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Résumé L'évolution de l'ultrastructure de la cellule épithéliale mammaire de la Lapine est décrite au cours de:L'apparition des phénomènes sécrétoires qui prennent place normalement pendant le premier tiers de la gestation des Lapines primipares.La lactogénèse expérimentale produite par des injections de prolactine à des Lapines pseudo-gestantes.L'ultrastructure de la cellule mammaire de Lapine en sécrétion active (lactation) se distingue de celle des cellules inactives pour la sécrétion (début de la gestation et pseudogestation) par: le développement considérable de l'ergastoplasme organisé en lamelles parallèles ou concentriques; l'hypertrophie de l'appareil de Golgi; la présence de granules protéiques inclus dans des vacuoles d'origine golgienne au sein d'un cytoplasme hypertrophié, celle des gouttelettes lipidiques étant moins indicatrice d'un état d'activité sécrétoire.L'induction de la sécrétion lactée au cours de la gestation normale ou à la suite de l'injection de prolactine, conduit à des modifications ultrastructurales de la cellule mammaire qui se caractérisent principalement par le développement progressif des systèmes membranaires ergastoplasmiques, qui est déjà net entre 12 et 24 heures et aboutit le 3e jour de l'administration hormonale à des images se rapprochant de celles d'une cellule de glande mammaire en lactation. La formation d'un important réticulum endoplasmique auquel est liée la majorité des ribosomes, ainsi que le développement des citernes et vacuoles golgiennes, paraissent ainsi sous le contrôle de la prolactine. Nous discutons enfin de la signification de l'existence transitoire dans les premiers stades de la lactogénèse d'une organisation vacuolaire de l'ergastoplasme.
Ultrastructural aspects of the rabbit mammary gland during lactogenesis
Summary The ultrastructural development of the rabbit epithelial mammary gland cell is described during:The appearance of secretory phenomena usually occuring in primiparous rabbits in the last third of pregnancy.Experimental lactogenesis induced by injecting pseudopregnant rabbits with prolactin.The ultrastructure of the active secretory (lactating) rabbit mammary gland cell is distinguished from that of inactive epithelial cells (beginning of pregnancy or pseudo-pregnancy) by: a considerable development of the ergastoplasm organized in parallel or concentric lamellae; hypertrophy of the Golgi apparatus; the presence of protein granules included in vacuoles of Golgian origin in the middle of hypertrophied cytoplasm. The presence of lipid droplets is less indicative of an active secretory state.The induction of milk secretion during normal gestation or after a prolactin injection produces ultrastructural modifications in the mammary gland cell which are characterized by progressive development of the ergastoplasmic membrane system. This transformation becomes evident between 12–24 hours and on the third day of hormonal administration resembles that of the lactating mammary gland. The formation of a large endoplasmic reticulum to which the majority of ribosomes are bound and the development of cisterns and Golgi vacuoles appear under the influence of prolactin. The signification of the temporary existence, during the early stage of lactogenesis, of a vacuolar ergastoplasmic organization, is discussed.

Les tirages photographiques sont dus à Messieurs Scandolo et Amar que nous remercions vivement.  相似文献   

Bohemia and Moravia, the two parts constituting together the Czech Republic, do not only represent historical countries, but they also display distinct geographies. As Bohemia is surrounded by mountains, its territory is often called the Bohemian Basin. In Moravia, the mountains in the north of the country are interrupted by the Moravian Gate, giving access to the Great Northern Plain of Europe with its rich sources of Northern flints, the best raw material for chipped stone industries available in Central Europe. The southern part opens directly towards the Danubian region with its more temperate environment, and connecting the south of Germany with the Balkans. The morphology of the territory had obviously influenced the Palaeolithic occupation. In the Lower and Middle Palaeolithic when communication did not play any major role, the two countries were settled relatively regularly, although not too densely. The Early Upper Palaeolithic brought a substantial change: In Moravia hundreds of sites proliferate, while there are only few of them in Bohemia. The Pavlovian phase of the Gravettian seems to be completely missing in Bohemia, while in Moravia it is concentrated in several megasites on the banks of the main rivers. This is certainly caused by the presence of the South-North artery of animal migrations and human communication. Since the Epigravettian, the density of occupation became balanced again. The local evolution of the Upper Palaeolithic was interrupted by the invasion of the Magdalenians coming from the West, on the one side along the Danube River, on the other by the northern route through Poland. The Late Palaeolithic, subject to influences coming from the North, gradually transformed into the Mesolithic.  相似文献   

Résumé Les modalités de la détermination et de la différenciation du dimorphisme sexuel de Néréidiens (Annélides Polychètes) ont été recherchées chezNereis pelagica L. etPerinereis cultrifera G. par des expériences de décérébration, de castration (par irradiation X), de greffes et d'injection de produits génitaux.Les caractères sexuels somatiques des cirres parapodiaux (renflement et crénelures) se développent toujours conformément au sexe génétique quel que soit l'état génital de laNereis et la nature de l'intervention. La détermination des caractères sexuels somatiques des cirres parapodiaux apparaît donc comme étant très précoce (3 mois au moins avant la différenciation génitale) et stable.Par contre, les papilles pygidiales, caractère sexuel mâle dans les conditions normales, peuvent se différencier chez les très jeunes femelles dont l'épitoquie est déclenchée prématurément par décérébration et chez les femelles de tout âge dont les transformations hétéronéréidiennes sont réalisées en présence d'un milieu mâle (injection de produits génitaux, greffe sur un mâle). Les papilles pygidiales semblent donc déterminées précocement chez les deux sexes; leur différenciation est cependant inhibée chez les femelles au cours de la maturation génitale.
Control of determination and the differentiation of the sexual somatic characters of Nereids (Annelida Polychaeta)
Summary The modalities of determination and differentiation of sexual dimorphism of Nereids (Annelida Polychaeta) were investigated inNereis pelagica L. andPerinereis cultrifera G. with experiments involving decerebration, castration (by X irradiation), grafts or injection of genital products.The sexual somatic characters of the parapodial cirri (swelling and crenellations) always develop according to the genetic sex, whatever the genital state of the Nereis and the nature of the intervention. Therefore the determination of the sexual somatic characters of the parapodial cirri appear to be determined in a very precocious and stable way (at least 3 months before the genital differentiation).The pygidial papillae, a male sexual character in normal conditions, can be formed by very young females in which heteronereidation is realized prematurely by decerebration, and by females of any age in which heteronereid transformations are realized in a male environment (e.g. by injection of genital products, or grafting onto a male). Therefore the pygidial papillae may be determined precociously in either sex; however their differentiation is normally inhibited in females in the course of genital maturation.

R. Mieusset 《Andrologie》2010,20(3):179-189
Cryptorchidism, a non-descended testis in its physiological intrascrotal location, is one of the most frequent congenital anomalies of the male genital system. The mechanisms of the normal descent of the testis are still unclear. Several etiological hypotheses have been proposed for cryptorchidism. Cryptorchidism is associated with a greater risk of testis cancer, and is also a cause of impairment in sperm parameters and fertility in the adult age. In this article, we review the cellular and hormonal events occurring from birth to puberty in isolated cases of congenital cryptorchidism that will later, in adulthood, alter both spermatogenesis and fertility.  相似文献   

Round spermatids are post-meiotic cells with a haploid genome contained in a nucleus, with a structure initially similar to that of the somatic cell nucleus. During spermatogenesis, the spermatid nucleus undergoes drastic remodelling during which it first elongates and then condenses into the very specific and tightly packaged structure of the sperm nucleus. During this remodelling dthe histones are replaced by transition proteins, which, in turn, are replaced by protamines, the specific nuclear proteins of the spermatozoa. Immediately prior to their replacement, the histones are hyperacetylated. The first part of our work was to precisely characterise the changes in histone acetylation during murine spermatogenesis. We have shown that the core histones H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 are hyperacetylated in the elongating spermatids. We have also shown that these changes in acetylation are associated with degradation of the enzymes responsible for histone deacetylation, histone deacetylases or HDACs, while histone acetyl transferases are still present in these cells. The histone acetylation pattern was also investigated during human spermatogenesis, revealing that histone hyperacetylation in the nucleus of elongating spermatids, which appears to be conserved during the course of evolution, also occurs during human spermatogenesis. Moreover, our data obtained from the testes of men with severely altered spermatogenesis, including SCO syndromes (Sertoli Cells Only Syndromes), show that a global hyperacetylation of the Sertoli cell nuclei is associated with an absence of meiotic and post-meiotic cells. This suggests that the global histone acetylation variations observed during spermatogenesis are part of a signalling pathway involving germ cell — Sertoli cell communication. Altogether, these data provide a basis for a better understanding of the mechanisms and identification of the factors involved in post-meiotic remodelling of chromatin.  相似文献   

Résumé Au microscope électronique, l'action de la méthyltestostérone sur les cellules rénales de l'Epinoche femelle se traduit par une cytodifférenciation conduisant à la formation de cellules glandulaires muqueuses. Elle a lieu simultanément à deux niveaux distincts:Au niveau du tubule proximal, le premier signe visible de cytodifférenciation est une activation du nucléole, accompagnée par une augmentation de taille des cellules. Puis on assiste à un développement de l'ergastoplasme et de l'appareil de Golgi et à l'élaboration de deux types de sécrétions: d'abord des granules de 2000–2500 Å, ensuite des grains de mucigène typiques, qui subissent rapidement une transformation muqueuse.Une cytodifférenciation régressive intervient en même temps. Elle concerne la pinocytose apicale qui disparaît.Au niveau des tubules collecteurs, la cytodifférenciation se traduit par la formation d'un mucus hyalin d'origine golgienne. Elle s'accompagne également d'une disparition de la pinocytose.La méthyltestostérone est capable de provoquer, chez la femelle, une cytodifférenciation rénale identique à celle que l'on observe chez le mâle pendant la période de reproduction. La transformation muqueuse des cellules rénales est donc sous le contrôle de la seule testostérone, qui déclenche au niveau cellulaire un ensemble de processus conduisant à la formation de mucus.Au microscope électronique, on constate que l'élaboration de mucus prêt à l'excrétion est achevée au bout de trois jours dans les tubules proximaux alors que dans les tubules collecteurs elle ne demande que 24 heures.
Action of methyl testosterone on the cytodifferentiation of the kidney of the female three-spined Stickleback
Summary At the microscopic level, the action of methyl testosterone on the cells of the kidney of the female three-spined Stickleback gives raise to a cytodifferentiation which leads to the formation of mucous glandular cells. This action is evident at two different levels:At the level of the proximal tubule, the first visible sign of cytodifferentiation is an activation of the nucleolus, accompanied by a growth of the cell size. Then a rapid development of the ergastoplasm and the Golgi apparatus takes place, which leads to the elaboration of two types of secretory particles: granules of 2000–2500 Å in diameter appear first, then typical mucigen granules become visible. These latter undergo a rapid mucous transformation.A regressive cytodifferentiation occurs at the same time. It concerns the apical pinocytosis which disappears in the cells undergoing the glandular differentiation.At the level of the collecting tubules, the cytodifferentiation is characterized by the elaboration of a clear mucus which originates in the Golgi apparatus and migrates to the apex of the cells. A disappearance of the pinocytosis is also noticeable.In the kidney of the female, methyl testosterone induces a cytodifferentiation which is identical to that occuring in the male during the breeding period. So the mucous transformation of renal cells is under the control of a single hormone: the testosterone, which is able to give raise to a succession of phenomena leading to the formation of a mucous secretion.With the electron microscope, it is possible to demonstrate that three days are necessary for the elaboration of the mucus ready to be discharged in the lumen of the renal proximal tubules. In the collecting tubules, the reaction occurs more quickly, after only two days of treatment.
L'auteur tient à remercier Monsieur le Professeur E. Follénius pour ses conseils et son aide précieuse au cours de la réalisation de ce travail.  相似文献   

We have found a relationship between the net absorption of carbon at time t divided by the net absorption of carbon in 24 h (AN(t)/AN(24)) and the incubation duration after sunrise, in surface waters of the western Mediterranean sea. This ratio is quite similar whatever the sample location, the sample depth and the 24-h net-absorption level. Considering this result, we have established a correction factor which may be used to convert primary production rates obtained from incubation durations ≤ 24 h to daily rates (24 h dawn-to-dawn).  相似文献   

Annick Isaia 《Planta》1971,96(2):175-182
Summary The activities of (±)-abscisic acid and a number of compounds derived from p-coumaric acid and coumarin and their interaction with gibberellic acid in the control of the elongation of the first wheat leaf are examined. (±)-Abscisic acid strongly inhibits leaf growth in the presence as well as in the absence of gibberellic acid, but the inhibition is greater in the presence of gibberellic acid (3 g/l already have an observable effect). Among other compounds, only ferulic acid and coumarin significantly reduce leaf elongation, and they are effective only at high concentrations (1.44 · 10-4 M/l).  相似文献   

The formation of new vessels, a process referred to as neoangiogenesis, is one of the key pathophysiological mechanisms in the development and progression of cancer. It contributes to tumour growth and dissemination of neoplastic cells and can determine response or resistance to anticancer therapies. It involves different signaling pathways including the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) pathway and integrins, which are also preferred targets for the development of antiangiogenic therapies. Changes in the microvasculature induced by antiangiogenic treatments occur before morphological changes can be detected with conventional imaging approaches. The development of molecular tools enabling an assessment of these targets before initiating therapy, or early detection of response or recurrence during or following treatment is essential for the close monitoring of antiangiogenic treatments. These outstanding needs call for the development of specific probes enabling the characterization of the molecules and pathways involved. This review summarizes the major signaling pathway involved in promoting tumor neoangiogenes is, the different radiotracers recently developed in preclinical and clinical settings, as well as their potential use in humans in order to improve the management of patients treated with antiangiogenic treatments.  相似文献   

The nature and content of free sterols, analyzed by MIKE spectrometry, were investigated in in vitro cultures submitted to different light regimes with or without the addition of exogenous mycosporin. The sterol composition was related to varying degrees of induced sexual morphogenesis, particularly when mycosporin was added to the nutrient medium.  相似文献   

Summary The electrophoretic polymorphism of post-albumin and transferin was investigated in 46 apes of the Pan troglodytes. Gorilla gorilla and Pongo pygmaeus subspecies. This type of study enables the different subspecies to be distinguished and the ancestral from to be identified. The pattern of individual variability is found to be different between the various ape species and Homo sapiens.
Polymorphisme electrophorétique de la post-albumine et de la transferrine dans les différentes sous-espèces de singes anthropoïdes
Résumé Le polymorphisme électrophorétique de la postalbumine et de la transferine est étudié chez 46 individus apprrtenent à diverses sous-espèces de Pan troglodytes, Gorilla gorilla et Pongo pygmaeus. Il est ainsi possible de distinguer les différentes sous-espèces et de proposer lesquelles d'entre elles sont les formes ancestrales. L'étendue du polymorphisme est différente chez les différentes espèces de singes et chez Homo sapiens.

Résumé Les auteurs, étudiant les régions périportales et centrolobulaires des foies d'un embryon et de quatre foetus humains, tendent à préciser quelques aspects de la formation des canaux biliaires intrahépatiques. Ils apportent ainsi une nouvelle contribution à la théorie hépatogène de la cholangiogénèse intrahépatique.
Summary The present study describes the fine structure of tubules surrounded by parenchymal or biliary epithelial cells at the margin of the centrolobular or portal spaces. The hepatogenic theory of intrahepatic cholangiogenesis is discussed.

Travail subventionné par le «Fonds National Suisse de la Recherche Scientifique», requête N 3731.

Avec la collaboration technique de Mlles J. Braeutigam et M.-M. Bertholet et de Mme M. Schreyer.  相似文献   

Résumé Les auteurs, étudiant les diverses cellules épithéliales rencontrées dans la région périportale du foie foetal humain, décrivent deux types d'éléments qui possèdent des caractères ultrastructuraux intermédiaires entre ceux de la cellule épithéliale biliaire et ceux de l'hépatocyte.Ils décrivent un type cellulaire à cytoplasme et noyau fortement denses, différents de ceux que l'on observe dans les «dark cells» de Steiner et coll. (1962b).
Summary The fine structure of the different cells at the margin of the portal spaces was investigated in the foetal human liver. Two types of cells intermediate between biliary epithelial and parenchymal elements were described.In addition, a type of cell in which both the cytoplasm and nucleus are electron-dense was observed. This element is different from the dark cell of Steiner et al. (1962b).

Travail subventionné par le «Fonds National Suisse de la Recherche Scientifique», requête N 3731.

Avec la collaboration technique de Mme M. Schreyer et de Mlle M.-M. Bertholet.  相似文献   

Sterility is a potential toxic effect of chemotherapy. This risk is well established for alkylating agents, but is less clearly defined for anthracyclines, methotrexate and fluorouracil and poorly defined for alkaloids, platinum, etoposide and taxanes. The main predictive factors for ovarian toxicity are the additive effect of cytotoxic drugs, the cumulative dose of each drug and the patient’s age. This effect of chemotherapy is evaluated on menstrual cycles, hormonal assays and the number of pregnancies observed in patient cohorts. Chemotherapy induces destruction of oocytes and granulosa cells. In mice, it has been shown that adriamycin may induce oocyte apoptosis, which can be prevented by modulation of cycle cell signalling (dysregulation of Bax gene or, on the contrary, expression of its antagonist gene Bcl-2 or inhibition of apoptosis with sphingosine-1-phosphate or caspase inhibitors). Clinical data in the literature are usually based on retrospective studies and are somewhat confused: global fertility after MOPP chemotherapy for Hodgkin’s disease is about 20%, adjuvant chemotherapy with CMF, F(A)C or TAC for breast cancer induces amenorrhea in 50% to 70% of cases, PVB or BEP chemotherapy for ovarian germ cell tumors has little effect on fertility when the uterus and one ovary can be preserved, and the majority of women treated with methotrexate, actinomycin D or various combinations for persistent trophoblastic disease remain fertile. Preservation of fertility is a major goal for cancer patients receiving chemotherapy: in vitro fertilization could preserve the couple’s fertility, but is usually not feasible as it would delay initiation of chemotherapy until after stimulation of ovulation; oocyte or ovarian tissue cryopreservation is at the stage of research; oral contraceptives have not been demonstrated to be effective to preserve ovarian function; gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists prevent cyclophosphamide toxicity in rat and monkey ovaries, and a few pilot clinical studies suggest that chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea could be prevented by administration of GnRH analogues simultaneously to chemotherapy, but randomised studies are necessary.  相似文献   

Résumé En irradiant (500 kR) une fraction seulement du volume cellulaire de la cellule internodale deNitella, il est possible de distinguer au cours des phénomènes de restauration du mouvement cytoplasmique ceux qui dépendent de Pendoplasme (observation de la cyclose dans la zone protégée) et ceux qui dépendent de l'ectoplasme siège de la force motrice (observation de la cyclose dans la zone irradiée).Dans la zone protégée, la vitesse de la fraction endoplasmique irradiée se rétablit en fonction du temps suivant une équation du second ordre. L'augmentation du volume irradié diminue la rapidité du premier des deux processus de restauration et la quantité d'endoplasme qui reste altérée s'accroît.Dans la zone irradiée, le courant cytoplasmique est suspendu; il ne reprend que 4 minutes après le traitement alors que la couche chloroplastique se réorganise. Le glissement des inclusions qu'il charrie se fait un certain temps par saccades. La vitesse de la fraction endoplasmique protégée y augmente régulièrement témoignant ainsi du rétablissement de la force motrice. Le rétablissement a lieu suivant un schéma analogue à celui de Pendoplasme irradié sauf que ce phénomène y est plus rapide et que la force motrice du moins pendant les premières heures se rétablit intégralement. Ces résultats sont discutés (rôle des groupes SH, effet indirect d'empoisonnement, nature des lésions) et comparés à ceux obtenus pour des cellules irradiées in toto.
Cytoplasm and motive force separated recovery during the re-establishment of the gyclosis in irradiatedNitella cells
Summary In these experiments onNitella internodal cells, only a fraction of the cellular volume is irradiated (by 500 kR). The restoring of the endoplasm (by measurement of the cyclosis in the shielded zone) and the restoring of the ectoplasm where the motive force is generated (by measurement of the cyclosis in the irradiated zone) can be examinated separately during the recovery of the cytoplasmic streaming.In the shielded zone, the plot on a semi-logarithmic scale of a typical rate of streaming-time curve shows that the speed of the irradiated endoplasm. increases again according to a second order equation. With increasing irradiated cellular volume, there are a gradual slowing down of the first processus of restauration and an increase of the definitively altered fraction of the endoplasm.In the irradiated zone, the cytoplasmic streaming stopped completely. About 4 minutes after the treatment, when the chloroplasts layer is reorganising, it exhibits a tendency to flow again. The carried inclusions slide then in jerks during several minutes. The rate of the protected fraction of the endoplasm increases regularly, proving the recovery of the motive force. An analysis of this processus versus time shows that it can be exprimed by a second order equation as that of the irradiated endoplasm. But it is faster and the motive force resumes until full recovery (at least during the first hours).These results are discussed (importance of SH-groups, indirect poisoning effect, kind of lesions) and compared with those observed in completely irradiated cells.

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