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The pharynx of Caenorhabditis elegans consists of a syncytium of radially orientated muscle cells that contract synchronously and rhythmically to ingest and crush bacteria and pump them into the intestine of the animal. The action potentials that support this activity are superficially similar to vertebrate cardiac action potentials in appearance with a long, calcium-dependent plateau phase. Although the pharyngeal muscle can generate action potentials in the absence of external calcium ions, action potentials are absent when sodium is removed from the extracellullar solution (Franks et al. 2002). Here we have used whole cell patch clamp recordings from the pharynx and show low voltage-activated inward currents that are present in zero external calcium and reduced in zero external sodium ions. Whilst the lack of effect of zero calcium when sodium ions are present is not surprising in view of the known permeability of voltage-gated calcium channels to sodium ions, the reduction in current in zero sodium when calcium ions are present is harder to explain in terms of a conventional voltage-gated calcium channel. Inward currents were also recorded from egl-19 (n582) which has a loss of function mutation in the pharyngeal L-type calcium channel and these were also markedly reduced in zero external sodium. Despite this apparent dependence on external sodium ions, the current was partially blocked by the divalent cations, cadmium, barium and nickel. Using single-channel recordings we identified a cation channel for which the open-time duration was increased by depolarisation. In inside-out patches, the single-channel conductance was highest in symmetrical sodium solution. Further studies are required to determine the contribution of these channels to the pharyngeal action potential.  相似文献   

Studies of sterile mutants in Caenorhabditis elegans have uncovered new insights into fundamental aspects of gamete cell biology, development, and function at fertilization. The genome sequences of C. elegans, Caenorhabditis briggsae and Caenorhabditis remanei allow for informative comparative studies among these three species. Towards that end, we have examined wild-type sperm morphology and activation (spermiogenesis) in each. Light and electron microscopy studies reveal that general sperm morphology, organization, and ultrastructure are similar in all three species, and activation techniques developed for C. elegans were found to work well in both C. briggsae and C. remanei. Despite important differences in the reproductive mode between C. remanei and the other two species, most genes required for spermiogenesis are conserved in all three. Finally, we have also examined the subcellular distribution of sperm epitopes in C. briggsae and C. remanei that cross-react with anti-sera directed against C. elegans sperm proteins. The baseline data in this study will prove useful for the future analysis and interpretation of sperm gene function across nematode species.  相似文献   

The nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, possesses the most extensive known superfamily of cys-loop ligand-gated ion channels (cys-loop LGICs) consisting of 102 subunit-encoding genes. Less than half of these genes have been functionally characterised which include cation-permeable channels gated by acetylcholine (ACh) and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) as well as anion-selective channels gated by ACh, GABA, glutamate and serotonin. Following the guidelines set for genetic nomenclature for C. elegans, we have designated unnamed subunits as lgc genes (ligand-gated ion channels of the cys-loop superfamily). Phylogenetic analysis shows that several of these lgc subunits form distinct groups which may represent novel cys-loop LGIC subtypes.  相似文献   

Recent advances in genome research and RNA interference (RNAi) technology have accelerated the adoption of genome-wide experimental approaches for determining gene function in the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans. Despite recent successes, the application of RNAi is limited when gene knockdown causes complex phenotypes or embryonic lethality. Recently, the high-throughput pWormgate cloning system has been introduced as a tool to efficiently generate heat-shock-inducible hairpin RNA constructs using the Gateway recombination technology. We have modified pWormgate into a versatile hairpin cloning plasmid, pWormgatePro, which facilitates temporally and spatially inducible hairpin RNAi using constitutively active, tissue-specific promoters. To demonstrate its utility we knocked down unc-22 in body wall muscles as well as the axon guidance gene unc-5 in the nervous system indicating that promoter-driven hairpins can overcome the neuronal resistance to RNAi. Using pWormgatePro we also show that RNAi in the nervous system of C. elegans is non-autonomous and that spreading of the RNAi signal from neurons to muscle is substantially reduced but not abolished in spreading-defective sid-1 mutant animals. Our findings illustrate the effectiveness of pWormgatePro for gene silencing in muscle cells and neurons and bring forward the possibility of applying tissue-specific RNAi on a genome-wide scale.  相似文献   

Altered acetylcholine (Ach) homeostasis is associated with loss of viability in flies, developmental defects in mice, and cognitive deficits in human. Here, we assessed the importance of Ach in Caenorhabditis elegans development, focusing on the role of Ach during dauer formation. We found that dauer formation was disturbed in choline acetyltransferase (cha-1) and acetylcholinesterase (ace) mutants defective in Ach biosynthesis and degradation, respectively. When examined the potential role of G-proteins in dauer formation, goa-1 and egl-30 mutant worms, expressing mutated versions of mammalian Go and Gq homolog, respectively, showed some abnormalities in dauer formation. Using quantitative mass spectrometry, we also found that dauer larvae had lower Ach content than did reproductively grown larvae. In addition, a proteomic analysis of acetylcholinesterase mutant worms, which have excessive levels of Ach, showed differential expression of metabolic genes. Collectively, these results indicate that alterations in Ach release may influence dauer formation in C. elegans. [BMB Reports 2014; 47(2): 80-85]  相似文献   

1. Aims: In this review, we highlight the identification and analysis of molecules orchestrating dopamine (DA) signaling in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, focusing on recent characterizations of DA transporters and receptors.2. Methods: We illustrate the isolation and characterization of molecules important for C. elegans DA synthesis, packaging, reuptake and signaling and examine how mutations in these proteins are being exploited through in vitro and in vivo paradigms to yield novel insights of protein structure, DA signaling pathways and DA-supported behaviors.3. Results: DA signaling in the worm, as in man, arises by synaptic and nonsynaptic release from a small number of cells that exert modulatory control over a larger network underlying C. elegans behavior.4. Conclusions: The C. elegans model system offers unique opportunities to elucidate ill-defined pathways that support DA release, inactivation, and signaling in addition to clarifying mechanisms of DA-mediated behavioral plasticity. Further use of the model offers prospects for the identification of novel genes and proteins whose study may yield benefits for DA-supported neural disorders in man.  相似文献   

The sinusoidal locomotion of Caenorhabditis elegans requires synchronous activities of neighboring body wall muscle cells. However, it is unknown whether the synchrony results from muscle electrical coupling or neural inputs. We analyzed the effects of mutating gap junction proteins and blocking neuromuscular transmission on the synchrony of action potentials (APs) and Ca2+ transients among neighboring body wall muscle cells. In wild-type worms, the percentage of synchronous APs between two neighboring cells varied depending on the anatomical relationship and junctional conductance (Gj) between them, and Ca2+ transients were synchronous among neighboring muscle cells. Compared with the wild type, knock-out of the gap junction gene unc-9 resulted in greatly reduced coupling coefficient and asynchronous APs and Ca2+ transients. Inhibition of unc-9 expression specifically in muscle by RNAi also reduced the synchrony of APs and Ca2+ transients, whereas expression of wild-type UNC-9 specifically in muscle rescued the synchrony defect. Loss of the stomatin-like protein UNC-1, which is a regulator of UNC-9-based gap junctions, similarly impaired muscle synchrony as unc-9 mutant did. The blockade of muscle ionotropic acetylcholine receptors by (+)-tubocurarine decreased the frequencies of APs and Ca2+ transients, whereas blockade of muscle GABAA receptors by gabazine had opposite effects. However, both APs and Ca2+ transients remained synchronous after the application of (+)-tubocurarine and/or gabazine. These observations suggest that gap junctions in C. elegans body wall muscle cells are responsible for synchronizing muscle APs and Ca2+ transients.  相似文献   

Summary The genetic organization of unc-26(IV) and adjacent regions was studied in Caenorhabditis elegans. We constructed a fine structure genetic map of unc-26(IV), a gene that affects locomotion and pharyngeal muscle movement but not muscle structure. Eleven alleles were positioned relative to each other recombinationally and were classified according to phenotypic severity. The unc-26 gene spans at least 0.026 map units, which is exceptionally large for a C. elegans gene. All but one allele, e205, are amorphic alleles. Interestingly, e205 is hypomorphic but also suppressible by the amber suppressor sup-7. Nineteen lethal mutations in the unc-26 region were isolated and characterized. The unc-26 region is subdivided into four zones by five deficiency breakpoints. These mutations fall into 15 complementation groups. The stages of development affected by these mutations were determined.  相似文献   

The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is an attractive model system for the study of fertilization. C. elegans exists as a self-fertilizing hermaphrodite or as a male. This unusual situation provides an excellent opportunity to identify and maintain sterile mutants that affect sperm and no other cells. Analysis of these mutants can identify genes that encode proteins required for gamete recognition, adhesion, signaling, fusion, and/or activation at fertilization. These genes can also provide a starting point for the identification of additional molecules required for fertility. This review describes progress in the genetic and molecular dissection of fertilization in C. elegans and related studies on sperm competition.  相似文献   

The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is an established model organism for studying neurobiology. UNC-63 is a C. elegans nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) α-subunit. It is an essential component of the levamisole-sensitive muscle nAChR (L-nAChR) and therefore plays an important role in cholinergic transmission at the nematode neuromuscular junction. Here, we show that worms with the unc-63(x26) allele, with its αC151Y mutation disrupting the Cys-loop, have deficient muscle function reflected by impaired swimming (thrashing). Single-channel recordings from cultured muscle cells from the mutant strain showed a 100-fold reduced frequency of opening events and shorter channel openings of L-nAChRs compared with those of wild-type worms. Anti-UNC-63 antibody staining in both cultured adult muscle and embryonic cells showed that L-nAChRs were expressed at similar levels in the mutant and wild-type cells, suggesting that the functional changes in the receptor, rather than changes in expression, are the predominant effect of the mutation. The kinetic changes mimic those reported in patients with fast-channel congenital myasthenic syndromes. We show that pyridostigmine bromide and 3,4-diaminopyridine, which are drugs used to treat fast-channel congenital myasthenic syndromes, partially rescued the motility defect seen in unc-63(x26). The C. elegans unc-63(x26) mutant may therefore offer a useful model to assist in the development of therapies for syndromes produced by altered function of human nAChRs.  相似文献   

1. Antagonistic reflexes that use the same final common path cannot be activated simultaneously; as a consequence one reflex often inhibits the expression of the other. Results of experiments with two antagonistic reflexes in Caenorhabditis elegans showed that the reflex inhibition in this simple animal is the same as in more complex organisms. Thus C. elegans can serve as a model system for studying the neural mechanisms underlying these behavioral patterns. 2. In adult C. elegans tail-touch normally elicits forward movement, while tap normally elicits backward movement. When tail-touch is delivered 1 s before a tap, reversals to the tap are inhibited and the magnitude of any reversal that does occur is reduced. 3. The relative magnitude of the 2 stimuli, tail-touch and tap, affects the amount of inhibition observed. 4. The effectiveness of tail-touch as an inhibitory stimulus can be varied as a result of experience. Habituating the response to tail-touch decreased the inhibition of reversal to tap following a tail-touch. 4. The tail-touch induced inhibition of reversal to tap diminishes over an interval of at least 10 s; however, following the inhibition an enhancement of responding to tap is seen. 6. Inhibition of reversal to tap is present in worms of all stages of development including newly hatched worms.  相似文献   

In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, the cell corpse engulfment proteins CED-2, CED-5, and CED-12 act in the same pathway to regulate the activation of the Rac small GTPase, CED-10, leading to the rearrangement of the actin cytoskeleton for engulfing apoptotic cells. Nevertheless, it is not well understood how these proteins act together. Here we report the crystal structures of the CED-2 protein as determined by X-ray crystallography. The full-length CED-2 protein and its truncated form containing the N-terminal SH2 domain and the first SH3 domain show similar three-dimensional structures. A CED-2 point mutation (F125G) disrupting its interaction with the PXXP motif of CED-5 did not affect its rescuing activity. However, CED-2 was found to interact with the N-terminal region of CED-5. Our findings suggest that CED-2 may regulate cell corpse engulfment by interacting with CED-5 through the N-terminal region rather than the PXXP motif.  相似文献   

Uncover Genetic Interactions in Caenorhabditis elegans by RNA Interference   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RNA-mediated interference (RNAi) has emerged recently as one of the most powerful functional genomics tools. RNAi has been particularly effective in the nematode worm C. elegans where RNAi has been used to analyse the loss-of-function phenotypes of almost all predicted genes. In this review, we illustrate how RNAi has been used to analyse gene function in C. elegans as well as pointing to some future directions for using RNAi to examine genetic interactions in a systematic manner.  相似文献   

The Rho GTPase members and their effector proteins, such as the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP), play critical roles in regulating actin dynamics that affect cell motility, endocytosis, cell division, and transport. It is well established that Caenorhabditis elegans wsp-1 plays an essential role in embryonic development. We were interested in the role of the C. elegans protein WSP-1 in the adult nematode. In this report, we show that a deletion mutant of wsp-1 exhibits a strong sensitivity to the neuromuscular inhibitor aldicarb. Transgenic rescue experiments demonstrated that neuronal expression of WSP-1 rescued this phenotype and that it required a functional WSP-1 Cdc42/Rac interactive binding domain. WSP-1-GFP fusion protein was found localized presynaptically, immediately adjacent to the synaptic protein RAB-3. Strong genetic interactions with wsp-1 and other genes involved in different stages of synaptic transmission were observed as the wsp-1(gm324) mutation suppresses the aldicarb resistance seen in unc-13(e51), unc-11(e47), and snt-1 (md290) mutants. These results provide genetic and pharmacological evidence that WSP-1 plays an essential role to stabilize the actin cytoskeleton at the neuronal active zone of the neuromuscular junction to restrain synaptic vesicle release.  相似文献   

Comparative genomic analysis of important signaling pathways in Caenorhabditis briggsae and Caenorhabditis elegans reveals both conserved features and also differences. To build a framework to address the significance of these features we determined the C. briggsae embryonic cell lineage, using the tools StarryNite and AceTree. We traced both cell divisions and cell positions for all cells through all but the last round of cell division and for selected cells through the final round. We found the lineage to be remarkably similar to that of C. elegans. Not only did the founder cells give rise to similar numbers of progeny, the relative cell division timing and positions were largely maintained. These lineage similarities appear to give rise to similar cell fates as judged both by the positions of lineally equivalent cells and by the patterns of cell deaths in both species. However, some reproducible differences were seen, e.g., the P4 cell cycle length is more than 40% longer in C. briggsae than that in C. elegans (p < 0.01). The extensive conservation of embryonic development between such divergent species suggests that substantial evolutionary distance between these two species has not altered these early developmental cellular events, although the developmental defects of transpecies hybrids suggest that the details of the underlying molecular pathways have diverged sufficiently so as to not be interchangeable.  相似文献   

It is important for human life in space to study the effects of environmental factors during spaceflight on a number of physiological phenomena. Apoptosis plays important roles in development and tissue homeostasis in metazoans. In this study, we have analyzed apoptotic activity in germ cells of the nematode C. elegans, following spacefight. Comparison of the number of cell corpses in wild type or ced-1 mutants, grown under either ground or spaceflight conditions, showed that both pachytene-checkpoint apoptosis and physiological apoptosis in germ cells occurred normally under spaceflight conditions. In addition, the expression levels of the checkpoint and apoptosis related genes are comparable between spaceflight and ground conditions. This is the first report documenting the occurrence of checkpoint apoptosis in the space environment and suggests that metazoans, including humans, would be able to eliminate cells that have failed to repair DNA lesions introduced by cosmic radiation during spaceflight.  相似文献   

WNK kinases are a small group of unique serine/threonine protein kinases that are conserved among multicellular organisms. Mutations in WNK1-4 cause pseudohypoaldosteronism type II-a form of hypertension. WNKs have been linked to the STE20 kinases and ion carriers, but the underlying molecular mechanisms by which WNKs regulate cellular processes in whole animals are unknown. The Caenorhabditis elegans WNK-like kinase WNK-1 interacts with and phosphorylates germinal centre kinase (GCK)-3--a STE20-like kinase--which is known to inactivate CLH-3, a CIC chloride channel. The wnk-1 or gck-3 deletion mutation causes an Exc phenotype, a defect in the tubular extension of excretory canals. Expression of the activated form of GCK-3 or the clh-3 deletion mutation can partly suppress wnk-1 or gck-3 defects, respectively. These results indicate that WNK-1 controls the tubular formation of excretory canals by activating GCK-3, resulting in downregulation of CIC channel activity.  相似文献   

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