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 The vertebrate Hox genes have been shown to confer regional identity along the anteroposterior axis of the developing embryo, especially within the central nervous system (CNS) and the paraxial mesoderm. The notochord has been shown to play vital roles in patterning adjacent tissues along both the dorsoventral and mediolateral axes. However, the notochord’s role in imparting anteroposterior information to adjacent structures is less well understood, especially as the notochord shows no morphological distinctions along the anteroposterior axis and is not generally described as a segmental or compartmentalized structure. Here we report that four zebrafish hox genes: hoxb1, hoxb5, hoxc6 and hoxc8 are regionally expressed along the anteroposterior extent of the developing notochord. Notochord expression for each gene is transient, but maintains a definite, gene-specific anterior limit throughout its duration. The hox gene expression in the zebrafish notochord is spatially colinear with those genes lying most 3’ in the hox clusters having the most anterior limits. The expression patterns of these hox cluster genes in the zebrafish are the most direct molecular evidence for a system of anteroposterior regionalization of the notochord in any vertebrate studied to date. Received: 30 March 1998 / Accepted: 16 June 1998  相似文献   

In Ciona intestinalis, sperm penetration through the egg vitelline coat is an essential event of fertilization. We investigated whether trypsin- and chymotrypsin-like enzymes are involved in this event. Inhibitors and peptide substrates for chymotrypsin-like enzymes blocked the overall process of fertilization in a concentration-dependent manner. The inhibitory activity was specifically exerted on the step of sperm penetration. Chymotrypsin-like protease activity was identified in spermatozoa with the fluorogenic synthetic substrate Suc-Ala-Ala-Phe-AMC, which was the most effective substrate in blocking sperm penetration. These data indicate that a chymotrypsin-like protease activity is a sperm lysin of Ciona intestinalis.  相似文献   

 With the use of the monoclonal antibody UA301, which specifically recognizes the nervous system in ascidian larvae, the neuronal connections of the peripheral and central nervous systems in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis were observed. Three types of peripheral nervous system neurons were found: two located in the larval trunk and the other in the larval tail. These neurons were epidermal and their axons extended to the central nervous system and connected with the visceral ganglion directly or indirectly. The most rostral system (rostral trunk epidermal neurons, RTEN) was distributed bilateral-symmetrically. In addition, presumptive papillar neurons in palps were found which might be related to the RTEN. Another neuron group (apical trunk epidermal neurons, ATEN) was located in the apical part of the trunk. The caudal peripheral nervous system (caudal epidermal neurons, CEN) was located at the dorsal and ventral midline of the caudal epidermis. In the larval central nervous system, two major axon bundles were observed: one was of a photoreceptor complex and the other was connected with RTEN. These axon bundles joined in the posterior sensory vesicle, ran posteriorly through the visceral ganglion and branched into two caudal nerves which ran along the lateral walls of the caudal nerve tube. In addition, some immunopositive cells existed in the most proximal part of the caudal nerve tube and may be motoneurons. Received: 8 September 1997 / Accepted: 14 December 1997  相似文献   

The sensory vesicle of ascidians is thought to be homologous to the vertebrate forebrain and midbrain (Development 125 (1998) 1113). Here we report the isolation of two sensory vesicle markers in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis, which are homologs of vertebrate otx and gsx homeobox genes. By using these markers to analyze the induction of anterior neural tissue in Ciona, we find that the restriction of anterior neural fate to the progeny of the anterior animal blastomeres is due to a combination of two factors. The vegetal blastomeres show a differential inducing activity along the anterior-posterior axis, while the competence to respond to this inducing signal is markedly higher in the anterior animal blastomeres than in the posterior animal blastomeres. This differential competence to respond is also observed in response to bFGF, a candidate neural inducer in ascidians (J. Physiol. 511.2 (1998) 347) and can be detected by the gastrula stage. Our results, however, indicate that bFGF can only induce a subset of the responses of the endogenous inducer, suggesting that additional signals in the embryo are necessary to induce a fully patterned nervous system.  相似文献   

In vertebrate embryogenesis, many Wnt genes are expressed in the neural tube and play important roles in regional specifications. There are many subfamilies of Wnt, and each subfamily shows distinct expression patterns in the neural tube. Ascidian larvae have a dorsal hollow neural tube similar to that of vertebrates. To date, the degree of correspondence between regionality of the neural tubes of ascidians and vertebrates remains unclear. To compare cellular differences in neural tubes, Wnt genes can be used as molecular probes. We report here that a new member of the ascidian Wnt gene family, HrWnt-7, was expressed in the tail neural tube at the early tailbud stage. Moreover, in cross-section, HrWnt-7 was expressed in the dorsal and ventral ependymal cells. Received: 14 July 2000 / Accepted: 1 August 2000  相似文献   

 We have cloned, from an oribatid mite, a gene homologous to the zerknült (zen) genes of insects and the Hox 3 genes of vertebrates. Hox genes specify cell fates in specific regions of the body in all metazoans studied and are expressed in antero-posteriorly restricted regions of the embryo. This is true of the vertebrate Hox 3 but not of the zen genes, the insect homologs, and it has been proposed that the zen genes have lost their Hox-like function in the ancestor of the insects. We studied expression of a mite Hox 3/zen homolog and found that it is expressed in a discrete antero-posterior region of the body with an anterior boundary coinciding with that of the chelicerate homolog of the Drosophila Hox gene, proboscipedia, and propose that its loss of Hox function in insects is due to functional redundancy due to this overlap with another Hox gene. Received: 23 April 1998 / Accepted: 25 August 1998  相似文献   

The Ci-Dll-B gene is an early regulator of ectodermal development in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis (Imai et al., 2006). Ci-Dll-B is located in a convergently transcribed bigene cluster with a tandem duplicate, Ci-Dll-A. This clustered genomic arrangement is the same as those of the homologous vertebrate Dlx genes, which are also arranged in convergently transcribed bigene clusters. Sequence analysis of the C. intestinalis Dll-A-B cluster reveals a 378 bp region upstream of Ci-Dll-B, termed B1, which is highly conserved with the corresponding region from the congener Ciona savignyi. The B1 element is necessary and sufficient to drive expression of a lacZ reporter gene in a pattern mimicking the endogenous expression of Ci-Dll-B at gastrula stages. This expression pattern which is specific to the entire animal hemisphere is activated preferentially in posterior, or b-lineage, cells by a central portion of B1. Expression in anterior, or a-lineage cells, can be activated by this central portion in combination with the distal part of B1. Anterior expression can also be activated by the central part of B1 plus both the proximal part of B1 and non-conserved sequence upstream of B1. Thus, cis-regulation of early Ci-Dll-B expression is activated by a required submodule in the center of B1, driving posterior expression, which works in combination with redundant submodules that respond to differentially localized anterior factors to produce the total animal hemisphere expression pattern. Interestingly, the intergenic region of the cluster, which is important for expression of the Dlx genes in vertebrates, does not have a specific activating function in the reporter genes tested, but acts as an attenuator in combination with upstream sequences.  相似文献   

The larvae of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis from which the chorion with the test cells and follicle cells were removed developed normally without the test cells until the early tailbud stage. A number of round-shaped cells morphologically similar to the test cells but with different lectin affinities and autofluorescence, then appeared on the neck region of the demembranated embryos. The new cells had three different types: round, particulate, and granular, and these cells increased in number after the late tailbud stage. The morphology of the adhesive papillae, tunic layers and epidermis of the demembranated larvae was similar to that of control larvae; however, the affinity to lectins was different in the swimming period. Control larvae attached to the substratum after the swimming period, resorbed the tail completely and underwent rotation of the visceral organs. Conversely, rotation occurred before completion of tail resorption in the demembranated larvae. Furthermore, the metamorphic events progressed more slowly in the demembranated larvae. These results suggest that the test cells play important roles in normal development and morphogenesis of ascidian larvae. Received: 4 December 1998 / Accepted: 9 April 1999  相似文献   

Summary For the purpose used in understanding thyroid phylogenesis, the fine structure and the iodine metabolism of the endostyle of Ascidians,Ciona intestinalis, was studied by electron microscopy and electron microscopic autoradiography. There are 8 kinds of zones in the endostyle.Zone 1, 3, and 5 cells, especially zone 1 cells, are characterized by numerous long cilia. These cells which show no indications of protein-secretion but numerous small vesicles and cytoplasmic filaments might play a role in catching and transporting food, absorption of liquid and supporting the endostylar construction.Zone 2, 4, and 6 cells are large and characterized by well developed rough endoplasmic reticulum and numerous electron-dense secretory granules which are considered to be synthesized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and transported to the Golgi apparatus to mature. They, which are somewhat similar to the pancreatic exocrine cells in fine structure, are believed to secrete the proteinous or mucoproteinous substances which might be related to the digestion of food.Zone 7 and 8 cells which might be homologous to the thyroid cell of the higher vertebrate contains poorly developed rough endoplasmic reticulum, small Golgi apparatus, a few multivesicular bodies, a few lysosomes, and numerous small vesicles. In addition zone 8 cells bear cilia on their apical surface. The cytoplasmic characteristics of these cell types, especially of zone 8 cells, are fairly similar to those of type 2C and type 3 cells of the endostyle of a larval lamprey, though the rough endoplasmic reticulum is not so well developed. By electron microscopic autoradiography numerous silver grains were observed on the apical cell membrane region of zone 7 and 8 cells, especially of zone 8 cells, 1, 4, 6, 16 and 24 hours after immersion in sea water containing125I. This fact suggests that the iodination takes place in the apical cell membrane region of these cells. The materials in the endostylar lumen is washed away during the fixation and dehydrating processes of the tissue. Therefore, the possibility of iodination of thyroglobulin-like substances taking place within the endostylar lumen cannot be ruled out. Grains were also found in the multivesicular bodies and lysosomes after 4, 6, 16 and 24 hours, especially 16 and 24 hours. It seems that the organic iodine might be reabsorbed into the cytoplasm of these cells.This investigation was supported by research grant from Dr. Henry C. Buswell Research Fellowship.On leave from Department of Anatomy, Hiroshima University, School of Medicine, as a Visiting Research Professor. The authors wish to express their hearty thanks to Dr. Oliver P. Jones for his valuable criticism.  相似文献   

 The Suppressor of fused [Su(fu)] gene of Drosophila melanogaster encodes a protein containing a PEST sequence [sequence enriched in proline (P), glutamic acid (E), serine (S) and threonine (T)] which acts as an antagonist to the serine-threonine kinase Fused in Hedgehog (Hh) signal transduction during embryogenesis. The Su(fu) gene isolated from a distantly related Drosophila species, D. virilis, shows significantly high homology throughout its protein sequence with its D. melanogaster counterpart. We show that these two Drosophila homologs of Su(fu) are functionally interchangeable in enhancing the fused phenotype. We have also isolated mammalian homologs of Su(fu). The absence of the PEST sequence in the mammalian Su(fu) protein suggests a different regulation for this product between fly and vertebrates. Using the yeast two-hybrid method, we show that the murine Su(fu) protein can interact directly with the Fused and Cubitus interruptus proteins, known partners of Su(fu) in Drosophila. These data are discussed in the light of their evolutionary relationships. Received: 11 September 1998 / Accepted: 9 December 1998  相似文献   

 We present evidence to show that the KEULE gene of Arabidopsis is involved in cytokinesis. Mutant keule embryos have large multinucleate cells with gapped or incomplete cross walls, as well as cell wall stubs that are very similar to those observed upon caffeine inhibition of cytokinesis in plants. These defects are observed in all populations of dividing cells in the mutant, including calli, but less frequently in mature cells. Cell division appears to be slowed down, and the planes of cell division are often misoriented. In late embryos and seedlings, cross-wall formation usually appears complete, suggesting that the requirement for KEULE during cytokinesis is not absolute. Nonetheless, keule mutants die as seedlings with large polyploid cells. The bloated surface layer of keule seedlings does not uniformly behave like wild-type epidermis, and patches of this layer assume characteristics of the underlying ground tissue. The cytokinesis defect of keule mutants may influence aspects of cellular differentiation. Received: 24 April 1996 / Accepted: 11 June 1996  相似文献   

 After tail amputation in urodele amphibians, dramatic changes appear in the spinal cord rostral to the amputation level. Transection induces a proliferation response in cells lining the ependymal canal, giving rise to an ependymal tube in which neurogenesis occurs. Using the thymidine analog bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) in short- and long-term labeling of cells undergoing DNA synthesis (S phase of the cell cycle), specific cell markers, and cell cultures, we show that neurons derive from the proliferative ependymal layer of the ependymal tube. Received: 30 November 1998 / Accepted: 22 December 1998  相似文献   

Luo B  Xue XY  Hu WL  Wang LJ  Chen XY 《Plant & cell physiology》2007,48(12):1790-1802
Cuticle, including wax and cutin, is the barrier covering plant aerial organs and protecting the inner tissues. The Arabidopsis thaliana ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter CER5 (AtWBC12) has been identified as a wax exporter. In agreement with the latest report of another wax exporter, AtWBC11, here we show that atwbc11 mutants displayed organ fusions and stunted growth, and became vulnerable to chlorophyll leaching and toluidine blue staining. Chemical analysis showed that wax and cutin monomers were both reduced in the atwbc11 mutant. AtWBC11 was widely expressed in aerial organs. Interestingly, we found that the expression was light dependent, and the phytohormone ABA up-regulated AtWBC11 expression. We also found that while the AtWBC11 promoter had a broad pattern of activity, the expression was converted to epidermis specific when the reporter gene was fused to AtWBC11 cDNA. Furthermore, RNA blot analysis supported epidermis-specific expression of AtWBC11. Our results support that AtWBC11 is involved in cuticle development.  相似文献   

 Carbon and nitrogen regulation of UBI4, the stress-inducible polyubiquitin gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was investigated using a UBI4 promoter-LacZ fusion gene (UBI4-LacZ). Expression of this gene in cells grown on different media indicated that the UBI4 promoter is more active during growth on respiratory than on fermentable carbon sources but is not subject to appreciable control by nitrogen catabolite repression. UBI4-LacZ expression was virtually identical in cells having constitutively high (ras2, sra1-13) or constitutively low (ras2) levels of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activity, indicating that this kinase does not exert a major influence on UBI4 expression. Catabolite derepression control of the UBI4 promoter was confirmed by measurements of UBI4-LacZ expression in hap mutant and wild-type strains before and after transfer from glucose to lactate. Mutagenesis of the perfect consensus for HAP2/3/4 complex binding at position −542 resulted in considerable reduction of UBI4 promoter derepression with respiratory adaptation in HAP wild-type cells and abolished the reduced UBI4-LacZ derepression normally seen when aerobic cultures of the hap1 mutant are transferred from glucose to lactate. This HAP2/3/4 binding site is therefore a major element contributing to catabolite derepression of the UBI4 promoter, although data obtained with hap1 mutant cells indicated that HAP1 also contributes to this derepression. The HAP2/3/4 and HAP1 systems are normally found to activate genes for mitochondrial (respiratory) functions. Their involvement in mediating higher activity of the UBI4 promoter during respiratory growth may reflect the contribution of UBI4 expression to tolerance of oxidative stress. Received: 3 June 1996 / Accepted: 20 August 1996  相似文献   

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