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A note on linear functions of ordered correlated normal random variables   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
NAGARAJA  H. N. 《Biometrika》1982,69(1):284-285

植物内生菌及其活性代谢产物   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
植物内生茵是一种新的微生物资源,具有潜在的应用价值。近年来,从植物内生茵中寻找新的生物活性物质的研究方兴未艾。对近年来从植物内生茵中发现的抗肿瘤、抗茵、抗病毒、杀虫、免疫抑制、抗氧化、降糖等活性化合物及其相应的产生茵的研究作一简要综述。  相似文献   

HOUGAARD  PHILIP 《Biometrika》1986,73(2):387-396

In an age-structured population that grows exponentially, each age groupP i(t) at periodt is asymptotically equivalent tox 0 t for some positive number x0. In this paper we show that the speed at which the ith age group reaches its exponential state of equilibrium can be measured by the rate at which the ratio vi(t)=Pi(t)/pi(t–1) converges tox 0. The age specific rate of convergence is determined by considering a quantityr satisfyingv i(t)-x 0 ¦ r t whent is large;R i=Infr (over all initial populations,r satisfying the above inequality) is the R-factor used in numerical analysis to measure the rate at which the sequencev i (t) converges tox 0;S i =- In Ri is then defined as the rate of convergence to stability of the ith age group. The case of constant net maternity rates is studied in detail; in this contextS 0 is compared to the population entropyH, which was proposed by Tuljapurkar (1982) as a measure of the rate of convergence to stability.  相似文献   

Three species of nectar-feeding bats migrate from tropical and subtropical Mexico into the Sonoran and Chihuahuan deserts during the spring and summer months. We examined geographic and seasonal changes in the diet of one migrant species, Leptonycteris curasoae, using carbon stable isotope techniques to determine the relative importance of C3 and CAM (Cactaceae, Agavaceae) plants in its diet. We also examined the diet of a non-migratory nectar-feeding bat, Glossophaga soricina, from southern Mexico using the same techniques. We found that L. curasoae feeds extensively or exclusively on CAM plants during migration and in the northern part of its range and feeds mostly on C3 plants in southern Mexico. This bat is a year-round resident on Baja California where it is a CAM specialist. The non-migrant G. soricina feeds mostly on C3 plants year-round. Phenological data suggest that certain species of columnar cacti and at least one group of paniculate Agaves on the Mexican mainland provide a spatio-temporally predictable nectar corridor along which nectarivorous bats may migrate in the spring and fall, respectively. Different flowering schedules of Agaves in Baja California appear to promote year-round dietary specialization and perhaps non-migratory behavior in nectar-feeding bats living there.  相似文献   

Kostal L  Lansky P  Pokora O 《PloS one》2011,6(7):e21998
During the stationary part of neuronal spiking response, the stimulus can be encoded in the firing rate, but also in the statistical structure of the interspike intervals. We propose and discuss two information-based measures of statistical dispersion of the interspike interval distribution, the entropy-based dispersion and Fisher information-based dispersion. The measures are compared with the frequently used concept of standard deviation. It is shown, that standard deviation is not well suited to quantify some aspects of dispersion that are often expected intuitively, such as the degree of randomness. The proposed dispersion measures are not entirely independent, although each describes the interspike intervals from a different point of view. The new methods are applied to common models of neuronal firing and to both simulated and experimental data.  相似文献   

Statistical inference for bounds of random variables   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
COOKE  PETER 《Biometrika》1979,66(2):367-374

Combining sources in stable isotope mixing models: alternative methods   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Phillips DL  Newsome SD  Gregg JW 《Oecologia》2005,144(4):520-527
Stable isotope mixing models are often used to quantify source contributions to a mixture. Examples include pollution source identification; trophic web studies; analysis of water sources for soils, plants; or water bodies, and many others. A common problem is having too many sources to allow a unique solution. We discuss two alternative procedures for addressing this problem. One option is a priori to combine sources with similar signatures so the number of sources is small enough to provide a unique solution. Aggregation should be considered only when isotopic signatures of clustered sources are not significantly different, and sources are related so the combined source group has some functional significance. For example, in a food web analysis, lumping several species within a trophic guild allows more interpretable results than lumping disparate food sources, even if they have similar isotopic signatures. One result of combining mixing model sources is increased uncertainty of the combined end-member isotopic signatures and consequently the source contribution estimates; this effect can be quantified using the IsoError model (). As an alternative to lumping sources before a mixing analysis, the IsoSource mixing model () can be used to find all feasible solutions of source contributions consistent with isotopic mass balance. While ranges of feasible contributions for each individual source can often be quite broad, contributions from functionally related groups of sources can be summed a posteriori, producing a range of solutions for the aggregate source that may be considerably narrower. A paleohuman dietary analysis example illustrates this method, which involves a terrestrial meat food source, a combination of three terrestrial plant foods, and a combination of three marine foods. In this case, a posteriori aggregation of sources allowed strong conclusions about temporal shifts in marine versus terrestrial diets that would not have otherwise been discerned.  相似文献   

Optimal linear estimation of bounds of random variables   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
COOKE  PETER 《Biometrika》1980,67(1):257-258

A multitype branching process is proposed as a model for the behaviour of populations of the budding yeast Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. Using the idea of branching processes counted by random characteristics, we are able to obtain explicit expressions describing different aspects of the asymptotic composition of such populations. The main purpose of this note is to show that the branching process approach is an alternative to deterministic population models based on differential equation methods.Supported by the Swedish Natural Science Research Council  相似文献   

Tracing origins and migration of wildlife using stable isotopes: a review   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
Keith A. Hobson 《Oecologia》1999,120(3):314-326
To understand the ecology of migratory animals it is important to link geographic regions used by individuals including breeding, wintering, and intermediate stopover sites. Previous conventional approaches used to track animal movements have relied on extrinsic markers and typically the subsequent recovery of individuals. This approach has generally been inappropriate for most small, or non-game animals. The use of intrinsic markers such as fatty acid profiles, molecular DNA analyses, and the measurement of naturally occurring stable isotopes in animal tissues offer alternative approaches. This paper reviews the use of stable isotope analyses (primarily δ13C, δ15N, δ34S, δD, δ87Sr) to trace nutritional origin and migration in animals. This approach relies on the fact that foodweb isotopic signatures are reflected in the tissues of organisms and that such signatures can vary spatially based on a variety of biogeochemical processes. Organisms moving between isotopically distinct foodwebs can carry with them information on the location of previous feeding. Such an approach has been used to track animal use of inshore versus offshore, marine versus freshwater, terrestrial C3 versus marine, terrestrial mesic versus xeric, and C3 versus C4 or Crassulacean acid metabolism foodwebs. More recently, the use of stable hydrogen isotope analyses (δD) to link organisms to broad geographic origin in North America is based on large-scale isotopic contours of growing-season average δD values in precipitation. This technique, especially when combined with the assay of other stable isotopes, will be extremely useful in helping to track migration and movement of a wide range of animals from insects to birds and mammals. Future research to refine our understanding of natural and anthropogenic-induced isotopic gradients in nature, and to explore the use of stable isotopes of other elements, is recommended. Received: 1 July 1998 / Accepted: 9 December 1998  相似文献   

Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios were measured in hair samples from two species of Galago from Gedi Ruins National Monument in eastern Kenya and from Lepilemur leucopus from Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve in southern Madagascar. Forest structure was generally similar in the two areas but average rainfall was lower in Madagascar. Species average 13C values varied with feeding height in the forest canopy and with average rainfall level as expected from reported variation in plant 13C values. G. garnettii, which feeds higher in the forest canopy, had less negative 13C values than G. zanzibaricus, which spends more time below 5 m. L. leucopus, from a drought-afflicted forest, had less negative hair 13C values than the two galago species. The values within the Lepilemur sample showed a positive linear relation with percent dependence on a CAM tree species and with xeric conditions within the species reserve. Nitrogen stable isotope ratios varied with trophic level of feeding and with time spent feeding on leguminous plants. The insectivorous galagos had significantly more positive 15N values than the folivorous L. leucopus. Within the Lepilemur sample, 15N values varied inversely with the percent of feeding time spent on leguminous plants. The range of 15N and 13C values in each of the prosimian species is larger than reported for animals fed monotonous diets and for New World monkey species. The monkey species feed as groups of individuals whereas the prosimians have solitary feeding habits. The ranges in the prosimian species apparently reflect the greater variation in diet among individual prosimians compared to individual monkeys. The isotope data reported here are equivalent, on average, to those reported for other arboreal species from similar forest habitats and with similar dietary habits. This supports the use of such data for paleoecological reconstruction of forest and woodland systems and diet reconstruction of extinct primate populations and species. Received: 18 April 1997 / Accepted: 11 August 1997  相似文献   

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