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The ribosomal DNA repeat unit of Aspergillus nidulans has been cloned in pBR322 and a restriction map constructed. The genes coding for the 17S, 5.8S and 25S rRNAs are found in blocks separated by a 1.7 kb spacer region, with the 5.8S RNA gene lying between the genes for the two larger RNAs. The total length of the repeat unit is 7.7 kb. The 5S rRNA is not present in the repeat unit.  相似文献   

We examined the stability of microsatellites of different repeat unit lengths in Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains deficient in DNA mismatch repair. The msh2 and msh3 mutations destabilized microsatellites with repeat units of 1, 2, 4, 5, and 8 bp; a poly(G) tract of 18 bp was destabilized several thousand-fold by the msh2 mutation and about 100-fold by msh3. The msh6 mutations destabilized microsatellites with repeat units of 1 and 2 bp but had no effect on microsatellites with larger repeats. These results argue that coding sequences containing repetitive DNA tracts will be preferred target sites for mutations in human tumors with mismatch repair defects. We find that the DNA mismatch repair genes destabilize microsatellites with repeat units from 1 to 13 bp but have no effect on the stability of minisatellites with repeat units of 16 or 20 bp. Our data also suggest that displaced loops on the nascent strand, resulting from DNA polymerase slippage, are repaired differently than loops on the template strand.  相似文献   

The amitochondrial human intestinal parasite Giardia intestinalis is regarded to be the most ancient living example of single-celled eukaryotes and should display primitive features of pre-metazoan gene regulation. Characterization of E. coli clones which express Giardia antigens from plasmid vectors has revealed that an antigen is encoded by the rDNA repeat unit from the strand complementary to that encoding the rRNAs. The open reading frame (ORF) originates in the spacer region between the small (SS) and large (LS) subunit rRNA genes and terminates within the LS rRNA gene. The promoter region of this ORF has characteristics of both RNA polymerase (pol) II and pol III regulatory sequences, suggestive of gene regulation before these different promoter types evolved. The rDNA repeat unit is located on multiple chromosomal sites which are different in each isolate, although the electrophoretic karyotypes appear very stable in Giardia from both human and animal sources.  相似文献   

W L Wu  J P Wang  M C Tseng  T Y Chiang 《Génome》1999,42(4):780-788
Thirty clones of a highly repetitive HindIII fragment of DNA from seven populations of Acrossocheilus paradoxus (Cyprinidae) were isolated and sequenced. The fragment represents a tandemly repeated sequence, with a monomeric unit of 270 bp, amounting to 0.08-0.10% of the fish genome. Higher units of this monomer appear as a ladder in Southern blots. The HindIII satellite DNA family is conserved in three genera of the Cyprinidae. Variation in nucleotide sequences of this repetitive fragment, which is A+T-rich, is distributed both within individuals and among populations. High overall nucleotide divergence (dij = 0.056 +/- 0.001) was detected among clones of the HindIII satellite DNAs of Acrossocheilus paradoxus. Based on the molecular clock hypothesis, the maximum evolutionary rate was estimated to be 5.3 x 10(-7) substitutions per site per year. Lineage sorting may have contributed to the genetic heterogeneity within individuals and populations. Cladistic analyses indicated a closer phylogeographic relationship between populations of the central and south regions in Taiwan.  相似文献   

Insertion of a genetic marker into the ribosomal DNA of yeast   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
Jack W. Szostak  Ray Wu 《Plasmid》1979,2(4):536-554
Plasmid pBR322 carrying the yeast LEU2+ gene transforms leu yeast into LEU+ at a low frequency by integration at homologous chromosomal DNA. When one-half of the yeast rDNA repeat unit (BglII-A) is inserted into the plasmid, the frequency of yeast transformation increases 100- to 200-fold, in proportion to the increased amount of homologous repetitive rDNA available for integration. When the other half of the repeat unit (BglII-B) is inserted into the plasmid, the transformation frequency increases by a factor of 104, and the transformants are very unstable. It is likely that this fragment of rDNA contains a yeast origin of replication. This plasmid is a useful vector for cloning fragments of yeast DNA in yeast. We have used the LEU2+ gene, inserted into the rDNA locus, as a genetic marker for mapping the rDNA, in a procedure analogous to the use of antibiotic resistance transposons in the mapping of bacterial genes. Yeast ribosomal DNA is on chromosome XII between asp5 and ura4 as determined by mitotic linkage. Genetic analysis of markers inserted at the rDNA locus should be a useful tool for studying the conservation of sequence homology and the conservation of copy number of repeated genes.  相似文献   

Oocysts of the protozoan parasite Cryptosporidium parvum are found in most surface waters and can contaminate municipal water supplies, as demonstrated by recent outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis. A method capable of fingerprinting C. parvum isolates from the environment would facilitate the study of epidemiology and transmission cycles and aid in the implementation of preventive measures to reduce water contamination by oocytes. In this study, we report polymorphism in C. parvum isolates on the basis of analysis of random amplified polymorphic DNA and nucleotide sequences in a region of the 18S rRNA and the internal transcribed spacer 1. Isolate-specific primers for these two regions were designed, and PCR tests capable of discriminating between isolates were developed. In both PCR assays, the five C. parvum isolates analyzed segregated into two subgroups. One group consisted of isolates that originated directly from human patients, and the other group had various host origins and had been propagated in laboratory animals. These results demonstrate the feasibility of distinguishing C. parvum isolates by sequence-specific PCR tests.  相似文献   

Lambda bacteriophage containing yeast tyrosine transfer RNA genes were prepared by molecular recombination. These phage were identified by hybridization of 125I-labeled yeast tRNATyr to plaques from lambda-yeast recombinant phage pools. The cloned yeast EcoRI fragments that hybridize to 125I-labeled tRNATyr were compared in size with the fragments in total yeast DNA that hybridize to the same probe. These comparisons indicate that seven of the eight different tRNATyr genes have been isolated. Unambiguous evidence that these seven fragments contain tRNATyr coding regions was obtained by showing that they hybridize to aminoacylated [3H]Tyr-tRNATyr. Only one of the fragments hybridizes to 32P-labeled total yeast tRNA in the presence of competing unlabeled tRNATyr; the tRNATyr genes, therefore, are not predominantly organized into heteroclusters of tRNA genes.  相似文献   

DNA lengths in the structural repeat units of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) and chicken erythrocyte chromatin were compared by analyzing the sizes of DNA fragments produced after treatment of nuclei with staphylococcal nuclease. The repeat length of CHO chromatin (173 +- 4 BP) is about 20 base pairs (BP) smaller than that of chicken erythrocyte chromatin (194 +- 8 BP). Repeat lengths of rat liver and calf thymus chromatin were found to be about 10 BP shorter than that of chicken erythrocyte chromatin. Thus significant variations occur in repeat units of chromatin of higher eukaryotes. These variations occur in the lengths of "spacer" (or "internucleosomal") DNA segments, not in "core particle" (or "nucleosomal") DNA lengths. The concept of spacer regions and the possible influence of H1 histones is discussed.  相似文献   

The organization, structure, and nucleotide variability of the ribosomal repeat unit was compared among families, genera, and species of cockroaches (Insecta:Blattodea). Sequence comparisons and molecular phylogenetic analyses were used to describe rDNA repeat unit variation at differing taxonomic levels. A reverse similar 1200 bp fragment of the 28S rDNA sequence was assessed for its potential utility in reconstructing higher-level phylogenetic relationships in cockroaches. Parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses of these data strongly support the expected pattern of relationships among cockroach groups. The examined 5' end of the 28S rDNA is shown to be an informative marker for larger studies of cockroach phylogeny. Comparative analysis of the nucleotide sequences of the rDNA internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) among closely related species of Blattella and Periplaneta reveals that ITS sequences can vary widely in primary sequence, length, and folding pattern. Secondary structure estimates for the ITS region of Blattella species indicate that variation in this spacer region can also influence the folding pattern of the 5.8S subunit. These results support the idea that ITS sequences play an important role in the stability and function of the rRNA cluster.  相似文献   

A human interspersed repetitive DNA cloned in pBR322, the HindIII 1.9-kb (kilobase pair) sequence, was labeled with biotinylated dUTP and hybridized to acid-fixed chromosomes and paraformaldehyde-fixed whole cells in situ. Using our most sensitive detection techniques this probe highlighted on the order of 200 discrete loci, in punctate or banded arrays, that resembled a Giemsa-dark band pattern on chromosome arms. Interphase cells also displayed many discrete punctate spots of hybridization along chromosome fibers. The ubiquitous Alu sequence repeat also appeared to be concentrated in specific regions of the chromosome and predominantly highlighted Giemsa-light bands. Centromeric or ribosomal spacer DNA repeats used as controls in all studies gave the expected hybridization profiles and showed no non-specific labeling of chromosome arms. Cohesive groups of centromeric DNA arrays and rDNA clusters were observed in interphase nuclei. Refinements in methods for detecting biotin-labeled probes in situ were developed during these studies and calculations indicated that about 20 kb or more of the 1.9-kb repeat were present at each hybridization site. The chromosomal distribution of the 1.9-kb repeat suggests that this sequence may reflect, or participate in defining, ordered structureal domains along the chromosome.  相似文献   

Purified ribosomal DNA from Saccharomyces carlsbergensis contains a small proportion of circular DNA molecules with a contour length of 3 micron or integral multiples thereof. Hybridization of yeast ribosomal DNA with 26 S rRNA, using the R-loop technique, reveals that these circular molecules contain sequences complementary to yeast ribosomal RNA. We suggest that these extrachromosomal rRNA genes may be intermediates in the amplification of rRNA genes in yeast.  相似文献   

An unusually compact ribosomal DNA repeat in the protozoan Giardia lamblia.   总被引:22,自引:12,他引:10  
The ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes of the protozoan parasite Giardia lamblia have been analyzed with respect to size, composition and copy number. They are found to be remarkable in several respects. First, the rRNAs themselves are the smallest yet reported for any eukaryotic organism. Second, the genes encoding them are found as an exceptionally small tandemly repeated unit of only 5.4 kilobase-pairs. Third, the genes are extraordinarily G:C rich, even in regions which are highly conserved between all other eukaryotic rRNA genes. Finally, by analogy to other organisms, the 5.8S RNA appears to lack about 15 nucleotides from its 3'-end, a region previously thought to be essential for 5.8S RNA function. We also provide the first estimates of the genomic complexity and total G:C content of this important protozoan pathogen.  相似文献   

DNA fragments of up to 40 kb containing rRNA-coding sequences have been isolated from a chicken liver DNA library prepared in the cosmid pHC79. Characterization of the cloned DNA by R-loop and restriction mapping has shown that there are two size classes of repeat unit, one of 37 kb and one of 25 kb, the larger of which is a family of units which vary slightly in size. These two classes were shown to be present in the DNA of a single chicken. The size of the internal transcribed spacer in the chicken was measured to be 4.4 kb from analysis of R-loops and heteroduplexes between chicken and Xenopus laevis rDNAs. No introns were observed in either the 18 S or the 28 S coding sequences. The number of copies of the chicken rDNA unit was measured by titration against the cloned sequences to be 202±51 per haploid genome.  相似文献   

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