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Mouse embryo cells infected with the 3049 strain of polyoma virus contain several fold more virus-specific, polyadenylated RNA beginning between 4 and 8 hours after the onset of viral DNA synthesis than do cells infected with wild-type virus (lpS). Following infection with either virus strain, there is an identical small but significant enhancement of the level of total polyadenylated RNA measured by binding of 125I-labeled RNA to poly(dT)cellulose. The polyadenylation of “early” virus-specific RNA is inhibited 85–90% by cordycepin resulting in an “early” RNA preparation which competes fully with polyadenylated “early” virus-specific RNA in the ternary complex assay. Utilizing the nonpolyadenylated “early” RNA, competition hybridization demonstrated that approximately 78% of the enlarged pool of “late” 3049 polyadenylated RNA and 72% of the “late” lpS pool consisted of sequences unique to the “late” period. No significant difference in the rate of decay of 3049 and lpS-specific, “late” polyadenylated RNA following actinomycin D block was found. Infection by either strain of polyoma virus did not alter the rate of decay of total polyadenylated RNA.  相似文献   

Early adenovirus type 3 cytoplasmic polyadenylated RNAs from HeLa and BHK-21 cells were detected and mapped on the viral genome by gel blotting and hybridization techniques. The sizes and locations of the 16 adenovirus type 3 RNAs were identical in the two cell types, although relative molarities of the various RNA species differed. Each of the early adenovirus type 3 RNAs was associated with polysomes in both cell types, suggesting that the abortive infection of hamster cells does not result from a defect in early adenovirus type 3 mRNA biosynthesis. No RNAs from regions transcribed late in infection of permissive cells were detected in BHK-21 cells.  相似文献   

RNA silencing plays an important role in development through the action of micro (mi) RNAs that fine tune the expression of a large portion of the genome. But, in plants and insects, it is also a very important player in innate immune responses, especially in antiviral defense. It is now well established that the RNA silencing machinery targets plant as well as insect viruses. While the genetic basis underlying this defense mechanism in these organisms starts being elucidated, much less is known about the possible antiviral role of RNA silencing in mammals. In order to identify siRNAs coming from viruses in infected human cells, small RNAs from cells infected with RNA viruses, such as hepatitis C virus, yellow fever virus or HIV-1, were cloned and sequenced, but no virus-specific siRNAs could be detected. On the contrary, viral small RNAs were found in cells infected by the DNA virus Epstein-Barr. A closer look at these revealed that they were not siRNAs, but rather resembled miRNAs. This finding indicated that, rather than being targeted by RNA silencing, human DNA viruses seem to have evolved their own miRNAs to modulate the expression of host genes. This primary observation has been extended to other members of the herpesvirus family as well as other DNA viruses such as the polyomavirus SV40. Viral miRNAs have the potential to act both in cis to regulate expression of viral genes, or in trans on host genes. There are good indications for the cis mode of action, but the identification of cellular targets of these small viral regulators is only in its infancy.  相似文献   

We have isolated RNA from sheep brain synaptosomes and mitochondria separated by an aqueous two-phase system composed of dextran and poly(ethylene glycol). RNA was fractionated through oligo(dT)-cellulose columns and analyzed by electrophoresis through agarose slab gels containing methylmercuric hydroxide and stained with ethidium bromide. The electrophoretic patterns of the poly(A)-containing RNA fraction from synaptosomes and mitochondria are very similar although some high molecular weight RNA species, clearly visible in the synaptosomal fraction, are scarcely detected in the mitochondrial preparations. The electrophoretic analysis of a cleaner RNA preparation from digitonin-treated free mitochondria (mitoplasts) showed that all the poly (A)-RNA species of the synaptosomal preparation are also present in mitoplast. These results strongly suggest that all the discrete poly(A)-RNA species identified in brain synaptosomes are of mitochondrial origin.  相似文献   

Number and distribution of polyadenylated RNA sequences in yeast.   总被引:59,自引:0,他引:59  
L M Hereford  M Rosbash 《Cell》1977,10(3):453-462

Infection of bovine kidney cells with bovine viral diarrhea virus resulted in the synthesis of a single species of virus-specific RNA. Electrophoresis of this RNA on agarose-urea and agarose-formaldehyde gels indicated that it had a molecular weight of 2.9 X 10(6), corresponding to 8,200 bases (8.2 kilobases). This 8.2-kilobase RNA was resistant to RNase A treatment at 1 microgram/ml but was digested at higher concentrations of RNase (10 micrograms/ml). Sedimentation on neutral sucrose gradients indicated that the majority of this RNA (98%) sedimented at 21S, with a small amount sedimenting at 33S. Sedimentation on formaldehyde-containing sucrose gradients resulted in the conversion of all of the RNA to the faster-sedimenting form. At no time after infection were we able to detect virus-specific RNA species of lower molecular weight than the 8.2-kilobase RNA. The implications of these findings with respect to the means of replication of various togaviruses are discussed.  相似文献   

Up to about 50% of the total radioactivity in pulse-labeled RNA in Bacillus brevis 47-5, a high-protein-producing bacterium, was found in the polyadenylated fraction [termed poly(A)-RNA] isolated by adsorption to oligodeoxythymidylic acid-cellulose. Labeled RNA was bound to the cellulose regardless of whether the radioactive precursor was [3H]adenosine or [3H]uridine, showing that the adsorbed material was poly(A)-RNA rather than free poly(A). Poly(A) tracts, isolated after digestion of pulse-labeled RNA with pancreatic and T1 RNases, were homogeneous, with a length of about 95 nucleotides. Susceptibility of the isolated poly(A) tracts to degradation by snake venom phosphodiesterase and polynucleotide phosphorylase indicated that the poly(A) sequences were located directly at the 3'-terminal of the RNA molecules. Comparison of the poly(A)-RNA content in high-protein-producing and nonprotein-producing cells of B. brevis 47 showed much higher levels in the former. Electrophoretic analysis in both denaturing and denaturing polyacrylamide gels of the poly(A)-RNAs showed a heterogeneous population of molecules ranging in size from 23S to 4S. Comparison of the molecular-weight distribution patterns revealed that a significantly greater amount of high-molecular-weight poly(A)-RNA (comigrating with 23S RNA) was present under conditions in which extracellular protein production was high. The possibility that a substantial fraction of the poly(A)-RNA might be involved in the synthesis of extracellular proteins in B. brevis 47 is discussed.  相似文献   

Northern (RNA) blot analysis has been used to show that synthesis of early mRNA species is similar in monkey cells productively or abortively infected with human adenovirus. mRNA species from all five major early regions (1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4) are identical in size and comparable in abundance whether isolated from monkey cells infected with adenovirus type 2 or with the host range mutant Ad2hr400 or coinfected with adenovirus type 2 plus simian virus 40. The mRNA species isolated from monkey cells are identical in size to those isolated from human cells. Production of virus-associated RNA is also identical in productive and abortive infections of monkey cells. Synthesis of virus-associated RNA is, however, significantly greater in HeLa cells than in CV1 cells at late times after infection regardless of which virus is used in the infection.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of small polyadenylated B2 RNA.   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

An in situ molecular hybridization system which will detect retrovirus RNA in the cytoplasm of individual virus-infected cells has been developed. The technique was applied to cells infected with simian sarcoma-leukemia virus, where the virus-specific RNA was detected by hybridization to simian sarcoma-leukemia virus 3H-labeled complementary DNA. The system is useful for detecting viral RNA-containing cells in the presence of an excess of virus-negative cells and for determining which type of cell in a heterogenous population is expressing viral RNA.  相似文献   

The total RNA content of mouse oocytes, as measured by ethidium bromide fluorescence, was found to decrease by 19% during meiotic maturation (ovulated eggs contain 19% less RNA than full-grown oocytes). Consistent with these results, prelabeled stable RNA of full-grown oocytes decreased by about 20% during in vitro maturation. Polyadenylated RNA represented 19% of total prelabeled RNA in full-grown oocytes and 10% in oocytes matured in vitro, confirming previous results on in vivo prepared material. To distinguish between deadenylation and degradation for one mRNA, the amount and state of adenylation of actin mRNA was examined using Northern blots of oocyte RNA probed with a nick-translated beta-actin cloned chicken cDNA. The results showed that the amount of actin mRNA remained similar during maturation, but its molecular weight decreased slightly. Experiments in which RNA was treated with oligo(dT) and RNase H demonstrated that the actin mRNA was deadenylated during maturation, when actin synthesis is known to decline. These results indicate that the previously defined loss of bulk RNA and changes in the state of adenylation of mRNA during the first 11/2 days of embryogenesis actually begin during the 12 hr of meiotic maturation preceding fertilization.  相似文献   

Steady state concentrations of individual RNA sequences in poly(A) nuclear and cytoplasmic RNA populations of Drosophila Kc cells were determined using cloned cDNA fragments. These cDNAs represent poly(A) RNA sequences of different abundance in the cytoplasm of Kc cells, but their steady state concentrations in poly(A) hnRNA was always lower. Of ten different sequences analysed, eight showed some four-fold lower concentration in hnRNA mRNA, two were underrepresented in hnRNA relative to the others. The obvious clustering of mRNA/hnRNA ratios is discussed in relation to sequence complexity and turnover rates of these RNA populations.  相似文献   

About 1% of the total RNA of cell lines producing murine leukemia virus is virus-specific RNA. About one-third of the virus-specific RNA is located within the nucleus. The size distribution of virus-specific RNA was determined before and after denaturation. Before denaturation, virus-specific RNA sequences sedimented as a heterogeneous population of RNA molecules, some of which sedimented very rapidly. After denaturation, most of the virus-specific RNA had a sedimentation coefficient of 35S or lower, but a small fraction of the nuclear virus-specific RNA sedimented more rapidly than 35S RNA even after denaturation.  相似文献   

Hybridisation of cDNA probes for abundant and rare polysomal polyadenylated RNAs with polyadenylated and non-polyadenylated nuclear RNA from Friend cells indicated that the abundant polysomal polyadenylated RNA sequences were present at a higher concentration in the nucleus than rare polysomal sequences, but at a reduced range of concentrations. The ratio of the concentrations of abundant and rare sequences was about 3 in non-polyadenylated nuclear RNA, 9 in polyadenylated nuclear RNA and 13 in polysomal polyadenylated RNA. This suggests that polyadenylation may play a role in the quantitative selection of sequences for transport to the cytoplasm. Polyadenylation cannot be the only signal for transport, since a highly complex population of nucleus-confined polyadenylated molecules exists, each of which is present on average at less than one copy per cell.  相似文献   

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