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At the adult neuromuscular junction, acetylcholine (ACh) receptors are highly localized at the subsynaptic membrane, whereas, embryonic myotubes before innervation have receptors distributed over the entire surface. Thus sometime during development, ACh receptors accumulate to the nerve contact area. This nerve-induced receptor accumulation can be reproduced in Xenopus nerve-muscle cultures, which provides us with a unique opportunity to investigate the underlying molecular mechanism of this event. Anderson and Cohen (1977) have shown that nerve-induced receptor accumulation is, at least partly, due to migration of pre-existing receptors. It is, thus, plausible that freely diffusing receptors in the membrane are trapped at the nerve-contact region and form clusters. We tested this diffusion trap model. First, receptors in the background region are indeed predominantly mobile and those in the cluster are immobile. Second, the diffusion of receptors in the membrane is fast enough to account for the rate of receptor accumulation. Third, when receptors were immobilized by a lectin, Concanavalin A, the nerve no longer induced receptor accumulation. Thus the diffusion trap model seems adequate to accommodate these observations. Aside from this diffusion mediated mechanism, it is conceivable that newly formed receptors are preferentially inserted at the nerve contact site and these new receptors become immobilized at the site of insertion. To test this hypothesis we stained new receptors separately from old ones and quantitatively compared their distribution. For this purpose we developed a method to quantify fluorescence micrographs. We found that the ratio between old and new receptors was similar at all nerve-induced clusters examined and at the diffusely distributed region.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The number, distribution, and stability of skeletal muscle acetylcholine receptors during development of the neuromuscular junction in the chick embryo were studied. The distribution and turnover of receptors labeled with 125I-labeled α-bungarotoxin were determined by quantitative autoradiography on individual teased muscle fibers. Each posterior latissimus dorsi muscle fiber, which in the adult is singly innervated, has a high density of acetylcholine receptors at a single spot from embryonic Day 10 through hatching. The spots stain more intensely than elsewhere for acetylcholinesterase and are assumed to be end plates. The receptors at these spots are presumed to be junctional receptors. The junctional receptor density remains constant at 104/μm2 from embryonic Day 14 through adult life, although the area of the junction increases 40-fold. In contrast, the extrajunctional receptor density drops precipitously from 250/μm2 on Day 14 to only 10/μm2 on Day 19. This decrease in extrajunctional receptor density can be prevented by chronic paralysis with curare. The rate of autoradiographic grain loss from junctional and extrajunctional regions after a pulse injection of 125I-labeled α-bungarotoxin indicates that both classes of embryonic receptors turn over at the same rate (t12 ? 30 hr).  相似文献   

The localization of surface and internal acetylcholine (ACh) receptors was investigated in the developing anterior and posterior latissimus dorsi (ALD and PLD) muscles in the chick embryo (11, 15, and 19 days) by autoradiography using 125I-α-bungarotoxin (BTX). At 11 days, ACh receptors were already preferentially at neuromuscular junctions. Internal ACh receptors, measured using muscles made permeable to BTX by saponin treatment, were scattered throughout the length of each muscle fiber with or without a slight increase in their number around neuromuscular junctions. Quantitative analysis of grains in montage electron micrographs of muscle fibers from 11-day embryos revealed that intracellular specific BTX binding sites were the Golgi complex and multivesicular bodies. The number of silver grains over the Golgi complex decreased greatly after puromycin treatment of organ-cultured muscles. These findings strongly suggest that the Golgi complex is one of the sites involved in the production of ACh receptors in the skeletal muscle cells in vivo. Multivesicular bodies are assumed to be involved in the degradation of ACh receptors.  相似文献   

The effects of muscle activity on the growth of synaptic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) accumulations and on the metabolic AChR stability were investigated in rat skeletal muscle. Ectopic end plates induced surgically in adult soleus muscle were denervated early during development when junctional AChR number and stability were still low and, subsequently, muscles were either left inactive or they were kept active by chronic exogenous stimulation. AChR numbers per ectopic AChR cluster and AChR stabilities were estimated from the radioactivity and its decay with time, respectively, of end plate sites whose AChRs had been labeled with 125I-alpha-bungarotoxin (alpha-butx). The results show that the metabolic stability of the AChRs in ectopic clusters is reversibly increased by muscle activity even when innervation is eliminated very early in development. 1 d of stimulation is sufficient to stabilize the AChRs in ectopic AChR clusters. Muscle stimulation also produced an increase in the number of AChRs at early denervated end plates. Activity-induced cluster growth occurs mainly by an increase in area rather than in AChR density, and for at least 10 d after denervation is comparable to that in normally developing ectopic end plates. The possible involvement of AChR stabilization in end plate growth is discussed.  相似文献   

The presence of "embryonic" acetylcholinesterase activity, as described by Drews (1975) was investigated during early chick embryonic development, mainly in the following systems: a) primitive streak and Hensen's node during gastrulation movements; b) area opaca during blood islets and vessels differentiation; c) mesoderma of lateral laminae, during delamination movements. The demonstration of enzymic activity was performed with slightly modified histochemical methods. The enzyme was thus localized around the nuclei, in the cytoplasm and associated to plasma membrane of cells engaged in morphogenetic movements. The enzyme activity localized at the plasma membrane was supposed to be involved in the regulation of membrane functions concerning intercellular communications, such as inductive message, perhaps mediated by ion fluxes.  相似文献   

At the peripheral neuromuscular junction (NMJ), a significant number of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) recycle back into the postsynaptic membrane after internalization to intermingle with not-yet-internalized ;pre-existing' AChRs. However, the way in which these receptor pools are maintained and regulated at the NMJ in living animals remains unknown. Here, we demonstrate that recycled receptors in functional synapses are removed approximately four times faster than pre-existing receptors, and that most removed recycled receptors are replaced by new recycled ones. In denervated NMJs, the recycling of AChRs is significantly depressed and their removal rate increased, whereas direct muscle stimulation prevents their loss. Furthermore, we show that protein tyrosine phosphatase inhibitors cause the selective accumulation of recycled AChRs in the peri-synaptic membrane without affecting the pre-existing AChR pool. The inhibition of serine/threonine phosphatases, however, has no effect on AChR recycling. These data show that recycled receptors are remarkably dynamic, and suggest a potential role for tyrosine dephosphorylation in the insertion and maintenance of recycled AChRs at the postsynaptic membrane. These findings may provide insights into long-term recycling processes at less accessible synapses in the central nervous system in vivo.  相似文献   

Brain Cell Biology - The development of high-density clusters of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) and the relationship of these clusters to nerve contacts on embryonic chick wing muscle fibres has...  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1983,96(6):1781-1785
The distribution and turnover rate of acetylcholine receptors labeled with 125I-alpha-bungarotoxin were examined in innervated mouse sternomastoid muscle by electron microscope autoradiography using the "mask" analysis procedure. We compared the total population of receptors with receptors newly inserted at the junction 2 d after inactivation with nonradioactive alpha-bungarotoxin, both at the top (thickened) region of the postjunctional folds (pjm) and the nonthickened bottom folds. We found that the receptor site density was approximately 10 times greater on the thickened pjm than on the nonthickened bottom folds for both total and newly inserted receptors. This ratio does not change significantly during a 6-d period after labeling the new receptors. Furthermore, calculated values for turnover time of receptors show that both total and newly inserted receptors at both regions of the junctional folds have half-lives for degradation within the range given in the literature for slow junctional receptors. These data exclude a simple migration model whereby receptors are preferentially inserted in the nonthickened region of the junctional folds and then migrate into the thickened membrane at a rate equal to the turnover rate of the receptors.  相似文献   

Summary The localization of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), a key enzyme in polyamine biosynthesis and thus in cell growth, was determined in the 4.5-day-old chick embryo, using two independent methods of analysis. ODC protein was identified by indirect immunofluorescence with a monospecific ODC antibody, and catalytically active ODC was identified by autoradiography with -(5-3H) difluoromethylornithine. Both methods revealed a basically similar distribution of ODC within the embryo. Among the organs, the brain exhibited the highest ODC levels. ODC levels were also high in spinal cord, mesonephric tubules and heart. Similar levels, but confined to limited areas, were found in liver tissue, head mesenchyme, and the oral and pharyngeal regions. Organs that exhibited high ODC levels are all engaged in rapid growth, as well as in extensive tissue remodeling and differentiation.  相似文献   

The development and structure of neuromuscular junctions (n-m-js) in stylopodia of forelimbs of larvae and adults of Hynobius nigrescens were histochemically investigated for acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity. In larvae, the tetramethyl rhodamine-labelled α-bungarotoxin (TMR-αBT) positive areas appeared either as small fluorescent spots or fluorescent plates of various sizes. The mature fluorescent plate was found to be formed by the successive addition of spots, and the plates thus established were arranged linearly parallel to the axes of muscle fibers. AChE activity occurred almost exactly at TMR-αBT-positive sites. In adults, plate assemblies were often seen as a single dotted line (type A form) for both AChR binding and AChE reaction, in contrast to larval n-m-js in which AChE activity appeared as a continuous line. By applying the TMR-αBT method, two other forms of adult n-m-js were observed: type B, a long dotted line several plates wide; and type C, with a cluster of plates randomly dispersed over the whole width of the muscle fiber. It seems that protoforms of the latter two forms of n-m-js appear in the muscles just before and after metamorphosis.  相似文献   

T Naka  N Sakamoto 《Bio Systems》1999,51(2):73-78
A two-dimensional compartment model devised for the appropriate representation of the transient process of the spontaneous generation of miniature endplate current (MEPC) at the neuromuscular junction is applied for clarifying the biochemical significance of the quantal release mechanism of acetylcholine (ACh), a typical neurotransmitter, in the synaptic chemical transmission process. The simulation analysis with the model demonstrates that the localization of the ACh release due to the fusion of a synaptic vesicle with the presynaptic membrane has significant effects on the amplitude of MEPC and that the stronger effects are caused with the smaller diffusion coefficients of ACh in the cleft. The sharpest and highest response of MEPC is achieved when the release area is about 4 times to the natural release through the narrow pore. On the other hand, the actual localization corresponding to the natural release of ACh makes the amplitude of MEPC higher by a factor about 2.5 compared with that in the most extended release of ACh examined, implying that the natural release mechanism works as an amplifier of the MEPC with the fixed amount of ACh available.  相似文献   

Fast and accurate synaptic transmission requires high-density accumulation of neurotransmitter receptors in the postsynaptic membrane. During development of the neuromuscular junction, clustering of acetylcholine receptors (AChR) is one of the first signs of postsynaptic specialization and is induced by nerve-released agrin. Recent studies have revealed that different mechanisms regulate assembly vs stabilization of AChR clusters and of the postsynaptic apparatus. MuSK, a receptor tyrosine kinase and component of the agrin receptor, and rapsyn, an AChR-associated anchoring protein, play crucial roles in the postsynaptic assembly. Once formed, AChR clusters and the postsynaptic membrane are stabilized by components of the dystrophin/utrophin glycoprotein complex, some of which also direct aspects of synaptic maturation such as formation of postjunctional folds. Nicotinic receptors are also expressed across the peripheral and central nervous system (PNS/CNS). These receptors are localized not only at the pre- but also at the postsynaptic sites where they carry out major synaptic transmission. In neurons, they are found as clusters at synaptic or extrasynaptic sites, suggesting that different mechanisms might underlie this specific localization of nicotinic receptors. This review summarizes the current knowledge about formation and stabilization of the postsynaptic apparatus at the neuromuscular junction and extends this to explore the synaptic structures of interneuronal cholinergic synapses.  相似文献   

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