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During Drosophila external sensory organ development, one sensory organ precursor (SOP) arises from a proneural cluster, and undergoes asymmetrical cell divisions to produce an external sensory (es) organ made up of different types of daughter cells. We show that phyllopod (phyl), previously identified to be essential for R7 photoreceptor differentiation, is required in two stages of es organ development: the formation of SOP cells and cell fate specification of SOP progeny. Loss-of-function mutations in phyl result in failure of SOP formation, which leads to missing bristles in adult flies. At a later stage of es organ development, phyl mutations cause the first cell division of the SOP lineage to generate two identical daughters, leading to the fate transformation of neurons and sheath cells to hair cells and socket cells. Conversely, misexpression of phyl promotes ectopic SOP formation, and causes opposite fate transformation in SOP daughter cells. Thus, phyl functions as a genetic switch in specifying the fate of the SOP cells and their progeny. We further show that seven in absentia (sina), another gene required for R7 cell fate differentiation, is also involved in es organ development. Genetic interactions among phyl, sina and tramtrack (ttk) suggest that phyl and sina function in bristle development by antagonizing ttk activity, and ttk acts downstream of phyl. It has been shown previously that Notch (N) mutations induce formation of supernumerary SOP cells, and transformation from hair and socket cells to neurons. We further demonstrate that phyl acts epistatically to N. phyl is expressed specifically in SOP cells and other neural precursors, and its mRNA level is negatively regulated by N signaling. Thus, these analyses demonstrate that phyl acts downstream of N signaling in controlling cell fates in es organ development.  相似文献   

Asymmetric distribution of fate determinants is a fundamental mechanism underlying the acquisition of distinct cell fates during asymmetric division. In Drosophila neuroblasts, the apical DmPar6/DaPKC complex inhibits Lethal giant larvae (Lgl) to promote the basal localization of fate determinants. In contrast, in the sensory precursor (pI) cells that divide asymmetrically with a planar polarity, Lgl inhibits Notch signaling in the anterior pI daughter cell, pIIb, by a yet-unknown mechanism. We show here that Lgl promotes the cortical recruitment of Partner of Numb (Pon) and regulates the asymmetric distribution of the fate determinants Numb and Neuralized during the pI cell division. Analysis of Pon-GFP and Histone2B-mRFP distribution in two-color movies confirmed that Lgl regulates Pon localization. Moreover, posterior DaPKC restricts Lgl function to the anterior cortex at mitosis. Thus, Lgl functions similarly in neuroblasts and in pI cells. We also show that Lgl promotes the acquisition of the pIIb cell fate by inhibiting the plasma membrane localization of Sanpodo and thereby preventing the activation of Notch signaling in the anterior pI daughter cell. Thus, Lgl regulates cell fate by controlling Pon cortical localization, asymmetric localization of Numb and Neuralized, and plasma-membrane localization of Sandopo.  相似文献   

Asymmetric partitioning of cell-fate determinants during development requires coordinating the positioning of these determinants with orientation of the mitotic spindle. In the Drosophila peripheral nervous system, sensory organ progenitor cells (SOPs) undergo several rounds of division to produce five cells that give rise to a complete sensory organ. Here we have observed the asymmetric divisions that give rise to these cells in the developing pupae using green fluorescent protein fusion proteins. We find that spindle orientation and determinant localization are tightly coordinated at each division. Furthermore, we find that two types of asymmetric divisions exist within the sensory organ precursor cell lineage: the anterior-posterior pI cell-type division, where the spindle remains symmetric throughout mitosis, and the strikingly neuroblast-like apical-basal division of the pIIb cell, where the spindle exhibits a strong asymmetry at anaphase. In both these divisions, the spindle reorientates to position itself perpendicular to the region of the cortex containing the determinant. On the basis of these observations, we propose that two distinct mechanisms for controlling asymmetric cell divisions occur within the same lineage in the developing peripheral nervous system in Drosophila.  相似文献   

T Uemura  S Shepherd  L Ackerman  L Y Jan  Y N Jan 《Cell》1989,58(2):349-360
Neurons and support cells of each sensory organ in Drosophila embryos are most likely derived from a single precursor cell. This cell lineage is affected in numb mutants. Morphological alterations of sensory structures, as well as changes in the number of cells expressing cell type-specific markers, indicate that sensory neurons in numb mutant embryos are transformed into lineage-related nonneuronal support cells. Thus the numb gene controls the fate of progeny derived from sensory organ precursors. The numb gene has been isolated by the plasmid rescue method. The structure of its predicted product is discussed.  相似文献   

The Drosophila CNS derives from a population of neural stem cells, called neuroblasts (NBs), which delaminate individually from the neurogenic region of the ectoderm. In the embryonic ventral nerve cord each NB can be uniquely identified and gives rise to a specific lineage consisting of neurons and/or glial cells. This 'NB identity' is dependent on the position of the progenitor cells in the neuroectoderm before delamination. The positional information is provided by the products of segment polarity and dorsoventral (D/V) patterning genes. Subsequently, 'cell fate genes' like huckebein (hkb) and eagle (eg) contribute to the generation of specific NB lineages. These genes act downstream of segment polarity and D/V patterning genes and regulate different processes such as the generation of glial cells and the determination of serotonergic neurons.  相似文献   

The adult external sense organ precursor (SOP) lineage is a model system for studying asymmetric cell division. Adult SOPs divide asymmetrically to produce IIa and IIb daughter cells; IIa generates the external socket (tormogen) and hair (trichogen) cells, while IIb generates the internal neuron and sheath (thecogen) cells. Here we investigate the expression and function of prospero in the adult SOP lineage. Although Prospero is asymmetrically localized in embryonic SOP lineage, this is not observed in the adult SOP lineage: Prospero is first detected in the IIb nucleus and, during IIb division, it is cytoplasmic and inherited by both neuron and sheath cells. Subsequently, Prospero is downregulated in the neuron but maintained in the sheath cell. Loss of prospero function leads to 'double bristle' sense organs (reflecting a IIb-to-IIa transformation) or 'single bristle' sense organs with abnormal neuronal differentiation (reflecting defective IIb development). Conversely, ectopic prospero expression results in duplicate neurons and sheath cells and a complete absence of hair/socket cells (reflecting a IIa-to-IIb transformation). We conclude that (1) despite the absence of asymmetric protein localization, prospero expression is restricted to the IIb cell but not its IIa sibling, (2) prospero promotes IIb cell fate and inhibits IIa cell fate, and (3) prospero is required for proper axon and dendrite morphology of the neuron derived from the IIb cell. Thus, prospero plays a fundamental role in establishing binary IIa/IIb sibling cell fates without being asymmetrically localized during SOP division. Finally, in contrast to previous studies, we find that the IIb cell divides prior to the IIa cell in the SOP lineage.  相似文献   

The conserved adaptor protein Numb is an intrinsic cell fate determinant that functions by antagonizing Notch-mediated signal transduction. The Notch family of membrane receptors controls cell survival and cell fate determination in a variety of organ systems and species. Recent studies have identified a role for mammalian Notch-1 signals at multiple stages of T lymphocyte development. We have examined the role of mammalian Numb (mNumb) as a Notch regulator and cell fate determinant during T cell development. Transgenic overexpression of mNumb under the control of the Lck proximal promoter reduced expression of several Notch-1 target genes, indicating that mNumb antagonizes Notch-1 signaling in vivo. However, thymocyte development, cell cycle, and survival were unperturbed by mNumb overexpression, even though transgenic Numb was expressed at an early stage in thymocyte development (CD4(-)CD8(-)CD3(-) cells that were CD44(+)CD25(+) or CD44(-)CD25(+); double-negative 2/3). Moreover, bone marrow from mNumb transgenic mice showed no defects in thymopoiesis in competitive repopulation experiments. Our results suggest that mNumb functions as a Notch-1 antagonist in immature thymocytes, but that suppression of Notch-1 signaling at this stage does not alter gammadelta/alphabeta or CD4/CD8 T cell fate specification.  相似文献   

The Drosophila bristle lineage is an excellent system in which to study how cell cycle and fate determination are synchronized in invariant cell lineages. In this model, five different cells arise from a single precursor cell, pI, after four asymmetric cell divisions. Cell diversity is achieved by the asymmetric segregation of cell determinants, such as Numb and Neuralized (Neur), resulting in differential activation of the Notch (N) pathway. We show that down-regulation of Cdc2, by over-expressing Tribbles, Dwee1, and Dmyt1 (three negative regulators of Cdc2) or by using thermo-sensitive Cdc2 mutant flies, delayed pI mitosis, and altered the polarity and the number of subsequent cell divisions. These modifications were associated with a mother-daughter cell fate transformation as the pI cell acquired the identity of the secondary precursor cell, pIIb. This type of change in cell identity only occurred when the N signaling pathway was inactive since ectopic N signaling transformed pI to pIIa-progeny fate. These transformations in cell identity suggest that, although synchronized, cell cycle and fate determination are independent phenomena in the bristle lineage.  相似文献   

Reduction of the wild-type activity of the gene Hairless (H) results in two major phenotypic effects on the mechanosensory bristles of adult Drosophila. Bristles are either 'lost' (i.e. the shaft and socket fail to appear) or they exhibit a 'double socket' phenotype, in which the shaft is apparently transformed into a second socket. Analysis of the phenotypes conferred by a series of H mutant genotypes demonstrates (1) that different sensilla exhibit different patterns of response to decreasing levels of H+ function, and (2) that the 'bristle loss' phenotype results from greater loss of H+ function than the 'double socket' phenotype. The systematic study of H allelic combinations enabled us to identify genotypes that reliably produce specific mutant defects in particular positions on the bodies of adult flies. This permitted us to investigate the cellular development of sensilla in these same positions in larvae and pupae and thereby establish the developmental basis for the mutant phenotypes. We have found that H is required for at least two steps of adult sensillum development. In positions where 'double socket' microchaetes appear on the notum of H mutant flies, sensillum precursor cells are present in the developing pupa and divide normally, but their progeny adopt an aberrant spatial arrangement and fail to differentiate correctly. In regions of the notum exhibiting 'bristle loss' in adult H mutants, we were unable at the appropriate stages of development to detect sensillum-specific cell types, the precursor cell divisions that generate them, or the primary precursor cells themselves. Thus, the H 'bristle loss' phenotype appears to reflect a very early defect in sensillum development, namely the failure to specify and/or execute the sensory organ precursor cell fate. This finding indicates that H is one of a small number of identified genes for which the loss-of-function phenotype is the failure of sensillum precursor cell development.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Generation of cell-fate diversity in Metazoan depends in part on asymmetric cell divisions in which cell-fate determinants are asymmetrically distributed in the mother cell and unequally partitioned between daughter cells. The polarization of the mother cell is a prerequisite to the unequal segregation of cell-fate determinants. In the Drosophila bristle lineage, two distinct mechanisms are known to define the axis of polarity of the pI and pIIb cells. Frizzled (Fz) signaling regulates the planar orientation of the pI division, while Inscuteable (Insc) directs the apical-basal polarity of the pIIb cell. The orientation of the asymmetric division of the pIIa cell is identical to the one of its mother cell, the pI cell, but, in contrast, is regulated by an unknown Insc- and Fz-independent mechanism. RESULTS: DE-Cadherin-Catenin complexes are shown to localize at the cell contact between the two cells born from the asymmetric division of the pI cell. The mitotic spindle of the dividing pIIa cell rotates to line up with asymmetrically localized DE-Cadherin-Catenin complexes. While a complete loss of DE-Cadherin function disrupts the apical-basal polarity of the epithelium, both a partial loss of DE-Cadherin function and expression of a dominant-negative form of DE-Cadherin affect the orientation of the pIIa division. Furthermore, expression of dominant-negative DE-Cadherin also affects the position of Partner of Inscuteable (Pins) and Bazooka, two asymmetrically localized proteins known to regulate cell polarity. These results show that asymmetrically distributed Cad regulates the orientation of asymmetric cell division. CONCLUSIONS: We describe a novel mechanism involving a specialized Cad-containing cortical region by which a daughter cell divides with the same orientation as its mother cell.  相似文献   

We have studied the in vivo function and tissue specificity of Dcas, the Drosophila ortholog of CAS, the importin beta-like export receptor for importin alpha. While dcas mRNA is specifically expressed in the embryonic central nervous system, Dcas protein is maternally supplied to all embryonic cells and its nuclear/cytoplasmic distribution varies in different tissues and times in development. Unexpectedly, hypomorphic alleles of dcas show specific transformations in mechano-sensory organ cell identity, characteristic of mutations that increase Notch signaling. Dcas is essential for efficient importin-alpha3 nuclear export in mechano-sensory cells and the surrounding epidermal cells and is indirectly required for the import of one component of the Notch pathway, but not others tested. We interpret the specificity of the dcas phenotype as indicating that one or more Notch signaling components are particularly sensitive to a disruption in nuclear protein import. We propose that mutations in house keeping genes often cause specific developmental phenotypes, such as those observed in many human genetic disorders.  相似文献   

Unequal segregation of cell fate determinants at mitosis is a conserved mechanism whereby cell fate diversity can be generated during development. In Drosophila, each sensory organ precursor cell (SOP) divides asymmetrically to produce an anterior pIIb and a posterior pIIa cell. The Par6-aPKC complex localizes at the posterior pole of dividing SOPs and directs the actin-dependent localization of the cell fate determinants Numb, Partner of Numb (Pon) and Neuralized at the opposite pole. The plasma membrane lipid phosphatidylinositol (4,5)-bisphosphate (PIP2) regulates the plasma membrane localization and activity of various proteins, including several actin regulators, thereby modulating actin-based processes. Here, we have examined the distribution of PIP2 and of the PIP2-producing kinase Skittles (Sktl) in mitotic SOPs. Our analysis indicates that both Sktl and PIP2 reporters are uniformly distributed in mitotic SOPs. In the course of this study, we have observed that overexpression of full-length Pon or its localization domain (LD) fused to the Red Fluorescent Protein (RFP::Pon(LD)) results in asymmetric distribution of Sktl and PIP2 reporters in dividing SOPs. Our observation that Pon overexpression alters polar protein distribution is relevant because RFP::Pon(LD) is often used as a polarity marker in dividing progenitors.  相似文献   

The Neritimorpha is an ancient clade of gastropods that may have acquired larval planktotrophy independently of the evolution of this developmental mode in other gastropods (caenogastropods and heterobranchs). Neritimorphs are therefore centrally important to questions about larval evolution within the Gastropoda, but there is very little information about developmental morphology through metamorphosis for this group. We used immunolabeling (antibodies binding to acetylated α-tubulin and serotonin) and serial ultrathin sections for transmission electron microscopy to characterize the apical sensory organ in planktotrophic larvae of a marine neritimorph. The apical sensory organ of gastropod larvae is a highly conserved multicellular sensory structure that includes an apical ganglion and often an associated ciliary structure. Surprisingly, the apical ganglion of Nerita melanotragus (Smith, 1884) does not have typical ampullary neurons, a type of sensory neuron consisting of a cilia filled inpocketing that has been described in all other major gastropod groups. N. melanotragus has cilia-filled pockets embedded within the apical ganglion, but these so-called “sensory cups” are cassettes of multiple cells: one supporting cell and up to three multiciliated sensory cells. We suggest that an internalized pocket that is filled with cilia and open to the exterior via a narrow pore may be essential architectural features for whatever sensory cues are detected by ampullary neurons and sensory cups; however, morphogenesis of these features at the cellular level has undergone evolutionary change. We also note a correlation between the number of sensory elements consisting of cilia-filled pockets within the larval apical sensory organ of gastropods and morphological complexity of the velum or length of the trochal ciliary bands.  相似文献   

Previous work has suggested that many stem cells can be found in microanatomic niches, where adjacent somatic cells of the niche control the differentiation and proliferation states of their resident stem cells. Recently published work examining intestinal stem cells (ISCs) in the adult Drosophila midgut suggests a new paradigm where some stem cells actively control the cell fate decisions of their daughters. Here, we review recent literature((1)) demonstrating that, in the absence of a detectable stem cell niche, multipotent Drosophila ISCs modulate the Notch signaling pathway in their adjacent daughter cells in order to specify the differentiated lineages of their descendants. These observations made in Drosophila are challenging and advancing our understanding of stem cell biology.  相似文献   

Drosophila embryos lacking the homeotic gene labial (lab) show two types of defects in brain development: (1) cells in the brain lab domain do not express neuronal markers or extend axons, and (2) axons originating from outside the lab domain stop at this region or project ectopically. A severe disruption of neuronal patterning and axon scaffolding is the net result. It is not clear how the absence of Lab can result in both neuronal fate defects and axon pathfinding defects. I have expressed Lab in short pulses in lab loss-of- function embryos, and this gave almost complete rescue; for example, the tritocerebral commissure was restored. Rescue only occurred when Lab was provided at the time when cells in the brain are adopting a neuronal fate. Lab expression later, when the first axons are seen in the lab domain, did not give rescue. I conclude that Lab expression helps to establish neuronal identity in the lab domain, and these neurons act as a permissive substrate for axon extension. However, Lab itself is not required at the time of axon pathfinding through this region. Received: 31 May 2000 / Accepted: 5 July 2000  相似文献   

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