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The simian virus 40 (SV40) T antigen host range mutants dl1066 and dl1140 display a postreplicative block to plaque formation which suggests a novel role for T antigen late in the viral life cycle. The host range mutants dl1066 and dl1140 are able to grow in and plaque on BSC but not on CV1 monkey kidney cells, a normally permissive host. Previous work showed that in CV1 cells infected with dl1066 and dl1140, levels of viral DNA replication and of late capsid protein accumulation were only slightly reduced and the failure to accumulate agnoprotein was not likely to be the major factor responsible for the mutants' growth defect. Here we show that the host range mutants are defective in the assembly of viral particles. SV40 assembly proceeds as the progressive conversion of 75S viral chromatin complexes to 200S-240S assembled virions. When virus-infected cell extracts are separated on 5 to 40% sucrose gradients, wild-type extracts show the greatest accumulation of viral late protein in the 200S-240S fractions corresponding to the assembled virus peak and lesser amounts in the 75S-150S fractions corresponding to immature assembly intermediates. The host range mutants dl1066 and dl1140 grown in nonpermissive CV1 cells, however, failed to assemble any appreciable amounts of mature 200S-240S virions and accumulate 75S intermediates, whereas in permissive BSC cells, levels of assembly were more slightly reduced than those of the wild type. Analysis of the protein composition of gradient fractions suggests that SV40 assembly proceeds by a mechanism similar to that proposed for polyomavirus and suggests that the host range blockage may result from a failure of such mutants to add VP1 to 75S assembly intermediates.  相似文献   

Bissett, Marjorie L. (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor), and Francis E. Payne. Development of antigens in human cells infected with simian virus 40. J. Bacteriol. 91:743-749. 1966.-An explanation for the apparent infrequency with which human cells transform in response to exposure to simian virus 40 (SV40) was sought by following the development of virus-induced antigens in human euploid cells, strain CR. For about 8 weeks after exposure to a high multiplicity of SV40, only a small proportion of the cells produced tumor (T) or viral (V) antigen detected by immunofluorescence. Double-tracer staining techniques revealed that the development of T and V antigen in about 1% of the CR cells resembled that in green monkey kidney cells, strain BS-C-1, in which SV40 replicates and destroys all the cells. T antigen was detected before V antigen; both antigens were detected in the nucleus, but only V antigen appeared later in the cytoplasm. All intact cells that contained V antigen also contained T antigen. Infected CR cell cultures, before and after transformation or when in "crisis," contained only 0.1 to 1.0% of cells with both V and T antigen. Some CR cells contained only T antigen, and by 8 days after exposure to virus these cells were present as loose foci associated with an occasional cell containing V antigen. The proportion of CR cells with only T antigen increased from about 1% during the first 4 weeks to 8% at 7 weeks, and to nearly 100% at 11 weeks, when essentially all of the cells were epithelioid. Foci of epithelioid cells were first recognized in the 9th week. It was concluded that those CR cells that contained T antigen at any given time represented (i) a few cells that subsequently produced V antigen and lysed, and (ii) a progressively increasing population that produced only T antigen. If the latter population, in whole or in part, gave rise to the epithelioid transformed cells, then its initial size could account, at least in part, for the apparent infrequency with which human cells transform in response to SV40.  相似文献   

Structural basis of J cochaperone binding and regulation of Hsp70   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The many protein processing reactions of the ATP-hydrolyzing Hsp70s are regulated by J cochaperones, which contain J domains that stimulate Hsp70 ATPase activity and accessory domains that present protein substrates to Hsp70s. We report the structure of a J domain complexed with a J responsive portion of a mammalian Hsp70. The J domain activates ATPase activity by directing the linker that connects the Hsp70 nucleotide binding domain (NBD) and substrate binding domain (SBD) toward a hydrophobic patch on the NBD surface. Binding of the J domain to Hsp70 displaces the SBD from the NBD, which may allow the SBD flexibility to capture diverse substrates. Unlike prokaryotic Hsp70, the SBD and NBD of the mammalian chaperone interact in the ADP state. Thus, although both nucleotides and J cochaperones modulate Hsp70 NBD:linker and NBD:SBD interactions, the intrinsic persistence of those interactions differs in different Hsp70s and this may optimize their activities for different cellular roles.  相似文献   

Large T antigen of simian virus 40 is found as monomeric and oligomeric species in transformed cells. These can be demonstrated in cell extracts by velocity centrifugation in sucrose gradients. We analyzed them further in a transformed human line cell (SV80) and a transformed mouse line cell (SVT2). Individual fractions from sucrose gradients were subjected to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the absence of detergent. T-antigen species were then detected by protein blotting and antibody overlay with polyclonal anti-D2 T antibody or monoclonal Pab419, Pab101, or Pb1700 antibody. The rapidly sedimenting species (14S and larger) of large T antigen from both cell lines reproducibly showed two major bands with estimated molecular weights of 670,000 and 850,000. A third band of 1,200,000 was more prominent in SVT2 cells than in SV80 cells. In SV80 cells the slowly sedimenting species of large T antigen (5S to 11S) contained two reproducible bands. A band with a molecular weight of 95,000 was the predominant one in all fractions between 5S and 11S. A relatively minor band with a molecular weight of 230,000 was found in fractions between 9S and 11S. The low-molecular-weight forms were seen in SVT2 cells only when a prominent peak at 5S to 7S was present, that is, when extracts were stored before analysis. In fresh extracts, the low-molecular-weight bands and slowly sedimenting forms were absent.  相似文献   

Many types of human cells cultured in vitro are generally semipermissive for simian virus 40 (SV40) replication. Consequently, subpopulations of stably transformed human cells often carry free viral DNA, which is presumed to arise via spontaneous excision from an integrated DNA template. Stably transformed human cell lines that do not have detectable free DNA are therefore likely to harbor harbor mutant viral genomes incapable of excision and replication, or these cells may synthesize variant cellular proteins necessary for viral replication. We examined four such cell lines and conclude that for the three lines SV80, GM638, and GM639, the cells did indeed harbor spontaneous T-antigen mutants. For the SV80 line, marker rescue (determined by a plaque assay) and DNA sequence analysis of cloned DNA showed that a single point mutation converting serine 147 to asparagine was the cause of the mutation. Similarly, a point mutation converting leucine 457 to methionine for the GM638 mutant T allele was found. Moreover, the SV80 line maintained its permissivity for SV40 DNA replication but did not complement the SV40 tsA209 mutant at its nonpermissive temperature. The cloned SV80 T-antigen allele, though replication incompetent, maintained its ability to transform rodent cells at wild-type efficiencies. A compilation of spontaneously occurring SV40 mutations which cannot replicate but can transform shows that these mutations tend to cluster in two regions of the T-antigen gene, one ascribed to the site-specific DNA-binding ability of the protein, and the other to the ATPase activity which is linked to its helicase activity.  相似文献   

Members of the five classes of temperature-sensitive simian virus 40 mutants were tested for their ability to transform Chinese hamster lung cells. Two criteria for transformation were used: the ability to form clones in medium with low serum concentrations and the ability to overgrow a monolayer. Only A mutants failed to transform at the restrictive temperature when subconfluent Chinese hamster lung monolayers were used. However, both A and D mutants failed to transform at the restrictive temperature when confluent monolayers and depleted medium were used. When transformed clones were selected, purified by recloning, and examined at both temperatures, only cell lines induced by A mutants lost the transformed phenotype at the higher temperature. Thus, A function is required for maintenance of the transformed phenotype in Chinese hamster lung cells. A function is known to be required for the initiation of viral DNA synthesis in permissive cells. Therefore, transformation may be a consequence of the introduction into a cell of the capacity for aberrant initiation of DNA replication.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 chromosomes were separated into various species by a two-step purification consisting of low-ionic-strength glycerol gradient sedimentation followed by low-ionic-strength agarose gel electrophoresis. For each species of simian virus 40 chromosome purified, the comigrating DNA and proteins were identified by agarose or polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, respectively. Two species of chromosomes were identified which contained form I and form II DNA and large amounts of viral protein; they migrated more slowly than most of the free simian virus 40 chromosomes, which contained very little viral protein. The nuclease susceptibility of these chromosomes suggests to us that they are intermediates in encapsidation, and we describe an encapsidation model.  相似文献   

Base substitution of the ori region of simian virus 40 leads to plaque morphology mutants with markedly decreased DNA replication. Second-site mutations within the simian virus 40 T antigen gene suppress the plaque phenotype and replication defect of base-substituted ori mutants. Two second-site mutations have been mapped to a small segment of the T antigen gene, just beyond the distal splice junction. DNA sequence analysis revealed a single missense change in this segment of the T antigen gene of each of these second-site revertants, leading to a change in codon 157 in one case and codon 166 in the other. The mutant T antigens displayed relaxed specificity for the ori signal, i.e., they can function with several variously modified ori sequences, including those with small nucleotide deletions or insertions that are inactive for replication when coupled with wild-type T antigen. Thus a region of T antigen has been identified that appears to be intimately involved in vivo in binding to the ori sequence to initiate viral DNA replication.  相似文献   

Heat shock protein 40s (Hsp40s) and heat shock protein 70s (Hsp70s) form chaperone partnerships that are key components of cellular chaperone networks involved in facilitating the correct folding of a broad range of client proteins. While the Hsp40 family of proteins is highly diverse with multiple forms occurring in any particular cell or compartment, all its members are characterized by a J domain that directs their interaction with a partner Hsp70. Specific Hsp40-Hsp70 chaperone partnerships have been identified that are dedicated to the correct folding of distinct subsets of client proteins. The elucidation of the mechanism by which these specific Hsp40-Hsp70 partnerships are formed will greatly enhance our understanding of the way in which chaperone pathways are integrated into finely regulated protein folding networks. From in silico analyses, domain swapping and rational protein engineering experiments, evidence has accumulated that indicates that J domains contain key specificity determinants. This review will critically discuss the current understanding of the structural features of J domains that determine the specificity of interaction between Hsp40 proteins and their partner Hsp70s. We also propose a model in which the J domain is able to integrate specificity and chaperone activity.  相似文献   

Molecular chaperones are highly conserved in all free-living organisms. There are many types of chaperones, and most are conveniently grouped into families. Genome sequencing has revealed that many organisms contain multiple members of both the DnaK (Hsp70) family and their partner J-domain protein (JDP) cochaperone, belonging to the DnaJ (Hsp40) family. Escherichia coli K-12 encodes three Hsp70 genes and six JDP genes. The coexistence of these chaperones in the same cytosol suggests that certain chaperone-cochaperone interactions are permitted, and that chaperone tasks and their regulation have become specialized over the course of evolution. Extensive genetic and biochemical analyses have greatly expanded knowledge of chaperone tasking in this organism. In particular, recent advances in structure determination have led to significant insights of the underlying complexities and functional elegance of the Hsp70 chaperone machine.  相似文献   

By using a DNA fragment immunoassay, the binding of simian virus 40 (SV40) and polyomavirus (Py) large tumor (T) antigens to regulatory regions at both viral origins of replication was examined. Although both Py T antigen and SV40 T antigen bind to multiple discrete regions on their proper origins and the reciprocal origin, several striking differences were observed. Py T antigen bound efficiently to three regions on Py DNA centered around an MboII site at nucleotide 45 (region A), a BglI site at nucleotide 92 (region B), and another MboII site at nucleotide 132 (region C). Region A is adjacent to the viral replication origin, and region C coincides with the major early mRNA cap site. Weak binding by Py T antigen to the origin palindrome centered at nucleotide 3 also was observed. SV40 T antigen binds strongly to Py regions A and B but only weakly to region C. This weak binding on region C was surprising because this region contains four tandem repeats of GPuGGC, the canonical pentanucleotide sequence thought to be involved in specific binding by T antigens. On SV40 DNA, SV40 T antigen displayed its characteristic hierarchy of affinities, binding most efficiently to site 1 and less efficiently to site 2. Binding to site 3 was undetectable under these conditions. In contrast, Py T antigen, despite an overall relative reduction of affinity for SV40 DNA, binds equally to fragments containing each of the three SV40 binding sites. Py T antigen, but not SV40 T antigen, also bound specifically to a region of human Alu DNA which bears a remarkable homology to SV40 site 1. However, both tumor antigens fail to precipitate DNA from the same region which has two direct repeats of GAGGC. These results indicate that despite similarities in protein structure and DNA sequence, requirements of the two T antigens for pentanucleotide configuration and neighboring sequence environment are different.  相似文献   

The cellular proteins that interact with simian virus 40 large T antigen (T-ag) must be identified in order to understand T-ag effects on cellular growth control mechanisms. A protein extraction procedure utilizing single-phase concentrations of 1-butanol recovered a complex composed of T-ag, p53, and other Mr 35,000-60,000 proteins from suspension cultures of the simian virus 40-transformed mouse cell line mKSA. Partial protease mapping showed each of the associated proteins to be unique. Automated microsequence analysis of the NH2-terminal 30 amino acids of the Mr 56,000 protein purified after coprecipitating with T-ag and p53 identified it as the beta subunit of mouse tubulin. The existence of a complex containing tubulin, T-ag, and p53 was confirmed by reciprocal immunoblotting experiments. Both T-ag and p53 were coprecipitated by three different monoclonal antibodies directed against tubulin, and conversely, monoclonal antibodies specific for T-ag or p53 coprecipitated tubulin. Mixing experiments and extractions in the presence of purified tubulin indicated that the complex existed in situ prior to cell lysis. Both p53 and T-ag copurified with microtubules through two cycles of temperature-dependent disassembly and assembly. Both T-ag and p53 were localized to microtubules in the cytoplasm of mKSA cells by immunoelectron microscopy. Treatment of mKSA cells with 10 microM colchicine followed by lysis in 0.1% Nonidet P-40 resulted in increased amounts of solubilized T-ag and p53. Both T-ag and p53 were also associated with microtubules in three other simian virus 40-transformed mouse cell lines growing as monolayers, confirming the generality of the association. An interaction of T-ag and p53 with microtubules may be important in the intracellular transport of these proteins and may affect cellular signal transduction or growth control.  相似文献   

The frequency of Sister Chromatid Exchange (SCE) was determined at low (33 degrees C) and high (40.5 degrees C) temperatures in cell lines derived from FR3T3 rat fibroblast cells after transformation either with Wild-Type Simian Virus 40 (SV40-WT), with an origin-defective SV40 (SV40-ori-), or with the early temperature-sensitive mutant tsA30. Of these cell lines, SV40-WT-, SV40-ori--, and one class of tsA30-transformants (A-type) express the transformed phenotype both at 33 and 40.5 degrees C. The other tsA30-transformants (N-type) revert to a normal phenotype at high temperature. As compared with normal FR3T3 cells, all transformants exhibited, at 33 degrees C, increased numbers of metaphases with high SCE rates. At 40.5 degrees C, all cell lines which expressed a transformed phenotype (SV40-WT, tsA30 type A, SV40-ori-) exhibited substantially increased SCE rates. That this increase was not related to a possible induction of viral replication by BrdU, was proven by Southern blot analysis and by SCE data on SV40-ori--transformed cells. By contrast, no such temperature-induced increase of SCE rates was observed in tsA30-transformants of type N.  相似文献   

Bacterial membrane and nucleoids were stained concurrently by the lipophilic styryl dye FM 4-64 [N-(3-triethylammoniumpropyl)-4-(6-(4-(diethylamino)phenyl) hexatrienyl)pyridinium dibromide] and 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), respectively, and studied using fluorescence microscopy imaging. Observation of plasmolysed cells indicated that FM 4-64 stained the inner membrane preferentially. In live Escherichia coli pbpB cells and filaments, prepared on wet agar slabs, an FM 4-64 staining pattern developed in the form of dark bands. In dividing cells, the bands occurred mainly at the constriction sites and, in filaments, between partitioning nucleoids. The FM 4-64 pattern of dark bands in filaments was abolished after inhibiting protein synthesis with chloramphenicol. It is proposed that the staining patterns reflect putative membrane domains formed by DNA-membrane interactions and have functional implications in cell division.  相似文献   

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