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Miconia punctibullata, a new species of Melastomataceae from Colombia, is described and illustrated. The new species can be distinguished by its scandent herbaceous habit, stems and inflorescences with swollen annular projections below the nodes, punctations with sessile, glandular trichomes on the abaxial surface of the leaf, compound dichasial inflorescences, and bright yellow petals. A key to all species of Miconia with annular stem projections is provided.
Resumen  Se describe e ilustra Miconia punctibullata, una nueva especie colombiana de Melastomataceae, caracterizada por el hábito herbáceo semiescandente, la presencia de proyecciones anulares engrosadas por debajo de los nudos (manicaduras) en tallos y ejes de la inflorescencia, punteaduras con tricomas glandulares sésiles por el envés de la lámina foliar, inflorescencias en dicasio compuesto, y pétalos amarillos. Se incluye una clave para todas las especies de Miconia con nudos manicados.

A pea rust fungus, Uromyces viciae-fabae, has been classified into two varieties, var. viciae-fabae and var. orobi, based on differences in urediniospore wall thickness and putative host specificity in Japan. In principal component analyses, morphological features of urediniospores and teliospores of 94 rust specimens from Vicia, Lathyrus, and Pisum did not show definite host-specific morphological groups. In molecular analyses, 23 Uromyces specimens from Vicia, Lathyrus, and Pisum formed a single genetic clade based on D1/D2 and ITS regions. Four isolates of U. viciae-fabae from V. cracca and V. unijuga could infect and sporulate on P. sativum. These results suggest that U. viciae-fabae populations on different host plants are not biologically differentiated into groups that can be recognized as varieties.Contribution no. 184, Laboratory of Plant Parasitic Mycology, Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Tsukuba, Japan  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relations within the genus Gordonia were analyzed using partial gyrB and secA1 gene sequences of 23 type species in comparison with those of 16S rRNA gene. The gyrB and secA1 phylogenies showed agreement with that constructed using 16S rRNA gene sequences. The degrees of divergence of the gyrB and secA1 genes were approximately 3.4 and 1.7 times greater, respectively, than that of 16S rRNA gene. The gyrB gene showed more discriminatory power than either the secA1 or 16S rRNA gene, facilitating clear differentiation of any two Gordonia species using gyrB gene analysis. Our data indicate that gyrB and secA1 gene sequences are useful as markers for phylogenetic study and identification at the species level of the genus Gordonia.  相似文献   

We have investigated the floral ontogeny of Arillastrum, Allosyncarpia, Stockwellia and Eucalyptopsis (of the eucalypt group, Myrtaceae) using scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy. Several critical characters for establishing relationships between these genera and to the eucalypts have been determined. The absence of compound petaline primordia in Arillastrum, Allosyncarpia, Stockwellia and Eucalyptopsis excludes these taxa from the eucalypt clade. Post-anthesis circumscissile abscission of the hypanthium above the ovary in Stockwellia, Eucalyptopsis and Allosyncarpia is evidence that these three taxa form a monophyletic group; undifferentiated perianth parts and elongated fusiform buds are characters that unite Stockwellia and Eucalyptopsis as sister taxa. No floral characters clearly associate Arillastrum with either the eucalypt clade or the clade of Stockwellia, Eucalyptopsis and Allosyncarpia.We gratefully acknowledge Clyde Dunlop and Bob Harwood (Northern Territory Herbarium) for collecting specimens of Allosyncarpia, and Bruce Gray (Atherton) for collecting specimens of Stockwellia. The Australian National Herbarium (CANB) kindly lent herbarium specimens of Eucalyptopsis for examination. This research was supported by a University of Melbourne Research Development Grant to Andrew Drinnan.  相似文献   

The maT clade of transposons is a group of transposable elements intermediate in sequence and predicted protein structure to mariner and Tc transposons, with a distribution thus far limited to a few invertebrate species. We present evidence, based on searches of publicly available databases, that the nematode Caenorhabditis briggsae has several maT-like transposons, which we have designated as CbmaT elements, dispersed throughout its genome. We also describe two additional transposon sequences that probably share their evolutionary history with the CbmaT transposons. One resembles a fold back variant of a CbmaT element, with long (380-bp) inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) that show a high degree (71%) of identity to CbmaT1. The other, which shares only the 26-bp ITR sequences with one of the CbmaT variants, is present in eight nearly identical copies, but does not have a transposase gene and may therefore be cross mobilised by a CbmaT transposase. Using PCR-based mobility assays, we show that CbmaT1 transposons are capable of excising from the C. briggsae genome. CbmaT1 excised approximately 500 times less frequently than Tcb1 in the reference strain AF16, but both CbmaT1 and Tcb1 excised at extremely high frequencies in the HK105 strain. The HK105 strain also exhibited a high frequency of spontaneous induction of unc-22 mutants, suggesting that it may be a mutator strain of C. briggsae.  相似文献   

Summary  A new monotypic bamboo genus Phuphanochloa (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) from north-eastern Thailand is described, together with a new species, P. speciosa.  相似文献   

Summary  Eleven species comprising the Madagascan genus Vaughania are subsumed within the large pantropical genus Indigofera. Six new combinations are made; the remaining species were originally described in Indigofera.  相似文献   

Summary  Seven new names at species rank are proposed in Memecylon sect. Afzeliana Jacq.-Fél., a group of forest shrubs and small trees confined to Guineo-Congolian Africa. The group is centred in Cameroon, where 17 of the 20 species occur. A new flower type, the “star-flower” in Memecylon is revealed, and its taxonomic and ecological importance discussed. Three new, locally endemic species from the South West Province of Cameroon are described, mapped and illustrated: M. kupeanum R. D. Stone, Ghogue & Cheek, M. bakossiense R. D. Stone, Ghogue & Cheek, and M. rheophyticum R. D. Stone, Ghogue & Cheek. Two new names, M. accedens R. D. Stone, Ghogue & Cheek and M. hyleastrum R. D. Stone & Ghogue and one new combination, M. mamfeanum (Jacq.-Fél.) R. D. Stone, Ghogue & Cheek are provided at species level for three taxa originally proposed as varieties of M. afzelii G. Don. The taxon M. arcuatomarginatum var. simulans Jacq.-Fél. is also elevated to species status, as M. simulans (Jacq.-Fél.) R. D. Stone & Ghogue. Conservation assessments are provided for all the newly named taxa. A key is provided to the species of Memecylon sect. Afzeliana.  相似文献   

P transposons belong to the eukaryotic DNA transposons, which are transposed by a cut and paste mechanism using a P-element-coded transposase. They have been detected in Drosophila, and reside as single copies and stable homologous sequences in many vertebrate species. We present the P elements Pcin1, Pcin2 and Pcin3 from Ciona intestinalis, a species of the most primitive chordates, and compare them with those from Ciona savignyi. They showed typical DNA transposon structures, namely terminal inverted repeats and target site duplications. The coding region of Pcin1 consisted of 13 small exons that could be translated into a P-transposon-homologous protein. C. intestinalis and C. savignyi displayed nearly the same phenotype. However, their P elements were highly divergent and the assumed P transposase from C. intestinalis was more closely related to the transposase from Drosophila melanogaster than to the transposase of C. savignyi. The present study showed that P elements with typical features of transposable DNA elements may be found already at the base of the chordate lineage. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Seol E  Jung Y  Lee J  Cho C  Kim T  Rhee Y  Lee S 《Plant cell reports》2008,27(7):1197-1206
Notocactus scopa cv. Soonjung was subjected to in planta Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation with vacuum infiltration, pin-pricking, and a combination of the two methods. The pin-pricking combined with vacuum infiltration (20-30 cmHg for 15 min) resulted in a transformation efficiency of 67-100%, and the expression of the uidA and nptII genes was detected in transformed cactus. The established in planta transformation technique generated a transgenic cactus with higher transformation efficiency, shortened selection process, and stable gene expression via asexual reproduction. All of the results showed that the in planta transformation method utilized in the current study provided an efficient and time-saving procedure for the delivery of genes into the cactus genome, and that this technique can be applied to other asexually reproducing succulent plant species.  相似文献   

Lin X  Minamisawa N  Takechi K  Zhang W  Sato H  Takio S  Tsukaya H  Takano H 《Planta》2008,228(4):601-608
ANGUSTIFOLIA (AN), a plant homolog of C-terminal binding protein, controls the polar elongation of leaf cells and the trichome-branching pattern in Arabidopsis thaliana. In the present study, degenerate PCR was used to isolate an ortholog of AN, referred to as LgAN, from larch (Larix gmelinii). The LgAN cDNA is predicted to encode a protein of 646 amino acids that shows striking sequence similarity to AN proteins from other plants. The predicted amino acid sequence has a conserved NAD-dependent 2-hydroxy acid dehydrogenase (D2-HDH) motif and a plant AN-specific LxCxE/D motif at its N-terminus, as well as a plant-specific long C-terminal region. The LgAN gene is a single-copy gene that is expressed in all larch tissues. Expression of the LgAN cDNA rescued the leaf width and trichome-branching pattern defects in the angustifolia-1 (an-1) mutant of Arabidopsis, showing that the LgAN gene has effects complementary to those of AN. These results suggest that the LgAN gene has the same function as the AN gene.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of ten SP11 and nine SRK alleles in Raphanus sativus were determined, and deduced amino acid sequences were compared with those of Brassica SP11 and SRK. The amino acid sequence identity of class-I SP11s in R. sativus was about 30% on average, the highest being 52.2%, while that of the S domain of class-I SRK was 77.0% on average and ranged from 70.8% to 83.9%. These values were comparable to those of SP11 and SRK in Brassica oleracea and B. rapa. SP11 of R. sativus S-21 was found to be highly similar to SP11 of B. rapa S-9 (89.5% amino acid identity), and SRK of R. sativus S-21 was similar to SRK of B. rapa S-9 (91.0%). SP11 and SRK of R. sativus S-19 were also similar to SP11 and SRK of B. oleracea S-20, respectively. These similarities of both SP11 and SRK alleles between R. sativus and Brassica suggest that these S haplotype pairs originated from the same ancestral S haplotypes.  相似文献   

We developed molecular diagnostic assays for the detection of Streptococcus pyogenes (GAS) and Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis (SDSE), two streptococcal pathogens known to cause both pharyngitis and more invasive forms of disease in humans. Two real-time PCR assays coupled with an internal control were designed to be performed in parallel. One assay utilizes a gene target specific to GAS, and the other utilizes a gene target common to the two species. Both assays showed 2–3 orders of magnitude improved analytical sensitivity when compared to a commercially available rapid antigen test. In addition, when compared to standard culture in an analysis of 96 throat swabs, the real-time PCR assays resulted in clinical sensitivity and specificity of 91.7 and 100%, respectively. As capital equipment costs for real-time PCR can be prohibitive in smaller laboratories, the real-time PCR assays were converted to a low-density microarray format designed to function with an inexpensive photopolymerization-based non-enzymatic signal amplification (NESA™) method. S. pyogenes was successfully detected on the low-density microarray in less than 4 h from sample extraction through detection.  相似文献   

Initial molecular phylogenetic studies established the monophylly of the large genus Croton (Euphorbiaceae s.s.) and suggested that the group originated in the New World. A denser and more targeted sampling of Croton species points to a South American origin for the genus. The nuclear and chloroplast genomes indicate a different rooting for the phylogeny of Croton. Although we favor the rooting indicated by the chloroplast data our conclusions are also consistent with the topology inferred from the nuclear data. The satellite genera Cubacroton and Moacroton are embedded within Croton. These two genera are synonimized into Croton and a new subgenus, Croton subgenus Moacroton, is circumscribed to include them and their allied Croton species. Croton subgenus Moacroton is morphologically characterized by a primarily lepidote indumentum, bifid or simple styles, and pistillate flowers with sepals that are connate at the base. This newly circumscribed subgenus is found from North America to South America, and in contrast to the majority of Croton species most of its members are found in mesic habitats. The group is most diverse in the greater Caribbean basin. A molecular clock was calibrated to the phylogeny using the available Euphorbiaceae fossils. The timing and pattern of diversification of Croton is consistent with both the GAARlandia and Laurasian migration hypotheses. A single species, Croton poecilanthus from Puerto Rico, is placed incongruently by its nuclear and chloroplast genomes. The possibility of this species being of hybrid origin is discussed.   相似文献   

Summary   Funastrum rupicola Goyder, a new species of Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae from Bolivia, is described and illustrated. The conservation status of this species is assessed.  相似文献   

We examined genealogical relationships among six of seven species of crested-tailed mice (Habromys chinanteco, H. delicatulus, H. ixtlani, H. lepturus, H. lophurus, and H. simulatus) using DNA sequence data from the cytochrome-b gene. Gene trees based on maximum likelihood, Bayesian inference and maximum parsimony were largely congruent in that H. lepturus and H. ixtlani were closely related and formed the sister group to H. lophurus. All analyses also arranged H. chinanteco and H. simulatus as sister taxa. These results are concordant with the phenetic groupings of Carleton et al. (2002) based on morphology. Our unweighted maximum parsimony trees did not resolve placement of H. delicatulus relative to other taxa. However, analyses using weighted maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference optimality criteria recovered a sister group relationship between H. delicatulus and the clade comprised of ((H. lepturus H. ixtlani)(H. lophurus)). This relationship differs from the overall phenetic similarity of H. delicatulus with H. simulatus and H. chinanteco, influenced by the small size of these three taxa, but is consistent with some derived features of the phallus (Carleton et al., 2002). Based on our sequence data, a specimen from Michoacán, México, recently assigned to Peromyscus sagax likely was inadvertently misidentified (Tiemann-Boege et al., 2000) and actually represents a new locality record for H. delicatulus. Finally, we comment on the conservation status of species of Habromys.  相似文献   

Arachis correntina (Burkart) Krapov. & W.C. Gregory is a herbaceous perennial leguminous plant growing in the Northeast of the Province Corrientes, Argentina. It is important as forage. The development of new A. correntina cultivars with improved traits could be facilitated through the application of biotechnological strategies. The purpose of this study was to investigate the plant regeneration potential of mature leaves of A. correntina in tissue culture. Buds were induced from both petiole and laminae on 0.7% agar-solidified medium containing 3% sucrose, salts and vitamins from Murashige and Skoog (MS) supplemented with 0.5–25 M thidiazuron (TDZ). Shoot induction was achieved by transference of calli with buds to MS supplemented with 5 M TDZ. Fifty-four percent of the regenerated shoot rooted on MS + 5 M naphthaleneacetic acid. Histological studies revealed that shoots regenerated via organogenesis.  相似文献   

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