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Selected cases of plankton studies were analyzed to illustrate the main types of relationships between the zooplankton and the ichthyoplankton abundance observed in the pelagic realm. Such relationships may exhibit a positive, a negative, or a random pattern. In the conceptual model here proposed, short-term oscillations among these patterns were attributed to small-scale biological processes, such as competition, predation, and intraguild predation, acting in conjunction with water turbulence. A negative relationship between zooplankton and ichthyoplankton abundance may be caused both by predation on fish eggs and larvae, and by detrimental competition and intraguild predation interactions for fish larvae. In contrast, positive relationships emerge from the absence or low abundance of major predators on the ichthyoplankton, and from food availability for fish larvae and competing species. The random pattern may appear as a gradual transitional stage between the negative and positive patterns, or be promoted by strong water turbulence – which generates random movements of individuals. The size of zooplankters greatly influences these small-scale phenomena. Hence, their role in the trophic web, the success in competition interactions and vulnerability to water turbulence depends on their size. Intra- and interspecific competition may be reduced by variability in body size within or among fish larvae populations. Owing to a strong interaction among phenomena at different scales, these small-scale processes are also influenced by larger scale features, such as seasonal changes in zooplankton biomass, water currents, or spawning periods of fish. At the space level, some theoretical studies have emphasized the role of water currents as a vector for fish larvae to reach the nursery grounds (migration triangle hypothesis), or to allow them to remain within their own population’s distributional area (member/vagrant hypothesis). At the temporal level, the match/mismatch theory insists in a synchrony between reproductive strategies of fish and cyclical changes in abundance and size spectrum of potential prey items for their larvae. In any case, a coincidence between favorable abiotic and biotic features during the whole life-cycle of fish would assure a success in survival of larvae and their subsequent recruitment to adult population.  相似文献   

Group membership can confer both advantages and disadvantages to growth in juvenile fishes. The balance between costs and benefits of social interactions can shift depending on such factors as the composition of the group (density and size disparity) and the availability of food. We examined the effect of these factors on absolute growth and growth depensation in juvenile sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria. Increasing density and increasing size disparity had little influence on absolute growth rates of juvenile sablefish and the effects of these social factors were not modified by ration level. In experiments testing density effects, absolute growth did not differ among groups of 1, 3, or 10 fish held at high rations, but at low rations single fish exhibited a different pattern of size-dependent growth compared to fish in groups. In experiments testing disparity effects, absolute growth did not differ between groups with an even size distribution and groups with a mixed size distribution. The relative size of an individual within a group, i.e., small, medium, or large, also did not modify growth, despite evidence of higher chasing behavior in mixed size distributions. Although the growth of small fish was not diminished in the presence of large fish, negative impacts of size disparity were expressed in high levels of cannibalism, which occurred in 42% of groups with a mixed size distribution. Significant growth depensation over time occurred in the density experiment, but not in the size disparity experiment, possibly due to the shorter duration of the latter experiment. We suggest that growth depensation was generated by individual variability in growth capacity rather than social effects on growth rates. Schooling behavior, measured by group cohesion indices, increased with fish size and was higher in groups with an even vs. a mixed size distribution. These results for sablefish are consistent with other schooling species in which growth variability is determined by exploitative competition and/or genetic variability in growth capacity rather than interference competition.  相似文献   

Despite considerable inter- and intraindividual variation in fruit and seed size in many plant species, researchers have given little attention to the relevance of the traits for primate fruit choice within a food plant species and its implications for tree regeneration. We studied feeding behavior and selectivity of olive baboons (Papio anubis) in the African locust bean (Parkia biglobosa, Mimosaceae), via direct observations of habituated groups and indirect evidence from leftovers of pods after feeding events. Olive baboons acted as both seed predators and dispersers for Parkia biglobosa. They fed on and destroyed unripe seeds, and swallowed intact ripe seeds when consuming mature fruit pulp. Predation rate was high, and only 10% of the seeds were dispersed. Predation and dispersal of seeds is linked to seed number and size. Digestible unripe seeds accounted for 10% of the unripe fruit mass, while indigestible ripe seeds made up 28% of the mature fruit mass. With these constraints, olive baboons increased food gain per fruit by selecting unripe pods containing a high number of large and heavy seeds. Consequently, only pods with fewer and smaller seeds remained for maturation. Thereafter, baboons fed on mature pods containing the smallest seeds, and exploited pods with more seeds to a greater extent than those with fewer seeds. Thus, fruits with small seeds and an intermediate seed number contributed the most to dispersal by baboons.  相似文献   

Foodchain relationships in water within a helophytic vegetation stand were experimentally investigated using the radioactive isotope 33P as a tracer. The results proved the importance of cladoceran zooplankton (mainly Bosmina longispina LEYDIG) in the control of phytoplankton and the importance of young fish in the control of Bosmina abundance in the littoral water.  相似文献   

Cottenie  Karl  Nuytten  Nele  Michels  Erik  De Meester  Luc 《Hydrobiologia》2001,442(1-3):339-350
We studied the zooplankton community structure in a set of 33 interconnected shallow ponds that are restricted to a relatively small area (`De Maten', Genk, Belgium, 200 ha). As the ponds share the same water source, geology and history, and as the ponds are interconnected (reducing chance effects of dispersal with colonisation), differences in zooplankton community structure can be attributed to local biotic and abiotic interactions. We studied zooplankton community, biotic (phytoplankton, macrophyte cover, fish densities, macroinvertebrate densities), abiotic (turbidity, nutrient concentrations, pH, conductivity, iron concentration) and morphometric (depth, area, perimeter) characteristics of the different ponds. Our results indicate that the ponds differ substantially in their zooplankton community structure, and that these differences are strongly related to differences in trophic structure and biotic interactions, in concordance with the theory of alternative equilibria. Ponds in the clear-water state are characterised by large Daphnia species and species associated with the littoral zone, low chlorophyll-a concentrations, low fish densities and high macroinvertebrate densities. Ponds in the turbid-water state are characterised by high abundances of rotifers, cyclopoid copepods and the opposite environmental conditions. Some ponds show an intermediate pattern, with a dominance of small Daphnia species. Our results show that interconnected ponds may differ strongly in zooplankton community composition, and that these differences are related to differences in predation intensity (top-down) and habitat diversity (macrophyte cover).  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is a general phenomenon in lizards, and can evolve through sexual selection or natural selection. But natural selection, which was thought to operate mainly through reducing the competition be- tween the two sexes (niche divergence hypothesis), gave rise to a lot of controversy. We tested the niche divergence hypothesis in the toad-headed lizard Phrynocephalus przewalskii by comparing diet composition and prey sizes between males and females. The species was found to be sexual dimorphic, with males having relatively larger snout-vent length, head width, head length, and tail length, while females have relatively larger abdomen length. Based on analysis of 93 studied stomachs, a total of 1359 prey items were identified. The most common prey items were formicid, lygaeid and tenebrionid. The two sexes did not differ in the relative proportions of prey size categories they consumed and the dietary overlap based on prey species was high (O = 0.989). In addition, the meal size, the volume or any maximal dimension of the largest prey item in the stomach was not explained by the sexes. According to our results, food niche divergence might not play an important role in the SSD evolution ofP. przewalskii.  相似文献   

Our reanalysis aimed at understanding the regularity in empirical biomass size spectra (BSS) suggests that the construction of BSS depends of the size interval and size scales used and different definitions of BSS in literature are therefore very different. Existing empirical models of BSS can be fitted perfectly to the observed data, but the biological basis of the fitted parameters is not explained and comparison and interpretation of the findings is therefore difficult. Parameters of mechanistic models of BSS have a biological background and are interpretable. Discrete mechanistic models based on Lindeman's trophic chain theory assume a constant ratio of size (or body mass) in two adjacent trophic levels. However, this biomass ratio is not comparable with that in two adjacent (logarithmic) size intervals in the measured biomass size spectra. The continuous model by Thiebaux and Dickie (1992) is based on the discrete model by Boudreau et al. (1991). We show how the validity of the transformation of a discrete form into a continous form depends on the size ranges of prey and predator population. The model by Platt and Denman (1977) does not represent a continuous formulation due to the use of normalized biomass defined in logarithmic size intervals. We suggest to eliminate the use of trophic levels and normalized biomass. On the basis of the reanalysis we formulate and improved continuous model based on the model by Silvert and Platt (1978). The model is based on Eulerian strategy which appears more adequate for the problem than the previously used Lagrangian strategy. The model appears to be able to demonstrate the regularity in observed BSS.  相似文献   

Food web structure and habitat loss   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this paper we explore simple food web models to study how metacommunity structure affects species response to habitat loss. We find that patch abundances and extinction thresholds vary according to the kind of food web. Second, for intermediate species, a slight decrease in the exploration cost of the better competitor has a strong effect on the extinction threshold of the poorer competitor. When predicting extinction risk one should consider not only the amount of habitat destroyed, but also the structure of the food web in which species are embedded. Both direct and indirect interactions are critical for predicting the consequences of habitat destruction.  相似文献   

Zooplankton population structure in Rutland Water changed over the first five years of the reservoir's existence. Daphnia pulex, initially dominant was replaced by D. hyalina in late 1975 and since 1979 this latter cladoceran has coexisted for part of each year with Bosmina longirostris. Population fluctuations of all the main crustacean zooplankton — D. hyalina, Cyclops spp. and Diaptomus gracilis — were erratic in the first three years (1975–1977) but have since become more regular. The relationships of the zooplankton with their potential algal food supply and with their potential predators, the fish population, are discussed.  相似文献   

It is currently recognized that the method used to collect phenology data can affect the resulting pattern. However, to date, the underlying influences have not been examined. To examine potential methodological biases, we investigated the effects of phenological method, sample size, and species composition on phenological patterns using data collected to estimate food availability for three primate species in Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar. Two phenological methods were compared: selected tree observations and systematic transect monitoring. By generating bootstrapped subsamples derived from the transect tree data set, we simulated two selected tree data sets and subsequently compared the observed and bootstrapped values. Although the observed values fell within the bootstrapped confidence inrervals, suggesting no significant effects of sampling protocol or sample size, additional lines of evidence suggest otherwise. Observed samples composed of different plant species, whether based on species attributes such as life-form or categories such as food versus nonfood plants, consistently produced different phenological patterns. Wide confidence intervals of the bootstrapped samples indicate high individual variation in reproductive activity within the species sampled. Finally, we compared how well the selected tree and the transect methods represented food items used by all three primate species studied and found that transect methods sampled a wider diversity of food items, including rare foods, and a higher percentage of main primate food items than selected tree methods.  相似文献   

An increasing number of studies have demonstrated phenotypic plasticity in brain size and architecture in response to environmental variation. However, our knowledge on how brain architecture is affected by commonplace ecological interactions is rudimentary. For example, while intraspecific competition and risk of predation are known to induce adaptive plastic modifications in morphology and behaviour in a wide variety of organisms, their effects on brain development have not been studied. We studied experimentally the influence of density and predation risk on brain development in common frog (Rana temporaria) tadpoles. Tadpoles grown at low density and under predation risk developed smaller brains than tadpoles at the other treatment combinations. Further, at high densities, tadpoles developed larger optic tecta and smaller medulla oblongata than those grown at low densities. These results demonstrate that ecological interactions - like intraspecific competition and predation risk - can have strong effects on brain development in lower vertebrates.  相似文献   

Territorial behaviour is a conspicuous determinant of social organisation in many reef fishes including parrotfishes. Most parrotfish studies in the Caribbean have focused on the species Scarus iserti and Sparisoma viride over limited ranges of reef habitat. By contrast, our study has included all common parrotfishes in Belize (Sc. iserti, Sp. viride, Sparisoma aurofrenatum, Sparisoma chrysopterum, and Sparisoma rubripinne) at three sites with different physical and biotic conditions and a wide range of fish densities. Density in Sc. iserti was strongly positively correlated to substrate rugosity. In contrast, densities of Sp. chrysopterum and Sp. rubripinne were unrelated to rugosity and territories were large. Territory size was smallest in Sc. iserti (mean areas at the three sites ranged from 41 to 120m2) and largest in Sp. rubripinne (ranged from 168 to 1400m2). All species except Sp. chrysopterum exhibited significantly larger territories where density was low as suggested by territory theory. Territory size decreased rapidly with increasing density of competitors. Patterns of harem size differed between two groups of parrotfishes. (1) Sc. iserti, Sp. viride, and Sp. aurofrenatum exhibited an expected positive correlation with territory size. (2) Harem size was smaller in Sp. rubripinne and Sp. chrysopterum, and showed no spatial pattern. Aggression in Sp. viride and Sc. iserti was directed entirely towards intraspecifics and positively density dependent. Interspecific interactions accounted for only 10% of observations and were recorded exclusively whilst following Sp. chrysopterum, Sp. rubripinne, and, to a lesser extent, Sp. aurofrenatum. A meta analysis of species interactions suggested that intraspecific interactions were most common where overall fish density was greatest and conversely, interspecific interactions occurred more often at lower densities. This may suggest that the economic defensibility of territories is largely confined to intraspecifics where density is greatest. Most (62%) of the interspecific interactions comprised Sp. rubripinne chasing the smaller species Sp. chrysopterum, suggesting that territorial behaviour has at least some non-reproductive origin and may therefore be associated with either food or shelter. It is feasible that at such low population densities, it is economically feasible for Sp. rubripinne to defend against intraspecifics and Sp. chrysopterum. Social behaviour in Sp. chrysopterum and Sp. rubripinne, and to a lesser extent Sp. aurofrenatum, differs to that of Sc. iserti and Sp. viride which conform to existing theories of social behaviour in reef fish.  相似文献   

Recent evidence shows that high supply ratios of light and nutrients limit planktonic herbivore growth by lowering the nutritional quality of algae. Over longer time scales, however, grazers may ameliorate this effect by their impact on nutrient cycling. We examine this possibility using two species of the herbivorous zooplankter Daphnia and its algal prey under different light intensities and low phosphorus supply in laboratory microcosms. At high light, Daphnia biomass was limited for a substantial period because of low P content of algal cells. However, a gradual increase in Daphnia density eventually improved food quality through grazing and nutrient cycling and via a novel process involving positive density dependence. Competitive exclusion of one of the two Daphnia species occurred under low light but not under high light when algae were nutritionally unsuitable. Such stoichiometrically mediated interactions among herbivorous animals may represent important mechanisms that affect community structure and material flows in ecosystems.  相似文献   

Rates of maximum food consumption and growth were determined for immature mandarin fish Siniperca chuatsi (47·2—540·2 g) and Chinese snakehead Channa argus (45·0—546·2 g) at 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35) C. The relationship between maximum rate of food consumption ( C max), body weight ( W ) and temperature ( T ) was described by the multiple regression equations: In C max=−4·880+0·597 In W +0·284 T −0·0048 T 2 for the mandarin fish, and In C max=−6·718+ 0·522 In W +0·440 T −0·0077 T 2 for the Chinese snakehead. The optimum temperature for consumption was 29·6) C for the mandarin fish and 28·6) C for the Chinese snakehead. The relationship between growth rate ( G ), body weight and temperature was ln( G +0·25)=−0·439−0·500 ln W +0·270 T −0·0046 T 2 for the mandarin fish, and ln( G +0·25)=−6·150+ (0·175−0·026 T ) ln W +0·571 T −0·0078 T 2 for the Chinese snakehead. The weight exponent in the growth–weight relationship was −0·83 for the mandarin fish, but decreased with increasing temperature for the Chinese snakehead. The optimum temperature for growth was 29·3) C for the mandarin fish, but tended to decrease with increasing weight for the Chinese snakehead, being 30·3) C for a 45-g fish, and 26·1°C for a 550-g fish.  相似文献   

Abstract . Aquatic invertebrates experience strong trade-offs between habitats due to the selective effects of different predators. Diel vertical migration and small body size are thought to be effective strategies against fish predation in lakes. In the absence of fish in small ponds, migration is ineffective against invertebrate predators and large body size is an advantage. Although widely discussed, this phenomenon has never been tested in a phylogenetic context. We reconstructed a mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) tree to investigate the phylogenetic distribution of pond and lake lifestyles among 10 species of northern temperate Chaoborus midge larvae. The mtDNA tree is similar to previous morphological trees for Chaoborus , the only difference being the disruption of the subgenus Chaoborus sensu stricto. At least three shifts have occurred between pond and lake lifestyles, each time associated with evolution of diel vertical migration in the lake taxon. The trend in larval body size with habitat type is sensitive to tree and character reconstruction methods, only weakly consistent with the effects of fish predation. Despite long time periods over which adaptation to each habitat type could have occurred, there remains significant phylogenetic heritability in larval body size. The tree provides a framework for comparative studies of the metapopulation genetic consequences of pond and lake lifestyles.  相似文献   

Several species of carabid beetles are important postdispersal predators of the seeds of herbaceous plants. The preferences of carabids for particular seeds differ, but the factors that determine their choice are little studied. We tested the hypothesis that preferences are determined by taxonomic constraints (carabid species affiliation), and carabid and seed size. The preferences were determined for adults of 30 species of central European field carabids mainly belonging to the tribes Zabrini (17 species) and Harpalini (10 species) (body mass 1–36 mg). In a cafeteria experiment the beetles were offered an excess of seeds from 28 species of dicotyledoneous herbaceous plants (mass 0.1–8.7 mg). The number of seeds eaten during a 5-day experiment was used as an estimate of preference. Mass of the preferred species of seed eaten was positively related to carabid body mass in both tribes. Multivariate analysis indicated three groups of carabid species with marked preferences for particular species of seeds: (i) species of Harpalini favoured mainly the seed of Cirsium arvense and Viola arvensis, (ii) some species of Zabrini the seeds of Asteraceae (Taraxacum officinale, Tripleurospermum inodorum and Crepis biennis) and (iii) other species of Zabrini the small seeds of Brassicaceae and Caryophyllaceae. The species of Harpalini were more generalist and accepted a greater proportion of seed species than Zabrini of the same size. Preferences of carabid seed predators were thus determined by taxonomic and size constraints, as in other groups of predators.  相似文献   

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