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Urakami Y  Okuda M  Saito H  Inui K 《FEBS letters》2000,473(2):173-176
Rat (r) OCT2 was identified as the second member of the organic cation transporter (OCT) family, and is predominantly expressed in the kidney. We reported previously that rOCT2 was responsible for the gender differences in renal basolateral membrane organic cation transport activity. As renal rOCT2 expression in males is much higher than that in females, we hypothesized that rOCT2 expression may be under the control of sex hormones. Treatment of male and female rats with testosterone significantly increased the expression levels of rOCT2 mRNA and protein in the kidney, whereas estradiol treatment moderately decreased the expression levels of rOCT2. There was no regulation of renal rOCT1 mRNA expression by testosterone or estradiol. Treatment of male and female rats with testosterone significantly stimulated the tetraethylammonium (TEA) accumulation by renal slices, whereas estradiol treatment caused a decrease in the TEA accumulation by slices from male but not female rats. The present findings suggested that testosterone up-regulates renal rOCT2 expression and estradiol moderately down-regulates rOCT2.  相似文献   

Human MATE1 (multidrug and toxin extrusion 1, hMATE1) is a H+/organic cation (OC) exchanger responsible for the final step of toxic organic cation excretion in the kidney and liver. To investigate the mechanism of transport, we have established an in vitro assay procedure that includes its expression in insect cells, solubilization with octyl glucoside, purification, and reconstitution into liposomes. The resultant proteoliposomes containing hMATE1 as the sole protein component took up radiolabeled tetraethylammonium (TEA) in a ∆pH-dependent and electroneutral fashion. Furthermore, lipid-detergent micelle containing hMATE1 showed ∆pH-dependent TEA binding similar to transport. Mutated hMATE1 with replacement E273Q completely lacked these TEA binding and transport. In the case of divalent substrates, transport was electrogenic. These observations indicate that the stoichiometry of OC/H+ exchange is independent of substrate charge. Purification and reconstitution of hMATE1 is considered to be suitable for understanding the detailed molecular mechanisms of hMATE1. The results suggest that Glu273 of hMATE1 plays essential roles in substrate binding and transport.  相似文献   

Organic cation transporters of the OCT family mediate downhill transport of organic cations, compatible with carrier, pore, or gate-lumen-gate mechanisms. We studied rat OCT2 expressed in Xenopus oocytes by the two-electrode voltage-clamp technique, including membrane capacitance (C(m)) monitoring. Choline, a transported cationic substrate, elicited the expected inward currents but also elicited decreases of C(m). Similar C(m) decreases were caused by the non-transported inhibitors tetrabutylammonium (a cation) and corticosterone (uncharged). Effects on C(m) were voltage-dependent, with a maximum at -140 mV. These findings suggest that the empty rOCT2 protein can undergo an electrogenic conformation change, with one conformation highly favored at physiological voltage. Moreover, alkali cations elicited considerable inward currents and inhibited uptake of [(14)C]tetraethylammonium with a sequence Cs(+) > Rb(+) > K(+) > Na(+) approximately Li(+). Cs(+) affected current and capacitance with similar affinity (K(0.5) approximately 50 mm). Tetraethylammonium inhibited Cs(+) currents in a concentration-dependent manner. Conversely, Cs(+) inhibited tetraethylammonium uptake by a competitive mechanism. Activation energy of the currents estimated from measurements between 12 degrees C and 32 degrees C was approximately 81 kJ/mol for Cs(+) and 39 kJ/mol for tetramethylammonium, compatible with permeation of Cs(+) through rOCT2 along the same path as organic substrates and by a mechanism different from simple electrodiffusion. Rationalization of Cs(+) selectivity in terms of a pore pointed to a pore diameter of approximately 4 A. Intriguingly, that value matches the known selectivity of rOCT2 for organic compounds. Our data show that selective permeability of rOCT2 is not determined by ligand affinity but might rather be understood in terms of the ion channel concept of a distinct "selectivity filter."  相似文献   

The human organic cation transporter type 1 (hOCT1) is an important transport system for small organic cations in the liver. Organic cation transporters are regulated by different signaling pathways, but the regulation of hOCT1 has not yet been studied. In this work, we have for the first time investigated the regulation of hOCT1. hOCT1 was expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO-hOCT1) and in human embryonic kidney cells (HEK293-hOCT1). Its activity was monitored using microfluorimetry with the fluorescent organic cation 4-(4-(dimethylamino)styryl)-N-methylpyridinium (ASP(+)) as substrate. hOCT1 expressed in CHO-cells was inhibited by protein kinase A (PKA) activation (1 microM forskolin, -58 +/- 6%, n = 12), calmodulin inhibition (0.1 microM calmidazolium, -68 +/- 3%, n = 6; 10 microM ophiobolin A, -48 +/- 10%, n = 7), calmodulin-dependent kinase II inhibition (1 microM KN62, -78 +/- 4%, n = 12), and inhibition of p56(lck) tyrosine kinase (10 microM aminogenistein, -35 +/- 7%, n = 12). The apparent affinities for TEA(+) were lower in CHO-hOCT1 than in HEK293-hOCT1, while those for TPA(+) and quinine were almost identical; the rank order of EC(50) values (TPA(+) > quinine > TEA(+)) was independent of the expression system. EC(50) values for TEA(+) in CHO-hOCT1 or HEK293-hOCT1 were increased under calmidazolium incubation (6.3 and 1.4 mM, respectively). hOCT1 was inhibited by PKA and endogenously activated by calmodulin, calmodulin-dependent kinase II, and p56(lck) tyrosine kinase. Regulation pathways were the same in the two expression systems. Since apparent substrate affinities depend on activity of regulatory pathways, the expression system plays a role in determining the substrate affinities.  相似文献   

The organic cation transporter 2 (OCT2) is expressed in plasma membranes of kidney and brain. Its transport mechanism and substrates are debated. We studied substrate-induced changes of electrical current with the patch clamp technique after expression of rat OCT2 in oocytes. Activation of current, corresponding to efflux, was observed for small organic cations, e.g. choline. In contrast, the bigger cations quinine and tetrabutylammonium elicited no change in current. However, transport of choline could be inhibited by applying quinine or tetrabutylammonium to the cytoplasmic side. Inhibition of organic cation efflux by quinine was competitive with substrates. Quinine at the inside also inhibited substrate influx from the outside. Current-voltage analysis showed that both maximal turnover and apparent affinity to substrates are voltage-dependent. Substrate-induced currents with organic cations on both membrane sides reversed as predicted from the Nernst potential. Our results clearly identify the electrochemical potential as driving force for transport at neutral pH and exclude an electroneutral H(+)/organic cation(+) exchange. We suggest the existence of an electroneutral organic cation(+) exchange and propose a model for a carrier-type transport mechanism.  相似文献   

Characterization and functional reconstitution of the multidrug transporter   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
P-Glycoprotein, the multidrug transporter, is isolated from the plasma membrane of CHRC5 cells using a selective two-step detergent extraction procedure. The partially purified protein displays a high level of ATPase activity, which has a highK M for ATP, is stimulated by drugs, and can be distinguished from that of other membrane ATPases by its unique inhibition profile. Delipidation completely inactivates ATPase activity, which is restored by the addition of fluid lipid mixtures. P-Glycoprotein was reconstituted into lipid bilayers with retention of both drug transport and ATPase activity. Proteoliposomes containing P-glycoprotein display osmotically sensitive ATP-dependent accumulation of3H-colchicine in the vesicle lumen. Drug transport is active, generating a stable 5.6-fold concentration gradient, and can be blocked by compounds in the multidrug resistance spectrum. Reconstituted P-glycoprotein also exhibits a high level of ATPase activity which is further stimulated by various drugs. P-Glycoprotein therefore functions as an active drug transporter with constitutive ATPase activity.  相似文献   

Purification and reconstitution of the high affinity choline transporter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The high-affinity choline transporter has been solubilized from synaptosomal membranes by various detergents. The solubilized carrier protein has been incorporated into liposomes after removal of the detergent by dialysis. Using the reconstitution of choline transport activity as an assay, the components catalyzing choline translocation were purified from the detergent extract by ion-exchange chromatography on a Mono-Q column followed by immunoaffinity chromatography. Monitoring the active fractions by sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and isoelectrofocussing gave one major protein with an apparent molecular weight of about 90,000 and an isoelectric point of pH 4.7. The isolated protein appeared to be heavily glycosylated as shown by lectin binding; upon treatment with endoglycosidase F the polypeptide was degraded to an apparent molecular weight of about 65,000. Accumulation of choline into liposomes reconstituted with the purified protein was driven by artificially imposed sodium gradients and inhibited by hemicholinium-3.  相似文献   

Carnitine is essential for beta-oxidation of fatty acids, and a defect of cell membrane transport of carnitine leads to fatal systemic carnitine deficiency. We have already shown that a defect of the organic cation/carnitine transporter OCTN2 is a primary cause of systemic carnitine deficiency. In the present study, we further isolated and characterized new members of the OCTN family, OCTN1 and -3, in mice. All three members were expressed commonly in kidney, and OCTN1 and -2 were also expressed in various tissues, whereas OCTN3 was characterized by predominant expression in testis. When their cDNAs were transfected into HEK293 cells, the cells exhibited transport activity for carnitine and/or the organic cation tetraethylammonium (TEA). Carnitine transport by OCTN1 and OCTN2 was Na(+)-dependent, whereas that by OCTN3 was Na(+)-independent. TEA was transported by OCTN1 and OCTN2 but not by OCTN3. The relative uptake activity ratios of carnitine to TEA were 1.78, 11.3, and 746 for OCTN1, -2, and -3, respectively, suggesting high specificity of OCTN3 for carnitine and significantly lower carnitine transport activity of OCTN1. Thus, OCTN3 is unique in its limited tissue distribution and Na(+)-independent carnitine transport, whereas OCTN1 efficiently transported TEA with minimal expression of carnitine transport activity and may have a different role from other members of the OCTN family.  相似文献   

The overexpression of the P-glycoprotein, theMDR1 gene product, has been linked to the development of resistance to multiple cytotoxic natural product anticancer drugs in certain cancers and cell lines derived from tumors. P-glycoprotein, a member of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) superfamily of transporters, is believed to function as an ATP-dependent drug efflux pump with broad specificity for chemically unrelated hydrophobic compounds. We review here recent studies on the purification and reconstitution of P-glycoprotein to elucidate the mechanism of drug transport. P-glycoprotein from the human carcinoma multidrug resistant cell line, KB-V1, was purified by sequential chromatography on anion exchange followed by a lectin (wheat germ agglutinin) column. Proteoliposomes reconstituted with pure protein exhibited high levels of drug-stimulated ATPase activity as well as ATP-dependent [3H]vinblastine accumulation. Both the ATPase and vinblastine transport activities of the reconstituted P-glycoprotein were inhibited by vanadate. In addition, the vinblastine transport was inhibited by verapamil and daunorubicin. These studies provide strong evidence that the human P-glycoprotein functions as an ATP-dependent drug transporter. The development of the reconstitution system and the availability of recombinant protein in large amounts due to recent advances in overexpression of P-glycoprotein in a heterologous expression system should facilitate a better understanding of the function of this novel protein.  相似文献   

Bahn A  Hagos Y  Rudolph T  Burckhardt G 《Biochimie》2004,86(2):133-136
Protein sequence alignments revealed one amino acid position, where organic cation transporters (OCTs, aspartate (D) at position 475 of rOCT2) and organic anion transporters (OATs, arginine (R) at position 466 of rOAT1) are charged oppositely. To address the impact of this amino acid for protein function we cloned rat organic cation transporter 2 (rOCT2), the renal electrogenic cation transporter of the basolateral side of proximal tubule cells. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to generate rOCT2-D475R (rOCT2-mut). Heterologous expression of rOCT2 wild-type (rOCT2-wt) in A6 cells resulted in a significant uptake of the fluorescent organic cation 4-(4-dimethylaminostyryl)-N-methylpyridinium (ASP(+)). Accordingly, rOCT2-wt-transfected COS 7 cells showed an almost fourfold uptake of 25 microM [(14)C]-TEA, whereas rOCT2-mut did not exhibit any uptake of [(14)C]-TEA. These data indicate that rOCT2 transports both ASP(+) and TEA and that aspartate at position 475 of rOCT2 plays a critical role in transport function.  相似文献   

Atenolol, a β1-adrenergic receptor blocker, is administered orally and its intestinal absorption has recently been indicated to be mediated by carrier protein and reduced markedly by ingestion of some fruit juices, such as apple and orange juices. This could be postulated to be a problem arising from the interaction of some components of fruit juices with atenolol at a transporter involved in its intestinal uptake, but the responsible transporter and its interacting components have not been identified yet. In an attempt to examine that possibility, we could successfully find that human organic cation transporter 1 (OCT1/SLC22A1), which is suggested to be expressed at the brush border membrane of enterocytes, is highly capable of transporting atenolol. In this attempt, OCT1 was stably expressed in Madin-Darby canine kidney II cells and the specific uptake of atenolol by the transporter was found to be saturable, conforming to the Michaelis-Menten kinetics with the maximum transport rate (Vmax) of 4.00 nmol/min/mg protein and the Michaelis constant (Km) of 3.08 mM. Furthermore, the OCT1-specific uptake was found to be inhibited by various flavonoids, including those contained in fruit juices that have been suggested to interfere with intestinal atenolol absorption. Particularly, phloretin and quercetin, which are major components of apple juice, were potent in inhibiting OCT1-mediated atenolol transport with the inhibition constants of 38.0 and 48.0 µM, respectively. It is also notable that the inhibition by these flavonoids was of the noncompetitive type. These results indicate that OCT1 is an atenolol transporter that may be involved in intestinal atenolol uptake and sensitive to fruit juices, although its physiological and clinical relevance remains to be further examined.  相似文献   

The pig erythrocyte nucleoside transporter has been identified as a band 4.5 polypeptide (Mr 64,000) on the basis of photoaffinity labelling experiments with the nucleoside transport inhibitor nitrobenzylthioinosine (NBMPR). This protein was purified 140-fold by treatment of haemoglobin-free erythrocytes 'ghosts' with EDTA (pH 11.2) to remove extrinsic proteins, extraction of the protein-depleted membranes with n-octyl-glucoside and subsequent gradient-elution ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified material revealed the presence of only two detectable protein bands, one which co-migrated with the radiolabelled NBMPR-binding protein, and a lower molecular weight species with an Mr of 43,000. The latter protein may be a degradation product of the band 3 anion-exchange transporter. The overall purification of the NBMPR-binding protein with respect to the Mr 64,000 band was 350-fold. Reversible NBMPR-binding to the partially-purified band 4.5 preparation was saturable (apparent Kd 7.2 nM). Adjustment of the chromatography conditions to allow elution of the NBMPR-binding protein along with the majority of solubilised membrane phospholipid reduced the apparent Kd value to 3.0 nM. Purification of reversible NBMPR-binding activity during ion-exchange chromatography was paralleled by an increase in the specific activity of nitrobenzylthioguanosine (NBTGR) -sensitive uridine transport as assayed in proteoliposomes reconstituted by a freeze-thaw-sonication procedure.  相似文献   

The requirement for small molecule transport systems across the peroxisomal membrane has previously been postulated, but not directly proven. Here we report the identification and functional reconstitution of Ant1p (Ypr128cp), a peroxisomal transporter in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which has the characteristic sequence features of the mitochondrial carrier family. Ant1p was found to be an integral protein of the peroxisomal membrane and expression of ANT1 was oleic acid inducible. Targeting of Ant1p to peroxisomes was dependent on Pex3p and Pex19p, two peroxins specifically required for peroxisomal membrane protein insertion. Ant1p was essential for growth on medium-chain fatty acids as the sole carbon source. Upon reconstitution of the overexpressed and purified protein into liposomes, specific transport of adenine nucleotides could be demonstrated. Remarkably, both the substrate and inhibitor specificity differed from those of the mitochondrial ADP/ATP transporter. The physiological role of Ant1p in S.cerevisiae is probably to transport cytoplasmic ATP into the peroxisomal lumen in exchange for AMP generated in the activation of fatty acids.  相似文献   

Novel organic cation transporter (OCTN2) is an organic cation/carnitine transporter, and two missense mutations, L352R and P478L, in OCTN2 have been identified as the cause for primary carnitine deficiency. In the present study, we assessed the influence of these two mutations on the carnitine transport function and the organic cation transport function of OCTN2. The L352R mutation resulted in a complete loss of both transport functions. In contrast, the P478L mutation resulted in a complete loss of only the carnitine transport function but significantly stimulated the organic cation transport function. Studies with human OCTN2/rat OCTN2 chimeric transporters indicated that the carnitine transport site and the organic cation transport site were not identical. Because carnitine transport is Na(+)-dependent whereas organic cation transport is Na(+)-independent, we investigated the possibility that the P478L mutation affected Na(+) binding. The Na(+) activation kinetics were found to be similar for the P478L mutant and wild type OCTN2. We then mutated nine different tyrosine residues located in or near transmembrane domains and assessed the transport function of these mutants. One of these mutations, Y211F, was found to have differential influence on the two transport activities of OCTN2 as did the P478L mutation. However, the Na(+) activation kinetics were not affected. These findings are of clinical relevance to patients with primary carnitine deficiency because whereas each and every mutation in these patients is expected to result in the loss of the carnitine transport function, all of these mutations may not interfere with the organic cation transport function.  相似文献   

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