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Adenylate concentrations were measured in intact chloroplasts under a variety of conditions. Energy charge was significant in the dark and increased in the light, but remained far below values expected from observed phosphorylation potentials in broken chloroplasts, which were 80 000 M?1 or more in the light. With nitrite as electron acceptor, phosphorylation potentials in intact chloroplasts were about 80 M?1 in the dark and only 300 M?1 in the light. Similar phosphorylation potentials were observed, when oxaloacetate, phosphoglycerate or bicarbonate were used as substrates. ΔGATP was ?42 kJ/mol in darkened intact chloroplasts, ?46 kJ/mol in illuminated intact chloroplasts and ?60 kJ/mol in illuminated broken chloroplasts. Uncoupling by NH4Cl, which stimulated electron transport to nitrite or oxaloacetate and decreased the proton gradient, failed to decrease the phosphorylation potential of intact chloroplasts. Also, it did not increase the quantum requirement of CO2 reduction. It is concluded that the proton motive force as conventionally measured and phosphorylation potentials are far from equilibrium in intact chloroplasts. The insensitivity of CO2 reduction and of the phosphorylation potential to a decrease in the proton motive force suggests that intact chloroplasts are over-energized even under low intensity illumination. However, such a conclusion is at variance with available data on the magnitude of the proton motive force.  相似文献   

曹家树 《遗传》2010,32(8):791-798
文章从现有主流生物进化理论存在的问题入手, 以生物适应进化原理为认识基础, 讨论生物进化的动力, 以求对生物进化机制有一个新的认识。在薛定谔“生命赖负熵生存”观点的指导下, 提出了“负熵流”包括能量流、物质流和信息流, 以及负熵流是生命生存和发育的动力的观点。作者在原有生物适应进化原理基础上, 修改完善并提出了“DNA、RNA和蛋白质在环境作用下的生物适应进化调控系统”理论, 并根据系统发育是个体发育的“积分”的观点, 推论得出生物与环境的负熵差引起的负熵流也是生命进化的动力, 对生物进化机制作出了新的理解。基于这样的生物进化机制的认识, 提出了“进化是一个子系统在其上一等级系统中, 将自身全部或部分信息遗传给下一代子系统, 并在其适应上一等级系统过程中, 产生一些新质, 终止一些旧质, 从而在其上一等级系统中得以延续的变化过程”的概念, 并探讨了一些与进化有关的其他争议问题。  相似文献   

Mitochondrial bioenergetics plays a key role in multiple basic cellular processes, such as energy production, nucleotide biosynthesis, and iron metabolism. It is an essential system for animals' life and death (apoptosis) and it is required for embryo development. This, in conjunction with its being subjected to adaptive processes in multiple species and its gene products being involved in the formation of reproductive barriers in animals, raises the possibility that mitochondrial bioenergetics could be a candidate genetic mechanism of speciation. Here, we discuss genetic and biochemical evidence for the possible involvement of this unique system, encoded by two genomes (the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes), that differ by an order of magnitude in their mutation rates in processes leading to speciation events.  相似文献   

E. Kamitsubo  M. Kikuyama 《Protoplasma》1994,180(3-4):153-157
Summary With an attempt to measure the motive force responsible for cytoplasmic streaming in characean internodal cells, the difference between densities of cytoplasm and vacuolar sap was heightened by about 10 times (density of vacuolar sap was made larger than that of cytoplasm) by replacing the natural vacuolar sap ofChara corallina with an artificial one of higher density. Endoplasmic flow contiguous to the peripheral actin cables (peripheral flow of endoplasm) in the centrifugal direction was not influenced at all by the application of centrifugal acceleration up to 1400 g. We thus concluded that the motive force for the peripheral flow should be much larger than 12dyn/cm2, a figure more than 10 times larger than that for bulk endop lasmic flow so far reported.Dedicated to Emeritus Professor Noburo Kamiya on the occasion of his 80th birthday  相似文献   

Summary By use of a theoretical model for a section of a cell ofNitella and assumptions regarding the form of the stress/rate of strain relation for the streaming protoplasm, it has been possible to determine possible velocity profiles for the streaming in normal and disturbedNitella cells. A match of velocities from these theoretical studies to those measured in real systems has led to a re-estimation of the motive force and of the viscosity coefficient as well as to a first estimate of the thickness of the layer over which the force must be distributed.These new results show the motive force field to be restricted to a layer of about 0.1m thickness alongside the sol/gel interface (the outside boundary of the streaming layer), the force per unit area of this interface to be about 0.36 Nm–2 (3.6 dyne cm–2) and a possible stress/rate of strain relation to be of the form (stress)=(viscosity coefficient) × (rate of strain)1/3.Although this latter relation is similar to that obtained by Kamiya and Kuroda (1965) for isolated protoplasm, their viscosity coefficient is about twelve times the present estimate (0.027 Nm–2s 1/3) suggesting that the fluidin situ is much less viscous than their isolated material. The estimate for the motive force is about double that of previous workers. (Kamiya andKuroda 1958,Tazawa 1968).  相似文献   

The streaming endoplasm of characean cells has been shown to contain previously unreported endoplasmic filaments along which bending waves are observed under the light microscope using special techniques. The bending waves are similar to those propagated along sperm tails causing propulsion of sperm. In Nitella there is reason to believe that nearly all of the filaments are anchored in the cortex and that their beating propels the endoplasm in which they are suspended. This hypothesis is supported by calculations in which typical and average wave parameters have been inserted into the classical hydrodynamic equations derived for sperm tail bending waves. These calculations come within an order of magnitude of predicting the velocity of streaming and they show that waves of the character described, propagated along an estimated 52 m of endoplasmic filaments per cell, must generate a total motive force per cell within less than an order of magnitude of the forces measured experimentally by others. If we assume that undulating filaments produce the force driving the endoplasm, then the method described for measuring the motive force could lead to a lower than actual value for the motive force, since both centrifugation and vacuolar perfusion would reverse the orientation of some filaments. Observations of the initiation of particle translation in association with the filaments suggest that particle transport and wave propagation, which occur at the same velocity, may both be dependent on the same process. The possibility that some form of contractility provides the motive force for filament flection and particle transport is discussed.  相似文献   

 Dynamic management of genetic resources aims to conserve genetic variability between different populations evolving in contrasting environments. It is thus of importance to determine whether differences appearing between populations are stochastic or if they come about from adaptation. Two-dimensional electrophoresis (2DE) was used to study genetic differentiation of 11 wheat populations evolving since 1984 in a multi-site network covering the major cultivation area of wheat in France. Gels were scanned and protein-spot intensities were measured through image analysis. As it was not possible to assay each individual, populations were characterized using pooled extracts from several plants. In the first step, two parents among the 16 parental lines involved in the initial wheat composite-cross population were exhaustively studied to identify a set of polymorphic spots against which the entire set of evolved populations could be compared. This analysis confirmed the efficiency of gel image-processing to determine the composition of pooled extracts. Of the 48 spots used to investigate population differentiation, 15 showed significant differences at the P<0.05 level. Populations that evolved independently at the same location showed similar differentiation, even when their cultivation methods were different. These results suggest that natural selection acted strongly on the evolution of the populations, and that responses to selection were determined primarily by macro-environmental conditions. Received: 10 February 1997 / Accepted: 18 April 1997  相似文献   

Mutual interference among linked genetic sites subject to selection may reduce the level of adaptation. A recent study detected this effect using data on protein sequence evolution and codon usage in Drosophila.  相似文献   

The proton motive force mediated the transport of selenite (SeO3(2-)) in Clostridium pasteurianum cells by proton symport. The proton conductor, carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, inhibited SeO3(2-) uptake while N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide prevented SeO3(2-) uptake by presumably inhibiting the unidirectional ATPase. Acid pulse studies and antibiotic experiments with valinomycin suggest that the transmembrane delta pH component of the proton motive force mediated the transport of SeO3(2-) into the cells. The SeO3(2-) porter system in C. pasteurianum was found to be dependent upon energy source, temperature, and medium pH.  相似文献   

An important task is to reduce the cost of natural selection. The stress provides a short-term non-specific resistance to a number of factors (cross resistance); however, in the long term, it is harmful (distress). In a small population, it is more expedient to change the stress flow (prolonging the phase of cross resistance, neutralizing distress) by natural selection within a small group of stress genes than to test all mutations of genome in a search for preadaptations. This process can provoke allo- or aromorphosis.  相似文献   

When 50 microM carbonyl cyanide-m-chlorophenyl hydrazone (CCCP), a protonophore, was added to growth medium containing glucose at pH 7.5, Escherichia coli TK1001 (trkD1 kdpABC5) started exponential growth after 30 min; the generation time was 70 min at 37 degrees C. Strain AS1 (acrA), another strain derived from E. coli K-12, also grew in the presence of 50 microM CCCP under the same conditions, except that the lag period was ca. 3 h. When this strain was grown in the presence of 50 microM CCCP and then transferred to fresh medium containing 50 microM CCCP, cells grew without any lag. Neither a membrane potential nor a pH gradient was detected in strain AS1 cells growing in the presence of CCCP. When either succinate or lactate was substituted for glucose, these strains did not grow in the presence of 50 microM CCCP. Thus, it is suggested that E. coli can grow in the absence of a proton motive force when glucose is used as an energy source at pH 7.5.  相似文献   

Proton motive force during growth of Streptococcus lactis cells   总被引:18,自引:20,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
Experiments with the aerotolerant anaerobe Streptococcus lactis provide the opportunity for determining the proton motive force (Δp) in dividing cells. The two components of Δp, ΔΨ (the transmembrane potential) and ΔpH (the chemical gradient of H+), were determined by the accumulation of radiolabeled tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP+) and benzoate ions. The ΔΨ was calibrated with the K+ diffusion potential in starved, valinomycin-treated cells. With resting, glycolyzing cells, the Δp was measured also by the accumulation of the non-metabolizable sugar thiomethyl-β-galactoside (TMG). In resting cells the Δp, calculated either by adding ΔΨ and ZΔpH or from the levels of TMG, was relatively constant between pH 5 to 7, decreasing from 160 to 150 mV and decreasing further to 100 mV at pH 8.0. With the TPP+ probe for ΔΨ, we confirmed our previous finding that the K+ ions dissipate ΔΨ and increase ΔpH, whereas Na+ ions have little effect on ΔΨ and no effect on ΔpH. [3H]TPP+ and [14C]benzoate were added during exponential phase to S. lactis cells growing at pH 5 to 7 at 28°C in a defined medium with glucose as energy source. As with resting cells, the ΔpH and ΔΨ were dependent on the pH of the medium. At pH 5.1, the ΔpH was equivalent to 60 mV (alkaline inside) and decreased to 25 mV at pH 6.8. The ΔΨ increased from 83 mV (negative inside) at pH 5.1 to 108 mV at pH 6.8. The Δp, therefore, was fairly constant between pH 5 and 7, decreasing from 143 to 133 mV. The values for Δp in growing cells, just as in resting cells, are consistent with a system in which the net efflux of H+ ions is effected by a membrane-bound adenosine triphosphatase and glycolytically generated adenosine triphosphate. The data suggest that in both growing and resting cells the pH of the medium and its K+ concentration are the two principal factors that determine the relative contribution of ΔpH and ΔΨ to the proton motive force.  相似文献   

Molecular evolution can be described as a learning process during which previously inanimate matter developed the ability to organize all the reaction pathways that establish a living system. Common to all natural self-organizing procedures is the ability of matter to store, process and evaluate the information achieved by learning. Genetic information which is stored in RNA or DNA is the object of natural evolution. With the recognition of nature's concepts, evolutionary optimization was applied to biopolymers that are not optimally adapted for particular technical or medical purposes. Information can also be stored in molecules with structures and chemical properties that are completely different from nucleic acids. Therefore, optimization processes that mimic the natural evolutionary strategies can also be applied to small organic molecules. Much effort has been made theoretically and practically to find a certain optimized species within the (hyper)astronomical number of possible sequence alternatives. From a series of computer experiments it can be concluded that it is not necessary to search the entire sequence space in order to find a particular structure; this is advantageous because the diversity of mutant libraries that can realistically be achieved in the laboratory never extends to the number of theoretically possible sequences. Molecular mutant libraries that serve as starting populations for in vitro selection have been constructed for nucleic acids, proteins, peptides and small organic molecules.  相似文献   

Oxygen taxis and proton motive force in Salmonella typhimurium   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The aerotactic response of Salmonella typhimurium SL3730 has been quantitatively correlated with a change in the proton motive force (delta p) as measured by a flow-dialysis technique. At pH 7.5, the membrane potential (delta psi) in S. typhimurium changed from -162 +/- 13 to -111 +/- 15 mV when cells grown aerobically were made anaerobic, and it returned to the original value when the cells were returned to aerobiosis. The delta pH across the membrane was zero. At pH 5.5, delta psi was -70 mV in aerobiosis and -20 mV in anaerobiosis, and delta pH was -118 and -56 mV for aerobic and anaerobic cells, respectively. A decrease in delta p resulted in increased tumbling, and an increase in delta p resulted in a smooth swimming response at either pH. Inhibition of aerotaxis at pH 7.5 by various concentrations of KCN correlated with a decreased delta p, due to a decreased delta psi in aerobiosis and little change in delta psi in anaerobiosis. At concentrations up to 100 mM, 2,4-dinitrophenol decreased delta psi, but did not inhibit aerotaxis because the difference between delta psi in aerobic and anaerobic cells remained constant. Considered as a whole, the results indicate that aerotaxis in S. typhimurium is mediated by delta p.  相似文献   

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