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Denitrification and consumption of oxygen and nitrate in sediments from Tama Estuary, Odawa Bay, and Tokyo Bay were measured in an experimental sediment-water system. Filtered seawater containing [15N]nitrate flowed continuously over undisturbed sediments, and the concentrations of O2, nitrate, and nitrite in the influent and effluent and of 15N2 in the effluent were monitored. Under steady-state conditions, the rate of nitrate consumption was the same order of magnitude as the rate of oxygen consumption in Tama Estuary sediments, whereas the former rate was one order of magnitude lower than the latter rate in Odawa Bay and Tokyo Bay sediments. Denitrification accounted for 27 to 57% of the nitrate consumption.  相似文献   

The transformation of nitrogen compounds in lake and estuarine sediments incubated in the dark was analyzed in a continuous-flowthrough system. The inflowing water contained 15NO3-, and by determination of the isotopic composition of the N2, NO3-, and NH4+ pools in the outflowing water, it was possible to quantify the following reactions: total NO3- uptake, denitrification based on NO3- from the overlying water, nitrification, coupled nitrification-denitrification, and N mineralization. In sediment cores from both lake and estuarine environments, benthic microphytes assimilated NO3- and NH4+ for a period of 25 to 60 h after darkening. Under steady-state conditions in the dark, denitrification of NO3- originating from the overlying water accounted for 91 to 171 μmol m-2 h-1 in the lake sediments and for 131 to 182 μmol m-2 h-1 in the estuarine sediments, corresponding to approximately 100% of the total NO3- uptake for both sediments. It seems that high NO3- uptake by benthic microphytes in the initial dark period may have been misinterpreted in earlier investigations as dissimilatory reduction to ammonium. The rates of coupled nitrification-denitrification within the sediments contributed to 10% of the total denitrification at steady state in the dark, and total nitrification was only twice as high as the coupled process.  相似文献   

Denitrification and Ammonia Formation in Anaerobic Coastal Sediments   总被引:23,自引:18,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Simultaneous determinations of nitrogen gas production, ammonia, and particulate organic nitrogen formation in the coastal sediments of Mangoku-Ura, Simoda Bay, and Tokyo Bay were made by using the 15N-label tracer method. The rate of nitrogen gas production in the sediment surface layer was about 10−2 μg atom of N per g per h, irrespective of the location of the sediments examined. [15N]ammonia and -particulate organic nitrogen accounted for 20 to 70% of the three products, and after several hours of incubation, the major fraction of nondenitrified 15N in Mangoku-Ura and Simoda Bay sediments was recovered as ammonia. In Tokyo Bay sediments, particulate organic nitrogen was produced at a greater rate than was ammonia. The reduction rate data suggest that the pathway of nitrate reduction to ammonia is important in coastal sediments.  相似文献   

Galveston Bay sediments exhibit substantial spatial and seasonal variability in rates of nitrification and aerobic methane oxidation. We examined the biogeochemical and microbiological controls on these processes using aerobic enrichment slurries. Potential aerobic methane and ammonia oxidation rates from unamended control slurries were compared to rates in slurries amended with methane, ammonium, or methane + ammonium. Bacterial community composition was monitored using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis of PCR amplified ribosomal and functional gene DNA. Potential methane and ammonia oxidation rates increased over time in sediments amended with methane and ammonium, respectively. The highest potential methane oxidation rates occurred in treatments receiving both ammonium and methane suggesting that methanotrophs in the enrichment cultures were nitrogen limited. The highest ammonia oxidation rates occurred in treatments amended with ammonium only. Treatments receiving both ammonium and methane exhibited ammonia oxidation rates and porewater ammonium concentrations similar to those measured in the unamended control suggesting that methanotrophs may have inhibited ammonia oxidation by sequestering available ammonia. Sequence analysis revealed a decrease in general bacterial community diversity over time and a shift in ammonia-oxidizing bacterial composition corresponding with methane availability. However, methanotroph community composition similarities between treatments with different relative methane oxidation rates suggest that changes in physiological activity, as well as shifts in community composition, contributed to the observed patterns in potential rates.  相似文献   

Oxygen-releasing plants may provide aerobic niches in anoxic sediments and soils for ammonia-oxidizing bacteria. The oxygen-releasing, aerenchymatous emergent macrophyte Glyceria maxima had a strong positive effect on numbers and activities of the nitrifying bacteria in its root zone in spring and early summer. The stimulation of the aerobic nitrifying bacteria in the freshwater sediment, ascribed to oxygen release by the roots of G. maxima, disappeared in late summer. Numbers and activities of the nitrifying bacteria were positively correlated, and a positive relationship with denitrification activities also was found. To assess possible adaptations of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria to low-oxygen or anoxic habitats, a comparison was made between the freshwater lake sediment and three soils differing in oxicity profiles. Oxygen kinetics and tolerance to anoxia of the ammonia-oxidizing communities from these habitats were determined. The apparent K(infm) values for oxygen of the ammonia-oxidizing community in the lake sediment were in the range of 5 to 15 (mu)M, which was substantially lower than the range of K(infm) values for oxygen of the ammonia-oxidizing community from a permanently oxic dune location. Upon anoxic incubation, the ammonia-oxidizing communities of dune, chalk grassland, and calcareous grassland soils lost 99, 95, and 92% of their initial nitrifying capacity, respectively. In contrast, the ammonia-oxidizing community in the lake sediment started to nitrify within 1 h upon exposure to oxygen at the level of the initial capacity. It is argued that the conservation of the nitrifying capacity during anoxic periods and the ability to react instantaneously to the presence of oxygen are important traits of nitrifiers in fluctuating oxic-anoxic environments such as the root zone of aerenchymatous plant species.  相似文献   

乙炔抑制法在硝化与反硝化过程中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
硝化和反硝化作用在土壤氮素循环中扮演重要作用,由于硝化和反硝化作用一方面能够导致土壤中氮素的损失,另一方面能够产生温室气体-N2O,所以硝化和反硝化作用的研究备受关注.乙炔抑制法能同时测定硝化和反硝化作用,在硝化和反硝化作用中有着重要的应用.该文主要论述了乙炔抑制法的研究进展;以及对应用乙炔气体时存在的一些问题进行了综述.  相似文献   

异养硝化细菌脱氮特性及研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苟莎  黄钧 《微生物学通报》2009,36(2):0255-0260
异养硝化细菌能够在利用有机碳源生长的同时将含氮化合物硝化生成羟胺、亚硝酸盐、硝酸盐等产物, 多数还能同时进行好氧反硝化作用, 直接将硝化产物转化为含氮气体。因此, 这类细菌已成为废水处理中生物脱氮新工艺的重要研究对象。本文综述了目前所分离出的一些异养硝化菌的脱氮特性, 分析了各种环境条件如温度、pH、溶解氧、碳源类型、C/N以及抑制剂等对异养硝化菌的影响, 并介绍了异养硝化菌的应用现状及前景。  相似文献   

The seasonal variation and depth distribution of the capacity for denitrification and dissimilatory NO3 reduction to NH4+ (NO3 ammonification) were studied in the upper 4 cm of the sediment of Norsminde Fjord estuary, Denmark. A combination of C2H2 inhibition and 15N isotope techniques was used in intact sediment cores in short-term incubations (maximum, 4 h). The denitrification capacity exhibited two maxima, one in the spring and one in the fall, whereas the capacity for NO3 ammonification was maximal in the late summer, when sediments were progressively reduced. The denitrification capacity was always highest in the uppermost 1 cm of the sediment and declined with depth. The NO3 ammonification was usually higher with depth, but the maximum activity in late summer was observed within the upper 1 cm. The capacity for NO3 incorporation into organic material was investigated on two occasions in intact sediment cores and accounted for less than 5% of the total NO3 reduction. Denitrification accounted for between 13 and 51% of the total NO3 reduction, and NH4+ production accounted for between 4 and 21%, depending on initial rates during the time courses. Changes of the rates during the incubation were observed in the late summer, which reflected synthesis of denitrifying enzymes. This time lag was eliminated in experiments with mixed sediment because of preincubation with NO3 and alterations of the near-environmental conditions. The initial rates obtained in intact sediment cores therefore reflect the preexisting enzyme content of the sediment.  相似文献   

Research so far has provided little evidence that benthic biogeochemical cycling is affected by ocean acidification under realistic climate change scenarios. We measured nutrient exchange and sediment community oxygen consumption (SCOC) rates to estimate nitrification in natural coastal permeable and fine sandy sediments under pre-phytoplankton bloom and bloom conditions. Ocean acidification, as mimicked in the laboratory by a realistic pH decrease of 0.3, significantly reduced SCOC on average by 60% and benthic nitrification rates on average by 94% in both sediment types in February (pre-bloom period), but not in April (bloom period). No changes in macrofauna functional community (density, structural and functional diversity) were observed between ambient and acidified conditions, suggesting that changes in benthic biogeochemical cycling were predominantly mediated by changes in the activity of the microbial community during the short-term incubations (14 days), rather than by changes in engineering effects of bioturbating and bio-irrigating macrofauna. As benthic nitrification makes up the gross of ocean nitrification, a slowdown of this nitrogen cycling pathway in both permeable and fine sediments in winter, could therefore have global impacts on coupled nitrification-denitrification and hence eventually on pelagic nutrient availability.  相似文献   

Nitrogen and oxygen transformations were studied in a bioturbated (reworked by animals) estuarine sediment (Norsminde Fjord, Denmark) by using a combination of 15N isotope (NO3-), specific inhibitor (C2H2), and microsensor (N2O and O2) techniques in a continuous-flow core system. The estuarine water was NO3- rich (125 to 600 μM), and NO3- was consistently taken up by the sediment on the four occasions studied. Total NO3- uptake (3.6 to 34.0 mmol of N m-2 day-1) corresponded closely to N2 production (denitrification) during the experimental steady state, which indicated that dissimilatory, as well as assimilatory, NO3- reduction to NH4+ was insignificant. When C2H2 was applied in the flow system, denitrification measured as N2O production was often less (58 to 100%) than the NO3- uptake because of incomplete inhibition of N2O reduction. The NO3- formed by nitrification and not immediately denitrified but released to the overlying water, uncoupled nitrification, was calculated both from 15NO3- dilution and from changes in NO3- uptake before and after C2H2 addition. These two approaches gave similar results, with rates ranging between 0 and 8.1 mmol of N m-2 day-1 on the four occasions. Attempts to measure total nitrification activity by the difference between NH4+ fluxes before and after C2H2 addition failed because of non-steady-state NH4+ fluxes. The vertical distribution of denitrification and oxygen consumption was studied by use of N2O and O2 microelectrodes. The N2O profiles measured during the experimental steady state were often irregularly shaped, and the buildup of N2O after C2H2 was added was much too fast to be described by a simple diffusion model. Only bioturbation by a dense population of infauna could explain these observations. This was corroborated by the relationship between diffusive and total fluxes, which showed that only 19 to 36 and 29 to 62% of the total O2 uptake and denitrification, respectively, were due to diffusion-reaction processes at the regular sediment surface, excluding animal burrows.  相似文献   

Microbial Formation of Ethane in Anoxic Estuarine Sediments   总被引:11,自引:9,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Estuarine sediment slurries produced methane and traces of ethane when incubated under hydrogen. Formation of methane occurred over a broad temperature range with an optimum above 65°C. Ethane formation had a temperature optimum at 40°C. Formation of these two gases was inhibited by air, autoclaving, incubation at 4 and 80°C, and by the methanogenic inhibitor, 2-bromoethanesulfonic acid. Ethane production was stimulated by addition of ethylthioethanesulfonic acid, and production from ethylthioethanesulfonic acid was blocked by 2-bromoethanesulfonic acid. A highly purified enrichment culture of a methanogenic bacterium obtained from sediments produced traces of ethane from ethylthioethanesulfonic acid. These results indicate that the small quantities of ethane found in anaerobic sediments can be formed by certain methanogenic bacteria.  相似文献   

Thiosphaera pantotropha is capable of simultaneous heterotrophic nitrification and aerobic denitrification. Consequently, its nitrification potential could not be judged from nitrite accumulation, but was estimated from complete nitrogen balances. The maximum rate of nitrification obtained during these experiments was 93.9 nmol min−1 mg of protein−1. The nitrification rate could be reduced by the provision of nitrate, nitrite, or thiosulfate to the culture medium. Both nitrification and denitrification increased as the dissolved oxygen concentration fell, until a critical level was reached at approximately 25% of air saturation. At this point, the rate of (aerobic) denitrification was equivalent to the anaerobic rate. At this dissolved oxygen concentration, the combined nitrification and denitrification was such that cultures receiving ammonium as their sole source of nitrogen appeared to become oxygen limited and the nitrification rate fell. It appeared that, under carbon-and energy-limited conditions, a high nitrification rate was correlated with a reduced biomass yield. To facilitate experimental design, a working hypothesis for the mechanism behind nitrification and denitrification by T. pantotropha was formulated. This involved the basic assumption that this species has a “bottleneck” in its cytochrome chain to oxygen and that denitrification and nitrification are used to overcome this. The nitrification potential of other heterotrophic nitrifiers has been reconsidered. Several species considered to be “poor” nitrifiers also simultaneously nitrify and denitrify, thus giving a falsely low nitrification potential.  相似文献   

Denitrification in San Francisco Bay Intertidal Sediments   总被引:6,自引:17,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The acetylene block technique was employed to study denitrification in intertidal estuarine sediments. Addition of nitrate to sediment slurries stimulated denitrification. During the dry season, sediment-slurry denitrification rates displayed Michaelis-Menten kinetics, and ambient NO3 + NO2 concentrations (≤26 μM) were below the apparent Km (50 μM) for nitrate. During the rainy season, when ambient NO3 + NO2 concentrations were higher (37 to 89 μM), an accurate estimate of the Km could not be obtained. Endogenous denitrification activity was confined to the upper 3 cm of the sediment column. However, the addition of nitrate to deeper sediments demonstrated immediate N2O production, and potential activity existed at all depths sampled (the deepest was 15 cm). Loss of N2O in the presence of C2H2 was sometimes observed during these short-term sediment incubations. Experiments with sediment slurries and washed cell suspensions of a marine pseudomonad confirmed that this N2O loss was caused by incomplete blockage of N2O reductase by C2H2 at low nitrate concentrations. Areal estimates of denitrification (in the absence of added nitrate) ranged from 0.8 to 1.2 μmol of N2 m−2 h−1 (for undisturbed sediments) to 17 to 280 μmol of N2 m−2 h−1 (for shaken sediment slurries).  相似文献   

一株好氧反硝化-异养硝化菌的筛选及脱氮特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对渗滤液中硝酸盐氮和亚硝酸盐氮难以转化的问题,从好氧生物反应器填埋场中筛选出一株好氧反硝化菌-异养硝化菌HN,初步鉴定该菌为假单胞菌(Pseudomonas)。通过对不同氮源的生物转化作用研究了HN的脱氮特性,并对其脱氮条件进行了优化。结果表明,在有氧条件下,以硝酸钾为唯一氮源,HN在96 h时对硝酸盐氮的去除率达到95.44%;以硫酸铵为唯一氮源时,HN在60 h时对氨氮的去除率达到85.14%;当碳源为乙醇,碳氮比为7∶1,初始p H为7.5,温度为35℃,接种量为10%时,菌株HN脱氮效率最高。  相似文献   

Distribution and magnitude of arsenic and metals in surface sediments collected from the coastal and estuarine areas of the southern Bohai Sea, China, were investigated. Sediments from the estuarine and coastal areas of the Jie and Xiaoqing Rivers contained highest concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, copper, mercury, and zinc. Mean concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cr, Pb, and Cd were higher than background concentrations determined for the areas. The magnitude of both enrichment factors (EF) and geoaccumulation indices (Igeo) suggested that pollution with As and metals was occurring along estuarine and coastal areas of the southern Bohai Sea. Risk analysis also suggested that concentrations of As and metals were sufficiently elevated as to cause adverse biological effects in the study area. According to the ecological risk index (RI) values, the upstream of the Jie River has a very high ecological risk for the waterbody. The data provided in this study are considered crucial for controlling and remediation of As and metals’ pollution of the southern Bohai Sea.  相似文献   

Marine sediments were assayed for their concentration of Vibrio spp. and Aeromonas hydrophila over 1 year. A temporal variation was observed in which A. hydrophila, and to a lesser degree V. fluvialis, were found in the winter months, V. parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus predominated in the spring and summer, with non-O-1 V. cholerae and V. alginolyticus detected in the late summer and fall. These organisms were found in greatest numbers in the top 5 cm of sediment, but were detectable down to 15 cm. Epidemiological data revealed a predominance of non-O-1 V. cholerae infections at the time the organisms were observed to flourish in the sediments.  相似文献   

Rates of nitrogen fixation and denitrification were measured in Alaskan continental shelf sediments. In some regions, rates of nitrogen fixation and denitrification appeared to be equal; in other areas, rates were significantly different. Potential rates of denitrification were found to be limited primarily by the available nitrate substrate. Major regional differences in rates of denitrification were not statistically significant, but significant differences were found for nitrogen fixation rates in different regions of the Alaskan continental shelf. Estimated net losses of nitrogen from Bering Sea sediments were calculated as 1.8 × 1012 g of N/yr. Experimental exposure of continental shelf sediments to petroleum hydrocarbons reduced rates of nitrogen fixation and denitrification in some cases but not others. Long-term exposure was necessary before a reduction in nitrogen fixation rates was observed; unamended rates of denitrification but not potential denitrification rates (NO3 added) were depressed after exposure to hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

The potential for denitrification in marl and peat sediments in the Shark River Slough in the Everglades National Park was determined by the acetylene blockage assay. The influence of nitrate concentration on denitrification rate and N2O yield from added nitrate was examined. The effects of added glucose and phosphate and of temperature on the denitrification potential were determined. The sediments readily denitrified added nitrate. N2O was released from the sediments both with and without added acetylene. The marl sediments had higher rates than the peat on every date sampled. Denitrification was nitrate limited; however, the yields of N2O amounted to only 10 to 34% of the added nitrate when 100 μM nitrate was added. On the basis of measured increases in ammonium concentration, it appears that the balance of added nitrate may be converted to ammonium in the marl sediment. The sediment temperature at the time of sampling greatly influenced the denitrification potential (15-fold rate change) at the marl site, indicating that either the number or the specific activity of the denitrifiers changed in response to temperature fluctuations (9 to 25°C) in the sediment. It is apparent from this study that denitrification in Everglades sediments is not an effective means of removing excess nitrogen which may be introduced as nitrate into the ecosystem with supply water from the South Florida watershed and that sporadic addition of nitrate-rich water may lead to nitrous oxide release from these wetlands.  相似文献   

Acetylene disappeared from the gas phase of anaerobically incubated estuarine sediment slurries, and loss was accompanied by increased levels of carbon dioxide. Acetylene loss was inhibited by chloramphenicol, air, and autoclaving. Addition of 14C2H2 to slurries resulted in the formation of 14CO2 and the transient appearance of 14C-soluble intermediates, of which acetate was a major component. Acetylene oxidation stimulated sulfate reduction; however, sulfate reduction was not required for the loss of C2H2 to occur. Enrichment cultures were obtained which grew anaerobically at the expense of C2H2.  相似文献   

The distribution of sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) in the sediments of the Colne River estuary, Essex, UK covering different saline concentrations of sediment porewater was investigated by the use of quantitative competitive PCR. Here, we show that a new PCR primer set and a new quantitative method using PCR are useful tools for the detection and the enumeration of SRB in natural environments. A PCR primer set selective for the dissimilatory sulphite reductase gene (dsr) of SRB was designed. PCR amplification using the single set of dsr-specific primers resulted in PCR products of the expected size from all 27 SRB strains tested, including Gram-negative and positive species. Sixty clones derived from sediment DNA using the primers were sequenced and all were closely related with the predicted dsr of SRB. These results indicate that PCR using the newly designed primer set are useful for the selective detection of SRB from a natural sample. This primer set was used to estimate cell numbers by dsr selective competitive PCR using a competitor, which was about 20% shorter than the targeted region of dsr. This procedure was applied to sediment samples from the River Colne estuary, Essex, UK together with simultaneous measurement of in situ rates of sulphate reduction. High densities of SRB ranging from 0.2 ? 5.7 × 108 cells ml? 1 wet sediment were estimated by the competitive PCR assuming that all SRB have a single copy of dsr. Using these estimates cell specific sulphate reduction rates of 10? 17 to 10? 15 mol of SO4 2 ? cell? 1 day? 1 were calculated, which is within the range of, or lower than, those previously reported for pure cultures of SRB. Our results show that the newly developed competitive PCR technique targeted to dsr is a powerful tool for rapid and reproducible estimation of SRB numbers in situ and is superior to the use of culture-dependent techniques.  相似文献   

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