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夏翾  马帅  王勤  李晓琴 《生物信息学》2014,12(3):171-178
对蛋白质进行嗜热性改造是蛋白质工程的主要问题之一,残基突变方法被广泛运用于其中。本文以枯草杆菌蛋白酶(SUBTILISIN BPN')为研究对象,旨在建立评判嗜热性改造效果的方法,选取了有可靠实验资料的9个突变点,运用分子动力学模拟方法,在四种不同模拟条件下,对其中的6个突变体和1个野生型蛋白进行了多种参量的对比分析,提取4个特征有效参量,建立了蛋白酶嗜热性改造单突变效果评判方法;利用该方法对其它3个突变效果进行评判,评判结果与实验资料完全吻合,证明该方法可用于枯草杆菌蛋白酶嗜热性改造单突变效果的评判。  相似文献   

大肠杆菌分子伴侣蛋白Dna K氮端核苷酸结合域(NBD,nucleotide-binding domain)的II-A和II-B子域之间的一些高度保守的扭链残基突变后(I202A,S203A,G223A,L227A,G228A),其ATPase活性也发生变化原因不清楚。我们通过同源建模的方法构建NBD与小分子ATP相互作用的各蛋白模型,使用分子动力学模拟方法研各模型的结构变化并尝试找出其与ATPase活性变化的关系。结果表明,除L227A外,所有突变模型T11烃基与ATP-γ磷酸基团间的距离与活性变化间具有明显规律;但是所有模型中,能影响与Dna J结合,从而影响ATPase活性的β220(214-221)部分的紧致性变化符合规律,进一步的蛋白对接实验证实了这一点,所以这些扭链残基突变体可能主要是通过这两个部分的变化,引起ATPase活性的改变。  相似文献   

残基相互作用网络是体现蛋白质中残基与残基之间协同和制约关系的重要形式。残基相互作用网络的拓扑性质以及社团结构与蛋白质的功能和性质有密切的关系。本文在构建一系列耐热木聚糖酶和常温木聚糖酶的残基相互作用网络后,通过计算网络的度、聚类系数、连接强度、特征路径长度、接近中心性、介数中心性等拓扑参数来确定网络拓扑结构与木聚糖酶耐热性的关系。识别残基相互作用网络的hub点,分析hub点的亲疏水性、带电性以及各种氨基酸在hub点中所占的比例。进一步使用GA-Net算法对网络进行社团划分,并计算社团的规模、直径和密度。网络的高平均度、高连接强度、以及更短的最短路径等表明耐热木聚糖酶残基相互作用网络的结构更加紧密;耐热木聚糖酶网络中的hub节点比常温木聚糖酶网络hub节点具有更多的疏水性残基,hub点中Phe、Ile、Val的占比更高。社团检测后发现,耐热木聚糖酶网络拥有更大的社团规模、较小的社团直径和较大的社团密度。社团规模越大表明耐热木聚糖酶的氨基酸残基更倾向于形成大的社团,而较小的社团直径和较大的社团密度则表明社团内部氨基酸残基的相互作用比常温木聚糖酶更强。  相似文献   

残基相互作用网络是体现蛋白质中残基与残基之间协同和制约关系的重要形式。残基相互作用网络的拓扑性质以及社团结构与蛋白质的功能和性质有密切的关系。本文在构建一系列耐热木聚糖酶和常温木聚糖酶的残基相互作用网络后,通过计算网络的度、聚类系数、连接强度、特征路径长度、接近中心性、介数中心性等拓扑参数来确定网络拓扑结构与木聚糖酶耐热性的关系。识别残基相互作用网络的hub点,分析hub点的亲疏水性、带电性以及各种氨基酸在hub点中所占的比例。进一步使用GA-Net算法对网络进行社团划分,并计算社团的规模、直径和密度。网络的高平均度、高连接强度、以及更短的最短路径等表明耐热木聚糖酶残基相互作用网络的结构更加紧密;耐热木聚糖酶网络中的hub节点比常温木聚糖酶网络hub节点具有更多的疏水性残基,hub点中Phe、Ile、Val的占比更高。社团检测后发现,耐热木聚糖酶网络拥有更大的社团规模、较小的社团直径和较大的社团密度。社团规模越大表明耐热木聚糖酶的氨基酸残基更倾向于形成大的社团,而较小的社团直径和较大的社团密度则表明社团内部氨基酸残基的相互作用比常温木聚糖酶更强。  相似文献   

一种水蛭素类融合蛋白与凝血酶作用的动力学模拟   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过将凝血酶抑制剂水蛭素的C端20肽片段嫁接到血小板结合蛋白AnnexinⅤ上,可以期望获得既具有抗凝血活性,同时又具有导向性的新型工程蛋白质分子.利用计算机辅助分子设计手段模拟了该融合蛋白的分子结构,并对该融合蛋白对凝血酶的抑制作用进行了分子动力学模拟,得到了支持上述想法的结果.  相似文献   

研究了家蚕Bombyx mori 3个品系(Pure Mysore,NB4D2和CSR2)5龄幼虫和蛹在不同温度(35,38和40℃)下的耐热性,采用Probit分析测定了它们在各温度下的LT50值和置信限。结果表明:多化性品系Pure Mysore在高温下的存活率高于两个二化性品系NB4D2和CSR2,而两个二化性品系中NB4D2表现出更好的耐热性。家蚕幼虫接触38℃高温6 h和40℃高温3 h后,其血淋巴中出现90,70和29 kDa的热激蛋白条带。在恢复过程中,NB4D2和CSR2的血淋巴中未见29 kDa蛋白条带,而Pure Mysore幼虫的血淋巴中29 kDa蛋白仍然表达。当幼虫置于高温下时,血淋巴中90和70 kDa蛋白表达,但是检测不到29 kDa蛋白。研究认为热激蛋白表达与热带家蚕不同品系的耐热性以及与同一品系不同发育阶段的耐热性具有相关性。  相似文献   

目的 转甲状腺素蛋白(transthyretin, TTR)对阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease, AD)具有神经保护作用,这种保护作用表现在TTR能抑制β淀粉样蛋白(amyloid beta protein,Aβ)的病理性聚集。本工作将从分子层面上探究TTR与Aβ的作用机制,揭示TTR对AD的神经保护作用。方法 蛋白质-蛋白质对接用于探究不同结构形式的TTR与Aβ的作用模式,并运用分子动力学模拟方法来探究二者相互作用的动态过程。结果 TTR四聚体及单体均能与Aβ单体作用,TTR四聚体的甲状腺素结合通道是Aβ单体的主要结合部位。此外,TTR四聚体的EF螺旋、EF loop同样能够结合Aβ单体。当TTR四聚体解离后,TTR单体的内部片层疏水部位暴露,该部位对Aβ单体具有较强的亲和力。TTR与Aβ聚集体作用,由于TTR单体与Aβ聚集体均为富含β折叠的结构,使得二者能够共聚集形成聚合度更高的聚集体,从而降低Aβ聚集体的细胞毒性。结论 TTR四聚体和单体通过“扣押”Aβ单体来抑制Aβ的聚集,TTR单体与Aβ聚集体形成高聚合度复合物来降低Aβ聚集体的细胞毒性。本工作为基于TTR...  相似文献   

嗜温冷休克蛋白力致去折叠研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
嗜温冷休克蛋白拥有一个由五个β股形成的反平行β桶结构,目前已被用于蛋白质去折叠的研究。当使用机械力对嗜温冷休克蛋白进行拉伸研究时,发现嗜温冷休克蛋白的去折叠过程具有明显的中间态。在常速和常力两种情况下对嗜温冷休克蛋白进行拉伸分子动力学模拟,发现其在两种情况下具有相同的去折叠次序,即C端β片层首先去折叠,随后N端β片层去折叠;同时这两种模拟都表现出明确的中间态。研究结果表明,嗜温冷休克蛋白抵抗外力作用除了依赖链间氢键外,分子内的静电相互作用也发挥着重要的作用。  相似文献   

番茄LeHsp110/ClpB基因的分子克隆及其对植物耐热性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
HSP100ClpB是Clp蛋白家族的一员,具有分子伴侣功能,与细胞“获得耐热性(acquiredthermotolerance)”相关。从番茄cDNA文库中筛选到长度达3144bp的cDNA,依据最长的开放读码框推导出的多肽含980个氨基酸残基,分子进化分析结果表明该蛋白属于HSP100ClpB家族,因其计算分子量为110kD,所以命名为LeHSP110ClpB。实验证明,LeHsp110ClpB在番茄叶片中没有组成型表达,为热诱导型基因,其编码蛋白定位于叶绿体基质。利用农杆菌介导法,将CaMV35S驱动的反义LeHsp110ClpBcDNA片段导入番茄,高温下转反义基因的番茄株系中LeHsp110ClpBmRNA水平明显低于对照,转基因株系的PSⅡ对高温胁迫更加敏感,说明HSP110ClpB在植物耐热性方面起重要作用。  相似文献   

GDP在体外对大鼠脑线粒体脱耦联蛋白活性和表达的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Xia C  Liu JZ  Xu Y 《生理学报》2008,60(4):492-496
本研究通过GDP体外处理大鼠脑组织块,观察GDP对脑线粒体脱耦联蛋白(uncoupling proteins,UCPs)活性、UCP4和UCP5表达的影响,以探讨嘌呤核苷酸对大鼠脑UCPs的调节作用.取Sprague-Dawley大鼠双侧大脑半球,将脑组织切成约8-10 mm3的脑组织块,与含1 mmol/L GDP的孵育介质共孵育30 min后,匀浆并差速离心分离提取大鼠脑组织线粒体,采用[3H]-GTP结合法测定UCPs活性,并以Scatehard作图法计算两者结合的解离常数(Kd)和最大结合量(Bmax);RT-PCR和Western blot分别检测UCP4和UCP5的mRNA和蛋白表达.结果显示,1 mmol/L GDP可降低体外大鼠脑组织线粒体中UCPs与[3H]-GTP结合的Bmax,提高Kd,但对脑纰织中UCP4和UCP5 mRNA和蛋白表达量的改变无统计学意义.上述结果提示,GDP可直接抑制体外大鼠脑组织中UCPs的活性,但并不影响UCP4和UCP5的表达.  相似文献   

Protein glycosylation is a common post-translational modification, the effect of which on protein conformational and stability is incompletely understood. Here we have investigated the effects of glycosylation on the thermostability of Bacillus subtilis xylanase A (XynA) expressed in Pichia pastoris. Intact mass analysis of the heterologous wild-type XynA revealed two, three, or four Hex8–16GlcNAc2 modifications involving asparagine residues at positions 20, 25, 141, and 181. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the XynA modified with various combinations of branched Hex9GlcNAc2 at these positions indicated a significant contribution from protein-glycan interactions to the overall energy of the glycoproteins. The effect of glycan content and glycosylation position on protein stability was evaluated by combinatorial mutagenesis of all six potential N-glycosylation sites. The majority of glycosylated enzymes expressed in P. pastoris presented increased thermostability in comparison with their unglycosylated counterparts expressed in Escherichia coli. Steric effects of multiple glycosylation events were apparent, and glycosylation position rather than the number of glycosylation events determined increases in thermostability. The MD simulations also indicated that clustered glycan chains tended to favor less stabilizing glycan-glycan interactions, whereas more dispersed glycosylation patterns favored stabilizing protein-glycan interactions.  相似文献   

ZAP-70 and Syk are essential tyrosine kinases in intracellular immunological signaling. Both contain an inhibitory SH2 domain tandem, which assembles onto the catalytic domain. Upon binding to doubly phosphorylated ITAM motifs on activated antigen receptors, the arrangement of the SH2 domains changes. From available structures, this event is not obviously conducive to dissociation of the autoinhibited complex, yet it ultimately translates into kinase activation through a mechanism not yet understood. We present a comprehensive theoretical study of this molecular mechanism, using atomic resolution simulations and free-energy calculations, totaling >10 μs of simulation time. Through these, we dissect the microscopic mechanism coupling stepwise ITAM engagement and SH2 tandem structural change and reveal key differences between ZAP-70 and Syk. Importantly, we show that a subtle conformational bias in the inter-SH2 connector causes ITAM to bind preferentially to kinase-dissociated tandems. We thus propose that phosphorylated antigen receptors selectively recruit kinases that are uninhibited and that the resulting population shift in the membrane vicinity sustains signal transduction.  相似文献   

The small membrane protein p7 of hepatitis C virus forms oligomers and exhibits ion channel activity essential for virus infectivity. These viroporin features render p7 an attractive target for antiviral drug development. In this study, p7 from strain HCV-J (genotype 1b) was chemically synthesized and purified for ion channel activity measurements and structure analyses. p7 forms cation-selective ion channels in planar lipid bilayers and at the single-channel level by the patch clamp technique. Ion channel activity was shown to be inhibited by hexamethylene amiloride but not by amantadine. Circular dichroism analyses revealed that the structure of p7 is mainly α-helical, irrespective of the membrane mimetic medium (e.g. lysolipids, detergents, or organic solvent/water mixtures). The secondary structure elements of the monomeric form of p7 were determined by 1H and 13C NMR in trifluoroethanol/water mixtures. Molecular dynamics simulations in a model membrane were combined synergistically with structural data obtained from NMR experiments. This approach allowed us to determine the secondary structure elements of p7, which significantly differ from predictions, and to propose a three-dimensional model of the monomeric form of p7 associated with the phospholipid bilayer. These studies revealed the presence of a turn connecting an unexpected N-terminal α-helix to the first transmembrane helix, TM1, and a long cytosolic loop bearing the dibasic motif and connecting TM1 to TM2. These results provide the first detailed experimental structural framework for a better understanding of p7 processing, oligomerization, and ion channel gating mechanism.  相似文献   

Domain V of the 23S/25S/28S rRNA of the large ribosomal subunit constitutes the active center for the protein folding activity of the ribosome (PFAR). Using in vitro transcribed domain V rRNAs from Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae as the folding modulators and human carbonic anhydrase as a model protein, we demonstrate that PFAR is conserved from prokaryotes to eukaryotes. It was shown previously that 6-aminophenanthridine (6AP), an antiprion compound, inhibits PFAR. Here, using UV cross-linking followed by primer extension, we show that the protein substrates and 6AP interact with a common set of nucleotides on domain V of 23S rRNA. Mutations at the interaction sites decreased PFAR and resulted in loss or change of the binding pattern for both the protein substrates and 6AP. Moreover, kinetic analysis of human carbonic anhydrase refolding showed that 6AP decreased the yield of the refolded protein but did not affect the rate of refolding. Thus, we conclude that 6AP competitively occludes the protein substrates from binding to rRNA and thereby inhibits PFAR. Finally, we propose a scheme clarifying the mechanism by which 6AP inhibits PFAR.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein (apo)A-IV plays important roles in dietary lipid and glucose metabolism, and knowledge of its structure is required to fully understand the molecular basis of these functions. However, typical of the entire class of exchangeable apolipoproteins, its dynamic nature and affinity for lipid has posed challenges to traditional high resolution structural approaches. We previously reported an x-ray crystal structure of a dimeric truncation mutant of apoA-IV, which showed a unique helix-swapping molecular interface. Unfortunately, the structures of the N and C termini that are important for lipid binding were not visualized. To build a more complete model, we used chemical cross-linking to derive distance constraints across the full-length protein. The approach was enhanced with stable isotope labeling to overcome ambiguities in determining molecular span of the cross-links given the remarkable similarities in the monomeric and dimeric apoA-IV structures. Using 51 distance constraints, we created a starting model for full-length monomeric apoA-IV and then subjected it to two modeling approaches: (i) molecular dynamics simulations and (ii) fitting to small angle x-ray scattering data. This resulted in the most detailed models yet for lipid-free monomeric or dimeric apoA-IV. Importantly, these models were of sufficient detail to direct the experimental identification of new functional residues that participate in a “clasp” mechanism to modulate apoA-IV lipid affinity. The isotope-assisted cross-linking approach should prove useful for further study of this family of apolipoproteins in both the lipid-free and -bound states.  相似文献   

Fast actin depolymerization is necessary for cells to rapidly reorganize actin filament networks. Utilizing a Listeria fluorescent actin comet tail assay to monitor actin disassembly rates, we observed that although a mixture of actin disassembly factors (cofilin, coronin, and actin-interacting protein 1 is sufficient to disassemble actin comet tails in the presence of physiological G-actin concentrations this mixture was insufficient to disassemble actin comet tails in the presence of physiological F-actin concentrations. Using biochemical complementation, we purified cyclase-associated protein (CAP) from thymus extracts as a factor that protects against the inhibition of excess F-actin. CAP has been shown to participate in actin dynamics but has been thought to act by liberating cofilin from ADP·G-actin monomers to restore cofilin activity. However, we found that CAP augments cofilin-mediated disassembly by accelerating the rate of cofilin-mediated severing. We also demonstrated that CAP acts directly on F-actin and severs actin filaments at acidic, but not neutral, pH. At the neutral pH characteristic of cytosol in most mammalian cells, we demonstrated that neither CAP nor cofilin are capable of severing actin filaments. However, the combination of CAP and cofilin rapidly severed actin at all pH values across the physiological range. Therefore, our results reveal a new function for CAP in accelerating cofilin-mediated actin filament severing and provide a mechanism through which cells can maintain high actin turnover rates without having to alkalinize cytosol, which would affect many biochemical reactions beyond actin depolymerization.  相似文献   

Iron-sulfur (Fe-S) clusters are versatile cofactors involved in regulating multiple physiological activities, including energy generation through cellular respiration. Initially, the Fe-S clusters are assembled on a conserved scaffold protein, iron-sulfur cluster scaffold protein (ISCU), in coordination with iron and sulfur donor proteins in human mitochondria. Loss of ISCU function leads to myopathy, characterized by muscle wasting and cardiac hypertrophy. In addition to the homozygous ISCU mutation (g.7044G→C), compound heterozygous patients with severe myopathy have been identified to carry the c.149G→A missense mutation converting the glycine 50 residue to glutamate. However, the physiological defects and molecular mechanism associated with G50E mutation have not been elucidated. In this report, we uncover mechanistic insights concerning how the G50E ISCU mutation in humans leads to the development of severe ISCU myopathy, using a human cell line and yeast as the model systems. The biochemical results highlight that the G50E mutation results in compromised interaction with the sulfur donor NFS1 and the J-protein HSCB, thus impairing the rate of Fe-S cluster synthesis. As a result, electron transport chain complexes show significant reduction in their redox properties, leading to loss of cellular respiration. Furthermore, the G50E mutant mitochondria display enhancement in iron level and reactive oxygen species, thereby causing oxidative stress leading to impairment in the mitochondrial functions. Thus, our findings provide compelling evidence that the respiration defect due to impaired biogenesis of Fe-S clusters in myopathy patients leads to manifestation of complex clinical symptoms.  相似文献   

ALKBH7 is the mitochondrial AlkB family member that is required for alkylation- and oxidation-induced programmed necrosis. In contrast to the protective role of other AlkB family members after suffering alkylation-induced DNA damage, ALKBH7 triggers the collapse of mitochondrial membrane potential and promotes cell death. Moreover, genetic ablation of mouse Alkbh7 dramatically increases body weight and fat mass. Here, we present crystal structures of human ALKBH7 in complex with Mn(II) and α-ketoglutarate at 1.35 Å or N-oxalylglycine at 2.0 Å resolution. ALKBH7 possesses the conserved double-stranded β-helix fold that coordinates a catalytically active iron by a conserved HX(D/E) … Xn … H motif. Self-hydroxylation of Leu-110 was observed, indicating that ALKBH7 has the potential to catalyze hydroxylation of its substrate. Unlike other AlkB family members whose substrates are DNA or RNA, ALKBH7 is devoid of the “nucleotide recognition lid” which is essential for binding nucleobases, and thus exhibits a solvent-exposed active site; two loops between β-strands β6 and β7 and between β9 and β10 create a special outer wall of the minor β-sheet of the double-stranded β-helix and form a negatively charged groove. These distinct features suggest that ALKBH7 may act on protein substrate rather than nucleic acids. Taken together, our findings provide a structural basis for understanding the distinct function of ALKBH7 in the AlkB family and offer a foundation for drug design in treating cell death-related diseases and metabolic diseases.  相似文献   

Kv4 is a voltage-gated K+ channel, which underlies somatodendritic subthreshold A-type current (ISA) and cardiac transient outward K+ (Ito) current. Various ion channel properties of Kv4 are known to be modulated by its auxiliary subunits, such as K+ channel-interacting protein (KChIP) or dipeptidyl peptidase-like protein. KChIP is a cytoplasmic protein and increases the current amplitude, decelerates the inactivation, and accelerates the recovery from inactivation of Kv4. Crystal structure analysis demonstrated that Kv4 and KChIP form an octameric complex with four Kv4 subunits and four KChIP subunits. However, it remains unknown whether the Kv4·KChIP complex can have a different stoichiometry other than 4:4. In this study, we expressed Kv4.2 and KChIP4 with various ratios in Xenopus oocytes and observed that the biophysical properties of Kv4.2 gradually changed with the increase in co-expressed KChIP4. The tandem repeat constructs of Kv4.2 and KChIP4 revealed that the 4:4 (Kv4.2/KChIP4) channel shows faster recovery than the 4:2 channel, suggesting that the biophysical properties of Kv4.2 change, depending on the number of bound KChIP4s. Subunit counting by single-molecule imaging revealed that the bound number of KChIP4 in each Kv4.2·KChIP4 complex was dependent on the expression level of KChIP4. Taken together, we conclude that the stoichiometry of Kv4·KChIP complex is variable, and the biophysical properties of Kv4 change depending on the number of bound KChIP subunits.  相似文献   

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