killed eggs was variable. Root-knot nematode eggs had no effect on either P. nicotianae or F. solani mycelial growth. The experiment demonstrated a species-specific, direct effect of the eggs of the citrus nematode on P, nicotianae and F. solani.  相似文献   

In greenhouse experiments, broadleaf tobacco plants were inoculated with tobacco cyst (Globodera tabacum tabacum) or root-knot (Meloidogyne hapla) nematodes 3, 2, or 1 week before or at the same time as Fusarium oxysporum. Plants infected with nematodes prior to fungal inoculation had greater Fusarium wilt incidence and severity than those simultaneously inoculated. G. t. tabacum increased wilt incidence and severity more than did M. hapla. Mechanical root wounding within 1 week of F. oxysporum inoculation increased wilt severity. In field experiments, early-season G. t. tabacum control by preplant soil application of oxamyl indirectly limited the incidence and severity of wilt. Wilt incidence was 48%, 23%, and 8% in 1989 and 64%, 60%, and 19% in 1990 for 0.0, 2.2, and 6.7 kg oxamyl/ha, respectively. Early infection of tobacco by G. t. tabacum predisposed broadleaf tobacco to wilt by F. oxysporum.  相似文献   

This report investigated FgSit1, which encodes a putative ferrichrome transporter of Fusarium graminearum. The identity of the deduced amino acid sequence of FgSit1 with the amino acid sequence of ScArn1p, an FC-Fe(3+) transporter of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was 51%; both the growth defect related to the Deltafet3Deltaarn1-4 strain of S. cerevisiae in an iron-depleted condition and the FC-Fe(3+) uptake activity were recovered upon the introduction of FgSit1 into the Deltafet3Deltaarn1-4 strain. Although ScArn1p was found in the late endosomal compartment in S. cerevisiae, FgSit1 was found on the plasma membrane in S. cerevisiae; when FgSit1 was expressed exogenously in S. cerevisiae, it showed greater FC-Fe(3+) uptake activity than did ScArn1p. Additionally, in F. graminearum FC-Fe(3+) uptake activity in the Deltafgsit1 strain was found to be one-fourth that of the wild-type. However, Fe(3+) uptake activity in the Deltafgsit1 strain was 5-fold higher than that of wild-type; the gene expression of FgFtr1, a putative iron transporter, was induced by the deletion of FgSit1, but was not induced by the deletion of FgSit2. Taken together, these results strongly suggest that FgSit1 encodes a putative FC-Fe(3+) transporter that mediates FC-Fe(3+) uptake using a different mechanism than ScArn1p and plays an important role in the regulation of cellular iron availability in F. graminearum.  相似文献   

In a field experiment, nematicides controlled the disease of sugarbeets caused by Heterodera schachtii and Fusarium oxysporum. Biocides that were both fungicidal and nematicidal also controlled the disease, but sugar yields were no higher than those obtained with the plain nematicides. In greenhouse experiments, the interaction between H. schachtii and F. oxysporam was disadvantageous to the nematode. Damage to sugarbeets was less when the fungus and the nematode were present than when only the nematode was present. The fungus inhibited nematode invasion and development in sugarbeet seedlings, thereby decreasing the number of nematodes that matured about 3-fold.  相似文献   



The white mold fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is a devastating necrotrophic plant pathogen with a remarkably broad host range. The interaction of necrotrophs with their hosts is more complex than initially thought, and still poorly understood.


We combined bioinformatics approaches to determine the repertoire of S. sclerotiorum effector candidates and conducted detailed sequence and expression analyses on selected candidates. We identified 486 S. sclerotiorum secreted protein genes expressed in planta, many of which have no predicted enzymatic activity and may be involved in the interaction between the fungus and its hosts. We focused on those showing (i) protein domains and motifs found in known fungal effectors, (ii) signatures of positive selection, (iii) recent gene duplication, or (iv) being S. sclerotiorum-specific. We identified 78 effector candidates based on these properties. We analyzed the expression pattern of 16 representative effector candidate genes on four host plants and revealed diverse expression patterns.


These results reveal diverse predicted functions and expression patterns in the repertoire of S. sclerotiorum effector candidates. They will facilitate the functional analysis of fungal pathogenicity determinants and should prove useful in the search for plant quantitative disease resistance components active against the white mold.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-336) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The burrowing nematode Radopholus similis is one of the major constraints to banana (Musa spp.) production worldwide. Resource-poor farmers can potentially manage R. similis by using naturally occurring banana endophytes, such as nonpathogenic Fusarium oxysporum, that are inoculated into tissue culture banana plantlets. At present, it is unclear at what stage in the R. similis infection process the endophytes are most effective. In this study, the effect of three endophytic F. oxysporum isolates (V5w2, Eny1.31i and Eny7.11o) on R. similis host preference of either endophyte-treated or untreated banana plants was investigated. No differences were observed between the proportion of nematodes attracted to either root segments excised from endophyte-treated or untreated plants, or in experiments using endophyte-treated and untreated tissue culture banana plantlets. These results imply that the early processes of banana plant host recognition by R. similis are not affected by endophyte infection.  相似文献   

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